The Signal, 1912-3-14, Page 5rue LOCAL TOPICS 5*menta to the Wes. ante. 'McLain and sow Week+yy tett last Friday with a carload of hoeass for Saskatoon, Bast. erne/ oar of hoerne/d Manitoba oa Tuesday o p'anay.tasall4 of this treat. Fred Dade +tWvped a ear et honest tel. timeni ig WW2 furls tri Ireleanses, Alts- The ~wee Inof Rob- ert Miry. Illeo Doyle leave for the Weat blown to the dw few days t. ret ad apornfdMs 00 hie Alberta 1tfRb Temperance Wdrtisrs to Meat A meeting Of Mie vas from various testalletabM anarchies and munleipelwias of llegaweeaety le called to read in Wesley elsersh, Clinton. on Friday, )larch 48th. M 10 e m. The ohjeat of the meeting le to eon•ider whet nonrated canon shall is• taken during the pr.a.ot year to Moine, the interest+ of temperate, and moral reform, and to plan an ag- yreessive campaign ferh►pal oot'nn and the banishment of the bar. UMeero will he elected for the coming year. ' Notes from Miss Skimings• We ares glad to learn that Miss Skimings. who is still at Alexandra hospital. Is able to sit up fnr antnw hours every day. Miss Skimings tocols ns amen. notes from the hospital, the ••newsrwner instinct" having still survived. fibs writes: "At•larwir• hextpital is rising stwllly _as a most ,ur,'s.ful Institntlon for the meek re- covery of patientw. Ahout twenty patients have been diechargsd einem the second week tit December, leveed of whom had to undergo operation*.I ..The Imnerial D. 0. E. and Alexandref teepee! staff will he very sfr+►tend to the originator of Mondays cn..trihu- tion from the citizens who attended the West street skating rink nn that ev.ninea, for the more patients they have the mere exosos** to the bospitel i. neo.e*arly incurred." Funeral of Mrs. A. M. Ross. Th. funeral of Mrs. Agnes Ross„ widow of the late Hon. A. M. Res, whn died in Toronto on Wednesday evening of beet week, tank Ogee in tioderuch nn Friday afternoon. The remains arrived from Torento on the 1:511 train send were otrvvysd to St. Gooey" nhneeh, where tbe rector, Rev. J. B. Fntbnringbate. onstoetoll the funeral serol.•, after wb1s16 the Mode was Men to Its last !Hrash` in aitlarid amatory.Tea' pim111= ere we•e 0. F. Qary. D, Judea Holt, C. Salem Sias/ - Rey - notes and Dr. lerRom, • •T sone Chino C. of Tnronto and Dr. W. 1C. Roel. of Landon, as colons/1nd the remains to town - A Social Evening. Ahott thirty roembete and Mends of the Gnderich branch of tbe Warn-o'a Inetkute meeneltsd at the home of Capt. and Mrs. Ttetbewey o0 Tueed.y evening aed mi jorpd a very element 'maniere together. Gaines wed tan-ic made up the gewtter pert of tis 1etertelnment, and R a. Or •igie re vaned t e penes dings with the bagpipe while little dioses YrL,nd ao•t Howell gave several Highland dance*. Misr Salkeld gave an interesting reeding end H. J. Mortis give an address. This was fol• lowed by the servingof • bounteous vote simper ' heists IWok end ge 1 to the hose and Mimeo, el the weeding for their h•.pitality Auld Laog Syne was sodg and the gstberhag separated. Hospital Benefit a Great Success. The hoeuital benefit et West street rink last Monday evening was largely poor •n'vd, the net proceeds being over $85. It was estimated that there wee• ne trly 850 skaters on the ice in the ear Iv p .rt of the evening and there w ere *laet4tot•s not a few. the refresh hent booth at the west end of the rink. where steaming (toffee and delicioes rake were served, was an in- viting spot and $80 was earned in this way. •h.. p.tblic deserve the warmest cowtm•ndatittn for the hearty way in in whit•h the benefit was patronised. and Hat.ager Goldthorpe bee earned the 1+ndatlons of all time bosoital sup. porter, by his generosity to giving the use of the rink for the evening. ,Medicos Meet- t The inaugural meeting of the Huron Medical Society was held in Wingham .on Wednesday Peening. The doctor* from Goderich in attendance at the gathering were Harold Taylor, J. B - Whitely. A. T. Rmmereno and A. H- Maeklio. The busirees of the Noeiety was txan.acted in the council chem - bet, after wheth all repaired to John- ston',. restaurant, where a bounteous spread awaited them. A program of tomato,, speeches and songs followed, and a special feature of the aeoagg'raam was the doing of honor to Dr. Tamlyn, et