The Signal, 1911-10-26, Page 9•
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TeeumY. lk-romass 19, 1911
The News of the District
44444414164446+ 4141144 41.*****41.46416.41.414445.0.40.40 441+
MONDAY, Oct. Elitd,
The marriage of Dr. Beni. F. �
son w of Mr. and lire.
Amerism. of this township, to !lies
Gerimal. Ressaan Brayaan. is am-
nonnod to have taken pleas at the
bride's home in Toledo on Tuesday,
en eengraalati HOThe L many
iends e
A Ptoimot CALLED.-a)e Saturday
morning. 14th net, thea pawed away
to the Great Beyond one of the pio-
neers of the towash(p in the person eat
Mrs. G. Mpaowan. She came with her
araban* le Let Wawasosh end had
been a seeldsat ever sines. She was a
asabsr of 8t. Andrew's church.
toe fort -nig, yeses and a
the Woman's Miseisaar7
Sodsty ever since its AU
the feebly, except Mrs. o�f
Bdmoetan, were at lbs funeral. watts
took slate onMomday eltermOOn. Rev.
J. L basil Macklin&
DEATH or A Ptowese.-One ot the
early residents of this township, in the
parson of Mrs. Lloyd Duckett. passed
away at the house of her toe, John
Duekstt, on Sunday of last week.
Dimmed. whose maiden name was
Jana Sadler, tame to this section with
her husband, the late Lloyd Duckett,
in the early sixties, and settled in this
township, just south of Wingh a.
Atter the death of her husband about
sigbtsee years ago she sold the home-
stead and bad since resided with bet
son, John, on the first line of Morels.
The subject of this notice bed passed
the allotted span of life by ten yearE,
having reached the advanced age of
eighty-one years. She had been in
falling health for the past year. The
funeral took place on Tuesday to
Wingham oemetes y. Rev. & H. erol
conducting the services. Tmonth
of October has brought bereavement
mare than once to Mr. Duckett's home.
DICATH or Mae. McKaxzra. -On
Wednesday evening, October 1lth, the
death occurred in W inghant of Marion
Stark, relict of the hate James M•s-
Keezie, after a short illness. She was
in her sixty-ninth year. Tbedesessed
was born in Lanarkshire, SMslami,
and came to this country with her
parasite when a young girl of eleven
years of age. The family settled on
the farm on the 12th ooureeeion of this
township on which the Currie school
boom stands. She was married forty-
ooe years aaggoo last January to the late
James McKenzie, and after her mar-
ri•gs they lived on the David Robert-
son farm on the same line of this town-
ship. Three years after her marriage
Mr. McKenzie died and two years
later the subject of this notice went to
Lower Wingham, where she resided
until four yews ago, when Sbe moved
into Wingbam and took up here re.i-
deboe on Frances street. Sbe is sur-
vived by two daughters, Mrs. George
Allen and Mies J. McKenzie, both of
Wiogbtm The funeral on Friday,
13th inst., was largely attended and
the services were conducted by Rev.
D. Petrie. The interment was made
io Wingbam cemetery.
Noma -Mrs. Jobe CasL •ed
• few days in ftederM1 • of
BrowTseitedaint �d the
y i'le'a! arab. era nabs bid hoist
nugrvietr el �edMay iamb •f.
ifentrare els Temakty. Get-
i3lst. d �otlreli�m' very
lined• tRing
red. � b expelled Kra
he • few of her
moods on T• hursday last, it being icer
lath hieeday John Pick
A of Allam psi spout • few day.
in the neighborhood last week.
WaDAL Oct. lined
F,utxwas.t, Pi llaMITATiosr. - Leet
e a aibsr or 011M7ART.-Atter Y illness extend-
IltaradaYs ~mad jr m•i the over nearly Mews ouths the
how of Jolla . who is cheat sp keimouthst of Katie. this* daughter of Mr,
a uses the Mese d We labors and Mrs. Wm. Williamesm. 7th me -
sed take up lib etiielM la glimeey, ersudon, took its ftin on Friday, 13th
pow A vary *send cream* was irate The document was born is Soot -
t, Altst Iamb woe sarvod Y ad- Med and sea quite young when the
as was reed and • erbstYtlml hastily rime to Canada. She menet
her early days on the farm and them
ass preemie" Wig 11w cK famm
gem Dreams W Leas Ms0•rthy. west to Clinton to take • tion
ed aides= with the Jackson Maw Co.,eye following b t
�t� _ aa� where she eon= ria esteem and re.
