The Signal, 1911-9-21, Page 7THENSIGN A1. GODER] CH, ; ►NTRIOA
** ***++*4 +9P+ !4 + • 4 ++.41049 --THt It Ants$. ----- (DIZC,TOR
Chic a Wheat Futures••and ag
News of the District1: The
,4l441 +4.4.4645464546 4464 * b 44+444544++ 454 0k
131. HELENS.
Moshe:, Sept. 18th.
tl„rlsa'a I Turn. - The tit
(stem• breech of the Women's ins .i-
ute will moot at the borne of Mrs.
,yeph (}aunt on the l ►a
noon of
leptewlr 2E;tn
, all tequest.ed to be present sod
✓ ing their blocks for the autograph
TU USDA Y, bept. IUIb.
lincLg -The Goderich Township
Rifle Association will hold a meeting
In the usual place em Tuesdae. Sep-
tember 26th, to discuss ehe possibility
tit rending a team or represeotaeives
to the Huron County Rifle League
shoot to be held at Whitechurct. :text
Month. T. R. RUNPLZ, Secretary
G. T. R. A.
TUESDAY, Sept. 19th.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Mots attended Lon-
don Fair last week.
Mr. Sturdy and Mr. Darter. of Au-
burn, visited in this vicinity on Sun-
Mr. alhd Mrs. H. McCrostie, nt 81.
Helens. visited friends in this vicinity
last Saturday.
Mr. Cameron, the Liberal candidate
for West Huron. addressed s meeting
in the hall here Saturday evening.
FRowren.-During the heavy frost
last Wednesday oigbt the corn iu this
vicinity was badly frozen. Silo filling
is the order of the day in this vicinity
this week. C. Martin, of White-
churcb, is doing the cutting with his
engine and cutting box.
Tee RietatfIF.N.-There was not a
very large turnout of membets at the
rifle tinge la -t Saturday. Following
is the score at the 500 -yard range -
possible. 35 points: C. Robinson 3-1, E.
Robinson 31, O. Pollard 31, R. McAllis-
ter 90, J. Brophy '30, E. Tiffin 29, D.
Tisdale :93, J. Kinahan 28, A. Brophy
ZS, W. Fbompson 2f1, G. Leddy 26. W.
Il. McAllister 2fi, J. Flynn 25, H.
Williams 24, P. Walsh t33. W. Kina-
han z1 T. Moran 22, W. toddy 18.
Dodd's Kidney P fjls Cured Her Rheu-
matism and Diabetes. and She Would
Not Be Without Them.
Cottle's Cove. Notre Dame Bsy.
Nfld., Sept. 1t4tb.-iSpeciall-Of un-
usual interest to suffering women is
the statement of Mrs. E. P. Richard,.
a well-known reeident of this piece.
"My troubles started with a cold."
Mn. Richaide state,. "which devel-
oped into rbeurnatieei and diabetes.
Ibad ptine in the heart and hack and
stiffness of the joints. and my lot was
far from being an enviable one.
Fifteen boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills
fixed sue up. i can say 'positively 1
never took abetter or nicer pill and 1
would not be without them.
Dodd's Kidney Pills are the hope of
the t i red, worn-out, pain -racked
women of Canada. They always cure.
MONDAY, Sept- 18th.
Ur.. HcKend tom of Detroit, is vis-
iting at tbe peel
Jae Peacock. of Williscroft, was
,agitans al 1. Armrttoog's last
e tick.
Peter McIntyre and Jas, McKend-
rice attended the London exhibition
last week. morn-
Hardie Chicago,eft last in ordertoattend the
Tot h0 O of Osteopathy in
Litarjohn College [ 7
that city. ,
Ww. Robb and Relish Bugles. of
the Kincardine high school. spent the
end of the week at their respective
Charlie of Laurier ben c w staying
at nights and deeply pun ug
Darwimen theory In regard to the
descent of man.
of the
eon -
Miss , whoerecenttllyhreturned0fr m a
trip to the Northwest, .Pent a few
day last week at her sister s, Mre. R.
A. Grants.
Herbert Kieign has rented his term
w Peter Robertson, ot Huron. Herb.
intends to quit farming for a time and
will ;notably go to Detroit next win-
ter, to follow the same line of employ-
ment be was engaged in there last
winter. that of conductor on the elec-
tric cars of the street railway.
