The Signal, 1911-8-31, Page 5TAE rDNA : GODERICH ONTARI
rut ..uay. 3v. fir it, Mil
LOCAL TOPICS,i $ Inetitgts.
nes regular meeting of the Gode-
ricb breech of the Women's tnstitute
will be beId at the boese of Mrs. M.
McDonald. LIX►tbouse street. o.
Thursday aftereoo.. September 7th.
•t $o'clock. A full attendanoe is de-
Kensington Factory Complete Again.
The rebuildins of that part of the
K.osingtot furniture factory which
was destroyed by fire • tow months
ago was completed last week sod the
re►utlt portion ie wow 000tapied. The
office hate not bees completed as yet
but will he ready for use at an early
Dies in Young Manhood.
The sympathy of the entire com-
munity is eateuded to Mr. and Ret;.
Thomas McRae and family in the Ions
they hare sustained by the death on
Sunday last of their third son, Harry.
The deceased was in his nineteenth
year and his death followed a leogthy
illness. The funeral took place on
R'edneaiay from the parental home,
Ne to street. to Maitland cemetery.
Rev. Ju. Hamilton conducted the ser-
vices sod the pallbearers were Fred.
Robertson. Eddie Dietricb. Thomas
Kemp and Charles Thomas.
Two Assault Cases. „
County Crown Attoroey `eager was
at Exeter Last week pn•eecut'ng a case
against a young man from Grand
Bend. charred with attempted rape.
The charge later was reduced to in-
decent assault and Magistrate Petty
bailed the defendant to appear for
trial at Goderich at the Sessions of the
Peace in December. Another case
w'hicb received the attention of
tbe Crown Attorney last week was
a case against a young man of Gude-
risb township, cbnrged with indecent
assault. He also was admitted to
bail and committed for trial in De-
cember next.
Gooerich Scouts at Toronto.
Fifteen Boy Scouts. in charge of
Scoutmaster Hayden. left on Monday
for Toronto. wbere they will attend
the Canadian National Exhibition.
The names of the Scouts are as fol-
lows: Watson Straiton. Her net!)
Hawkins, Harms Watson, Howie
Swanson. Allan liinclur, Barry Tut -
ford, John Vanetone. Widie $lack,
Bruce Noble. Albert Wienains. Mait-
land Pridbam. Alfred Haben. Harold
Bates, Willie Proodfoot, Philip
C'ar'ry. 'The buys are camping on the
exhibition grounds and are having
the time of their tires.
Coming to Canada.
The Preehvterian Tor-notoe says in
its issue of lot week : Dr. Donald
MacGillivray. Mn. Madilllivrav and
Miss Edith are et present at Bovey
Tracey. Devonshire. England. They
sail for Canada September 30th. Dr.
MerGillieray is one of the great men
„f China today. The amount of wort
he accomplishes is prodigious and his
part in the reaogellsatirm of China
through the making of Christian lit-
erature is a very large put indeed.
The F. M. C. and the whole church
took forward to D. MacGillivray4
year in Canada wit.b great expecta-
tion. He is one of the most distin-
guished .ons of the Canadian Presby-
terian church. Mr.. MacGillivray is
also :an :able translator sod writer.
Mote Sunset Closing. •
The season at Hotel Sunset will
-lose on Saturday of this week. The
cool weather whieh prevailed the past
few days and also the fact that the
palomino boats will cease calling hers
After Saturday are the reasons given
t,v Manager Lee ha the early cloning.
An unusually large number of guests
were .,r-rnmmodated during the ,ea -
SOD. all of whom -peak highly of the
service given by Mr. Lee and his as-
.iBtaet-, and many .f the visitors
harm expressed the hope that they
may be privileged to return to tbe
hotel another veer. It is to he regret-
ted that the pre...eot manager purposes
disposing itf the f,trnisbings and retir-
ing frnnt the Imeibe+s. as Mr. Lee has
nnede a record in mitering to the tour-
ist trade that was not equalled by any
ot the month
his predecessors. That h
of Septemher in (htderich iv one of the
most delightful months of the year it'
*fart that ehnuld he brought to the
attention of the navigation companies
doing a passenger business at this
Port. and an effort should be made to
induce the companies to lengthen the
navigation tteaeon by at least a month.
It should he ebowo that not only
Goderich loses:by this action. but that
they themselves lose a
(•rable amount of business that tbey
might have.
Dote Men Picnic.
