The Signal, 1912-5-2, Page 2Pararora To iloskie lig Lydia & V.. \,.t team. m weir see mothisal y wMI. kg ti oath IsttM/ Y son cwt 'aWss smadred brit 14t -"j bs,. a. 11.. Ls L P—. V.gs*s54. . posed had sewer hood • ee 'say es.iefas We msaidlel- boy at Raab esti decease M4 no ate toe& I un esse far p won I bora. es reeeenvand ti Row Qua, ahofa• sd Slid. Oak IRI T roart.at. Nat S. 1 12 rs8ienas! OODERBCll ONT AMU PUBLISHED ILVItRY THURSDAY ar THE CIO$AL Pa1NTtNp 00 Malde empina. Ona Ka n. theory fa that the land value Is created by the eeusrsw.ity, and them. fWha dthebeCOmmualty need in the Way of revue it efaoa{d take from what benne. to it as s essssetmlty, trot tram tate individual If a plowed Said Y et more value than us. that h notit is bemuse sota000e bas his la labor to the former. Tkyet Tema ai Mewuetle e : labor, under the d tea po ey, tJe pssr is ae•ewse. woaY Dot be taxed Nati rade would le valved w a min be taxed alike. If abw square fest d •al.W d .e.a..t vacant lead la a great city are worth who tan to retwive Tts oe, a. much as • tarsi eta bodeed arses rase tau ..nett. Away aw h the oontatry, It M b hof the :tea Fof" l exam ..tae seek a as difference b p 1atnea .e/ Dasw haus i iwY M " bW dA country. Tate aa lllustawtlen ago property coo- dvea mini W Ilse d Afwral.b g eW : pears bet was old la New net fora million ebders, or at IDs.r aas.w..eDos les rhe rate elf f>O elate s egaare foot. NV itnwtfm 4 t Derty wY eeba..d some waren shelve lees to se leek. care ago by a fanner for $ U,- ttasia.m 'as elf etx mu W main, M i>• hone concocts who bad purchased teat. it for ii good dnad leer from someone aitnal•eemeasses of Lodtut she. who bad paid stili hes for It -cod er so the title might, if poasdble, he esti aahownied tielori. este, sea, be ev b traced back to the Ume tbe early idea Ile seri L.a *dee a y set i tele sett bre bought t be whole of ebsk` cess sea fit, v ys Manhattan 1s1.od from the Indians for Pe Tbs important thing is that rata ver sere 8, meth* lie yon Weis eadhos Wee ter A+r weld lrndt she deed while the rariltoortemote we] w01 M aa a Petlmtie a ravwge► Address aL eue.a coisuees to THt 810NAL PRINT INU 00.. Limited wdetioh O. chanted L 0O*3Cs. THURSDAY, MAT 1. Lel THE UCENBE INVESTIGATION. The Provincial Government adopted the prop** course he the matter of Hotelkeeper Fares charges when it ordered the public Investigation which km just been concluded. It may Be said this wan the only course it could Welt' adopt ; but credit must be OVUM for the energy and promptness whlcb w!re displayed in the matter, and for the publicity given to the proceedings. Mr. Rounders, wbo by sppoiotment of the Government conducted the in- vestigation, showed a desire to bring out all the facts and to get at the real truth of the affair. JUST THE SaME OLD BOGEY. ti - ow ty h Taft e ted m- ase u - b 7 a e Cana - ted ed R or t 0 In the opinion of the Canadian an reciprocity press, a crushing bl has been dealt the Liberal reciproei policy by the action of President Ts in making public certain correspond coos between himself and Col. Roose- velt. In this correspondence Mr. argued that reciprocity "would mak °.nada only an adjunct of the Uni Slates," would transfer Canada's i portant rosins., with its bank aredi and everything else. to °bingo angreenlyNew Yost, andwould greenly ince m the demand of Canada for the an hotures of the United (states. Mr. 