The Signal, 1911-9-21, Page 1perhaps �. i the people know you ere (1 Dg sassiness• and perbeps t hey do Pct. A'eta udin g itelvertimmout in The i lgnal will keep your dame constantly before t h e public. BIXTY.THIRD YEAR -Nu VW be For the Per/once "111 of the year The Signa) wilt_t- sent to new subsea i, els for only fiubscr ibe ..ow. 25c ) 1:011E B IPH. THl'RSDA Y. SEPTEMBER 21, 1911 THE SIGNAL PRLNIYNG CO., Lot.. Punts... STERUIIb BAIIK eh, 4CANAIIA THE CONSTANT GROWTH • of this ,Bank is a significant indication AA the excellent banking service given to its many customers. Interest allowed at highest torrent rates on deposits of $1.00 and upwards, in our SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. GODERICH BRANCH B. WALKER Mgr. -s► FOR SALE. IJIOR SALE. -THE UNDERSIGNED .[ will sell b private sale a number of arable, of ruralises. including chairs and tables ; Goal all stew, dishes. etc. MRS. MAP KINNON, Trafalgar street 1 AUNOH FOR MALE. -TWENTY -l01/9 feet bat, six foot Q,ssm. three feet deco ErcaBent sea boat Engine kuarenteed to be la *astir o0.diU0.--s+ good esnew • aW pada purchased watertight. Can be purcha.d for about eastblyd es1ginal cost 11 taken be- fore she Isiota up for tbu winter. IbmoesVa- Viet rosy time. H. TURN EH, SIGNAL OF WOODFOR SALE. -WE HAVE for eels a Quantity of good sound dry hardwood at reasonable prices in eixtee..-inch lee length to the oordh and tour -toot hrong ngth,. Loeld supply • few bads cut to.order as taw days' Donne. This is nearly all maple. mi�yewood from us and you save the dloaais 's greet We base tree 'phone ren- ew:Mee with Oed.rlch. For prices. write or AraWM. HILL k 80N. Benmiller. More ban fta 68 -It LOST OR FOUND. LONT.-ON TUESDAY, SEPTEM- Hk:R 19tb.hetwese Shhcppardton and Oode rich. • bey's coat. May be identified by Canadian coppers In et. Finder will pMase leave at THE SI NAL OFFICE. FOR SALE 011 TO RENT L• AND FOR BALE. -SIXTY-ONE acres of Iced part o1 Lot Na 1, concession 8. Colborne ; all seeded down, clan. drained. and in • first -clam mate of cultism -Mo. Must be sold; owner rearing from active wbkk. Applyto ANTHONY ,1.EN, Dunlop P.O. 680 Al tf VOR SALE. -THE HOUSE, WITH £ two tote, oo EJein avenue, near the Huron road, ooc.pied by the undersigned. Frame story -and -a -halt hou-e, ten rooms, lately mod- ernised and rated with electric light. water service. etc. There Is a good cellar. Baro on the premises. •iso a number of good fruit trees. Co.vanle.t location. For terms, etc.. apply to MISS ELIZABETH HARRY. Elgin avenue. 68-u TENDERS WANTED. EXTENSION OF TIME. The Leese roe receiving feeders for Sarnia. Ono, Armoury is hereby extended to Wednes- day.October 11,1M1. By order, DESEOCHER8. Department of Public Works. It Ottawa. Feptember 13. 1911. EALED TENDERS. ADDRESSED IJ to the under lgned. and endorsed "Tender for Wharf and Dredging at Hernia. Ont." will be received at this oAo until 480 p. m., o0 Tuesday.October 3, 1911 for the construetlon of a %Tharf and Dredging Basin at Sarnia, Lamberts C000y. Ont. Phis, spiddeatioa and Corm of contract 080 be seen sad farms of tender obtal.ed at the offloes of H. J. Lamb, Esq., District E irtees,e, Leaden, Ort.; J. O. Hing. , District knee neer. Confederation Life Building. Taranto. Ont.,m id oo applloation to the Postmaster at Sarah, Ont. will~ki�� � n�� that tenders �a{.