Wingbam, who had completed bis 'fiftieth year in the practice of medi- cine. As be wait enable to be printout at tbe banquet owing to injeriee re- feived in a recent railway accident, a tis fellow-practltionarsoaWdon him et Ms horse and presented him with an althea*. Dr. Tambyo replied very feelingly. The Goderich Motor Club. A well -attended eboot of the owners of autnmoieiles in b sad vicinity wee held in Dr. Maeblln's af- firm last Saturday oveefog Vier 1ie Pow of organiassiod. it was that a club should he tonged hews an the G, tderktb Motor IJ eb tea following •deems were dared t lttgt. dent, K. J. Mew; vioa•peelieln• W. L. Ronne ; saceotary isaaswrer, a' k- Kelly t executive somatiteela J. F. Andrews, in. T. Mummy and J. M. Field. Several wattwfe of posillew interest to inflow el setae wave the discussed and it wire reaeiseogdy atdome *timed tat all chinas'', should the utmost their bundles by ter flareesee *ted the on Maw seissinn set all one` n' that * aye >u abewee ogres (dist hetweee all° botbt pothole ...m a Ned themo- w s. Isrpmbeea at too keep the Ora. tl. j4si 1 , be room nAfrinnwe y reMiler 11111h. there A yI* ashortl . Misor- .iarty. Now Parissasys. Mee Ms.1one of North Nowt 1Ietbo. Ott church have ante under weir to seat • new paraintews on the present site during the asmbrg *.an.ttw. Tboy ars asking for plana and spscillaatlons, whieb are to be coo.id- sred ata meeting of the trustee board to be held shortly. Railway Meeting Next Monday. The adjourned meeting of the dele- g.tw of the municipalities interested in the bonds of the Ontario West Shore Railway wsa postponed for an- other week itnd the meeting win be held in the council chamber Isere next Monday afternoon. J. W. Moyes. ps id ottte railway, is expected A Good Article. A letter which Mr. J. J. Wright re- ceived a few day ago from his brother. Mr. John Wrierbt. of Berke- ley, California, contains this com- ment : "1 read a splendid article in. The hq ing by Mr. Wrnock, whicy agrees with my experience.' The wemben of the liodericb Hnrticniturnl Society will no doubt be pleased to learn that their number ask for further information. From Saskatchewan cornea word of a similar movement in that Province- Winebam, Parkhill, Kincardine, Slui- ce*, Paris, Aylmer, Arthur, township of Clark, Bohcaygeoo, Elmira, Tweed hors, Wallacehurg, Wiarton, Ux- bridge Bothwell, Omewae, Wincbes- ter, Lancaster, Heiman. Othere have the matter under consideration and a discussions are observed at so groat a di•taace as the State of California. Going to 1 oronto. N. C. Cameron, who has been in business here for the past four years, has associated himself with a manu- facturing clothing oompaoy in Tor- onto. where he goes to tae up his Your new wristsuit sod overooat should duties on the :Toth of this month. He have your immedte attention- Leave your will introduce a special registeredorder atsans at F. J. Pridham's and you will brand of his own and will cover all the sme*hibmtimi°a' larger towns end cities in Ontario. He has therefore decided to make a sacrifice of his stock sn as to diatom* of it in shout a week's time. The store will be open till Saturday night, the 23rd. Death of Mrs. Yungblut- Jacob Yunghlut will have the hearty svmpathv of the entire community in the lose which he sustained last Satur- day by the death of bis young wife. The dereased'• maiden name was Susan May Creech and she was mar- ried to her now sorrowing partner lrest a year ago last Friday. She eaves an infant; son but a few days old. The funeral Lurk place on Tues- day morning front the fatally reei- denoe, at the corner td Victoria end Wolfe street" to the 0. T. R. station, thence to Kincardine for interrosnt. Rev. Dr. Medd conducted an a n - ate service at the home on Monday evening. C. A. Society Work at Blyth. LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF, t3G 1'atrtck's Day postal. at Smith's Art East street. don't forget Ireland's great G. M. Elliott. executive officer for Huron County Children's Aid Society. spent Sunday, in Blyth, speaking in the interests of the 0. A. S. work, in the morning in the Methodist church and in the evening In the Presbyter- ian church: also in the Sabbath schools in the afternoon. A committee has been