The Signal, 1911-10-19, Page 4A 4 THURSDAY, OcTO$ER 19 1911 District News. OODERICH TOWNSHIP. WEDNESDAY, Oct, 18th. Fowi. Si•EFER.-Th« annual fowl supper of Zion Methodist church. Huron road, Goderich township, will be held Thursday, October :26th. A good program ill expected. Tea served from 6 to 8 o'clock. Admission 25c. THE RIFLE MEN. -The Goderich Township Rifle Association will hold a shoot over their range on Salketd'a farm on Saturday, October 21st. There will be a meeting of the mem- bers of the Association ors Tuesday, October 24th, in the usual place, to make final arrasgemeuta for sending representatives to Whitechurch or, October 27th. CHANOge.--W. Wakefield and sis- ter, Miss Wakefield, have sold their farm in this township and purpose moving to Goderich to reside William Crooks has rented his farm on the 11th concession to George Ache- son, who will work it in addition to his other two places', the homestead on the 14th and what formerly was knownas the T. Jordan place on the 12th line. Mr. Crooks located on the fano which be has just leased thirty- two years ago and it has been his home ever since. His plans for the future are undecided. AUBURN. CHICKENS AND HENS WANTED, t) sure. for cash or trade. Highest price raw W. T. RIDDEN. Auburn. esti WEDNESDAY, Oct. 18th. BRIEFS.-11411ss 7elta McDonald is home after a month's visit with friends in Toronto Sunday morning a Rally Day program for the Sabbath school was put on in the Methodist church in place of the regular church service and it proved to be a very in- teresting and instructive service. The superint4ndent, O. E. Erratt, hid charge of the meeting Special music was furnished by a chorus of eight girls and a choir composed of the members of Mrs. Andrewsand Miss S. Rlair's claeses. An admirable ad- dress on -The Founding of the Sun- day School by Robert Raikes' was given by Rev. R. A.. Miller. The special collection was devoted to the general Sunday school aid fund School will he closed on Thursday and Friday, the teacher attending the East Huron teachers' convention at 8eafotth..... The grader has been do- ing some excellent work on the road Instil to the village from the east. ohs Mole was in Seafortb for a couple of days this week J. H. Sbortt was called to don ie on Mon- day on account of the serious illoesu of his brother -in -b,. At time of writing he has not returned .... Miss Kate McClinchey and Miss May Den- stedt. the delegates to the Epworth League convention held at Blyth re- cently, gave their reports at the meet- ing of the League teat night Sun- day. November 5th. is the date set for the anniversary services in the Metho- dist church. More particulars later. Rev. It. A. Miller and Rey. J. H. Osterhout, of Londseboro', autoed to Belprave and Dungannon on Mon- day. ST. HELENS. TUESDAY. Oct. 17th. A MEETINO FOR THE LADIES. -The monthly meeting of the St. Helens branch of the Women's Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. Geo. Webb on the afternoon of Thursday, October aitle at 2:311 o'clock. There will be given a demonstratiou of "spice ^ate" by Mrs. Webb, also`, a discussion on "Care of Children's Teeth" and "Pick- ling." A cordial invitation is extend- ed to all the ladies to be present. SORRY TO Lank' Tura. -St. Helens last week suffered through the re- moval of Mrs. D. Todd, sr., and Miss J. C. McDonald to Wingham, where they purpose residing in future. Miss McDonald has always been active in the work of the Sabbath school, Mis- sion Band and Women's Foreign Mis- sionary Society in connection with Calvin church and in every good work for the welfare of the community, Mrs. Todd also will be greatly missed, as she was always, ready to help in the advancement of the cause of the King- dom of God. Two weeks ago at a thankoffering meeting in Calvin church Miss McDonald was presented with a life membership in the W. F. M. S. COMING AND Goon). -Mrs. H. An