The Signal, 1911-9-21, Page 3THE SIGi1AL : UODERICH ONTARIO
Test nateAv, Sart omega Ll, till a
',and or repaired.
All orders prompUy attended to on leaving
Nem at THE SIGNAL. Godericb.
and Hydraulic, (huartb Lod
limos-Malwan Book. Gadsden. censer
Maatraal street. TeNphon: 137.
DR. W. F. (SALLOW, M. B.
uiss sad resideoos. North street, Goderiebi
north of (oasts lteguar7 Whoa Teleehone rt..
Sow and throat only. Hoose surFeoa
ew York upbthaimic and Aural Institute,
Clinical . Wil.. liar. Nose and l h roe t Hoept tat
Ooldeb Square. and Moorefield Eye. Hospital.
London. kn&Isod: ulnas, 53 & w'ate rl.O Sweet
Stratford. opposite Boo: Church. 9
te11 . 2to4pm.. 7t18v.m. Tens boo/
1 AN, barrlaters, rroiiciters, notaries public
peootan in LAO MarMade Oourt. etc Private
lands to Nod at tower& rater of interest
(j�oe, ��aMar. aide Sauaee. uot.rtcb. W
LRouuv yr K. C.. R. C. HAYS. J. L
TER. solicitor. notary public. °Moe,-
Mamilton attest uoderich, third door from
Square -
kLMkk, attorneys. solicitor. etc.. t,ods
ruck. Money to lend at lowest rates.
ilsueht. public
Lemma Hamt as od•rcbh
I BALL ANN r1alL�.
1Wi of the fitrict.
Mt•a t'. Fiber, of tun (iosben Gu+. in train 1 ther. to Toro, 1...
Hay towr.+hip, is dead at the age of Ater a honeymoon seen( in lie•toe.
eigbty-seven years. New York an 1 ,,:her 1 „-t,•rn t o:n► .
Jobo McFarlane, one of the wogs Mr. and Airs. Shilliugton wi'l r•.i,r
teipected ,aizeus + f Heusidl, i. deist •rt N'ind.'o.
at the age .of beer r,tt-three years. •IT GROWS HAIR
1)r. and Mr•r. J. E. Twmlvu, el
Winghem, cilenraied the tit tier flame
versary of their mar+isge a few days But Not After the Hair Root 1s Dead.
ago. F. l:. Wigle will tell you that he
!olio woes" corp, a ?....trier writ• eel se great many bottles of Parisian
known resident tit 6rafurth, disci at � e, because it gia•re tavdaction.
Ingersoll oa Friday, lith inst. She ne guaranties it to cradtrate dan-
druff. stop falling and splitting hair
and itching scalp, or money back.
Parisian Sae wOl make hair grow
if the hair root is net dyad ; it puts
life and lustre into dull at d faded hair
and is the n,ost delightful hair dream-
ing in the w.•rbl. Only :iii cents a
large bottle.,cession to resemble an atelier rn the
P1uialatl Sege i9 toe keit hair ?moiler Latin. The affair was -ryled
gree 'et and tweutiHrr, Dandruff t oreasmall and jolly•" and was intended
Slid scalp cleaner known. Try it on ,o be a Bohemian contrast to the
usual society parties. A11 the chairs
were removed mid there were no floral
Really, it was amusing! Formal re•
options were dispensed with and the
guests huddled on the floor on rugs.
on the staircases or in the back gar-
• den, the men smoking clay pipes and'
_the women eiarettes if they wished.
If they wanted refreshments they had
to help themselves from a bis cask
of lager beer which stood in the cos
nee of the room wreathed with greens.
It was a free and easy affair, all
quaffing beer and joining in the chop.
us of the Drinking Bong.
The supper, somewhat inconsistent.
ly. was one of epicurean delleacy. but
it was served on the floor or the stain.
orl wherever there was room to put e
A very distinguished company, who
left all their tiaras and crowns at
home, included the Duchess of Mari -
borough, the Duchess of Somerset, the
Duchess of Rutland. Lady Betty Bal-
four, Miss Valent Asquith. Mrs. Ave
Astor, the Duke of Bomereet, Lord
and Lady Drogh• da, Lady Elcbo, Bir
Edward Poynter. Mrs. Jack Leslie.
- Miss Maxine Elliott and Mlle. Oenee.