� made oo the pro .lets w a1 ilEied with their their oces tions O ld M =ID the case of erne. the natopl.Is.0t •f nature oLnoel ffo�nressiN est be Opera.rte each m of of goespiells4pIo� mesh la .Doom gied �i y an Plbwtlrt elm a W Illi aiar�bout W .it s[ tM te Mia spa�aowgl boatort 40tH memo �edine to atter Imo essias 'Mien upon to do .0. or ten tofie contracted for. if reta s (a.4 we the sheens will be The a iertmeM does sot Nnd Steel} to accept the to es, any tMbr. By order, D. C. DiDIROCHERS. Secretary. Dhesta.mt of Public Works, Ottawa, 8ssta nbsr S 1911. Newspapers will Dotter paid for this adver- tro tt u•pLt_ art Insert It without al teat -Sad MAiL CONTanddAryCOsT9ds. w eat towtte a . cPosltae•ssstser, vethaelli iaaetasst war. 44Wals qMr aur . wren Ar� t itrait{cht agars/ t,ttvm tM Nestuasler settees asstalnl.g farther b lalerses ei s ~~ tgador AIM 14tWerVemoseltirelabliaseit the Piles et at Mao fib1G. C. ANDBRSON. (lessee. ♦*swam. , 1011. /) StweeleleadeSR GUNDRY'S Livery, Cab and 'Bus Stables THB RED BARN Mouse Rtave . Ooderieb All ser Rigs are New. 'Sumas most all Walnut and Steamers. Partlealar attention � g�ri4•ven *0 (ails trim private miasma. 'Pb... Na 50 'WARMS FUR SALE. -ONE HUN- DRED acres ort the 7th soacessim sad fifty acres opposite on the 8th coseoosi(r et Col- borne. Will be sold esparetely or toasthrs. On aha hundred is a story -end -a -half kith hmase. with kitchen attached. a r1W"' pew. and large shed. dewand are In fir„t- sores ail seeded down tea acres sill watered b spring rpriag ter i bars. 9 gat odes hew 5J5501ei $ 5 now trees Auburn ; two and sa.aalf sails. frees McGrew C. P. R. eta- W�si� thee d too fleet term homes to the JOt9Nt Psi Carlow VW ANDREW FARM FOR 8ALE.-118 ACRES in good land. on la 13. Maitland conces- sion. township of Colborne, all sear except ten acres wkich is hard wood. There is • good - .1..d orchard ; the buildings consist of a large two-story cottage hones, with bank barn and outbuildings, ell in fair state of repair ; con- venient to church and school. Tble proper! y belong,. to Rev. A. E. ADM. of Saskatchewan. who will dispose of It on easy terms. For further peulars apply to J. I'. LINFIELD, Loyal, Ontario. 61-1s, TPE. OR SAL -THAT FINE RESI- dent's,' property at the oorner of Cameron and Raglan street., formerly known as the A. MGI). Allan propert?, le for sale. It contains eight town lot., planted with the choicest fruits of all kinds. There are two brick houses. each of two storks. one built only last ear. and the other in firm -edam repair. Both less have modern oo0veuience., and alto Mr the property is me of the most desir- able In (:odericb. %811l be sold or reasonable terms. Apply 7 to P, .1. RYAN, (ioderlcb. 56-0. TWO GOOD FARMS FOR SALE.- Close to the town of Goderich. The land IA flret-clae., orcb•ri on both place., easy terms Huy now. Land is going up. .ileo for sale • good building lot. 42 feet frontage. on South .treat Mart of tbe Watson prep.rtyr. Apply to 7'HOa OUNDHY. P AR. TO RENT OR FOR SALE.- C. hundred acres of good land , being south halter lot I3, oeseaselea k West Wawa- • b, � L rd asered down. Bundle. la - y. lode Meek bones, Spring Greek tuns eysisaatnd, red, wRL rum le within half • rs ey tis ttr�W4ihrbu village at Demaasss sae r esaveaalat be Mambas. weeds sad web+ee. Oa she puma boa lu.vslj �which of Ito yewsyse w pM riewsW nses {bssa est 1also ell antes et W' • rr� further W - M. YILLiOAN. Dngaof� LANDS FOR SALE FOR TAXES. NeW» M heeb7 Riven that the list of lends for sale for arrears of taxes has been prepared. 'nd St J betsL wtbaat copiers tvilleges hereof a wpasspbe bad� sbrd is the tin the the .1�t it�ggo.tt Mk Soot• a% sad 1R, 1941. Asd that In de - bolt of the payment of the tares and 004u tbe Wad will b..old by publ a enotbn et the Gert bone, d the town of Oederich, on Tues- day. the 8(131 day of Deoomber. 1911. at the beer of Y o'clock o m. WM. HOLMEB. Tre.acror. Countes,-h Tre.eurerb OlG de. oderich. Sept. 4131. t� O -100 ACRES SIX MiLES tv►OVI/ 'roes We.Mteek, 0 Resod ��AAe0000s.ettm04.lse�neenaiksst 9.. ; besI sal 4rdag. Address BDX aL Weedatoek. l(ht1. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS. IN THE MATE OF CHARLES YOUNO. DHUEA*ED. Notice Is hereby given that Ed purses hev rl• sox aiOtherbe .(Yt r= ..termly lade sand rests w MO tk.t dW es, ♦ !fl os or Wore We pt.u bor. tom, Is and bizas!p!