E.LA1u1INo 1118 ESTATE. -Rod. Mc-
Lennan of the boundary, upon whom
the sun ..f prosperity has been shining
biigbtly for the pest few years, bas
thought good to enlarge bit estate,
which he has dbne by purchasing the
5i acre farm on the north side of the
boundary. formerly occupied by John
cuit cf theOoderich Rarnl Telephone
C. running along the 12th concession
through Hemlock City was connected
with the central in Dungannon Lot
Friday. end a few messages were ex-
changed between this and the other
ciicuub of the system. As the central
is not yet fully equipped. it will prob-
ably be moue days before it will be in
regtilar tinning order.
Tile: iutuoun.o-Elliotand Roy left
Might and early. with their guns, tut
Saturday morning in order to secure
one huudted white hare. in the
swamp. As they were observed re-
suming home with "arms reversed"
and ether signs of mourning, their
ftieuds iindly retrained from inquir-
ing a. to their success. It is reported.
however. that they shot two belated
Jude -buts and a latge number of
e.dar slumps.
AN e)MEN oe VirrnRT.-Rev. .1. S.
' Hardie repot is That early this evening
a I•rminous object. probably of
meteoric 1,i igin. was observed passing
through the atmosphere and appar-
ently fell on. the faros of D. McIntyre.
its light was equal in intensity eo tbat
of an ,tie -light, and the phenomenon
presented an extraordinarily brilliant
.ariearance. All good Grits in thi,
ri'inityregard this omen as a were
pi...age that Laurier and Reciprocity
will win. w,
Fan.M THF. FAIL N(,RTH.-Mint
• Monaghan, ot Glencoe. accompanied
by h-erlsister. Mrs. White, watt visiting
at D. Mcintyre's last week. Mrs.
White h is for several years been a
resident of Fairbanks. Alaska. a
alining town situated in tbe cloth
d«glee et mirth latitude, somewhat
fnrthei north than the famous Klon-
dike and only a little over one hun-
dred miles from the Arctic circle. She
tepotts that the cold of that district in
winter is more tolerable than might
WtwDNIseDAY, Sept. 2Jtb.
Blu>aa.- The careless drivfog of an
automobile caused Chas. Oke's team to
run away one day last week. Fort4ro-
atoly no one was Burt. The wagon
was amarhed W. Walters at-
tended the London fair last week....
Abe Fisher returned home from the
Wert lest week Yrs. Ausley, of
Winghaw. visited Mrs. Jesse Gledhill
last week Mrs. A. S. Gledhill, o
Oodericb, and Mia Whitmore, of Hes-
peter, were the guests of Mrs. Percy
Walters last week.
TALL CONN. -There are at present
on exhibition at the Lochalsh post -
office a couple of coruetalks which
meaenre the unusual leo h of twelve
• feet and two inches. Theme stalks
were grown on the farm of Dan Rose.
an excellent farmer in Hemlock City.
who informs us that there are many
mere stalks of the same length in his
seven -acre field of cord and that he
can ret a ten -foot pole in any pail of
for field and it will be overtopped by
the town. The farm is situated on a
ridge running north and south, and
there is sefricient geological evidence
that this ridge in putt nges formed the
shore -line ot Lake Huron, although it is
at ptesett six mile, from the lake.
The will appears to he peculiarly
adapted for growing torn and Mr.
Rose had, indeed, good reason to be
pr, cid of his corn crop. The corn
grown i, of the variety known as the
Poly foaming and the seed was pur-
chaeed from A. R. b'inleysoo. 01
LK halide
The Editor's Sanctum.
An editor was sitting in his office
one day when a man entered whose
brow was clothed with thunder.
Fiercely seizing a chair, be slammed
his bat on the table, hulled his um -
beetle on the floor, and sat down.
"Are you the editor ?" he asked.
''Can you read writi;lg i''
"01 course."
"Read that, then," he said, thrust-
ing at the editor an envelope with an
inscription on it. ii
•'B' -said the editor, trying to spell
"That's not a 'B,' it's an ,' said
the man.
••S. ? Oh, yes, I see. Well, it looks
like 'Soles for Dinner,' or 'Souls for
Sinners.'" said the editor.