Yes, it must have been sma1L+ and
no doubt it was jolly.
was in her eereoty-mntb year.
Woi. 1% heeler, a tausrr're.ident of
the tth line nt lisirie, is dead at the
age of t+'c.y-four veers. Ile bad been
living to Welling en (-sooty for a
number el years.
%V. .ItEweu, a will -known resident
of Bro...-.. died un September 7,11.
Pneuwuuia was the cause of dear b,
which lallowed a failing to health
covering the past year.
Abort a week ago tbe horse, buggy
and harness owned by Dr. Aikeoheetii,
of Hansell, were stolen from the stable.
No trace whatever of their wbere-
atxiuls bat been discovered.
After an illness of ten days' dura-
tion, Homer, the second son of Mr.
and Mrs. John Brown, tStb line of Mor-
ris, died till Monday tit last week. The
lad was only . Ieven years of age.
"I1te death of s former resident of
Exeter. in the person of Mattbew Ket-
land, took place in Victoria hospital,
London, on Tuesday afternoon of lest \•. and Mrs. Alex. McXes In, Victoria
week. He was eighty-two years o dirt et. were ill Toronto last week.
Ili 6 C H u. . arm and isolated
cess I. property
OAlosn.-J. B. Mclean. Pros., Sionforth P.O.
Jae. Connolly. vnwePres. uoderNb P: O..
Thomas Y. kta.ys.' Sec-Treas., uteatorih P. 0
Directors swat m. Cbe.e.y• roatortk : John
O. Grieve, Winthrop; William Rina, Constance;
Joke He•aewela, Hrodlogeo; James !Cram.
Bsuchwood ; John Watt, oarlock ; Maiodm
Mckwen, bromelild.
Agents: J. W. Yea. Holmesatlle: R Sndth.
Reebok : Jas. Camaing.. jHrmmdvlile : K
Hinckley, SM[orth. Pomcy-botdrs ono pay
eweeaawnta .inn get their cards reodpted at
emir IL Mows s. t.lintopi or at 11. H. CuttsGrocery. EferMeat,
eat, tl<oder$ob.
icAo JJJ ltoaanI,V,A� FUNDS
4 ban SI. egret et Oodsich.
ring eAND OLlea eisa: WMilian and
pay) eR, yam AND IIYPWraaa' I.IatIL-
Rr snow Accident and Ouer*Ltae
zwrwaratlee. Limited. Of London. flog.
7ID uIT AND t•UAaa1ITak BOND= : lee U.S.
mous wed Ooerast.SCompany. r of Oto
OEMs .t rei,.aos. ourthesat comer
we 175
sod at Wreath. Davide Ws
a.a ...sleet lmsersoe•. Agent for {.sling
Mataar sad weak .oup•au" Imrlrw0oe In W
goes edeotrrd en Ser. pone sad at lowest rates.
St Iadwn. J. M Kmer kl UoderteD Out.
rums dos. IN
WALIatt K K1iLLY, J. P..
W. �1sooms& ese ° 0. .
Titled Quests Drew Free Keg
and Smoked CI Pipes
Tired of pnnip ng arid posing and
preening. wean• -•t of its maudlin
msun{irings, society seems to be re-
turniug to pr.s..._ ways of seeking
mere pleasure. without which its
course would be indeed barren. Hav-
ing run the gamut of monkey dinners
and being surfeit d with wanton dis-
play, what could be more attractive
than to return to the mannerisms of
lnmitive society? Having gone the
imit in their upward course, why not
frolic back to earth like any old sky-
rocket? Sure enough!
Whether through necessity or from'
a lack of sense will never be known,
but one of the queerest society luno-
tloris of the coronation season was
given by Sir Burne -Jones, the pa:nt-
-rs and t.r Richard and Lady Mullet
Paget at the Burne -Jones resid.-uce,
London, which was- remodeled for the
"ue money heck plan. Sold at.d guar-
antee.' ill G. d -rich Ly E. R. Wigle.
Untended ntended for last week. i
11..1. Niter ri- a,a- in Stratford fora few days
this week.
MI-. Ed wilds hes ret armed after smutting
tree: ill Tomato.
Miss Inure Trois is away on a vanities ltip
to Owen Sound.
Mr. and Mrs. Goatee Yule. 07 WalkerrWe
are visiting in town.
