The Signal, 1911-9-7, Page 3TI! OdMMNAL ANI ONLY GENUINE BEWARE OF IMITA- TIONS. THE SIGNAL : GODERICH, ONTARIO TauwaDAY. MRPTEMot t 7, Wl1 $ RECIPROCITYMEANS LARGER MARKETS FOR THE FARMERS BOLD ON THE MERITS OF IINIRD'S LINIIENT BOOK BINDING MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES Routed or repaired. GOLD LITITERINO on LRATHRR GOODS All at�THlipromptly attended 810NLi. O e ea leaving them A. E. TAYLOR. STRATFOORD CIVIL ENGINEERING (!AUGHA.N M. ROBERTS, CIVIL and Ht+radb fogtassr, Ontario Lsed Serveturd. Moak. oak. 0ederbobserer ta ., lassval street. T.10pboes Ifl. MEDICAL DR. W. F. HALLOW. M. B. 0Me ad residsessa Neste street, 0edesiak. teeth et Caesar fame ry edea welters* It PR. F. J. R. 1ORNTroes dErR-EYE, EAR ew Y° er Opbtiand uitmfc sad' sural laaa tee, CliaisI .a srist., far. No.ssad 1 hroet Hoepltal Golden Square. sad Moorefield Jose HasetW. Londo•t hnaLad. tIMos, Sl K Wuerbo Street . trsUord. opposite Knox Church. Hours a a lY a. ra . r to a R m. t a t o- m. Toiaebme EASTERN STATES WANT I HIGHER PRICES FOR HORSES. CANADIAN HORSES. GQderrub's Veteran Horseman Says Re- ciprocity Will Open • Great Market. Walter Harland Smith Shows Hew Re- ciprocity Will Benefit Ontario Farmers. "Between leand line 1 bandied A. M. Pulley, who. as everyone no lees than le0.O*N1 homer." said knows, is the veteran hurweman of Walter Harland Smith, of Ridgewood Huron county, walked into The Sig- Farm, Trafalgar P. 0.. Halton county. nal office the tiller morning and re- whose name was known in connection. marked : with the old Repository in Toronto "I see Mr. Burne, of the Repository nearly a quarter of a century and in Toronto, has been writing letters to whose wore can be accepted as final the papers about reciprocity and the in questions relating to the horse bus- borse trade. Well, I can tell you a nese. few things about that. "1 think 1 may fairly claim to know "Mr. Burns runs •rales stable -1n To- a little about fbe b. t.e a ade and on roots -a good one. too. He get. ilia the basis of that knowledge I say pay for the keep of the hoists while there i. bodanger whatever of Ontario they are in the stable, five per cent. of farmers being obliged to accept $60 the price of every horse sold at auc- per head 1.•s+ for their Nerves than Lion, and other pickings. It is to his they do now if • noire -toil v goes into interest to keep the horse trade in To- effect. The only one who will be h, t iontos by the new arrangeweut w 111 be the "About the 24th of May last I bad local dealer. and the ooly hurt that an order for some horses thand I took Bill come to him will he in the posei- e round trip to Buffalo and Toronto bility of finding more difficulty in o,.e to see where 1 could get tben,. On buying bthan he does now. the Buffalo market the prices were Local horse dealers are in precisely too high. and, beside', the horses were the same position as the pork packers not good enough. They didn't bave and those in the canners' combine. the quality, they didn't have the bone, They pretend to he crying out because and they were not properly broken as of fear for the Jaime' : their reel rs Canadian 'homes are before they are trouble is that they fear for their own sent to market. I did nut buy ens et interests. Every men who -e memory Buffalo. 1 went over to Toronto, vis- goes back to a time prior to the Mc- ited the Repository and priced a few Kinley hill remembers ,..northing of rs hoes, then went over; to Mabee'. the tboueande of horse' that were stables and picked out a good carload then picked up in Ontario for New there. I paid a little under $:3f1 a York, Alain' and Midtigan. American piece for nineteen good horses. 