The employees of the Deny engine
works took a day off last Saturday
and had :a very enjoyehle outing at
Black's Point. About 10 it m. a Pre-
roerasion was formed and headed by the
"foundry hand" marched arouod the
f(quare before the drive to the
grounds was rnmmenced. Sweetly
after their arrival at their d.stinatioa
a lively howbeit match between the
fitters and the machine bands Was
Held. The hand was there to help en-
liven tbe proceedings and ioapire the
rooter.. with greater enthusiasm. in •
five -innings sootiest tbe fitters worn out
by a seem of 20. Umpire Murchie.
of Detroit, officiated. and came out of
the contest unscathed. McLaughlin'
.nod Higgin.en did the pitching for
the fitters with Jigs Vanstotee behind
the hat. Muir and Leonard were the
battery for the machine hands. Of
the two teams McLmgblin was in the
heseligbt considerably until be WWI
hatted est of tbe hoz. Geo. ilutk-
worth at -third base ssved the madder
hands teem an overwhelming ddeat.
e./serytre oon.*sth g of mad -
drinks, etc. were served
the kmch at the close of the game
and a sheetpe'oge s of races was
Uwe twel2res
. 'thee m.tts were as fol-
lows: Baited taw's race. Geo. Oar-
rogi single J..semey 1a'. race. W.
WORM, : ettlgewtfee' J. Muir ;
tat M'• 1'. M seek
s pew. Doty A -of-war
s i O.mNae ods mil the
ettre .Wrdtd s dietary floe the tow
Vaia 1%. 7 pp.,:. cell al v e`ed
hw his d
•.e eve -s•• Tit 'est r•' ..,,t.
'.w oat Mee m'1 1' se a tory ew,Muye'e
n 00114 M tnasstber foe • mei
Met tare picnic
To Sell Ho(s1 Sunset Furnishlags.
The announo .neat is made of the
sale a the furniabisgs and fittings of
Hotel Sunset by the peopiietor, Chea.
C. [.fie. the sale to be by auction on
September 29td. Mr. Lee has been
successful in drawiog • good business
to the hotel. but he Ands the finan-
cial returns are not such as to in-
duce him to stay in lb. business under
the present condition*, and be pre-
eapores to withdraw the capita
which he has had tied up in the
To Rebuild West Street Rink.
The contract for the rebuild i og and
Polarities of the West street rink has
been let by the Goderich Ourlinjg and
Skating Association to D. A. Melarea
for $4,4 2. Tbe contract provides for
the completion of the structure by
November 1st. As already mentioned
in these columns, the plans accepted
call for the extension of the present
K eucture, which was damaged by tyre
last 1L11, to Waterloo street, the an-
trum to the tank to be on a level with
the street. This will allow • consider-
able increase in floor space and also
room for a good-sized gallery et either
end of the building. If circumstances
demand it, a gallery along both sides
of the structure may be erected at •
later date. This work, however, will
D ot be undertaken at thecot
time. It will be the aim he of tn-
tractor to have the new building fip-
ished in atnple time for the opeetog of
the skating season.
Atteotioe is called to the di,ppilaay of colored
photegrepp.hss,.. the work of Jobe at Vt'il-
mer8mltb'. Art Ftore. F:.• The artis-
tic beauty et Mr. Storm.' wort bar bees meek
Now h the time to Imre your order for year
tall sun and your tall erernoat at F. J. Md
llama north Bide Square. Theme tool dap are
• reminder et the .older days to mote. Nan -
log ilk, briar randy la time.
Tbe Godericb baseball club plays at
Mitchell on Labor Day. •
The Royal Templar. of Temperance
will hold • picnic at Bayfield on labor
The dates of the Bayfield tall fair
have been changed to October 10th
and 11th.
• The bowling club will have a tour-
nament at doubles on Labor Day.
Play to commence at 9:90 a. m.
Rev. Gro. E. Ross and family have
moved into the new manor on Col-
borne street recently purchased from
Mrs. F. Jordan.
A crab-apple tree on the farm of
David Girvan, Ashaeld, is in blossom.
It other trees follow its example we
may bare a good crop of apples yet
this year.
Merchants and others who intend
to distribute cards or other advertis-
ing matter at the fall fair should leave
their others early with The Signal job
Special train by G. T. R. to Toronto
leaves Goderich •t 0 a_ m. Satur-
day. Tuesday and Thursday. Get
tickets from F. F. Lawrence at the
down -town .,thee.
Jenny's "simplex- inklees pen is one
of the latent inventions being brow ht
to the attention of the pnhlic. H. W.
Jermv, North street, tioderich. is the
sole manufacturer.
The prize list of the Goderich Indus.
trial Exhibition has j at beenissued.