•rtgk•�p bi distriValunsals.ti saW esMY i :;ar be three ; that 1.eassalwW t dErysaly to swots tin pi=e onosniOnt G ni weyr.�.Y�a.aslR shims they 1.q IlatMwtw. A. D. M1 *aN PROV DWOO T. IRA TI d U LLMA N Aodeslra. aftItMtepw. ter theta/ % ryes GODERICH MARKETS. THURSDAY. sept. il.t. 00etito8 082 lei to BO 0Ile to 0w 0 SO tO 0Si 01.10 016 pwbush •80 to 04' For bomb n t8Mttoo le so .jet wt 11Yto 371 per CM[ 2 in to li ill pat wa in ue 1K W per tea .... 111 a to to 00 ; pr tea new 11 uu M w 15 04 Saner, potlead •17ttoo 031' Chasm 4o.r des 0 59 tin n et Now Veleta.-, per barbel.. 75 to 1 en Cable, ,Nine tossed, per cwt t t1 to Cattle, export per cwt 1 b to 450to 4Mto Id to lento 730 ta!► Wt, per per b ►I(aledytxaka-Rw w . p per h . .. s Pee beat= Muth n ti ng Lambs 8 p . per cwt Tallow. per lb Hider, yaT cwt ,, Sherpskin, .... Xy to Lamb Elkins and Poke .... . .... 0 15 to 3 71 de 7a 4 sap as u 3O NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. -Sept. 2Ist. e ms Land for Sols -Anthony Allen. Dunlop.. 1 September Sale- W.'Ache,on I` Son . . 31 An Alum Cbck--J. .. Davey . ... 5 Fall wits --W. C. Pridhem .. .. 4 BesotUul Showing of New Merchandise -D. Millar a Son . .. 3 Coat Last -lease at,'Signal °Moe. . ..... 1 Drees Goods -J. H. f'dboroe . 4 Fall and Whiter Coats -Hodges, Bros.... I Watch tor Special Announcement -W J. Muir It Co 4 Stoves -C. C. Les......... .. 7 Raeder -Censer see 1 Special value. 1s Cloche -Walter H.. Berel- .oa . ,.. 8 Eigb ty-three Calls -Central eewaess Celtsors Toronto' 2 Excursions t0 New Oaterle-O. T. R 3 Satanism at Tlls-Departaeat et Public Pesti .1 MottLu Rennes Demonstrated _'rye Rest: Tender for Wharf at Sarnia- Department of Public Works .......... ..... 1 Readers -E. R. ls'uric .. . The Pandora Reye -Howell Hardware Co Anoonnoemeot--1-.JLC.A. Ladies' Auxiliary Furniture. etc.. for Sale- Mrs. SLacKLinoon... Girl wanted- SIre. C. E. Sale 1 Eyeglasses Lost -J. ('. Martin .... 1 LOST OR FOUND. YKGLANSEI LOST.- ON MON- DAY night. between Angkaeeetre.t aid Imre, • pair of gold nose -glasses. Finder 11 be rewsnied on leaving at J. (. MAR- TIN'S, .tugle-es -treat WANTED. WANTHD.-IN EARLS` PART OF October, alert, three rooms uoturniehed. centrally lowed. for light housekeeping, or • small cottage. Apply Stat 78, 81Rn•i Od1ce. WANTED. - OLD BOOKS. relating ; . picture' or any documents yy history of Canada or the United States. Also old Itrearms. s words, In. deux we•noon, tools, pottery -almost anything Maths. to the early settlers. Let u. know whathave toed] and the prices. YE OLDE CURIOSITY SHOP. Hamilton ureet. Oode- ricb. Ont IP. O. Box 71.) SITUATIONS VACANT. ix7ANTED. A ('APABLE GIRL �I for general housework. 3185. C. R, SALE. Kingston street nett WANTED. - GENERAL HOUSE- MAID. OUSE- MAID. to go to Toronto first of October Apply at ouoe to MRS. KNiOHT, at Mre. H. Martin's. Newgate street. Goderich. GOOD GENERAL PURPOSE born for sale. Apply to JOHN MleKIN- NO N. Hemiltaa street. alt WANTED AT ONCE. -THREE TIN- SMITHS Lipoid wages and stead work daft gbt men. THF ORILLIA HARDWARE CO. OrilHa, Ont seits WANTED. -A CAPABLE GIRL for renis/ bodsework. Apply to MRS. RAIL COATS. Nelson street. pOYS.- A GOOD OPPORTUNITY to 10•113 • aortastrade. Apply .t SIO. L OFFICE. WANTED. -AT ONCE. A LIVE representative tor Goderich and dtettiet. A permanent padthsn with liberal Mdnoe- �solar W right party. MINE St EL- UNOTON. Nurwryiaee. testa 1111-31 twit* of CAPABLE MAID, torV twit*of two. Apply to MKS. W. Y. AYDHN. n D EPRESENTATIVE WANTED AT A1t cies ter work in your br•tity. win guarantee 82.00 to 00 per day. Opportunity to advance rapidly. apt& . Will ply liberally for spare time. Week .0t d&Slcatt. Experience not required. INTYRNATiONAL BIBLE PRESS. Toronto. Ont. AUCTION SALra. AUCTiON SALE or A (1009 FARM IN THE T0.vssarr' OF COLBORNE. Mr. John Halliday will offer for sale by pub- lieauetlon at the Colborne hotel. In the town e! Oeissea SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER farts. at IS eels.