The Signal, 1912-3-7, Page 44 THUgauar, 11Atu•H 7, 1012 THE SIGNAL tR)DMJCH ONTARIO District News. BAYFIELD, TUESDAY, Marco 5th. Bevetzeo Hn. Kzsa.-'lbe evangel- istic services in the Methodist church. eonductrd by the Mimes Sturm, of Planed, are lacing fairly well attended. Miss Forhes and Miss May Edwards spent Seturkiy and Suodsy at Miss Forhee home in Clinton Rev. A. Maefarlane attended the Pres- bytery meeting at Brucefield on Tues- day The annual spring event of t be village, the St. Patrick's social. will be held as usual In the Preehyrerian church basement en Frklw evening. Match ltb, and, as usual, also, a '•loins large toime" is expected Roht. Penhale leaves this week with a carload of horses for the West. PARAMOUNT. TUESDAY. M rcb 5th. PARAMOUNT PaRAwRAr.1s.-Mabel Johnston is spending • few weeks with her sister. Mrs. MacDonald, et present .....F. D. 'MacLenneu was e,n i'`r•iday evening, March 15th, taking votes on church union in this Changes will be made in the east, all vicinity on Snthat an even better program will be ot the We are sorry to bear of the illoesi of D. given. The proceed. will go towards Murray, who is now under ,the doc- tors thr wblic lihrx.v care ..Mr. end Mrs. N. Mac- 1 . Donald, of Kinlail, anent Sunday at A _Norm/ ('HAPrultl-Sant Roach the home of Jim MacDonald . took Ix.e-ex..un of the Savage farm on Eddie Rebh and Jim MacKendrick the lith concretionoC _ -h8rid on called on Mende here .me evening net Merril let, moving from G.dench last week. As the etoneboat wan not week John Savage has moved quite completed they took their new Inas the hon.. formerly owned by tandem, which' worked floe .. Leoi. Donald McNrvin (deo. Bradfo l Murray visited in Kincardine last e^ntemp.ates moving to Goderich. week .. ,A fleshy girt arrived at the He was in the county town hast week home of Jim MacDonald last week. looking for a sgiurhle house.. ...That. Ryan and faintly moved Last week to fes.. Augustine. where M.. Ryan has engaged with UHatt 'Th.onporta for the summer (is.". Horn entered into Mr. and Mee. James Chisholm meet powew.ion of the Millig.•n farm ot: a few days in and cleat' Stratford March let .and moved la -t week lately. Mr. and Mos. Bstory Beninger have OUNOA/Al1ON NEWTOK, DENTIST. trulats eett. NOTIOA-TSS LOCAL AGENCY b sOes !slit sad - Yeryslaw redone willb. w dvvorthing sad wadi. ad. animate /am me tin mew W 1tDNsuDA Y. March Lith. Wsoreixte.-A lois. wadding wee solemnised at the Methodist pstsou- agH today, when Win. elble!da, of Aahfleld, was tasked in marriage to Miss Sadie $bielda, alas of Asb*eld. The you're people have a wide /Arnie of friends in tiunganoon and vicinity wbu wish thew all banpiners and rue - rem in their voyage through life. PLAY TO BE RKPYATge.--The hum owns play, -Seethe* in a Restaurant, which made omit • bit ea the r•ecen A. Y. P. A. entertainusset, is w he reproduced in the Agricultural Hal Wallet* Bartlett M. Harry Corr 72. til,bale l G adee UIutty 78 Maurine leen M n de. Sr. 1. -Ray - awed , -Ra -woed Brown Warner Cousins til. Orville Ryas 58, Harold Stewart, ahseut for teals. Jr. L -Marey Elliott. Nelson Culbert. Jtostee Fowler. Willie Stothers. S, Same. Teacher. HOLMESVILI,E. MONDAY, Marco 4th. Mr. and lira, Jaa. Howard, of Gode- rieb, were visiting trieuds at Helmer - rine last week. Mr. and Mrs. M. Flick enter•ttaineo tbe choirs& their home on the Huron rued on Tuesday evening last. Those who were there report • good time. Mee. Snowden, wife of Rey. T. J. Snowden, formerly Methodiet minis- ter at Hohneevillr, died et Varna on Saturday, 24th ult.. aged sixty-two )eats. A number from hero attended the funeral, whieb took place on Tura - (ley Inst at Varna. SHEPPARDTON, TUESDAY, March 5th. S pool RY owe. -Toe . following l t•the *Nadine of pupils in 8. 