The Signal, 1912-4-25, Page 1SI CTY•Ft IURTH YRAK--Nu. WSI E STERLINIBANK OF CANAD THE MOST SATISFACTORY • MODE OF PAYMENT Would you not prefer to mail a cheque to your trades- man to having his collector call t Deposit your money in a savings account with us. and pay es:i bills by cheque. The I.al,noe is secure and earning ante -rest. Mead Office, King and Bay Streets, Toronto Coderich Branch -ANDREW PORTER, Manager A. G. NIS 11) %%n Cu11znce ..ind I e ET -�� Estate Agent of the Mutual Life Assurance Company of Canadel.- The Western Assurance ('nmpany. rhe Rnyal Exchange Assurance 01 London, England. The London and Lancashire Guarantee and Accident Cu. The American Surety Company of New York. All kinds of Insurances. office next to Canadian Bank of Commerce OODEHICH, OItT FOR SALE. TI O R MALE, -A II YSEOOND-AND apacit`'ha O OROI N Wli i.'Eog'ls Dods ham rich. L'OR SALE CHEAP. -SIX -HORSE - V PUwgat 1911 gasoline verba- by calls Perfectba Meter Co.. erne t maxs equip- went: quip- went: keg Matt. Wes -bade propeller. staff hew reverse gear• spark oil sad ea teresssary wiring and banal, switch. Rases /pr}sMrt ere Installing twelve e[ sari make. Elaine was= abet eeson sod Is In J. T. nhATltB k Co.. Meant Perak Oat. �BBd seal OOW FOR SALK-MILKS .l I . J. l ess_istri(-WYI tines to tae his. L'OR SALE. -BUFF ORPINOTON 1 elms for hatching from sock deed 1w Toronto. .G.epe�lprpb a.. Brantford prate SON. Diol p. Write cr pboee. 1 `,PRAYING OUTFITS, ETC. I Nothing _pars better than the erre of your orchard. The very best spraying outfits and material at lowest pubes. Vor We by D. F. H.AMLINK. Godetic& L•OR SALE. -1 SET SINGLE DRIV- 1 INC& hareem, 1 est eagle dray hereme.1 robes. 1 dray. 1 sleigh, 1 matter. 1 rubber turd uWweft. et A o aoC` • geed baefaln- ED GODERICH. THURSDAY. AP 25. 191•' FOR SALE OR TO WIT igiOR BALE OR RENT. - THE 1 Ideas at ersee Britannia and Bayfield Mkrsos.Uy occupied by J. Stead. }r t- Bowleg town. Coatortaide brick 111111901A61118$11. �ss� rB4 • E � road. or n Apply Mild. I tHUGH 0 .. 00 -ft LOST OR FOUND._ rND.-PURSE WITH A SMALL et msosy. Aypiy at THE SIGNAL PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE --8"." OF HEALTH. Under lithe Board of Hsaltb. the ciUwad are see tba ell b.ckyards datgm�dossed st Kms bane Ms let vfilteiwill eadasimme Ids ��attyy after asApril 9 ia1 sod OW asillities madly Mycelium Me= 1endd r Meader sseased Medea tis Prstis.tr. A.C. HUNTER. I. R 111WI45. Ma M.H.O. 1 .b ra Heard a Health F♦ R II OLP AND DOMESTIC BSRVA�-Penal. regartili tartsMip Mood at edea to WILLIAM MoQUiL- LiN. lee Gemmed . flet OrdersRw�armD aRMMIan. • Oat.. will receive � tat L'UR SALE. -TWO LOTS OF ONE - J: QUARTER aon Park street.ApolHIS Or1Og 00-1t FOR SALE.-HOU8E, OORNER ite=and Jalord amts. So reaable otter re Apply to !1 PARK S EKT. PALPERHANGiNO. PAINTING keleselielsg. etc. Ftlmaelese work. Priam r(git. eswar week dose Mdse tis reek. A. SN -_ street. Huatbk. 97il NOTICE TO CONTIAcroIs. CE 70 CONTRACTORS. will De reoivedpletlthe undersigned brae erection and oomen of a summer hwsa ser beagalowl oo MM r•toperty in the tesla of Osderleb. Plans and specifications be aes rat tbe omoe a The Signal. lowest or any tender not neaessearily LIOR SALE. -A CHOICE PIN OF_ frPartridge Wyandettasse oone coc• five kerel wed ke »d ,`�`ur. F information apply at SIGNAL WALL PAPER.- 1912 W ALS. basks at hand tram Tor- mto w"afl Prjt~Cn. 8dses dad balm= w •gk dobe tae rod. ti d niers sad She rel. A. 8 NAEQ. A. F. et guest. Oed sten. &t! (girls Wanted Geed t-stspoymen T16 MOONEY BISCUIT t CANDY CO.. LTD Sttstlsed dike pML C. M. BURT'(1N. r Kerlone. street. Detroit Mich ANNUAL MEETING. Ecto BALK -A BUILDING LOT Newgate street. Apply to E. J. PRID- es-it HE OODERiO ELEVATOR AND TRatlerr OOMPANY,LiMiTED. Pleas take that the annual general d tip a the Goderieb sed Comtraa}. Lmltea. sem IMYes IM d tM Maeyer. North ........