1 truyel s then visited 'rely lu! m taarket Wane could not get anything like the we in Ontario: they visited almost every kind of horses at Buffalo for for farmer's' yard. And they did no: money. ; haggle over prices ; they bought "Canadian hoe -breeders need not quickly. Ontario ma lose eons, of its A GREAT BOON TO FARMERS - _ Oxford Cattle Breeder, Although a Con- servative, Favors Reciprocity. Woodstock, Aug. al. -H. J. Davis, the well-known cattle breeder and judge of pure-bred stock. expresser As a long experience of fifes scan impelf as stronggly n favor of in the cattle bureiness may be of some and, o tcit y with for United Stater, value to come of Choses who have not and, ootwitbsunding the fact that he been blessed with so long a business career, we, therefore. ask apace in your widely circulated paper to state what our experience has been. Fur .ix tears we did hu,.inees under 1 th- o l ( teeiperity treets-. which ex- tended from I8 4 to ItltltL terminating on the'J$h day of May in the latter mg is lir. USVI kepis : year. W hen we com.meoed busineee, It is true. In other election, i we sent all nue cattle to the United h.,e stumped for sod supported the States maikit, realizing on them • Conservative candidates, but this time blether {•rice than we could '-curs in 1'ca000t be with thew. 1t is bard to Cana la, us' any other market. When turn one'i, back on' the party, but 1 the treaty aspired, our trade in the feel it is right. learuuers have been so cattle business w iib that country pne- leng down -trodden that now, when tically ,eased, and for man there is x chance for a fair deal. they had to cnutentnurarIvenwit�years we trading in should accept it unhesitatingly. 1 Montreal. and accepting a routerlower blame farmers thrwselvw, to ea.me Price than was being paid at the same extent, for the way they have hither-' time'n the American mat►rt. to been treated, but now that things + While trading in the \luntrral mar- Orr coming their ti ay, they should kat,we 'old tbe -Bret cattle which take them gladly. rimmed the reran for beef purpatee. Ton ere a big cattle -raiser. Det Later ori• we went into exporting cattle on our nwn think you will benefit in that accoun'. and were line i Mr. Davis was asked for a long time heavy exporters to all I certainly do, and 1 will tell you I European markets, and doting the last why. in Buffalo good a :pert reale the to ten year we have given for fully two rents emote nee lb. for moat of our retention to the feed - sell tban in Toronto, so that with thednty lug and shipping ..f our own cattle, nthwecould shhiptilauy more their r ria i at have sent theist t•. London. Liver- /3, iver- p t . tilasgoe, bowie, Manchester be an advantage.\V breeders aII l j BEST CATTLE MARKET IN THk. WORLD n - Will Be Opened is Candi-Farmers if Reciprocity Carnes. William Weir. of Weir & Weir, $t. Marys, Ont., writes ha„ hitherto been a strong Conserva- tive in politics, the Liberal candidate will receive bis support at the coming election. to an interview wish Mr. Davis, a uewapaper rept tees( alive rod, '•I understand you are in favor of reci- procity. is that true O' and tbe follow - SHOWING OF ALL THE NEWEST GOODS reap the bene. arid Bermuda ; end only last week '4In purebred cattle there will also we 'old two carlou%ds of cattle to e yy ttearl wFrr 1t r shipment to Bwitser- 1 be at all afraid about the United I trade m home a hoith the West. West- are bampeted by ■11 kinds of lisle land Had it not been for the duty, State. market You can always eell ern farmers may he able to supply ti irks to keep us teen getting our the same tattle a old beer been ship -I I barges over there. Starting at Buts I their needs in Muaaesota and Dake a. stove into the United �tatrr, mid room I talo, there is a string of ,bigcities all ; perhaps not quite so satisfactorily as with thr.e hindrances we eel! LIFO- ld to Ber uffalo, tealizing from $7 10 t the way to New York. New York to quality, but at lower priors than thirds of what we nice ince the mere than we received City alone takes 50,0110 horses