The Signal, 1912-4-25, Page 4TOO MUCH MONEY ASKED FUR CAMP GROUNDS. Col. Hodgins to Be Informed that Council Cannot Meet His Require - menta --Mayor Reid Reports on Maltlant] Power -Sewer Contrac- tor's Assignment. It took the town council over two • hours to transact the bubinees at its regular meeting last Friday evening. Councillor Humber was the only ab- sentee. Atter the minutes of the pre- vious meeting had been read Councillor Lithwaite registered an objection because his vote was re- eorded in favor of a five-year term in the agreement of sole of the sum- mer botel property to C. C. lee. He claimed that be voted in favor of a * even -year term and a motion was passed ordering the correction of the minutes in that respect. Writ leased. Ma)i'or Reid informed tbe come, eil that the town bad been served with a writ by D. L. McLeod, through Isis solicitors, Prnudfoot, Hays & Killoran, claiming unstated dawages for injuries received while working in the sewer that war extended to tbe Kensington furniture factory last foul. Reeve Munnings and Chief of Police Postlethwatte told what they knew about the matter. After considerable discussion Council- illor Vanetter and Reeve Mun- nings Moved that ibe mat- ter be left in the bands of tbe Reeve and Councillor Irithwaite to arrange a settlement and that Mr. McLeod be uttered, without prejudice to their case. e n amount not exceeding *WO. Reeve Muonings and Councillors Graham, Vansiter and Lsithwaite voted yea, and Councillors Elliott, Pellow and Deputy Reeve Clark voted nay. Mayor Reid also voted nay, making a ie. The Deputy Reeve and Council- lor Elliott then moved that the solici- tor be instructee to detepd the action, This was carried. menet camp. Councillor Vaoat.er acted f the Government would not put up • *ban of the amount required to mem* the Aurill estate. The Mayor replied that the new Govern- ment was not a.quainted with the merits of the site, and for this reason the town rodld not expect any saes - tome from that source. It was sug- gested by the Reeve that the Mayor .std Mr. Mclean go to Toronto and .sake a last effort to tech more fav- orahle terms with the Trout Company. His Worship replied that such a trip would be useless, as be bad been in communication on the telephone with a representative of the company, who gave him dearly to understand that the company's present terms were Anal. The Reeve thought that the people would not stand tor se adds Lionel expenditure of $1,500 atter all that bad beets done in previous years. Councillor Elliott was quite certain that once Col. Hughes saw the Attrill site be would want it. Councillor Vanatter volunteered to give *10 hlm- eelt to start a subscription tut to raise the amount required. He believed that not a stone hid been left uo- turoed by those who were endeavor-uo ing to have the camp located here and ell that re - ed to be done we+ to put up $1,500 of tbe town's money. Councillor leithwaite thought the finances of the town could not stand such an expenditure. •'Some of yore fellows will kick like everything wben the assessor comae around," he re- marked. He did not believe the change in Government made any dif- ference in the situation. At any rate, he believed the tazpevers would ob- ject to the expenditure involved. Councillor Elliott gave as Ms motto : "Get it if we can if it doesn't cost eta too much money." Councillor Laith- waite's advice was to lay before the military authorities all the facts of the case, so far as securing the grounds was concerned. laterawitching. • The Mayor read a letter received from E. N. Lewis, M. P., tram A. IL McDonald, C. P. R. solicitor at Guelph It bad refeeenee to the lease of grounds to,. inteerswithing ar- rangements at the harbor st present ender way. A portion of the letter was es fellows : "11 is quite plain to me that the town must concede a lease of the tracks east from the switch as well as those leading to the proposed freight sheds, and of course this is upon the uoderst ending that the freight abed is going to he built.... .A fatal idea seems to poems* the minds of some of the council that If they pranced a lease to the Canadian Pacific Railway Com- pany it will stop any other railway company from making use of the line, but of course you know that matters ot that kind are telt with by the Board of Rellwey Commissioners and that any property rights which a railway cowpany obtains are subject to the control of tbe board when use can be made of them by wtesaisr com- pany. I erect to have any day word that the eettt,tare for the cotetruction of the freight shed has beta passed, when i will immediatelygo up and try to t the matter closed On motion of the Deputy Reeve and Councillor Elliott the letter was laid on the table. no action in reference to its contents being deemed necessary et preen t. Maitland Power. Mayor Reid gave a short report of what occurred at the meeting at. Clin- ton last Thursday of the delegates from municipalities interested in the development of hydro -electric power oo the Maitland River. The figures given at the meeting were hissed on an estimate of 500 and 1.000 horse- power. They are as follows : Min. Rate for amt. of Rate double amt power per h. p. of Ooderiah Sen e w St42100 Clinton 1.m3i $M 10 41 es 1 9 Hen.rll. 110 w 14 21 SO Zurich ........... 