The Signal, 1912-3-28, Page 94
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Tutouri AY. Mogen Fi, D»2 •
The t4ws of the District
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elLY fH.
Mo$DAT. Marob'aJ6ti. I MONDAY. Marsh 18th • TuswDAY, Ma orb sJbth.
Barsee. - Mire Glad Macintosh
is entertained number of
WM friends one eyeakg last week
Jur11%1,s. l}.o. Tw n Pt'HIJc LIBRARY Ovvwaas.-The
A S..uuders vi.itd ■t.oawrnl)y t eta ed ah directors of the public library met
week Wdoeedav last sad elected
the toIowiDj1 °Moers for the year :
President. Versa MoPberwoo ; mere -
=James nl
Jaes Sirs; treasurer and lib-
. J. Mothers ; book oommittee.
Jr. @baartsaweetb. Dr. M and
J. MoMurcbie. It was decidedar-
to p
chaos a number ut books at once.
q'iolf"r" lest at Joe Doyle is buy cutting down some
ptalay ha. I •eu visho iting baby �..• of bis bosh at present ... Mtn. Mac -
°11'4''1; , 1k. 0 Duag•aapo•'vllalted Rennie sod taeUy left for the Wast
e Lbr b•.,,,r of Wm. g�ee� yeatesshe. last week Mn. J. Smith it now
a..thnrs sad Mies E. Mao- undathhae doctors care. We hope for
tont yesterdaywith friends a speedya,
y recovery J lin M
The oo Uso Valley Do aid shipped twelve bead of cattle
from Luekoow on Mooday.. Mr.
Jobsetoo wee repairing 'pbooes Moog
this line last week. Several new bat-
teries were iolstalied.
K&tbleen Norris, who be`ame famous
ea the author of "Mother," begins s
new serial Dove! In the April Woman's
as lior see
soh seto start • MP, -
Bear future. A t
it! 11 is Me
wprOlPOCOI • • • • •Slsaaaa Finds/
•yid up again with rbessaMMIS.
Owners Twamley spina
ast week with friends is Gediseice
Ws, Leman. who had W bay
had • bee r>• >Kiaa >I[lMrea
ft to L uckoosa
grwbina•v. •d Crewe i• the guestMof
► suet, Mee Jtsba Bhr•
r+ or John Orioley, d L•ak•ow, Home OornpQ••aalon. It is a low story
aa, the hose d Mr•., Z ick- laid in u.Atornia. Other fiction is
as• ' Ors
. ad Mrs dohs Blabs cootaibuted by Mary Stewart Cutting.
aifoar M Dmpw aneyester- Carolyn Wel,, Mary E. Wilkins Free-
man and Mary Hastings Bradley.
Among articles of note intbe AprilCom-
ppaassioo are the following : Ao auto-
biographical chapter by Howard Pyle,
the groat American artist ; an account
foil of personal details of the life .,f
Germany's present Crown Princess
Cecilia who , twenty-five yeses old
end the mother of four chillren:
)tea )Swab iib
boom'se apses ale eit Ord
em Soda W t ser theinSt
'icy r tie�,�gig Making the Most of Moving Pictures.
r+ r Imbed. • she so amount of the moving -picture busi-
id te
M smote el Slew
MiMir • Tbe
2 L" assets sad r
='Ammer e
imp OW � ha��far m
i Marne ., refoil sow
Illness' 11th',. Lo es C. J. Wal-
sithrosieseaki grading Us
mid wee Obsebis Mae -
lar. d Own•ereeto driidd • teem et
pM rwry id, for IOW 'IM pair tip -
pa -theater at UM pounds.
onts--Dat.s. -A• ta1+oustia. meat
esserred Iwod awbess Bev. F H
WM. paster oftbe
tk.. ferias
Which united Miss
mew. v siite lf Er. mid
Mrs. !oi-
Bdeu iowasly, amlaili es J. Rom
apo of
b pL
w oos yaeR di[-
krille MOB b.a� �y
in her travail & d whits
cerin with •
broader d silk. Aepniretsw u
aw• akea the happy el its bride's
parenpavan ts, wthbeerebaoAlaele Maaber d Ie-
vited guest s had assaistlia2 A sump -
thous repast was the tbO even-
ing• which the retaeindar music
was spent is
and dancing. Later Mr. sad Mrs.
igen left for their Wombs MaKil-
hp. The bride was ib. redpieot
deny beautiful sad costly .itis
sem them being a passe at
gold and several cheques. The young
sepia bare the best wishes
°( their
kkods for a long, happy prosper-
ous life.