arson left on Wednesday for London spend the winter with her daughter, Mrs. R. H. Wilburn Mrs. John Radcliff, of Rapid City. Manitoba. re- turned with her daughter. Miss Sara, from Clinton hospital on Monday. They will visit their brothers, the Messrs. Webb. and sister, Mrs. W. E. McPherson, before returning home ... Mr. and Mrs. Will Todd and daughter Mona. of Cargill, spent a couple of weeks on the old homestead ...Miss Mamie Salkeld. of Goderich, spent a short time visiting friends here Miss E. S. Miller attended the teachers' convention at Exeter Thursday and Friday. Mr. Stuart, of Little Cur- rent, will occupy the pulpit in Calvin church next Sabbath Mr. Phillip, sr., moved into Ml.. McPherson s house on Monday Mrs. D. Todd, sr.. aid Miss J. C. McDonald moved into Win ham this week. Mr. and Mrs. David Todd, jr., having bought Mee. Todd's farm, moved in on Mon- DUNGANNON. 111R. NEWTON, DENTIST, OF it Luokeow. bee mooed visiting oshade palate sad will be.c.lortb aim his entire attended to the home once, Luaasow, sande he will be fogad every day. All modern meth- oda.MOTfCE.-THE LOCAL AGENCY Lae:eniaseampa .ns. ter The Missal teat tits Prim-Btetlessell will to rensiveil tor au w std vettheog and Job work mod receipts be sive= for amounts DAM for Use Name. T('OR THE FALL RENOVATING at DOMINI .Il want some new wall papers. ()all essonon Poslomos Muse* and see Use elasant new goods u dealt there. Latest pat- 4rne and re. -Doable prises. Picture pont. ds is groat variety. M. ire. Duaaran000. tTHICKENS AND HENS WANTED. /l alive. for cash, every Wednesday. J. H. cNAB, Ilungat.non, 7i WEDNESDAY, Oct. loth. Andrew Kirk, of the 2nd concession of West Wawanosh, advertises a sale of his farm stock and implements fur Tuesday, October 31st. bfr. Kirk has sold his farm, and has not yet decided just where he will locate. C ARI.. GOING OUT OF BUSINESS SALE Owing to UI health we offer co October 3S and then after the whole of our stock iii of general store merchandise, ooeslatins of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Oro aeries, Men's Ready-to-wear Goods, Boots., Shoes and Rubbers. Hardware, W M. Paints. Flour, Feed and Seeds. Sl Wall Paper. Patent Medicines. sad Stationery. Table and Floor Oilcloths. Linoleum$, and Floor Matting% Bens Blanket= Robes. etc. For full pardon - bars see hand bills. Prooerty toe sale or rent. PostoPos and 'phone revenue ill pepay ei err rent. on purchase primer 7.W. J. POWELL Carlow P. 0. --_ - - -..._...J TUESDAY. Oct. 17th. The rain on Tuesday interfered with the success of the sale of Lt. -Col. Var- coe's Penzance herd of pure-bred Aberdeen Angus cattle. Only r bout a score of buyers were present, so that only a part of the stock was sold end the bidding was not nearly so brisk as it might have been under more favor- able weather conditions It will be a matter of regret for the people of Darlow and vicinity to learn that W. J. Powell, our storekeeper and postmaster, finds himself in such poor health that be will have to give up the business. He is announcing a big sale to get rid of as much as pos- sible of his stock. Mr. Powell bag proved himself a good reliable business man and his removal will be a loss to Carlow. RKOULArt MsETINOOFCOUNCIL -Col- borne township council held its regular meeting October 10th. All the mem- bers present, Rueve Kernighan in the chair. The following accounts were Erz:passes, viz.: Thos. Tabb, repairing on 6th concession, $16; John Treble, 2 tile culverts. 6th concession, $6.50; John Treble, breaking roads, $3: Miss Milligan, 14 loads gravel. $1.40; Alvin Youngbhut. repairing bill at Ball's bridge, $2.26: John Barker, repairing bridge at McManus', plank and cleaning ditch, $6.75; Oliver Cook, gravelling. $40: Edward Shaw, in- s ting. $1 ; John Barker, grading at Jos. Olen's, $3: John Barker, gravel- ling Lake road, $25; J. Buchanan, repairing bridge. $2.50; Samuel John- ston, ditch and tile, $2; Samuel Mitchell repairing culvert, $2.50; Horace Horton, making road, prop- ping bridge, and gravel, $7.51: M. G. Cameron, costs in Moser vs. the Town- ship, $4.50. The council will meet again on second Tuesday in November at 2 p.m. F. W. MCDONAOH, Clerk. R1ID'S CORNERS. TUESDAY, Oct. 17th. BRIEFS.