The Signal, 1911-9-7, Page 5THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO
TtluatlDai, littrrYYRaa 7, 1911
Accidentsedition will he ou se le In the course of
While asaistiag in moving a stone I • couple cf mouths.
crusher at the Americas Road Mach To Be Tried at Assizes.
ins Ota's wake on Tuesday, Arthur A case in which Albert Jardine is
Hopkins had bis leg badly crushed. eha with wounding David Brown.
The eideot will ley him off work for Hebrew dealer in scrap iron, was
ventilated in the Police Court last
week, and on Monday Magistrate
Butler committed Jardine for trial
et the fall assizes. which will open on
Tuesday, October 17th.
some lime.
iwith an unpleas-
ant per4 oe Teeeday while
ing to naked the steamer Wexford.
He was hit on the braise by a cable
which struck with such tures that he
woos knocked down. He was badly
bruised by the tall and will be laid up
for • few days.
New Industry in Operation.
The mew industry which has been
eoitabliehed in Goderich for the manu-
facture of patentgrain doors is get -
ring into running shap.• Four or five
carloads of lumber have arrived from
Huntsville and four carloads of iron
have been secured from Pittsburg.
The wood -waking department ie run-
ning, but owing to delay in the deliv-
ery- of some iron -working machinery
the doors cannot be completed at pres-
ent. It is expected that the first ship -
went of finished door. will be made
early next week.
Thanks from Cochrane.
Lettere have been received this
week trout Cochrane, expressing in
most appreciative term; the gratitude
of the people there for the supply of
goods forwarded recently by Knox
church. rhe generosity of the West-
ern Canada Flour Mills Company in
its contribution of several bags of
Hour and the gift of the local drug.
gists of a liberal supply of medical req-
uisites are eepecislly referred to, as
toth were most timely. In tuanv
a-ts food supplies were getting low
end. a number of cases of sickness
were reported. Every article sent
was most acceptable and sincere
thanks are tendered to .11 who
-hared in relieving the distress of the
h .ur.
Mr. Knobs Trophy.
Tuesday's Toronto Globe had the
following : Mr. John Knox, of (lode -
,ch. an old -altos athlete, was in this
city last week having a silver trophy
t.rightened up. The trophy was a
h•teleonie cup which Mr. Hoax won
.n May 24, 18b6, in a 360 -yard foot
are at the old Crystal Palace. The
,,.uteat was held in connection with
:.thletic sports ander the auspices of
the Loyal Orange Order. The cup
was donated by the late Mr. John
Hilliard Cameron.. who was then
Grand Master of the Orange Order:
and was presented to the winner of
the TACO by the late Hon. John Bever -
!y Robinson. Mr. Knox rreidei in
Toronto in 1816, and was a volunteer
ut No. 1 Company, Tenth Royals, now
the Royal Grenadiers. He is deputy
jailer of Huron county, and still re-
tain; much of hie earlier speed.
Good Attendance at G. C. I.
The Collegiate institute building
Irwked quite fresh and bright on re-
opening day. Tuesday last. after the
thorough cleaning and renovating it
had received from the decorators.
The improved appearance will help to
cheer and hearten both pupils And
teachers for the work of the year.
The attendance for thin term ronres
very e1iwe to the maximus, which the
Etleeat ion il'epeetwent allows. for six
masters. nrmely. 190, or en average of
thirty pupils for each teacher.' The
Teres tLtua. to do tab meed- Boost lbs fats
Mow, vete nate and order year tat ult a
Y. 1. rldnatesm's.
Attendee is caned to the Moray ef wined
. the work of Jelin Btorma, at Wil-
mer t 's Art Store, east street. The artis-
beauty of Mr. Borne' work ha. been raocb
A. E. Cook has returned from his
holidays and is resuming his classes in
Ben Allen is the latest in town to
piucbaae an automobile. His machine
u a doubleeeated Ford car, model T.
from which we hope its owner will
derive much pleasure.