100 Set 61 311 15 Easteen5or onetime se 0 57 Blyth 160 71 97 tS 31 BruwM ...... ,100 73 w nee Beanie 73 Windom. 7m roti SY ss 85 ' His Worship stated that the read- ings taken by the hydro engineers in - dictated that the rnaximum How on the Maitland River showed 510,000 horsepower (thio during the freshet), wbile 1100 horsepower indicated the minimum amount available. As a result of this great flow of water the dam would have to be built of double strength and as a result the cost of power would toe increased to some extent. Owing to the high price to he charged the municipallttee that take only a small amount of power the Mayor staled that in all probahility these places would abandon the idea for the present. at least On motion of Councillor Vanatter and Reeve Munnings the report was referred to the special committee on power matters to ascertain what should be tbe next move on the part a tbe council in order to insure immedi- ate action in the construction of the data. Wort About the Camp t A Motion and an Amendment It was moved by Reeve Munning's, seconded by Councillor Laithwaite, that Col. Hodgins be informed that the town is unable to secure canon grounds. It was moved in amend- ment by Councillors Vanatter and Elliott that if $500 be raised by sub- scription the council consider the mat- ter of raising the remainder of the amount. The Mayor impressed upon the council the fact that Ool. Hodgins would not wait but demanded an im- mediate answer as to what the town would do for this year's camp, and Councillor Grebe= for w some more mid water on the proposal by stating that conveners world have great dif- ficulty in raieing the srnount sug- gested. as he bed been "feeling" the merchants and hu.ineee men on this point and bad found only a few that "'bowed any enthusiasm in the matter. "How many of the council will vote to spend $975i" His Worship interro- gated. Silence was the only answer. The Motion Carries The clerk then took the yeas and nays on the amendment which sug- gested the raising of *500 by subecrip- Lion. Deputy Reeve Clark and Coun- cillors Elliott and Vanatter voted yea and Reeve Muonings and Councillors Graben, Pellow and Laithwaite voted nay. The Mayor also recorded his vote with - the "nays." The amend- ment thus was loot and the :notion was declared carried on *reverse vote. Te show Col. Hudgins what bad been accomplishes it was decided to send him the maps that had been pre- pared, showing the location of the grounds which would be available for technical purposes. Thus ended the diecusslon of the military camp prop- osition. A petition from residents oo Gib- bon. idhon. street aeked that the cinder walk be placed outside the trees. On mo- tion of the Reeve and Councillor Latithwaite the request was granted. The Sewers. I). M. McEvoy sent a letter stating that he wee inconvenienced by reason of water in his cellar. He considered it a menace to health and he wanted to know when the sewer to acoomnw- date that part of the town was to he constructed. Reeve Munnings did nothold ort hope to Mr. McEvoy that he would get any relief this summer. He said the public works committee was now waiting until the sewer was 000- etructed across the Bayfield road be- fore anything was done on that mo- tion, ation, but he did not think that any- thing could be done in time to relieve the present congestion of water. The communication was referred to the public works committee and an effort will he made to have the work on the new sewer on that street commenced as early as poseihk.. Proudfoot, Hays & feilloran in a letter called the council's attention tat the fact that W. Garrett'. property on the south hide of the town had been injured and left exposed by run- ning the new sewer along the north side of 1'. The council is to have the fence which was torn down rebuilt at ones. THE titGN Al. GODERICH 0 tion at some length. atter which a mo- tion was passed as follows : "That the chrk notify- the Canadian Bank of Commera at Chatham that its letter of January Olod, lure, was received and that it had been confinned a Mw days later by • letter from the Tara- lithic Paving & Construction Co. ; that this council give it. consent to the assignment to the Bonk of what• ever money. otherwise would be due to the Tsralithic Paving & Consume - tion Co. under the contract, providing that the Bank relieve the council of say claims for moneys paid out since the date of the original aasignwent in June last." The Mayor returned and again took the chair. Oil Peddler's License. The Hoaoce committee recom- mended the payment of a Dumber of accounts ; that the request of J, H. Leach, oil dealer, for a reduction of *10 in hislioenae fee be granted, and that the letter