'Taft Ross on to say : MI sem th L an argument staiosrt ceciprocit made in Canada, and I think it is th goal one." So that it was e Oona. don anti -reciprocity press that gav TaftPresident Tathe lead to his .ren meats for reciprocity frogs the Uni States standpoint, and then employ the echo of ata own voioe in deludin Oiu,adbine into the notion that reef m procity would ean annexation borptioa. The scheme worked a1 right, but It is not greatly to Metered{ of the anti -reciprocity press that i is way a trade agreement was true - rated that would have been of local culable benefit to Canada. The benefit or otherwise to Canada the reciprocal arrangement did no depend upon President Taft's opinion its consequences; it depended upon the merits of the agreement itself, and Canadians had the same opportunity o adjudging those merits as the Pres. ident had. The advocates of reciproc- y in this country favored the pro- posal because of the greand clear nefit. to Canada which they saw in So largely favorable to this try wait tbe agreement that it was to difficulty juattfied to the people the United States, and to make it palatable President Taft had to take extravagant view of its peobabis nethat waa not warranted y the tams of the agreement th It was natural tbat Caaedlana, jest- s*e bettor of their country. should resent the use of such an argu- m •t is lbs neighboring country ; but should not have led them to de - m& an arrangement that was eo obel- i" in their own interest& Cana - Lane about' rely oo their owe judg- ment in matters of their owe, and abash' not allow thesnetelvse tobrisket be brisket by ineport d bogies. Oana- inns were urged by the opponents d proe;it y to "be self -,hast : " yet it as became many Comedian* were onflieieroUy self-retient M dspeed tbeir own judgment that the a W t Sot t of t it be it. *coca wi of an w se b e11U this t Das d treed w net apes Teff and Obewp (-lark speeches had I what wd obey ane. war. ebb to this piece of property hsa grown in value from practically nothing up to a million dollars, without any owe of its owners or holders ever doing a rent's worth towards increasing its value. The single taxers bay that the oowmuoity treated the value, and therefore the value belongs to thew. They would Dot teach the i f, only the value which the oma inanity bee created. Out of this lbs single tax people would take whatever revenue the community Deeds for its own purpose*, and lave the improve- ments that ere the emelt of private eentio° Cese and industry tree from tax - Of course what appose to land values applies as well to other volume created by the community, such u public frencbie.s. • native-born something to cheer for. But the real sentiment of Use Amsrl- ea0 who bas made bis bows in the ().ostia. West is not like that. Iia b prowl of bio adopted " country. He is a he r oanadian for bavlag ons been nf...„ +ung toad make@ no bones TUB SIGNAL GODRE OR 'ONTARIO W kW She enliethes mend for than Kinn OM Ootalrf throes unfigellis who is touring the Wass tor 1 feTo onto Son, says he Soda the s.tbree trims the United States ,sake good ()atadLw and are proud at their Osnadba edtiasoship. He writes thIfirjAmir ant. of the citizen* of That may ham bbeeena..nero 'k American -born the West was as strong tor reeipsor- ity. Itis se teaser, whe even: for my- log te t nII ited Stats.v ms s. All tbe ( s diaalaed Aeoericans I talked to In Daubs, botel lobbies, mealtime ars, tat the street. on their farms, In their bonne. were satisfied that Oasada la • better country to Um and die in than Use United Stites, sad have tains out papers to that deet. They like our repent for law, our regard for easrriamo our sound morals, our well - remand inetitutioos, our sane livi3R, our wholewome tbinkiog, our vcomper- but aleas ely t Government, wand hich is Lunch mord