"No, sir," replied the man; "nothing
of the sort. That's my name --Sam-
uel Brunet. 1 knew you couldn't read.
1 called to gee about that poem of
mine you printed the other day, en-
titled 'The Surcease of Sorrow."
"1 don't remember it," raid the
"Of course you don't, because it went
into the paper under the villainous
titre of •8mearease To -morrow."'
"A blunder of the compositor•. I
suppose ? '
Yes. air, and that is what 1 Hill
here to see you about. The wry iu
which that poem was mutilated was
simply scandalous. 1 haven't slept a
night since. It exposed me to derision.
People think me a fool. (The editor
coughed.) Let me show you. Thar
first line, when I wrote it, read this
wav : 'Lying by a 'weeping willow,
underneath a gentle slope.' That is
beautiful and poetic. Now, how dil
your vile sheet represent it to the
public? 'Lying to a weeping widow.
induced her to elope." 'Weeping
widow' mind you! A widow ! Ob. this
is too touch !"
"lt'e hard, air -very hard," said the
editor. '
"Then take the fifth verse. In the
original menuectipt it said 'plain ae
daylight. Take away the jinglior.
money. it is only glittering dross."
In its printed form you made me Nev.-.
"Take away the tingling h .ney
put some flies in for the boss." 1 feel
liar attacking somebody with your fire
shovel ! Bet oh. look at that sixth
verse. 1 wrote. •I'rn weary of the
teasing of the mem its i t heaves '
When I opened your paper and saw
the lines transformed into '1'm
wearing o u t to y trine es-. till
they're open at the knees,' 1 thought
that was taking in an inch ton far. 1
fancy 1 have a right to mgrder that
coulpobitor. Where is he.
"He ie out just now," said the ed-
itor. • ••('ome in tomorrow.'
"1 will," said the poet : "and I will
come armed."
Tt-Kerte v. Sept. lith.
('0t"\( it. MEKTlNti.-- Council met
September 12 h. All the tnembere
pre'ent. Minute,- of last meeting read
and passed. Accounts paid, viz.:
Joseph Thompson. gravelling. 514,90:
Henry Zoellner, inspecting. $1.:0;
'Wm. McPhee, r. pairing culverts. Sr:
Samuel Potter. gravelling, $30.ia);
Robert McMillen, plank. Si; Fletcher
Gilder•, Ailing at Walter's swamp.
$77 ; Geeorge Bean, inspecting and t -u
Toads gravel. $12; Alden Attire draw-
ing gravel for cement bridge, 8th con-
cession. $17.1(0: Fl. teher Gliders. in-
specting. y41 : An*tin Church. drawing
plank and repairing culvert, 55 : James
Young estate, 1(1:10 feet lumber.
$ ,0 ; Signal. printing voters' lista.
*31.25: John Allan. repairing culvert
and seventeen cedar poet.,, $11.15: John
Barker, gravelling Lake road. $15.:E:
James McManus, inspecting, 112.25:
Horace Norton. drawing lumber, $3.
The re 4uest of the w•ctetiu•y of the
Colborne acipal telephone system
to .defer the issuing of the deb:mtures
until next year for the payment of
same was granted. Motion of Messrs.
Halliday and Chisholm that the clerk
and H -eve to lust ru cterl 14/ sign a release
of gravel pit to Herbert Morrie. Car-
ried. Motion of Messrs. lending and
Chisholm that the treasurer and Retve
he instroeted to sign the Bonds of the
C. P. R. dehentutes. Carried. Motion
of Memel. Mete, tv and Young that a
bylaw he panned to borrow $.%10 for cur-
rent expense•. (ls'r'.••d. The county
rate was Axed at 1 9-10 inset', township
rate: 2 5-10. tip t ial ',hoot tate, 2 1-10,
C. P. It. las 410, and a,Blcient
rat Ps for the tiff ••ent echo 1 sections
to he fixetl by the clerk. Th" council
will meet miggin •e •e ell+1 T•ter eley in Uc-
totter. 1•', W. MCDo' AOII. (' ek.
or Backache and Kidney Trouble
h 'impleet and meet effective
r ae•rly for sick kidneys is Booth's
IC :tow Pill.. If there is weakness''.
cr ngestinn, inflammation or sorenea,
Booth's Kidney P111e quickly relieve
it. They gently
stimulate, tone
and Stren g t(,h ,en
1 /)Ll I7 S
Pick kidce}•s.