from Brent, Noxon k Co., with reference to the payment of lotereet on the boots of the West Shore Runway, be referred to tbe solicitnr to answer. Councillor Vanatter mead that the retort be considered clause by clans. He took objection to the reduction in Mr. Leach's license fee. Deputy Reeve Clark stated *,its was more than Lewis could stand, and, hesidee, bis business was a public benefit. Ooun- citlor Lei Lbwaite., too, looked upon Mr. Leach's business as en accommo- dation and a public benefit. Council- lor Elliott contended that the price of oil bad been lowered by Mr Leach's entre-ging in the business. As there was no seconder W Councillor Vanat- ter'. anatter'. motion the report as read was Mop' 4. T.. matter of having fences re - psi io several places about town wa • t with the public works com- mi•• •• ' t the harbor committee was in-•: • •1 to have the bathing house on t -ash moved west of the right of Hey of the new C. P. R. inter - switching track. Reeve Munnings repnrted that Vic- toria Park was heing levelled and otherwise improved for the benefit of the football boys. A bylaw Authorizing the sale of the summer hotel property to Chas. C. Lee was given its three readings; also one to amend the peddler's license by- law to meet the case of Mr. Leach. The council then adjourned. t.:OLBORNE. WEDNESDAY, April 24th. Ceatractor's Assignment. The assignment of the sewer con- tractor to the Canadian Bank of Com- merce at Chatham held the attention of the council for the nest half-hour. The txaper% in oxenn ection with the as- sienment, together with a letter from the town solicitor, were presented. 1t was explwined by the Reeve that it was simply an aerignment of the money earned by the rontractbr but not of the orontrart. In reply to a gmotion et Oousettlor F,lllott Mayor The militar Heid stated LOU the Bans authorities y ram p proposition wits end the contractor had 'appointed as the twit muter brought up for consid- ! agent to set 1n the int rseu of both elation. It was shown that tbe , parties . Councillor islthwalte inter - amount to he paid for the use ot the , posed with the qqmortice. If the work Attrill grounds alone would amount wets being carded on as usual. why to line. The Toronto General Tnrste interfere at all t The Mayor 'aid he OnevcraLion demanded $Biel and Rot.. Mclean the present lessee. asked 8475. 7t The Hamliok farm was the only alternative site. it rontained about INI err•es and Mr. Hamliok asked gals) for the vee of It during the time of the camp. To this matey in either eerie wonkl hove to he added the exist of supplying water and light to the carne, het this would nothe quite did sot like adopting an ouster/memo of etch an old ddaate--J,n,". 1911. He feared that the Bank w•.td bold the town re eponaible for th • .nnney pot the enntraetor sinew tl•' date of Lite MAITLAND CONCESSION Novae. - ?dim Ella Blake, of Gioderich, spent a few days of last week with her sister, Mrs. U. R. Forster ....Mies Elsie BeaBean is visiting with her sister, Mrs. WWm. Stevens, this week W. Prouse hod the misfortune to racture is arm last week wh1 work in Mr. Foreter's burn .. . Mr. and Mr'. R. Poster spent Sunday in the county town James Wright, of Sea - forth, was up inspecting the boiler in W. Hill et Soria sawmill this week. . We regret to state that Mn. M. ()bier s oo theeskk list this week ....Chas. Breckow is adding much to the ap- pearance of his farm by the erection f a new wire fence along tbe road front. timey his DISTRICT NEWS O CO W 0 f ag.{gntnent. 1t Men to , eTplsined teat although the miner 1 heti bete aware of the asaignme, • itbad re- ceived esceiveed tenreal notice , the fact IS - 10 recent]. so heavy an ' newner as last year. as Tb. Mayor left the chat*, her at the most of rhe piping .crud in 1911 {a *tin juncture and Reeve Mannings took aveil*hl. peeve Munisings expreened too chair. V. M. Roberts, the engin- it as hie opinion that it was net triviaear is charge of the sewer construe '.Me 10 enrrmrtye (Ino. Rtedgese any Orin work. was rubel to give any le forth" and be tboog'rail" ht H t'rail"1 kt t te he tout regarding the ds grounwere seen rrwwrti it weight •ay. a %Rain of the'ontraelnr and how the tandeetev to influence the rem nn1 to onus was a?sc(etd as ob. remelt cod tbo favor ti+nd,rieb M the Oleo for a per 1 seektmoent. He expLised the attire filter the blare slegly ood tthaiddt disorders, The there. The blood passes tMwugb Ne kids pays every tutee minutes. N kitbags do their work es ire or ammo Of disorder can remelt -1. tie docatbdbe longer thea that time. Therefore W roc blood is out of order kiissye have failed in their work. 'ray are le seed s/ stimulation. strengthening sr daetlerbg• One medicine will do an obese. the Gent and most imitated blood mst�ris then Dodd's Sidney s ST. HELENS. WEDNESDAY. April 34th. DEATH OF PoeTMIATREMIS CAMERON. -Miss Jessie Cameron, postmistress of St. Helens, was found dead iu bed yea- terday morning by her sister. D.