„.. T MAY 1sT. 1972. en tE area tlw cite.1.971 n d dlreowrs sod tM 11%n.+0Usa at W may pnoperU be hnflttNa I 11 Jilt tW9.LH 12. Merl WOR SALE. -A FRAME HOUSE . L m Macke street one-half acre of land ; a member d email fruit thee, arable and good water -A/W to MIlid VAN TONK, 61 stoat. 19.91 r1bosse on Gloucester Terrace. fitted with BENT. -A SIX -ROOMED all modern con veulencea, Apply to JOS. ( .�be Origin, Jailer. _________. _ In vestors9 Attcntion! If you are open to invsst !1100.00 to $1.000.G). easy" payment.. write us at once. People who have invested through us in the past are now reaping frost 23 per cent. to 200 per cent. on their invest- ment. We place investment. in choice inside City Property and are at present investing in Weyburn, Saskatchewan Inside Property and prttgits ethis as we believe it will he the next City in Sankat g1ewso. Buildings under construction 11 sowmt to over ♦1,000.4100 s 7s 1 Ttgtee .ew,lines of Railways assured. making it a bee Railway Centre. If you are interested. write us. E. V. Campion & Compafl), WETBURN SECURITY BANK RI ILi)iN(; WRYBU RN. SASKATCHEWAN 1 FOR SALE OR TO RENT. L'OR SALE. -81X FIRST-CLASS 1 building Ise ay Montreal and North streets. CHARLES GARItOW. OStJ FOR SALE. -THAT FINE RE81- deatlal property at t he corner a Cameron andstreeform eels, known se the A. Mcn A71ap t, property, 1.. fur vie. It contains eight. town lob, pplooted with the choicest troll. of all kl. de. There are two brkk 1 ho uses, each of two stories. one built onlylas I year. and Me other to deet -dans eetans repair. th nam see bartheemodernconvenient's'', and alto genitor Uooderioh. �Wtu beyadd` on moot reasonable bran. Apply to P.J. RYAN iloderich. tr AUf'ITON SALES. AI"CTION SALE lie iitoPl:ltrV I have been Irtraeted by tbe executers of the 8meeth Mate to sell by public auction the commodious and desirable reetdence on Nelson street 00 SATURDAY. APRIL rib on the premises, eoermeuring at 2.91 oclock. Thi.• property is suitanle for private real donor. boarding and rooming house. or oould made into apartment house at little sort. Terms easy. For turtJ.er Information apply to F. J. PRID AM. THt18. GCNDRY. Auctioneer. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE ON Huron road. a siert Maws from town limits. Lot coeWr two wee wtM good orchard and small fruits. nesse Muse in good repair. Auyooe wk.hing to Inspect ewe_ will be welcome at any tameapply at PIIS OFFICE tor information. 19.11 R BALE. --THE HOUSE AND lot ea Palmerston street. Goderich. be to Mra, lfae(aillivrey is offered fermis. Pries bl site: the lot oo the north .-..&Aplrly at THE SIGNAL OFFICE. Uobate& u/m L OR QUICK SALE OR RN1 T.- 1 The new hoose tie Kart street. 044111leI. occupied cony G. M. Elliott. This trews him all dp��y location. lai K y 1st aApveellyy M 0.14 KLL1orr. OMm1ei. 97.11 a read gibes HOUSE ON Ombra tars : sloe essma ape hath : ender whoa fltly-two het d Apply to T tit. HATES. 90.11 L11OR SALE. - A COMMODIOUS 1 • withgear the p.. reosdy bunt cpm R. RZIme N Apply a W. LR BALE. -TSN ACRES FRONT- S' INO South sad Bennett sweetie, Oodmieb. weft Myth land sverloekie.g Lake Huron astOrsi ,sand snk1pter paltry. small trate Irene emigre land: esWisoEA. -tunnel's( IM avenue, . • L M'U------- TRENT. -THS STORE NOW OC- CABIN OF THANES. CUPIED by Mr. 8s s4. Hamiltem street ; r ass o1110Met beiseatstaals In ppwr, Rent ARD OF THANES. modsrste Anot� at atoms se to MHS. F. AL t. ALLWIN, lflf Grund street. Toronto. f16-tfThe widow sed family of fire We William R HALE. -100 ACRES OF LAND news shown thank their friends for Use ghoanm Lim daring his last Mow 11 tense north a the town a Seaforth. clay lsamn, all 'soder cultivation: balk barn, with oemant flown: large frame Iowa.