The Signal, 1911-8-24, Page 5LOCAL TOPICS
Mors 011. Muth street Methodist taunts Al -
The second pplication of oil this sea the Weather was too cool for
sun tree placed u* the Eiquase .s -u° Wed. • otherwise the day was a Most
nemey of tats week. 1t se the mass pleasant nee tot- tc AL who
quality ut oil as that used the last time t.tteeded were p e...ew with the day's
but appears thicker and of a darter 0ting.
color. It oontstner a greater quantity
asphalt and is oussider'ed aa las-
pronenest on the oil that was ap-
plied earlier in Use sonans. Bork tanks
were peed:wood from the British
Asseriean On Om, of Toronto.
Organ ROAM ieptentbet f1.
Arve1Ssmsntrl are being made ler
ea sips usal<s1 at North street Meth-
rdht emelt as Friday evening. Rept.
endo! MI6 lobes Arthur JMakeley, of
Ts. A give the new organ its
first f Mr.Reaksiey M the m em-
iet ef wteAestme street Methodist
dumb. haslet*, cad M on. of the
'salmi modeles@ of Oaeade.- It wW
or a arta to hear him and there will
doubtless be mush interest in the Ane
• new organ wbicb is now being erected
in the North street church.
Prise for Penmanship.
Public scbsol pupils thro trout the
county wbo passed the high school
entraaoe examinatiosa in June of this
year will be interested in the offer of
the Northern Business College of
Owen Sound. made in the prize Het of
tbe Goderich ledustrial Exhibition,
just about to he issued. To the pupil
exhibiting the best specimen of peo-
utanship, a three months' scholarbip
in this college. valued at $151. will be
sw sided. The idea is to promote the
cultivstiob of a better style of pen-
manship among the scbool pupils.
For a Hospital Building.
Architect Langley. of Toronto. was
its tow n this week examining the old
Cameron property on Napier street
for the parts of repotting ae to the
imps rvensents or changes necessary to
be made on the house before it would
be suitable for use as a hospital build-
ing. His report to the hospital board
will be made at an early date and it et
all favorable the property may be
purcuased. to any event, if the con-
dition of the b uikling doos not war-
anrant any expenditure on improve-
ments. tbe site is looked upon as a
wood ose fora new building.
Y.M.C.A. Lyceum Course.
Tbedetr of the four entertainments
on the Y. M. C. A. course for 1911-12
have been Axed and subscriptions for
,.eaaon tickets will now be takes.
The dates are as follows :-Rouen and
Grilky, harpist and entertainer.
Thursday. November 9th: J. B. Ratto.
impersonator. Monday. December 4th
Weatherwaz Brao Quartette. Friday.
January 19th: The Huavn, a singing
band. Friday. March 30th.
This talent has been secured from
the Oanadian-Redpath Bureau and is
.d very high quality. Course ticlets
will be sold at the same rate M last
session. $3 50 for two tickets. 11200 for
single tickets. and with the entre
Miss Million Engaged.
'l'be public school hoard held a
.pecial meeting last Friday evening to
eensider the applications to fill the
acaney caused by the re.ignation of
Miss Rolston as teacher in Victoria
school. The application of Miss
-Inhnston. of Carlow. at a salary of
$430 wee accepted. The sernunt of
t; W. Black. amounting to $176, for
painting and kalsomining at Central
-rhool, was ordered to be *aid. A.
Maunders gave a notice of motion
which will he dealt with at the next
meeting of the heard. Since the
meeting of the hoard nn Friday even-
aug, Mir Bertha C. Millian hat. been
engaged in the plsre of Mir John-
-ton at a salary of $475. 1". R. Elliott,
nn of fi. M. Elliott. of town. takes
Miss Millian'e place in b. McCraw
-ebool-S 8. No. 8, Colborne.
Death of Charles Young.
