The Signal, 1911-9-7, Page 1perhaps the people know you are d')ios boelowe, and perbaptbe do Fitt.. A striding in The Mitral will keep your name const&ncl, before t b • public •CITY -THIRD TD.aa-s1., lis rat.' For the Bolonce of the year The Signal will :►,e sent to new aub.erib- els 1, ,..I. e25c BuG.crt he 1.'11. 1 GODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA : SEPTEMBER 7, 1911 THY SIGNAL PRIX. •NO co.. Ltd.. Ptsurxaxr STERLIII& BAMK of cannsn THE CONSTANT GROWTH of thio Bank is a significant indication of the reediest banking bervice given to its many customers. Interest allowed at highest current rates on deposits of $1.00 tad upward,, in our SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. GODERICH BRANCH B. WALKER Mgr. OODERiCH MARKETS. POB SALE. Tstr.amar. dew -th. rime's= whisk per hwMimi!'... .... - M 73 to 1 0 7P int cin kms 1. the Bei& Wen mf In Mee t. per lyes-. P W as Vesafjtie•1? sett meh, Apply at erne par pbest • R to 0 m 10 ANDREW JOH1�f81ON1, Carlow. MO LOCAL IIIlPROVEMENTS. Li1UWN OF GOD6alt'H. take sate that themedeipeai •wets t w emperati n of the tows Of o.d..efsL /fee& to eeaetrea a w .attars sewer es OggMi drew to tlw amid tows, betw•es Comkrl1p attest all MeMeed tem. aM teem& to sws s Me- tier of the sed tietrad apes the real �e�lt� he bemoaned them >1. �'•et.i� •r sees t.td street. &fere- add. 0etwee e the mhd points. and to levy warn isal coat a.emd/g to t lee e. vu:.aste the Wet by twenty eamYl ....e.. *set.: and that a statement the Iamb liable to ad pro- I bleed a be y sushi tri the toad work. a 41s k.e •t th. • theme . so tar o V ala a.�.-.e M sweet IMO teho. ret try 81st rapleme�i st the elseta et the muck p.l ay. Yl le epee le /fleet - aeriesreel. •mss int• •elleetM..4 WW tae wort t. tits. 11tstf.h/lI1LM r to he previdtd out rat 1he Boat. ef We eurteipai it). •.tit1.& and desiring to petition 1 be ee..tll aMo/st emeeridttng the prwpmel went mod de • me •e before the 701 5•y of October MOLL Dated tiid 31st day of Augu-1 UHL L L KNOX. A Towo I ierk R SAUL - SEVEN ACRES OOat•. per �mstpers� ... 0 A to tel le eadow ser boo► 1 ilii W Peed Me WWI • ss pee ess . Per wt l 6 to to 2 LS b w s.rlmm weft .........- 111 sob !iM. ter 1*s 10 50 a IS 1e It III to Bm sew 4Ma sso WANTED. - COMPETENT OEN- a w ea S se MILL rwva.t MBB: CHARLES * 17 to e o OARROW. A •uta •Y lead Outlet- ...._. lei STOVE FOR PALE. - RADIANT A71.1•oI �mheaterr. absent New. A 4e.ee��..ii�� AAL cheap. -(poly at THE LIO- it SITUATIONS VACANT. Pad dna, i is is NeerPii `7 r* terr esensL.est, pw ...:'. 1 111 to emits seewo/ r t.. i riu a w Ars / M I* met te to e to ; to te tad Pam, .... .... • III ODD • 90 110 l eo 5 75 -ss as 11c ;w es NEW ADVERT' SEM EN r$. -Sept 7th. Pane Bee wtWvs wanted --Ltar- 10..3 able Prose High rim ememeWpahl 11iwt-met HBL nem oso.g• 5 wsade -M1m D..ti b .... ......... . .... • Torten Wanted - Dp.,ti_.at of Public Werke . ....... .............. . ... 1 T..d.. WeehM-Q. G Asdaww, P. t1. IMP erleihmilmot rested 111111 tires Qeps-D. A. 0elae&laa. Pti.�M........... ................. _ . s cream Mmesel-MenesCreemare Le $ Teodoro esu - Dg.etmr.t d nab° Werke • Notion te Ceato-.-W. a Tenant M.D. f Notice to Oodles-ltiadMst Qpm it Mersa.. 1 .5n the Newest o•Ml-b. Maar & new t Own tame News -J. N 0.1b1..e e Wasters Fair Baas -13. T. R. i Leads ler B,i. tar Takes- W. . aMgs.S Comity Theme, 1 T..dera Wanted ter Tea Ares d ialed- Provident. Hays t flame. t New la the Thee- W. R. Barriers ... 