The Signal, 1911-9-21, Page 2i (.1 1 -1 Ai, >! I ►1t El 1 N Y , 1911 OODERICK. ONTARIO. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY sr THE SIGNAL PRINTING CO.. Limited 'Nimblest Can Na e3, Terme el M.becr.Nron fi.ttu per arms= to erdreaea Biz menthe, Mo , tis r•sntte. x e. To United 8tafn es subscribers. I1.y, a year +trictly is &ch o.cet. 8bbscrtbere who tall to receive Tug elsor t regularly by mall win confer a favor by so- -aaia4bg us of the tact at as early a date as possible. W ben a change of address te desired. both old the and new address ehonid be given. aterertMMta Rates: Lei v and other dollar edvrti aement4 100 per tine for Ant insertion and tc per line for each subsequent insertion. Measured by • not,;.titetl scale. twelve lines to an Inch. Hu-inees cards d six lines and under. ES per year. Advertt/temrente of (asst, Fopnd. Strayed, Sit- uation. Vacant, Situations Wanted, Houses toe sale or to Rest, !;arms for Hale or to Reit, Article. for Bale, etc., not exceeding eight tines, Pae each insertion ; 51 for Aret month. 3011 for each subsequent mor t h. Larger ad vert6es- rseete In proportion. Announcements in ordinary reading type ten stent, per line. No notice ler than '2k. Ar -pedal notice. the object of which le the pecuniary beneot of any tnr diridual or ao0i- tion. to b. oonsidered an advertisement arid charged accordingly. Rates for display and contract advertise- er.tw w ll be given o application. Ar rens all communications to THE SIGNAL PRINTING CO- Limited, Godeticb Ont G:)DILRIC 1. THURWuAT, KEPT. I1. 1911 THE PRIZE LIST. a ontinaed Iron page I. IIORSES. ROADSTER. Stallion. any age, F Ij,Iing, Hutt, King, Wm. Glazier: filly. or gelding, three years old. R. l:. Reynolds: tills - or gelding, two-year-old. Sheardown Bros.. Robt. King; filly or gelding, yearling. Alex.•Young. %V. F. Young ; brood mare, with hoal, Sheardown Bros., Robt. McLean, %in. Hill & Son ; • foal of 1911, Robt. McLean, Sheardown Bros.; Bingle horse, mare or gelding. J. B. Whitely. Peter '7c- l)ougall. lou Maskell. SADDLE. Mares .a{ geldings, Robt, McLean. W. 8. Salkeld; stallion. any age, Robt. Wilson ; filly or pelding. three years old. H. S. Salkeld ; filly or geld- ing, two years old, Peter ,\1''Dougall, 11. S. Salkeld. (,\ItH1 AGE. Foal cf 1911, Mowat Mc1Muga'I ; pair matched r411lege horses. Tho;. Gundry; single carriage horse. mare or gelding. G. 1'. Yonnghlut, Cha-. A. Whitely, David Prouse. ("ENEIIAL PURPi,SE. Brood snare. with her foal by side, E. V. Lawson, S. R. McMath. ttobt, McAllister; gelding, two rears old, Robt. Andrews. Peter Mc1) mall, H. 8. Salkeld : gelding, one -year-old, Samuel Furs,•: ►illy. one-year-old,Thos. Lacey. 1V." F. Young ; tool of 1911. Rost. McAllister, S. Furse; watched team, mares or geldings, in harness, M. Lockett & Son, Thos. Lact•v, Shiels Bros. Aa;RI('ULTCRAL. l:idg'e-Mrl)aif ' 1. Brood' roars. w'I i h h foal a. l by her side, J. %%.. ti 1 a krld A tion. S. Furs(• ; gelding, two years old,.S. Furst.: filly, two year. old, Joseph-C.dclou;,(h. Gee, W. Andrews. Robt. Beau : gelding, one year old. S. Filo'-; Nlls, on; year old. F. Quaid'; foal of 1911, J. W. Salkeld. S. Furse • team. mares ser geldiuge, in bone, Jos. Ilatr,iltun. Jae. ('m& Bon. Allan (len. (HEAVY DRAFT. IMPORTED sett ( ANA• DIAN +MMMED. Stallinu, four year , oldacd upward. Geo. Nett. le F. Qu: id ; 1%'e�lcr Fisher: brood male with teal by her bide. Wesley Marquis; filly. two year. old, Robt, (:lc -n..1. %V. Salkeld & Sou ; fn .1 of 1911 Wt' -ley Marquis. C'AT1'LE. steno -Hone (rues: irl(Ehj. Bull, Robt. Beau : cow. J. W. Salk- eld & sun. Itobt. Glen : heifer, two years old. Kohl, Bean : heifer. one year old, Robt. Kean : heifer calif, under one year. Robt. Glenn. IIetotio a IPtrRE nkKUl. Bull. T. G. Elliott, 1st and ;.'nil, F. F. ( raid ; cow. T. G. Elliott, 1st. 2nd and 8rd : heitet. T. G. Elliott, F. F. Quaid. 