of, by, and for the people than the one they lett behind. Os.e in a wail .a visiting Amay ries on hie hind Begs and bray when the orchestra in the Alexandra hotel plays Yankee Doodle or Dixie, but that's only cocktails and bot air, and omuid be cared if the oeebeetra would Pry Sok' Britannia or the Maple Leat Atari,' afterwards and•e>•- EDITORIAL NOTES. Well, what's the next sensation ? Godericb gets the camp became it baa the grounds. It is worth some- thing to know that Now that the sluing season is open_ ing up well. the military tamp is m- * busy .t the harbor is ikit M ue.+gt noadg1sns are fivombb, let ns all get together to make this tate best year yet for Gnde- nieb and Huron county t The officers on the steamer Califor- nian ignored the rockets sent up by the Titanic as distress signal.. Prob- ably rodably thought they were having a Fourth of July celebration on the big batt. A nautical mile, or "knot," is 8.080. .27 feet. If the Titanic was travelling at twenty-one knots ac boor when abs struck tee iceberg she was making a little over twenty -tour miles an hour. "Would the suffregettes have de- manded equality with the men oo the deck of the Titanic The Chilli& Packet, which propounds this Qom - tion. imagines it bee a poser ; bub doe. The Packet expect • woman to be logical ? Roos evelt and Taft are busily es - gaged in jolting each other In the con- test for the Presidential nomination. Wbkhever one of them gets it, the Democrate o ugbt to win headily - union they, too, develop • ruction In their own camp. The PostoQln. Department will bele advertise the Toronto exhibition by stamping every letter and postcard passing through the Toronto poet/office with a special name. It the Poetofsoe' Department is going into this kind of burdens, It will have to extend tbe same asdstan°. to other fairs all over the country. The Toronto show has no rpreial "pull" with the Depart- ment, has it? The result of Commissioner Sand- ers' investigation will be awaited with as great anxiety es was the de- cision of the license board as to which two pt the hotel licences were to be cut off. What with local option con tests, reduction bylaws, license ooa►- mbdoners' meetings .ad, to cap all, a "grate" investigattos, the boalkeep- ers must feel sooswhat like the prov- erbial toed under a barrow. And ties Mr. Howell le after them with his "abolbeb the bar" progrwn. A eorteynooe•ry remarks tbat the world's loss became of the winking of the Titanic is something tba.t can sever be animated.. The ship can be replaced, but what we ran issuer do is to pick up the loose sods of statecraft, o/ polities and of finance which the seen who went to their death in the Titanic held in their hoods. or supply any walght is the derhio,i which tb.y roses W este simnel weiprotit y get LOOC OF SINGLE TAX. Osrpatim r on a recant macaws* wow Gym tbe taxation guerilla,. Sr Wsodstark Sentinel -Review MSS The attar of the rra•gasie. aeti.im lea maidis : point, tam outthat the. single land. bee cm Ismail e. The diet i net inn went lt• mime. In sees. Fater* to make the hassle t .mill b nsiads'i sect HHear.y°'l•eGeod George's i add to the force whose needy prog- ress finds worming in ti ., moswt, in. tribrtual and indostrial lattermost of the world." This really nue of lbs most Rrievoue aspects of t,.t dbseetee. PIMh • lira we that of O. N flays, for instance, wee of imathe. ;♦ vahan to CanaAa, and tbo.Rh his s.. ,-sgarss nary be felly as •tae a wean. and U,ongb the affairs of the great railway oysters et -• r. Rays woo the head may perm*m wltheot way •iNhie dines - inn, yet something of untold vanes 10 Ina