a,.year. ' now. On the other hand. we in On- Stxte'. Free trick iu tbeee will be a . a. per markt r• poets. Let it. say, after nearly fifty years' Theo these are Boston, Philadelphia, tario will have :, nearby masker, that Nig adyaniage• a 'shipping eau k as as to.farwe know, Albany, Troy. Rochester and a lot of I we have not go now, in the `states ly- ' "Lambe give another ineteee. At; the hest MAI Lots in the world for the other good-sized cities. The Ontario ing up frontsul t i the east ..f us. present there et a diey of $1.50 pet cls'. •f .at Ir we have handled, That horse -breeder couldn't have a better Boston. Rochester and NevtYork now lamb going to Buff 10 from Canada, we have found no market equal to the market. The dif icuh.y now in ship- go as far as Chi aero et least, and ire- and we .elf nearly all tbeee delicacies I Amrncai. for g. (-stile, and it pin to the !hates is not only the duty quently to the Dakotas and Mrniieeota there. in spite of this .lute. ! would have te,ru` gleed business rop but the trouble with customs officials or rse svpp }. Ontario will, am a grower o turnip, or ex - +r' jb i bf theirbo t O II, "1 f f o- ositaon on our parr, if it had been p over their valuation of the horse'. unser reciprocity, hs able to supply, port, and have to stand a duty of The fix the price at which they think that market and at better prices than per cent. on all that go into the ' sibte to do .n, Lir have given from four now obtaineOle in the %Vest Not United States ,so that if this duty ' to seven hundred dollar each year to only that mut there will be a sav- ing in time. in freight and in depreciation, To ship a car of horses to the West taken about four dace. pe Horse. can be landed in Buffalo erten duties than be had counted upon. and Toronto in five hours. in the one the result has been to chaste Catiediao case there is serious danger of loss by shippers away from the United States the way and deptotiation in quality 1.' market- Now that booms are to be certain ; in the other both of these admitted free to tbe States, if reel- dangers are avoided. To sbip a car of proeity carries, there will he no ditch- horses to the West costs about $350, culty in shipping over there, and in u to ship a car to Buffalo about $24. abort time a valuable troth- will he We may loge something of the small market thousands of miles away; we will gain one of :N1,000.000 within 100 miles." LEGAL PROUDFOOT, HAYS KILLOR- AN, banisters. ealickais. notaries pies 1. tits Mamma Coen. eta Private fade - te lad at lowest rates of taterest Ods. lust dde Beware. OoderiS . W. KSUUUPU(YT K. C., ItC. HAYS. J. t PIL1.ORAN. 11 G. CAMERON, K. C.. BARRIH- ILL lMt err tom• T sottdter. sot More ' IsaraUtee street. Osdorlea. third deer from Square lotHARLEBGAHhOW, L.LB.,BAR OM lat. stemmas. sebeiter. eta, {soda rad Mosey to toed at bewail ruses. 11 0. JOHNSTON, BARR18'1'ER Al. meatus, wmmL.damar, eatery public Uncle Hamilton sweet imearice tst IJUIRIARfi, LOANS. ETC. LcILILLGP MUTUAL FIRE IN all d U R A N C Y C U. -Farm and iaols4d bier. proprty tossed_ Octoses -J. B. Mclean. Pres.. Seefortb P.O: Ja. Coaaa117. Vice -Pros. liodericb P. 0.. Thomas lL hays, fisc. -Trees.. Searorth P. U Uueetore-%m 1 heresy. esatorth : John 0. Uriove Winthrop ; W Uhias R . t oustance. Jabs lsnneweu, lfrodbaase ; James livens. BS,cbwOod ; John th atl, Mattock; ; Malcolm McKean, 8roosasld. Agents . J. W. Yeo Hotm.svtlle ; R. Smith. Hsriock ; Jaa �mmt�,p, artmoedy ills ; IL • Hinehhey, SestacW k'sOcy-bottlers can pay 1 asessmsete sad get their cards reodpted at est it nrewe'.. C8at,cq or at 11- H. Cwtt's Grocery. Mantas street, Ooderich. jj G r1 PRIVATAppiE y te O. FUM.NDS TCAM O tea. - U. , Haminoo street Ooderba. NV . R. ROBERT/30N. INSURANCE AGENT. t'raa LCD Lisa arso: lirtUsa.Canadian end American, Coarsen, BICiIIsea ADD aarLoraa% Lean, ITT : les bream