'F. ti- Elliott: heifer calf. under one year. 1'. (:. Elliott. 1st and 2nd, F. F. Quaid. POLLED A N G U s o 11 , A 111;III/EEN (PORE BREI, . Bull, , utt, heifer, any age. heifer calf, '►ndrr one yews. IC. V. Lawson. +KR$EY (Puna- mows }lull, Geo. Itrithweite; cow, Robt' McLean, Geo. Laithwaite: heifer, two year. old. A.n.1 1.tlthwaite. 1st and 2nd ; baler, Gude: two Year. rkl, Geo. 1.sitlawaitc, 1st and :Sod. Greene eATTI.F- (ow. Peter Afelhaugall. It. V. Law - erne Win. Hill & boa f heifer, two years old, Wm.. MW & Snit Peter Me- Dongall Lenthertus : theIii r, r se year old, rt*bt filer, Wm. HILI & net. 2nd se -1 ,;rd : heelten calf, under one ycaa. 1\ ::;. %sill i Sop 1st and 2nd . tessyeer•ola •'ver. W. T. Alurney, We:. Mill .. •. , 7c't and ird ; lihe'itr.':..1 W. reilkell & Ron, Is• sod awl , s, r. r i elf, %Vm. Trill & :lean, E. V. Lice ea.. ; herd. Peter McDou Ran - .AT e..T7 Li: ('..(T rtR..KD; Steer, 17. T. Mu•rii-y : heifer, V. T. )4•:rr.^y. ,. end 2nd ; eow. T. Q. Ells t' Emla. Gbr.n. RHKkt'. Here, a wo shears and over, Rube. GI.9i ; shearling ram, Rohl- Gies; 1st and •2nd : ram lamb. Robs. Glen, Wesley Fishpt ; ewe, ten -hears and over. Rohl. Glen, IN and 2nd :shear - ling -ewe. Robt. Olen, 1st and 2nd ; ewe loch. Robt. ()len, 1st and 'id. IANVOLwR. Ilam. t wo ,bears and twee, ram Isesh. esus, ten shears and over, shest•- tief ewe ewe Lamb Snowden Hats. 4RROPRI4 • RE nowise, ilhesehae earn (Fee Glels: ram lamb. Gee. Glee 101 WMA led ; e.we, two shears and over. E. V. Law•+ Geo. (:len : sbearling ewe. G Glen ; ewe Iarub, Geo. Glenn, 1st and .2nd. OYYORDeHIRit DOWNS. Ram, two abeam and over. tarn lamb, ewe, two shears and over, shear - ling ewe. ewe lamb. W. F. Young. W. C. Oke. ANY BREED. Ram lamb, ewe, two shears a over, shearling ewe. ewe Iamb, %Veal Fisher. FAT CHer.P. nd ey rt . Best fat sheep, ewe or wether, Rut Glen. %Vestry Fieber. IMPROVED BERKSHIRE. Boar, over one year old, Snowden Bros.: boar, littered in 1911. Snowdoo Bros.; sow. one year old and rover. having littered in 1911, Snowden Bros.. 1st and 2r.d ; sow, littered in 1911, Snowden Bros., 1st and 2nd. TAM WORTHS. Boar, over one year old. W. t'.IJ ke: boar, littered in 1911, Snowden Bios.: M.W, one year mid and over, having littered in 1911. Snowden Bros.. W. C. Oke ; .ow, Tittered in 1911, Snowden Bros., ht and 'and. IMPROVED YIiKK4H1RE. Boar. over one year old, boar. lit- tered in 1911, sow. one year old and over. having littered in 1911, sow, lit- tered in 1911, S. R. McMath. IIAMI'MHIRE. Boar. over one year old. boar lit- tered in 1911, saw. one^year old and over. having littered in 1911, sow lit- tered in 1911. Wesley Fisher. GRADES. Snw, one year old and over, having littered in 1911, Wesley Fisher, \Vm. Hill & Son : sow, littered in 1911, Win. Hill & Son, Snowden. Brae. ; pen of two bacon pigs, Soowden Bros., Wm: 11111 & Son. POULTRY. Wahines. cork and heli ; shirking., cork and hen : black Spanish. cock and hen : Iegborns, brown, single comb, cock and hen. Mrs. J. S. How- rie : leghorns, brown, rose comb, cock, Mrs. Howrie, James E. Hardy, F. 1''. Quaid : Leghorn., brown. rose comb, hen. AI; s. Howrie, F. F. Quaid leg - horns, huff, rock and hen, Mrs. How- ' l'HE 81U!IAL 6OUERCCH ONTARIO egg., sinllie yolk, W.K./Durnio, Geo. Leatherette. AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. Y/=LD GRAINS. Fall wheat, white, J. K. %Vise, J. W. Salkeld & Son ; fall wheat. red or amber, J. K. Wise, Rohl Bean : spring wheat, Samuel Fusee, J. K. Wens ; rye. J. K. Wise ; barley, J. K. Wise, t►amuel Fut large peas. J. K. Wise; Ionianpeas, K. Wise, Samuel Puree • white oat J. K. %Vise; black oat., J. K. Wise; flax seed, Mrs. J. L. Salkeld, J. K. Wise timothy seed, J. K. Wise; whit t brans, Samuel Furse, J. K. %V tars FIELD ROOTS, VEGETABLES. Long red, globe, intermediate man - gold wurtzel, Thomas; W. Bell, David Prouse ; sugar mangold% John Fowler. T. W. Bell ; Seed.