In the break In the otth.d ibaught, of ambition, of ideal. '016111 Heart o' Me. Hart u as, w world I, tweet, the delete are An We teeter, greening tat■as are 1•esb leg le the bon; Bad, my bsert ► H. glee. my heart 1 cuter thee b weirtner! avid aid break as d.arius for w Sorikin Doe beim Ob. the wear*, ware darek and night. that tkiewd .iter. Ob, the dit'w tense we abed, and ole. W at* a own, 8.d. my bort r ae dm. ma beast ! them is w iaagbter1 How the etneb/as ellaunors on lbs bicap net mit with rain 1 Meat e' m., the wade hi sweet ! Remember moue waren, Fenow atter maim brook. am Noon ail Med. and bee! Cad. my hart t He clad re/ bot! Greet the root to -marrow, Whit re est the media world waa mads tar thee sad see I --tuts weever Rent nom "Adeinta . " . Tersarrr Advocate. The latest defnitinn of "adequate on," as promulgated by one of i. Oao.dtan exponents, is that the tariff *ell be "sufficient that an in. deetry pay A heir dividend ort the in. vestment and enable the Ind wtry to be doubled out of profits every rival What do Canadian farmers think of this elastic propnsiUon ? A fair divi- dend on investme°t--including, no doubt, water equal to three or four times tbe actual capita) and thea double the hominess every tree lett, besides I Have prices for agricta tl urml produce yet reached a pinnatle where you could take out oaf your business from five to ten per sunk per anaom, and then buy a new farm ss large and good as your own in three years t then, In three years more bu7 another as valtable ea these two together, and three later another four basso the aim of your present one, and so tIt you nod a township or county e such a enndition e[ opulencet, is there any valid ream why ou, ss a farmer .red consume,. show be burdened with a scale of prices for living and supppplies neces- sary to losert your neighboring man- ufacturer such a smooth and rapid avenue to wealth ? Is it not about time to speak up? TO THE FARMERS OF ONTARIO. A PAW Hints to Hasp Sobm the Farm Labor Question en This Provisos. Realizing that one of the m Provinct e h ran tadequate Mile= ile armers of our farts labor. the Colonization Ht •n bre been endeavoring to meet demand by bringing moa from Great Britain and Ireland and placing itb farmers of this Province, a the pont few years several n this wahave yeen j. Instead miner. t tnd ao( demand Ieeseciog. it seems to be sing. Our obeervatUon trod est perieooe eoovinos us that, while t may be many sipianatioo• of this grettsbee fact, the ore outstanding remain is nava for wixyor of employ ear o, rhos t mouths o[ rid situations elsewhere for them t the balance of their time. This works t in such a pwaayyetbat the trees who seem a been wvttate to tomes d os Gat kies w the mw•intr • cesthe and tremais Owe. tb the result that the farmer le time - led •g la hie eeffect theover orem the d sera p. Haim regard to f, I beg make tabe following smgge.tiemr, the option of which we ere satisfied Id go • long way towards renew - g the atritegsncy which mien at the present time. 1I First and foremost, to ploy a men by the year. We ale nd that the farmer who s*J,.. . able inpef s homhelp by the row. eandHs mall of Mad, le who Ku least trouble w ps.b. . it b the bettor way for mean well as ter the tatter. it you feel r work does sot wrrrwet the ployment of • seam the year rna.,. t he wee advised to see disc ge*atiow of taking ye a few tmtow vide of fate west `els final live atom. wed Is this way to eatbA.d you worild more rhos . fop mat.' ort of the beep. her ''raisKen eaamsee .host Mag en end was. Etat• thee. t i• *mea M 1M lefts tiF on not of cb 1 them