Minnie Hal, the fasts oword
by A. J. Goldthorpe, of Col won
first money in the 2 1$ pace at Toron-
to Exhibition on Wednesday of last
week. The pulse was $100.
A special meeting of Court Godericb.
No. 32, C. 0. F., will be held on Satur-
day evening, 9th inst., to discuss tbe
observance of Decoration ' Day. A
full attendance is requested.
• The residence of G. F. Blair has
item purchased by J. E. Baechler.
Mr. Baechler has leased the property
to George Williams, manager of she
Canadian Bank of Commerce.
The G. T. R. announces special rates
for the Western Fair, London. See
ad. in title issue. Buy- your tickets
from F. F. Lawrence at the down-
town office and avoid the rush at tike
A quiet event last Saturdav evening
wee the marriage of Neil McDonald.
of Godericb, to Miss Sarah Emilie. of
Woodstock. late of Edinburgh. Scot-
land. Rev. James Hamilton per-
forated the oeremaoy.
Mies Leen Wilken, of Clinton. has
taken a position in the millinery de-
partment of Hodgens Bros.' ,tore and
Miss Chaos, of Brecht in. had taken n
situation in the dressmaking depart-
ment of the same establishment.
Mr. Linton, of Cheeley, haw been
engaged as engineer at the organ
factory and commenced his new duties
last week. For the past year he bad
been employed as engineer at the
town waterworks plant in Che,ley.
Buy your ticket, tor the Western
Fair from F. F. Lawrence at the
down -town office. Special rate of $1.-
55 for mond trip September 12 and 14 :
4I1 HO September 9, 10. 11. 13 and 15.
All tickets good to return up to Sep-
tember iS.
The ladies' auxiliary of the Y. M. C.
A. purrppooseee holding a tea and hazaar in
Oddfellowe' Hall on. Thursday after-
noon. September 28th A special
meeting is called for?ueday, Septem-
ber 12th, at 4 o'clock, in the grand
jury room of the court house. The
soothers of the Bow Scouts are earn-
estly requested to be present.
John A. ('ox, of t'hir;tgo. who was
in town visiting his mother, Mrs. Geo.
etteodanee enrolled on the Hrst three Cox. in conversation with The Signal
opening days wee 174, distributed am a few dans ago stated that the farmers
follows : Form IV., 7 ; Form 111. A. across the line were etrongly opposed
"': Form iiI. B, :i4 : Form 1i.. 'N ; to the reeiprncityagteement and that
t`outmerrial. 21i: Farm 1. 40. A few the feeling over the matter might de -
more are expected. feat President Taft at the nett elec-
Fire at Bintham's. tion. Ni. ('ox thought the annexa-
tion talk was nonsense.
Shortly before noor. last Satur-
day lightning struck the frame stable
at F. E. Bingham's place. at the south-
west corner of the town, oh Wright
street. Flames burst out almost tin-
ntediately and the alarm y}r►aa soiinded
a few momenta later. The brigade
made a quick ern to the nearest
it%dratlt. but. uufortunately. they did
not have enough home 'on the wagon
to reach the t laze. While the wagon
returned to the fire hall for more
.•Inipment the hose already on the
around was dragged scram a field sod
brought rtrfilci.ntly close to allow
water tee be thrown on the trees near
••.t the barn. Most of the content s of
the barn was saved. A cow and • calf
wets, rescued in time, although reports
in the . ontrary a ere circulated. The
I•,,s is covered by insurance.
In Its Third Edition.
The third edition of the law hook.