* .sea, OM twin of 1434 acme 011 the *4 ewosaloo of W sewnahlp of Gabes. E. D. On tb1oreiss@ than M wtesed .abets.*uta is f• wMarce sew alkandl there b good Its at Ali els Arlo III arm of the tUM Is ars'voIe' '• r4t •sf MN "b ate ot LihisiblEiti`""1"..,bre �a i efessbe ism or sad M see 0th-�.l0 b hfs.ee C. It tsar mill *403!! l e.desb.rs'i '•ills. huts (/.sena Ts. pot ee.a es, n psrobow ataap thirty s io se ll. le.of t*e ►eM ierirrraak�aeae thirty days ; er a pie�ttiesse mew tedi ~OM OE rttagett ss rooriA t oat. • Pimento% at .es ells eN♦evoer. T. T1108. Gt:NDRT• aratiAeeuriesey. ANOTHER SUCCES . RECORD ATTENDANCE AT GODE. RICH EXH:BITION. Fine Weather and Big Ceowds Spec- ial Attractions Make Good Drawing Cards --Notes of the Merchants' Displays-Splend.d Fruit Exhibit. The Goderich Indn,teial Exi.ihitioo of 1911 goes oil record as the most suc- cessful .bow in the hktory of the in - Ire nization. n- g.nization. The .pleodid we during the there days of the fair brought forth larger crowds than on any previous oc- cash n, there axing at least 500 more people on the grounds on Tuesday afternoon 'baa on the second day last year. A slight falling off in the {1 and - stand receipts was flood, but this may be attributed to the attractions on the Midway, which drew large crowds. The performance in front of the grand stand was very good. The Aerial Carpenter..' sensational mid-air gymnasts put on a show which wits considered very high -cuss ).y those who cafe for trapeze work. The Ernesto Sisters, triple wile arliete, also male a gou.1 impression by the performance of many difficult festa. The tug-of-war contests on Tuesday and Wednesday cr•rnte1 ir•tense ex- caewent while the pill's Lasted. On Tit -sties. Goderich pulled Godericb township to defeat end Wednesday the wingers on the previous day hest ten "huskies" from Colborne. The good purses offered in the horse leave brought out quite a num- ber of competitors. Tbe following are the niuners. FARMERS TROT OR PA('E. Lucky Jim (Harry Shield.). White Wing (Moeton McDougall). Daisy ( Peter McDougall). 2:40 TROTQQR PACE. Eva B (Frank Klipg). Tony Reed (Thor. 'ooutter). ' Miss Aline Meter G. E. Troyer/. 2:10 TROT OR 2.•13 PACS. Red Dart 1EI.M. Lvinge'onl. Ludy Brant (Fran Kling.: 0 REE7t 14.8('R. White Wing (Morton McDougall•. E -..I Kaplan (Jas. Reynolds). Bert Wilkes (Bert Smith). Below is it comparative statement of the vete and geend..t end receipts of this year .with tbese of 1910: (+ATE eleicslrrs. 1911 1910 Monday evening .... $ 31.90 * 30.10 Tuesday afternoon..... 815.15 794.00 Toe.day.evening ..... 128.85 112.90 Wednesdriy . 158 85 158.96 s 111.154.55 81,103.95 GRAND RTA:eD. 1911 1910 . $ 3.81) $ 12.10 ... 188.20 200.86 . 30.00 31 95 33.50 40.75 Monday ... Tuesday afternoon Tuesday evening . Wednesday .... $250 8'288.45 Total Receipts $1417.a1 ., A quest jar 0t fruit was removed from the main building by mistake. The entry number is 55 and the taker isrequested to return the jar to the secretary and sec re his own. The entries for cattle exhibits were somewhat Iightei this year than on previous occasion,. However. nearly 1 . Were all the clasee re reeau pees d. The horses shown were all in good condi- tion and there was considerable com- petition. Other climes were fairly well filled. and the fruit display was a mag- ni8ceut one, eo good a judge as R. R. Sloan, of Porter's Rill, stating that it was fully equal io quality to that at the Toronto Exhibition. The fruit display tbis year wee un- usually good, there being as many as 493 exhibits. F. Metcalf, of Blyth, wh.n judged this display, told The Sig- nal that it was the finest exhibit