The death of Charles Yo,stg or -
stirred on Monday last al the home of
hi, brother. John Young. Lighthouse
treet. in his fifty-fifth veer. The de -
erased had been in failing bealtb for
*flue Ouse. He was born and spent
his early days at Porter's Hill, and
:afterwarde farmed for some time at
Taylor*Cornets. lie lit few veal.
brat tired in Goderich. He Tn' not
martini. Mut is .urviv,d by ti VP
brothers and two sister.. The
brothers are James and William F..
of Colborne : Alex.. of Kintsil : John,
of town. and • Henry, of Goderich
township. The sisters are Mrs. Me-
tiratten. of town, end Mrs. Patrick
amain. of Kinggeabride. The funeral
took place nn Wed*esdav morning.
Ma.s was .aid at St. Peter's church by
Rev. Father McRae, who in his re-
marks emphasized the 1m p. rte nee of
being ready to abewer the great call.
The interment was made in the Cath-
olic cemetery in Colhorne. The t>,tll-
bearen were sir nephews of the d. -
teased -Alex. and Chas. Young, of
Porter. Hill; Harry Chisholm and
William Young. of Colborne : Clifton
Amain and Wm. Chisbolm, of town.
Kra Arthur Clement, of Torooto,
win sing in North street Methodist
church next Sunday morning.
Bev. Dr. Meldrum, of Old Stone
cbureb, Cleveland. Ohio, will preach
at both ser.ioss in Knox ah next
Spence,. Ouest, of Winnipeg, sang a
sok) la North street Metbodiit church
on Sunday morning and was heard
with pleasure and sppteciatfon.
The wreck of the old steamer Te-
cumseh whieb was towed to a point
nortb of Ooderieb, about a gum -ter-
mite from aborts. is gradually breaking
up and small pieces are being washed
up on the beach.
Attention iodises to the ane w
mart of Miss Edith L C.uuress, of
Hoitasevills, who is prepared to give
lessofa piano and organ Mir
Cosecs heeled a good training as a
teacher and guarestar thorough
A choral society was orgaaized an
W a short time ago and al-
ready thm
e membership has reached
116. The society purpose giving con-
certs tbroughout the winter. (iode-
ricb should get in line with a similar
organization. Th. long winter even-
ings could be spent very profitably in
this way by the young people of the
town in developing a taste for things
The mem tiers of the Goderich polios
tome had their hands Lull last Monday
evening when they were called into a
dwelling to deal witb k woman appar-
ently suffering from the "d. Vs."
During the struggle an alarm chick fm
the bands of the woman was thrown
at the sergeant. inflicting a nasty cut
below the lett eve. The woman was
lodged at the jail and appeared before
Police Magistrate Butler this morning.
She was let off ou suspended sent -
At Attars Pant
Attrill'a Point will soon hew. a popu-
lotion sutllcieotly large to authorise
its incorpuratioo as a village. As in
past season. it has proved an ideal
camping grand. Among the number
who bay been living under canvas
there this gesso* are Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Sbipssao and family. Mr. and
Mrs. VI'ark and family. Mr. and Mrs.
H. O. Study and children, Mr. and
Mn. Will Craig and baby. Mia Nom
Craig rod Mir Ahna Sturdy. Mr. and
Mrs. H. Turner, Misses H. Z. M., Ida
and Clare Wbyard ; Mr. and Mrs.
Vail, the Misses Oo1Por•ne, and I9rnest
and Harry Colborne.
At tie Past Farm.
the toWnwtug have registered at
Point Farm during the past two
winks : Min Rose Du Roe, Mrs. P. 13.
Manchester. Mir Doris Manchester,
Mrs. L. B. Wheeler. Cleveland
Mrs. C. S. Test, Miss Dorothy Test.
Indianapolis; Mr. and Mn. Thos.
tborpe, Port Credit : Miss Edith
there. Mrs. C. A. Nairn, Mires
Adelaide, Jean, Ethel and Alice Nairn,
Douglas Nairn, Mir Retta Clark.
Mir Evelyn McDonald, Mie Mons
Kidd, Miss Gladys Eliot. Goderich
Mimi Jaffrey, Galt ; Mrs. J. B. Marsh,
Mir Carrigan Toledo ; Mr. and Mrs.
Blenkarn. Mrs. John Cant, Mir Elisa-
beth Cant. Mia sola G. Carse, Geo. H.
Ball. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. kobinson,
Harold Robinsos. Miss Anna Betel,
Mie Janet Gourley, Mie Mamie
Wolfschlager. Mir E. McCabe, Russell
McCabe, W. T. McMabon. T. B.