8. No DUNLOP. WSDHRSDAY, March eta. Jo.eph McGraw, who has been 11r- ing hete for the past year, has rented a house in 8sitford and intends mov- ing hia family there shorrly. A young eon was horn last Thursday to Mr. end Mrs. George Fulford. to ie therefore a leap year baby and will have a hirtbday only once in four years. DO/NOS oe `-THY BUNCH." -The young people comp, icing "the hunch" took a slr ghload to the Goldthorpe skating rink in Goderich on Tuesday evening. The evening Was very cold -below zero in fact- hut young blood and high spirits kept -things lively. CHORca Sottas. --On Thursday of last week a social in aid of the church funds was held at the home of D. Law- son. The program was very good, although acme of the num'ers unfor- tunately were omitted. :l chores, rney." was well rendered. Miss Alice Clerk. of Loyal, gave an exhibi- tion of club swinging. Mian Helen Clerk and Harry Barker per- formed on the piano and the "bones." Mrs. George Gliddon shoo gave some mtuaic on tide piano. Mr. Hamilton brought down the house with a uni- que reading. About midnight a bountiful supper toss served, after wbicb a closing hymn was sung and the party dispersed. A Bum of about >i9 was the result Of the entertain- ment, AUUt_, WANTED. --.41.(. IN 8 IF TIM - TT 8 311tls, EENATS JAYP O NG. T Wapxssbnv, Marco eth. The Sabbath school convention is held this week, but too late to give any report of it. .Sleighing is very gond in this local- ity and sawlogs are coming in quite freely to both mills. Hnwson's trill is busy cutting rollers. The other has not started yet. Our village school teacher, Mr. Nay- lor, left last week for Seaforth, having secured the principalship of the public school there. life successor, Mr. Shackleton, has taken charge of the educational mill here. GOING WIt$T.-No lees than three cars of settler+' effects left the station here last Turedsy, belonging to James Jackson, Mr. Tisdale and Messrs. Dow and Henry. They are all for the West, Mr. Jackson for Alberta, the others for the Swan Lake district. CHURCH UNION. -Church union in the great question here at present, The. Presbyterian congregation has voted. The Methodists ute to vote next Sabbath. The results are with- held until, both congregations bate voted. Not undue Influence must be used in this; vote I MoetNO. -- Lawrence Scrimgeoir, who resiord in David Wilson's house, on the let concession of West Wawa - nosh, has removed his family and household effects to Blyth, where he intends residing in the future. Mr. Wilson is moving to his own house this week from John Fergusnn's farm, which be had rented the past three 'ars John Tamils left here Inst years for the farm watch be hits rented near Seaton h. Mr. Taman has resided here for about fifteen yearn. He Bold his farm here to William Pat- erson, who is moving in this week. Settleri Excursions to Canadian North- west. Commencing with the Ant Tuesday In Marsh and continuing on every Tuesday thereafter duringMarch and April, the Canadian Pacific Marchc will run settlers' excursion trains to Winni- peg and west. For the accommodation of ae'ters travelling with their live stock and effects a eolonlet car will be ettaebdd 'to the sett iter.' effects train. This ear will leave Tomnto on regular train at 10 10 p, m. ; arriving at West Toronto it will he cot off and attached to set tiers' effects t rain as men t toned above. For those not travelling wI W Kock sad effects', special cnloniet cars will be attached to regular train haring Toronto al 10.20 p m and nun through to Winnipeg without change. No charge i• nada tor setomnindatioe is colonist cars. • Trnrlst ears are elan run ern tallwar train leaving Torortn at 10.10 p, A •stall ext re ',harms is made Ike returned to the village and taken up their residence on tbe Mallnugh farm, Mrs. Ryan has moved into Jas. Gibson's boure Jas. Mallough has moved to his farm on ,be t$b con- cession of Aab1eld. His son - in - law, Alex. Durnin, who had the tum rehted, ,contemplates going West. JorrlNOe.