Laideot and Utarsa ee orvotstlda. Limited. of Loudon. fag. I lbws► Alen lV winsome Hoses : Teo U-8. Fidelity and Oisarentee Company boos at rat.. ow , naRisest corner ATM and 8t. Davide stigmata Pboos Ile 1OHN W. °RAMIE, LIFE, FIRE -meal sad meek ineentskels 16112Z sari elected es beim sad at been rates. -ell at idles, caraar Wan etniet aad Square m address J. W. CH.A.101.1. tiodariab Oat This rheas li RARMAGE LICENSES MUER OF MARRIAGE LICINSEIL W LANE. ISSUER OF MAMM- SHAVING PARLOR URDFORD BLOCK BARBICR SHOP - E/ -The wen -tams aad steed eases le patina's UPI boot la shaving retail., Omar mod. suaoloPtd- will be approkated. R. B. sucnosinuao and armeral ancOmanet. Unman an alma rtsili elm re no v. di be (bead at all times whim as e:yies masa. Threw reassmales sad seer mod re ovs Fen seribilastres. ti MUSIC. IL ergealat lam online wake awl tem wpm and fere, harmony atectarodat. sta. A. tom -Maass harmony, fanunar Pant, On AMEN AnoDRite kindargarten retamesain. HEINICIM-Tioliln A. FL avast and daaritut Tor W.J. MUIR & Co. • UNDERTAKERS AND EMEALMERES the orates should be entered, and if the shipper doesn't pay the hone are locked up aod the shipper cannot het at them until be comes down with the money. In this way the shipper is often corn Iled to pay much higher built up in the big cities across the line. Speaking of the Market for horses in Western Canada Mr. Polley e'tid : *The Western market is really not a Mst,elass ooe. The horses are mostly sold on time. except at Vancouver, and when there is a poor crop the dealers 'go broke: Besides the West- erners are raising a good Many horses themselves now, and in ten years they will be shipping horse. 'o Outatio. Then where will our market tie, unless we can get the United States market r' Mr. Polley bas been shipping hor,ea east. west and south, and t., the Old Country, for a great many year•, and We urge every woman who loves be knows what be is talking about radiant and fascinating hair to go to when he declares that recipns•tty will R. R. Wigle today and get a large 5is be x boon to the hone -raising in- cont bottle of Parisian Sage. He dusty of Ontario. It is his opinion, guarantees it to cure dandruff. falling too,, that it will benefit the farming in hair and itching scalp, or memey back. termite all round. have had the privilege cf selling out were removed, turnips which now I cattle, fed on out own one -hundred- $ bog me $NIU would bring me nearly ed -fifty -acre farms, to the American "Although 1 believe that the market. rather than having to send Laurier Government has made ries- , them to the other markets of the • world which we have mentioned : for DURING the next few days we will he showing all the newest importations for the coming season in everything for 1 Wiese misses' and childreu'r await ;attire, also everything that is up to date in house- furniehing. The large increase in our husinees the Imo few months has given us every encouragement to make a Nigger and better display of all the newest goods in all our departments. Among the Special Linen featured at the Scotch Store are : McKinnon Coats for ladies and misses Fashion Craft Cqats for misses and children The Beatty Line of Infants' Wear Pugh Brand Underskirts Turnbull's Perfect Fitting and Cee Tee Under- wear for men, woolen and children Peerless Underwear Perrin's (iioves B&CCorsets Zenith Underwear Kayser Gloves Stork Pants McCall's Patterns and Publ calwns r` MiIIar's Scotch Store �` takes in the past, 1 cannot err bow + the reason that good cst-le sell higher any /Government could LUDO down . this chane. if Mr. B. rel party t in theother United States market than in should get into power, it would have any market of which 1 know. to atta•ud 10 this metre[ float Chang. j and have bees doing so for the pest ' All their talk of Ibe 'Old Flag' and forty-five years, Varying from d to 