- oeased, who appeared to be in bee usual health, retired the night before about 10 o'clock. It was the custom to get up in the morning and light the fire before calling her sister, hut yes terday she failed 4o do sb, and whm her sister went to the room to see if anything was wrong she found that Miss Jessie had passed away during the night. Heart failure is given as the cause of death. BENMILLER. TUESDAY. April '23rd. FISHING. —Sacker fishing is the order of tLe day at preeent and people are coming from quite a distance to gets oupply of Ibis spring treat. A.1 Roe•s is manager and reports some splendid tune of fish. TAKES A HIGH STANDARD.—Rev. A. I W. Browu spent Ia-t week in Loodns . writing on the pprn'oobationary examine. Cons for the Methodist ministry. The highest possible storks its Any subject were 100; 50 wark "s was considered a i I "pass." Mr. Brown took the follow- (in this locali►v .... ere. I.■nnon hes I B hl returned to Mount OarmsL cher aft KINGSBRIOGE. TtaSDAY, April &rd. Roves. -Miss Mary O'Loughlin- is visiting friends here Mia PriscU' la Dalton. who has haven visiting ,het father, hag returned to Berlin Mrs. Beggar and daughter are obit - hot at J. (YLoagh n'a. Mint Minnie O'Loughlin is visiting friends in marks in ouch subject', viz.; TI" - 1 English Bible, 94; Biblical the° g7' tending the marriage of ber daughter . 9); sermon, 100 ; history of Metbo- i Nora. diem, 08 ; the Gospel of Mark in Greek. 90; memorizing &:riptt4n, 100; Sun- f A RostAxcn of Twgwe r-ntvs day school principles old teaching, 77; Yttria -A happy event wag solemn sociology. 94. We cbogratt•late Mr.' toted in the marriage of Mia Nora Len - Brown on his success, aa we under -loon and Simms J. Stiles at St. Joseph's stand be took the highest percentage I thumb, Asbated, on Tuesday, April of oil those who wrote on these sub- Zied, at 9 o'clock. - The bride, who was jects. . gtwee away by .7. B. O'Lowgblio, was ' FRUIT Paoepncts,-The s beautifully gowned in a Boit of erector of fruit trees is sU the NO with yOtleiearl* trlm.:.ed wiub satin and lase, orchardist, here. Wd those comp._ and bat to mitten. and carried a tent to report stale that the prospecta ' beautiful sootier and gold roomy. Mrs. for a good crop of apples and pears ate ! J • B. lYLnugblin, ousts of the bride, the best seen for years. gni dressed in grey, *clad ao matron of buds are showing well and in a short bonne, while C. O'Keefe, nepbsw of will be ta�ad to buret out into 1 the groom w*' beet mac. Little Miss bloom The trees have hod a good Bernardino O'Loughlin with her 1 i ST. AUGUSTINE. TUESDAY. April 23rd. ! AT THERIFLE RANGE. -•Owing to tbe busy time there has not been a very large auendenoe of members at the rifie range on Saturday after- noons, but after seeding the members will be out in full force. Tom (.eddy scored highest last Saturday, making twenty-olne points out of possible thirty-five. There have been just two m shoots this spring and the mebers are out of practio:e, but they expect to do better scoring soon. Bruzps,-Miss Annie Flynn has re' turned home after an extended visit with Toronto and Chicago friends.' A cumber of farmers in this vicinity have commenced reeding. John Craig sowed a field of grmin last Wednesday Mrs. Callahan, of George! London, is visiting at Brophy'* at present Mr. and Mies Pollard, from near Toronto, visited friends in this vicinitylast week Mr. and Mrs. John Sanahan, of Mul- lett, visited at Wm. McInto sh's last week .. ...The beef ring started here last week. FATHER BROPHY A FIRST Hron MASS. -The Catholic church here was the scene of an unusually large gath- ering on Sunday mornin , April 14th, when Rev. W. P. B y celebrated meas.a his first high maowas assisted by Rev. Father O'Connor, of Windspr, .as dean, and Rev. Father Dean as sub - dean. while Rev. Father Murray, of Toronto, bad charge of the choir. Father O'Onnnor Preached the sermon from Ptra. 110 : 4, "Thou art a priest after the order of Melebizedek forever." On Mbndsy evening. 15th inst.. a Targe number ot friends and relatives of Father Brophy assembled in the St. Augustine ball and presented him with w well-filled purge and the follow- ing wddress : To the Rev. W. P. Brepky. Rev. •so Dna FATIMA.-�Wrs e IIn bbehalff 04 fri roar many end the ot of ',Mee - tee to cannot IM. the even 7 ' ', tee to the holy erieetbed sae wttlent .terse some mooning of thanks to Alalgsti GM der aahaa./1n rlerttne hem our petite$ acether labors for Hi. vin.Jar4 We ale well aware et the many ■aew'taoe. welch yes a.4 year worthy parents neve made w50eek �ome ewe tot lowiUtile stn mWnllnp ro Iend tself a misery nmhll portico of the "Mammon et iniouttt' flet may to some extent mho to obtain ter as a place Is the eveet.atlre. dwell( Ws wont Tea. Isar Mater. may years of labor IN tbe facies et ow beim tart. *denied with all the eaeer- Ietal widest R. Ins that yye�aa well menetlsee ✓ emmeher se when yes are e1tAren op the hely ..a ..e.tees the altar. i. 1 el o*aQ+aatloe rf et Awnriri ee ErwrwAw. Hem luso. Josue' Benue. Father Brophy is an old Rt. Augustine