-Wm. Nevins, of Gode- rich, has returned to the village and opened a shoe repair ovshoper ver The News office. . ..Rev. .. Bartlett, who was invited by the om••i►la of the Methodist church to remain another year. has decided to leave the meatier ,in the bands of the Conference station - leg committee . The report that Dr. J. Medd has purchased t he Gode- rich-Lucknow s it denied by the persons in A very inter- esting time wars spent last weak at the Epworth League's social evening. The principal feature was guessing the names of well-kuown pictures from an array of objects in the room. For in- stance., the renowned painting -The Horse Fair" was represented by a plate of oats and hey. A toed of youug people drove to Lucknow on Friday stud spent s very enjoyable evening at the entertainment given by the Ruyel English Bell Ringers. Won. riback:etun, who is Roving tip fanning, will bold an auction sale March 8th. Mr. Metcalf, of London, who occupied the pulpit of 8L Paul's church beet Sunday will probably tretseh anew agate twit Sunday .. The ballot• for the cneeg'ational vote of the lora/ Methodist church are in and the result, will probably be announced on or before Sunday. PERAWI j. MsxTlox.-Mote Buelab Gay, who baa residrd near Swift Cur- rent, Sark., for seem yearn, was mar- ried reesstiy w Howard Powell. Miss Gay spent her girlhood days in Dun- g ./non and has mss friends lt relatives here wbo wher every happiness in her new base .... Will Glen was married recently at !malt Ste. Marie, (Jot..... Chas. Grafton, of Cape Crocker, Bruce county, baa taken a positloo in J. Walton's store. Mrs, Robert Wilson, of Gude- t ieb, wee called home last week by the .erten illness of her mother. Mrs. D. Sproul, who is still quite sick Warden Mothers wee in Totoeito last ween oo business in connections with the municipality. Will Fowler and family, who have been visiting relatives in this vicinity, left this week for their Hulse in the West ... Mr. and Mrs. Rome And'rs..D visited friends in' Dungannon end Lucknow last, week prior to their departure for their borne near Saskatoon .. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Young, accompanied by Mr. Young's Gather, left tbi- week for their home in the West after spending the winter with relatives here. Robt. Reid and family left this week for their Dome in the West. MCHOOL REPORT. -Toe following is the standing of the pupils in Dungan- non public school for the month of Felxuary. The names appear in the order of merit *. judged by test ex- aminations throughout the month. Owing to the severe weather, the at- tendance haus been somewhat irregular thus prevent ing some extent a real some true test. Regularity of attendance is essential to make substantial pro- gress. Placenta or guardians should see that a reeeonable time its devobd by pupils to home preparation of work eaNloR POKY. V.dace-{y rtle Allen. Lillian Prntlat4l, Bela Hasty, Edith Stothers. Ra' lltothmw, Lorne McKenzie, Stephen Medd (commercial), Mar- vin D u r n i n. IV. class- _Ethel Brown, Fred Errington. Litinfield Andesws, Marion Maher, Melinda Cnlherls Fred Fowler, Mabel Cuter, We.. Fitzgerald. Easel Carr, Pearl ivrre. Sr. 111.-1Ieset Augustine, Iva Derr, Albert Brown, (Sheldon Bet Gott. Ruby Allen), Melville Cul- bert, Victor 84riagtose Jeirvis Ander- sow. Delos Uleb'r, Oseil Baxter, Jud- son Bell, Merger/4 Medd, Darold Sproul. Olive Olefin . Felitb enderw.e. Jr. 111. -Bert Hain.. odea. Hell. Lew Klliort, 1 IIk 1Z., Redve►s A•gsetine, (Marie, '1> Gladys Kr - Suttee), lrea for• . ( arien leers. IN. Dare P1Mkile 1'. OroOrop. EOM P • • . 