5 A•..a0.ment-Awa C. clam.... s Maid wase -Mn. W. Y. aaideo 1 Nctles-OMr.eTNatNp w.A1 Out Wanted -Mea (Dr.* Heater 1 Readers -IL t. Wide........ 6 Tamed Ilelbe-$...as. Brea. roam":M--F. W. McDeeagh. Own Oa bre Tee ielde - . t Grate sleeked -A. &M.. Mellows. 1 L(►ezm1 Msstrfpl 1 LOST es Ions. pof7NI.-61N wirer ITP m% mot �"•t`'r:te".`wer `alt t PNBLC NOTICE. i Ote tore TiCL-THE JOB OF pPviU�TtsspTpING tuber eat to at /�w Yeomans, im.�.t •ItY�/1 gmvol w[t1 se Osmesis. JAIL CHISHOLM. NOTiOE TO (IONTRACPOfis. �Ilsee l &.ales w� �p o.elivsd M the sder- �!a! W s.d � Mepl.shMea`ase�Wrs ��r�sbe ed aM l..� of red ti f W se ad tart itiess�rtty W. a. TURNMIL. 11. D.. AeUr1W0. TIMMINS WiLL Bs NBC NIVID sib ares usinitivre mem ase. er seased!b eets+r� tierm� sora prtles• 'M •ee•r'to 1.111041WOOF. IAT. It affawSA$. Dowd DMA, Mb. MR~tttmra GDNI)RY'S Livery, Cab and 'Bus Stables THB BBD BARN lt1SSh 1110wd, Gederieb All dr Dap are Rio Bioses meet e8Trebles and slteswses mileioidar 6A glvwte ro "hers Xte. t�gp�t�� ammelognemor rY13.-A GOOD OPPORTUNITY e Mara • Ing -clam trade. Apply at BIG- orncL ANTED. -AT ONCE. A LIVE WANTED.- reemsestative fee Oedeeidl and dtseieL prmaneet miettiw with liberal L mesa.. ler �t parte. STONE INV; yeses, free to Oath WAN'T$n.-A CAPABLE MAID, fw ef tea te Mita. W. T. HA TDth , )fell �� wANTs-A GIRL TO DO (hos- INO said l work. No Apply to MBs. (DIM LVMLR- *1 EPRBSRIrrATIVE WANTED AT ea .yearptat.m. .r��pw Mus be guarantee u. to &dowse spare time. est PKEO.er.. O day 0NALgE FOR SALE ON TO RENT VARMS FUR SALE. -01111 HUN - DR= atom es the :th eewmlee sat .too offsite en the Rh ewew-ew of Col On the k mid e aweopera'� •rnerber. le a en attad-a . £ 1r4ei homes With tarts kitchen attaebed. . (aM 11.11 bars. ,wets seer. W Loge she& web ars well Memel all are in Ana •tw HMMIs rose all .,rl.d dows me/t tax star. *• e e watered 1 spool Mwak-meimelere em at bee. Fight miles Mischa Lite• miles from Auburn . tawrsehalf mem hem Meese e. P. R eta We of the alert farm Mor la the For ter05 ►Poll to A-NDRX W N. Caeiew P. 0. •t-tt i1OU8E TO LSP. -MRs. THOS. 11 Va�eos.t�ee.. bow. Brack direst Wit reeres.isamane titer Apply ss18 NAL OF Can 'sl reali BALE. -118 ACRES i awd et as let ILMalthed emcee- itiewbiusart Pie * a al • wa s kw.5 wfth r,p Dore and s� In Myr Katal d e'pair ; nam vestemt a *seek and wheel- This property bangs to arr. A. L ARIA. d easkattDewea. vtbo mrd Mew• of it w eas7 Far I/' gstlwrn spell a J. P. LPIFiSD. L err •I -le -100 ACRES 81X MiLES from Weedwsh o, as geed (is"Mn a m... Dedeg. sLwet>•LOld. d. OR SALE. -THAT FINE RNal- pewp�ey at w erre of suwwa femmes t..w/ as star A. .tRp�i.•tD��rp�te�mtr fr.ra.. itarea.tls Mita •f' f au y ktei. Y1wmw the 9w brisk craw •ash of two suit. gee built *sly WA year. sad w oder to des deet weds. Bath bogie • law Mdere oww.iweee. ed now same 111. Nr mss litho meet arms Wei •&M 141.- W b. raw .n ree•eg•hie Wow- Appel te P. J. RTAI, d edw/N. Md. T WO GOOD FARM8 FOR SALE.- besthe hewndr5 d Aowfc11 The land se. sew. Leade Is �1 op. Bo hedor MonthAd* tienegA. of Weems re ter~ Apse M AII Y. VARY TSO �RENNT FOR ..SSLLS- 0'4 limoth Mile/ rt hi emerge ere t w.s weaerie ef weed leak ds telt 1e a sal =NI dale hirer b.r.. sheer errs i.tr • m/M thee' mem no • esevets.t no nod pe diner. Ow the mese kr • res wie1 of hetes sante 1r • for wit sex tum e lyrle'1.rwleP . r feather le Vail Dingemosi e - LANDS POR SALM POR TAX . L eve. ve flw •f Mot Kot - Isr seems Keane h.e best i �Wham* ef sed R10k.t a *1100lrests:bp 115,411111: ,* iib tY til PirreveieNz Ee ef rf edema p. m. epos. 