trey, having .pent all hie life in our midst until some ten years ago, when he entered Rt. Micbwel's College, To- ronto. From there be went RI Sand- wich. Rome few years ago he enterer( the Seminary in Montreal. where he spent two Tears. wad for the past year and a half he has beep in Rt. 1h -tenets' Seminary. Milwaukee. front which piece he graduated. On Ancil 7111 he was ordained to the prte.tluxtei iw Kansa llity. coling to hie horse church to celebrate hle first high moue. He leaves Mis week for hie new Sold of labor, Kanas Ility. carrying with him the beet wiebee of a brat of tri.nde. rt._ I rest t last or the year or two and with 1 hroIw tber sson carried the bride's a favorable section there is s prospect bouquet. T.11i wedding march from that the crop of 1912 will be as record Mendelsohn was beautifully nres one, At the $emiller Nurseries dewed by Mise ib iry, and at the text week will be • busy one, for they i offern Ave MariaFowaw rendered will be delivering the stock %bid by h7 M'Iniestory Margaret Dalton. After coo - agents during the pact year, which gr*tulafioas were extended at the will he ooe of the al igewt deliveries ebnrch by an immense tnum�d iltbeereofewdeU- sce the Nurseries were estahlpo iehed 1 by the late John StewartrA"about of Mand Mrs- lames ed . about fifty where a sumptuous wedding breakfast Years ago- was partaken of. after 'Hsieh happy couple left for Goderich to take the 240 train for Matto., Detroit+ Chicago and other plates of interest. The bride war lt. recipient of many costly preeentOk as evidence of the esteem in which she end the groom Are held MI this perish. This marriage is the culmination of a romance extending over twenty-6vs year.. the groom having recently returned from a twenty-three years' sojourn In foreign lands, of which seventeen years were spent in tbe gold 1teMte et Aleska. '[heir tetany friend. join in wicking 4r. and Mee. Stiles many years to enjoy their mw -forst Nowhere Yesterdac London Free Press'ays : Ex -Mayor F. 0. Rumball, who bas been critically ill at his horse on Duffer's sensate wee hast night much improved and it is thoogbtthat he is now oat of dacger. Last week bis family wag alarmed over kis condition. His epien- building. didple ysique,, however, stood him in FAsswiu. GAllkatttxo.-A gather most stead and be rallied under treat - log of friends and neighbors number -asst ing over tbirty assembled at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Newell on Wed- nesday evening of Lac week and spent a most enjoyehie evening. Sherd", after enuring Mrs. Jag. Long GIME forward and read an adders., and Lem ale Oke e presented Mr. sad Mrs. Newell with a handsome easy 'hair and a parlor table. Mr. and: Mrs. Newell were taken completely b� se ptige but Mr. Newell replied by kaaRt ily thanking the friends for their Pets eoNAL.-Miss Snyder, of Water- loo, aterloo, spent several days last week visit- ing et the home of E. T. Pfriesmer. After speeding five years in tbe city of Toronto Edgar V■netoo. and family arrived in the village last week. Mr. Van.tone intends working big father's farm for a time. Mr. Vas - stone, senior, has not enjoyed very good health this winter, but with the advent of spring we hope be will im- prova..�,.. We regret to learn that Mrs. Jewett Gledhill is its a very poor state of health at present. We hops soon to gee- her regain her Cb.. Mrs. A. Heddle also is very poorly. 8be is suffering aootely from sciatic* Word bee been received by Mr and Mrs. Jam Long of the safe arrival of their son, Fishy F. Long. at Hawaii. He has begs working in San Francisco ea steel worker on buildings for the past hoe years sed loge now gone to the Hawaiian Islands W work for the HUo R. R. Co. at wee bridge tokens and gond wishes and assured them he would always remain tree to the temperanee prfocioles be had sur held ever sine coming to Benmlllee. After a very pleasant eventing and a splendid tomb provided by tbe laches the party broke no about midnight Mr. and Mrs. Newell moved on Tbureday to Goderich. where Mr. Newell intends to engage M tbe laundry hominess. The sddrwrt was ae follows : iesegrpaTo Mr. and Mcie Ger the .t1aeOse��e�et A� a• t1IL miller. wee (ryTter a ateme bow Dew wok t0 .hew ear.perestafisa ass �sab► Yea hum liver sad tables imam et our mart, twenty a.e yew ad have shows peer some to be tree flrisu 1a Wspriesees week we have show round rFowerwwrg sus mews. geese Install =ad rat last .everaaoelad W et wWh power and we *00ent 1,�5((1eeeer swdatfs.s Y gai &$en pr h= 116=Ire et pi tea N We attatr aced ad for it. Ietetnde MN a. a PAW of env .