'Ot Frank Mesas !bear. aeduenmoda• inn in t hear nate. Ag Or. II.- K E O. Florence An* C.P__R. as enc for • llwtM re' , Willer /1tIda Arlie Guide"sod "Itxseist leer' pattnhlss,. r ..-,,o . `1, Ie' sl• ; Joie,We ars tillferInw special hare/tins In rimitpues o. .ra sAil iia Dwane Mee heritage. " Itt.eldosd 40. 74; La =O.MwtdlNNoldneMs ~ llof t it Port II. -AeLlirilleirt$& 1, Asbtleid, for the u,outh of Febru ary, arras in order of merit : Fc ratV.-Mreed th Graham. Form IV. - May Meoary. Charlotte Dougherty. Mildred Dougherty, Ethel Graham, Ida Hawkins. Form i11.-- Marron Tigert. Leslie Johnston, Harold Ti- gerI. Fbrence Dougherty, Reuben Bogie, Christiana Bogie. Leona Young, Marguerite Johnston, Florence John- ston. Forte I1. - Rets Grabani, George Dougherty, Johnny Bogie. Penni L-- Mary Wilson, Hervey Sillib, Harold Johnston, Frank Hawkins. L. L. Me LI ul, Teacher. Bt frH, TUI: ;art V. March 3tb. WEDDINo.-A quiet home weddin -ill take place at the residence of T. email, of/ Morris, on Wednesday Ibis week, when his young - .:.t daughter. Mamie McInnes, will be married to W. Craig by Rev. J. L. Small. The happy coup'* will visit around fur tome time, after which they intend leaving for the West, where Mr. Craig will engage in the livery business. The best wishes of their many friends will go with them. PKEIOiYTEKIAN CHURCH IMPROvic- MKSTR.-The Presbyterians held a congregational meeting on Thursdav eveuing last to discuss the advisabil- ity of redecorating the interior of the church. They were ahnost unani- mously in favor of so doing, so it wee left to the billowing committee to go into particulars: W. Logan, J. Carter and R. B. McGowan, waisted by a coulmit-tee from the Ladies Aid. It /a also expected .bat more room will' be given to the choir, as they are too crowded in their present position. They are also very Much in need of au up-to-date organ. Tug LATY W. CUttINo.-W. CUM- ing, whom we reported as sick last week, passed away on Thursday, the doctom not being able to do very inocb for bim. The deceased with his wife arrived here shortly before Christmas from the West for a visit and nn February 21st he was visiting with bis brother in Mortis when be felt a pain. lje went over to Rich- 'nond's, where it got worse, and he had a hard time getting home. On Saturday Dr. Gunn, of Clinton, was sent for, but although the three doc- tors did all they could be passed away last Thursday, quite suddenly at the end. The deceased was of a very quiet, kind d:spoeition and was a gen- eral favorite. He was here thirty- two years ago in Hullett, living there only a short time when he moved -with his parents to Mot•ns. Ha remained there until six years ago, when he went West, returning here the next year. He married Sarah Fairservio., of Hulkett,. and they re- turned to tbe West,. first to Manitoba, then to British Columbia. Inter be bought land in Alberta. PYA80MM Alto GYNEHAL.-There was a large crowd In town on Tues- day, it being the last monthly fair of the year. A great many came in also to see the exhibition cars of the C. P. R. Quince number attended the talk in Industry Hall in the afternoon on ••Fruit Culture." ..W. ThaMeson, of Godericb, spent a few pleasant hours in town Friday evening Lux. Hill, who bad the misfortune to have a log roll on his leg some time ago. is commencing to get around eosin F. Metcalf who has been conflated to the house for some consid- erable time, is now able to get around again Mrs. J. Leach, of Goderich, visited relatives here over Sunday. . A. Hamm, who has taken the agency for the Frost & Wood imple- ments, is receiving his stock of imple- ments Bainton Bro.. are receiv- ing shipments of sheepskins for their tanneryMrs. W. Racho