Jr-.. Y. 1.a' a mbe left on Toed') on a risk
to St. Thoma: friends.
age. )1+.:+ McPherson returned on F, ids'y from a
Thomas .loore, a former much -re- .1111 relative.a: Winnipeg and Kerion.. ,
cted tesident of Wio bam, is dead Mr. and Mr. 1. J. ('toper were rue.ta of
1� g earelator- in ("Luton t..t Sun...t' and Monday.
at bis home in West Toronto, at the Gorlou Gsarel'. of Wmghan,. ‘,..,,,i,„,,,,,,
egr of sixty-three years. He ie sur- of Morris Sw.rstts for a foss day. the put
erved by a faintly of flvt daughters week.
end two sons. Mr. and Mr.. E D. S. Gus, in. of 1.-ke Valley
tare'f'eaauf ice.. 1.r. and Mrs. Meld
E.1. Gil', near grand Bend, bas pnr- 15.11 ws. were. g
chased a silty -acre. farm tram \%'m. Mr. and Mr- Chas wan,on ar.d children. of
Louie, b nrtb of that place, and %Ingham. bar. returned home after .. threw
week. stmt in town.
rented it oto \Vin. Baker. The 1011
acre farm of John Staters, in the same m IWlaer (. rl on, h+ul Tweo via.. In
Mr. and lite. lis Tobi:r. 1Kt for bur home [n
vicinity, has been sold to Win. Luvie. Bogota.' J., 1... week.
The new owner gets possession on Oc- Mr:.nd Mr.. H C. Cad and daughter. Mar
toter 1st. lomat Montt. rd. spint • few day. with rela
tives in town 141 week.
Andrew Beattie, of the 7th tnn0Rs- Mrs. A. K Colborne returned home Sunday
sion of McKillop, recently delivered to 1 aner'a very pie t wit visit among releti..a, at
extra fine herd of export" cattle. I '•min Reid ar na'ed back in Goderich on
There were twentybead in tbe ship-
Thurdayfrom hos aipto Ireland. Mr-. Reid Surprising as the revelation* have
P N eanleaing her 41ay Lr the land of Erin. been which were :cede in some 01 the
ingot and the aggregate weight war Harry Chisholm. son of John Chiehotm. Col- recent election net add , they scarce
_O.05) pounds. The price paid was six horue. left lain week to a, tend .Assumption
cents a pound. icMlwre. Sand nb h. We wish Abe young man ly compare with the aid days before such a keen eye was kept on the
Philip Baker. of the 191b concession ' We. and Mrs_ r,.derick- C. 1 -ham returned financial disbureeements of those who
of Stephen, has leased his farm to his last week hoe their "round the world' trip"
. sought Parliamentary honors. '
5311, Maj/ r, who takes possession the sat are .tend,r.gsome days at Lookover
first of October. Mr. and Mrs. Baker a cage. So long ago as 1926. for example,
will take uptheir residence at Grand Mt..1 Charto:tee Mcflregor. of Detroit. re cabbages were sold at Sue1}�"ury dr au
cursed borne au Wet..-0ay atter a two Ing the general election 5- the rate
Bend. The corner lot of Brewatsr, m rah.' .visit with r.t.•t:ves and friend: in of 160 fur four, whilst a plate of goose -
111 rich
R. Winter. of the same township, an Dungannon and I'urtAlbert. When Voters Smiled.
where the postom. a steads, has been
sold by M r . Baker to Win. Scbaty. of
The house of Mrs. Wm, Michie, 'tth
Mr. and Ito-. Watling. with their two •ons berries„sncho ae one could buy news -
Jack and is me.. ..d burse mix. Kathleen ' days for a penny. were -sold for 1196.
McFadd.o. left '-l'l•fr Cottage' on Monday for the vendors. of course, being voters.
their Mme at tielturt. - And at Great Marlow an elector was
line of Morrie, was the scene of a very Our ph H. r I1: M-. Geo. BUTee. the popular the hint that he could buy a
intetestiug ceremony on Wednesday. Ott�en xtnr ed la.:, •"evening lro n a m. pi pleasant givenow and nine yi•ung pigs for a penny.