04.100. Tiesesisr. g>.wg1. tlwrs0 are, Odra (Merest. Sept 4a. TOWN OF GUUERICb. deb notice that to touteti;r; council of the e•rpora loo ref the awn of /ireerteh intend. to esnezroK• 0 .aaita17 sewer oil Albert and Part .treats ad bdthoale road. in 1 he MY tows, between M. llaviefs .use' ad Mait- land road. sod ioteede to armee m pot. 1Jw of the noel co.,t thereof upon the real peep- .wty tat 11 Se .5-4iettelibet.edued thereby. treated*: abut time spun pan- of Albert sad Park .110 15 um battalion. re .1. af*rwaid. be- tween the said pants, and to levy such Areal tad according to the beatage thereof. h t*city aunuaes e.eal aa.eseiesl.: and that • mairement .howtng use roe bible to and pro peed w b. .pacr.Lp aessesd for the said work. tad the names d the owners thereto. so far as the same coo be awartatned from the lest revised •....00ent tell aa.e whet wi.e, b *ow aped in I 13e take of the ales k of LLc 0201,5. eip01ity. .d 1- open to ir.specuon d o e iia once boats. That o-• mutated e0$$ of 101 wm k r.IOU, of tablet) ptL4, i. to be poo• .ued out of the general fund. ,.t the municipality. Proms enui.ed •hat lo-iriop 0 pets •Soo the Doui.eil agaio-L underto•1.y the propoal work meat du -o on or before 10.- 7th dal of tk: tdber nSZL Dated this 3'-: day of ..ugu--. 1011. 1.. L. KNOX. 2t Town Clerk. TOWN OFOODERI(:H. Take nodes T hat the wu.)e;ppa.1l oou. oil of the ompmwRrn ef the awn of Godench intend. a .•eefrwd • sanitary ewer on Britannia read, .p�eb�o0 tows. between Eldest greet •ad de.01 w fle•l NM thereof treet. sod woo the �real a ow setie'r be Mdl-telt' b.s.etted t heeling war Nettspewg spew Britasal• seat. �- bemuse w road mast.. and to levy aim= to the hostage there d. by tweet resseatew�l1l.1 -.�roShe1swiseit d a to end /epseed 0be se.0SL d icor the .alit week sM the sasses the owners therm se for es 11s saes m he ameetaread hem the Ism reyie.d se mese nt roll and .timwha r sewMea is the wides of the dei of tic. M.1 is epee to inepeetbeedeeleep The estimated most d tar work 1u *f �hisb W.s. le to be provided out et sled teed. of the mwlenpalitl. ad to petition the .54..1 eking the ptoeord work "tiedMOD air before the 7th dal of 0. sober hated the Mid dal of Aliso.,. lel. L L. KNOX. tt Towo Clerk. TOWN OF GODERICH Take Betieb the municipal c000mi et the m curprtM W M* tees of Ooderiei intend. to asetrwet • birch 5Ntarl wet w Breton. via Ind. r the .mid town. beeves Wellesley street and Welll.lt.n .4aeet..04 bimetal to sower • pettier of the deal ova thereat epee Um real propel ty to be imnrel14ly beeedusd t1ezeb7. fronting or shuttled apse arKmMia r'ed, aforesaid. between tessaiel priest and to 1.vy inch final Dalt acooedieg to the Lomat, thereof. by taestl anneal special ammo- mewls ; mrd that • .tatemsot a sewteg the Meds Ire to did proposed U. ne yne4lb aamvs ed ter Use said work. and the .•nee id tie owsm1 thenef. to Mr .s the omit tea be a.oerteisd from the lard revised moss. meat rob a5l otherwise. Isom aW in the ef- Bos d the deet d the mwddpmYty. mel is epee .�MsllsB d Miss Mere Tbe siaimse it etww width WA ea w&i ire le est et the generalerwM•� a.elnet�=� a pnitian w week me5-de•e or•iretMithsayyetIthe �1e• Dowd taker this SW day o( Ariel. iel. N t< NOTICE TO CiIEDrTONS NOTICE TO CREDITORS. IN THY ESTATE OF CHAR1.E± YOCNO. DiIICLABEI*. Nodes le hemb� pe gives *Mt all e.** May- tag dairy mgafn5 Clarkes Teem. rte el Ontario, reared farmer. to reed, wt. ea reared the )tt•t day of August. WIL are leer before the Nth dap ef eaptem- MstN ii reee� u • se dmlettttf es te Iii pswilemberaweirs.weirs. of teradd a• heir claims mod ef the egenelty. if �limy. toll themdole the es and Met alleee seed of tali sn .M to Ma'am. 