is visit- ing this week with relative at St. Col - timbals. . . Mrs. (itee.) Fear is visit- ing with her (taught's. et Exeter....... John Leith while in bed Thursday Dight telt 'something hurting ole arm and rubbed it, when he discovered • large black spider which had bit his arra. He ki1Wd the spider and it is hoped nothing serious will result. . Jas. Cutt reoeived a car of sugar last week for bits grocery ......John Maine is starting to move bark into bis house in town and when he gets moved 8. Creighton will move his family to the farm, which he basp/wtur chased Mrs. Jas. Tierney Melted with her mother at Clinton the put week.... . A. 11. l atdise4 and Mr. Woodeock are visiting Lt Parkhill .M this week ....essrs. Watton & Sons shipped a car of hogs and a oar of cattle to Tornsto themast week . Mrs. R. H. Robinson le at present eco - fined to her bed and her mother from Kirkton is waitin on bee .......Mr. tout Mrs, Alex. ! aF1th are whiting with the latter's mother, et Hewa11. . - Mrs. (Bev.) J. L Oma11 was tete gae•t of Londesbern' friend. Friday last...... , Earl Bentley, who has bean in the West, is at pteeent on se visit to hie horse in Beet Wswanosh Mr*. Jahn Weymouth visited reit,- area in Landoihno' reoently....sii rrtes Morgan Is on a visit to Maeda ill sees ell present..... Jnt1e Wiseman, eolleotst of etstonna at Oilmen, was OU a business bore ad PNda Mrs A. R Packfoe4, e( Timms•. Writ.. is •t present doe gueet of Rev. eV Yrs. Farr A. Welsh, M his been Ntnd revival ee•r- NsdMMs Met mein; has de - m reit Ain is n another week. fie h tlswing SINN ati sedenee every 'right. Woman's eakneas A alumna's repsodiesalse are le the meet M. tnsae ala ceetieerma wpm pp.•thy with hr kidneys. Tbeallgktetat diocderfathe bides,. brings about a corresponding Assam ha eke reproductive ja* Doers Kidney PIMMrb se- storiog the kidneys a their perfect condition, peewit* and curs those iaarna dm Palo peculiar to women. young g vireo asd women the kg.1 u., year nest is Dodd's Kidney Pills 108 NO A COLD IN ONE DAY 1113 is the number of a prescription by an eminent doctor, and it curets cotighs, colds, bronchitis; ani sore throat. Try it. 25 cents a bottle at Dunlop's drug elute. -MOTHERING SUNDAY." An Old Country Custom that Should Not Be Forgotten. ..Who goes is `moths, ing' finds violets," Th is q us it, English piovet'b is well worth noticing on account of its interesting origin. The fourth Sunday in Lent, or mid - Lent, is also called in England ••Moth- ering Sunday," flow the pretty cus- tom of young met. aud.girls who were away from hove -••bound oqt," as ap- prentice', or earning their living as servants -all going home or. that day to visit their mothers, aed to carry with thent some little gift.. As tt,thwyy went on their way atonic country -lanes and rade, they would g.Aber the swe+t, blue violets trout the hedgerows, and thus have a **posy" to take home, as well as the more sub- stAutial present. This latter, especi- ally in some counties, as Sbropahirr. Yorkshire and Herefotdshite, usually took the form of a simnel! cake. This rich fruit cake was covered on the outside' with a crust of flour and water, ' which, is. the cake was flrst boiled,• and then baked, became as hatd aa wood, and was then colored with saffron and decorated in a more or lea artistic Manner, **Mothering Sunday" stems to have been a long-established cuswm before the reign of Charles I., for Rohert Herrick, who wrote at that period, alludes to it thus: - "I'll to toes a Simnell bring, 'Galina thou roast mothering. t8o that, when Abe blanch thee, Halt that ble.ai•r thoult rive me." Centre of England's Life. It seems to rue a beautiful thing that in those nays of long working hourns small pay, and few holidays, this one day should he eat apart for