All persons wishing a copy may re-
ceive one on application to the secre-
tary. F. E. Bingham.
Recent shipments of the Doty En-
gine Works Co. were : A car of
dredging machinery to Midland : a
car of machinery to Winnipeg. and a
ladder's hoist to Calgat y.
The number of automobiles owned
in Goderich continues t0 increase.
The Iateet arrival is • runabout for
J•,. F. Thomson. no. rite dealer, built
1, tike Kennedy Motor Car Company
of Preston. it is a tidy little mai-bine
of eighteen borne -power.
The Zurich Her`Id, edited hy
Zeller, appeared Inst week as a six -col-
umn newspaper. The make-up of the
poorer also bas been changed. the re-
sult vert
ul heir to m much tee
• t g p
appearance of tote, the "official organ
of Zurich and Hay township. -
Two loads of Epworth Leaguers
from North street Methodist church
drove Tuesday evening to Black's
Point. where an appetizing corn roast
was prepared and partaken of by the
gathering. The event proved a
delightful ene for all concerned.
.k meet int of the Y. M. C. A. aux-
iliary will tie held at the home of Mn.
Carrie. corner Trafalgar street and
(iambi is road. on Saturday. September
tad, at p. m. The members are
urgently requested to be present. as
there is business of importance to be
The Yird ttefttment nand gate a
*acted co.eert oe the Square oft Sun-
day evening which was beard with
••pppp ion by a great concourse. in
addiitloion to the instrumental music m
TOM! qua/ tette. "Neater, my God, to
Tlsee." was sung by Messrs. ('bapaam,
Marchant. Tweedie and Bbackstnne.
The managing committee of the
Ooderieb haesk.•il club are considering
the matter of taking • trip 10 Zurich
some time next month and meeting
the lusty German twirlers of that
Karg- Brussels b seh•II team would
like to come to Goderieb for a game,
for which also arenngments are pend-
The hapkrupt hardware Week cif tie
D. N. lewrence rotate mel Luckwow,
psrrb•arl by the Howell Hardware
Oa of Gnderirb $ few weeks ago. has
been disposed ret to 1. E. Pord. of
Esser. Me. Howell has eseeived part
al the stock and r t ting m a
sale at We ear r this tort. e
q v mime interesting prime Is Nit
The let this wok's ire ei
The p.'taramsee was an
ly Meyer me. sad was Ms sd
abwaY,R Manta. Ile 'Asps" wan
a doided I dtNb. Mr. IletsMye
avdemliele NW* IN/NW hum Midi ss
ems to the alasleal isles of tale Oae-
trteent. sod be bee performed es tummy
g. Pef 1 a lte and Hr, lrefe mt
wire, to Peri. Leads Knee let . New Mr. 1Pole ., at Nrxsb
o aura hlday ••wa▪ Sapeembor
CHURCH NOTES. I tweew this country fated the Unite,
' States has heed morcel, aagl eoormo.s-
The Ant deeming a the ascus of 1 'The thing 10 .Laud," said Ilr.
the Ministerial Assoeiatioa of Bode.'Camm'os. 1 veniwrs to say you
rieb and vicinity will be held in the !could not Aod ciao men in the town
vestry of Knox cher:h on Monday. of O.deri('h in fame of anses/air.
September 4th, at 10 a. a Rev. 1)r.
Medd will address the meeting. All
communications should be sent to
Rev. J. Pollock, secretary.
Services as usual at North street
Methodist church oe Sunday sett.
The pastor. Rev. Alfred Brown, will
preach at 11 a. m. and 7 p. in., and
will conduct the adult Bible clans in
the afternoons. A Labor Day sermon
will be given in the evening. The
monthly fellowship meeting will be
held at 10 a. m. Cordial welcome to
The services at the Baptist church
next Sunday will be as follows ; Ut-
ica worehlp, 11 a. m. ; Bible school, 3
p. m.: evening worship, 7 p. m. The
Lord's Table will be spread at the
close of the morning service. The
pastor will speak at both services.
The Baptist Young People's Union
meeting every Moodsy evening at 8
u'elo. k. All are cordially invited.
Rev. Dr. Meldrum, of Old !None
church. Cleveland, was the speaker at
Knox church last Sunday. The Doc-
tor's popularity as a Goderich "old
boy" and hie abilities in the pulpit
are always sufficient to ensure him a
large audience here, and very large
congregations were present at both
services on Sunda). in his original-
ity. his freshness and wholesomeness of
thought, and his power of driving
his idea. straight home to the minds
and hearts of he heaters, Dr. Meldrum
is inimitable, and his sermons always
leave vivid impressions. In the morn-
ing be pointed out the part that en-
durance plays in the lite of the
Christian. In the evening he spoke of
the wisdom of exercising patience and
caution in the Christian warfare.