MARRIED SIXTY T*aas.-Sunday,
Match 17th, marked the sixtieth an-
niversary of the mortises of lir. sod
In. Joseph Lynn, of Le.deehnro'.'
They were married on the Anglican
etch at 8ebUen, Un dosbire. Beg
Mak in March 17th. 185$ and shortly
ararwsrds they s+ileu for Canada.
The voyage was trade io a �alHng
new ae an edut'stional actor ; 'fret-
ting Rid of the House Fly ;" "Good
Health & Bu.inee. Asset," in which the
author gives ruurh practical advice.
particularly to women who work in
business for a living; and an Easter
talk by the pearor of the Broadway
Tabernacle in New York City. The
regular hotteshold, fashion and borne
decoration department' are filled with
sew. interesting facts and suggestions.
A Goon Nu?{BER -Fbr April. 1914
Iippincott's Maga/Joe offers a dainty
list of 000tents adapted to the .exact-
ing appetite of the spring. The com-
plete novel is a cbeerful, diverting and
delightful story. called 'The Stolen
Woman." try Eleanor M. Ingram,
whose previous novels, "Staotoli
Wine," "From the Car Behind." and
"The Substitute," were widely read
and uyoi s ersalI a praised. Her theme
this tine is the calm wayio whieb Ute
hero dewonetratea that is the Mes-
ter not only of his own fate but of sev-
eral other people's al well. The mere
fact that the girl be falls in lova with
is about to Oe married to another man
deters him not whit; be simply re-
sorts to the primitive way of securing
a bride by arrying her of willy-wally.
As it happens. the girl bas a will of
her own, and there are some interest-
ing complications before the clever des
nouement is reached. There's a eeas-
enahle outdoor ttavor all through.
motor -car and motor -boat, not to men-
tion a steam yacht. all having a pert
in the ns►tative. The hem is brave
and manly, as heroes should be, sod
the beroine la sweet and womanly, as
heroinrerthouid be. while the other
characters leave just as little to be da-
shed. lt's a good lively story -'The
Stolen Woman." There are several
good .bort stns les in this number. and
among the other features of note is a
rhartning appreciation of "Uncle
Remus' by La Salle Corbell Pickett.
Altogether. Lippincott's for April
makes a del t ful companion for the
spring firerede.
The Aptil American Magazine con-
tains is very remarkable character
A ORKAT SCcc-zes.-The Tem
of Fame" concert held in 1 od
Hall last Friday evening was a
nicest* All those taking part, to the oo Mondayavenin it lst,at>3 m..
number of fifty, acted their pat-ta welt, g'A� Inning ..
considering the few practices they had for the purpose of appointing
had. The hall was packed, the re- trerestary-treasurer in Duce of Edgar
ceipta being *V, so everbody was well Robb, who is leaving t district.
pleased. On Monday evening the NAvtoATION Norm. ILTC'.-Your re
compeby journeyed to L.ondesboro'.
where they met with another success.
painterd are ntartiot the work of dec-
orating the interior of SL Andrew's
.:hurcb this week. In consequence for
the next three weskit the ,envieea will
be held in the baseman• of W sb_usk-
The snow is to tis linos el the itimn& lying ..n the borl-
pod in consequence parte
thiswok ass add that the flag
poor on some Pert. ars the antmts ♦ was drd .4 S bs 5.1 tMs .'rt Wedsw-
o late of the theism ewbaybay Wm day at f es. and est skipper. D. was
of late getting their sidewalks ahtawd p- s ,C�wmM
and it is nearly tom t bee were AettlYtgtobore C RMSTITy ' O&M
all cleated ; in tarat, the enema eseht
ewaib a bylaw
cleared Mrs
get. to this tine of the year a
Creighton se nowise hie fesaY? (his
week to the Taylor- farm. wits he
purchased recetltly. lire have been
lifelong residents of the Was ami
their many Moods baps fur their em-
cees in their new eeetsrprlse. We uas-
derstaod they are going te ores d Q1p<• ft- had
the dairy hnaiseos Jas. gee mhos lar a ser is
wetie, who has boss sp�dia. last wttti'7selfuer ...'!bat -bar-
with his father s le left ea base! Marais." y sow beginning to
Mr. and for be Year i• leers fist est d the fourteen
Mr. and Mew: W. Omsyl teats este s' Oanintaas•a re el d by frit*,
°entity married. MR ern l{isiadep flab • IMP•olor paa�omb
visit at St. Tbsses d s ample tit sae one P erastiy &Oda a:erte►in '13°11'
days. From there they bars IMOD der who is some-
West, where Mr. Craig wdt anginas f• why se�•u.a king him from
the livery business. Os Mosley seers- weak t,• week sad for whom the said
ing before be lett. Mr. Iwasaki/ad baaMaler, was bo reds as w forge* to
into the Com ercial betel. gibers a w,i
Weir the silk dress.