Bicknell & Seager'. Division Courts
1et. with which the legal fraternity
is well acquainted, is now in the
hands of the publishers, to whom it
has been sold by the authors for a
very muhstAntial sum. The book le
compiled by James Bicknell, K. C.. of
Toronto. and Chas. Seager. Crown
attorney at Godericb. it is a full and
exhaustive annotation of the Division
Courts Act of 1910 and the Division
Court Rules. The greatest care has
been exercised in Its preparation and
it hes been largely rewritten. The
former edition for years was tberecog-
nized standard work on Division
Court practice and the law as admin-
istered in thin Court. and it frequent-
ly ham been cited authoritatively and
with appmva1 t'rs- )udge.of the High
Court in /.ported cases, The tow►
Taco children. a h_.y and a airl. three
and four years of age respectively. are
in chart. of the Cbiklren's Aid Soci-
ete at (enderich and are in need of
clothing. Suitable donetios from
anv.,ne interested would be grate -
telly received. The Society also has a
baby bov. three months old, for adop-
tion. All communications should be
addressed to the president o1 the Soci-
ety. fag. Mitchell. or to A. McQuarrie,
secretary. Godericb.
The Very Rev. Dean Paget, of Cal-
gary. will officiate in Mt. George's
church nett Sunday.
la the absence of J. B. Hunter. Mrs.
Jas. Martyn presided at the organ in
Kuoz church last Sunday.
The General Synod of the Atlalntan
church of Canada is meeting at Lon-
don. His Honor Judge Holt is in
attendance as a delegate from the
synod of the diocese of Huron.
Rev, Dr. Medd will preach in Vic-
toria street church next Sunday. Ser-
ervice ett II o'clock io the forenoon and
at 7 in the evening. Every person
finds a welcome.
Rev. W. D. Magee, formerly pastor
of the Goderich Baptist cbuich, has
returned to Ontario from Manitoba
and ham .ccepted an invitation to the
pastorate of Arnprior Baptist church.
He began his duties there last Sunday.
The new organ in North street Meth-
odist church will be used for the first
time in public worship next Sabbath.
The pastor, Rev. Alfred Brown, will
conduct the services and will PPreach
,in the evening on "Life Set to Music."
A cordial welcome to all.
At the Baptist church next Sunday
wonting. Rev. J. Pollock will take for
bis subject. "With Authority." The
evening's discourse will be Is Belief
in Christ Worth While i The Bible
school and Bible classes tneet at 3
o'clock and the young people's uleeting
is held on Monday evening at ti o'clock.
All are cordially invited.
Rev. Geo. E.1 Row' subject at the
morning service in Knox church next
Sunday will be 'The Joy of Christ."
In the evening he will give a special
discourse to young people and in par-
ticular to the students who have lust
begun another year's work. The
theme chosen is "The Things That
Are Before." A cordial invitation is
extended to all young people to be
The eteamer Wexford arrived on
Monday- with 106.000 bushels of wheat
and oata for the Goderich elevator.
She left on Tuesday for Ashtabula.
Over 1.000.000 bushels of grain are
in storage at the Godericb elevator,
which goes to show that the annex
built lest year was .not erected too
The steamer Doric arrived last Sat-
urday with a cargo of 00.000 bushels of
wheat and 50.000 bushels of oats for..
the Goderich elevator. She cleared
light on Monday for Sarnia.
The steamer Turret ('rown arrived
1 in port on Wednesday with 106.000
huehels of wheat and oats for the
Goderich elevator. She is staying
here for A few days to make reptiles.
The first steel ,cow for Contractor
Connolly. which had been in course of
construction teir some time past. was
launched on Monday. Rork already
is under way on the building •.f a
second one.
The tug Hume Rule and the barge
Ahem-orn and too .arrived from Pelee
Island on Tuesday. They are to 1*
utilized in connection with the. con-
struction of .the new breakwater by
contractor Bermingham.
The stean-er Gordon arrived on
Wednesday with 32.01111 bushels of
wheat and eleven care of shorts for the
Big Mill and 73.000 bushels of wheat
mill data for the Boderich . elevator.
she cleared Thursaay night for
The passenger-tenmers Huron and
the City of St. Ignace made their final
t•allsgoiog south on Friday and Satur-
day last. On the departure of the St.
ienecenn Saturday it was tendered a
farewell salute by an the whistles
about tbe harbor.
