The Signal, 1912-5-2, Page 64. •
e °
a TietliteDeiT, 11. 19I1
Neuriauei trete le4 week
MONO the nutty words borrowed
by the Brazilians trim their
Spanish speaking mighboril
that for "tomorrow- le per-
haps the most popular. The Spen•
lard's manna is so elastic that it oov..
ers any period of time between the
next twenty-four hours end tbe In-
definite future. Wiwi, therefore, Dom
Lyles spoke of cocooning Pentacle
bwo before the mouth of September
was barely half sped he was either too
sanguine or too literal In his transla-
tion of easy going Portuguese Into
vigorous English.
' Ills (pinta, or country boast, was
situated on the upper watershed of tbe
river Moxoto. There be raised his
standard. thither docked rebels ga-
lore, and in that direction, with due
caution, President Barred pushed col-
umns of troops by road and rail from
Balite, from Pernambuco and from
Macelo itself, for Barrace held the
sea. and the wealthy and enterprising
south was etrongly opposed to war,
while Dom Conia trusted to the moun-
tains and drew his partisans from the
iess energetic north.
In a word, De Sylva commanded
public sympathy. bot small resources;
Bernice was unpopular, but controlled
tbe navy and part of tbe army. (Bees
such conditions, with the added absur-
dity that the troops on both sides were
most unwilling to taco long range rifle
Are, but would cheerfully hack each
other to mincemeat with knives, and
a tedious, indeterminate campaign is
the certain outcome
The position was complicated by as
arrival at Pernambuco of a German
eipildron bearing a telegraphic carte/
&do the emperor. • German ship had
bele edged on the high seas. Why,
..117 Wheint Aid bow weld lielP•
indare? Tber-Br;z11 quivered, bit
thy South American knows to the
that the great navy of tieremay
being created net so meet to de -
England es to dispute tbs pried
of tbs United States that se
power shall ever *gels be
W seise territory on the Amer -
Illi there were strenuous days and
=nights at Las Flores, where
t de Bytes sought to equip
rIvdiscipline his levies, and at Care-
where President Barnes celled
ell the gods to witness that De
a was a double dyed traitor.
boder circumetancee it is not
that a grand display of
Wiry and audacity, backed by sundry
distant roars of the British Hon. should
enable two elderly Britons and a
geeing Brazilian lady to pees through
the lines of the Exerolto Nacional. as
Barnes had christened bis following
to opposition 1) De Sylva's army of
liberation. Lest too many people
'Mouth become Interested the adven-
ture Was essayed on the night of Oct.
2. Early Dent day the travelers aod
tbeir guide, reached the rebel out-
posts The young lady. who Wm -4
to be at home In this wild country. la
ooce urged ber horse intos pace wbol
ly beyoud the equestrian powers of ber
ittald companions. They protested
Vainly. She waved a farewell band.
watered over several miles of a rough
road and dashed op to tbe Liberation-
ist beadquarters about 8 o'clock.
There was no hesitancy •boot ber
Movements. Sbe drew retn in approv-
ed gaucho style, bringing ber tweet
Be a deed stop from a gallop.
Ifee have ewe to Ws ithd.
011141Ditha fere" said Do dylra, sookiest
deugister's Mir affectionately.
"Today we make our first reel agl-
eam& lietherSor mud 1 are gotto
the front Dow. almost tam theteet
S ot there will be Ise Getting -se affair
01 outposts at the beet -end wine se-
mything is In order we shell rotors
here to sleep. Expect us. then, sow
after sunset Meanwhile at Um quints
you will Sod the young English Lady
et whose promisee you are aware.
Give ber your frisedthip Ethe ie
worthy ot 11."
"Adios. senborsi" sawed San Bona -
Wise. briagiss the Weis torpether whit
• elicit .ed saluting. Re gathered a
Mother of papers from the tubas with
sermons baste and at owe began to
We taunted:lose to several oacere.
Do Wee renewed the signing of docu-
ments. Romeo and be conversed in low
toms A buss of talk broke out in the
test Carmine went out, unbitcbed ber
tired bores and walked to the boom.
Filled wltb tumuituose memories,
her heart all throbbing *1 1.10 prospect
01 ber hither', tartans being re-
stored. the Beriberi tie Sylve was es -
teeing • gate that led to the beft trout
of the bouse when • young man
came out whom she bad seen leaving
tbe beadquarters test. Again be rode
Uke oue to • burry, and dm noted that
be emerged from • side path which
gave access to the lawn. He gave ber
a sharp Vence as be passed. Sbe re-
ceived an Impression of a strong face,
with stern looking. bright. steel blue
eyes, a mouth tensely met, an aspect at
owe confident ym self contained. SW
was sure now be was oot a Brazilian,
and be differed most materially from
the menu! picture of Captain James
Coke crested by tbe many converse -
lions to whicb be bad figured during
her long voyage from Southampton in
company with David Verity and Dick-
ey Balmer
So Cermet* wondered now wbo he
could be. nor was her wonder
when We peered througb tbe screen
or trees aod saw a girl. wbom sbe
ognized instantly as his, furtively dab-
bing ber tear stained face with •
On ha ppily the presidents da ugh ter
was Dot attractive in appearance, and
her surprise that such an uncommosly
good looking girl Weald be tbe niece
01 David Verity was not mimingled
with pique •t ending her already in-
stalled to remote LAB Flores.