slumber of bis friends ret and pre-
sented him with an address and em-
blematic ring. .bowing the mem
which he is held. Tbey
him oneness in his new boom
Mn. S. A. Popplestone entertained a
number of bar lady friends on Tues-
day afternoon Miss E. Oidley has
been laid up for the past few days, be-
ing usable to attend to her duties ia
the store R. Hoy, who recently
purchased tbe Armstrong pr'opert •
moved into it last week • . Mrs.
Bennett sod daughter, of Cornwall.
are visitiog with relatives here at pres-
ent G Routledge has moved his
family into the M_Kellar house at. the
north end of the town, and A. Glou-
sher, of Exeter, is going to wove his
family into the bouse vacated. The
houses in town are pretty well filled
up nota J. Taylor, who bas been
looking after the stables at the
Queens botel, has resigned and left
for Clinton on Saturday, S A.
Popplestone, 43. W- of the I. 0. 0. F..
paid an official visit to the following
places this week : Forest, Ails' Craig,
Mooretown, Walkerville and Petrolia.
He is making a record, as be has al-
ready visited over eighty lodges
J. Scott shipped acar of ashes to New
York no Monday.. ..... E. Watson
shipped a car d cattle to Toronto on
Saturday Mrs. John White vis-
ited friends in Wiogharn part of last
week Mrs. Jas. Kelly was a gifest
of Monfort% friends last week, returning
home on Saturday ... G. Powell was on
a hueinese trip to Hensel! ou Friday. .
W. Logan paid Ooderich a visit on
Thursday on business.. ..Mrs. Row-
cliffe and two daughters, of Hebron.
are at present theuests of Mrs.
Popplestone ....H. Toll visited friends
in London part of last week know
McCaughey paid his assay l..uc
friends a visit last week .Iaac
Brown was in Wingbam on business
on Friday... ..A. McKenzie paid a
visit to his parents in Teeswater last
week and thin week be left for the
Coast 8 H. Gidlev was on a busi-
ness top to Clinton Friday lest
Mn. W. Bruosden, a►f Loodeshoro'
visited her mother, Mrs. F. Mason,
here last week ....Mrs. W. J. And-
rew visited at her borne in Londeshoro'
Met week Mrs. Tacker. of Clintcn,
was the guest cf Mrs. W. Sims this
week. -
Tbis Offer Shooed Gain the Confidence
of the Most Skeptical.
TU*aDaY, March 28th.
Jo'rr'istw.-Miss May Mal `` of
Luckpow, Miss Elleabeth Cat pbdl. of
Glands, and W. McGregor, of Alberta.
wen visitiog at Rod. Caruero•'s Ia'
Friday John N. McKenzie, 1841;
oonoession, has lett for Wfncbester.
Dundee County whwe, dm•$ng Ih-
Doming summer, he intends tr$velling
is the surrounding districra o4 busi-
eess At the last meting' of Mait-
land Presbytery Rev. J. H. Hardie was
appointed oomwiesloser to attend the
General Assembly to be bekl at
Edmonton. Alta., nest June T
. F. Henderson. of Hemlock City. re -
porta that he saw tot rohius last Sun-
day. Spring is opsins all right ....
Mims Lexie Mclean. of Ainberley. is at
pptewsoseoot acting A
as organi.t for abfield
Prabytsrian church in piece of Mrs.
D. Mclean, wirer, on account of her
marriage, has sent in her resignation.