• (LARD OF THANKS . - MR. J. J. newly painted. all la good repair: well at both V McEwee and Wally take this 0apartaaltay baro and house. Aa ideal borne. Amity to of Waking their [deeds tor the kledawla OM18818U8=E DOVENLOCK, Ssatortb, Ont. I shown them daring lie Clow and subs gaent W tf death of Mrs. McCoys:" A UCTION SALE OF VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY There will be offered for axle `y public nuc Don on 's the m...ides of the ware school ih81• Andrew Ward on SATURDAY. THE ITH DAY OF MAY. 1912. at 2 o'clock in the Itternoon, the to 'lowing different parcels of lend 1. The school property known as 8t. And- rew's Ward School. ooesisnngof two large lots and the kind Med thereon. Y. The west half of 101 7)) on Elgin ave. ad- joining the homes of George Hargitt, artist. on the corner of Wellington rt. and Elgin ave. • i Part of lot 1375 at the corner of Elgin ave. and Market et.. bele& psi of the Garruw prop- erty. having a frontage of Ori feet on Elgin ave. by 75 Leet deep. This is a very desirable build- ls>s owner. 1. Lot H. being • want lot on Brit gonia rued at the corner et Intsaheth et. This also 4s a vers" desirable builds sa lot, not tar from the dammer Hots) dad eatable for building sum- mer mottoes". Terms a sale. --I0 per oent to be paid oe the day of rale and balanus within tairty days from that. when aatl..ta9Mry title will be elven. Other particulars will be made known on tM day d gala ler Weber particulars apply W THOMAS GUMMY, J. W. CRAIGIE, Auctioneer. Owner. Dated April M. 191 3. Rale f r Curb Clearing Auction Sale v1 OF L i verys nd AT I•) usiness OUNDRY'S LIVERY STABLES • THE RED BARN SOUTH STREET, GODERICH, ON Wednesday, M iy Ist,1912 ('omtnencing at 1 o'clock sharp, and cootie ulna until all 1+ dlspoeed of, about 711 GOOD SEASONED HORSES l chewpnt mere. Mrs, 0 yea:. old. by 1 brown Y. Daisy, a years old. I brown mare. Lucy. 1 years old. 1 brown mare. Maud. 0 soars old. 1 amok mate. Nellie:11 yeas old. J hackney mere. Tbpay. 4 years old. 1 black gelding. Joe. 14 years eLL there are 1 pair a grey mares. 7 yearsold, sound and a splendid geed livery pair. 1 pair of brown mares. 7 and 0 years old. sowed and good. I pair spotted mesa psalm. IW bands. Iand 3years MIL 1 pair a bay mares. le yeas old. 1 bar gsHing. Janina 5 mare aid. by Sam Medina. 1 tax noldteg. debt. IS yeas old. by 8mdbefoo. 1 bay mem. Mabel 0 yr...okl. by Sidney. 1 bay gsiaieg. ft years old. at preemie o0 1 bay gelding. 4 years old. 1 finer folding. a years old. at present ea bas. lbw mars, h. foal a • heavy haste. Senbeavy work berme. ham s to it EQUIPMENT 1 new rubber -trod tandems. beeAt from Jobe Campbell t Son June. 1 thneesated carriage. Todhope. new et 1 rubl ber tired covered "array, pole and G�atti� sew lest year. 1 rubber.tttsd sties surreys. aM►hk new last. year. ;Seel -tired epee aarrer. starts. 1 robber -tired v 1 wegoastte• y Walker. fifteen- s ro t t Son. shopes. swim by 4 bbeet(ted ataibopee. mads by t Sas, sew lest maw 5 ru 11gM yeti smarts. sew Met 10 wevsOp I begsis. seem jest Is. saver 11=0.11110emstaawbepe. $Slade.-. cutter.. .otter. Urs win) anon assts. 7 wader. 1 sslmeiig se moans arse. 1 set .mw seed drafty goo. team et kw.l nares . +�•�� 1 set sit wegesetes Manes ilea, st beet banes. Melba tiaga+w" e II ea milkwy. bear eall=aamsmsdtaeu., rte. seer, w10whips. beget,. oattar tMh Ise_ Charles sad raiment tegether use teemattar The property wUl also be offered for sale at the tame thee. TERMS t -All pus. of $Nifq and Binder, Dash ; over that amount. 