September nth. when her eldest three mouttbs. trip to the iltd Me bought theta, too.
daugnter, Mies Mary. was united in no.>titir d Hynm. of Kansas t i r, Kan. A quarter of a century later things
marriage to Geo Martin, of tieor sass i- vi'.itrne he' irsadmoth.-. New Jokehad not
town. Ont. Rev. A. Ferguson. �Foedest 101; ohms l,.end1". S. J. he w4-'' the voter would f uaheoredPInto thI pres-
Belgras'e, officiated. G.derich. ence of a certain aaggent, by whogo he
The house on the farm of John Ellis. Mail Order or Local Trading. would be asked, "Well. how do you
3rd liue of Morrie. was struck by•hght- do to -day?" at the time time holding
ning Monday n gilt of last week. The Investigat' by a committee 0- up three fingers to signify that he was
ceiling was cracked, and a stovepipe the United Senate of \Vaehington to-reeelye $15. If the elector were dis-
split from the chimney to the stove. brought out evidence that the average satisfied, he would reply that he was
Some clothing upetairi was set on fire mail order priers are higher than the not very well, and promptly up would
and a general shake occurred a11prices of local dealers. 1t has been `o the agent's. fingers. showing that
round. No person in the house was asserted that the mail order houses he was to receive 196. And while he
injured. list certain srticles at a very low' looted out of the window theptoney
An aged resident of L <l>.rne town- price and by this device gain the int- would be placed on the tableland he
ship is dead in the pet son of Mrs. John pression -that tbey give low rats. would fora and pick it up and then
Andrew-. who passed away at Granton
whet -ears the local merchants ate mak- take his departure.
-This well-known and powder lo
osiers 1 patrons beet n bavtea
beirnutrl•g, '�' .to. LA sola ompbn5 5
y °01 W brownies willbe.YprseYhW H. S.
BOEHM LK. meet/atm.
1 wed seismal aaet1aeea. °those ep Mouth
sues no re we will be found at all them
when m r.7bsg ake Terms reassooabb and
every .dor mei .e give sou s*UariOUon.
Pled e
on September tlth, at the are of sixty- ing better prices out of all but th re
seven years. The deceased was born special bargains.
in the township of Darlington. She If the local merchaut would make
known what he has to offer, and at
tete pricy. the most effective weapon
witt which to meet the mal uudet
bugaboo is at band. The cbief t eifson
that mai order homes make inroads
on local t
rade is because tbey tell the
public what they bave to sell and the
price. Local merchants have access
to columns of the town papers and
job printing departments. Do they
use them ?
How many local merchants uee
advertising space? How many use
printed matter? Are there any who
neglect to bave a sign up over their
If your nef*arbors do not know what
ters SIII VIye. you have to eel). the fault a yours.
Thomas A. Dennis. a resident of not theirs. We have nothing in com-
McKillop township for forty-three mon with the mail order house.. We
years, answered the final roll call on are unalterably opposed to mail order
Wednesday. 13th Inst. He Was in bis methods as practised by Seine concern..
eighty-Hftb year end was born in Eng- We urge the local merchant. to lose no
opportunity of informing the people
lend, coming to Canada when two
veers of age His earl' years werein their community that goods can be
;pent in the locality of Port Hope.bought locally as cheaply as ele
Fifty-six year's ago the deceased was where. invest • few dollen in print -
united to marriage to Miss Jresie er's ink and note the result. How are
Stewart. of North Easthope, who died your neighbors t.. know what your
twenty-one years later. A family of .tore contains unless you advertise?
three sons end two daughters survive. Sitting around the store bemoaning
Alexander Taylor, one of the beat- the inroad on your legitimate trade by
known residents of Exeter. is dead mail order homer, and calling down
after an illness of several months. curses will dot mend matters any.
The deceased was a native of Ireland, Brighten up your store : -lean your
being born there in 1S:i8. With the windowv: put newly printed price
other members of the family be came :ickete in plain figures on your goods
to Canada, in 18n&. A few years later and hustle for business. Hustle as
be moved to Hay township, e where be oriousl you ourhave ailgtorder
cond they
ti -
lived until twenty-five y
wben he proved to Exeter. in 188'2 he know it your own townspeople will
was united in marriage to Nine Char- trate with you. But remember you
lotte Bay.. of Tuckersmith. They must let them know what goods you
were blessed with a family of twelve have to Sell. Advertise ! The Com-
cbildreD-seven boys and fire girls. mereial.
three of the daughter's tieing dead.