the sacred horse ties, and that all over the land the young people were tree to turn homewards, where, doubtless, their thoughts had often strayed with longing during the weeks or months of absence. It shows us that home, however poor and bumble;, was yet the centre rat England's life, and the mother the centre of the home. Ah! bow masy of tis now would fain "go a -mothering!" Hoe) gladly would we trudge along weary miles for the joy of seeing once more that dearly loved fsoe, and being clasped again to that warm faithful heart) Batt alas! our yearning love moat Do Go "a -Mothering." Boys and girls who still have it in your power, do "go a -mothering" as often as possible, aod if you cannot actually go in person don't forget to write to the parents sod dear one* in the old home, and make the lettere as long and 'interesting as you can. Re. tnember, tbcugh, that short letters fteq,usaitly And regularly are more sat- isfying than longer ones that have to be waited for during weary weeks or months. Yes, and take or send to your mother all the violate you can give her ; pot all the beauty and aweetnees possible into for life,. for nothing is too good tor metber. -CHAnt ot-rs PRICROS r. KIDNEYTROTUBLE CURED ! Mott Rel a ed HoIT cy's Prelodh No. 7. LAKIN M>•OANTIC, P. Q.. July !L tell "I was troubt.f with tams back foe the last four )weer duo to Klose trouble. ane tried • treat naay new elm but without say relief t was so - wised to ter Na. 7 Rheumatism and Kid- ney Remedy. and sea oar Mat my kM- ner. are entirely tired. sad even the Jar of tee saline Mas sot pals me sea taore. Aa7 neePo in from Rheumatism •r Lag freest* stole by all means try rattier Yerrtemee Na 7. 'oto astern of my work urea* !ninny trouble ami It rgstrse s rbiebty neat vaae•s to a tooseltetls aluthat tree 5t...*.•" er A. lelliott, Q P. R Pagta.sr. Th. above on is wet a `Care. 1tearAIR' .r m.een.diMtylA t +*OMR Di rtbe7 or it for 44 TIMM Mg t tksasaase atter sow emus* Pees.?ether tea .w lee'M aswler S we ?etherjrpee Limited. Mowed. sr Sold mid guaranteed in Gojsriong F. J. 1sstIad- '1".9 Dependable Sprinbi Merchandise - The New Spring S ck In?'tftes You We are satisfied with our purchases and feel confident they will meet with your approval. We know that for every dollar you spend over our counters you will receive a just equivalent. We have some specialties that you should see. PRINTS We here been end are now holding first plimsoll's Prima& Over one hetid, Lid pieces of new Primate to choose from -CREST BRAND - m. better Buglieh Print made - and our price is only 12io. ZEPHYRS Nu make-believe, but real Scotch and English, with that fineness of weave and delicacy of color that only the Scotch and English can give them. Ilio and 15o see the pricer'. GINGHAM$ Ituported snakes, fine clothe, superb patterns, fast colors, full width, almost equal to Zephyr make : and our price for them is just 10o. WHFIt GOODS We beta for tole spring's trade the bast assortment of white cotton*. long Motile, nein- woks. embroidery lawns, Lans- downe ata♦downe cambric*, rob. cloth. Victoria lawns and linen lawns that we ever offered. FACTORY COTTONA We are showing a very nice Ninth cloth at Oe or five yards for Sill. This is a real seep. Other wakes, Lc, 10e, 12ic and l5c. SILKS We never were I. so gond a position as now to offer extra values in Silks. A11 our hest makes are 36 inches wide, in taff- etas, pail.ttes, marquise, and marquisettes, at 101.00, $1.25 and 61.60. Guaranteed not to cut and extra good to wear. • J. TIN/$ We are showing it very attractive assorttmest of white Vestiess in t i o of and strips 1! 110e. You will Ind our velure ail you aspect at our priors. CREPONNE SUITING Juyt tour pieces in the lot, very new and desirable to make up a weal suit, ceders test. 1 ill. DRESS SUITINOS Ju.t one dress is .aro piece, came this week. They are among the newest things t t.