"The longest wav round is the short-
est way borne.- God was never in a
burry-. and teen should not be impa-
tient in their efforts towards reform.
The musical service was of special in-
terest in the evening. The choir ren-
dered an anthem and two quartettes
each sang a selection. A male quar-
tette -Messrs. , Blackstone. Tweedie,
Marchant and Chapman -sang
"Nearer, My God. to Thee." and a
mixed quartette -the Messrs. Tyndall.
Misr Walter and Jas. F. Thomson -
rendered "Rock of Ages.'
Colborne farmers report that a mac
from Stratford has been through the
township bhe past week buying up all
the bay he could get at $11 a ton. He
made the statement. that if reciprocity
carried it would be worth $3 or jai a
ton more.
The farmers of Colborne might as
well have that $3 or $4.
The Liberal committee rooms in the
Horton block, corner North street and
the Square. are open every day and
also in the evening. Any person de-
siring information in regard to the
election it. invited to call at any time.
On Monday evening each week a
special redly is held, and for next Mon-
day evening an interesting program is
being prepared. Every person inter-
ested in the campaign for reciprocity
will be made welcome.
There wan a good attendance at. last
Monday night's rally and much inter-
est was manifested in the progress of
the campaign. Cho. Garrow opened
the speechmaking with some pointers
on organization, and was followed by
F. W. Doty, manager of the Doty En-
gine Works Co.. who intimated that
be was in the fight to win and urged
the necessity of polling every possible
vote for the Liberal candidate. Alex.
Saunders was the next speaker and
spoke encouragingly of the prospects
in the present contest. As bead of
the Liberal nrgeniza ion in Godericb
in 'many successful contests of the
pest. Mr. Saunders augury of victory
was rewired with eaperial pleasure.
F. L. Wizoo°, of Ingersoll. a militant
Liberal who happened to he in town.
assured the meeting that in spite of
prophecies to the contrary South Ox-
ford would he in line for reciprocity
on September 21st. Speaking of the
efforts tieing ruade by the Ingersoll
Packing Co. to defeat reciprocity be
told why the packers were in opposi-
tion. 1. nder the present conditions
they had a minimum of competition
both in buying and selling ; under re-
ciprocity they would have to pay the
lumen more for bogs and would not
be able le charge as high prices as
they now do for bacon. 1t was the
sante wav with tomatoes. Some
years ago one could buy three cans of
tomatcws for 25c. ; than it was two
teras for 25c. : now it was i5c. straight.
The farmers were not getting any
more for their tomatoes : the canners
were simply pocketing bigger profits.
Reciprocity would allow competition,
and both producer and consumer
wouki benefit. Mr. Winson spoke of
Mr. $ifton'. meetings at Tilisonhurg
and Ingersoll. and declared they
would do more good than berm to the
reriprncity came in South Oxford.
He thought it strange that a mac who
bad heen blackguarded for years by
the Tories. as Siftnn had been, had so
little spirit. en little revert for him-
self. as he had shown in joining bands
with them. The speaker declered his
belief that Sir Wilfrid Laurier on ram.
towhee 21st would have biggest
m•Hority he ever had.
H. I. Morris spoke of reciprocity
from the farmer's standpr tint. The
United Staten would he m good buyer
of Cseadim live stock if it were not
or the tariff. Canada could raM,
' trick of a better quality than was
✓ aised in the United States, and Oana-
dt.s farmer. had sow a great
towiltiirK ~ tb.u%i settle sheep by
sew of hoe entry iota the Slated
freta tt was ...As1tliwpt that
MAMA never mem M seamy
and the fameorelhooldsot 1111s
W. $.ae. Dr Steasg earl W. M.
Robert., also sptia briefly. cad Mr.
Commm gave tieemeelodlog .ddreee.
of the
a fere s oy start r
be gides with icev es to the
•*.wet .d $fs, •e $:*o. •e VIM? causes. Gee Saar masts int Tia... •burgh
ower died to the OppOSNlnS eegu.seet, Oise temp P.P. Lemma* at ib. demo -
Me bees pwurl,g more sad OMNI ilMIFlaw, cies. flpeelei olio of OUR
loyal tor mase years es trade hr- Tr oiay and Thursday.
The billowing is • soapy of • letter
addressed by Mr. Amerat to Mr.