- Mra. Dawson Bradley is recovering. We shall he glad to see her out again . .. Mrs. Merritt, of Detroit., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Spiels, is asking at the old home . Mr. and Mrs. Rutherford took a trip this week to Kinlough. ..This is potato weather. "Carpe diem." Noy&ts. - C. J. Wilds, of Huron township, threshed a crop of fall wheat for W. & A. Pollock that yield- ed forty-nine bushels to the acre: How's that for a crop''.... .The ex- hibits of horses and cattle at the Rip- ley fall fair were excellent. This sec- tion was well represented. R. H. Reid took first prize for his heavy -draught foal, from "Auld Lang Syne," owned by T. F. Quaid, of Dunlop. Mr. Reid also won the sweepstakes for the best heavy -draught colt on the grounds. This also was one of "Auld Lang Syne's" get. CHURCH No•res.-At the pre -com- munion service cif the Presbyterian church on Tuesday, Rev. J. 8. Hardie preached very acceptably. Five new members were received -Russel Reid, Mrs. Reid and Mn. Howell Fraser by certificate, and Lloyd Bice and Archie Courtney byconfession The meeting of te %V. F. M. 8. the jpgat week was a good one Miss Ren. nie, of Stratford. who was aenneineed to speak to the Society, will cancel her engagement on account of an enter- tainment to be held in Bethel church the sante date The collector* for day. the Bible Society ass on ' heir errand of love. Receive them kindly and re- spond generously... ..Misses Irene Bradley and Bessie McTavish read paper. this week at the Y. P. N. meet - ng. Throw doll care aside for an even Mg and eidjoy the Ane program to he Riven by the Potmatrer Sisters in Vic- toria iatoria Opera House on Friday evening. THIS WEEK'S MARKET TOP PRICES (From the Farmers Sun. Toronto" Oct. l$4. Toronto Montreal Butte. Rage .. Oft ears 56.40 (a Kati iambs . SUS Toronto Bntur Sir Off can 56.75 115.00 5160 Montreal Kyle• 27e Fed and watered II/7t $7.75 a $166 New Yoe* 1sr THE SIGNAL GUDERICH , ON ARID BENMIL LER. WEDNESDAY, Oct. 18th. Norm -Miss Frage of Goderich, visited at the bouts Mrs. Heddle. Mr. and Mrs. J k Whits, of Goderich, spent Sunday in the village. Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Pfrimmer spent Sunday in Goderich Jim. Heddle, of Goderich, spent a couple of weeks at the old home here M. Phimmer had the municipal 'phone installed in his house last week E. H. Walters had a cement veranda built last week in front of his store, which improves its appearance very much. PORT ALBERT. MONDAY, Oct. Itlth. McKxwzIE UAID.-A very pretty wedding was solemnised at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Quaid, Port Albeit, on Wednesday evening, Oc- tober 11th, when their daughter, Miss Mabel, was united in matrimony to Jame= McKenzie, of Vancouver, B. C. The bridal party stood beneath a tastefully arranged arch of evergreens and autumn leaves. The bride, who entered the room !owning on the atm of her fatbet, looked very sweet in a gown of white silk. She carried a bouquet of white roses, and wore a dainty gold pendant set with pearls, the, gift of the groom. She was attended by her little niece, Mabel Schaefer, who made a pretty flower -girl, dreamed in blue silk and carrying a basket of pink car- nations. She wore a little gold locket, the gift of the groom. The wedding march was played by Mrs. J. 8. Quaid, sister-in-law of the bride. Various beautiful and useful gifts were re- ceived as tokens of the high esteem of their many friends. Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Kenzie left the following day for their future home in Vancouver. BLYTH. Tt'ESDAY, Oct. -17th. OtriTUARY.