7 months' credit era, Mven on furnishing approved joist qoq� A dlsrrafst at the rats of 6 per wart. per annum allow.. ler sur ea credit amounts. "everything wig ps4Meeb be seM wittiest any were, as 1 r dein weer ver most d the dmm10er Thos. Gundry, John Purvis, PROPRIETOR. AUCTIONEER. .r- -... Y-- ivaL. A TRIAL TRI P The. Signal R ► for balance oft year to uewssuhet fibers for only 50 CENTS TUE MORAL PHI.: 'NG CO.. Ltd., Welamoa 0ODERICH MARKETS. Yinissoar. April Mt whonts p•r sods SO 996 w IIS wheat, Per WA-- 0 a' W hdahpar �per bonsat to par bnah. 0 to to 1 19 to host Barley per boas 1 M t0 8ae�gs, per ton re• ar. ' per per a p w opar tea Mara. par 700 Straw per toe. new Wood, per load Better, per lb Cheese, per ib 1170000ttoo 12 90 to 000 to 6 00 to 025 to o 1- to Eggs. fresh per dos o 18 to Apples, per bbl.. .. .. Y 50 to Potatoes, per bushel..... .. 91 to Cattle, ceding to good, per cwte• to (�at;te, eS zport, per cwt 51S toto Tallow, per cwt 1 Wlow, per lb 05 to Hide*, per owl 7 M to dheepskina 25 to In CHARGE OF GRAFT. J ,I PROPRIETOR OF UNION HOTEL MAKES SERIOUS STATEMENT. JO 1 70 100 mU thl 2 75 3 00 77 W 13 tq s pl 5 50 021 0 yo *10 3 511 11.1 5 ,') 5 75 0 15 450 35 730 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -April 25th Peas Card of Thanks -J..1. McEwen . .. ... . 11 Reader --G. T. R. .. a 07 Positlooe-Central Baalnest COBtae, Tor onto . •- 5 House for Sale or Reat-H. H. Hill ..... .. 1 Oirla Wasted -Mooney Biscuit & Candy Co.. Stratford 1 Auction bale-Smoeth haste 1 To Bicyclists -John G. Kuats .. . _......... 2 Building Lot for Sale- F. J. Pridham 1 Lots for Sale -Apply at ThlsOfftoe 1 Auction Sale of Town Property -J. W, Crsi&ie 1 Lou e Brothers Palm - Howell Hardware Oa..oline Engine for dale -J. T. Skates & Co., Mount Forret .... ........... 1 Our Store News --J. H. Colborne 1 Spalding's Baseball Goode --Porter's Hook Store 10 Mouth -end Sub Day.--Hodgens Bros... 10 East Street Garage -Huron Gasoline Engin k Machinery Co.. .... .. ...... 19 Ready for Spring Business --M. Robins5 Girl Wanted --Mrs. Webster .. .. ....... 1 Cow tor Sale -Mrs. J. H. Woreell 1 House to Rebt-N. W. Nou...... ... 1 House tar tyle -Apply 21 Park Street. 1 Reader -B. Y. P. U 5 Grand Opening Balmoral Cafe -F. E. Bur- dett's 10 Readers-F.7C Burdett, 5 Party Found -Apply at Signal Oleoe1 Cant of Thanks -Mrs. PosUethwalte and horny . 1 PERSONAL MENTION. Walter Natal. of The St. Thomas Times. was horn over ennday. Mr. ('hue, Symonds and Master Baden. of Keewatin. are here on a visit. Mks Margaret Strang has returned from a vbdt aseverel weeks to Toronto. Mrs. David Bell left on Tuesday tor Stockton, Ca3. where she will visit relatives. Mrs. H. Hale [learned to town last Friday atter spending the winter in Toronto,. Mins Del Nairn has returned from an extend- ed visit in w'ir.d,e4, W alkerville and Detroit. Dr. L M. Mabee was called to Vittoria on Wednesday to attend the tudcnal of an aunt. Jae. )iuchanan and daughter. Miss Buchanan. who spent the winter in Toronto. have returned to town. Capt Inkster went to Latchford on Monday morning to take change of a boat on lake TemegamL Edward Dunn left on Monday morning for Toronto, where he has secured a situation and expecte to locate. Mrs. John Knox went to Toronto last Wed- nesday to *treed the femoral of her brother-in- law. It. 8. Boothe. "`Union New Era: Mks Edna Pennetrker left oo Tuesday for (bderion.where she Intends speeding • few weoke. Clinton News -Record: Mrs. Will Craig and babe. a Goderich, are spending the week with Mr. and Mn. Fred Mutch. Alt. Cary r who spent the winter in town. has gone to Milwaukee. whore he will join his boat for the summer mooths. John Murray and H. Thompson went to Chicago taus week. sad will sail teeth that port ou the Great Lakes during the coming wenn. Frank Mw, who W beim with the West ern Cs oda Ploar Milk Ca at Winnipeg, has taken s pu.lt/0m in the oOskpany.e mull Idthide rich. Jas. Carrie le out again atter his look He head., ug strmngtk rapidly and will soon, we hope. be able to take his place among the stalwarts. J. C. LeTouael, who was la poor health all lest year. is now greedy Improved. dad bas weep Mend. aro glad t see him in poseesden of mach of his ola-time rigor. Vlett.r Murray, Jack Felker and