2c. *Annexation' is so snitch rot, and f per For proofund higher than in ('+nada. can ooly hope that the money being of the slate 'report of used to oppose the reciprocity pact ' we refer you to r he market report of will n• t I.r successful in achieving og ire the 14th inst., taken from The London object. Free Nein end The Toronto Daily' •Io sntiug for this gleaaUre I feel Globe. which Ixrth report best steers HAIR BEAUTIFIER. that Iaur-tsndiu,1 true to l tinsel' I "elites in Toronto at from ti to etc. Refi _ rive poli. ye slid to the views frequent• per pound. live weight : and the came l rued Women the World Over Use It ly expressed by fir John .1. \lacdon- p+pers 'both report good cattle *ening 1 :.Id. and 1 notice Conservative speak- In Arlo on the same date at 7 to Every woman know- that there is era are eayiog hent little on the sub - onto per pound lice weight. The Tor nothing so good for Bair and scalp Oct. They have brought on this onto Mail and Empire reports cattle trouble as Parisian Sage. If Perisisn election at a tremendous expense. anti sailing in Chicago ..0 the sante date at Sage is used two or three time a week it was unnecessary. 1 fed hat they $'' itl live weight Stall further, we . it wil' keep the 'scalp nice and clean have hurt Canada more by their .est you to note that we have in cur and remove dandruff. it makes the obstruction totbepassingof the agree- in t . I Gun a letter, dated the 12th hair lustrous and fluffy. and keeps it went than by anything elite they have i Gnat., from one of the logon t rattly from falling out. dour. salesmen in Buffalo• who is well ac- i "As far as manufacturers are con- I quainted with the quality of Canadian ierned. 1 think that anything which cattle, iu which he says that, if we stip our best cattle to Buffalo, they A CONSERVATIVE FARMER'S VIEW. James R. Anderson, of Prince Edward. Supports Reciprocity. Picton. Aug. 25. --James R. Ander- sort of this county, treasurer of the Eastern Ontario Dairymen's Associa- tion, and a former Conservative. is campaigning with Dr. Morley Currie. Before an enthusiastic meeting at Dcmor•estviUe Mr. Anderson tnid the story of the reciprocity pact from a practical farmers standpoint. Mr. Anderson said : 1 am rio traitor to the Oonservetive party. but .the lead- ers of the Conservative party today are traitors to the principles of that party. It is not only in this county hut in other counties. you will find hun- drede and thousands of Conservative farmers wbo will vote for the move- ment. 1 live right near Belleville. and every time] drive over the bridge and return borne it resets me forty cents, but that is nothing in comparison to this tariff question. if "we can have reciprocity in far in products it means *600 on an average per y esr to each one of u. farmer s. F;ighteen Iihersl millionaires in Toronto Dave turned their backs upon the pact for the sake of their own pockets. and we should look upon this aa one .d the best evi.j dences that reciprocity is in the enter• eats of the farmer. "In Kingston wen wbo bete been in clone contact with the American prices, and who bare voted Conserv., five for year". bete told me that they intended to vote for reeiprocity. They say the American ferment rigbt aemes the River St. Lawrence get islet four 1 della/' • ton more for (beir 1 ser than the Canadian farmers around k , nRs- ton and on Wolf* '.lead. These farmers about Kingston and on R'..Ife (eland tntd rite that fee every dollar 1 they peened off the farm the Ameri- can farmer got • dollar sod a half. and t hi. has tree the tors for toe was, VsUPII re. ! "What bettor evidetire do AU want than that and the" 11111 Ot1411.111,41 tbe v our ditughter's band has nit falcon leitther in-law -"Well. to tell you the troth .1 has. You're been er. thimd- thought It ,-„ogiose all .--e-esus^-^-r�vw .