The package freight steamer Rose-
dale was in port on Sunday and
loaded (100 tone of freight for.hipment
to Fort William and points west.
'Ihe cousignment consisted : f apples.
pears. machinery and a shipment
of goods from the Wheel Rigs fac-
The lest games in the second series
of the Herm -Perth Hasehsll LMaue
were nlayr.d at Mitehellnn i.abor Day.
The Goderich hoy-, met the Mitchell
club and in the two tames plowed the
visitors veot down to defeat. The
'core of the first ram.. played in the
morning. wee 1111 in favor of Mitchell
and the result of the second game wa•
9 6 against the visitors. The Mitchell
club had two imported pitcher• to do
the twirling for them. while Bell in
the hoz did excellent work for (:ode -
rich. Thelncals were Madly handicap-
twd by the Ines of some of their regio
ler players or there Wright bare been a
different .tory to tell. However. the
result of the ennteste will not change
the standing of Goderich in the league,
the re.nite of previous games having
placed them in the lead by a good per-
centage. i'he pmtrram of sports for
the day was participated in by some
of tbe boys. R. A. Walter woo the
100 -card and 220 -yard dash. and C.
Devine was the leader in the pipe
Money refunded if it fails-Magi:-
ails-MagicCorn Cure. sold by E. R. Wigle. drug.
gist, Goderich.
Meetings of 1Veet Huron electors in
the interest of the Liberal eaadidate
for the disrus/Mn of
and other subjects will be bolded follow.
LKZBUith IToaperanee Hall) .. Pridsv. Sept.mhee 0
HOLMRRYILLR (Township Hall) Saturday. September 9
LA CRIER (School Bootie) Monday. S.ptemher 11
ABHFiRLD (School House No.71 Tuesday, veptenoh r 13
ASHFIKLD (Plolay's nehnol Hommel... W.A.. feeptsmher 13
DUNGANNON (Nomination Dayj.Thureday,'September 14
AS scalings .tease at Dnoganuoe to commence at fi
The t)pp rittoo i.amtlrya&r is to, uvd to attend
f$wrybody wale .,. '+rel an. - Med slave the RUM
eiailtt4lR i9r'Jp
fq.;t f? !!' ':""1.')3?st'-r„, . ....fel ter-ltrrdwrg€:'3 +
f wish to announce to our many
customers that we bare decided et last
to remain iri Goderieb for aortae time
al vet and 1 have to thank the hun-
dreds of customers whohavr earnestly
solicited me to remain here. Several
changes will be made it: the husiness.
For the present we will not put in
groceries. We also will discontinue
the dress goods, silks and dream trim-
We are busy sorting up all the other
departments and our customere can
depend upon getting the good reliable
goods which they always got at this
This week we will open to the ladies
of Goxderieh an entirely new innova-
tion in Millinery. We expect to open
up for Setunlae one hundred new
creations in Fall Millinery. We are
doing away with the erpensive work-
rooma and importing our hats direct
from Chicago and New York manu-
tarturers. permitting us to price mil-
linery at about one-half what would
he generally charged for the same
Wewill open also for display- hun-
dred. of wings and feethere which
will be marked to sell at half of reg-
ular prices.
Our Men's Clothing and Furnishings
Department is being well sorted up.
so that we can deem the mast from
bead to font at extraordinary values
as in the past.
We will endeavor to please aod sat-
isfy ore in tbe past. Satisfaction guar-
anteed or money back.
i am anxious for A eontinuatioa of
your kind and appreciated patronage.