Bart Town- send len on Mowry for Mldlesd toad! ea Me steamer Gknwount for 1'W boat will ply Wive u dad F. Dunks. who has brew b kpp� rr F, B. Holmes fur *owLa worms, Ie Ii11n ids hose town, where he win M Masted for a time. The ticks all wish time the nest of look. Mrs. J. H. Tlprt and Mader Arthur want to Wingeam ou TeWay, to he present at the heeler: omnig of Mie. N ellwood. Mrs. Timerts sister whole returning on furlough from the Chinese midden field. She 1, expected to reach Wtogham today. J. P. Brown arrived home last week from a two months' trip to the West. He +pent the [treater part of his tree In *Juniper. He is very eotb elettt.itd c se to the great future which lies before the Prairie Llty. Frank McLean. d Red Dear. Alta. was visit • her his keener', :0 town and at the old bowmen the Heron road during the part week. He wont to Stratford oe-I'esnl•y and will be In that city awe dine beton retersbg West. Klneardls Reporter: Mr. and MR Jahn Hike .re baring a west orderable Weeks Aft Angeles. tial. 1s two woke Choy wS leave [Jere. cult San Francesco toe a brief Mop sad thee return to Kincardine by ways. the North. west, where titer will .peal nems tine with At Bt. George's church the service in the morning was of a memorial character. The hymn "For Thome at AUCTION SALES. Sea" was sung. special collect. were used and the rector. Rev. J. B. Fothesa Ingham, devoted his sermon to a re- view of the disaster to tbe steamship Dumper. wtkii mr. 1l t an Ic. Wrowtswray. may tet.-Clssriaw wow•'Atom and wind fulfilling His hof Usery, b sad heti hedaspBr•eBi- that at the word" was the text. end the set mon atiamt, sought to show at (nod was present rote,; firma .KDeT' not only in the orderly course of the world but even where insurrection and anonoby seemed to reale. "Storm and wind" against appearances obeyed God'. will and fulfilled His Word. The present order and beauty of the world were the remit of seenning diameter and ratamtrrapha In the Mete invasion, slaughter and revolu- tion, in the church ppee tan and eontroverwy, in the indivf ual life rant - ward Moses and inward storm., of doubtand difficulty nil had wrought out the will of Heaven. The faith which sees the Lord of the Universe j�EPRRISEIOTATIVII WANTED iN stalled to a cross clan well believe that it ease, unsay pp dank" t a rotor and wind fulll Hb. word. meaR.m. 0es.arr . FswA ie the diwaeter W tam 1'Itanlr (and trsw wam est ►tmmtrtq hat 776 vec tet h. sorrow a( Oat stet titin esu wtonght rot tilde lnStsite Wim Alleges that He Was Asked to Pay 4500 to Secure His License Govern- ment Orders Investigation to Com- mence in Goderich Next Monday. The license commissioners o1 Centre Huron were to meet on Tuesday last to consider the applications for liquor licenses for the license year beginning May let. Considerable interest cen- tred in the expeeted meeting, as two licenses in the town of lioderich were to be cut off in accordance with the municipal bylaw, and it was a matter of general speculation which two of the present license -holders would draw the blanks. Tuesday has passed and the question is not yet settled. Instead, there is a much more important question on band in relation to license affairs, in consequence of a senantional state- ment trade by M. J. Farr, proprietor of the Union hotel, Hamilton street. Mr. Farr's statement implicates Wm. Patterson, of Hullett, one of the licensecommissiotters, and A. Asquith, the license inspector for the riding, in an attempt to obtain the sunt of 115110 from him as a consideration for se- curing the renewal of his license. it is understo4 that a part of the alleged plot was to be the cutting off of license of the Colborne hotel, on the same street, couducted by Thos. John- ston. thus throwing s large amount of business in,Farr's way. According to the storf, Patterson approached Farr as