- C. Spafford, who had been X11 for a considerable length of time.. ...seed away Sunday morning at 2 ti el •.•L. The funeral took place on Tuesus, afternoon, the Masonic Order having it in charge. There was a very large attendance. Mr. Spafford came here over four years ago as C. P. R. agent, and during this time he made a host of friends, who all sympathize with the bereaved widow and family in their sad affliction ....The Masons turned out very strong on Monday to the funeral of their brother, W. Watt son, of Belgrave, who passed away on Saturday. Mr. Watson had always taken an active interest in the lodge work here, and outside of the lodge he was well known in these porta and had a boat of friends .. .Mrs.h McGowan, of East Wawanoeh, who had been visiting her daughters io Middlesex, r-eturaed home last week feeling unwell and passed away on Saturday. The funeral took place to the Union cemetery on Sunday and a large number from town were in at- tendance. The deceased was an active member of the Presbyterian church. Her husband predeceased her a num- ber of years. PERSONAL AND GENERAL. -T. Wan- less and family, who had resided here for a great many years, left last week for Toronto, w here they intend to re- side in future. Mrs. Dexter has moved into the house they vacated. .. Mrs. John Wilford. who has been living in Wioghant for the past few mouths, left here on Friday for San (Diego, California, where she in- tends putting in tie winter months. She expects the change of climate will be beneficial to her health A. H. Jacobs, who has been spending the summer here, also left on Friday for the same place, to look after his orange grove there Mr. and Mrs. D. Somers, of Winkham, spent Sun- day with the latter's parents here. The contractors are getting the ditch dug and the pipes laid for the Are protection through the main street. They are getting splendid weather for doing the work Mrs. H. McQuarrie, who had been spending the past couple of months with her family in the West, has returned home .. .. The Presbyterian choir un- der the leadership of A. E. Cook made a good impressiou at the Westfield tea -meeting last week. He had a number of the old singers back again, which made a considerable improve- ment .. . The Dominion express. which has been under the manage- ment of G. M. Chambers for a number of years, has been changed to the store of F. Metcalf The Sellers estate have disposed of their business to A. Hooker, of Hansell, and he now has posseserion. He moved his familyto town last week. He has a good usiness and should make a suc- cess of it J Stewart received a car of cement this week. He is using a lot of it this week Two of the Plymouth Brethren came here Friday evening and held a service on the streets. We do not know whether they did any good or not, but they certain - A1 speak some plain truths . M. rmstrong shipped a ear of cattle to Toronto last week Mr. Nichol- son, of Strathroy, has purchased the engine from the sawmill and is having it taken to London. i Hill has the contract of shipping it J Den- holm, shipped a car of apples to Glas- gow last week The Rlyth Tele- phone Co. is still busily engaged put- ting in new 'phones and last week re- ceived a large shipment of wire Mr. and Mrs. Louis Haggitt, who have been living here the past sum- mer, moved with their household goods to Pigeon, Michigan, where Mr. Haggitt is going to work at the black - emithing . ....Mrs. W. A. garter visited In Clinton the past week Inspector Asquith was in Reaforth last week on his official rounds R. Stewart and M. Robinson were in Clinton one daylast week Mrs. Simpson McCalwho bad been in the London hospital undergoing a serious operation, returned borne last week. being greatly improved ... Mre. A. H. Tierney visited her mother in (lin ton last weak Miss Mellow at- tended the teachers' convention at /tee- ter