Lewis Rvmail on A
lend Althoughleer a weak
elapsed sines the amebae of the let-
ter, Mr. ('aweres has received so
Uoa.ets\. Oat
L N. Lewy Zee.,
Oodertc . Oat.
Da as Lgwts,-As we have been se
lected by the political parties that we
respectively repreesatto be theirstand-
ard-bearer, in the miming election,
it is fair to assume that they thought
us capable of explaining the polic of
our parties to the elector ou
and 1 am willing toboid joint meetings
with you for the dieosesioo of the great
issue of reciprocity sad such other is-
sues as we may choose to present, you
to close the meeting one night and
I the neat and so oe u.til they are all
Kindly let me bear from you thio
week upon the subject.
Yours wale.
(sgd.) M. O. Ceomiti e.
Mr. Cameron's propose/ for joint
meetings having tailed, because of Mr.
Lewis' evident reluctance to nieet bins
on the platform. the Liberal candidate
has bad to arrange a series of meetings
for the diacuwion of the issues before
the electors. The following meetings
have so far been announced :
Benmiller 'Walters' halt), Friday,
September 1st.
Carlow (township hall). Saturday,
September 2nd.
Constance (Foresters' hall), Monday,
September 4th.
Harlock (school bouse), Tierday,
September 5th.
Londesboro' (township h:a 1 l ), Wednes-
day, September title.
Auburn (Temperance ball!, Thurs-
day. September 7th.
All meetings to commence at 8
o'clock. The Opposition candidate is
invited W attend
Amt ill, Lsl.
Through Pullman Tourist Sleeping
Cars Sept. 6 and 19
Will leave Toronto 11 p. m. for
\Vinniper and points .,n Grand
Trunk Pacific between Winnipeg
and Edmonton. Cars will run vu
Grand Trunk Railway System to
Chicago. thence connecting lines in
connection with "Homeseekers'" ex-
cursions. The rates to Western Can-
ada are very low : Winnipeg and re-
turn. =34.00: Edmonton and return,
$41.00. Tickets good for sixty days.
Proportionate rates to other points
in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Al-
berta. Tourist can will be fully
Equipped with bedding. rte., and port-
er in charge. Berths may be secured
ata low rate.
Full partieulars and tickets from
any Grand Trunk agent, or address
A. E. Duff. District Passenger Arent,
Toronto. Ont. 2t
Fall Term Opees Try Morning,
The Goderich Collegiate institute
will moron on Tuesday morning. Sep-
tember Stir next.
All intending students are requested
to he present the first day to obtain
the list of text hooks and the time-
table for the week, so that work may
he begun in earnest the nett morning.
Form IV. etudeots are particularly
urged to be present to have their
classes properly arranged.
The attention of students who have
passed the high reboil entrance exam-
ination and intend to eootinue on at
the public school is drawn to the ere
tablishnsent of a senior entrance exam-
ination to be held next June. This ex-
amination gives admission to the
middle school of atont inuationschool.
high school. or Collegiate Institute
from public school fifth and
continuation wchool.• which have no
middle school.
The work of the Collegiate giate is organ-
ized to give the following courses :-
1. A general come. for •1udents
desiring a more extended education
than that given by the public school
course but not leading to a certificate
or diploma.
2. A commercial coureo extending
over two veers for proficiency ir.
wbich a diploma is awarded.
3. A normal school teachers' emit se,
intended by flee Education Depart.
ment to extend over four year'.. Be-
ginning with the present academic
year there will he thud ertaminatsone.
one at the end of the lewer school em-
bracing the first two veers' work, the
ether at the end of the middle school
designed for two years also.
4. A Faculty of hdueation Mach-
ete' arum., covering the work of the
upper school and divided into two
parts. each requiring f111e year.
5. Junior matriculation, • four
yore' comae. The standard for thin
examination bar recently beep raised
from M34 per Beet. t.• 40 per cent. on
each .abject and 50 per cent. on the
aggrcgete: mod next year it is again
to be raised. to 80 per cent. on the
• ggretate.
st Honor ma•riculet inn, correspond-
ing closely with the Faculty of Edu-
cation work.
In order that the work of the year
he crowned witb the .uccesstul pass-
ing of the various ex. 'Dation stan-
dards. it i. ah,nlotely nenwsary that
tbe utmost diligence rimmed both in
school and nut of IL The most hearty
co-operation of parents, pupiba and
teachers must bsexert.lte aceonsplish
MU end. The work of a faithful and
s.0 cMsful student is exceedingly stres-
Ther, are hut tw, eh•ngeo to talio
personnel of the ssai Mr. flnaald
('lark will bate charge cd the com-
mercial work rod Mr. .1 P. Her, the
sew principal, of the mime, depart.
mint. Mies Hodge_ Mese MseVaanel
M.. Roberton and nr. tf r*sg win b.
in charge of their reepeetive depart
.1 P. Hume.