- turnips, Lawrence Bell, S. Furse; white carrots, John Marquis ; ears corn, Dent, Geo. W. Andrews: ears corn, field, any other • variety, T. W. Bell, Allan Glen ; 1 irg est pumpkin, Alln. L .n Olen, Gess 14)11b- , : largest squssh, Geo. Leith- . N'ette. Alex. Glen ; largest turnips, Lawrence Bell, 8 burse. DAIRY PRODUCTS, 'Judge -Wm. Mousey and Miss M Green. Table butter welted for use, rolls or prince, T. S. H+milton, Mrs. A. J. teildtborpe, %V. E. Durgin ; table i butter. in crock, salted for present 'use. Mrs. A. J. G,rldthorpe, W. E. Durnin, John Fowler; chews', house Wade. (leo. Laithwaite ; hutter, in 'roll. Vr-. A. J. Geldthot•pr, Mrs. 8. H. Johnston, Mrs. A. Johnston : tub or crock of hutter, Mer. A. J. Gold thorpe. W. E. Durnin, JobR Fowler hutter, one pound prints, Mrs. A. J Goldthorpe, T. S. Hamilton. FIELD GRAINS, ETC.Fall .vheat, white, J K Wise, J % Satke! ' & Son ; red or amber. J K ''•Vise, de Bean; spring wheat, an variet - s Furse, J K Wise ; rye, J K Wise: rley, any variety, J K Wise S Furt-r; targe peas, J K Wise ; ,mal peas, J K Wise, 5 Furse; white oats.,J K %Vise; black oats, J K Wise; flax seed, Mrs J L Salkeld, J K Wise; rim othy seed. J K Wise; white scans, S Furse, J K Wise. Eaton, Ww Warpock, C A Wells; early Victor. Wm Warnock; Virgen nes, Wm Warnock, 8 Morniu star; Clinton, Mes J L Salkeld, Ww War- uuok; Caampbell's early. Geo Laitb- wait.e, 8 Morningstar, Rodger's No 3, Wm Warnock; Nn 4, Wm Warnock, J W Salkeld; Nog. Wm %Varnock, 8 Morningstar; No 15, Wm Warnock; No 19, Wm Wareock, 8 Morningstar; No 8 Morningstar, Geo Laithwaite; No 44. W %Vernock; Niagara, W War- nock, Geo Leitbwalts; Empire State, M McKay; %Vo, -den, Gal Laithwaite, Mn ld J L Salks; Brighton, J %V Salk- eld, 8 Morningstar; Wincbel, 8 Morn - star; Wyoming Red, Wru Warnock; Northern Light, Wm Warnock; any other variety, I Salkeld. Ft-OWZRs Collection of cut flowers, C A Wells, M McKay. Wm Warnock; dahlias. C A Wells; verbenas, Mrs Howrie, M McKay; hand boquet, M J Fowler Wm %Varnock. H L Wataoot table hoquet, C A Wells, H L Watson, M 3Fowler: floral design, Geo Stew- art, H L Watson; :inures. double, M J Fowler, C A %Vella; true geraniums, single, C A Wells; double, M McKay, C A Wells; phloxes, Warnock, Mrs J 8 Howrie; gladiolus, C A Wells; asters, U A Wells, M McKay, I Salkeld; pansies, Warnock, C A Wells, Mrs Howrie; pe- tunias, single, C A Wells. Mrs Howrie; petunias double, Mrs Moieties 2nd; coleus, C A Wells; canna,, C A Wells; tuberous begonias, rooted, C A Wells: begonias rex, U A Wells; foliage plants. H L Watson; flower basket, C A Wells, H L Watson; oasturtiuws, C A Wells, M J Fowler; sweet peas, Warnock, M J Fowler; asparagus, CA Wells; stocks, sirggle, M McKay, C A %Vella; I begonia*, flow4.riog: C A Wells; sun- • : flowers, Warnock, C A %Sells. AMATEUR Hand briquet, M McKay M J Fow- ler; table bnquet, M McKay, M J Fow- 1 ler, (' A Wells; oanging basket, Mrs Howrie; collection of cut flowers, v I grown by school children in s.:bool grounds, Central sch(x.l. � GARDEN VEGETA/Mits. MELONS, Kit'. Six varieties of potatoes, 1) Prouse, John Fowler, C A %Veils: early pota- toes, Wm Bichat%, D Prouse; potatoes, ria, F. F. Quaid ; leghoro., white, sir. ,le comb, cock, Wesley Fisher, i Fred Baker, 2nd slid 3rd ; leghorns, ' white. single co:nh, hen, Arthur Snszel, Wesley Fisher; Ieghorns, white, rose comb, heo, Arthur Snazel, 1st and 2od, Wesley Fisher ; Ply. mouth rocks. barred, cock and beu, Wesley Fisher ; Plymouth rocks. cock, Oliver Pennington, Snowden Bros.: Plymouth rocks, ben. Oliver Pennington, Jas. E. Hardy, Snowden Bros. ; wyandottes, white, cock. .T. C. Sbeardown, .las. E. Hardy, Wesley Fj,her ; wyandottes. white, h.