Duty. thane - and the w66 •od in - crossing. a ou ha la w•l Is ettri to ad note fo nes too his te thew IW as Ton veno Ms bran teak t91 suet pse presto well se eft tide side. N yeta who ea inexperienced that he is unfamiliar with ittoM voeartheds i p. ya la de- vote a Ilan .t for a few want** you nine tame out at tae. that he wIU peeve very uadltl to you. tieing reasonably &enemase in the matt+* of treetaoest and wages Y adewual if hired bene L to be retained. We beg to eaboon thews suggestions to the tamers of the Provisos, real- ise satisfied os the result. neeedoundd to the iare acted w` aas s to oho Inseam as *eh NA the Preying*. *atbosteLL. Digests* of Otti.Dfeatinn, Psediaaest Buildings, Torun to. A Hitt ort Fanners. Faroe ad Dairy, the Weil -known "Mated dwi 'tura/ ruhileatlon, says : ae' tib.dertiwWn • letter comes, it makes a Mg dif!eteooe It it has a printed lietteeheed and en- vvelope. ea.k It looks like bushiest of the We farmers need aucb printed 1et- texbeada There rliouid be something for hale os every farm, and the letter- head aha be made to advertise it vet y emi .hIt w111 Moo be found that the tad Letteibead will have quite as aflame, on the person himself. Tb. arae be sees it the more pride will be Wes is keeping up the qual- ity of the erasion for sale. It le not accident that business men in all liras ase the printed letterhead. Thsysaes have found that it is a good who have proposition. ave found it boas profitable and a source of pride. The east will not be so muck more than .for Plain paper, It may seem a little bau that hee, but is Ratting ts to ream - aa egood many sheets and eovdopms at Doe time. A high and noble spirit will tmsai- feat Itaetf quite as clearly by the way's) which it receives a favor SA by the way in which it bestow. nae. "Dr. Mile' NMI* Raised Me From the Gra -Um Taller This it a strong automat to make, but bis exactly what girt, Thomas Taylor, of Blum, Texas, cid in expressing her opinion of this remedy. 'Dr. Hike' Restorative Remise raised a.e Isom the grave sod than ascii coabde•oe in n. I caa .ever say enough for your trend mediums. If anyone had aimed me 1100,00 foe the .eeond bottle of Nervine that 1 used I would ban said 1w WAS. THOI1AS TAYLOR, Biwa. 7 es. Nervous exhaustion is a corn - mom occurenee of -modern life. The wear and tear on the ne-vout system is greater now than at an} time since the w•orid began. For sleeplessness.. poor appetite and that "run down" feeling, nothing is so good as Dr. Miles' Nervine Your nerves are roux life' and lick of vital energy Inakesexistehce a mlae*y. Dr. Mlles' Nervine w171 toss up yea Parotid system. ntsioemaren M saleMstyN iwi osisessoi. whip M*DIMi, Oat Therese' Mias seem EYEIMING oft maim Mg* . Per .4s imer. and ooedm$3 neat* tt Xy left vii plied art al the line ani jest Wore redI/ It wwYwwb wt vis Ta Awe it dMtra mod d see pais war. fag and I would M se verve= some. tress neat I add art bar tow tut wow bear may Geo speak Utas aptti♦ wadifleet beesee 4 eyes mil 1 tor all•rdreeloot say iss mash in 1.04Ide 31. MAW* Vsgetsbie Campeimil and Lives Piss, flet there are aro ...hike Iles neem. I bate time dos and I seasm..d theta le alma's. Yastitt, pail* doh testiosesktL" - lbw ram J. Maw; Chsoineellk 1 _ Beatify War Hai w nPbnw '.Ni. ail. = to akaww •each of a howtans we resin Tema wm Pants. in iberies. esters taidemassa ria ant era IL RYItN dagemeg, Otl. Many M- l aces Q Mapes clew ter reed( ell Mose the rammer. W. ACHESON, J SON Carpets, Rugs And Cocoa l'Inttings ooilkrirtg.. • brawl"' wake ataasklttbe ars reosD_yy received aoioriag. you exquisitely ndt bladed. 