appointed to act in conjunction with the enunty Society. E. Bender is president, Jas. Cutt secretarryy-treas- urer; tbe ministers of 'be diftermet church.a are vine-pprreessidenta, and two loner from each churnh and from the W. C. T. 1J. also are to act oaths coin; mittee. Already cases .requiring in- vestigation have been reported to the Society. Tobogganing Accidents. While tohng¢aning on the steep hank near the liebthouae last Friday afternoon, Cameron Yule was ser- iously injured when his bobsleigh struck a pest a abort distance down the hill. lie was rendered uoeon- scious and his face was badly lacerated un one ride. Oonnussion of the twain le feared. hut as the lad is a sturdy little youngster he bre a nonstitution which should help much in bringing abort his complete recovery. While sleigh -riding on the Maitland River bank test Thursday evening. Mian Morena Wnottoo. of the Huron road. bad the miefe nine to have her leg broken, when the bobsleigh ool Med with a poet. Mine Bat•► Beacom, '..whn was on the sleigh with Miss Wootton, batt several teeth d*maged at the same time. A Western Wedding. An interesting matrimonial event at Edmonton, Alta.. on Tuesday, March fith, was the marriage of two former Godeeich re:ideat*-Mies Clare Jean, eldestdaugbter of Mr. and Mn. Oso. Bissett, Eset tercet, and Albert John- ston, son of the tate Jobn Jobnaton. of Goderich. and a brother of Robert Johnston, Waterloo street The eere- inony waw performed in tbe new Pres- byterian church at Edmonton try Rev. Dr. MacQueen. An interesting tart to he noted Is that they were the first couple to he married in the church and that the edtfce bad just been opened the evening previous far pub- lic service. Mr. and Mrs. Johnston have marry friends In town who will join in wishing them many years of happiness. The young couple will eommenoe housekeeping et Mirror, Aka. MANY PLACES IN FAVOR. Proposal is Tax Mail Order Homes Is Receiving Wide Support. At a recent meeting of the Harris - ton Board of Trade a resolution was pawed to the effect that that Board wee not in favor of the proproal to =enttp.elal tax on mai order Ths action of the Harris/too Board was reported in the city press, M dente acting to some extent as a damper upon the movement. it trims - plea, however. that the meeting o1 lbs ivard as whirh the resolution was marred was far from being a mine - mutative Does. A letter since received 1 the .wer.tary of the Goderich )Bard of Trade from an individual Po odlethws,te, of Onderich. to *crest teemb.r of the Harriaton Board states the culprit, but before he arrived the Mat sat of a total membership of six. bird had flown. it wax tbnoght be lads Orly eleven war. present *t tie had left for the Wesn gt and steps were in 411104t1011.The Rerriatrni taken immediately to intercept hiss. team *Delmore aim a oto.claration in favor of teeing mail order hooses whish is signed by nineteen of Har- rlston'a Neatness men, including repro- •n4ulyes of may different lines of b h secretary was fo u*d *nilt o the lie ehasr ret the (i replies Amari fined aro *cid msec i m e nlattice and 01 hsiie has received resile. /rtuo w tag in *11 ialr/a fterslssr of Boards 01 rade aatl to 416.41. It wee shown that the' msnieipa' email.' in the Province charsot.u' of the boys in the cat wan idol* have raised resolutions in natal to be desired and the Crown *mat of the tattUnn preptral. Platen nttoray will investigate tardier In wham mob cation dart beam taken are cedar to decide as to tho /.agar ur.,. Maas 4, Mmltb'a Pa11i, Ilttmbeent000, C0 to testify trot. hahwwe. A handsome piano has been pur- chased by the ladies' auxiliary of the Y. M. C. A. for use in the Association rooms. The regular monthly meeting of the Daughters of the Empire will be held in the court house next Monday, ltftb inst., at 1 o'clock p. ret. The spring sittings of the High Court of Justice open in Goderich on Tuesday, March :fBth. The Honorable Mu. Justice Britton will preside. Kincardine is to have an Old Boy& and Girls' Reunion July 15th to 22nd this years The big week is already being "boomed" by printer& ink - which is the way to make it succeed The Wm. Andrewi farm on the Bayfield road has been sold to Wm. Bichao, of the same line, at a good figure. The