A meeting of the Lochalsh Rifle
Association will be beld at Lochalsh
ppooreiiae.r taking $ stroll down to the
docks, observed tbe barque "Happy
Deems" lying at anchor and was sur-
urpriised to sae her flag at half -must sad
other gems of mourning. On ioquir-
Mg the scum of ibis from the abate.
be. taktes oat bis cigar from between
W teak. at int mrd shoek his
her sad larked bis %kiwb in tbe diree-
"rel and eztesaded over six weeks study of the late Joseph Pulitzer, the
lsndatd at Quebec on May pith, ind fetor of The New Yort
ori tO Hamilton river World. who recently i eavio
t -ive
sago nriliinn dollars. The article is by one
ems to Huron count sod took n of M r. Polito., 's sectetsries and is
lbe _ P accompanied In sevens! unpublished
Mural wwnmere hehich be l� returnedOaSuPisFor photogr•prei t. •k••n on the yacht
%kph for the hare. season (making ••l.ahrrt y,' when• f •r years and year
P Mr. Polus -r live! and worked most. of
the trip loth wayi on fool ). until be the time, a-.iste't 1•y s corp. °treader.
asxeed.rl in clearing enough land to and secrrranre t.hnse bleed 9n-
samnlc by koala bl proprietor died.
I a
lbey toot train from there to Guelph.
Where they settled oo $ farm sod re-
ed three years. Mr. Lyon
torture of twenty or .wen y
Masorar ales. we seised the seb_ r
Itep cwt" vied up et bar dock wiles
her M plates flitted oe. Capt IL
seps.esd des he bad bees
eine. 'sow Yede by ilmerteen
serwa. al baht as beetMd leer.
lair& ease isermiesd So art as els-
snest es the M
- aged so tae also of
and Ort 1t we eine et
thew vesases whist
row upon. By sheer pluck and ID'
hoary they sueeeded in tusking s
oasfortahle home for themselves and
their family. The family consists of
themes and three daughi ors :George.
Bets, Harry, Thome and William
MN. John Spindler, Mrs. Thos. Ramp-
- son and Esther (at bowie). All Lb%
cbildren reside in the els-inky with tbe
exception of Men, who is at Brandon,
Man. Jlrs. Spindler MIEN at Luck -
now. Mrs. Gatley, d Roost lotesi,
a sister of Mrs.Lyow, iwbo was bride.,
mid at the w Sty years ,1
is the only one sow Nvisg who wit.
seed tbe merriages.
Starved by ZO�Bek-•Deets. Agreed
Zam Hak Was "Bea Passible
)fes. Albert N I�tlrjdr. ][idled ld 14st
toys : W issrisatbsd lest are,
lister' my a vessel of I edeas.
water siealiL. ilia was
and inimam
mid w imesadiately
eat Orem 10 g % t child .ease or heal
the terrible scalds, so after a week's
trial-Dok and
it.ot It gree hem sass
Mmodimmedtl&h fy, �aad a
tellecWal vigor N n.1 capacity ecsrcely
metche•i that id .1.•-ir ebiet, who bas
been called "the oeoet amazihif crea-
sers in the wart.!.' It would take •
Robert Lou, S.evensOn to Imagine
such a yacht and such a crew as
Alleyne Ireland. the author of this
remarkable arti.•le, describes. In
mine ie et a of The American, Senator
Le Follette continues his autobiog-
raphy, and Ids 1[. Tart 11 writes of
"Th. HoeseI ws Daughter." Julian
Leavitt contributes another prison
article in which be presents wimp as -
towelling facts alma the spreadof
d1ee.s throm
e h Aariean prim/o
Ines Rayner Gillmore writ Ddn aoother
Pbo'be and Ernest story
contributes a new Emma McChes-
msy story, and James Oppe
Clifford S. Raymond. Zona s1s and
Mary Austin present intinterestingflr-
t�j,�nr�s '1 four dnrtmeote
snap to ,aisUnguisb this periodical
natalfoil }Mace
p� fresh
day. the Iftk Met.. was & red-letter
day is the mask of two worthy
=tepeo�ie residing in our burg. That
as he fiftieth anaivers&ry of the
marriag. of Mr. and Mrs. Rod. Cam-
eron, and a Dumber of the intimatese
tends and relatives asmbled at
eir residence in order to congratu-
late the venerable pairon laving the
e good fortune of being able to cele -
their golden wedding. after bMor-
oi;shared in oommop for half a cen-
ry the joys and sorrows incidental
human life. Mr. sad Mrs. Cameron
d four or Rye other reddentware the
le survivors of those valiant baud£
f pioneers who came out from the
ighland districts of Scotland to Can-
ada about the middle of the last cen-
ury to clear the land from the dense
forest which in the early days covered
his wide district and tu build up
omenoen fur themselves in the laud of
be free. To these hardy polonistr,
be nation owes a double debt of grat-
tude, fur not only by cultivating the
irgin soil did they add to the mister -
resources of the Dominion, hat by
rearing and educating Jaw -abiding
flies they contributed materially
the strength of the nation. We
shall give in rhort compass a few
dates of some of the important events
n the lives of Mr. and Mrs. Cameron.