On tbe may to the stables sbe beard
mag singing. Tbs words were th
They were also quaint tor
they dealt with life from a point of.
view which differed widely from that
presented by Dom Oodles duce:
Oh. tes nee to be • senor UNLESS Wad)
anto areas the nide' realm
Prom Hugh bar to New Orleans 15
het I •ops that say old woman will pet
m• on Ms dial&
Next time 1 want to quit my Inaba,
"Ars you one cd 10. Andros
weer asked Cermet*, speaking is the
Near and accurate lthelleb used by her
It was well for Watts that the tree
prevented him from falling beckvnird.
He was quite sober. bat cheerful with-
al, as he had nothing W do but sleep,
smoke, eat and drink the Diet wine of
the district, of which his only com-
plaint was that "one might mop up a
barrel of it an' get DO fOrTard•f."
-My godfatherr' he bowled. spring -
Ing from tbe rati and recovering his
wits Instantly. "Beg pardon, mum,
but you took me aback all dandle', se
the win' is."
-1 am afraid It is my fault," sell
Carmel& "1 tuive just arrived here.
and everybody seems to be so full et
troubles that 1 am glad to bear yes
"Oh, that's just hummin'. muml 11
you've food of music you might to 'eer
Schtstht,, Captain Schmidt of the Mi-
ser Frits."
Carmel' struck an attitude.
'Writ, d'ye know 'Imr asked Witte.
-No, ft is something -rather Impor-
tant 1 must go beck to my tether.
Ah. 1 ought to explain! 1 am the
Ilenbers de flyers, Dom Oorvia's Web -
"Are you meni-mlisr es-
-Where tbe president?" she asked deleted Watts. higbly interested. 'Ow
breathlessly. th the world did ye mons te es
-There' senb°ra'. el" " orderly' up from Use coast? Accordhe te 11
pointing to • marquee open on every
side, wbereln De flyers set in confer -
with hie staff. She entered the
Net and uttered • little scream of de-
light when tbe presideot. wbo was
writing at a big table, haptemed 10
gime-, to her De Sylva row bastily.
with an amazed look os his usually
eselootionsi face. Forthwith the girt
Song herself Into Ids sews.
flen Beesvides. Wee back was
earne& beard tbs joyous cries 01 10.
reunited father aed daughter. Tbey
were locked In each ether's embrace.
esti the eyes or every man present
were draws to •
pathetic and aa -
expected m•et.
Mg_ For that res -
see and because
ses• g••is a
tbougbt te
the pallor that
aaaaa •d tb•
Droner. of Me
forelte•d a ad
eheek• tato a
p•rt Icalarly us
width, looking
int of oil we geese
pealed soseticed
He managed t•
recover MOW
sorrel of self eos
dna sr* nrefters de Itylre was ster te
I Mower bee fattier's erst eager wee-
tbes. with • ~nein timillky,
OM Noel brestli to my
*ANA west 01 esiveder-is 51
ROL neiveiter we. tberi-by her eels
=Uwe desperately is leek low
dew' weft
0.1111P....... 1111.
W10 10s7 that Deis tide woollen tome
here and take &lir elm cried.
-A.b. pequials& de sot be hair/ r
mid Maria. -Who save tbe goad tied
coed tell that you would code Rem
nue, today Ast the Smothers ?seism
will be glad to gthe piece to you She
is so kind, so seseltiebl All the Ow
adore tier."
-So ) bear," murmured Carmelo. try-
ing to still tbe welou that throtilmd
to ber been. since elm was aware that
wittier Marie we any otber S01eg
the old domelstics at Las Flores 'mew
of Der esgagenisise and pride was wow
coming to ber ed.