Yours for further buslneee,
Arthur Blakeley, orgeaist of the
isberbourn. street Methodist churl,
Tweet.. scored another eowplete me-
ow a; Conaeetion Hall yesterday
•owes.s by bis meetevfnl work o0
the Ptl -Amssicaa ortan. Mr. Blake
ley is awe of the heat know n organists
of the enontry. and the
whieh attended hiss on s former vieit
to Salaki drew one of the ism rest
ernwda of the season, notwiNetasd-
hie the isehmnent endwittkwt r.r I t.e
er u'- • a. 14)11. seta
'Fe•tivn Mr Filet tee, • own online
eit.irws, were tumultnossl} reeideed
1 RetRak. Et von i n '4..'.. Deritesher IA
Mr.. Jas. Kidd le traria fa Timer
Mfr Margaret Lw.m b rheuoa fo Torootw
it. A. Jeedan, of Windsor, wadi to town for a
few days tide week.
Mr. and Mee. S. L. Deau are visiting Terme&
R hMMtiot the week.
Mor Hates Ilenegt hae metres/ Roe • two
week,' visit to Nemo,
burl Kees and Thomas Harley spent Labor
W with hieede lu _'Uatao.
Mrs. A. K. Matas, et Detroit, visited her
father, J. Heeler tart week.
Mir Theresa Re ouse,eeraaten- Pa, to
.i itlog her maar. Mrs. J. sit
Mrs. W. 8arimeeeer 1s at AlsaedrobeeMtol
wffeeine from as attack et taphole fever.
Mr. and Mea. W et -CRS CKtaoe,
spent Austadvisiting Vaneourer sed BW W.
Rev. Father Murray. at et, Mle$ad'etotlere.
Tomato, was the semi et rev, Father McRae
this week.
Mires Blanche and PpysW Knox were the
truest. of the Misses Gold dimes at Pellet Farm
ever dunday.
Richard Meer. of Windsor, was • vireo/
with Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Howell for a few
days Ude week.
Mrs John McIntosh and baby. Master Jack
WBliam. os' Ionde°, are vleiting her siKer-tn-
law. Mrs. J. S. Bedford
Welker and wife. of Fared. Oared•pont I.Ae week-eod with Rev. Dr. sad Mrs.
Medd. Victoria street.
J. B. Hawkins left as Teesdai) es • tri
through the CarudW West. He purposes
going a• ter am &in mato•
Mn. Harry Knight., of Tweoed aooemM•IM
he bee two children. Is the guest of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs Henry Marcia.
M. W. Howell it away on • briery trip to
Brantford. Torino and GGsveohunt. Ho will
visit hit brother at the latter plana
Marler Joseph and Mies Nora Hurley have
returned home after ipsadtne the vaatio•
with relatives In Sarnia rood Detroit.
Kra i rod Baker, ttewent street, and four
children spent the pest week with her parents.
Mr. and Mrs- Clenrena• of Woodstock.
Mem Madeline Martin, se Ottawa, returned
home today atter speediest her holidays with
has grandmother, Mrs. J. C. McIntosh.
Mies Jaffns lett on Towelay for her home la
Galt after an enjoyable visit in town. While
here she was the amen of Mrs. C. A. Nairn.
Mr. and Mrs Charles Wbyard and celdren.
of Cheesy, were geaste of relatives in towa
for a few days this week and Part of last week.
Mr. and Mrs. P. McQuarrle, of Brussels, ac-
eompanied by their daughter. Mies Annie. of
Blyth. were greets of reletivee in town over
Mr. and Mrs Peterson. of Montreal. who had
-pent the .:tinier In Godertoh, returoed to
that city last Monday in their private oar
-Look Lomond.'
Mies Helen Codthnnt, who had been the
guest of her brother, W: Cedthurnt. has gone
to Niagara Falls tor a visit, en route to her
home at Bridddburg.
Mrs. Brown will receive at the North street
Methodist panwnage oo Thareday, September
lith, from I to s p• m., and thereafter on the
Ant Tuesday of each month.