tr rst chs ,s. hive a,et meet of her feMw�mnipv.sss Sbe
ekee cols ers mem eke manse was compelled to erase westt Let No
.t tame Nd ember and sines that dam she had
graduallyYea are me diastase failed Ia heat` A Lege
wee ss concourse d trimde and relatives at -
wow me cansual
w7ldsreer is tai Leaded the teased lad Mimi! y after-
noon. Bev. W. W. Wylie. pastor of
the Baptist ebmci. OiJmtta. seadocted
the nervier at the house and grave-
side. The interment was . nude in
Maitland omen The pallbearers
were William ami Williamson,
James Tucker, Ransil Carrie, W. Mac-
donald and Mr. house. Beautiful
Gond tributes owe received from the
young lady employees of the Jackson
factory and the members of the Bap-
tist church Bible class. Clinton. The
bereaved relatives am deeply ay
patbid swith in their loss. The
of Thomas Churchill, V. 8.. oc-
curred is Victoria hospital. London.
Lt10KNOW. on Friday evening. 13th inst. The
deceased was well known to many
MOSm.T. O t Soto*.tYeoag t Moron 'county. having
& era rev rms
CNM-Wtlffam Spied- Reeds* his ps0iwdes someyws ago
ler. at :be iamb:nest era. of Spindler et Clinton and &retort& Mrs. Lind -
h John.toe, has disposed of his share soy, of this township, is a sister, and
fe the taurines to Jobe McCall, tram Mrs. Jenkins is a daughter.
sear Blyth. Mr. McColl I. known to
a number in Lucknow, basing lived
former!]] at Hdyrood. He has taken
up resi8tmot ma Havelock street. in
me of D. U. Taylor's hooses.
Motrt/AT, Oct. Md.
After several mouths' •hone• le
Alberta. Mr. and if... R. Joshing,
have recanted to their boa ea the
1$I h eoneeelen. They misled this
stay very mach but still me inline*
to think that Ontario is pad enough
for them.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe. bend were at
Loma to a social gatketlug 7Nes
�eeeooppiies a fewg w eveninago. the
calends of Mr. sad Mrs. Dam
took advantaof the
to preseet the.. with neete eros
artistes ot gra alteware as a presided
and frierdly way of com*rntlttmlrfi
them en their recent marriage. The
evening was a tr :t oughie .sjoysble
one and a very pleasant time was
spent is gasses. mu is and in other so -
dal ways.
we, otss'
end sPott seams••far
�r'MM emar nv olio YearKlett
Measle Gyle le sets lip fear
obow ie aims
Set r /lease meet
ears reeewie et remenbleses.
Gramm Werwariar "is in 7.11r
Nr. O'Reilly Hss�epd�od bv�ors and
y, th ankings �e while be felt
and raying taut
terry to leave them he hoped to see
them all again seat year. After sing-
ialf "For Hes a Jelly Good Follow
those present departed for their
Pg•eONAL MntTroH.-Mrs. Charles
McKinnon bee gone to Loudon to joie
kr husband, who bas a position in
that cite . Miss lweodotyn Mac -
hod hal left for New Orleans. where
sin expects to spend the winter
Kite Annie Lawson. who bad been on
so extended visit to her parents here,
bss returned to Winnipeg. She was
accompanied by Meda Belle McKay,
who went on is Vancouver
David Graham, has gone to Florida
where be expects to reside in the
future.... Kra N. Campbell his closed
bar testament for the winter months
sad has goes to •speed the winter
with friends at Otani Bend. Her
daughter, Miss Lorna, accompanied
bar... Frank Mcletosh was taken
to %t-ingham tal last week to
undergo an operation for appendicitis.
He was taken seriously Ui over a week
ago and physicians decided that an
operation was necessary at once.
WEDDING. -Ln interesting event
took place at the "Evergreens," the
resid.�,e of Mr. and Mn, R. D. Cam-
eron, on Tuesday, 10th fanat., when
their second daughter, Miss Grace,
waa united in marriage to Charles R.
McCallum, B. A. Se., of Toronto.
Hex. J. S. Duncan performed the oro
Peony in the presence of a numbs' of
immediate relatives and friends of the
young couple. After oongratulations
the party adjourned to the dining.
room. which was very prettily decor-
ated in white. The health of the
bride was proposed by Rev. Mr. Dun -
me and responded to by the
and short congratulatory spMoearo fol-
lowed from a number of those prosi-
est The happy couple lett the same
afternoon for Toronto, where they
will reside. They have the beet
wishes of a host of friends for their
raters happiness.