Fisheries Treaty Dropped.
After a residence of fifty six years Canada has decided not to accept
in the townsbips of Grey and Morrie, the changer' proposed be the United
David Breckenridge pw►se.d away oe gams in the international fiaberies
September 9th. He was in his ninety- trs•aty concluded with the United
third year and WAS s neti%e sit the States in 191114. and the work of years
county of Armagh, Ireland. He came of negotiation is to he Iend.,ed mel -
to Canada when sixteen yl's35 of age festive. Under the terms of the
yewand lived twenty-one yes in Welles- treats regulations" *governing the figh-
t ey township- He moved into Grey sties in international Haters were
drawn up by the commissioners, Prof.
Prince for Canada, and Prof. David
Starr Jordan for the United States.
These regulations were to become
effective after oonrtir•rent ortolan's.
tions by t ne 0overnnr-(:eoeral of
Canada and the Provident of the
United Stites. The n•reaeary legisla-
tion to enable proclamation was
passed by the Parliament of 1' Asada
during the .gastrin of 1010. nreivMg
the neanitonus spprov& of troth
pnlit'rsl marble• in the meantime
moved early in life to Usbarrne town-
ship. where .be married her late hus-
band who died throe years ago. A
famine of three sons and two daugh-
ter* survive.
The death of owe of the early settlers
of Tuckersrnith took place on Sunday
evening. 10th inst.. when Donald Mc-
Donald was called to his reward. He
was eighty-eix years of age and was a
native of Sutherl•Ddshire, Scotland.
He came to Canada in 1850 and two
years later took up his residence in
'Tuck,rsmitb, where be lived until his
death. His wife passed away sixteen
years ago. One eon end two daugh-
J. It H cw•rew 1. L eSil. i &t islan d i.- T.
M. rTaeonto,. ers4.
Dere. grip• and plane. harmony. oountert'dnt.
Me. A- It. (brat--pl•I•o• harmony. tountea
slams ANnwaww ea
W eta plow" Mren Havanna--violin. A. F..
Ilweem-useedelle. guitar Sud dancingt the
szsna•Ues -as u terms, ell , away
1saH meso •pb..s cal soots rt...5
name R wet Slide d ear* oneThe eerrmony was perform s eel by
the bride'. father, Rev »r Rintledgs the Amwrlran ant borates derided on
-pp5bs .Qedw4ta.0at, lies same afternoon the young emote nertatn modi$cetinp.. whiel Canada
left i• ss automobile for t1intoe. tek- Waves to ahcept.
in Ibis. hod atter twenty-two years re►
here there nL mewed
wremainder of hie
where he PP
life. Tire deceased f s survived by iia
widow and a family of nine children.
The Methodist church at Wingbam
war the snenc of • pretty wedding on
Teeeday morning` of last week. whim
Miss Emily Lillian Hutledgs. only
daughter nt Rev [)r. and Mr* s W . L.
Rettledg•• was united in marriage to
Willem Perry ottiillinitum. of W iod-
A pleasant -faced little woman was
buying something.for the baby in s
drugstore, aid appened to notice a
bottle on the show cat'.
"I)id you Sell my Jim a bottle of that
"I certainly did, and hope it helped
"Help him? Why he just. helps him-
self these days. Used to complain about
my cooking -Said it wasn't as good as
when we were firtst married. Ne had
only taken about half that bottle when
I had to hide it or there wouldn't have
been • thing in the house for tbe children
to rat. He simply cleaned up every -
thin in right at the table. Oh! the
stuff�is all right -I can recommend it -
end be even thinks my cooking has im-
Jim had complained that he was over-
worked -didn't get enough exercise -
had no appetite --was getting a bit
cranky, and didn't relish and enjoy his
m.•.1.. The drugg�rt told him -to take
Nyal's Liigeetive Tonic and forget his
troubles. Jim dropped in just to bay
that he has a great capacity for work
these days -can accomplish twice as
much as before.
He was no dyspeptic -just a littjr off
color. Lotaof us just like Jim. Better
try a dollar bottle. It's worth while.
If you try this remedy we know you
will Ise pleased. Nyal Remedies we sin-
cerely believe to be the best medicine
valuea offered. 16
The Belper Family.