Mises Jean and Ansa Lawson returned
Tueedav from a few days' visit to Toronto sod
let on Wednesday on their return to Detroit
atter a six weeks' vacation spent at their hoose
Joseph Ladd... of Windsor. a. compelled by
his wife and her sister, Mise Wir:Ie, spent t
few days in town last week. They were the
guests of Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Medd. Victoria
street. .,
Mrs. I. H. E. Jose.. of Duarte Ont-. aosom•
paoied by her little daughter, )ti. Muriel, was
visitinit at the home of her parents. Mr. and
Mrs, J. C. LeTouzel, Nelson street. during the
Mrs. Davis and her ds ler. Mrs. Kimmel..
returned last week to Mrs. Davis' home et
Mitchell. after a meet enjoyable visit at Hotel
Bedford, the guests of the formers sons. the
Messrs. Davis.
Rev. 1. W. and Mrs. Kilpatrick. of North-
wood; were goers at Mrs. Kilpatrick'• old
home on Newgate street ab week. They also
paid a r isit to Mr. Kilpatrick's mother. ►t Dun-
gannon. while here.
Mr. and Mrs. H. McLaren and daughter.
Mies Croda. of Port begin. who have been on a
trip to Ma,:kinew, Chiago and other taints.
spent part of the week at guests of Mr. and
I1lre. T. T. Leckie. Elgin •velem.
Rev. D. K. Grant. M. A., and Mrs (:reit and
family- arrived extol from Nova Scotts .ad
are guesta at Knox church Ranee. Mr. Grant
will supply in the ,Preshyterian church. (lin.
ton. during the Weer of Rev. 1)r. Stewart.
EDW-IRD.-in Godericb township, on Tne•-
day. September db, to Mr. and Mr -
Charted T. Edward. a eon.
To the 5.-litor of 'rbe Signal.
SIR. -1 wish to correct en item in a
late issue of your paper with regard to
the connection of the G.tderich Rural
with the tiolbolne telephone system.
and it is also considered advisable to
ask you to publish this account of
what we are and what we have.
The system was organized tinder the
Local Municipal Act. 1908, under
which each subscriber agrees with the
others to erect, operate and maintain
a telephone system and pay equal
shares of the cost of the salute The
cost of building the lines originally'
proposed was fixed at $55 per sub-
scriber, to be paid as follows: $15 on
the installation of the telephone and
the balance in five equal yearly pay-
ments. which balance iv collected by
tte township in the tares of the indi-
vidual subscriber until paid ; so that
at the end of five yeah the whole
cost of erection together with the in-
terest is paid. and the costa of main-
tenance and operation are the only
expenses afterwards. Three cmmmis-•
eioner•e are elected yearly who control
the management of the system.
We have our own central eetab-
liebed at Benmiller and forty miles of
line built, with 110 snhserlbere in the
township, four in West W,awanneh
and nine rented. making a total of 1t3.
Out of this number seventeen have
signed for but up to the present have
refused to have our telephone instal-
led, though six have installed the
Goderirh Rural.
We hare free connection with the
Rlyth system with continuous service.
This system number. over 300 sub-
scribers and through their lines we
have free connection with the Brus-
sels system numbering over 000 sod
also connection with Wroxeter en a
5 -cent ,message rate.
We have now a connecting contract
with the .11 at l*oderieh on • 10 -cent
inemenge 13rate of n kirk each enm-
ppsany receive. half. and a long-
di.tenre service at the wine rates
charged the Goderich subserlbers. and
also a 5-oeut switcbiog charge with all
other raotupanies centr•lliag in Gode-
ricb. On all loog•d ist ane. messages
routing into our grates' we resolve 10
cents. We have an coeneetion whet -
ever with Ood.rioh Reran Co. until
terms and condition• a.'. arnnged.