tar back as Janu- ary last and both he and Asquith saw him .in different occasions and made suggestions of the nature indicated. Patterson first proposed, it is alleged, a payment by Farr of 111900. but after- wards educed the demand to 4600. Farr did not Commit himself, and eventual in Warden Htoth- ero. Reeve ilie of West Wawa - nosh and John Griffin were later in- formed of what was going oo. A stetemeot of the circumstances was sworn to by Farr before Messrs. Stothers, Bailie and Griffin, who are 'latices of the peace. sod on Satur- day afternoon last this statement was laid before Crown Attorney Seager. Mr. Seeger, who thus learned of the matter for the first time, at once noti- fied the Attorney -General's Depart- ment at Toronto, and on Monday morning the Departrdent issued a commission to Eudo Saunders, K. C., chief of the Provincial license depart- ment, to conduct a public investiga- tion into the whole administration of the license law in Centre Huron. The first sitting in this investiga- tion will -be at 2 o'clock next Monday afternoon in the court house here. Mr. Seager will appear for the Govern- ment and Mr. Farr will be represented by L H. Dickson, barrister, of Exeter. Subpoenas to the witnesses are being sent out today. The license commissioners for this riding are Wm. Pattet•eon, of Auburn: - 0. M. Elliott, of Godericb, and R. J. (fluff, of Clinton. Messrs. Elliott and Cluff sire recent appointees. The affair has. of course, created a considerable sensation, and great in- terest wiU he taken in the proceedings before Coin missioner Souders. doui of Heaven. Mau had to learn ••by the bard head." and as one of the passeogers teatiti t this craze for budding mammoth steamer. would go mu until its folly was proved by some terrible catastrophe. Man in his over- weening insolence prociainsed himself lord of the deep and in a Moment the pride and glory of man were ingnlfed to the wave. And out of a watery grave comes the lessen of the y1ajesty of (rod and the frailty of man with all hie pride of knowledge and power. The last menet on board the Titanic proved that watt.eveo in his weakness was made for better things than mere wealth and display. No one could be= lime that a life sactifiad for that of soother was given in vain. The cut- ting off of men in the full glow of life pointed to another world where earth's broken arc wou1.1 become heaven's perfect round. Storer and wind fulfilled Hod's word aria led a world to know how great life could become when given for the sake of others. LESSONS FROM THB DISASTER. References to the Titanic (. n Gode rich Pulpits. The subject which has bee . upper• most in men's minds during . he pest week. the Titanic disaster. was the theme of many pulpit references nn Sunday last. "Stens and Wind Fulfilling His Word. Ran-goav April IA.-Atsetbo sale g�oihew.ta,bt -rawranes Ms eemeaslee .t NW mTomato; L F.ra.a a 1197 Sad.-Ass10s saner tarn a= .14 et 1st 1R osaeesdsa S, oews!<r4 eWat1� amms.etaa at 1 easek. .tua- ssr. ' •pseerbtee•: Tatra. Grouses. SITUATIONS VACANT. TV ALTRI) YOUPIO 6i TO AS - et e,eeawwRk, Awl, is YRS W ltal►I'f N.ws.b sweet. 6111.11 EANTRD.-A 000D GENERAL ..smart. Apply te MRK W. PsRODUt►- Haman Companionship. The service in North street Metho- dist church on Sunday evening was in the nature of a memorial for the vic- tims of the Titanic disaster. Rev. A. Brown, pastor of the church, occupied the pulpit. While his reference to the great ocean tragedy was brief, his ser- mon was most appropriate to such an occasion, being based upon the ac- count of the shipwreck in St. Paull voyage toward Rome (Acts 17). In allusion to the feeling that has been so remarkably evinced over the great catastrophe of last week, the preacher said : "The great need is not that all men should be considered equal, for they are not. If they were bora equal they