of apples he ever had the pleasure of )edging, many of them being perfect. The exhibits in the main building by the merchants and business men were up to the standard of other years. in the centre of the building a dis- play of almost e.erything in hardware was made by C. C. Lee. Happy Thought ranger. Welland cookiing stoves, Detroit vapor stoves. "Pas- time" washing machines and beth - room fittings wane the linea of goods featured in a nicely arranged die - To Be Given Away. Home-made breed, pies, buns. cook- ies sad other steel things at Thom- sos's 1♦trie .inn. 8atarr'da next, Mrd 41st_. tut 2 n's,lock. far 5s,. 10e, 15c. sed See es k and per dos.,., no, Is foot wlsi yea want after the excitement of MN 6kt sod the storm .A the pent.{. sal d1erNN-is,, included in the arrangement. Mr. Thompson, of the McOlary Nig. Co., Loudon, was present te demonstrate the good point; of the Pandm a range. The use of "l'hi-camel," 'something new in varnish stain, also was demon- strated. Prizes to the value of *3.50 were awarded to P. J. MacEwen and Mabel Meock for the beet results ob- tained by them in a graining contest, iu wbi.h "Chi -newel" was used. The prises consisted of a graining outfit., containing sufficient material for one floor or the door's, windows and cae- ings and baseboard .1 an ordinary roost. Tbe Howell display was at 1/1111 a' urges ive one. At the end ..f the north wing W. H. Harrison represented the New Scale Wiilisme piano end Ooluml.is grapho- phones. Mr. Hari item hew the G ale• ri, b agency for there go.vl=. He we. aesieted I.y J. hast Jo14a0, sales, Dino - ager. of London. The Williams piano, The Signal was informed, is the favor- ite of De Packnian, tbe world's great- est pienisL He i.. using exclusively this instrument in his farewell Cana- dian tour. A brilliant electric display muse this coiner very inviting in ap- pea r.an ; e. 1 be well-known firm of L. Millar dt Son was the only drygoods store re- presented et ti;e exhibition. They were in their old stand on the east side of the building npetairs. Scotch rugs, imported from Ayrshire. Scot- land, were festur,.i. ,loot'; with mad- ras muelins and gene, -.l house furnish- ings. To the left of this. the Singer Sew- ing Macbine Co. hod its exhibit. in charge of its Goderich agent. I. ft•isby. W. Feldman er Co.. wholesale and retbil futtiers, had an exhibit upstairs on the west ride. Considerable interest was taken in the "res- room" in charge of the Gode- rich odo-rich branch of -the Women's institute. The ladles had a stand fluted up on the south side of the building in the up- stairs section with settling capacity for those who cared to avail them- selves of the opportunity to rest. The proceeds from the numerous articles on sale go towards furnishing a per- manent "rest -,nom" which the ladies hope to secure in the new city hall to be erected next year. This room would be available for use of the Boy Scouts, Y. M. C. A. workers and Simi- lar organizations. Numerous done. (:ions were made of flour, tee, break- fast foods, baking powder. soap and cocoa, from which the ladies realized *considerable sum. Fancy work by Mies Haines, the blind patient at Alexandra hospital, also was ua sale. THE SUNDAY BAND CONCERTS. To the Editor of The Signal. SIR, -Although there may not be another Sunday hand concert this fall, yet tbe matter should not be allowed to go unnoticed. Parents generally find it hard enough to bring up th-ir ebildrea as they would like. without haying this unnecessary evil, a Sunday hand con- cert, thrown right in their way. Children, mere children, many of them unattended and out till 10 o'clock when for their own good and the future good of our town and country they ehnnl•l ta at home. One cannor Leap tut sec. with regret the increasing sabbath desecration, and these hand cnnceiis are certainly