The former was born in Ross -shire,
Scotland, in the year 1896, came to
Canada in 1854 sod worked on the
railway near Blenheim; Ont., for two
or three years.- ,He then came to Ash.
field and ev.ntally settled on lot 7,
copcesrion 14, of this township. He
was married when twenty-six years
old, in Goderich, by Rey. Mr. McKidss
to Miss Annie Douggla, who was born
in Roes -shire in tbe year 180. She
came 4. Canada in 1843 with .her par-
ents, who settled on the lake shore,
.gage two miles north of Kintall. Her mage to Mr. Cameron took place when
she was twenty-three years old, on
the 19tb of March. 18t22.
The advent of spring
finds usamply prepared
to meet 111 demsuds
for Clothing. for both
men and boys. Give
us a call and examine.
our splendid line of
Tossnarr. March 21130.
NIL* LOCALS. -Wood-bow are
order of the day. Lewis Tay
lor number of h, neighbors thus vigor.
middy employed on Monday af•erndo•
sod Mrs. Taylor •enter, deed lady
foe dsys nue the saaids seemed to be friends in the Afternoon sed'mein,.
selting alosng finely. D. Alton as the guest Of h, aie-
o quite sure that all Wan
rightwe how ever sallied is a mond doe -
tee. He said eyerythisg wits 1110111,
splendidly, the neaps were bea.63°1111i
and the little cue solidi Pre bs rata
rerovensd. Then we WM him lM-
Buk was what we wore ■ t M
Ire could pas 11MRsr
7+•s -Bok worked mine
lira. 11. '!m.h sad J. 13.
Tea►k. of fd Week serest .tin
elm knew of the shove
what followed, write Are ei tH'y
A Woman's Sympathy
Toa dtsooureseti? le your doetos'e
• a baavi financial load? is your Pala
• phyalcal burden' I know what
Yana Inane u delkate womeu-1 have
bon ilkaopue•ied. to..but learned how to
want -, relies,' your bur-
�aot end t... pain and nue the
? 1 can do this far Too sad
K 7•• wilt assist me.
1.mod do is to wrIte for a free
OM remedy whl,.h has been placed
mr bawds to be £turn away t, ['crimps
dee Los cure you --It 1.4t done so
Others- f no. 1 shall be happy and
will be. .urod for 20 (the cost of a
.teens). Tour letters beld c0n/1-
lna or one,
serves. of which all heartilyoattook.
The wedding arsenals were uousurlly
numerous and valuable, among them
bring & care of sterlingsilver tea-
spoone presented by the cir of Ash -
Bold Presbyterian church, of which
both beide and groom were members
ani for which the bride was latterly
the efficient organist. Another note-
worthy gift was a piano from the
bride's father. Mr. and Mrs. McLean
lett the next day on their wedding
trip, the bride travelling in a brown
suit with hat to match- After visit-
ing friends at Brantford and other
point' they will return to make their
home in Ashfield. May they •have a
!bog and happy life !
ter, Mrs. nommen Valle to
Whitney M suffering from a serious,
attack d nerve trouble.
CRU$CH Narras.-Rev. W. (lauway
wale almost from the elresilt on
ing«ft ash aroma
AIM Orals. In his abwsae R•tr.
W. Bowser, Benmiller, erindested ser-
vices at tie different appellations*.