WZDNSBDAT, Oct. Leith.
Steps are being taken for the estab-
lishing of a branch of the Bruce
county Y. M. C. A. in Lucknow.
=DNxsoAT, Oct. 1Ath.
Dr. Woods and Robert Penhale
leave this week for a trip to Ireland.
Quite a number from this neighbor-
hood attended anniversary services in
the Varna Presbyterian church last
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hobson and
Miss Oleva Penpals, of St. Thomas,
visited their parent., Mr. and Mrs. ft.
Nubile, of the Bronson line, a few
days during the fair last week.
Rev. W. G. Richardson, who has
been ill with typhoid in Clinton hos-
pital for the pe -t seven or eight
weeks, returned to his home on the
Frost road last Saturday. While en-
tirely recovered from the fever, he, is
still very weak, and will not be able to
resuioe his work for some time.
TegatAT. Oct. lath.
KILM.a$os or PULrrie.-Rev. J. S.
He di s, of the Aabasid
=tltt4 a.d Bev. W.IJe iri last a
day. to the i.ahmca*
wcShcf wap a ,omawhet ariai
atteaiaM at the services ot the
forcer Mart bet those present bad
consist diwo,eese by Mr. West.
tis asdile Mien
la* very az-
The shoves of sleet durgg the lase
two days remind us that winter i
1 d
ing. Another oe-
oowiha- is that the large flocks of
white -crowned sparrows and Make -
throated sparrows, width bad arrived
her. devise October sees choir sea -
leer home la the tor lar meth, re aft grthe
few weeks' rdoe
herehtheir ey enlivened the shrubbery
and usieehtrrh of the woods with
their characteristic notes. Also the
peat tssloelty of the species of the
samil r biirrdds which have been red-
dest with us during the ram mer have
deported for the regime' et perpetual
summer. During the Inst two weeks
Urge gooks atlas b t
have bees observed
w _
width have come !nom r
the region west of Maim Bay. They
ase somewhat
Ifiegibh Oshadier is dm a -saber
by a Moak bet
ted centre
bb east sad • Milli brown es
the head. It is plaowae M hoar their
silvery aoM4 which ars often
in h ter a Hide th mildesof es t
this Province.
usual, the Agricultural Society was
favored with beautiful weather for the
annual fall fair and this year the ex-
hibits both indoors and out were far
above the average many who had
been premed at the fairs in surround-
ing tons declaring the had seen
nothing' to equal the exhibit here.
The display of fruit was especially
worth mention, both for quantity and
quality, the apples being the best
sample seen in years. As for ladies'
work, there was so much of it that it
could not be shown to advantage and
there is serious talk of enlarging and
improving the show -room before an-
other year, that the exhibitors may
have justice done their work, and this
the Society, having had two such suc-
csssfulears "handrunning," should
surely be able to afford. There is
only one feature of the exhibition up-
pon which the management rennin be
000gtatulat.J, and that is the quality
of the entertainment provided at the
coocert given in the town hall in the
evening. slit did seem to the audience
something like an isepsitien that
ry should have to pay Z eand
to sit for two or three boors
in a crowded, poorly -ventilated room
listening to such a program as
was presented that evening, is
which each number seemed more
insipid and in poorer taste than the
last. It is possible that ted company
ons engaged in iosanee of its abil-
ity, or rather lack of ability, but we
would like to suggest to the tmaaage-
meet the advisability of securing re-
liable eatsrtai•ess and giving the
lxewd wide b always attends a show
aigat comeert something for their
nanny. in the way of a b
waahaosse, decent enhirt.
The.. le •mother feature of fair -lay
wIdeb hal-
et Ws the s nvary muchag msnt can -
net be brand, and that b the mussel
minuet of drinking that goes on.
with the resulting ag a Why muss and
lied te a� to stheetalks(r e�
bountiful hatvesttbt it woad b sacra to
any. and yetat sods meIs the ease,
yeares every
dl groortel stories d Mere
Ther are that
ship' to thlak
Slitmake one
be eater emetry's pride awl e0wlgt h
ahead es far forget thaanNas cern
as to he esem d With
Kenneth Cameron has sold his en-
tire apple crop, culls and all. to John
Joynt . Then are about 400 barrels
is the pack and the price paid is in
the neighborhood of $1,000•
Another attempt to carry a Moe
option bylaw in Lucknow will be
made at the January municipal elec-
tions. Tyree years ago the bylaw
oke defeated her. by aemall margin.
