The Signal, 1911-9-21, Page 8• Ttevaseme, Berirs niers M, tell Fall Weddings !U'ffREER isf--n1T'nlf A big assurtruest of Cut Ulaes and Rock Crystal. livery piece smirked with the Reddish reaker's name ••Webb... con idiag of Boa Bram from 1.60 to 16.0u, Heavy Howls from E.tlu to 1110. 4%). Wates Hooks, g6.u(►, $6.tel .ad atl.u0. Guidons from S$.UU per nos. to $1K00 per dui, Ice Plates NM each, sherbet (.up.. =10.00 and $1100 per dos., Champagne Glasses. "FILM per dos., L.c..aters ftom set.00 to 812.00. English Minton and Walport China A splendid tante of Oups and .meets Irvin $14y$U to g3.tUeach. Plates troui s11w0 a dos. up. Y. edgewoua white and gold r}` ham Tea bets, complete. D(L Hideo** w bite sad ,old Danner Sete, complete. $7Si. Also a full stuck of Sterling Sliver. Silver Plate, Brass (towdb, etc.. etc. s ie CGlosial int Store GI;O. PORTER. Prop. Phone 100. Goderich Government Goes Gown t. Os feat on Reotptoeltr. '•ANNEXATION CRV MO IT" Quebec Steed Loyal te Its S.levd Chieftain. slut Ontarie\Amwerd dee Loyalty Speeches of Ilth. 01101141., votive Orators and R.twn.d 71 Mrmb.rs-Seven Minister Are Among Defeated Candidates. , Toronto, Sept. 22. -The Lauder Government has suffered n decisive defeat. Yesterday's poiling gives the Conservatives thus far 130 seat, and the Liberals 90, a majority of 43. The verdict was Ontario's. and the "summation cry did it. As a whole the regaining provinces voted to sustain the Government, though loe,•es were aappeernteoced both 1n the Maritime, Proiiaoes and the West. Eight of Bir Wilfrid Laurier's Min- isters are defeated, and but four of them survived the battle of the bal- lots. Bir Wilfrid Laurier himself war elected in two coo$tituencies. , Quebec East and Soutanges, bet Hon. G P. Graham, Hon. Mackenzie King. Hon. William Paterson, Hon. Sydney Fisher, Hon. W. 8. Fielding. How. Bir Frederick B..rden, Hon. William Templeman and Hon. Jacques Bureau were uneble to hold up their end. 1 Special Valves is !Clocks I 7'o make room for our large order of Clocks coaling in next month we are reduc- ing a number of our Clocks. All our Obcks are fully guaranteed. I One eight -days Mantel Clock. e.tbedral gong strike. r'elt- nlar Sb.7Ca,''pedal I 1 ,,rice $4.50 I I7'Moroeightncasesday,,oMaoiler tClocks, 1 itcl he hour and half-hour. regular 58.00. Special price,'S5.00. IThree Kitrbeo Clock., eiglbt- day movements, boar and halt - hour strike, regular 00(10. Special, $2.75' Two eight-day Clocks. Mission speci care.al regulei 113.40.- $2.75 Watch our window for these Specials. Walter H. Harrison Jeweller and Optician Bole Agent Columbia Graphephones Om the Square Goderich Men THIRTY YEARS Our (ieyeo Colleges have been established daring the pad Ib years,. The largest trainers In Candy. Owing to our ooanec- lion all env Ontario. we do better for our graduates than any other school. Yon may study aU at hone or pigtl at home and Ankh at the Re Affiliated with The Oounaenial Educators' Aawclatioo of Can- ada. It would be well for yyoouhi W investigate before ebo i.