+leen me r.smt trau test baa Ivee w every arae awe p a tee near •e sae Menke .sr same& say smjoy it ace that yes mar h5.e meat peer m te Mr reateares. Torr wool Ism Nes It ye. over, ateserr-- leau' ework a.Mae ae yen sod M. `t.ieind W ass yaw Milnes wry kea.aral to mese mese ersitiLif mothbss bpd h.p wase se tesb5W er 4 , ess s**stt*. �srt oats. br J►wxa 10wa aero e. l)bm l wut1e, ,ias liose Mot is 16G iliglhest type of Scott's Emu1sioQ is the highest VPs curative food. • The curative elements d Scotts Emulsion are Eo perfecdy combined that an�iitiks-e equally and e bell fitted and built up Os sums. gee 'O1?1. u 'e the Strrtle eel rad alums the brae. ALA oe1Sgeere tote ,OltelteMee- y x. Millinery INSPECTION INVITED OF THE SEASON'S N EW STYLES Miss Cameron 'Hamilton St COME TO THINK OF IT It is very hard to Ind shoes that give as nee. satisfaction and comfort as the VASSAR 1 SHOESI Tbey have earned a name dot themselves and they deserve it,, They are made properly from start to finisb. We bare all the latest styles in Tans, Patents, Oxfords and Pump. Our prices are right. TRNUKN. ETC. -When you travel you will need a good strong Trunk, or perhaps a commodious Sult.atse or Bag will meet your requirements. We ran Ogreish all your wants in either line. All Repairing Orders receive ow prompt aft const JOHN H. McCLINTON ON THE SQUARE Furniture and House Furnishings Syria' Necessaries in Furniture Gad Fvraiehiags for the Home Realising the requirements of the people of t3odericb and vicinity, i have now a complete ae.oytment of btSggh-clues Furniture. All goods, including ordinary and exclusive dodges, *t moderate pries. an assortment rarely men outside the cities. Come le and as. the classy Furniture you can gat at Hohmeier's. IC's a pp�1ee.aawu�re to *bow my stock : and if there is something you desire i haven't stocked. i will get it for you. Rugs 1 hay. also a very desirable ameoximent of Rags. A variety of Talkies. patterns and edowinga. Stoek new and prices rigbt- The right place to get Window Shades. Room Mouldings, Frames Pictures. A few Sewing Macbines at hargeln primes. A CALL. SOLI( iTKD George Iiohmeler Apre y N erAanener P1er e. RRPAIRINl3 'PHONE a MEAT RIDE 84OARK fin • OurStoreNewsforThisWeek11 Outlined here we direct the particular attention of buyers to !he economic features of our offerings, with which every item is eloquent. There re bigger values here than you would believe for the price. , ON SALE • This week we are putting oo sale twenty-three �isew of Colored Dress Goods. 'In tamps, grey. wn, grew, fawn, at away -down prices 4e- ler 35c $,c far 4K eec kr see $'O° kr me tkte mc �'� ler 7� to plain cbecks sod diagonals. They are a speeia I lot and the price should shear them out quickly. SILKS Thirty-six to t iotbe. wide, in black sod colors. 90e, SLOW. *1 25 and 51.80. A few pieces of tibdt Silk. so mach now in demand, just got ben a few days yo. DRESS TRIMMINGS In Allover hoes, Fringe', Braids, Banding'; Gimp. a.d Iessrtioos, in black and colors. A large raetge of cream and white.fawn. PRINTS Remember we bold fink place for Prints. Our fast °rotor Ceast Print. are not equalled in the trade for Me. Sewed quality, colon fast, 10e. . . CORSETS Another lot 4 new Spring D. & A. Gorse. got bare this week. The very latest designs in the new Spring shapes. .Always bey tM popular D. & A. No risk its buying them -.very pair guaranteed. WHITEWEAR We never bad so complete a 'bowing of white goods move are now offering, and such values are rarely found in Gowns, Skiru, Drawer. and Corset Waists. Gowns, lace and embroidery trimmings, $1.00 $1.2fi, *, $2t10. Skirts, *1.00. *1.25. *1.W, *1.74 •525. neatly triennoed with embroidery and lace, direct from 1 the makers. Comet Ws{.ts and Drawers. Prices commeno- • Ing with 26c up to 50c. COTTON and LINEN SUITINGS In plain white, champagne, blue, ((crown and Some of them only 15a A few pieces of Foulards, almost equal to silk in appearance, end our price i. only 25c. t GINGHAMS Our stock of these goods was never so large as now. Stripea small and C 124c and 25c. urge becks, IOc, lac, LACE CURTAINS, CURTAIN NETS, SCRIMS, SPOT MUSLIMS and BUNGALOW NETS to sweet all housecleaning needs, and our prices for them are just right. J. H. COLBORNE TAKES A HIGH STANDARD.—Rev. A. I W. Browu spent Ia-t week in Loodns . writing on the pprn'oobationary examine. Cons for the Methodist ministry. The highest possible storks its Any subject were 100; 50 wark "s was considered a i I "pass." Mr. Brown took the follow- (in this locali►v .... ere. I.■nnon hes I B hl returned to Mount OarmsL cher aft KINGSBRIOGE. TtaSDAY, April &rd. Roves. -Miss Mary O'Loughlin- is visiting friends here Mia PriscU' la Dalton. who has haven visiting ,het father, hag returned to Berlin Mrs. Beggar and daughter are obit - hot at J. (YLoagh n'a. Mint Minnie O'Loughlin is visiting friends in marks in ouch subject', viz.; TI" - 1 English Bible, 94; Biblical the° g7' tending the marriage of ber daughter . 9); sermon, 100 ; history of Metbo- i Nora. diem, 08 ; the Gospel of Mark in Greek. 90; memorizing &:riptt4n, 100; Sun- f A RostAxcn of Twgwe r-ntvs day school principles old teaching, 77; Yttria -A happy event wag solemn sociology. 