DEATH or MDs. Weoo..-Mr si,
Mary N. Waddell, a former resident
of Lucknow, died at Landon on Ter -
day at the residence of her dauggter,
Mrs. A. K. Williams.
ms. The deemed
ass the widow of the este James Wd-
iall, of this pleas. Shims
La*" of age sod was bora t•lsoi•ad.
ilirft sons and theme dauehtsre survive
her. They are: Mrs.
�tA�. eM.�, WIDhtme.
tewa�and Mlimis Kate. et=•aloop B.
Niles -
O.; WIlli m and of Harwood.
sad hams. ot lcsesse Seek.
Wks Illoselese:
met am
inter a gt. The
Woe plass A SHOOS mow•
s -The Mar -
eh *else selsellint
of See* bps swede
resrtheir semliflate u
iesid andeg
a irms seen et
RepressivMttahlt a _� will AAe
hr mpresemteM".
w s hi Md. s•
ildre as
. le ens et the halrm
`ters Otileeis. male to be
• amOt11m`` beefyal el wbe re -
see•• eI Shrine b WS
Pseeettat. Msxnow.-Kiss Fanny
McKeede has arrived home after vis-
iting triads in Ingersoll W. A.
Demean. of Toronto. is visiting at his
fat's, John McDonald's. 18th
esmeaslon Mr. and Mrs. Alex.
McDonald, of Oranbrook, B. C.,
arrived last week front Brussels in
order to visit at the parental home of
the former A. A. Reed, of De-
troit, is sojourning at his fatber•in-
law's, Duncan Flnlayson's ohne.
Matheson, who bee spent the esntaa
at home, left yesterday for Goderich
to resume hie atodies at the Collegiate
institute Jae. McKendrick, our
hustling assistant postmaster, intends
in osrderto look after his this
pbene intermits in tbat town. As he
has a mechanical turn of mind, be
will, no doubt, explore the mysteries
of the switch -table at central.... .
The following visitors spent Sindmyl
at the home of Mrs. Thos. Beady,
Hemlock City : Mr. and Mrs. Fritslel,
Mr. Baxter and Fred Mahn, of Gooddstr-
rich : Miss Pearl Glebe, of Kieoar-
dine : Mrs. Adam (Hahn and son
Austin, of Bervie, and Frank Boyle,
of Purple Grove Jim tamsron is
at present employed with Freak Mun-
roe, Laurier The friends of John
McOberles, 2nd concession, Huron
will be pleased to hear that be is
somewhat improved in health. after
having experienced a severe attack of
sciatica.... Herbert lessign left yes-
terday for Detroit, where he intends
to spend the winter. He will prob-
ably act as conductor on the electric
street railway of that city- ....Mrs.
Chas. Floyd, of tanner, is visiting at
the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Alex. McKenzie Neil Campbell
and family left last Thursday for Kin-
cardine. where they intend to reside
for the future, Mr. Campbell having
purchased a residence in that town
some time ago. Joe Fletcher. who
has bought Mr. Campbell's farm, is
now installed with his family in his
new home.
BELORAv E, Oct. 1&h.
met today pursuant to adjournment ;
members all present. Minutes of last
meeting read and passed. on motion of
Councillors Scott and Campnell. The
treasurer reported that since last
meeting he had failed, as be con-
sidered, to secure a satisfactory settle -
went with Wood, Gundy A. Co., Tor-
onto. the broken who had purchased
the bridge debenture,; that be had
gone to Toronto and succeeded in
arranging a sale of said debentures to
the Canadian Debentures Corporation
Co. at a higher figure than the tender
of the first -Mentioned firm. Moved
by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Stone-
house, that the treasurer's action in
this matter he confirmed : that the or-
iginal sale of said debentures be res-
cinded, and that the tender of theCana-
diao Debenture. Oorporation Company
at $18,180 along with accrued interest
be accepted. Carried. A further post-
ponement on the toll drain was again
deemed necessary. Engineer Fuce, who
was present, stating be was willing
to examine the locality once more and
recommending that the report be
again referred back as provided for in
section 17 of the Drainage Act. On
motion of Councillors Burchill and
Stonehouse the following accounts
were ordered to be paid : Wm.