Lord Belper, of Kingston Hall,
Derby. England, has completed his
seventy-first year. His lordship was
formerly ''captain of the Honorable
Corps of Gentlemen -at -Arms. and al -
.o commanded the South lv�tts Hus-
sars. He 1e now honorary colonel of
the latter regiment, and an aide-de-
camp for yeomanry to the King. The
heir to the barony ii his lordship's
only surviving son, the Hon. Algernon
Strutt, captain 9nd Life Guards.
There has been a good deal of ro-
mance about the fortunes of the Bel -
per family. The founder was a small
farmer, who apprenticed his son to a
wheelwright. The wheelwtight'e Son.
Jedediah Btrutt, became a hosier first
in a small, and then to a very large
way. in which he was helped by his
own inventive pains, which originate
ed the famous 'machine for making
ribbed stockings.
To him there eame one day a man
in humble life who had ideas on the
ratio -et of cotton spinning, and to-
gether they developed the spinning
jenny, theneaforward to be associat-
ed for .ver with the name of Richard
ft i• sad :ha' e-)itet's cramp inure
often :1Qeets the s .teach then the
Brought Xrs. Baker to Death's
Door. Father Yorriscy's No. to
Saved Her.
Of the many hundreds of cures wrought
by Father Morriscy'14 No. 10 (Lung Tonic)
few are more remarkable than the saving
of the life of Mrs. JohnS. Baker. of 164
Rockland Road (North End), St. John,
N.B. She wrote on Oct. 16, 1909:
"I wish to express n -ay gratitude that
I am living to -day, saved from the grave
by Father Morriscy's No. 10 (Lung Tonic).
this time last year I had pleuro -pneumo-
nia and bronchitis, Sad had been given
up to die, and had my lungs tapped
in tbe't'ity Hospital, and never expected
to walk again: I was continually getting
worse every- day. I came home from the
hospital, and everyone was watching fo
me to die. I tried everything but there
seemed` to be no cure for me.
'I began taking Father Morriscy's Nc.
10, and the second day I could eat without
pain. I used 72 bottles of No 10, as I
was run down right into consumption,
and for six months was just a shadow
until I began to use it. and now I am ie
good health, and surprised most of my
neighbors by gaining so quickly. I feel
it my duty to publish it everywhere I can.
as with all I can say I cannot recommend
it too highly -it wan a life saver to me.
and I am very thankful to recommend
it, se it is worth all it is -said."
Father Morriecy'e No. 10 is very different
from the many preparations that etmply
relieve a cough. No. 10 relieves the
ukase of the cough, restores the membranes
of throat and longs to a healthy condition,
and tones up the whole system, giving
strength to resist future attacks.
Trial bottle 25o. -regular sise 50e.
At your dealer's or from Father Morriscy
Meaicine Co.. Ltd., lltootrmi, Que.
"Id and gums anted rl in (lcn'..reh l.v
F J. Butlet
Fanny Breugh's "Fortune."
Thousands of the poorer members
of the theatrical profession In London
have cause M bless the name of Miss
Fanny Brough, who works indefatig-
ably on behalf of the Theatrical La-
dies Guild. which has for its object
the providing of clothing for needy
actresses and assistance in maternity
eases. It would seem. however, judg-
ing from the following amusing story
which Mise Brough tel., that her
work is mi+understood by some poo -
•.I.. "The other day," says the lam -
•11 actress. "I wu .gloving one of
my pastimes, riding outside • horse -
bus, when 1 hoed myself being die.
cussed by two ladles in front of me.
One cf them pointed to • placard
bearing my name Led said, 'It's ex-
traordinary the money people on the
stage make. but they don't make it
out of the.r salaries: that Fanny
B rough makes pqaul1to • fortune out of
a second-hand .clothes shop" "
Oyster Rat Traps.
Catching rati with oyster shells is
the unique method employed by some
pearlers roundabout Broome. West
Austrah• They leave a large oyster
n the floor of the oabsn at night It
opens for a breath of ?rash air, and
the .mail of fresh msec attract* the
rats When the rodent thinks roil, on
• Utti. sapper. th• oyster suddenly
&tildes that he doesn't We fresh ate
fent morning the shell 1s pried crp.n
EL* deed ret throws enrbasd.
Owls of tie latest preeminent gen-
tlemen M speck highly 1a Zama
Mk's favour is Mr. C. E. Sanford
oil Weston. King's Co.. N.S. Mr.