...ter drive away
I (hi (11 backache. rheic
dim/nem. cheer
GPiIis gods late
urine and
fectMag of
the blood.'11 He.t
t 11 tate relief so permanent.
1. .drtaeifits ern gttst'rh...
1Cfhev Pelle. lith'
lege Higher -Live oc - test Quotations.
C. de. I t w lh-' d-ADVIED
lay, deco w at weather In the Crtaa•
than northwest, brought about firmness w'
to -day in wheat. A big Increase u
the Unl Suter vldble supply, bow- RATION
ever, act d as an tmiortant often-
oMt O
Clridng figura vera 1 -tic W 1-4c to 1 -Sc
higher than Saturday night. latest
trading lett earn 1-4c to Il -$c to 6-5c
up; oats at 1-$c to 1-$c to 1-4c ad-
oducts either un-
changed or varying to 7 1-2c declines.
Tcuasn*S, dsprsrasa 21, 1911 T
A Treatment that Is Guaranteed to Give
Vance, and hog pr
The Liverpool market closed today .,aa
to lid higher them Saturday on wheat
and lid higher on corn Berlin closed ''ie
to 1%c lower un wheat. Buda Pest. '(t
blgher. Parts and Antwerp unchanged.
Winnipeg Optktest.
Ck Pe. Open. High Ina Close
S*aforth Sept.'Ji, 27
Ripley sept. 27, 28
liarriston ...Sept. 2R, 20
R'ingham Sept 2e 20
Tit e
G orrie .. . .
Eczema is pate"itis in nattlre. It is
said to be a coulegious diwa•e.
Until the porn Fite c.r Rein hidden i'
the skin is completely destroye1 and
removed. eczema cnnnot hi cured.
Pully one-thire of e11 akin dice is. la i•t
the lora, of a -xema. it affect+per one
of all ages and (lessee. It is • sry prev-
alent *moms p •npte hetwe• n the sged
of twenty and forty.
We ttobesitatingtV gustante•e to re-
turn every neat paid 111 for Renal
Eeeeina Ointment 1,1 every ease where
it fails to give entire ratirfec. •m. it
powwows remarketde cletn•ina, an.
tiseptic. healing and us- et ive power.
Its street, venue is very pit-rerun/eel in
the treatment cif eczema, ate -testi of
the dry, seely sort or o1 the w eying
type, where there 1e a ron,tet•t fl w
of an ill -Smellie g ex, re i iti, or c f the
other intermerlia y f tui•, sneh a-
ria (worm, erne. poop e.. blotches
Rerall RRcsetna Ointment is very
'metol in treating 'deers, sores.
wounds, insect bite.. nettle raga, and
hit -es. 1t is partirutarly Femme
mended for the trattment of children
who are tormented with itching.
burning and dielIguting skin disease.
We ere you to try a i,ns at our rink.
Yner mosey wait. you If yew are not
i.A.& with the treatsesmt. Two
Wheal- !s''{
Oct. 971.4 '•r64 Wi A w
tae.•. este NM N
Oats -
Toronto Grain Market.
aheat, fall. bushel t6 17 to 10 es
Wheat. goose. bushel 0 C
Rye, bushel • 70
Oats. bushel 1 48
Barley, bushel 0 70
Buckwheat, bushel 00 4Y
Pees, bushel
Toronto Dairy Market.
Butter. store lots 017
Rutter, separator, dairy. Ib031
Butter, creamery, Ib. rolls• 7a
Butter, creamery. solids 0 24
Honeycombs. dozen 2 54
Eggs, new -laid ' 0 0 1.31
Cheese, new, lb
Montreal Grain and Produce.
MONTREAL. Sept. 1L -Business is
grain for export account Is dull. bids
for wheat to -day being is per quartet
lower than what exporters are asking
.Local trade in oats quiet. Foreign dee
mand for flour quiet, but there is a fait
lural trade. Bran and shorts In good
demand and rearm. Cheeas firm at as
advance, and butter quiet. Egsa fa113
active. Dressed hop destined lac m
sympathy with the weaknale in the Ilvt
hog situation.