•n, Jas.! E. Hardy, Mrs. J. L. Salkeld, Oliver Penniugton : wyandottes. silver (aced, hen. Mrs. Howrie : wvendottes, Col- umbisn. cock, Jas. E. Hardy, 1st and 2nd : wyandottes, ('oluntbian, hen.' Jae. E. Hardy, 1st and 2nd ; andalie sians, cock' and hen,- Mrs. Howrie; ! Herron -as, co('k and hen. Mrs. Howrie, i Gen. Laithwaite: bantams, black Afri• cant. cock- sod hen, Jas, E. Hardy ; bantams; Pekin, rock, Jas. E. Hardy,' R. C. Poetlethw-aIle: bantams, Pekin, t her. Jas, E. Hardy; black Tangshan, i cock and hen, Mre. Howl ie ; Rhode I island, red. ei.ck and hen. J. t'. Shear - down ; turkeys. bronze, cock. Mr.. J. L. Salkeld. %V. C Oke: turkey. hnatze, hen, \y. (', take; haiket•s. any other variety, c r ka and hen,Sit- leder) wdr 0 Bios., %ye. e 1 Fisher.; ee rn )' sr. t Clouse .g gander, Tions. W. Bell. W. t', Ok(•; geese. toulou-e, Sexist. F. 1'. Quaid, %V. C. Oke: geese. any other variety, gander. Snowden Bros.. 1l. S. Salkeld; 'meets cuiy other variety, goose. Sint den lints.. If, f3. Salkeld; ducky, Pekin, drake and du^k, Snowden Bros.. W. C. Okq ; moan ducks, drake and duck, Mrs. Hoene: ducks, any saber variety, drake and. duck, Gen. Lsitbwaite; Guinea fowl, cock. Snow- den Bros., %V. ('. Oke ; Guinea fowl, ben. W. C. Oke. sekiN1; 1111(1/4. Bi ahma,, light orderk. cockerel and liullet. Alt.. 11•,wrie: black Spanish, piilirt. .fay. Hardy. 2nd ; Iegh•rrns, tuow-n. Mingle comb, cockerel, Mrs. Howe ie. Jas. E. Hardy ; leghorn. brown, eiugle comb, pullet. Mrs. Howrie. F. E. Quaid; Ieghorn., brown. rose comb, cockerel and pullet. Mrs. How- rie. F. Is, Quaid: leghorne, huff, rock erel and pFullet. F) ed. Raker, 1.1 and 'Lod: leghorns. white. single rootb. cockerel and pullet, Arthur Sunset. 1st ;toe. tad ; 1'Iyoiouth rocks, barred, cockerel and pullet, Orn. %l. An. drew,: Plymouth rocks, white, cock- erel and pullet, Oliver Pennington, Lewis Elliott t wyandottes, white, cockerel, Wesley Fi-her, .1, C. Sheer - down : wc. ndottes, white. pullet. Olivet Pennington, J: .1. Paltrier; we- :andottt's, golden, cockerel and pullet. Geer. Johnston; wsandottes, (Saturn - 1 ian, cockerel ami pullet. Jas. E. Hardy : buff Orpington•, cockerel, E. V. Lawson, Mr.. Howrie: buff nrp- ingtons, puller. E. V. Lawson : soda. haslet], t'«•ksrel and pullets Mrs. Hcw- rie, 1st and 1nil : minor. as, Meek, cockerel and pillet, (tee. Laithwaite, 1«R used 2nd : bla••k langshanw, cock- erel and mullet. Mrs. Howrie; Rhode , Island red co.kt tri, J. 0 8beardown, g1st and and ; Rbnde is1 and, red, Inll.'t, CCeo, Johnston, Lit said :hid; tut -keys. e am ,ether vaWetr, tock, W.-.Ipy L Flatter geese, t«uloua', .tanner and -T•lose, ,T .t„. W. Hell geese, any j set her YaAri;,ty, tarsier and goons•, bunwriett ilros, ; Burka, Pekin, drske and .toe%, %Welty Either. W. C. 'Ise; •luck', any nlhrr variety, drake sud ainek, Wesley Fisher; rshbite inpp- o•.0 si. any s(dor, ApIMfr 'nsrel ; rah- o hit% aerie variety, Arthur S1a*al, FIELD It0()TS, r'Et:ETA)LE, Lung red mangold wurtzel, T W Bel]. 1) Prouse; globe mangold wurt- zel, T W Bell, D Femme; intermediate mangold wurtzel, T tV Bell, D Amuse; stigat marigolds, John Fowler, T W Bell; swede turnips. Lawrence Bell, 8 Fume; white carrots, John Marquis; corn, dent, Geo %V Andrew: corn, field, T W 13.11, Allen Glen: largest pumpkin, Allen Glen, Geo Laithwaite: argest squash, Geo Laithwaite, Allen Glen: largest turnips, Lawrence Bell, S Furse. 