&ng. Makable' right for Ontario of the world-famous Blies Book- keeping System. which is un- equalled. It is actual Business from Start to Finish. and the etudeet keeps game books a* Chartered Banka and Wholesale Houses. Rot.ev any time. Individual instruction. CANADIAN PAN csr C SPECIAL RATES 1U TIN coAsr THB GRAND OLD CHIEF. ;Hon. Dr. Belaad, the new Mintseer. was dee defeated in Montapy, al - (though be was elected is Demme. , ONTM 10. tovC.wwrv4lvss Elected ALGOMA, WEST -A. C. Boyer (0.). �uRnANT-J. H. Fisher (C.), maj. 10I BBANrFORD-w. F. Coekakala K BEOCCbK1TII1Ln J Webster (0.), �i. BRUOE ?iOlRTI4-Lt.-OoL H. Clark (0.), maj. 100 --fain. BRUCE, BOUTH=J. J. Donnelly (C.). ma)S. 90 . CARLLtTON-Edward Kidd (0.). maj. 1,000. UUFFERIN-John Best (C.). maj. .• DUNDAB-A. Broder (C.), maj. 670 DURHAM --C. J. Thornton (C.). 11111;41.011. a. 400. ;41.01 , EAST -David Marshall (C.). 'hint 366. KLGIN, WEST -T. W. Crothers (C.), Ma . 601. :MEX. NORTH -Oliver Wilcox (C.), maj. 900. 1 FRON'ENAC-Dr. J. W. Fdwards (C. I. maj. 600. IORENIVILLE--J. D. Reid (O.). maj. 1�000. GREY. EA11T-Dr. Sproule (0.). I OBEY, NORTH -W. S. Middlebow (0.). maj. 306. ' OREY, SOUTH -R. J. Ball (0.). mai Xie --gra. HALDIMAND-F. R. Lehr (O.). 'mat 690. ETON --D. Headers)* (0. . HAMILTON. EAST -.8s Darks (0.)). ma. 1,690. ) HAMILTON WAST -T. J. Stewart (0.), mai. 2,0450. (0HAST[N , matO sANT-W. B. N.rthrop j HASTLI OS, WROT-s. Gum Porter 10_1_ ► RON, MAST -James Santis ';-(0.), O I RyON,� SOUTH --J. J. Hamm (0.), ma). 'amok, Tat --s. 0. twirls (0.). .seal 100. I KINGSTON -W. F. KISS (O.). My. 460--giio. LAMIITON, KAaT-3. E. Amended (C.I. maj. 176. LANARK, NORTH -w. Timbers (C.). ma). sir. LANARK, 800TH -Hos. Jae. Hag- gart (C.), maj. 490. 1 LEEDS -Georg. 'fouler (0.), mat /.6311 LENNOK AND ADDINGTON-W. J. Paan, M.P.P. (0.), vel. 190. i LINCOLN ---R. A. Lasseter (0 ). mal. 1,015. LONDON-04or Seattle (0.), Mal. s Y DDIESEX. BAIT-PNer Olsen (0 '. ma1. 001. M N DDLI90Q. NORTH- Oearg. Ilse Lott (C.), nal. St -gin. 'NN.t MUSKOKA-Wm. Wright. (O.). met INN. g. Gerdes (0.). !Inoou►p�l1et, NOItT'HUMBERLAND, EAST -H. J Walker (0.) raaj IrO. SORT D. WIMP- o 1 Munson (0.), me 4 --gain ONTARIO, NORTH -My. S. Sherpa (4, ), seal 601 1 ONTARIO, SOUTH-winime Sant (O.), myy. >.e -dela. OTT AWA --A S. Tripp (C.) -gala, foorr ! -Dr.- Chabot (C )- Mia, 14OKit06D. I, m)SOUTH-Dee. SaYnr- �aFjUaSIsmiC r ROUND 4a. ArtiArtinesssIS VANCOUVER $42.1511/VICTOt;IA 'LAPORT SPOKANE FROM OODERICH swam Casa amt. frit le on ism Hese. Teale te vase.ever .104. KIDD, A east, sedsrie.. 1 TRE SIGNAL 4JODERICH, ONTARIO • . tl-W-s- : IC.0 . (C.) -gain, incomplete. PERTH. NOUTH-Die M. Sled. IC.) sin, Incomplete. Pi (C )10100, AST -+J. A. Bes- s PS?((igR))BORaQ. 