last Thursday and Friday....D. D. Crittenden was in St. Thoas weighing grain for a large milling company last week Mrs. P. Faw- cett end Mrs. F. M ware in Clinton last week visiting vws. With a bot weber brittle at hand your are ready to cots with see cramps, musedeeerangW New stock j.et reserved by R.w'igie, draggfie (inderish. Many a man's self -one Beit over shadows W pgdarity. citations of Dodd'. Kidney Pills ars regia►. The boa is imitated. the outside cooties and &ape of the pills are imitated and the same --Dodd'. Kidney Pills is imitated limitations are dangerous. The original is safe. Dodd's Kidney Pile have a reputation. Imita- tors have rose or tiny wouldn't imitate. So they trade on the reputation of Dodd's Kidney Pills. Do not be deceived. There is only one DODD'S. Dodd's I. the origins/ Dodd's is the name to be care- ful alffui &best -- o -o -n -o -s KIDNEY PILLS WESTFIELD. TUESDAY. Oct. 17th. AN OMISSION. -In The Sig nal's re- port last. week of the Westfield anni- versary services and entertainment the name of J. Fowler. of Godericb, was omitted inadvertently from the list of artists who took part in the program at the entertainment on Mon - lay evening. Mr. Fowler sang two solos very acceptably. BRIEFS. -John Chatnney has pur- chased the south halt of lot :ft from David Ramsey, He gets possession in March next Miss Pearl Hiles, of Kincardine, visited relatives here for a few days last week, having taken part in the entertainment on Monday evening.... .Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mc- Dowell visited the former's sister. Mrs. K. Cameron, near Lucknow. nn Sunday last Mies Lilian Clark, of St. Helens. visited her sister, Mrs. Marvin McDowell, and a few of her many friends here last week. ANN! VERSANT SERV ICES AND BEYER- TAINMIrNT,-The Donnybrook COngre- gation purpose bolding their anniver- sary services on Sandy and Monday, October 28th and 30th. Rev. Stir. Richardson, of Klppen, will preach at 2 o'clock in the afternoon and 7.30 in the eveningg. On Monday evening s - Thanksgiving supper will be given, also an excellent program. The fol- lowing talent is expected : Miss Cole, of Ethel, Miss Heinicke and her or- chestra from Goderich, Mrs. McGuire. from Seaforth. also Rev. W. Conway from Nile and Mrs. Richardson from Kipper. Everybody come anis have a good time. Don't forget the entertainment by the Pohnatier Sisters in Victoria Opera House tomorrow (Friday) even- ing. Buying Opportuni- ties in Every Department of the Store This Week Here Are a Few of the Strong and Unusual Bar- gains Awaiting You. HOSIERY is a specialty with us. We buy nearly everything we sell in Hose from the makers. MIX enables us to make bed - rock We have a lot of Wool Dee, exceptional value, sizes 5 to 10. Sizes 5, 54, 6, (5, 7, 74, only efts. Sizes 8, 84, 9, 9,4 and I0, only oda Another lot, all fine imported wool, einesSj, 9, 94, 10, at ado. This is a leader in value. Ask for them. STORE NEWS BRIEFLY PUT COATS stock full and prices tight, In long and short makes, from >ff.00 to $17.00, In all ooiors -Mack, brown, grey and fancy tweeds. Our values are the beet to be had for prices asked. UNDER WEAR We never had so large and well selected a stook of Fall and Winter Underwear as we have now -from small girl& to ladies'. :end small boys' to men's, union. fleeced and all -wools. Values Al. SWEATER COATS for children, girls, boys and ladies, white, cardinal, grey. navy and combinatixh colors. Prices from 75o to $4.75. VELVETS Black, navy, brown, green. cardinal, rose, and corduroy in some colors, 110o to 50o. Lots of them to meet the great de- mand now for these good.. HOSIERY SECONDS Made up of vale,. up to !b.}, and the dish t defectle don't efiees the wear In the lstsst.