1,.1I kY PHOI.I-1 Tw len pounds table hutter, T S Ham- ilton. A J Goldthorpe, W E Durnin: ten pounds table hutter in' crock, A J Goldthorpe, R' E Duroin, John Fow- ler; cheese, home made, Geo Leith - wince: hutter, 3 pounds in roll, A J Goldthorpe, Mrs 8 H Jobnston, Mrs A John.tnn; tub or crock of butter, A J Goldthorpe, %V E Durnio, John Fowler: hutter, 5 pnunC8, 1 Ib prints,' A J Goldthorpe, T 8 Hamilton. APPLES. Ten varieties, R R Sloan, Win Bich - an, JW Salkeld & son: six varieties, R K Sloan, Mrs J L Salkeld, Lawrence Bell: six varieties, dessert, Wni Bich - an, H It Sloan, Salkeld & son; Duchess of Older.hur Salkeld +ilk rid & son. on Win ch T. Hamilton: mil[n MIt+ n.Alexander, RR Sloan, Wni tertian; St Liwrence, R H Sloan: Gravenstein, R R Moan, Mrs %Vm Shaw; McIntosh Red. 3 A White- ly. It It storm:Cayuga red streak, R R Sloan, Win Bichan; fall pippin. R R Sloan, \C C 01;e: 211 pippin, Mrs W Shaw. Lawrence Bell, W (' Oke; snow, R 11 slo.an.-L Boll: wealthy, H F Mor- ris, James ('ox fi son: Ribston pippin,' J W Salkeld, W (' Oke. 1t R Sloan: Grimes golden, Most Andrews, Wm Bichan: K ing of ToniOkios, It R Sloan, L Bell. J W Salkeld; Cranberry pipin, 1 R- Salkeld, %Vu+ Bieber, R H Sloan: Pewaiikee, John Fowler. R' C Oke; Wagner, Laurence 1ie11. H L Watson; Huhbardson's Nsons,rch, Mrs J L Sal- keld: \Vestflrld's Reek -no -farther, R R Sloan, J W Salkeld R Sinn; Rhode Island Greening. Laurence Bell, H F Monis. Thus W Bell: Baldwin, Jose- phine Haley. R R Sloan. J W Salkeld; Talman's sweet, R R Sloan, S R Mc - Math; American golden russet. R R Sloan, Mrs A Johnston, Mrs J L Sat- keld: Canada red, Mrs J L. Salkeld, R R Sloan; Fallawater, J W Salkeld & son, R R Sloan: Phoenix, W u Oke, John Marilee Stott's russet, S Furse, R R Sloan; Ontario, Win Bichan, J W Salkeld, (' A Wells; Swazze Pomme Grist, O W Andrews, R R Sloan; Nor- thern ally. R It Sloan, J %V Salkeld, 11 F Morris: Mann, Sloan, 8 R McMath: Blenheim orange pippin, Sloan, John Fowler: Colbert, Sloan, J W Salkeld; Stark, Sloan, C A Whitely; Belleflnw- W %Vernnck, Sloan; seedling, Sloan, (1 A %%'ell., Mrs J I. Salkeld; any other variety, Sloan, G W Andrews. David Prouse; ('tab, J (: Sheardown. Mrs A E Matheson; quince*, Robt Andrews. C A 1Chitcly. i'RAH$. sig seriettes, %Vm Warnock; three arietfee, W Rirhan, Tom. .1 W alkoW; Bartlett, C AWells, J A Tom, %\'m Birhan; Duchess, .1 W Salkeld. V Warnock, Belle Lucrative, Mrs J Salkeld R R, Sloan; Lo'ii, Bonne De mire 's ,n Bieban, Wm Warnock; Bennet D'Anjon, Warwick; Beier.. Diel, Warnock, Mrs A .1 Goldthorpe, Beurrr Bose, SFurr.e, () A Wells: She! don, J A Tom, 8 Furse: Beutre Clair - eon, .1 A Tom, C A Wells; Seckel, S dorningster, Wm Birhan; Clapp's lay• rite, 8 Farm, CAWhitelyp; Lawrence. J W Salkeld, J A Tom: Keifer, War - neck; any ether variety, R Andrews rLune Bradsh IW .and Pond's seedling• 3 A Toro; Lombard. Wm Sieben. J A Tom: Coe'. golden drop. J A Tom, RRKR,H:et► PENS EITHER (LD OR YODnn. i.eghtnrns, ens var..•t(, C. F. Quaid w aednttm I. 3. Palmer, W. C. Oke ; Plemotitb rocks, any variety. Lewis ienintt: irpingtnns, any variety.E. V. Laws -en ; collection t f rabits, Arthur Seam!: rnllection rabbi/Jo. im- ported. Arthur Roue) : collection of pigeons. (Sen. Laithwaite. Singing canary, R. ('. 1',,'tlethwaite, 1st and 22nd : collection of caged birds. R. C. Pastierhwaite, 1st sad 2nd; largest reflection of insects injurious to planta, H. L. Watson : largest rot• lection of Ineerta benselciel fn planta, H. L. Witt .on - r rilesWon of stuffed Merl. and animals of any country, M Mrs. A. R lifetime, : l,eavieet Were and • PEACHES. FitxgersId, Warnock, M McKay; El- berts, F I': Bingham, filnan; any other variety. willis Sanderson: seedling. 0 Pennington, (.RA Pita, F:T• . 