4 88T --J. H. Dart PRilfCl',E mBbWARD-a. s. Hep- ► RE (C. ), 11 ill_ 11aia RENFREw mics -(I. V. whi,,. mat, at ( SIMOORANT-w. H. Besaet6 ca.),mr►j SIMOOs, N H -Maj. J. A. - [OIl�(��C 6K11,�m9jjou-Haagkaa Les solfTORM0NT-or00ilgum, (0.). mal. ?O NTO CIaTRE-11111.B&W (C.),5b60. TORO. SANT_ A. E. Kamp (0.). ma . 4.071. Toso((NUU?���0. mmtronH6p-sHon. 0. •R. Fto*Olil{0., SOITTH-Li. 0. Maedea- ?OROwENT-E. B. Osler (0.). a. 7,100. IOTORIA AND HALIIIURTOII- W AT�R)B,LLO , et0t()R�•Taa1Haat-W.'Wei- awl 0 ei- cI: WA? =,maj. 1110.41r -George Claw (CWELLDI TO11. NORTH W. A.' Clarks &Nide ( YORE, 'ISO-gain CENT tEE pL T. O. Wal- lace allace (C.), alit Me. YORK. NORTH -A. ilii. Armoires) ( Y ORK , SOUTH W. F. Madam (C.). ma). 4,904. Liberals .Elected. ALGOMA, EAST -Regan (L), my. 176. EieSEX, LOUTH -A. H. Clarke ((L.)), CLENOARRY-J. A. M.Millan (L.). KENT. EAST -D. A. Oordon (L.l); maj. 960. KENT, WEST -A. B. McCoig (L.), maj. M. L.IMBTON, WEST -F. F. Pardee (L.), ma'. 260. 1141 DDLEBEE WEST -Duncan Rom (L.). ma'. 130. r NORFOLK -W. A. Charlton (L.), incomplete. oxfoaD, NORTH --E. W. Nesbitt (L),neat !T- P Ed. Proulrl (L.), maj: RENFaREW. SOUTH -T. A. Levee ( mai. RUSSELL-Hon. C. Murphy (L.), incomplete. THUNDER BAY-Deierred. ler ELLAND-W. M. dermas (Anti- spprrocit Liberal), (awl.);ELLIINGTON, 800TH -Hugh Ge- (L), maj. 400. QUEBEC. ARGENTEUIL-"O. H. Pettey (0.), maj. IN. BAOOT-J. E. Marcille (L.), my. 107. BE.AUCE-Hon. Dr. Deland (L.); ma. 19. EAUHAEN018-L. J. Papinea. (L.), nha . 11, BELLgOHA88E--O. E. Talbot (L.), mat U1.- BERTHIER-;L. A. Barrette (N.)j ' maj. aln. 1110NAMaUFE-Hoa. 0. Mardi .1L.)-Lncompp1e1 BROME-3. H. Baker (0.) -fain, incomplete. C#fAMBLY-VEROHEBEB - J. H. Rainvilleta (0. oonplate. CHJIN MPLA-P. E. Blondin (N.), mat 4N. CIHARLEVOIX-R. Forget (O.)-ln. complete. CHATEAUGUAY-J. P. Brown (L.),' maj. 43. CHIOOUTIUI•BAOUENA( - Dde,' red; ppooll! Bayt. 00. COMPTOON-F. E. Oromweli (0.)t -1$an. Lncog to. DORCH A. Sevigny (N.) - gain inoom keoe. DIiUMMO D - ARTHABABKA - 0. °Brouillard ((LL ), maj. s11--Libatsl fain. OABPE-Detorted: p(1ft HOCHELAGA-Loaf. Ood.ere 8004.0 j sin, incomplete. HUNTINGDON -James Robb (L.)i -incomplete. JA0QM CARTIER--i. D. Moak (N.), mat 1,190. J . P. 0. OaitM(N .l1J1 m Kitts N=A -s. Lapointe (L.)' net 15. -�LASZLLs-H. bass (x.), Mi. lei LAPS4ILRIII -- NAPIBIVa is - L Isis 080HPlioii-E. A. «pia 06.0 teal. A. anima (L). LitiVIS-asetia Betasw (L.). MI( 1111ISr-Dr. S. ?asset (H.). ---s} ..LOTEIN[sIJFWiI LIMNS* (Q. i[A1D0� - A. ��kjud'Ma11fgOMIS -A Selman (0.).11iHGA sia0-•L. Pawned (4). Esti iiINSISQUOL-F. W. Ey (L.)-' i eC C3.L6-D. A L0isefea. (I.). 1 lL))O$aTmaM�.AON-T ��- Dr. L'LgeesaMi (N11EO6r' 011115- -a. F.elnt (O.)„ Eat 6�-mels. s Y0I(TBRAL, ST. ANNA C. J. Dai ,,::ry �a.,, aaaj• 115. )URAL--ETi ANTOINa-a. f. [mee_(0.) My. netMO RNAL, ST. JAMBS -L. A. L. °ONOWTl AL ST LAWILBS0s - a. Bickerdike (L.), maj. 1.0*. MONTREAL, ST. ([ART'S-MNeeN Martin (L.), my. SI61. NI OOLE'1'-P. S. LEawM (I1.)i "VONTIA H. *rakers (N.Y., gni. i PORW F 1-•1111. s. Ds k (1). mQUESno, Ciile*a-A. I-- --- ( 4{nal NO. ((IS..B))ISO((. Law&6?