Pork, heavy Canada abort cut mesa
barrels, 33 to 4.7 pierce. 121.00; half barrels
513. Canada short ',it and back pork. 4t
to 11 pieces, barrels. (73; Canada clew
pork, barrels. 30 to >6 Meese, 55.61; berg
pork, small pieces but fat, barrels. (1/.6e
Oats, Canadian western, No. L. 47c; az-
tre No. 1 feed. 4444e; No. 3 C.W.. 41c; No
2 local white, 44c; No. $ local white, 46 e.
No. 4 local white, arc.
Flour -Manitoba spring wheat patents
firsts, ie.W; seconds, )t.M;.y winter wheat
patents. (475, strong tuk'rs'• 14 70
straight rollers, $4.3+; to bate. 11.16 to $1
Polled oat,. per barrel, $2.35, bag of 24
lbs., 52.60.
Mtllfeed• bran. Ontario. ori to 524; Meat
tuba. $21: middlings, Ontario, Sr to 620;
shcrte, Manitoba, iy; mionUlle, C'S to 641
Eggs, *elected, 24c to tic; No. 1 stock.
20c to 'ar'c.
Cheese, west.rns, 15c; eastern, 1414c tr
Butter, chot,rest, 5ii.0 to 22,.. eeconds,
Way to :Lee.
0 72
o as -
1 24
0 II
0 l4
Cared by Lydia E. Pink-
Canifton, Ont. -"I had b gr
been* greaat
sufferer for ave years
told me it was ulcers of the uterus,
and another told me it wa fibroid
tumor. No one
knows what I suf-
fered. 1 would
always be worse
at certain periods,
and never was
regular, and t h e
bearing -down
pains were terrible -
I was very i11 in
bed, and the doctor
told me I would
have to have anti
operation, an
that I might die
during the operation. 1 wrote to my
sister about it and she advised me to
take Lydia E- Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound. Through personal expe-
rience I have fouled it the best medi-
cine in the world for female troubles,
for it has cured me, and I did not have
to' have the operation atter all. The
Compound also helped me while •-s-
ing through Change of Life."- Mrs.
DermaLsta Buis, Canifton, Ontario.
Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Com-
pound, made from roots and herbs,
has proved to be the most successful
remedy foe curing the worst forms of
female ills, including displacements,
in0ssamatlon, fibroid tumors, Irregu-
larities, periodic pains, backache, bear-
ing -down feeling, flatulency, indigee
tion, and nervous prostration. It costs
but a trifle to try it, and the result has
been worth millions to suferingwomen.
Union Stock Yards.
TORONTO. Sept. 18. -.-Re, • ipts oI
'Live stock at the Union Yards were
144 carload-. consisting of 2945 cattle.
600 hogs, 579 sheep and lambs and 30
P. L. R-ooa:wa:d bough: for 3wtft i
Co IC London steers, 1270 lbs. each, at
an average of Mie . a!sn 141 Liverpool
steers. 178 1t... each, at f:, 97,
Pr•1me pecked tots of butchers' steers
asd heifers sold at from Ig..r) to 00.1•+, and
ash u K56 t••r a few loads of good.
(4.A io e6.2; m.Jtum; 55.20 to *Al; com-
mon. NV/ to F 5 cows. 53 to 06.71.
Veal Calves.
A lunrted number of v.•1 calves mold
at $i to Pi ;or . wt
Sheep and Lambs.
Sheep, ewes. fight. 53.75 to H; ra:ns, $2•5t
to $. Iab.., (2 to $6.50.
N-: J. Johnat .n 4qed selects, fed and
watered at $7•'Ji. sad 06.90 f.o.b. cans.Montreal Live Stock.
MONTREAL Sept. 1i. -.t• the Montrea.
• •,.,SeQt ZS, 29 Mak Yards. West End NI:uket, the re
rtor Oct. 3 eelpts Of lite stock for t'., (olefin.week(olefin.Oct. 3. 4 b. p•. 15, were 7raft;c. 1'+75 sheep and
latuls, L' 2 hue) gm and 400 , al'- es. The Sup•
.00s. b. fl ply ou the market this n: arninr for salt
...Oct. O.6 consisted of 150 cattle, 1505 seep and
.Oct. 7 lambs. 180 togs and 210 raves.