2 clusters, white under alase, Geo iaithwalte; twelve varieties, Wes I%arnoek, 9 Morningstar: sigh var- ieties, Wm Warnock, M Mesa four varieties, Wm Wa , nen Laithwaite, 8 Moroit�tefstar�: Dslsware, Wer Warnock, M MCKev. Concord. McKay, Wm Warnock. Hat tfot d Moore's diamond. M Mornitsgstar: any late variety, D Prouse, W E Due oin; summer squash, C A Wella, H F Morns: Hubbard squash, Warnock, Allen Glen; white or golden celery, Mrs A E Matheson; winter cabbage, Lou Maskell, John Slarquis; turnip blood beets, C A Well•., H F Morris; long blood beets H F Morris; radishes, F E Bingharu, 3 A True carrots, C A Wells, Warnock; parsnips C A %Vella, Warnock; red onions, It Prouse, C A 'ells; yellow onions, U Prouse, U \%-ells; corn, for table, Mrs. A Matheson, H F Morris; egg plant, C Wells; cauliflower, C A WWells, I Sal eld; ripe capsicums, C A Wells; toma- toes, any variety, (' A Wella, D Prouse; largest cucuu.be,, H 1' Mor- ris, D Prouse; collection of garden herbs, C A %Vella; collection of garden produce, C A Wells; salsify, CA Wella; musk melons, J A Toni, C A Wells; citrons, Mrs, A "Johnston, Mrs. A E Matheson. HOME M kritm. 'ytj Silk quilt, Mrs Howrie, L Synth] on: fancy quilting, T S Hamilton, S ymington; counterpane, cotton, ymington, Mrs. A Johnston; re at, Mrs. A Johnston, L Symingto th towel, 111 J Fowler, Mrs A Job ton; rag carpet, Mrs. Foster; carriag fghan, Mrs Stevenson; fancy woo bawl or cape, 13 I. Watson, Mrs SCOTT'S EMULSION L taken by people is tropi- cal countries an tie year round. It stops wasting and up the strength and in summer as well as winter. ALL DRUGCZST$ Stevenson; drawn thread work, centre piece. 51 3 Fowler, Mrs Stevenson. PRaHERVI04, BREAD, ET('. Horne made preserves, M McKay, Mrs Howrie; peaches, Mrs 8 H John- ston. 8 Morniug•tar, as McKay; straw- berries, M McKee, David Prouse, Mrs Howrie; rasperrl.s, M McKa= H C Elder, Mrs Shaw; plums, H C Elder, M McKay, D Prouse; pears, M McKay 8 Morningstar, H C Elder; citron, T 8 Hamilton, M McKay, Mrs 8 H John- ston; apple sauce, Mrs Howrie, T S Hamilton, D Prouse; jellies, Mrs How- rie, M McKay, 8 Morningstar; mixed pickles. H C Elder, Mrs Howrie, T S Hamilton; layer cake, Mrs 8 H John- ston, 0 w Andrews, Mfrs Metbeson; tea biscuits, A J Goldthorpe, SH John- ston, M MCKay; collection of pies. Mn Howrie, airs Matheson, Mus Shaw; fan- cy tarts, Mrs Johnston, 0 w Andrews, era Howrie; oat cakes, Mrs Howrie, C A wells, Mrs Johnston; home-made bread, Mrs A J Goldthorpe, U Prouse; home=made bread with bakers' yeast, Mrs Johnston, T 8 Hamilton, Mrs Foster; collection of sauces, Mrs How- rie, Mrs Johnatun, T 8 Hamilton; col- lection of baking. Mur sirs Goldthorpe, s Foster, sirs Matheson; cold lunch, airs Foster. HONEY, SYRUP AND SC(:AH. Honey in. jar, Mrs Matheson; maple sugar, Snowdon Bros, Mrs Johnston; uraple syrup. tt- E Durnin, Mrs .1ohn- etoo, FINE ARTS. Professional list, nils - Landscape (local), marine, animals from life and s(111 life, G F Hargitt 1st and Evelyn Hayden 2d; figure from life, Evelyn Hayden, G F Hargitt. Water Colors -Landscape (local), M J Fowler, Evelyn Hayden; marina from life, Miss E Fraser, Evelyn Hay- den; still life, G F Hargitt, Miss Fras- er; any subject, Miss Fraser, Evelyn A Hayden; landscape (not local►, G F E Hargitt, MissFritser; figure, Mies Fras- A er, G F Hargitt; animals, O F Hargitt, Miss Preset: monochrome, AlisaFraser. Miss Hayden. t Si m ba e a a Amateur List, Oils -Landscape (lo- cal), Mrs How/le-2d; marine, animals. and figures, Mrs Stevenson, Mrs How- rie; flowers. Mrs Howrie, Mrs Steven- son; fruit. Mrs Stevenson, MrsHowrie; inanimate object, Mrs Stevenson, Law- rence Bell; original and landscape, any subject, Mrs Stevenson,Mrs Howrie. Witter Colors- -Landscape, Al J Fow- ler, Mrs Stevenson; in/trine. 'Ars How - Ltie, M J Fowler; animals, at J Fowler, L Mrs Howrie; figure, Mrs Howrie, M J Fowler; flowers, Mot. Stevenson, .I J oFowler; fruit, a( 3 Fowler; inanimate object, .t J Fowler, Mrs Howrie; ori- gine%, M J Fowler; monoehrntrie, ori- ginal, M J Fowler. Mrs Stevenson: copy A J Fowler, nes Howrie. nhnston; wool stockings, coarse and see H fl Ce tele. r wool socks, k coarse 11('Elder. ripe. Mrs Stevenson; pair silk mittens, Mrs. Stevenson; plain wool gloves, and driving gauntlets, Miss Symington; fancy wool mittens, Miss Stevenson, Mies Symington; bedroom slippers, 11 L Watson, C A