-stir WlMMd La QUis®C.wirt-wee. P.w.r a.* asiceseplete. QUsacEM0yy00NTT-Asa L Falb.(( Caia 1 o ani wotagilriP labia (LJ �j as. RLMOUSk:I-Dr. H. Seeley (C 1. I�OUVI Hoa. R. Lemieux (L.). rsI'. Ira .ITR -t.. J. Gauthier �WY.OJ Hit-IBERTIL ,-.1. Deman nal. 370. $BOQSY-F. N. McOrs (L.). IOIJLLADI0EB-Bir W. Laster (L.). 11T��AMBppTh4taa*D-C. H. Liven (L.). ?�El[IBOOUATA-0. A. Gaeereaa (L. -meow W Nanta (0.)- pta ineom T>11REE BT o uiics- Dr. Normand (N.), maj_ 116 -pis. TWO MOUITTA --J. A. C. Btbier (amt.). VAUDREUIII-E. B. Devlin (L.). Fa YAMABLA-N. Hendon (N.). my. . H. Soivta (L.). 1i -gain. TIie'Woman Qustion- Three Meals a Day' This is the problem - confronting the average housewife -a problem of vital importance to the home, and one best solved by a trip to our store and the purchase of BRITISH COLYMSIA. VANCOUVER -H. H. Stevens (C.). incomplete. " NEW WESTMINSTER -J. D. Tay- lor (C.), taeo,pplete. YALE-CARIBOO - Martin Burrell (C.),i V101'OnaRll-O. H. Barnard (0.). Incomplete. COMOX-ATLIN-Undeef deal. NANAIIMO--Frank Shepherd (0.) - gala, incomplete. KOOTENA7 A. 8. Goodeve (C.), incomplete. PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. QUEEE�N'8-A. A. McLean (0.), sea QUEENII-D. Nicholson (0.), maj. PRINCE -J. W. Richards (1). maj. 100. KINO'N-J. J. Hughes '(L.), --gain, incomplete. NEW BRUNSWICK. ."OARLI TON -F. B. Carvell (L.). nia. 9. --gainT. A. Hard (C.)., GLOUCSR--0.0. Ta incomplete. rgeop (L.). KENT -F. J. Eobidou z (C.), maj. ▪ KI17G'B-AI-RERT-G. W. Fowler (C:). maj. 971-g. . NORTHUMBERLAND- Undecided. QUEEN'S-SUNBURY-IL H. Mc- Lean (L.), mat 270. RESTI(OUCIE-James Raid (L.), BT. JOHN CITY AND COUNTY- Hon. •Wm. Pugeley (L.), maj. 64 - gain. ST. JOHN CITY -J. W. Daniels (C.), maj. 43. VICTORIA-MADAWASKA-P. Mi- chaud (L.), maj. 1,663. WESTMORELAND -H. R. Beemer- son (L.), maj. 60. 'YORK -0 8. Crockett (C.). mai., 1,000. NOVA SCOTIA. ANNAPOLIS -8. W. Pickup (I..), maj. 23. • ANTIOONISH - Wm. Chisholm (L.), incomplete. CAPE BRII+TON, 3L -D. D. Mac- kenzie aikenzie (L.), CAPE $ .-W. Carroll (L) -gain intaispLete. coven tyraa--J. Staassld (0.). ma. 63. t ERLAI1D-6. N. Rhodes (C.), maj. 360. DIGBY-C. Jameson (C.). maj. GUYSBORO-J. H. Olaeleir • (L.), mal. AZ --a. L. Borden (C.), my. 104. HAL FAX -A L MacLean (L.). 7p. All?S-H. B. Taenia (O.), ItIVIUlta-A, W. Chisholm (14. tea .I 7'10. NG's-A.�.�1e W. Feeler (0.)- �LiiNENBUSi-D. Stewart (0.:, O B [._ X..4=44Quaint 's -v. R1CHMO°O' " SID W. Kyle (L). ratAFMOVTH-R. Z. Law (L.). net MAIIITOSA. BRANDON -J. A. M. Aikta. (C.). met LISGAE -'II BL Sharpe (a.) - i�- DivtHnr-1r. Ceaspbell (0.). itAWONALD-W. D. Maple. (C.). • J. Roche (0.). . A F. Bless Bea/baty (0.). (L). Ed . Brsrsr (C.).410. Mqj. WINNIPEG -Ala. Hyprt (0.). mat INN XKDICINEµ-W A. Heehaw) (LYmO IDsiaslalegle sCALGARY-R. R. sat (C.), Maj. 1900. �RED DEER --Oe. H. Clark (L.) eVICTrOwH RIA-. . White (L), .51.199.V VFRAAT'H000A-d. Ii. Doggies (L.). lDMoirTOlt-Hie.. F. Oliver (L), --tnoomplete. MACSAI&- . 