....Oct. 10, 11 ! Considering the large r: n of cattle. M
which there were fully 400 had of Cane
Ulan Northwest ranch sto• k, rite tone oI
THAT LITTLE PAIN IN THE SACK the market was renrska:.y steady. and
/rices @Lowed no important change as
It MayNot Be V Bad, but It Is a compared twitb those of last Wednesday
Very lbe gathering o{ buyer's "as large and
Sure Indication of Weakened Kidneys. ' am the weather as tool and favorable
You v• life insurance even i{' for keeping stock. the demand trot:
ha. butchers and packers was good and con -
you don't expect to die right away- taq,•ently an active trade was done.
you do it to hake old age comfortable
or to protect your family.
What stout that little pain in your
hack? It's your kidneys calling for
health insurance -warning you that
old age will not he comfortable -that
rheumatiem tie diabetes will afflict you
"Great far Breakfast."
A day started on Cowan's
Cocoa is a day with a clear
head and a steady nerve --
a day full of snap and life.
Cocoa nourishes the body.
It is rich in food value and
easy to digest
A few very -hoice steers sold as Mgt
SP 4c per poured. but the hulk of tradinl
was dome 1n chola stock at Ilse, good a1
6hic, fairly good at is to Pic, fair at 4%40
to Pic. and common at •c t0 4iic per Ib.
Cows brought Pic to is ant bola sold a1
2yrc ts se per lb.
In sympathy with the 1 nr.r prlcea rut
Ing for hop In the Toronto market and
ultimately. three it the country, o.upted with the
Yon think you are strong and Zan more liberal su;.p'`s "outing forward
afford to neglect it, and that you will (Ke• a weaker 1.•e1:ng enveloped In the
he all tight in a day or so. Perhaps market thts mornine and prices declined
yon will, eml if it never recurs you are since thug day week Ore to we per cwt
no worse off. lout tbe kidneys have a At this reduc nn the der. Ant from pack•
well-known habit of repeating of- es-• was goat] and all t:,e etferhtgn met
g with a scads sa'«. s«Ir std tats h:InRInR
fen:.; of th.t ort. $7.te, mixd lots 57. sows 11 to 0023. and
Why not insure your kidneys Maga 1' to (1.11 per cwt.. weighed oft
Against tutor• tic -mitt.. by taking a the rare.
ateod kidneyr.'a v i .!ion like Ny Ire Althn supplies .,1 sheep and lames were
P I' feisty Isrxe• a stronger f.•••itag prevailed
Worse (too. (rein es -.Ind , Thlt is just I it: Ise market and mice. advanced Y,r to
as rea•nna.lde a• Hf.• intim/taro. Your ire par th. The demon 1 wag gond and
freedom from en lidetfeloprd kidney es'"s of t+:• ht were m.'ts at LW to ac
trouble in Atter year* will htioa yore 'an) %"eetp. et P;.- tr• 4•• • tb. The trade
fa.uil more h• ,meet, and • ft.
i.ft'• in r:,Iv.s wart:. r a' 1 ran.Intt from
Y (' >5 to ft• e.:ch ss +o s'.e 1 qua8ty
ttnetey teach 11 they fail to relieve size,. . r. and $100. RslseabA., Tea
r i►. 1' The R. 1'. flnoth (b., iAA.. Iona slily obtain RezaN iasis ' -
Oce lute. Uig for • ogee tt bY M g Q N
°p e1M add Is (4ttdeslshtok
tion then receiving a eh, g gee from '
your life polity. M
East Buff
alo Cattle what.
MAST Yt'I', N.Y Sept Is. -(-s(-
Nyal'. Plow. Ho ,1 Gsmp• nand is al the, r.e. pts, 4.':: Ira t it. waive and
•.-ientifie pr•iduri with a record that I fine: rete, steers, $750 t,. (g.s; butcher I
atria your reapeet. wee, Kai, to $:' e0,••. $i.M to $1.s:
The orae -a dotl.r a hi hntt.le-i°I lowed, r e'tPt•, 1411; n asset, aMlve, 3e
•i • Iswer. cal to eberfre, !• t., fta sheep ane
trifling s• an hsttttranee against future I Iambs. rkelpta. Otos. it .•. e.1, adave aid
f.i.oeble. A et; Ong man hates' a bottle firm, eyio;re tato*, m. -o ' , pew "ii to
.f tnedi-ine, IN). the strong men are i fele, $1'. to Y.*: rear.,.. r, pug to ti;
j tot s• riev victims of kidney trouble sro *. 11oarerel
lfa, e,M;
at the w.•ak ernes. 1 slmaeerkp,et. 2 Taney$ aner. 'e letter• lreef.1
If trynuthis remedy we know you l N'ii d, $7 A' raga ,, is N' ptgp,
y 111 s1x.d. a .K. tr. t- a: heot7. SLY is
will he pleased. NyalRemedies, we Js; musks. 5 to (1.3.