"libe will bees no wood to say is 553
of them," 'ebbed Maria. "'niece Is
young Keil ish moo -welt. It is no affair
of mine. but 1 am told she loves him
yet is promised to ithotber. us oid two
too Manta Neel Tbat would not suit
me if 1 were tier eget"
broke in (Nemesis,
'San Berm vides, mies. Captain *
was oo I.'ernando Norval's 'if took •
angtity quk-it jump after we emu
Rebore. Din I as your pardon for ram
Win' on In this silly way Won't yon
go insider
The Senboni de Sylva might have
been seised with mortal Illness if Judg-
ed solely by tbe manner In whicb else
staggered into ber father's bowie
tbrew ber arms around the neck of an
elderly serving woman. wbom pet-
rified by ber appearance, and almost
'weer, me? we . WOKAN wen
NZAD Lan TAU seer
fainted -Dot quite. but on Use verge-.
mucb Dearer than sorb a strobe mind-
ed young lady would bays tbougbt pow
amble an hour earlier.
Maria screamed loudly. Tongue tied
et first. sbe was badly scared wben
Carmels collapsed of bet ample bosom.
Restoratives and endearments follow-
ed Carmels asked to be taken to a
corm where .be might wash and shake
the dust from ber bit and clothes.
Merle considered ways and roams.
Remy room In the big !souse wax
"Wbo Is to my own spartment?" de
mended Carmelo..
Riven before the sneerer was fortb-
coming elm visaged the truth. The
limbers legless. of course. Those her
des of bars Sashed dangerously.
accounts' -
"Tee. 'that were you going be ear
for the two boat:Med.
'Welt some of our chap wIl 'ave It
that we're reeds' do.. WWII es a
Me shore."
Canned telt Oar brews. 110 W.
idiom Ware Set them et her pot -
"We bed so gent dismay 10 paw
log these. Doe. Ramses* thew It
10.1 10 Met yes Mese • she mit. **MA.
Verity and Mr. wer bad oblides&
special pirmita hot la my cesse"-
-Mr.-"eo, did you sey. miser die
moded Watts. Wee lower jaw actu-
ally dropped frets .beer a -
'Mr. Verity, the owner et tlie An-
dromeda. Toe are One Of tbe tow. I
"I'm the chief dither. Watts 10 ste
name, Wel But dyes leglie te
me that tee David Vertf7 10 emleb *le
-to Breed -to Ude rotten- Sew.
=lea hot yes pm me a W. Yorl
An' Diekey listeser-le '5 'ere
"Tee, or h• ems will be bore. 1
rode es is advance of the ethane
'Well-titere-if tbst Mel beat eget-
egeoe'r area Watts- -Wet'll Osbi
my? WI. WV 'eve • St. An' did
iris! Mises te merry ois Mete,. ma-
c, las terser voi remelt be the
deuce as' W pay sew wet betwess
ire se' Roder an the esteneV"
••Iree le Mr. Houser embed Ike glit
es tarty
'He la or was. oar weed ones. Mt
shies tbe misses an • pit Se
beads •• Nei an relined a i et
sonata. Muss ot ear meow, Mos&
hot tost mak gelid We MOE
with me • Mei bit.'
'AM the esemme west 10the Wer
ITo be costieu di
Legal Notes.
la the Divisional Court, before the
Chancellor, Latchford, J.,Middleton,
J, -Robert Bell Engine, id Thresher
Co. v. Wesenberg-1t. S. Ftoberteou
(Stretford) for plaintiffs. 0. Oelee
for defendant. An appeal by piain-
tiffs from the judgmeut of the County
Court of Perth of February 8, 1912.
An action by plaintiffs on two promle
sou notes given by defendant in pert
payment for threshing outfit bought
by defendant from plaintiffs, end
which defendant alleged to be detec-
tive, and couuter-rlaim tor. readies
of the mistrect sad for • return of his
sates sad the second -band threshing
machine given lo psrt payment. At
the trial the a014u. was dismiseed
with code, but os the ground of want
of jurisdiction of the court DO order
wee made es the counter -claim. ex -
owl that the judgment was without
prejudke to defendant's right to brinF
edam tor return of note. and
hood machine.
Judgment: The plaintiffs should re-
cover the amount due upon the two
promissory notes sued upon, and, op-
oe the defendant returcing the sew,
&tom • be should be allowed SUS epee
his counter -claim, which may be set
off sgemet the plaintiffs rwoogrety 1
the plaintiffs recovering for the bel-
d am. This will leave the deleudant
with the tiectien emits, and the Me
owning machinery. end will law
• hits liable to pay use four remaining
Dotes as luso when they sentare.
Plaintiffs should bees the gametal
costs of the wide, sod the deteadaut
should have the wide se hie counter-
claim'. including therein the Wire
costa of the eomtroversy tespeetiag tbe
me-eomplianee 01 10. estwastur with
the terms of the ~vasty ; these
costs tied the plaintiff's reweery to be
est ott pro wino. Ne cede st lapped.
L 0. KRUM. of fiestarth. has stow
10 Kelmootooe. Alta.. where he wend
10 10.51*.