VVti eLIN. mete.
Nra gtjt BiIt. U. was virtues at Kimmel s
tale t
nhIs Was llaetwaa Y winkled at rwrt
Ilea Mesh. at Toledo. Is the rhea el
W. Y. Clark.
Woe Nina ten. ad Leaden, h \eliiy/leg et
the Lame le tows.
W Mc:Le . et T e 8.slorta Rzes li r.
wee tmow. ss Mesedm.
d ` et DDetroit. M vrftlar \is
oa Dr.
Mine Eva C•masett. et Detroit, is s In are bit
Aired. Mies Lela 8mttL
QeMls. Birdie Davie. et in
Lesdoe, i. . wands her
d, Mite Oral litaildairt
The Misr Whom BLigdee, are guests at
MeaCrates's, Wertnewt.
Mies It L M. Wky•rd lett ea Friday for .a
extended viAl is WIe•Ipeg,
arils J.19•tsm et Tweets was to town taa
week ea starlet b.dame visit .
Mee Labelle McNevie ha. ,•nursed home
atter • two woks' vLdt la «knigad-
Mrs R.S. WWhm+•sd Mir Minivan. have
arrived hemp alert their trip to Europe
(Manta New Saw: The Mimeo Dart. et Ood.-
riot, aro the image et Mrs. James Basra.
Mrs Joint J. and daughter. Lillian, et
Detroit, ere vt•ltlee Mrs Peter McFarlane.
Ale:. Inielis and Mir Wei* are voting
Meade a Tomato mad Niagara Fall.. N. Y.
Jae. A., whole sew tes•W at Vas -
mover. a C. ie spewing • few days la town. d
lura David MMwale, at Nun lett Tweeday
mermksg ler Tbimtte to visit the Exhibit -Ma.
Mime Lube Caney left en Tuesday for Ter
oeu, wb.e sIe wilt Weed a badness college.
J. Yowler. et Redoes. !hot.' gaff. kap to
tumid tress a pleasant bolidey spent at ilia -
Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Hedges* and Mise Doris
beim returned from their belidar i1 Lake et
Mr. and Mrs Jaw. Mart, a have r.(srsed
hem their trip to Va000uter and the Coast
Mra Anna Blaisdell. of Cbami.laia illinna'
le visiting her cousin. Joe Martin, Maitland
Mr. sad Mrs. Herb Whyeed and . Andrea, of
Winnipeg gue.t. of frieod.lo town over
Mims Tena ateen and Sir Rebecca Me -
lure. of Goderich. are at Toronto exhibition
ter a week.
Marshall Pean.on. iedgerkeeper in ch• Haut
.t('emmeroe, is back from hie holiday. •peat
In Streamed.
Met C. H. Hombre and chiidreo have res
termed from • vlrlt to Port Ronan. strattord
and ether places.
Mir Millar and Mir. Louie Millar are in Tor
e5* es a vi.dt. Mrs. Millar will join them on
Aar mer to Ottawa.
The 111.tw0 Rom and Winnitrod O•'rdon. et
Lueksew. spent • new days yi-iung friend, in
town daring the nook.
rtes. Wm. A. Shannon, of 'les' en. Tenn..
arrived on the steamer Huron la -t Tuesday to
.pend holidays in town.
Dr. Salm Le spending two weeks in Toronto
taking ap pont- .ate work at the Royal
Colima* et Deotal urreohs.
S int Madam. who ha. been here on • vett
to W std bene on the Huron road, rt turned
thi. week to New York City.
Mies Irene Tout, who has hers vi.itinr her
friend. Mies May Morrow, Huron road, km re-
turned to her home at Toronto.
Mr. and Mn. Richardson and four -hudres.
of Perot/feed. sport Sunday with Mr. and Mre.
Ales. McNevle. Victoria scent
Misr Alice Weill returned thin week to Nal
rimose te oomplete her stodge as nurse in the
Caiveritl et Moreland hmei a1 -
Dr. W. Y. Hayden in in Toronto tor two
weer. taking • past-greda•te 000r1e •t the
Royal College of Dental Surgeo.a.
Mr. and Mr.. Edward Carrell ...od -on, of
Satttord. are awe? on • lengthy visit to Mrs.