adding v.r•v much to it. Even a sac- red concert on Sunday ie Altogether unnecessary, but one might juttly call these concerts a sacrilege. Are the people of the town aware that the bandmaster to fill his agree- ment to put on sixteen open air 000- certs during the summer season is ale par'enUy using Sunday as a means to work cff these c ncerts? Two con- certs could be put on on two week nights rather than desecrate the Sab- bath as is being done. it is a direct violation of the fourth command- ment. Is it not time that the ministers and Christian people were uniting to les- sen the evils instead of giving their approval and helping to increase them ? A CaTIZE7t, To the eight if the entr►nre on the wt side of the main building, .ia.. P. Thomann invited inspection of Heintzman pianos. Dominion organs and White sewing machines. Along the west side of the building the Hent of W..1 Muir and Co. had an elegant display of hawse furniture• re - previewing a fariiebed Iihrary and parlor. The latter! was in quartered oak of early Engliak finish. and the parlor suit in a,.lid mahogany -all u holstered in leather. The Nordheimer pians, fat• which this than has the Goderich agency, was an additional feature which completed tux furnieh- Inge of these two haadanm. room.. To the left of lbw entrance on t he east l is C. J. Harper had a nicely vodka • display of Gin-n.y-Oxford eaas Oxford oak beaten. Laurel coal beatont and a well arranged die - &Ay of beating and plumbing ronimo- ai At the entrance to the north wing was • P7ramid displwytegthe produeta of the Western Qinitila Flour Milts (l0. The Howell Hardware Co. hal a good display nn the west side of the north wing. Pandora morn. Detroit gaenline.nd coal nil .roves. Parwoaa bestow". Belle (Mb staves. Kaswsk klteben cabineta, eta osmoses elsalen wild M.pM saint An Interesting Announcement. We were sorry to disappoint so many ladies during the fair, am our stock of American trimmed hots was greatly diminished the first two days of the opening. We did not antici- pate such an o.talaught, which proves to us that we beve established the proper system in doing away with the expensive workro o,n•, and importing our trimmed millinery direct from the big manrtacturer. in Chicago and New York. We have kept the wins., busy and by Saturday morning we can as- sure the ladies of even a better show- ing than we have vet made. The bats that come to tris department are the hate of the hour. and are exactly the styles worn in thews large cities. Every bat is exclusive in style. We invite the ladies to walk right in and view the styles. All our stock of wingr. feathers and flowers will be disposed of at half-price. Our mena department is being te- pleni.hed as fast es poe.ible with the newest goods. CAMERON'p. THE ELECTIONS. place i, with the advocates of privil- - ege After fifteen years of Lthetal rule, during which tanade has had its greatest era of prosperity, the Govern. stent hart been defeated at the polls. Sir Wilfrid Lauf ter, ('ao81a's greatest citizen in defeat a• In victory, will in a few weeks hand or yethe reins of power to Hon. It. L. Borden, the leader of the triumphant Opposition forces. The causes of the defeat are not hard to reek. The reciprocity issuesufficientlywas not sufficiently popular with the farmers to afford an offset for the un- reasonable hostility to the measure shown by the people of the towns and cities. Even tbe Western Provinces, wheuce the demand for reciprocity came with especial insistence, did not stand by the cause as whole-heartedly as was expected. Ontario, however, was the chief centre of the turnover. In this Province t1 mere handful of Liberals are returned, and among the defeated ones are the Liberal candi- dates in the three Huron ridings. Mr. Lewis' majority in West Huron is 180. In South Huron, M. Y. McLean, the