Arrazotemoents Mims bees ememisted
et Mateo whereby Use Iltauderd e10-
ram- sod Eve amen of lend adjoiniag
the G. T. R. property bare beat pow
chased front the L. esker 4s. Jig
Oesos. Imegiois & Co. of nentreal The
Wee Mick middies will be used by tbe
s-py for pi edema. Two leers will
be ems for Ifattawkw poultry. owe
neer for placates and the grooms nose
toe pettifog nodtrod
and other prods:114 OE IECous-
pany trill (elegises is the feed
and mule Meknes ter a your5. the
frame buddies. tbe Msekassee
poet snots te to
erbobi pima.
an/ be Moo .41 _• otter tblia
111. W. Tnews we be M
emonettatkla Oben
dalltr ourtior Am
moos et Pewee Dea-
d the 111•=reigsei
ii=i esit
ete.. Ms. are ail 51
tem frose the start by tui
um. shad a oe
treatatteRt •
cure. Tide remedy is a
selestdo greiseraties. mute
es tee Weveries of Pasteur dad
Lister. It Is aa emitted treatise's,.
Haat is. it Is net tattoo lati
bet is apied *bto eet tbe
P5110. sag U. oft acts
all the certainty of tias Imes% MVO
or ehemnimi action. i• tor i=
Area contact with theOmassig i
themee lt alitiselltic sad
5.2 5* help hair a ben hawse.. roestve from 10:11 letters
ad Die benefits ised cams It ispitfsr
eon so sure 11132 1 that M
tithe is claimed tor it not I will
who win write toe 11.
ent. Addresie 615111. 11 It R. CURRAN, WINDSOR. ONT. S
per box. which iii auttleleat for ose
free, • No am to every set -
Why Have " Nerves ?"
This is tbe reason why women here "nerve..' When thoughts begis to grow
cloudy sad nocertain. impulses leg and Me wanting' of pais sad distress ere met
like tiniest messages throughout limbs esd (rpm, straightway, Mos times a tee. •
wommewili lay the cause of the Notable to some defect et the point where she itret
felt it. la it • headache, a beekethe, a sensation of irritability or Meltable' and
earooattellable servousocm, soutetineg must be wrung with the heed or beck, e
woman eserrelly says, but all tits time the real trouble very often centers is the
womanly organs. 1. nine caeca out of ten the test of the &Acuity is here, and a
woman should take retiosel treatment for its cure. The local disorder and inflam-
mation of the delicate special organs of the sex should be treated steadily sad
Dr. Pierce, during a Iosg period of prectiee, found that • preacriptios meek
from medicinal extracts of motive roe...without tbe use of alcohol, relieved over 911
per cost. of such oases. After swing this remedy for mazy years is his privets dee-
tete be put it up is form of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, that would make it
easily proem:able, and it me be had at my store where 'medicines are Welled.
Mus. LEL% B. liswetes, of Zeus. Ve.. write,.: 1 hail (von failing In health
for two year --moot of the gime was nut ahle to attend to no hour• -hold duties.
Female weakness was my trouble and I was gettiug very bad but, thanks to Doctor
Pieroe's medicare, 1 am well and strong again. I took only three bottles of 'Favor -
11. Prescription.' and used the ' Lotion Tablets.' I have nothing but praise for
Doctor Pierre's wonderful medicines."
is the popular instrument for the same
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makes the biggest hit with the biggest crowd
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only because of the true-to-life rendering which the
sapphire reproducing -point insures; not only because of
the Amberol Records, or because it is the instrument on
which you can make your own records at home-Initi,
because all these things form a combination which every-
one recognizes u the greatest thing in the musical world
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Ia oddities tem regain muddy
fist of Idiom led Mime
Antihero' Reconis, we ions sego.
is* norneer of atithit mod Fiona
Record& me le gse catelop
from yeterdmierwhonieogemboy
yew Ham Pimegisphsul oak
te Imre do sewneesedEspplements
emied yen Awe every mods.
A esnolste st Ulm Niumersees spa es kart a
Get cesapisse cataloes from your
desks or from us. Mope Flom.
empea$14.10 to$2,40.40. Zama
Stsidard Recent% 40e. Eisen
Amherst Recalls (tiny twice as
keg), Me. Ensossart Opem
P.sconis, Ans. to
lele Lobseitie Ammo. Orsese.
liZILeltirsim2DA OF
Yew erlp te iteseps will be
touresai beers abetter and
gh. yew want esaWeet
Nan mimes (*abet of do
Rigel bl•il Stiaaahiel
Cabi_seemise. premaaw
elswitses, t_5.. asigiaes
with imilimmtissMs. w-
151. Issas. waeldes
Mom winissal swam.
Get Ready
for Spring
by leariao year DAM
for that new SUIT or
West et. The Uwas-elelle Talks
tit *alba& I
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