Carrell's mister at Stra-.burg. Soak
W. J. Sharpe. junior of the Rank of com-
merce stall wee titled home to FL..beet.a last
Friday owing to the death of a ,titer.
Harry Le Touzel. who had =pent tan pod
couple of months at kir home in town, retuned
to Lyons, N. Y.. on Monday morning.
Master Edward Biddulph. of Detroit, Yba..
ix the guest of hi node and aunt. Mr. and
Mrs. Charles A. Wells. Barfield road.
Kincardine Review . Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Gledhill are here from Goderich on a you te
their son. D. T. Gledhill. Prince.. street.
MIs. Allan, of iia..terdutyle. internee. Scot-
land. has been visiting her uncle and aunt. Mr.
and Mrs William McArthur Ne
state 'treas.
Rev. J. S. Carrie. rector of St- Mary's church,
Detroit. is holidaying at hie Did home here.
He re' urns to hi. pastoral duties; on Saturday.
Miss Lottie McCreath im away on • koti t
trip to Toronto and St, Catharine.. Sbe will
she visit At Niagara and Buffalo before reture-
W. J. Stewart. manager of the Standard
Flank. Parkhill. and Mrs. Stewart are visit log
Mrs. Stewart's aunt, Mrs. Carrie, 1 '•obra
C. W. Feick, of Haileyhury. arrived in town
on Wedsertay evening and will spend • few
day. In town before returning to the North
Miss. Clara and Maud Bissett. who have
been holidaying at the old home in town. have
returned to New Yon it. They went via Toren
to amid Mantras!.
Mail Clerk Dalton. of the Buffalo .and ..ode -
rich run, i. away on a bolidey outing. During
his *hence hi. plane 1e taken by Relieving
Clerk McDonald. of Loodoo.
Mr, M. J. Ray. who ha. been here on an ex-
tended visit to her mother, Mn. Gibson, and
sister. Mrs. Jas. Wilson. 1. leaving oo Saturday
for her home at Houston. Texas.
('has Tavlor sad .titer.. Mbees Belle and
Kate. of Kiotail. were gue.te of Mrs. T. T.
Leckie pert of this week. Mas belle returning
to (T.tcsto atter • visit in these pare..
Mr. and Mre. W. Lane are in Toronto. Mr.
Iaee, ea county clerk. 1. • delegate to the one-
veatioe et Lae (mfario Municipal A.eodatioo
in in the Qdeen city this weak.
('h, -ter McDonald. Alio had been sailing on
tbeGreet Lakes, arrived home thi. week. He
Mate" that bo -is.-. einem tae United Mates
freighters has been univalent dull !hie .e eon
Mr. and Mr. Wm. Rrihley. Welliogtei
• rest, and Mr. and Mr-. Norman ('olcln igh, et
With, ere tailor In the sirkt• at the Toronto
Zeielltitden OM week. They will at other
pointe Were ret stelae.
MM. Dseterty. rommercW .pecialist in Strat-
ford Collegiate Institute. was in town for • few
ibm Aram trssery was. a etembsr of rube
teat:law gag et the °Mario& Collegiate I net i
Lemic lnk.ter. wM. him barn an rill. fent
serer of the stag of Sateen. Woo; -tore for
the part six yearn. lett on Monday fdr Toronto,
whose be W ee(epted a pot -intoe with the Tor-
onto Carpet Co. Hie many Moods join in
whatnot Idea good leek.
MW Haire. et Detroit, who had been in town
en es ezte•dal trait with relative. and friend..
left tea Satard•i es W «teenier St.. Irises for
bar hems V the Cit, of the Swaim. She wee
aosessesTag tor ot,a nrlie nth. le that city M will
Mn. Strang and Mir. Je•+•ie Strang let on
Tooday for Tomato. where they took tie best
kw Montreal t. meet MIs. •Strewg ea bee recent
Rearm and Mies Claire Beento 4. nem ,M i
t hem is rarest* and wM mimed • wok .sn01 i.r. g
tie ./r\te at the casaba. Marietta I{sk1bI
McRAE - In Goderich Sunday. August
TI. Harry McRae• thud cos .f Mr. and Mr..
Thomas McRae. ie Me nineteenth year.
BROWNLee-Goderich.esJule 'Sr
and Mea Wm. Brownlee. Palmerston
greet. a Minditer. Velma Mary.