Wells. Crocheted Work -In cotton, alts. Howtie, Mrs A Johnston; table rums, Mrs. Johnstnn, Mrs Howrie; baby's jacket- M McKay, Sirs Stevenson; fas- cinator, 11 L Watson, Mrs A Johnston counterpane, Mrs Howrie, Miss Sym ington. • Ea1luso eget es Table linen, 31. J. Fowler, Mrs. Howrie; floe o'clock tea cloth, linen, Mrs Stevenson, H (' Elder: five o'clock tea cloth, in silk. Mrs Howrie, 'Mrs Stevenson: table centre piece and doilies on linen, H C Elder, Miss Sym- ington: table doilies, in linen, Mrs A Johnston, Mrs Howrie; tray cloth, Mrs Stevenson, Miss Symington; side- board scarf, All Stevenson, Mies Symington; tea cosy, Mrs A John Ston, H U Elder; shadow work, centre piece, Mrs Stevenson. Miss Syming- ton; eyelet shirt waist, Mrs A John- ston, Mrs Howrie; on towels, 11 C F.1 - der, Mrs A Johnston: on ladies' hand- kerchiefs, Mrs Howrie, Mn A John- ston: Hardanger or Norwegian, Mrs Stevenson, Mrs A .1 Thom' or,: Venetian, Mrs !Stevenson. Mr -de Symington; in lace stitches, Af J Fowler, Mrs Steven son; in modern cross Mitch, Mrs Site venson, Josephine Haley; Wallachian i centre piece%, Mrs Howrie, Mts. Ste- venson; netting, collection. Mrs 8•e.- veneon, M J Foelor: collar and cuff set, Mrs Howrie, 'd J Fowler; pillow top, mountmellick, Mrs Stevenson, Mrs Howrie; mounted sofa cushion, John Fowier, Miss Symington: teeth - ion Inc den, A fl P3 ler, T 8 Hamdtreit on bolting cloth. M J Fowler, H C El- der. Sewing etc. - %,.and made tidies' sh+rl wait, �1 J Fowler, Mrs Howrie; sew- ing plain, band. Wm A Johnston, M 3 Fowls.: la(Uen' f i neo writ kbeg, Mit A Johnston, Mr. Stevens,...; fancy pin cushion, H C Elder, M .1 Fowler; N it's shirt, linen event, hind made, Mist Stevenson: gent's shirt, flannel, machine made, Mrs 8 H Johnston, iI 3 Rider; hemstitching. H 1 nb%Vection. Mrs A Jnaton; twelse buttonholes, Mrs A H Jnhnaten, T S Htriintnn: darning, M J Fowler, Mrs A .Lrhmston; mrndi* . hemmed, Miss Symington. Mrs S H Johnston; mending, awwe,I, 1.11 J Fowler, Mrs A Johnsen,,; ki'rhse aprrm. Mn A Johnston, Mrs A 3 Go1d- thnrpe; fancy apron, Mrs A Johnston, Mrs Stevenson. Work of children under 13 Tears (.f age - Embroidered temtre piece, Jose- phine Haley. LA(E WORK - 7 Point lace, F E Bingham, Mrs •te- venson; Irish crochet, Mn Mtevenson, Ales Hnwne; boniron l,cr. Mrs Site - vermin, Miss 8yming ton: Duchess lee,. Mrs A Johns'ne, Mha yrning ton: Bwtten burg 'are Mrs Rowell, Mm Johnston, knitted lace Mrs 81* venue%. 11 (' Plder ratting Mn me. veSson Mrs A Johnston: draws' bread week, doilies. Miss 8ymiegton,tMn China Painting -Single piece, H C Elder, sirs Howrt' e• figure,.� .irs Steven- son, Mrsw ' Ito ue: plates, Mrs Johnston, Mrs Howrie; collection, .irs Howrie, H C Elder. Wood ('Erving-Chip, Mrs Howrie 2d; pyrography, Willis Sanderson, H C Elder. Crayon, Charcoal and ink - Lif.' study, Evelyn Hayden; from the cast, Evelyn Hayden, Mrs Stevenson: figure crayon, Evelyn Hayden: any subject, Mrs Stevenson, M J Fowler: pen and ink sketch, Evelyn Hayden, M J Fow- ler. Penmanship and Drawing by Pupils u! Schools -writing, 111 class. Graham Rows, Eva Jones: IV class, Ruby Stod- dart, Dorothy Dougall; drawing. iIi claw., Limns Morrow, Graham Ross: iV class, Dorothy Dougall, Nina Rob- erts: writing, Coll. Inst. pupil.. Katie weaton, Scholarship ip Nor. Business College, Dorothy Dougall: drawing special, Dorothy Dougall, Graham Ross. CENTRAL STRATFORD, ONT. Our regi-trwtion greatly exceeal.tbat of p:evlous Tears WhyI Our school is the best of its kind in tie Wr.1: be -t In courses Riven, host, in teacher+ ernpinyrrt anti Mort in s-ei«ling graduates to position.. Oor gt•adn•ite. tiro in demand. IAt.tr,e-+ men .tete ;Nit Cher are the best. In the post three d.t+at. had tieven applicatlone for help wilt •h •* a mild nut - 1 p,Iy. %Ve h.tre thr'e -- t ommerrial. 8tw-thand sur i•'ret.