'w_ en- titled tbmhielt ti..ely, M�aend emerita et the demoted � vC.nab to thethe `nelig�ed.fm. wet as ria sews •mW wv .o, M Noble he Me sW rests er any pet beef to as perms •t whew dalea they shall Bet here then Dray !elbps~i ber. A. D. IBIL PIOVDFOOT. RAYS k ICI LLORAN. 801{0!*..e ter the rid 11se11tor-. G.deeli. Ont OM NOTICE TO OREDiTORN. K 7YE iCBTATS OF MARYDEI . H. RRITP LATE OF THS TO W N OF Oo IN THE COUNTY OF HURON. DRCtA$LD. N•Y�� r bet'tM dew pareu•ot to R. �. O. 1� O.np. Ilk that. W a.m.,. .rad ala. altlas the o.rrte .BIM yep srhs dW w w aces w Mb 4a tomes tet s bF wiel.m►ath. resiteslieS hire the Ihot w .x.e.twr dee el the r ailsZ tattelleglardre seseeritessa. 10017 h1 ib.. dote hvMN�d teelele~Aug MID.. thief. w 1.10 mmai4020 tw d. t\a 544 J••ea.o4 .1.. .......1.= b. swebr o.bl part thersef ee /tree. *f 1,f1 5 a.*Ilew 1' elh bow r..Mv** blllpMree6 *t IpeA lr}epw for >rR •f Aego I . •L Y. A. C Il5ee(eb. iter ?be Y.0e0tw Mr. B1ateisy has . rerarkabia grasp of the seeehenieal details id rim iii. I at ldan t. Re has U1v.Ued erten- !steely in Lrawl eeT��sod t , playing nuns s of I** ral She techs the err Re wren err Mew* with great el e& wow Tart IteeglSd QoesGr, lrhisee � AB tpw spline ski pose. fresh of en- Srrs. - Ogee Bye Mak at Nath irtiotersoar awe Maw Id L ISri Motbr iet elmeta �sgte�tsr 'PUBLIC NOTICE ,'(ITERS' LINT. 1811. to•Nif IPALITT OI TBE TOWNSHIP OF COLBORN II RON I.O1; NTY. Notice is hereby go een th •r 1 be e tram. witted or dr 1, scrod de t be per..•.n owe ti0 ed io sections 5 tad • of the %uteri 1..1.1 Ad the copies ,radrede� the ...id maims t . be .o [ra•titrad or M11v0r.ed of the 11at made pur- •uant to 5510 tet or al; permed. appemrint by the laK rev1ed aew.ment t'.0 err 1115 laid to be tl 11 d 20 role fa tl.. ,.101 au.ldpaOy at d.mlou. ter member. of tie Imetal,&...10. y .rad at the mu-Idpr l eWtfow'. and that the .rid li. wa. first posted up In a) •0ee 54 l'arle.. op the tad day a s,etammar, W L ad remains there for Inseam YLOtMr are coiled upon M examine the maid list. mad it say ertdn.lor.- or any other encore are famed therein a take immediate proceed - IMO to bare the nidi errors corrected according to law. Boptember 5. IML, W M,DONA3H. Towmolp (les TENDERS WANTED. MAIL CONTRA('T. Staled tandem add re --ed to the (Net roaster FACING BOTH WAYS. At the West Huron Conservative convention on June 26th, 191 1, E. N. Lewis was chosen as the candidate of the party after giving a pledge that he would oppose the Reciprocity agreement. . When later he issued his election address, however, Mr. Lewis conveniently forgot to say anything about Reciprocity. This remarkable omission of any reference to the great issue of the election was part of a deliberate plan to deceive the electors, enabling Mr. Lewis in his sideline canvass to pose at one place as in favor of Reciprocity and at another place as opposed to Reciprocity, as would best suit his purpose to get votes. fieoeefi wbl be re.ri..d ..t Utt..r uhtil poor. In purr on Friday. the nth d O c t ober.1911. kr the coo • • ve/aeo. of HP Molest) - mead. ou • or,rpo.ed metract for four year..