Abe peesebsd
eatNik amgtt. in
l the Plague eireleall treat
the test, "Hoerr tby father sad thy
.bat these facia are tree is may de rAthrsr' •A weirs eexW es/sir the
tail' d the or*•aHe'd tllbla clrssere
'l keen *stet it'll be tali is Nile _besot ow Grand
ii8 *Ina= there
( 1"1170=1 awd aslerer-
te "al hear- le. 'alisObrwe hp maw" time
(Victim ,d the
the ansa
..dbede e1
OM% 111
j 'lbeaelwp
A i r� . ;ladies sas1� ' specs/el of tspioea Wb�ee tis I,so and Alred Mel)assM. ioN
MMf w� bean s.t1s)Ase bis I toil.
M refused ou0 £esu with � tion. seer► plsyed ow the i=why R.
bas. alt Soar Dorf your bread at ms's groom.ism* senses: -"New. 1 what to Mele.ean D. . Mteess eK. . w
Ask ter Those rot read, Wog me a postage stamp," - .tl )ghc
We pay for sal the medicine used
durin trial, if our remedy fails to
cos sly relieve you of constipation.
We a all the risk. You are not ob-
ligated to us in any way whatever, if
yyeoet s�ept our offer. That's a mighty
broad statement. but we mean every
word of it. Could anytning be more
fair for you ?
A most .scientific, commOorenee a dile, violet' and orchids They cere-
mony, 8. i which wpastor
ato of aeted Asbfleld Pres-
8. Hardie. W
church, in the present* of
thirty guests, took place In th s parlor
before • hank of flowers aed under a
decorated arch. After oongratada-
dons tae guests repaired to din-
ing -room where a snmituous repast
txtavwieaee, Rexsll was sereed, the table being ps'sttily
for children, are deooratad with smilax .sed die od[ls.
psrtiesilMly fled Aged While the guests were .anal g tM
sed dellgsn s. dlnieq-room a selerUon oo tN bag.
If f hew Bron chronic or habit- pM was played b lingi� M b4 ensN,
um1 esas4{ptatlen. or the associate a of the br T6s ` s
dspeeieat ebronlc ailuseots, wei urge pr�eet to the bete Peas *earth smeek-
you to try Reza11 Orlerlive et our1
lace to the rower -girl a hraeekt and
risk• Remember, you can get thea to Ilse pianist a ne.terel-colored estrieb
to tloderich only at our store. 12 fan, Durior the nereeeony, the
tablets. 10 senna : all tahle'ta. '1S "eats,; bride'. mother. Mn. Mctuseie. wore
a dews of Meek silk. in the
evening a Iwt•ts treeepti�.n wee gives),
to which t 1511 gnome were
invited. who thoroughly eeejoyed
theraelyes with the eo.tosaary
aniueemeuta. The inet rntneatel music
was supplied by K. Mel n iL Mc-
Lennan ex. violin-
ists, wbile dwri the eveasa. eider -
A HAPPY EVINT.-On Wednesday.
the 20th inst.. at 3 p. w., Bias cele-
brated the marriage of an estimable
young lady, prominent in social and
church circles, in the person of Miss
Fanny McKenzie, youngest daughter
of John N. McKenzie. lath concession.
ex -Reeve of the township of Ashfield.
to Donald Allan McLeso, youngest
son of Donald McLean, of Amberiey.
The happy event took pied at the
home of the bride. The Lohengtin
Wedding March wen played by kiss
Lexie cLean, sister ofthe
and the bride was given away VII'
father. The bride was beautifully at-
tired in mream silk trimmed with seed
pearls sod silk overlent. She woes
the traditional wedding veil and
orange blossoms and carried a shower
bouquet of bridal roses. The petty
flower -girl -Mies Annie Scott, cousin
of the bride -was dressed In white silk
and carried a dainty basket et dafto-
treatment is Reza)! Orderlies,elf which
are eaten like candy
ple i • recent scientific discos,.
that is odorless, colorless and
tasteless; very pr000unced, gentle
and pigment 1r. action, and particu-
larly In every way. This
doss not cause diarrhoea,
.sasses. th►MlsnOe. griping or other in-
Talie What Pill ?
Why. a Dr. Miles'
AntiaPain Pill,
of course. Good ter all kin.!. of
pain. Used to relieve Nebr:o._,:e.
Headache, Nervousnca Rhi t,
matism, Sciatica, Kidney Palls.