Nixon, drawing tile and putting in
culvert, concession 5, $6: David Cook,
cleaning out drain opposite lot 314, con-
cession 6 and 7. $1 ; Hardisty &
Campbell, plank and putting a culvert.
sideline 30 and 31, concession 6, p.25 :
Robt. Johnston. tile and digging ditch,
sideline 34 and 34, conoeesion 2, $3.40:
Thos. Leaver. underbrusbing on side-
line 311 and 37, concession 11, $11.60 :
McKinnon tiros., gravelling on con-
cession 14, $62.80; McKinnon Brom.,
cutting hill on western boundary $87 :
Jobe Chan ney. inspecting cutting hil
on western boundary. 12; Herb. Shril
cleaning out creek bed, concession 12,
$L/0; Wm. Robinscn, repairing road-
way at river, concession 9, $6.50 ; Geo.
A. Page, coin. statute labor tax.
$3 ; F. Anieseoe, exposes. to Tor-
onto re sale of debar $10.69: J.
Gillespie. settlement dearth boundary
amourantend , Ja Gillespie,on adeuI el fo e
matjurors.` WS • fib. . eali'tdl
;A� �
voters' lists, judge's order, $86.M ; A.
Hill & On., pert payment on 10th line
bridge, SLOSS : the Heater Bridge Oo.,
part menetedn
menet O• Medneb bridge,
100. Foe gravel -W. Keane. Jr.,
ot; R J. McGee. $ill; J. Heatley,
Kest; T. Headstock, OLIO ; R WIRht.
Mrs. 1ea, $4.80 ;V.
men,. KIM: SIM; J. W8lfar•s, $7.30 :
D. -Desk. PLO ; P. Klieg. $1.20; A.
•Q Oimiples11. $4.0:
0. $)a ; W. It: Venetoma
Stair 11- 0.30 s R Sean. 1111;
I. J. Kerr. gravel and sherds.
$$tt7 61: Wm. 3. Carrie shomillat
The muesli ted
most agate an Widely,
lath nest. at le o'clock a. to. A.
Pn vane sto. Clerk.
Liver P act
So Naturally and
finch • stateasemt, awning cross
the cashier of a book, show what
coaiieace rump .-sslia peopie have
in these pills. Mr. A. L. Wilwn
after trying them wrote:
"I have reed Dr. Irtlas' Nerve
and Liver Pills and alas year
Anti -rake Tey, es, saga
geed rmeMM The Liver ltd.
act ee artst•Iy sad se spray
Heat 1 eseresly herr thdt I
cave takes a p
beim trsehtae web f
take so Ansi-Pala rid and
laam.disee reuse Is every mer.'
A. L warm, smarts. ilk
Kr. Wilms was tee • auseless
of years ~Mot et the Ebel
Natieerl Dank et Sparta.
Dr. Mee
Nerve and Liver Pi
are different from others. Many
kinds of liver pills are "impossible"
after one trial on account of their
harshness. Dr. Miles' Nerve and
Liver Pills do not act by sheer Mate
but in an easy, natural way, witi-
out griping or undue irritation.
They arc not habit lerdag.
area WideWideAle
**sew will rsbtrn „e
if tae waii
wises tssommt YID
$5.00 per weak to start with
for girls eighteen and over.
Apply at once.
D. 9. PERRIN & CO., Limited
London - - Ont.
for dor aa4 Chi dreg
Parents who contemplate the
purchase of Clothing for children
should bear in mind that we carry
a complete stock of goods from
which they may suit their boy in
up-to-date style:. The quality of
Lion Brand Clothing is second to
neon. We mate • specialty of
boys' and children's Clothing and
can supply Suits in all shades sod
sizes. Brownies and d o u b le -
breasted Suite. with bloomer
trousers are very popular.
Agents for
Carhartt Overall.
Semi -heady Tailoring
Fiterell Hate
Cold in the Head
teases te las fleet. a.. toe beetseheot of
ito Itis is aha Revisal. our ower are
boo&ed then id tee eraser; let}Ms cel-
e ase lo boagess-
wekeeaeti es� elave
• net the demo* far teamed
weenie the smells. stenete
areateriag esti west and tee teener you
eater tee boor fee yourself. Oet we tree
witelsew et seer.
1). A. MCLACHi.A_N,
Mr. Carpeotier's Trial of Dodd's Kidney
Pills Cured His Gravel, Rheuma-
tism and Diabetes.
Rousseau Mills, Portoeut Co., Que.,
Oct. 23rd.- (Special) -"Yes, i want
to tell you of my cure. It may be the
means of helping others." So says
Seraphin Carpentier, a well-known
resident of , this place. "I am fifty-
eight years old and Dodd's Kidney
Pills have cured me of gravel. dia-
betes, and rheumatism. i suffered
for ten years before I heard of Dodd's
Kidney Pills. Then 1 decided to try
them and glad I am that I did.