--.? . A CONSISTENT CONSERVATIVE. An interesting iucideot that came within his experience in Ontario the other day is being , 1111 told by A. R. McMaster. the S well-known Montreal K. C., as the hest definition of the issue before the country tbat has yet been made. He watt talking to a veteran postmaster in Glen- Barry county who bad been a life -lung and enthusiastic Con- servative: on-servative: "1 vuppoee you are going to vote for reciprocity?", he asked. •'Well, i'll tell you. Mr. Mac- %tater." replied the old man. S "My brother has been accusing 11 me of turning my coat. but 1 say to him, 'What do we support - a party policy or a party name -r \Vbrn you and 1 voted eboulder 1 to shoulder for Sir John A. Mac- dooald in IIRi what did we vote for? It was for reciprocity 1111 and 1 am gcing ti, vote for it now.' benefits tbe fanners will benefit them. The reduction in duty on manufact- ured articles is very small, and the extra money the farmer' will make will result in their buying more im- plements." "As a boy 1 lived through the old reciprocity treaty." Faye 8. C. Squire. West Middlesex. •'Iteciprocity made a bona' then for the farmers herr. and I expect it, to do the same now. I have failed to find any opposed to it except tbe old fossil Conservatives and they will slick to their party if they lost their souls by it. I cannot under- stand why the moneyed interests are so anxious for the farmers, We are not afraid to compete with the world, as we do now. The rein, the sun- shine, and the pure air of heaven are free and why should we not 'tell and buy where we please? There is no market closed to us with this agree- ment and all spouting against it is mere rubbish. People generally in our section are .very favorable to itl and 1 expect it to carry in spite of a1 oppositio-•." FOR CONSTIPATION. A Medicine that Does Not Cost Any- time( Unless It Cares. The active medicinal ingredient. te Hexed] Orderlies, whieh are odorlese. tastelein aad colorless, is an entirely sew distros-ery. Combined with other extremely vairsehle ingredieots. it fortes • perfect bowel regulator. inter,- tinel invigorator and strengtbener. Reza Orderlies' are eaten like rasady and ate cuoahle for their agreesiblee be relate and gentlerwas °tac- tics. They do not room griping ^.r any reek" other iitions for a Him purpose. they ant remit* • habit. but insteed they overeome the centre of bahit acquired through the um of ordinary tamales*. cathartics and bars's physic. and permanently re- move the came of constipatten or irreenlisr hours! action W• will refund pier money without aroturoest if tbey do not do as we say they will Two dims 215e and I0e. Sold only sit our more The Reza Store. f Dunlop meth Oche of Square would sell for i 10 lie. per pound live wei •. These prices ere in the main, leas ...g ont exceptional case,. I again say that the American mar- ket is the best market in the world for good cattle." If there is another bet- ter, it is still undiscovered, and 1 know of some men who would have paid a large sum during the lifetime of the high tariff wall for the discovery of such a ruarket. Where is there a market which will enable any person to purchase cattle at 71tc. per pound in Buffalo. and $7.70 in ('hicago. lire weight. and ship there, to any known market. and realize the origidal price paid: The American market is the Deepest Ontario has for her surplus stock. and the best one in the world still: and the reason that we have been unable to take advantage of it is on account of the tatifT wall against us of shout $20 no each buttock weighing about 1.310 lbs. i hear fire cry : ••Let well enough alone." This may, he all right coming from some manufacturers who have protection from their American rom- petitors to the extent of r to 30 per cent., or from semi Iso yes, who .its in his office all day. and is not in any way affected by feast. and commerce or. it may be all