Ooaaectioas are being arranged fru
with Goiertab township both at (lode
rich 'and Ulintoe and shin with tbe
town of Clinton and Melillo', Tuck -
PI -faith and 'Stanley. all eewtr'afling im
(9inb,o. When these connections are
([made and more •utrrrihers added is
.nor tow whip we will have a agates'
second t0 none in the 1'r•ovisee, ore we
bays a tart* kraal eoemectkra free.
lougJMrtenea rates stoop roam rate
aa tawny •-.•let,.-/• lin1 A I•.rnl a •••ire 11..1 V/ with •he ,,,v n• of (ioleew•P - n'
moo,. •11 a low rete We fru -,•sh n l
this •.. -,ur anhseti hsee at 0001 as s
bare no salaried .Air.• s, no di vidende
t0 pay ns' ,tock tad n, stork ts> cm._
pose of sit "$7,50 and lees."
Thanking you fur space lo your val-
uable paper. 1 remains.
3. N. MrRNIeHaN,
Reeve of Colborne.
Manufacturer Saunders
Welcomes Reciprocity and
Supports the Oovernment.
Goderich, Sept. 4, 1•94 1.
Tome editor of The Slime.
DEAR SIR, -1 have been
handed a circular signed by
Wm. Campbell which, I un-
derstand, has been sent to the
employees of our company as
well as the other industries of
town. Mr. Campbell must
think that the employees of
the factories are a lot of men
who do not read and cannot
think for themselves. He
will find, however, that the
workmen know their own
minds, and will welcome a
measure which will increase
the prosperity of the country,
and of our town in particular.
Personally I would wel-
come reciprocal trade with the
United States. I anticipate
that instead of closing up our
factory as Mr. Campbell
status we will have to add an-
other addition. We are now
competing successfully in for-
eign markets with United
States manufacturers and we
have nothing to fear Irom rec-
iprocity. 1 will certainly vote
for the Government with their
splendid record, and i trust
every manufacturer in the
town will, do likewise. i re-
Yours truly,
Mgr. The Goderich
Organ Co., Ltd.
The steamer Scottish Hero is ex-
pected in a few days with a cargo of
wheat and oats for the Goelerich ele-
Its a pity we. cofttt 804' oa
thers s we
sec ourselves.
eh'TABLI.HKD 1865
Oapital. Rest sod Uudivided
Profits 98,'31 ,000
Total Assets over $52,UOU,OUti
who saves every week, or
month, or year, a certain
amount, no matter how small.
Few ever get rich withoot
doing stn.
The Savings Department of this Bank provides a safe piece
for your savings to accumulate, and griw with the Interest
which is added hall -yearly.
=1.00 or upward is enough for the drat deposit. Money
may be withdrawn whenever you need it.
Goderich Branch
W. L. HORTON, - - Manager
Orf Interest to Boys.
Thr Broadview Boys' Institute, Tor-
oote has bold for the past nine years
a Buys' Fall Fair, in which the exhib-
itors are boys eighteen year„ of age
and under, and the board of director
is composed entirely of boys. Last
year there were 2,100 entries, Made by
nearly 000 boys, and the value of the
Thrhes totaled over 9000, mostly cash.
e exhibits included vegetables,
flowers /nies, doge, rabbits, poultry,
pigeon• anaries, and other pets,
photog 7, art, industrial crafts,
collect i penmanship. literature.
Boy S work, etc. The Fair re-
ceives • ognition and • grant from
the Pr. ctal Department of Agricul-
ture. 7 -mpetition is open to all
boys, to : here. Prize lists will be
mailed application, and any boy
wUling t.• act as representative for his
locality is reyt,ested to write the Sec-
retary Boys' Fall Fair, Broadview Y.
M. C. A.. Toronto.
There is Daly ONE reciprocity candi-
date is West Huron, and that is Mr.
Cameron. Mr. Lewis is pledged to vote
against reciprocity.