Sanford Is • Justice of the Peau
ler the County. and • member of des
Board of Scheel Commissioners.
H. is .1.o Dsac.,n of the Baptist Church
is Fier Indeed it would be difficult
tin find • men more widelyknows sad
more highly re.perted.
Hers is hi.
*Mum of Zam-Bak. He says:-
t sever nand anything Net gave see
,meat satisfaction .a Zana Bok. I had a
//o•bbh of Lemma on my ankle whteb had
tem there for over to yews. eoa tlm.e
Alm Ms diose 1.6114 ITN= oat es my
.hoaldows. 1 bad applied var.enie 51.t
meets and tried all .orbs K thtege in
Wows • rura• hull in rata rem-Buk, n■
1156 everything .lea 1 ted tried. ppmmvd
highlyau.taailmentrlory and eared the ailment
114d and Hub for hoiden
sa.ti It h.s cured them
Nay takseumfsrt In belying try brother
rnaa. end It the pabi ouUna et my *piston
settee healing Taloa of Lase Bide will Nod
referrers to 1.7 Its 1 should beglad.
soled 0 em/Miag es6.N4ytorumor
knew w et aMk
am seas dens, •broom, bleed mama,
ihnbsala rerZweeses. bed lac
boom ewes,
as Me. disnieleas sisdiwo• >ehee iatssea
OUR FALL STOCKS are now ettlepIeto, fns lading all the
newest creations for wile... intoe' and:dl,r
s ,mat t wear,
and a complete mhowing of Howse Furri,hlags.
"''Another -hipmeet of loges' Coats received thin week, which
,'uibtaces Inc latest up•to-tba-minute styles in what will he the
seasot..s mow :IN race d styles.
Ladies: kersry r loth Coats. 54 inches lorg. vett' stylisb.
in black and colors. Special, each � 1 o./'�(�
Loner.' loots tweed Coate, deep collar-, in grey and I t. sen
gmixturea-one of the most poiu►ar garments. si M
Special, euub. _ •
All that :s new and :est for mimeo' and children's -(heel and
dressy ('ca:a air to be found on our raeke. We festute Hutuer
Faireex Oat 'newt, which ate :be best. Prices range from *3.50
The new Bearskin Costa are here. Never have we shown such
a beautiful elm ice of infants' Bearskin Coats, all made of the best
quality cloths end extra well made gat metes. in white, red, brown.
black ann castor. from:l.00 each to
'- Our stock of cbildreu's Headweer ie much hotter than in any
focuser season, and indoles ell that is newest for children and
infants' smart and comfortable wear.
(kw stock of Drees Gonds for the coming fall and winter seatoni
- ti.e most complete we have ever had the pleasure to .bow. Most
.f nut n .velty goods conn in single dress length., which include ail
be newest colorings.
New fall stock now complete.
McCall's Fifteens and Publications
il6`illar'S Scotch Store 'fie
Stylish Footwear
If you buy w 111.A -clam
shoe, don't you want that
shoe made in the latest
by Mould you pay
the price of a high-class
shoe, and, in retu-n, get a
:hoe one or two seas -ins
How do you know,
for Instance. when you ask
for the newest footwear
that you're actually get-
ting the newest ?
But why take cbancee?
Why not ask for the
shoes that lead the styles
in Caneda'- iNVICiUS
a great
satisfactioIsn'tntheir in knowing
that the shoes you're wear-
ing are not last year's
styles but the newest there
is in footwear ?
This aatisfaction will
he yours when you wear
INVIC'lUS Shoes. There
are other fashionable sores
besides INV ICTUS. but
bow are you to know thPic
Why nun eny risks. why not order the shoes that have made
a reputation tht•.rughout Canada for their at lisp ap pearance?&
You run no risks when you order iNVICTUS, Simms.
Wm. Sharman
The Square
Cushion = Soled
1f von haven'', you owe it to your
feet to invest in a pair the next time you
are buying Shope. They are the most
comfortable in our whole line of comfort-
thie footwear. People who wear them
arty that their feet d . not trot tired after
long standing or walking as they do in
.ordinary footwear We have them in
both men's an.l women. lines
Everything in Summer Wear
-Tennis. Howling and Running shoe,.
A Full Use of TRUNKS and SUIT -CASES
'Phone 226
Repairs Promptly Done