have not stayed that way. It is not that all wren should be paid alike, for all do not cern alike. It is not that all social distinctions should cease, for very nature of we should recog- nise one wnothuf as companions in the Voyage of lite, and that the obligations arising from this companionship should be -fully- met." The Scriptural narrative of St. Paul's voyage told of the lightening of the ship that the lives of those on based alight be saved. Many people, re- marked the preacher, were carrying so much of this world with them .s to endanger their souls' safety. The musical service of the evening was appropriate, and at the conclu- sion Mr. King played the Dead March io Saul while the congregation re- mained standing. A Remarkable Coincidence. In Victoria street Methodist church On Sunday evening the pastor, Rev. Dr. Medd, who preached a e• rmon on "Labor," referred to the Titanic disar ter. In part. he said : "A minister makes m►etakes when he speaks of rich and poor. God is the God of men ir- respective of conditions of wealth or poverty. God is on the side of dear racy. history attests that wheal a nation forgot God it courted disrup- tion and overthrow. When a man ignores the claims of God he goes to- ward doom. 1'he ship that sails without trod is beading for the rocks -ice or granite. fast Sunday urgbt one of the moat palatial steamers that ever tossed back Atlantic spray foun- dered amid ocean. Two thousand three hundred immortal some were on boar[. The splendidly equipped and officered twat was thought, by ex- perts to be a majestic uosiusable life- boat. The night wan ideal. The winds had gone to sloop The spa wee calm and aid. The stars sboue brightly yougii file azure. Why should disa.,ter overtake the Titanic on a bight of such sweet setenity ? Why? True, icebergswereiu her pato, but this fact the (officers knew. Must we not charge the wreck of that ship, with Its untenable loss, to the careleesusse of tea t Someone failed to du hi. uuty. The reporters give us the idea that many of the wealthy and Illnsttious pas.eogert. with others on Oust ill-fated vessel, gave scant time Coat holy Sabbath to revet•eut tnougbt of Gaal. Leave that to God. Is it not at least a remarkable coincidence th,.t art. the dventtg of the very Sunday . n which every Sunday school reached by Use 11laerua1Oma1 Lemon sy*tew had taugut ape necessity of a proper ulsrervvuce of the $abtettt, and had warned agaiusr the sin of 1ahhatb des- ecration. (stud should *peak, amid the nations upon the sensed sea, in an event that cowwauda the notice of the .world - Leat men not dream. There is a liod in the Heavens and a jade - mem fur hien." The Sovereignty and the Fatherhood of God. At the evening service in Knox church the pastor, Rev. Geo. E. Roes, took as his text : "And there shall be Do wore sea- (Rev. 21:1). His messaaggee had special hearing on the recent dis- aster, which. he asstd. was surely a reminder to us of the greatness.. and the limitation of wan. Tbaf. mag- nificent ship, in whose palatial grandeur :he wo, Id beheld the latest triumph of naval architecture, in one moment rw:etved her death blow, and now the tall white bergs drifting over the spot where she went down mark the place like marble tombstooan to the memory of the dead. Death is no respecter of persons. The rich mod the poor. the cabin and the steerage together and alike have gone. Brave men and noble women went down wilh a halo of the heroic them will never dim. Two continents are io mourning and the whole eivil- ised world is moved with ryes= inte.rnationat dtaputes and pre are forgotten f..r the time. wad the In egagr. that Hash around the world h.token the fart that humanity is at heart a brotherhood. But let lie pct forget at such a time am ibis the mover. ign:yand the father- whore' of tend. Tee intonate and K- eaUa nod ee page A