1 QMh (L.). QU' N. Luka (0.). 1111UM1I0LD'l- D,. D. B. Neely (L►, ▪ 390. DOOSE JAW -W. Z. Esewla. (Lb). /10 Anil It I DOI A.-Csiesi*.d. SASKAT00N - Damdd Medmee (0.l, seal. fN. -$ALT A MAXIM (L). te. BF.G A -W. H. Mattis (L). mal IMP SA1TLEFORD -Avert Ohms age/ (L. ►- 4weesspky tmnepaele. For the Woman Question is not only what to eat, but how to cook it, and you find the answer in Gurney -Oxford -first in con- struction, as well as convenience ; first in facilities for control and readiness. The Divided Oven Flue Strip assures perfect , baking because of its even heat -distribution, and in every detail the perfect construction of this Chancellor Range assures satisfactory cooking results. Another phase of the question is economy, and we invite a visit to our store expressly that you may examine the marvell- ous fuel -saving device the Oxford Eoo(I>toar>lisafr Gurney -Oxfords are the only stoves licensed to sell with this wonderful patent. 1 t needs only to be set at a proper angle to hold heat for hours without attention. No fuel is wasted -a saving of 20 per cent. The Grate is ltewrsiiZo with strong teeth that save accumulation of clinkers and waste- In point of appearance -nickel trim- mings, beauty of design, etc. -the Gurney - 'Oxford has not a rival. Come to our store and find the best answer .to the .Woman Question -a Gurney -Oxford stove. CHAS. J. HARPER, GODERICH _ _ SNUB Ammliknimmninmemer HERE ARE ILLUSTRATIONS OF TWO OF OUR MANY NOL3BY FALL AND WINTER COATS FOR LADIES_ There are dozens of other good Coats on our racks ; Coats that have style and character that will appeal to the most critical. All are man - tailored from thoroughly good materials, designed and cut by experts. Prices are ,really exceptionally good when quality) i s considered. Never have Goderich shoppers had suchvariety of choice as is �ered in the stock in our Cloak Department today. Best choosing is done before the amort - meat is broken. Children's Coats 12.50 to 112.00 Young Ladies' Coats 55.00 to 115.00 Ladies' Coats 56.50 to 540.00 Flannelette Blankets A new stock of Flannelette Blankets received this week. All sixes and widths. Grey or hire. Per pair, 11.25 to *1.75 English Flannelette 1Zc Heavy English Flannelette, !pleodid range offancy stripes se pinks, blues, greys, etc. Colors absolutely fast. did wearing cloth. Really only value at, per yard, 1 r Tweed Suitinns 60c Very nobby Tweed Suit- ing', a nice rang[ of color combinations, firm strong doth thatwillgive satisfactory wear. Very special at, per 60c yard, only Wool Blankets $3.78 This is a spacial Blanket, made from fine Canadian wool, so* 6aisb, pink or blue border -just the right weight for general use. Extra good value at, per pair, only. •75 rw, nom w sine steer Owe. .gb .seer arilmAIPB rte• stow thse seas M famous arswespeam •