late member, is defeated by J. J. Meruer, the tester's majority being re- ported as 100; and in East Huron Jas. Bowmen wine with a margin of 2W over Arch. Hislop. Considering the slump throughout the Dominion, West Huron did well in keeping Mr. Lewis' majority down to its actual figures. In a border lake constituency like this the advantages of freer trade with our neighbors were more plainly understood than in the inland counties. and it is an indi- cation of the strength of the prejudices aroused against reciprocity that a town situated as Goderich is should record a majority in opposition to a policy so plainly in its interests. The '•ennexatioo" cry" no doubt, 'had con- siderable effect throughout the coun- t. y, and there was not sufficient time to explain to the workingmen in the towns and cities that their interests were not imperilled. We aro sorry that the country has not mean to the gpportuoity that was presented. >Ibpecially we regret that defeat bas come in his old age upon Sir Wilfrid Laurier, who has given his best years in the cause of the country he loves, and who still stands unrivalled in the affections of a great host of his countrymen. The Returns. The returns from the town of Gode- rich we -re to both part- ies. tbe Liberals not expecting so large a majority against them, and the Conservatives expecting a mach larger one in their favor. Clin:..n gave the Lit•erels a body blow. the Liberal majority for Holmes in 1908 of 87 being turned into a Conservative majority of 3?, Ashfield restored the spirit of the Liberate to some extent, but it was soon seen that the country polls were not doing much in the way of a turnover towards the Liberal candidate and the disappointing re- turns from Hallett completely extin- guished the hopes of Mr. Cameron's supporters. Tbe Liberals received the returns in the evening at the Red Star Theatre, while the Conservatives used the Temperance Hall. There wad. of course, great rejoicing and tremen- dous noise on the part of the Lewis party, end a huge bonfire was built to celebrate the victory. The Grits had to satisfy themselves with the knowl- edge that, if they were not particu- larly happy, the other fellows were, as was abundantly manifested through- out the evening end until away on in tbe night.. Irish Readiness. h They were trying an 11 atter An charged with a petty offence. when the Jodie, asked -"Have yon anyone notal in who will vouch for your g ices character ?' "Yis, your Hon..r," quick/ responded the Osla. -there's the chief e'rnatable there." Where. up.mu e thchief constable evinced signs .4 great 1011•110111100*. "Why. 70,11' Ronne. d•7lared he, "1 don't eves man." the an." "Oh.ena, your donor." said the Irishman trluuspb- astly, "obeaeve that I've lived In the must t y for over twelve years an' he $essrs't know so. sit Ain't Mat a more eha•sosor for n t' THE MORNING AFTER. Heater. But in a good cause. Good old Ashfield did grandly. Think of Foster es Finance Minister of /ands Did you hear that dnll thud in the direction of Clinton Some missionary work is needed in No. 1 division of Goderich. , not amoog'ibe1ab• Now watch the Big Interests marcb ou Ottawa with demands for -More F Bourse didn't make wnch t f a ebowing after all. Quebec stands by Laurier. Will Sifton get back his old job as Minister of the Interior in the new Government Mir Wilfrid Lanier 1. elected foe two seats ; but several N bis Cabinet Ministers haven't any. The Toronto Yelper (J. S. Willison editor-in-chief. deserves a good big bone from its master,. the Tanste. The trusts have woo . but as they have won with the consent of I be people what's the use complainiog :- The people will have to feel the bonde of monopcly a little tighter be- fore they crake up their minds to get rid of theist. When a party wins its troubles be- gin. Mr. Borden