Lumbago, Locomoc r ' Ata.ia,
Backache, Stomachache, Period-
ical Pains of women, and fur
pain in any part of the body.
"I have used Dr. h ilea' medecn es far
over 13 'tont and find theme,ccllcnt. 1
keep Dr. Miles' Anti -Pain 1'1ils to the
house all the time and could r.r�t thunk
of taking s journey without t/&m, no
setter bow short a distance 1 am going.
1 cannot prsise them h."
Mass Lou M. CHuncxn L.
63 High St. Pesecook.,N. H.
At el erueefab. is doses aro.
MUMS IM.p10AL CO.. TereaMCM•
McLean Bros.
Men's and Boys'
Salesman -"You'll find these good -
warring socks, sir."
Customer - "Rather loud, ain't
they r
Salesman - "Yee, sir : but that
keeps the feet from going to sleep."
SO tablets. 81) mote. Sold only at our
store -The Reaall Stora H. C. Dun-
lop south side of Square. Goderich.
Meatal Food.
A friend. after a long siege of ty-
pboW Aver, was permitted to eat a
Hot Water :bottles
Every home should have a Hot Water
Bottle, as it is the most useful article in
the home - especially when sickness
comes. We have them at all prices.
The Store
Call and see them at
F. J. Butland's lroder•ich
P� ooh
Q Spring at Last °
because it is made of
the purest and best in-
gredients, because it
contains mere healing.
:,sereScnin� and up-
building material than
any other Emulsion. and
because it is a perfect
product of p scientific -
alb perfect process.
Doctors the world over
Scott's Emulsion
as the Standard prepa-
ration .1 Cod Liver OiL
At L Danntliela
u -n
Wire Fencing
This Spring we have some exceptional valuta; in all No. t)
Coiled Spring Steel Wire Fencing. This Fencing is fully guar-
anteed. The wire is all made no open beartb. the same ■s rail-
way tails are made today. This insures an eveu temper and
strength. Wire made in the other way is not even and no wire
is stronger than the weakest part, so by buying our Fence you
hey the best.
13 wires high. all No. 9 Wire, 31► inches high. per rod.. 210
7 wires high, all No. 9 Wire, 40 inches high, per rod . .2so
8 wires high, all No. 9 Wire. 47 ioches high. per rod 9(0
No. 9 Coiled Spring Steel Wire at per 100 lbs. $2,00
Land Plaster
Now is the time to put land piaster on your meadow& Those
we sold to last year said they noticed a big difference in their
crops. It draws the moisture and keeps tbe roots moist ;during
tbe dry spell.
Do you use a Fertilizer? We have a carload to arrive about
April 15th. This Fertilizer is used extensively hp the National
Land sit Fruit Packing Co. it is worth your while to look int()
this. Ca11 and get a booklet which gives you the analysis, etc.
It Pays to Spray
Do y6u spray your orchards? If not, you should. We
handle the Spramotor Pumps and soppiers.
Gasoline Engines
When Tabor is so scarce you ahoold have a Gasoline Engine
to do your pumping, churning, crushing,
.bopping. etc. We
handle the International Harvester Co.'s Enpinea. They all run
above their rated horse power and are yery ecomonical io g.o ..line.
1 hone -power air-cooled eogioe for $00.00
2 horse -power air-cooled engine for - 5125.00
1 bcr•se-power hopper -cooled engine for. .00
2 bores• -power hopper -cooled engin for.. .•120.00
2 horse.• -poser famous water-cooled vertical engine for 100.00
Oliver Plows
What about your Plow this Spring ? We carry the cele-
brated Oliver Plow, which is acknowledged to be the best Plow
on the market today.
Chatham Wagons
Do you need a wagon ? We have the Chithem Wagon.
Paints and Oils
Our stock of SHERWIN WiLLiAM?i' PAiN ay..= n.•...,
more complete.
General Hardware
As usual you will find our stock of general and heavy H trd-
.ysre rightup to date.
We have contracted for 3,(00 iernia of National Portland
Cement. We can guarantee you the price and prompt delivery.
The National ('easent is Acknowledged by all to 1w the
beet Gement on tbe market
Let us figure on your plumbing. heating, eavestroughlr•,c
electric wtt•ing. All work promptly attended to and l..i'v
'Phones : Store 22. House 112.