farm contains minty acres and the new proprietor will get pos- session at nater J. T. Newell was called to Niagara on Saturday owing to the sudden death of his nephew, W. Ward. A sad feature in connection with the death of the young man was the fact that he was married only three weeks ago. His many friends will be pleased to hear that Wilson Brownlee, who was seriously injured by a fall et the Big Mill salt plant several weeks ago, is doing nioeiy and that the prospects are bright for his complete restoration to health. The 0oderizh Star appeared last weak xi an "WI -borne -prints publica- tion, the "patent inside" having been discarded. The Signal welcomes its neighbor to the ranks of ' progressive journalism. This paper has been all home -print for the last nine years. The Centre Huron license commis- sioners met in Goderich on Friday and transferred the shop license of the late Edward Dawson, Seaforth, to Chas. Dawson, for the estate. The transferred license is effective until the end qJ the present license year. J. H- McClinton, who has purchased from W. $ern his boot and shoe busi- ness, makes his announcement in The Signal's advertising columns this week. Mr. McClinton intends to keep a select and tup-to-date stock of all goods in his line. Give him s call. J. Brown, of Windsor. the new pro- prietor of the British Exchange hotel, took possession this (Thursday) morn - log. The license commissioners have bowed a permit fur his operation of the hotel for two weeks, until the formal transference of the lidense has been nude. The regular meeting of the G. C. I. trustee board was held last Thursday afternoon. A motion was passed that Capt. Dunlop he paid $2Sof r anima as military instructor to the Cadet corps during the year 1911, and ac- counts amounting to $59.05 were ordered to be paid. The Hussars, a singing hand or braes choir, with up-to-date songs and choruses with action, present some- thing decidedly new and striking in lyceum concerts. in their beautiful costumes they will appear in the Opera House req Friday, March 29th, on the Y. M. 0. A. course. Atthe installation of officers St the Goderich Circle of the Order of Oana- adiao biome Circles laat month, J. E. Tom was appointed leader sod dele- gate to the meeting of the Supreme Circle in Toronto. Mr. Tom left for the Queen City on Mooday to be pres- ent at the opening session on Tuesday afternoon. The C. P. R. connection between Hamilton and Guelph will soon be eompleted and read} for opoodle°. Trains will be running over the line probably by July. This exts sloe will give Goderieh direct commotion with Hamilton and win still further improve the position of this town as a shipping depot. In a fracas at Ba field on Tuesday eveaing Constable Elliott, it isailegrd, was seriously injured when assaulted by .s drunk and disorderly. named Reynard Armstrong. Crown 1110,~ »ev &eager, when gsoprigged of the affair, sent down Uhlef of Police On information laid by Licensee 1n• specter Arqulth a moving can was me tbe Polies ('ours on Wednesday after - soon charged with supplviner liquor to minors- thrres none hors. H., GNAL : UODERI01. ONTARIO 'lllftnalleI►s. Nunes 14. 1111 $ A COMPLETE of Cameron's Entire Stock of Dry Goods and. Clothing ONLY 7 DAYS TO DO IT IN WHAT IT WILL MEAN We predict a great and memorable sale. This sale will move people to act for twenty miles around. This means that the whole of the country will be set in motion by one of the most determined and complete sales ever heard of incity or town. It's going to happen. Nothing can stop the immensity of this sale. Just as well try to stop the ocean's course, or the' flowing of the St. Lawrence river as to try and stop the multitude that will attend this sale. Everything is totally, different this time. It is not a matter (as is usual) with ordinary sales of making a stir and turning over of money. But this is an actual and complete DISPOSAL OF ENTIRE STOCK Determination as the rule of this sale, so fill up your storehouse as never before. You know our goods and it will be your last chance to buy from us. An avalanche of wonderful bargains with the last chance thrown : n. A complete upheaval of the whole stock and a mountain slide of extraordinary values. Everything