*x time.yyrw week each round *tips hetweew .l ..beriey and Kincardine Rural tad DeLg1, set -um the Post r.a-ter Oen• ersI , ylea...te. Printed notices sent.,,.in5 forth -r Infonet Lon s, t0 neediness df proposed contract ow d WIRE md lee seen 0nk Ior. of leer may, be obtained at the pg.tnao.. of .l whorl. (Iola .Idd the 'way. between Amher4p and GoMr.ch. and rix rich. ii Mardis.. .d n,u'e otboot u .t *Moe of the Po•atlee Inspector at London nit of th an of campaign Mr. Lewis has so is meetings at which he would have to declare himself openly. But Mr. Lewis is not to be allowed to continue such PDSWm., aceDepart'.- I (' • . tactics unchecked. He is being found out, and in evidence MW ti.rvfd Blanch. e,. NDfLRBON; esarnepl far avoided any publ ''6;31"h..s.o•t r. , +upennte _ of this are the statements of two Goderich township voters, as follows: ndent. Goderich Township, Sept. 7, I9II. - To whom it may concern : This is to certify that Mr. E. N. Lewis, the Conservative candi- date for West Huron, interviewed me last week and told me that be heard that I was in favor of Reci- procity. I told him that I was and he stated to me that he was an In- dependent in a class by himself, and that if the coming election showed that the people wanted Reciprocity that he would not oppose it.. (Sgd.) JAME$ GRAHAM. fQ RALE D TaLfDERN ALDRESS Ei) 1 7 a the nsd.t�M. n to North Pier and and endorsed 'Tinder DreBdn�•wk awttKa_� Dale. wBtdl -. '-Ona • e.ppiI b roesived a: this 4p m w wd.eal 4 th. sow lareetion at • break - eater extension beaseb per504 dredging et Hineardi.s, Raw county. Ont. Plana ep•elaestM este tersest ore reef can be sew sad forms se tender seineasei at this Dep gsost and et the odium at J. O. Mut. >0tq.. DYetat w".."71.`1.1.6"1"1". J. „A...47 oo.Om'.. tyle termlet err u 12154 N11•, Oat. PegwM an+ named the/ tent me wfb .et lea eon. noises reeds w w 111.154 farm sup and -limed with shot actual' ernes•:. .111*, a their occupations and places of reeideoce- In the *ease of Orme. lbs arta. ►Igs.tum, the nature of the occupa- tion. and piers of residence of stab member of the firm must be given. race Leder met be mom pealed by M ac- oepted cheque on a chart red hank, payable to the order sf the Honorable the Hinkle, of Poblir Work... r.ri us to ten 1 rr cent- (14 p. ai of the amount of the tender. whir& will he forfeited if the p•r.on tendering docile. to enter into a conic., t whenpalled spm to do o. or fail' to 000nplete the work °Detracted far. If the tender be not accepted pas cheque will h. returned. Hy ostler. R * DY3ROCHY1t8. Secretary. IDecart.ment of t'ubir Work.. Ottawa. August 55. 1911. Ne wampum will not be paid for thi. 54.0. tawniest If they inert it without authority from the Dep.rtmen,. east � EALED TENDERS ADDRESSED be the eademigodd. and endorsed "Testier serarsiOut: sea be received d this •Mee weNl 4 p. m.. en weiessear. 9q haft /ere the week sae .t/.ep. !/Ba W Sean domes" *an he oleae Meese Of tWerlr oleefsed ea agof1 oaks Clerk of tWi PoMwt�'f}e1y..awoMAoF.e. Tame O Hayek iR*etl.La D.p.tfawr. ormila Psun.ate metaled tart tender' will net eeed tiro made on the petaled fres. ewppiita. *ma slg.sd wr1prltheir mites! dimeteree. Sedge Weir eel peels ed reederea Lths owe- l Beset esups use Mrd lisp eesid se dteachd .bb., .1 the dem be glue& meat bweesempanied by ea ac- es • e.rImw bank. payableqq .ger w tics Bi.emwbI. the Mtei-tar d Tebbeei.•..meltetimegercast.tl^p.e.tof mw the .et st 11100. te.tlR which win be tee - Mid liter perms teat,doboe to enter fell • arrest when LI"teepee to dr) as or If the Wer40. MIIIIM tint ep1.a w ahepw wiforn 10. The ihpartmeot dose net Mad Itself to .coups the Memel or any 15.der. Or weer C DffiRurRYRA. theretary. Depsrtaeet et Public west, Ottawa. Aag.K net. Newspaper" wlU nee be paid ter this Meer i� e.:1. if Devte *fon*. 