Is almost the worst thing for
consumptives. Many of the
"just -as -good" preparations
contain as much as 20% of
alcohol; Scott's Emulsion
nota drop. Insist on having
Scott's Emulsion
ROY Yli IT All. DYD00Is1s
"That's the Razor
for Mei"
/ 'p` r/ 11 r
NdrUrr unit
r that rives the
automatic ad -1
•. jssfiaraf '
stasis/d See is Lemhse
Cs.. m omeresed, • Is
Mese) Case • - N tM
P.tier Reuss
Cry-.- Soh - ea.
A shave or two with
his new GILLETTE Safety Ra2or, and a man wonders
why he worried along without one for so long.
Maximum Comfort--- the GILLETTE, used with
the Angie Stroke, slips lightly through the stiffest beard
with never a pull, never a gash. Leaves the lace smooth,
cool and refreshed.
Miltsettsm Trouble- no honing, no stropping, no
painful manoeuvring round the awkward corners of your
face You simply pick up the GILLETTE and SHAVE.
whether H's the thousandth tient you've used it a the fwd.
Why deny yourself any longer ? Your druggist. your
jeweler your hardware dueler or your haberdasher cit
The Gine* Salty lasts Co. M CaaaM, UMW
Office sad Factory t 82 3l. Me.a■dm a wesk, doers .
___ttts► 11
TORONTO, ONT., 10 reoornired is "1 an-
ada'e High -Clem (,ommeroW debool." The
ioetructtm itabioletely dist-alar. write
today for our oataiostue. Eater stow.
Our regietrauoc greatly mooed. that of
previous years Whit (Jur school ie the
best of ire kind to the West ; best in
courses given, beet in teecbcr, employed
sou best in assisting graduate to porttions.
Our graduate! are in demand. Busier.
men state that they aro the bc.t- In the
pact three days! we eleven applications
for help which we coed not supply. We
have three departments.. - Commercial,
Shoreheed and Telegraphy. Oet our tree
catalogue for full particular.. Commence
your course at atom.
D. A. MCLacnLaN.
ear The Central Business
College of Toronto invitee
you to write for a copy of
its curriculum if you are in
any way interested in a
training which will lead y2 t
into -:good husiness appoint-
ment at a good salary. The
Fall Tigm opens OD August
28th. Address W. H. Shawl
President, ¥.o n g e and
Gerrard Sts., Toronto, and
mention this paper..
Return Rates from Godes:ch
$3.90 $2.85
DAILY August29th
and 31st.
August 26th to Septemtxjr 5th
September 9th. and nth
All tickets good Inc return a nut Sept (2th.
Conttioa lief and complete descrip-
tion of daily events at Fair : also
epeeist rates and train ser vi• •r froth
all station...
JOS. KIDD. Agent, Goderlrh.
ana9 a's
$1..90 RBTURN
Sept9, le, 11, 13 and
$1.55 RETUR N
Sept. I2 and 14
Western Fair
Return Limit, Sept. rA
Annual Western Ellcursioo5
September 14, 15, 16
Round trip testes from tjosi,
rt. h to Detroit, Mich., $6.20;
t'hicegn, 111. $11.010; Saginaw
Mich., $0.00.
Proportionate rates to Port
Huron, Bay (city, Cleveland.
Grand Rapids, Minneapolis and
Mt. Paul.
Return limit-Origio*l start-
ing point must he reached not
later than Oct. 2nd. 1911.
Through Tavist Pullman Sleepers
via Crags yid at. Pato
September 19th
see es'... less sibs /.11181
Colonist Excursions
To Spokane, Waah Nelson.
O. ; Vancouver, B. C • West -
minter, R. C.: Seattle, Wash.
Tacoma, Womb. ; Portland, Ore.
Han Francisco, Los Angeles.
Sas Diego. ('.1 . and Merits
Olty at ven low rate.
S.peemb.r 16th to O.1 16tA
Pain nersirulae from P P
Law!R'44 l n • R Tee,