tight for some part- ies who. through taking advantage of this protection. have been able tett torn a combine or monopoly, and therefore have it in their power to charge their nen prier for their gouda. But it is not good enough for roe, nor is it good enough for the farmer of Ontario. who has to pay tilt per cent. Uo enter into the competi- tors' market. to follow the cry "lot well enough alone in other wool.. we have to pay fja, on • hullus•k we sell before wr can get in on egnrl term- with our arrnpetltnvs, and are obliged to send our cattle to Bermuda and Switzerland, while we have the beat market is the wok Id as clone te is as Torrntn, end ere only prnl.ihrted freak entering b a tariff' wall : and err have hoes s0 by for the peel fort y -Ave years. Now. ALP the tariff affects caul. fed ow our farm so it affects the cattle ✓ aised and fed our every fano in On terir. in proportion to thefano number fed and ae we have waited from the year 1111$ to loll err the opportunity which sow preer-eta itself to remove the tar- iff wall, 1. for one, ant going 1,0 vote for it. WILIAMN Wr tt (Writ* & Weird At Marys, Ont. Mrs Newlywed The night you proposed sow acted like a fie. nut of water ile Newlywed-. '•1 war and ' urs ^Morcels IwsaA.r1 vers TAXES TO BE REMOVED. The duty on Canadian calves enter- ing tbe United States is $2 per heed. on cattle valued at $14 per bead or less $3.75: on other tattle 2.71 per rent. The American duty on horse% val- ued et $150 or less is ir10. end on others 25 per cent. On lambs the duty is 75c. per head and on sheep $1 fie. On hogs the tax in 111.150 ear& Go lire poultry it is 3e. per lb. aod on dressed On wheat the American tex is Ise. per buabel, on rye lee.. on (lots 15c., on barley 30c., op buckwheat 15r.. on beans 45c.. on peas Mc., and on seed pees 40c. On potatoes. it ,s Mr. per bootee. cern 15r.. turnips 25c., (miens Mk.. nnithain IC. each. end all other vege- tables io their natural gate per pears 21c... peaches, Me. and gra pee 21111e. per uhic ft ot cepecity of barrels or packegee On hes flea of all heeds it is le. per quart. Oo dried fruit it 1-* per h. On butter it is te. per Ile. no cheese 6c. pet ton popcorn ese. per lb.. oes a dozen. All these levee are to he griped as ander reciprocity sod ahsoletely fess &erase te the Amerienn market grin Inn allogred for the Canadian earn...prod acts named. as oe.,e. au the ant aortae, .flt111 ATM' HOW TO HAVE Stylish 1f you buy a first-class ahoy. don't you want that shoe made in the latest .tyle \Vhy ebould you pay the prize• of a high -clow shoe, and. in returns get a shoe one or two seasons old ? How do you know, for instance. when you Oak for the newest footwear that you're actually get ting the newest ? But why takecbancee Why not ask for the shoes that lead the style' in Canada - iNViCTUS Shoes ? Isn't there x great satisfaction in knowing thal.,.the shoes you're wear- ing- are not East year's+ styles but the newest there is in footwear,' This satisfaction will be Yours when you wear iN''ICrUS oboe'. There are other fashionable shrew besides iNViCTUS. but bow are you to know tbeu Why run any risks. wby notorder the shoes that have mode • reputation throughout Canada for tbeir stylish appearance? You run uo risks when you order iNViCTUS Shoes. Footwear Wm. Sharman The Square Goderich HAVE VOIJ EVER WORN A PAIR OF OUR Cushion = Soled SHOES If you haven't, you owe it to your feet to invest in a pair the next time you ate buying shoes. They are the most comfort•ble in our whole line of comfort - elite footle( at. People who west them roy that their feet d not get tired after king standing or walking as they do in .irdinary footwear. We Imre them in both menet rine women's lines. Everything in Summer Wear Tennis. Bowling and Running shoes A Full Line of TRUNKS and SUIT -CASES W. liERN Phone 226 11/4t4:: Repairs Promptly Done wove