to go a breakneck speed. No reins of steel can hold it back. Your gains by our great losses during this sale will swell your purses and bank accounts and it's a chance you cannot throw aside. We are no prophets but we predict this sale the king of all our efforts. Don't be surprised if the whole of stock is cleaned up quicker than allowed by:ourselves, 11 SALE OPENS aft.rday, March . i6tii 1912 and Ends Saturday Night, March 23rd ON THE FOLLOWING MONDAY THE DOORS WILL BE CLOSED We have nothing to hinder us this time as was the case at our last sale when we had intended to close. Put aside all idle ideas that we shall stay. Mr. Cameron leaves for the city of Toronto on Monday, March 25th, where he will be engaged in a manufacturing industry. This sale will produce more value for money than ever attempted by us. A greater sale never was, and such as you can never look torward to again. Everything, absolutely everything, must go and go with a vengeance.' This sale ought to revive your desire to buy as never before. ,It should set you in action by putting in a year's supply. Consider the steady advances being now made by wholesalers and manufacturers and if you are as serious as much as it's a tr1lth youll buy even if you have to borrow. IT'S OUR LAST IT'S OUR GREATEST Don't stay at home all winter and regret you miss this great chance. Opportunity knocks at your door. It's for you to act. This sale will create commotion for it will be brilliant, startling, stirring from start to finish, and the last and only great happening in Goderich, and we are biId"to say so wonderful will this sale be that you can't afford to miss it. Let us repeat our statement again, this time a little louder : Thfs is dnost positively Our Last OreatClearing Selling Out Sale. Hetty Green, the richest'woman in the world, says : "Buy when people are forced to sell." If you have been waiting for a cheap sale you certainly have not waited in vain. If you are as anxious to obtain bargains as we to sell, our sale should only be of short duration. Impossible to give complete list. Act wisely, act quickly, act at once. You will see the people come to this sale like regiments of soldiers. But you'll witness it for the last and only time. This store is to rent. All the furniture and fixtures are to be sold. No time for list. Sell we must. So you must realize what it means. Only seven days' selling and it will be allover on the 23rd. Get here quickly. Quitting for good. Crowds are coming. It will be a desperate wind-up SALE. and black. 8 webs 50c goods. Sale price per yard 300 lards Me grinds et..... 1,000 yards $1.00 goods at. 8 webs $1.501 goods at.. • Ladies' i$10.00 and $12.110 Suite in merges and worsteds for.. Wipe' $15.g10 soli $l$ (10 Suite, silk lined, ter.. Ladies. *Iwo int $11.00 (bats for >M05 Ladies' 426.45 Beaver+ with fur txiflawaterproof rs, wind and watef liniege. $11.x5 Girls' Tweed Coate, regular up to 48.00. Sate price ..... $1.70 Ladies' 111 ltuht ems. - Cotton Spool Thread. regular 6c. , Rale, 2 spools lot. 50c *red 75e ieather Heli., e.HI.g not et. . The leather Hand Aura with small purse 12 Lawn liasAkptrhi.f• for. 4 pare Linen Haeodkerehtefs for.. Trimened Mete, regular up so 64.50. Sale. FesSh Felt ep s. Mr. baup is 112.00. Belling out •ire e ONLY 'TIME TO QU TE A FEW ITEMS About :..000 yards of Drees Gonda in loiter, browns, reds, grays Aimee 41 `moi Wool yin eater*Bala price 190 SSo 47o Wks i.05 f.05 . 400 5o 150 850 25o 1350 4$0 00 50c Silk four-in-hand 11m, sale . • . M and $2.75 Sweater Coats. selling at 50c and 75c Cepa, sale 75c Negligee Shirts, for 41.26 Negligee Shirts, for . 70c Work Shirts, sale price 50n Work bhlrtw, sale price 10.85 Overall'', blue and hlack 41 50 Wool IInderwear, f •r 50c and lie 4eede-lined i'nderwear. for 23 pairs 41.25 Plants, welling out price.... f10 pair. 4i 50 and $1.75 Pante, rale........ . 20' pairs $2.00 end 4250 Pante, axle. •.• ~e 25 men's $10 00 Tweed Rnit*--snit :95 MI 100men 'eSerge and Wnteted Suit a, reviler values to Si R. sale Morena,' h)*ck )felton 0,0room regular 4,selling see 84 1 S*.ss Alen's $10.00 Tweed anti Beaver Coal• 5..05 25e Rubber (Jolter... M -u .. .......... .... .- ... 150 • 450 Sao . ............... lane Cameron's Departmental Store