Tr aessae. .t keg. 29th.
lArinr1101 IAN ALA. - Mien 1. oris•.nstayer 1. visiting 'reside in sea -
forth ... Mr.. R. (iliddon was in
Mitchell last wort Mr. and Mies
Cox. 'Jt Plates 'it Hltl, spent Sunday at
the home of E. N. Slaw 74i.s
Mary Mattes bas returned to her
Mmo it 1111s.tlo.d. atter spending
gsvral weeks ►cies.Lr. W s
0. R1mwart were is CUslsa Monday.
Mr. and Mea 1. IEeMraw had
f.weNy w«P Rwlt(•n.l venom gami.y
e J Dl. F*.t ri.b was ailed t., 1»
iron tis 1VPArees4*a. Fear ing r.•erlval
weed et time death M his cu.tnrie t►. ,'
I pI
se rwaustt=D 1865
Capital, Rest sad Undivided
Profit, 88.(112.1109
Total Assets over $51(.(00.00$
With the majority of
our WO or more Branches
serving rural oinwunities,
we have naturally paid special a teouon to the banking requiem
tiva o-
.nents of Farmers, Ranchers, Stockmen, Lumbermen and
Merchant•. Our facilities for handling your buvinem or privet e
banking are complete.
Savings Bank Department at every Branch.
Goderich Branch
Contents of
saucing at 1 p.m. on
and continuing every afternoon until all is soid :
65 Iron Bedsteads
30 Wooden Bedsteads
96 Mattresses
ICO Pillows
85 Bureaus
85 Washstands
85 Bedroom Sets
85 Rugs
85 Bedroom Rocking Chairs
85 Bedroom Chairs
300 yards of Carpet
15. Extension Tables
120 Diningroom Chain
0 High Chairs
2 Sideboard.
1ittiogrrom Chain and Tallies
Rodgers' Table Cutlery
Dishes to seat 125 people
TERMS : Cash or
THOS. GUNDRY, Auctioneer
Steam Carving Table
2 Jacket Heaters
1 two -fireplace, two -oven Mo -
Clary Hotel Range
1 Laundry Stove
1 Pastry Oveo
Kitchen Tables, etc.
Table Linen
Bed Linen, Comforters, et...
Kitcheb Untenrtily
Barden Tools
1 Soda Water Fountain, ecru
1 Shot Case
Other articles too numerous to
Negotiable Paper
C. C. LEE, Preprietor
Y M. C. A. BLDG..
LONMINIM and D(:' N. s
feet mem t .._... s of
(:ted wary t .ete. 3s lft,
*.A ago
n lass e
mar trained help. Odom in seedy
;Dept. 55,}to June WW. Enter any OMR
Cat City
J. W.
JL J. W. W,. .os.
Chartered vim rsirrr4
St. Jerome's
j1 l
Berlin, Ont.
imams Ogles Ar t.... res rove .am -
siemsm a r
gr. saisew. ands alio . r rsod
Ilewil fir• egr Lot Univ.* ereivaeara
=1 Am=
macer 5 ttv is. Tk.rk- kerma, blor . ram .
erre-<aar.YY. as.ea *maws P..w..w,.w
lrts.s . caseated wmw barer rw., .sae
ems ran pmfromolkNe own. 15 Lamp.
• A. L =MEL C. R-, Th. D. Pro,
The Watch
and the Man
What do you think of the lean
who draws from bio pocket a
handsome gold watch. looks at
it and declares positively the
correct time? Mates you think
he is a .uccesstol, proeperou.e 10-
dividoral, doesn't it?
A wan is indeed by the watch
be carries. What kind of iao-
pression does your watch snake
on friends and business a .soci-
We will sell von a watch that
will make the right kind; a watch
you can be positive is always
correct : one of whose appear-
ance von will be proud; one
you will be glad t.have criti.,al
ly examined.
it need not r'0'41 yO.r a large
sum either. You will be •ntr-
prised to learn for what a mod-
erate price • handsome
time - keeper, long - lived, thor.
mighty r e l i a b 1 P. guaranteed
watch can be bought.
('erne in and let us show you.
J. S. Davey
Jeweller and Optician
South side of Square, Ooderich
THF TIME has come again to get your boys and
girls prepared to start the fall ter leu at e•.hool.
They will require to neve a good serviceable,
solid leather pair of Shoe.: the kind that will stand
tbe test in any weather we ar.• likely to have at this
season. To get that kind. at the lowest possible prices.
come and see what we have to offer. We bare been
very careful in our stork of Nchool Sbors.
and are prepared to •.apply you with the fist that ..ass
Fre procured hem the le:di.g u.asufacturer',
Downing & MacVicar
North Side of Square. Goderich