4 w both O triast al oopg any cense. Axminster and Wilton Rugs g feet x & toot. - 7 Kali W oot....7Ka&1ae himx0feet andsfeet x&foil... &1100 IO fest 4 (echos x12 bet fiy6.00. $37.00 and $85.0000 Tapestry Rugs 7 test 8 inches x 0 feet i) feet 6 Iaebs. x 13 test- &Intl@, ti1100, 113.44 $18.C1°ll het x 10 feet 6 Wool and Unloa Rugs .75 f yards : iiyards $5.00 ad &7.00 sl swizz Eyank p . .... WAD and rasa Cocoa Rbc* `Matti shoo A range of (terrines In 9p, 404 tell, 1,58 widamk Pee yd. Mc to 75c Cretonnes and Chintzes mire. an °pw askae coverlet/0amd drag Scotch Madras carton mUi..lh My 411 to a2 inches wide, a sut.erb collecton.. Ra etfrom19cto 75c par yard. fourFor etch Bedrooms, bM Linoleum/ Halle u one to no additional charge a pr5o.. Carefully raid .t laaaactlrrt bubitsA lV : AOHESON ff SON Millinery INSPECTION INVITED OF THE SEASON'S NEW STYLES Mai OW ' Hamilton St DO IT NOW dfft Is well Mews to aliperleedee rod. ee tie hoed sea leggt beissm bhettr d le heat growths emedr webs. The se.. Mew not= wares the eon of the tr.ds tiwerss tisane Yew Agency Mow we nosh • alma riW are tar tab i tsheas.rsiet. taaeesaee eh. sera-& ter butt Oatat hue. wbers~or yart t1as fart — sues ns.rsrted • 4sdasveett era boteer.d .eeaumot ia•a ei ggl=t rads*. Write: PI LNAM NURSERY 00. Toronto, Ont. • • BMW WORKERs - Wag edInfailile tad sayado lsie. lig g fel need Mr "NA -NUJ -CO" Laxatives Lag less q r llatr. _ lite bevels , e,g rteL1 spiral Clad der fire arils. A A aro. planed [ aid y gNadia AM Mid wort* al So NA-D1W-00 Tads ANL 70e4. s bas.perjetbggMated Ilea.sad 7fa, tett re. aid Sm. t~/►T ewn► MIMI • etIt1p OP f#RMAODA„ YMITLak RONTINSAL. &AL REPRESENTATIVE WANTED Kt introduce the poplar. improved reside° t ial sob - diva ion of BOULEVARD HEIGHTS, MOOSE JAW Tide property le endorsed by the City Council and Boned of Trade. Building contracts bier already bees Mt by many local purchaser a. The P ty is high and dry, bosottfuyy situated. well iso- proved. at reasonable Pay t contract Prunes and tame. under • °°s fortak of Thb is an exceptional opportaalty for rslbbis and active maiaseeeo to get is line with ore of the strongest and most able companies in Wtutsea Omuta, depend- able must be aeaomp.nbd by three local references Address oogsmunicatlooe o the SALES MA3IA0RR. Canadian City & Town Properties, Limited 284 Pottage Aroma Winnipeg, Yasinha. gielderbellesterationewookott INVEST IN Winnipeg The Great Railway and Commer- cial Centre of the West Within a very short time It/MN/PEG will be one of the. wealthiest cities on the eowthtet any business •mail paymentUM E os WILL MAIM PO be seasiwil O11 TN SSig-- WNt NOT YOU ? Elmdale Lots three miles for the small investor. High and dry. Fine shod. trees. Ohl iewalie.pn l•tos. One matstwalk f carlsaSidewalk direct todty ONLY :Mee Pill LOT TIRMS .$1s CASK. $10 MIR MONTH Per particulars apply SCOTT, HiLL & CO., Winnipeg. Manitoba, or J. T. GOLDTHORPE, UoderIch, Ont. RURAL TELIPHONR dlrs N R -Any investor huyin Winnipeg property through en will, if desired. he furnished with • gwerastee from heolr, Hill *Oa that k in one rear he b dbsatinied with the deal hie *mosey will be rotund.! with interest at d per east, J T, 00141110RP* 1 Tell You, lt's Great the "class" there it to the "90th Cartery Brad of Bee► -tailored (.*mend' that are Wait tarsal out show. Just t him of it. You will bare your clot Wog designed by one of the *beet drdgners to America if you buy a"20th Century Bread." Now then. don't you no, it be to year ad- vantage to hay 20th Century Brood Ulotbien - dssignred by .+tyke-W1erM by experts. We ars este sweets. FOR SATURDAY WALTER C. PRIM-MI*1