-and 0M\ is all we ask for them. TOQUES awl CAPS A big stock direst from the mills, from 5$. to $1,24. in the newest shapes foe this season's 'seat'. EIDERDOWN YARN for [Waking fancy wool cape, in ten different colon; and the books toe making the caps. DRESS TRIMMINGS In Silk Allover*, black, cream, navy, gold mix, silver mix. Double width . Silk F i s h Nets, black and cream. Site • Banding*, Silk Braids, Girdle,, Tassels, Fringes, Frogs. Med- allions, in silk and beaded. Beaded insertions -just what is wanted for trimming. In larger variety than ever before. J. H. Colborne e LEEBURN. ,WEDNESDAY, Oct. 18th. New CHURCH SHIDH.-For some time past the congregation of Lee - burn Presbyterian church baa had under consideration a proposal to erect new church sheds. It finally has been agreed to erect a new 'structure along the north side of the church property with accommodation for six- teen rig.. The walls will he of con- crete and a bee is to be held on Thurs- day to draw gravel for use in their construction. It is expected that about eighteen teems will assist in this work. The gravel likely will be procured on the lake beach behind the church. It also is intended to build a windbreak along the west side. where the present sheds stand. The new structure no doubt will prove to he a first-class shelter. For pure homemade candy try Blacketone.. See their window die play. FALL AND WINTER Footwear We are ready for this season with A good variety, of men's. women's and children's Footwear - the kind that gives to your feet style and comfort, Also a large stock of GRANBY RUBBERS, made U fit all shapes of boots. TRUNKS, ETC. We have in stock at all times a large variety of up-to-date Trunks. Grips, Suit Cases and other travelling goods. REPAIRING 'Phone 226 W. HERN The Square., FALL MILLIiNERY We are now ready with the biggest showing of new fall Millinery that we have had yet this season. We will have on displaySaturday about 200 Hats, which areal] American styles anAmerican trimmed. Nn expensive workrooms to cause expense: therefore our prices are low and the styles exclusive. Now is the true to bur wings and flowers. We are Nearing them at half-prire. Setuntay we will put on sale two lots of trimmed Hats to clear at each $1.'ti and $2,48. 25 in this lot only. per pair Issege alae flannelette Blankets" beet quality, At only Lstli l and wtatEt weight Undetwcar, este good geraiity foe the price. per 'penes'. an. Men's all -wool Mack Milton Overcoats. each $IMI men's black Overcoats, special. each 115.1ki Another lot of those good all -wool los. regular 2Se values, for two pairs only Shin. Cameron's Fall Millinery arm Cameron is prepared to show the latest models in dress and street hats, moderately priced, and in the season's favored shapes and colorings. The ladies of Goderich are cordially invited to visit her showrooms and inspect her handsome display. Miss Cameron Hamilton Street Goderich DRINK HABIT REMEMBER THE (IATLIN TREATMENT IN THREE DAYS With no hypodermic injections. Absolutely destroys and removes all craving and desire tor liquor. ALL PATIENTS admitted for TRK ATM ENT under contract that it has to be satisfactory or fee paid is refunded. The Gatlin Treatment for the Liquor Habit is being etron ly recommended by the medical profession. THE HOME TREATMENT is just as effective if simple directions are followed. Call, write or 'phone for booklet and copies of conttart. Strictly confidential. TIE F41UN INSTITUTE - 428 JAIIVIS ST., TSIUIITO 'PHONE NORTH 45.6. - A. HARGRAVE, Manager. Our Motto: "A square deal to everyone " 3 - I'UET THE HABIT E OF GOiNG TO 3 E 3 MUIR & HOHMEIER IF 3 IE FOR ALL. YOUR F 1 FURNITURE WANTS f 3 3 Your credit is good, but in order to do E 3 as near a cash business as possible we 3 will allow you 11 3 10 Per Cent. Discount 3 on all spot cash transactions. This means li 3 more money for your bank account and t 3 is well worth taking advantage of. Don't I 4 forget the place. 3 t 1 E AGENCY NORDHIIME* PIANOS a' • • MUIR & HOHMEIER AP. oft, • "116 /car oat.* sore h& h► reser wow"