94. We cbogratt•late Mr.' toted in the marriage of Mia Nora Len - Brown on his success, aa we under -loon and Simms J. Stiles at St. Joseph's stand be took the highest percentage I thumb, Asbated, on Tuesday, April of oil those who wrote on these sub- Zied, at 9 o'clock. - The bride, who was jects. . gtwee away by .7. B. O'Lowgblio, was ' FRUIT Paoepncts,-The s beautifully gowned in a Boit of erector of fruit trees is sU the NO with yOtleiearl* trlm.:.ed wiub satin and lase, orchardist, here. Wd those comp._ and bat to mitten. and carried a tent to report stale that the prospecta ' beautiful sootier and gold roomy. Mrs. for a good crop of apples and pears ate ! J • B. lYLnugblin, ousts of the bride, the best seen for years. gni dressed in grey, *clad ao matron of buds are showing well and in a short bonne, while C. O'Keefe, nepbsw of will be ta�ad to buret out into 1 the groom w*' beet mac. Little Miss bloom The trees have hod a good Bernardino O'Loughlin with her 1 i ST. AUGUSTINE. TUESDAY. April 23rd. ! AT THERIFLE RANGE. -•Owing to tbe busy time there has not been a very large auendenoe of members at the rifie range on Saturday after- noons, but after seeding the members will be out in full force. Tom (.eddy scored highest last Saturday, making twenty-olne points out of possible thirty-five. There have been just two m shoots this spring and the mebers are out of practio:e, but they expect to do better scoring soon. Bruzps,-Miss Annie Flynn has re' turned home after an extended visit with Toronto and Chicago friends.' A cumber of farmers in this vicinity have commenced reeding. John Craig sowed a field of grmin last Wednesday Mrs. Callahan, of George! London, is visiting at Brophy'* at present Mr. and Mies Pollard, from near Toronto, visited friends in this vicinitylast week Mr. and Mrs. John Sanahan, of Mul- lett, visited at Wm. McInto sh's last week .. ...The beef ring started here last week. FATHER BROPHY A FIRST Hron MASS. -The Catholic church here was the scene of an unusually large gath- ering on Sunday mornin , April 14th, when Rev. W. P. B y celebrated meas.a his first high maowas assisted by Rev. Father O'Connor, of Windspr, .as dean, and Rev. Father Dean as sub - dean. while Rev. Father Murray, of Toronto, bad charge of the choir. Father O'Onnnor Preached the sermon from Ptra. 110 : 4, "Thou art a priest after the order of Melebizedek forever." On Mbndsy evening. 15th inst.. a Targe number ot friends and relatives of Father Brophy assembled in the St. Augustine ball and presented him with w well-filled purge and the follow- ing wddress : To the Rev. W. P. Brepky. Rev. •so Dna FATIMA.-�Wrs e IIn bbehalff 04 fri roar many end the ot of ',Mee - tee to cannot IM. the even 7 ' ', tee to the holy erieetbed sae wttlent .terse some mooning of thanks to Alalgsti GM der aahaa./1n rlerttne hem our petite$ acether labors for Hi. vin.Jar4 We ale well aware et the many ■aew'taoe. welch yes a.4 year worthy parents neve made w50eek �ome ewe tot lowiUtile stn mWnllnp ro Iend tself a misery nmhll portico of the "Mammon et iniouttt' flet may to some extent mho to obtain ter as a place Is the eveet.atlre. dwell( Ws wont Tea. Isar Mater. may years of labor IN tbe facies et ow beim tart. *denied with all the eaeer- Ietal widest R. Ins that yye�aa well menetlsee ✓ emmeher se when yes are e1tAren op the hely ..a ..e.tees the altar. i. 1 el o*aQ+aatloe rf et Awnriri ee ErwrwAw. Hem luso. Josue' Benue. Father Brophy is an old Rt. Augustine trey, having .pent all hie life in our midst until some ten years ago, when he entered Rt. Micbwel's College, To- ronto. From there be went RI Sand- wich. Rome few years ago he enterer( the Seminary in Montreal. where he spent two Tears. wad for the past year and a half he has beep in Rt. 1h -tenets' Seminary. Milwaukee. front which piece he graduated. On Ancil 7111 he was ordained to the prte.tluxtei iw Kansa llity. coling to hie horse church to celebrate hle first high moue. He leaves Mis week for hie new Sold of labor, Kanas Ility. carrying with him the beet wiebee of a brat of tri.nde. rt._ I rest t last or the year or two and with 1 hroIw tber sson carried the bride's a favorable section there is s prospect bouquet. T.11i wedding march from that the crop of 1912 will be as record Mendelsohn was beautifully nres one, At the $emiller Nurseries dewed by Mise ib iry, and at the text week will be • busy one, for they i offern Ave MariaFowaw rendered will be delivering the stock %bid by h7 M'Iniestory Margaret Dalton. After coo - agents during the pact year, which gr*tulafioas were extended at the will he ooe of the al igewt deliveries ebnrch by an immense tnum�d iltbeereofewdeU- sce the Nurseries were estahlpo iehed 1 by the late John StewartrA"about of Mand Mrs- lames ed . about fifty where a sumptuous wedding breakfast Years ago- was partaken of. after 'Hsieh happy couple left for Goderich to take the 240 train for Matto., Detroit+ Chicago and other plates of interest. The bride war lt. recipient of many costly preeentOk as evidence of the esteem in which she end the groom Are held MI this perish. This marriage is the culmination of a romance extending over twenty-6vs year.. the groom having recently returned from a twenty-three years' sojourn In foreign lands, of which seventeen years were spent in tbe gold 1teMte et Aleska. '[heir tetany friend. join in wicking 4r. and Mee. Stiles many years to enjoy their mw -forst Nowhere Yesterdac London Free Press'ays : Ex -Mayor F. 0. Rumball, who bas been critically ill at his horse on Duffer's sensate wee hast night much improved and it is thoogbtthat he is now oat of dacger. Last week bis family wag alarmed over kis condition. His epien- building. didple ysique,, however, stood him in FAsswiu. GAllkatttxo.