1e wahine .riosttymet ',I KA LED TEN I)RR8, ADDRESSED t 3 taw emersegn-.. endsreed -Tender Waterved ed at dalet10o. i Ont.." - 4 e - 's,. lith t 1. Mr W week moo- t !lana .eedae•Ito, sad term et esotrso ken be tele sad of seedier es •ppm =1St"ee/( 1. ald r.mila gs. ; .f r rm new OM... (.04. Tempe a� Ise Dabs d t awe. illi14Aeeseldesa$_, ,Owe. 0 vud, (4... tel et Ude Plemelm 1161 rr ae� Ihat r5• . .ill net h eseeiM -54 made es the setiesil printed agpiid, with their sodstew eif "Ira ohs are .r"•' mallellee �UMW* th Peen the setepi etreaidisediadene rof blear art_ r be w w.�sostilnipillre gIl.gg 411 Xes11k, pa/,M. se er tseaN1MlW KMthef ekes th. t• se. 1? +...s Zi be weerdemon YMKew le reset ler edam '. r DABtto0SlfSM rlw.etary Dred. r at Bohn Watt Ottawa, Mena i a. � low iiithe �1uttair• �wtewing sharers Goderich Township, Sept. 7, I9II. To whom it may concern : This is to certify that Mr. E. N. Lewis. the Conservative candi- date for West Huron, canvassed me for my vote last week, and when he found that I was in favor of Reciprocity he stated to me that he was not opposed to Reciprocity and in favor of trying it for a while, and on the strength of that promise to me I agreed to vote for him. (Sgd.) J. O. ELLIOTT_ Mr. Lewis is certainly "in a class by himself" What do the Conservatives of West Huron think of a man who gives his word to oppose a certain policy and then seeks votes as a supporter of that policy ? What do the honest electors of •West Huron, Conservative or Liberal, think of such a performance ? THE FIRST GUN IN WEST HURON CAMPAIGN FIRED AT BENMILLER. Good Meeting toe Friday Evening Ad- dressed by Messrs. Cameron and McMillan -The Reciprocity Ques- tion Almost the Soli Topic of Dis- cussion -Mr. Lewis Keeps Out of the Limelight. Tb.' opening tweeting of the reci- procity campaign in West Huron was bold at Heroines uo Friday evening. The speakers were M. G. Cameron. the reciprocity raadidate, and Thos. McMillen. W w. Hil occupied tar cbdir te4 invited anyone representing the Opposition to come to the plat- form and arrange for a p1a w 00 the program. but there Was no rempoose. Mr. McMillan told hew the oppor- tunity for better trade relations wttb the Lolled Meuse ranee about through type desire shown by the people of toe elates for a reducu*m an the ,net of dying. Presides& Taft saw that jt would tae advisable to •Ilnw the COO - limners in his coquetry to secure food- stuff' and farm peedientr. from Caned" free of duty and *o the reciprocity agreement was wade. It war greatly to the 'alarmist of the farmers of Cana- da that they shore hove *iv privi- lege of free entry for their anode into the United States start. and tarsi- ers Mould throw portyl•se aside on 'Ms Mania. and vote for their ow. 1sessene. whirl' weer aim* the best interests a the whole eosstry. Mr. McMillan gave somas Nunes to Mow hew She adoption of the agree- ment would Melt (triads_ In live seed ote►1s11 years the average prise of hoe Is esdlato was NM higher Mos isM Hares fanner. are waw to than to Toronto. is barley the illkeeses Ore to prise Tamale and between f. theO11.5 tan d one -hair years. *ma from Me to far is favor of Buffalo. The production of barley in Ontario would be doubled under reciprocity. The opening of the bone market of the United States would i. a boon to the breeders of this Province, and where cattle were concerned every breeder in the country knew that the beet market woo among the wealthy people of the United States. In dye and a hall . r, the average price for high -claw snort cattle in Babb was about 51.00 be.ter than in Toronto. On August 26Lb of this year, a000rding to the market reports of The Mail and Pew pen, cattle were 58.3U in 'foronto .06 SM.IU in Chicago. In hay. poultry, fruit and other - products the United States offered a good market for Canadiao pi°duoets. Mr. McMillan gave autbonty for the statement that .