hail number of in- teresting little problems on his hands right now. The farmers did not respond to the opportunity of advancing their own interest". ' Will the opportunity come to them again? There was not enough "reciproc- ity" in Lb* voting. Many Grit towns- men voted Tory, but the Tory farmers didn't vote Grit. The number of campaign Misrepre- sentations that were circulated by the anti -reciprocity people was appalling. The Liberal workers did not know until the last 'Mull's. what they were up against, and had no chem.:* to nail the atrocious yarns that were being used against them. There is no advance in the price of term lands this m(,rning. 1fBfi 1911 -Fifteen years of the best government Canada ever had. Well. according to the Conserva- tives' own admission. the Liberals when they hand over th'' reins of power leave the country iu the most prosperous condition it hes ever been in. Will the Conservatives be able to make the sone cluiin for themselves when their turn ensues to get out ? The Ways of Mankind. A British Columbia subscriber writes : A re, her amusing incident is related of a superintendent and high school teacher of British Columbia in which the following dialogue took place : Supt. -What du the candidates think of the examination thus far? H. S. Teacher --Several complained of the gtfsnlmer'jpaper as being rather diff cult. SupL-We'I, I set the paper. H. N. Teacher -i noticed in one of the questions you asked fdl- the corres- p.)ndiog gender form of mankind. i suppose you intended womankind for an answer, but I thought mankind embraced womankind. Supt.- and don't they ? Considering haw- the country as a whole west West Heron did well. There is more catarr•n .n tar section w the country than all other dimmers pottaaK r and until the hot ti"w years was wppessi to be incurable. 1.'or a great say yssse preoounced it • local demotes and local remedies. end by constantly cure with loos! treatment curable. :science b agar to be cote utntloo•) disease and tai aerte constitutional treetenset. HaE1Calia rkmC*re manufactured byF. J 7h1Mo. Ohio. is the ony eon.tltbaq«ease en then market. It k taken late k d�gss�.os.��tihear 10 drops to a teaspoonful. it eels �rc7 on the blood and minions surfs/es M MO system. They offer one hnedr.d doilies 4r the saes it fail. to curs. Bend for eternities and testi menials. Addre..e F. J. CHENRY t CO.. Toledo. 4). Sold by Drugei.ta. 75e. Take Hall's Family P14. 4r eewtipatioe. AUCTION SALES. HAT' -111/.1". !rep;. Nth. -Auction .ale Of a Rood fare fri containing .eat l sr.• Wit. . g 1p of ro s,:Tess sil rich. at 12 o'clock .eon ; tae property of Jewry HALLIDAY. ?UOeias Ot'soay...111'-..81. FRIDAY. October Mk- Aeolian sale of tam stock and Itnp l,, ' a epery ed T lam earth who has .Old�M tareso. lb* Bene E.b of Clinton. T. GUMMY. aNOISosl. Yn41. me*, nrak.SISKIlls agile 1. Iltt►. of h..eta. to Twos. B9.ma, 4. township. who has O8. W . T. (;/versus. euct Saner. TimmsY. sunt ober 17ta.-dacha. •Ne of he Pomace herd .1 porebred efattie. at Lr.-Cot.Jou. Tamers. Amnia es farm. one mils wTa semi of Casio.. we wig ►,e about forty hood of ashes le acrd, T. to nuns v . auctioneer. Oct.ber.-A of term meek. len glome ; 3131011 lrttiture . property re 0wJ to wwtttt. wb the mid Me Ors, tet 8 eweewsslra & hisssls, two W.e seg of ne grave. T. Or.usv..se 45ew. "Wooing and Wedding. ' given by Rev. Dr.. tIJ in the Waterloo Moth odist church, was very lamely at. tended. Dr. Medd is ass a61. and fluent speaker nod hie liLliessonsweirs 71)M delighted throuirhnut. Motor, abounds in ancient ��io1sy Z wit and humor. it wM 01 at.M ewes,..-, pooline'1.ws gsid goes v! utile.'-- 1'Is We hope the eight Pen millionaire esi,aot'b theles evw- Grt. of Toronto will bp kept oat of inc. llrto1r Ash, of a e'efkrtih 1141116 the party for good. Their nature'. cesM