Chkag• Live !rode.
CHICAGO. _lee( A. -Cotte., receipts,
=tad sl 51. . Market rt•ady to •
sd• nigher. ltkreveg% Ste to is to, Twee
Mors11.41 N 1M One
.!esus sre•ra, kg
M getl 0110116411 One rp"osre. p to $1.0,
•i •cerely believe to he the beat medi-
rine valves offered.
Sold and guaranteed by
H. C. DUNLOP E. R. mous
GODERiCH taw. slid I.eeeees t 1e Sta. calves
-_ M6, to MIL
. doge-*0.SlpU► eftwet ed et *NS
15arkett eessridb 1s !ewer. tagat. M.M.
to $: -sits. Mem. met to (r, ]t. heeavv,
11 6 to $:.7:1.6: rough, Us se N-50, IMPS
to Os es. heave, 4 el sr pig $l.N
4 N w. lath n( /N•1i, M e• x.A
sl= awe Liofte.Seeftes. setymsaN es
tit,w at et
*e1 !ameba M id: glsw•:rgass: se SO .'. Sts
Come in and
1f you are not already ac-
quainted with the merits of
try rt sample cyder. Vol.
esti he e.ttain of geeitring
eea'omai'le goods here at all
t.iinrs. Our 'phone needier
i+ 9L Give us a trial. Thu
quality of our goods will con
since yon.
Sturdy & Co.
GM, e,, On TI. Square
Fitwel1 hats
Our stock of Hats is now complete.
We are agents for the famous FIT -
WELL HATS --the kind that fit well
a wear well. They come in twojillin
an. - Christies and Fedoras.
The time of the year has art ivetb . -
a Sweater Coat is a most essentt4i.
article for wearing when the evenings-,
begin to get cooler. They are a very
comfortable garment, made of pure
wool, extra heavy knit and in assorted
colors. Come in and examine our
new stock.
MEN ',4 0I"r1-'1'I'TEHH
Cold in the Fkad
can be relieved very quickly byY
using, INTOLOZONE, the dry air
method. Relieves immediately
and is a sure cure. Price 25c, at
F. J. Butland's Drug Store
...Kai.k Supplies and Cameras a.: . in . a
a-ifSupplies Carreras always stock
IFIE=2 01=== 0 1=91
J. tr,iiPflEY & SON
t-ut.i.. • .
and t;iupaltners
Orders ca50fr*y *Heeded to
tt r 11 news. engtO or day
The Happy Thought Range
Still leads the magket. As we repeatedly
state the IIAI'PY TiHOUGHT RANGE of two
years ago is not the HAPPY THOUGHT
RANGE of today. Every year sees improve-
ments. The Wm. BUCK S'rovE Co. do not
change the name of their Range every time
they make any change. "in the housewife
and the cook, the word "Happy Thought"
means satisfaction and the best that money
can buy. Call at our st.lre and examine
the Happy Thought Range and be satisfied
that what we state is correct; and to back it
up we are willing that you take a Range ,
on a TWO WEEKS' TRIAL, and if, at
the end of the two weeks, you are not
perfectly satisfied you are under no obli-
gation to keep the Range. The old saying:
The proof of the pudding is the eating of if •
The Radiant Home Heater
is like the happy "Thought Range. it is
in a class by itself. It has no equal. It is
a wonder as a heater and a fuel saver.
Plumbing, Heating, Eavestroughing, etc.,
we give special and promptjattention, and
all work filly guaranteed.
National Portland Cement always carried
in stock.
Special Offer in Fencing
We have just re ceived another car of
Pittsburg Perfect Electric Coiled Fence;
and for a 7 -wire, all No. 9 hence, 47 inches
high, we will sell it to you for 261e per rod,
while it lasts.
'Phones . House 22 -Store 112