- fouod for spring suits. SERGE'S Mao -finished ie the make ve are offeriog - very deeie title, perfect in weave and tinirb, mak, navy, blue and other shades 9100 to 101.115. H. COLB'ORNE Makes Hair Grow. Dunlop has an invigorator that will grow hair or money bade. The time to take care of your hair is wheu you have hair to take care 7,f. If your hair is getting thin, gradu• ally hotlines out, it cannot be long be- fore the spot appears. The greatest remedy to stop the hair from falling is SALVIA, the Great American Hair Grower, Arcot discovered in England. SALVIA fur - niches nourishment/ to the hair roots-, and alts ell quickly that people are awszed. f And remember, it destroys the den- dtuff germ, the little pest that saps the lite that should go to the hair from the roots. SALVIA is sold by Dunlop the druggist under a positive guarantee to cure daudru1V atop falling hair and itching scalp in ten days, or money, hark. A lore. bottle costs 50c. The word '•SALVIA" (Latin for sage) deem every bottle. 1 An; Edison dealer will demonstrate to you how Thomas A. Edison doubled tbe entertaining capacity of The Edison Phonograph • The undersigned will pay the highest rash prices for all kinds of good loge, de- livered rat our mill, north of MacEwen',: goal Yard. Goderich Libber & Milling Co. when he invented Edison Amberol Records --the record which plays twice as long TMs you will sadeestasiwky sosaay good songs, a numb good music a every ebawectr sever appeared is mord tMAtsisai>:sossd Ines poriseted. !ties you will uadastaad bow, while yeaesnaa*ti ssPhmsgmpk, you ass weer katmdl[tbe wry boot estestaleseset lbs. yen will of i euteniMtW sneedseetagesesesersliestbeldisse P2:4 Air greatest aeeai- iselamentalersiles leo t ► a't... r ai.r Dlesbemme-ude u has: theorggtlrs time rsesndmidiesbkeerem-embrodsg .ssd1sst exactly the right volts of sand be your beset bare recording --lie ability to reeks asd repesdass your awn records in your owe home. A•y Edboa deafer will &am - abide time great Ediroo advantages to yea1111/111111 MCP= S • . MOOCH y ue ale ete la L/vd getsrasoathts est st regetery r s. sset tmord Ime.t et Maps asisedolle tr . Ow elle Yrd11• assilla ud Ouse. masers tasset wanear me to arm N♦mbs maahi bur tree eves tr lkr ."` stns Ot Aiwa steaet sea assess* vas astrsw.IC 1. il. 1. A: Aesusrrsr-Mfl/sm1issasvir mad beemde will le hr a JAMES F. THOMSON'S MUSIC STORE Furniture Repaired POLISHED. RTC. Silver Plating, Gilding, Rte. Mirrors made or redlvered. Picture Framing, Wood Turning, Etc., by germy d3 Fraser West str..t. North side, maser Waterloo netelesessesteeseeeesieseemaiwwwesemamwesesse The' Massey- tlarris Shop on HAMILTON BTRRICT is the place to buy all kinds of farm machinery. WAGONS from Baia's, of Woodstock BUGGIES from Grays, d Chatham ' WIRE FENCING from Standard Fence Co. CREAM SEPARATORS from Teroase BLACK SONE PEKT- ILIZBR freer Detroit in fact. anything • fernier needs mar wants. Cutters We leave a few Cutters to '.11 at cost as long as the stook leets, at Robert Wilso®'s Hadailteon Street, Gnderieb Furniture and House Furnishinzs Having purchased Mr. W. J. Muir's interest in the furniture business, I will carry it on myself in future. The people of Goderich and neighborhood will have at my hands the very best service possibk. Being a practical man in this business, I am in a position to both buy and sell Furniture ,that will meet every taste, at most moderate prices. 'Hawse Furnishings -Floor Rugs, Window Blinds, Room Moutdlnp, Frames and Pictures Call and see my stock. No trouble to chow you the best that can be had. George Ilohmaleer A/'M4 Ntsrnsaww /tissue REPAIR/NG 'PHONE M WENT SiDK s1UARK v