The Signal, 1912-2-15, Page 1• Advertisement lit i t --s rto Renew Your Subscription to Trim lawyer aid get anent the pretty 1912 Calendars. Do It Now ateneFOUBTIt Ts4tt-41e. Mrs BDDERIOB. THURSDAY, YIBRUARY 15, 1912 THE e1UNAL PILD1C•Ng 00.. 144.. tees Aar. `DIESTERLING Iksx OF CANADA SAVINGS ACCOUNT VS. CASH You will find a savings account offers all the convenience of cash, absolute security, and an in- centive to economy. You are privileged to pay by check, and your balance is earning interest. HEAD (* FIVE -CORKER KIWI AND tia Y wrRtiLT., ToHowro Goderich Branch -ANDREW PORTER, Manager. "bee 'a A. 0. NISBET INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE Agent of the Mutual Life Assurance Company of Canada. The Western .lssuiones Company. 'fbe Royal Exchange Assurance of London, England. The Loudon and Leuceehire Guarantee and Accident Company. fbe American Surety Gompaay of New York. All kinds of Insurance.. Office nett to Canadian Bank of Commerce, OODBRi('H - - ONTARIO WAFTS OR81 fLrD.-MU8T BE u .g.wIty1.forBratett drkive. ei MKf !MEN THOUSAND BUSHELA of beet. wanted. OM, crop p terrvd eeswetterteenett.s WIYMTEM FARM. Room N. Dunk of Thresh) Chambers. London. bet. WSW NOTICE TO CRSDiTORS. NOTICE TO CRSDITO104. I . TM MATT) M 4' Tflg XVT&Tx Or .\ I . ngi. :gran a. 1 .r. OP Telt 70wrenii 1.. A.H. MID. IN THIS OOt• cT4 or IR-1eir, Tensa, usx•.r--� \aid M henbrglv�. s to Stet nee I Gomm 1. Go m T.. abeetM w.rtaSit OW 611 ursine M• he'll., claim the cetera 4 the w..d I.te Alfred Peale, desMserl. who d..d re. or about the 31.1 day of (dabber. A. D. Mill tut rr•intred to .end by pest. preyed. or deliver to Ids genie, Rat Albert P. O.. the edm/al.4e- rrit ot the .aid soma es er \ef.re the Id day or March, A. D. IM•, thenames. .Yenoo anddetrelisions and the hill eteteeaet trod w avelet- of their deism and the Mime st the emerit t . If any. blas r tate damesrtIArd toand after the raid date the edplogritystrie will proceed to dSdrl1te the aorta et the 1 dr.[se..ed among the pdtlM emptied thsaly hatteg regard only b the c3 se.f whish she' .hall then bare bed wane, stillthat she will not be Mehl.. for the &seta .44.411 ..tsa.d� (Irani put thereof Wanf preen et wheweWm she P ell sot have bed 1 . lots at 0.4111*. 40101110 day of Jaonery. I A. D. felt PROVDFOOT, HATE i KILUIRAN. tax Sdbfore eke the Adminiatratits NOTICE TO OREDITORS. 11,.E reit MATTER or TA bonen Or Daniel. m(`• I% mt. 4341 Or rut Tows or 00Daalrtl• IN CHM PM/NTT Or *MOM MAar*CR. \a Mae V bete*me(Itarsq •tear aereaaat so first tires, Geom. V.. chew will swwtioa 3d. that .11 Pot* w.rw Aavlair chasm .galle.t tae Mate of the lets Denial McIver. , who die en or about the Mrd ef phsr.��A.�trl. SRI.. e deliver to the n• � n ee-4gmed. pee, 1. ll.rotanMelvin. tie ee minbt,.tnr el e. Detainee WeekWeek'white' et hes of. . the re da arlr of keiea�isTielA. • er before Msad me, &ddseneee sNss�Yea0. •rOtt atheir full chime hold ill he odd be 44.taw • to the moon et Mfoy MOM bed Meta - strumpet ef - •t\....4thei rose he • ne Denise M=ss b claiming w and that be wt( set d14MM.4d, or any pert t K wawa claim 0e dial fired this 7th theysA , A. D. 101Y t+ k- ase !v(rrICR TO a&BDJTOES V of ins V 1, Oeoree V., @ ors having itHnw, latj the cennty ef wise died .s or U +- Oma Joh . Mit t• rhe and Witham •1 will end Wertat Ante tMa �R ate the ^ p.eeaad b c y pweaee dads that ~ r tip .6 0 ps.wt W a "rds. to estate hir the settee. ineinda FOR SALE. pOOtRIOH N IiltI V . Tommy. rob. lith. w)ry.per ...., ,,,, Mw tet 0s ossa :