-A gather most stead and be rallied under treat - log of friends and neighbors number -asst ing over tbirty assembled at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Newell on Wed- nesday evening of Lac week and spent a most enjoyehie evening. Sherd", after enuring Mrs. Jag. Long GIME forward and read an adders., and Lem ale Oke e presented Mr. sad Mrs. Newell with a handsome easy 'hair and a parlor table. Mr. and: Mrs. Newell were taken completely b� se ptige but Mr. Newell replied by kaaRt ily thanking the friends for their Pets eoNAL.-Miss Snyder, of Water- loo, aterloo, spent several days last week visit- ing et the home of E. T. Pfriesmer. After speeding five years in tbe city of Toronto Edgar V■netoo. and family arrived in the village last week. Mr. Van.tone intends working big father's farm for a time. Mr. Vas - stone, senior, has not enjoyed very good health this winter, but with the advent of spring we hope be will im- prova..�,.. We regret to learn that Mrs. Jewett Gledhill is its a very poor state of health at present. We hops soon to gee- her regain her Cb.. Mrs. A. Heddle also is very poorly. 8be is suffering aootely from sciatic* Word bee been received by Mr and Mrs. Jam Long of the safe arrival of their son, Fishy F. Long. at Hawaii. He has begs working in San Francisco ea steel worker on buildings for the past hoe years sed loge now gone to the Hawaiian Islands W work for the HUo R. R. Co. at wee bridge tokens and gond wishes and assured them he would always remain tree to the temperanee prfocioles be had sur held ever sine coming to Benmlllee. After a very pleasant eventing and a splendid tomb provided by tbe laches the party broke no about midnight Mr. and Mrs. Newell moved on Tbureday to Goderich. where Mr. Newell intends to engage M tbe laundry hominess. The sddrwrt was ae follows : iesegrpaTo Mr. and Mcie Ger the .t1aeOse��e�et A� a• t1IL miller. wee (ryTter a ateme bow Dew wok t0 .hew ear.perestafisa ass �sab► Yea hum liver sad tables imam et our mart, twenty a.e yew ad have shows peer some to be tree flrisu 1a Wspriesees week we have show round rFowerwwrg sus mews. geese Install =ad rat last .everaaoelad W et wWh power and we *00ent 1,�5((1eeeer swdatfs.s Y gai &$en pr h= 116=Ire et pi tea N We attatr aced ad for it. Ietetnde MN a. a PAW of env .+leen me r.smt trau test baa Ivee w every arae awe p a tee near •e sae Menke .sr same& say smjoy it ace that yes mar h5.e meat peer m te Mr reateares. Torr wool Ism Nes It ye. over, ateserr-- leau' ework a.Mae ae yen sod M. `t.ieind W ass yaw Milnes wry kea.aral to mese mese ersitiLif mothbss bpd h.p wase se tesb5W er 4 , ess s**stt*. �srt oats. br J►wxa 10wa aero e. l)bm l wut1e, ,ias liose Mot is 16G iliglhest type of Scott's Emu1sioQ is the highest VPs curative food. • The curative elements d Scotts Emulsion are Eo perfecdy combined that an�iitiks-e equally and e bell fitted and built up Os sums. gee 'O1?1. u 'e the Strrtle eel rad alums the brae. ALA oe1Sgeere tote ,OltelteMee- y x. Millinery INSPECTION INVITED OF THE SEASON'S N EW STYLES Miss Cameron 'Hamilton St COME TO THINK OF IT It is very hard to Ind shoes that give as nee. satisfaction and comfort as the VASSAR 1 SHOESI Tbey have earned a name dot themselves and they deserve it,, They are made properly from start to finisb. We bare all the latest styles in Tans, Patents, Oxfords and Pump. Our prices are right. TRNUKN. ETC. -When you travel you will need a good strong Trunk, or perhaps a commodious Sult.atse or Bag will meet your requirements. We ran Ogreish all your wants in either line. All Repairing Orders receive ow prompt aft const JOHN H. McCLINTON ON THE SQUARE Furniture and House Furnishings Syria' Necessaries in Furniture Gad Fvraiehiags for the Home Realising the requirements of the people of t3odericb and vicinity, i have now a complete ae.oytment of btSggh-clues Furniture. All goods, including ordinary and exclusive dodges, *t moderate pries. an assortment rarely men outside the cities. Come le and as. the classy Furniture you can gat at Hohmeier's. IC's a pp�1ee.aawu�re to *bow my stock : and if there is something you desire i haven't stocked. i will get it for you. Rugs 1 hay. also a very desirable ameoximent of Rags. A variety of Talkies. patterns and edowinga. Stoek new and prices rigbt- The right place to get Window Shades. Room Mouldings, Frames Pictures. A few Sewing Macbines at hargeln primes. A CALL. SOLI( iTKD George Iiohmeler Apre y N erAanener P1er e. RRPAIRINl3 'PHONE a MEAT RIDE 84OARK