•graphi'y. 1:er 0•14 free ratelrerne for full particular., Commence your route H. A. 1f :LACHLAN, e The Canted 1T;►ttin (' liege of Toronto int its, ton to write fee a copy of 'ta .urricutn it if pis ate in any way interceded in :a t: sec t einit wi111 •Ad t.,. dhlame.,•Alp, n• ;, ;tt. ,a good slaty. Ti .id,h; Term opens or Aug, Address W. H. Shaw 'resident, Y n 11 g e an .1 t:errrarel !AP., Toronto, and ni ".tsari this paper, n LONDON. . OMT. BUSINESS and SHORTHAND SURfrCf$, stwM Yet season no e * MIN midst lenebers One and MO London ow trained help. CaOno seen= Sept. Il In Jere >M. lager any Wass Forticsai • frja •f w wwlnrar.Medi A i September Sale For our spacial Fall Sale we quote hereeritb a few of our exceptional berealnoferings, We invite your inspection. Wool Dress Goods Thirty-eight pieces new plaid wool Drees Goods, in a score of patteroa and colon, very heodsotue and serviceable, 38 251 inches wide, 33c. for Flannelettes, 36 inches wide, extra heavy. light or dark /1,l.�, patterns, 124e. for Prints and Ginghams Hundreds of yards 32 -inch Priuts, light or dark colon, log 121c quality Table Linens One hundred Table Cloths, bleached and all linen, $1 eM size 2 x 21 yards, $1,50, for, each.. . �V/ Twenty dozen Towels, ail linea hues, size It3 x 40, St� e� 5 lai regular price c each; at 6 for. ................ Seventy -two-inch wide Linen Table Damask, doulde 951 satin, regular !1.'23 ; et. per yard 017 Carpets and Rugs We ahnw the largest selection pruhably in this district. Carpets, Rug- and Stair Carpets suitable for every home. Special redu:tieu. this month. Knitted Coats l�tlies,' misses' and childrea-a Coats, in all styles, :1.28 to *5.50 Ladies' Print Wrappers $1.28 and 11.38 Flannelette Gowns, a large and splendid showing at 80s, ••• Grain Bags Dominion W. seamless, full size and gond. dozen .... ........ .... Perrin's Kid Gloves All length., in ail sizes. 78o, *1.00 $1.28. $1.80. *2.00 Bose Ribbed Cashmere Hose, double sole sod knees, sires 0 to 2R 10. For September only ...... *1' per $3.40 W. ACHESON a SON r � Garments II made BY US are the product of caeful study and experie nce . , , 'Phone 180 L MARTIN BROS. Tailors ..; wieeeteessesesseseeeeeresereseeteestersr Y01' WILL WANT THAT NEW SUMMER SUIT made in the very latest stye. and 'from the best quality of goods. You are assured of the be -t of satisfaction at HUGH DUNLOP'S WEST RTREF:T The up-to-date Tail r stesreereeerreseemeeesesseseseseseeseeses 83°Call s were received last month fol office help -37 were left unfilled. Demands for trained help are so g reat that we can afford to e.guarantee a position to every graduate or refund t u i t i o n money." 1f you ate anxious to sweeed write for our beautiful catalogue today. CENTRAL 8178iNE8$ COLLEGE. Toronto. W. H. Shaw, Principal. r wWa/wa.� What About That Leaky Roof of Yours tr Weer hive it repiared with a new one. See. W. R. Pinder, Hamilton street, for the right kind at the rigbt price. Sole agent for Brantford Roofing Always a full stork of Roofing on hand. , which suablem us to give prompt attention to all work in tbu line, . Also we make a specialty of PLUMBING, HEATING and ELECTRIC WIRING W. R. Pinder 'Phone 155entenownsetieseaswessissiestesestetseseteseespel HAMILTON STREET CHOOL $HOES' - T am HF TIME htome men* to get your boys and girl: mei-arta to Mart the fall terra at school. They will r rsuire to h we a' goo" eervi•'eehla:, 401id leather pair of Mhnes; the kind that will stand the twat in any weather we are likely to hays• at this season. To get tbst kind, at the tweet p rrice', come and syr what We hers to offer. We have been very careful in selecting our stock of School Mhoe', and are prepared to supply yon with the hest (bat ren be procured fr(rm the loading mererfacturet. REPAIRING Downing & MacVicar North Side of Square. (ioderich 1 I! • �I