►zty per cent. of the prices paid by consumers went to the mid Letzten - millers packers. roil - ways, etc. For the article for which the consumer paid 51.110 the producer received 40 cents. The aim should be to give the producer a larger port ion of the ultimate price, and this could be dune by reducing the rests is won. oe 1004.. Mr. J/cMlllen gave several 1054.000'. of how both producer and eesmu*ar suffer under the creseot sy0- 1em. Comedian bacon can he bought several coots a pouted cheaper in Gi•e- gow or Alancnestrr than right here in Canada. 'l'be Canadian peckers keep doers the price of bogs and keep op the price of bacon end by this proc- ess are maltisp; eu..rmotla prelate, averaging Si pet Bent. each year in thirteen year*. Flour on the 31nt of January Iaet sold in Wionipt et 52.90 a hundred : no the wale day in 0sscbwter. Nog - bad. at $2.50 • Modred. In small quantities the diYeewee was .tdl1 greater. Our ..Wars me sashisg pais peseta out of the sere d the poor pisCis the Comedies cities. prier of a matte in Toron- to es the prevtisss yterllay was 111.11: is Ube MP. I.M Tet nn the seine da) roasts sold h Tomato at 1057 • pound sod i. °biefigo at *4. to ler a pound These petm www tom 11s. Mail and Emplea The wesoke r asked t v voters t., lay aside all personal feeling and consider the national interests. He urged that every elector should go to the polls and cast bis vote for Mr. Cameron and reciprocity, and time place himself on record that in the one case when the elector had an opportunity to further his own interests he had cot failed to do so. Mr. Cameron in his addr•e,s went into the history of reciprocity in Can ada. showing how it bad engaged the attention of the greatest vtateemen of both parties for the last fifty years. He showed how it bed been the policy of Sir John Macdonald and the of her Conservative leader... and how when the present agreement wav first pro- duced it had met with approval free: Conreervatiyes in Parliuneot and from Conservati5* hewspelprm, Mr. camel no spoke for about an hour and was hard with the clarinet attention. Bennriller will give a good report r,; itself .•n the 21st of September. Through Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars Sept 6 and M Will lravr Toronto 11 p. r.. tin Winnipeg and poison on Gram! Truok Pacific between Winnipeg end Edmonton. Cole will Iron via Grand Trunk Railway System to l•bicagn these. eoen�.c�egg line. in connection with ' Ilomewkeri ' et curerion•. The rets to We.tern Cen- .d..re very low : Winnipeg aid re- turn. MOO ; Relmes1(18 esti raters- 101.411. ater - N1.110. 'Mewls gond for misty days. Proporlionste roma to other pkat, in itob., theskatehewes add Al- berta Tourist ear* will he fully equipped with bedding. e.te., and pot; err is charge. BerV.a unity be secured at. Mw rear, Full psgtlpdsre and ticket* Praela. sexy Greed Tema t., or sears.. A. R. nua, Markt AB•es(en h�w.+t Toronto. Ont_ 7tt Headquarters Ow 106 Mefi*ger Mir fleMsga bee retvrsied from 51wttn4 the b.. seemed some a/ the heal be found in style* and ins mist ter the Poll sed winter ee.mema