"I used two boxes of Dodd'. Kidney
Pills with the result that the crave!,
d labetes 'and rheumatism have en-
tirely left me.'
Dodd's Kidney Pills cure all kidney
diseases from backache to Bright's
Help ! Help 1
Has this are bees perpetrated on
yob t
1/1lIR fKYo•: Have you heard about
the t se Leerier t
g��� O. i Ifc. !What mit tt
1. Q They're gates the
IL O.: Is Met set Whet etre they
lon eel It
I The Deni' BOUea
To the Editor of The riignal.
DEAR Stn, -I have lead with con-
siderable Interest Mr. C. A. McGsw's
somewhat labored explanation of the
relations between the milling industry
and reciprocity. 1 think, however,
that the real issue can better be ex-
plained in the market reports. Take
Saturday, October 21st, as an in-
stance :
Na 1 Northern -Ninth. 111.111
No. 1 Northern- lanipea, LM
I have not the Port Arthur rate at
hand, but i understand there is a
standard rate somewhat below the
usual miil1eeasiggrr. It is easy to under.
stand. the reiote, the great advantage
~Canadian millers have over Aster-
isms tompetitors. es the surplus pro-
em' of both ount rise finds a common
market is Ramps. it is evidently the
palsy of Kr. McOaw, as well as of all
tithermeaoiaefmters. ca alight and "In-
hereete." to comf use thesed keep
mamong tanners disagreeing them-
selves as to msikets, loyalty,
and every other conceivable
e: thea owe business, and w
the farmers. inks children, are so !
Raiff to dip so
Taos A5 W000ri
We.&MY, Oct. lI, 1911.
QM yam
and he..ta•ds
sod Halleeneeis
yeeiget thee de -
balk or Sump
leo hamar/. leo.
The eeadws se this sspr b a
..sine* neehaeme be
sfel a C1•ert� . ss.
sed a
Our Seven Colleges have been
established during the past 30
years. The largelt trainers in
Canada Owing to our connec-
tion all over Ontario, we do
better for our graduates than
any other school. You may
study all at home or partly at
home and finish at the College.
Affiliated with The 'Commercial
Educators' Association of Can-
ada. It would be well for you
to investigate before choosing.
Exclusive right for Ontario of
the world-famous Bliss Book-
keeping System, which is un-
equalled. It is actual Business
from Start to Finish, and the
student keeps tame hooks as
Chartered Banks and Wholesale
Houses Ester any time.
Individual instruction.
Write, call er 'pbooe for
OSO SPOTTON, Presiders
mise s. F. WARM. Pri.ciaai
Prepare for Sleighing
Before purchasing
for the coming win-
ter, call and inspect
carload rload of Port -
lead and Piano Box
which have join ar-
rived and are now
on view in my show-
rooms. For
the setters mane-
testmed w abeam
heti Sews
b.., lann e
t7lH.t ...enc be
sere reed.
Oasis and select yours while
you have the bill mass to
cho ns frost.
Robert Wane
can be relieved very quickly by
using INTOLOZONE, the dry air
method. Relieves immediately
and is a sure cure. Price 25c, at
F. J.1154404104
tilt:t •t
meliodak Supplies and Cameras always in stock
The Happy Thought Range
still leads the market. As we repeatedly
state the HAPPY THOUGHT RANGE of two
years ago is not the HAPPY THOUGHT
RANGE of today. Evei' 'ear sees improve-
ments. The WM. BUCK STOVE Co. do not
change the name of their Range every time
they make any change. To the housewife
and the cook, the word "Happy Thought"
means satisfaction and the best that money
can buy. Call at our store and examine
the Happy Thought Range and be satisfied
that.what we state is correct; and to back it
up we are willing that you take a Range
on a TWO WEEKS' TRIAL, and if, at
the end of the two weeks, you are not
perfectly satisfied you are under no obli-
gation to keep the Range. The old saying:
The proof of the podding is he eating of it-
The Radiant Home Heater
is like the 'Happy Thought Range. It is
in a class by itself. it has no equal. It is
a wonder as a heater and a fuel saver.
Plumbing, Heating, Eavestroughing, etc.,
we give special and prompt attention, and
all work fully guaranteed.
National Portland Cement always carried
in stock.
Special Offer is Fencing
We have just received another car of
Pittsburg Perfect Electric Coiled Fence;
and for a 7 -wire, all No. g Fence, 47 inches
high, we will sell it to you for 26c per rod.
while it lasts.
'Phones : House 22 -Stage 112