Bagel, Mir Dobie, Mia Caldwell,
Mrs. A. E. Gourley, Mies M. E. Bstl-
ner. Detroit ; Mr. and Mrs. C. B.
Miles, Tomato : Dr. and Mrs. Marquis.
R. B. Duncan, Brantford : MrsMal-
common, New Westminster ; Dr. and
Mtn. Broken. Findlay. Ohio ; Frazer
Brown, Colin Orrmichael. Crediton
E. Shrardown, Miss L. Snyder. Drye-
dsle : Mibi S. Watson. Bayfield ; br.
H. I. Strang, Mie Strang, Goderich.
At M.. -'ung Park.
Registered at Menestung Park :
W. S. Diinniick. Toronto ; Robert Bar-
ton. London, Eng.: Mr. and Mrs.
Claude 8. Pour. Toronto : Mrs,
Horace Horton, Mise Ausebrook, Mise
Reynolds, Mr. and Mn. W. L Horton..
Goderich ; Miss Messer, Bluevele ;
Mies King. Wingbam : Mir K►ncade,
Chicago : Dr. W. 13. Geikie and Miss
Geikk, Toronto : Mr. and Mrs. W. J.
Tatloek. Master Bruce Tatlock: Roch-
ester; Mrs. M. Hutchison. Mir Hutch-
ison. Mise Jessie Hutchison, Goderich ;
Fred P. Benjamin. Hamilton : Mrs.
W. L. Shelton, Baltimore, Md.: Miss
M. Trainer. Chicago : Miss B. Heys,
Miss Donogh, Miss H. Donogh,
rich ; Mn A. P. Chambers, Miss Mary
Chambers Miss Elaine McElroy, Port
Huron : Mies J. J. MacCallutu, Tor-
onauto; Miss Howard, St. Marys; Miss
Biddulpb, Mrs. A. D. Scratcherd.
Colin Scrwuberd, Miss Katharine
Cronyn, Mir Margaret Scratcberd.
Miss Honor Crony*. London, Ont. ;
Merle Gould, Carrie Dyer, May Arm-
strong. Ida Armstrong. Exeter: Mrs.
A. R. Thomson, Mi..C. L. Farrell, R.
L. Thomason, W. C. Griffin and son.
Detroit: $ H. Oronyn. V. P. C'ronyn.
London ; Mrs. W. C. Grin, Miss Rose-
mary Griffin, Miss Beeline Cree. De-
troit : J. F. Sims, Hastings, Neb. :
Miss Caroline E. Lang. Stratford;
Mrs. Eakins, Millbrook ; Res. Dr.
and Mrs. Medd. Mr. and Mrs. D. G.
Sickle. Ooderich; Ur. and Mrs. Willis,
Detroit; Lionel Paige, Mitchell:
Conrad J. Henze, Detroit : Mre. A.
D. McDonald, Montreal: Mies Ella
Dickie, London ; Thos H. Mitchell,
London ; Miss Helen Burnett. To-
rento : Mrs. H. T. Browning.
Mins Elizabeth Browning, Miss
Mary C. Swan. Detroit : W. E. Forbes.
London : W. Proudfoot, Mise Jennie
Proudfoot, L. M. Mabee. Dr. M, iiay,
J. A. Lawrence. Goderich : Mir
Aggie Nairn. Detroit : Mise Fanny
Lawrence. Miss C. bark. F. F. Law-
ree ce. Mise J. Shannon. Miss 0. H.
Rhynas, Goderich : Mr. and Mrs. D. s.
Dix. Guelph.
At Hotel Sunset
The following guests have registered
at Hotel Sunset during the past week :
Basil Smith. N. W. Smith. Ottawa ;
Miss Lyon. Misr Lapsley, Arm Arbor.
Mich.: R. E. S. Fletcher, Barrie : W.
): Gunn. Chicago : Mrs. Manson
Campbell. Miss Campbell. Chatham :
Mrs. Rhea Harvey, Kansas City : Mr.
and Mr-. R. 1-1 MscGresor. Detroit;
Mian Nellie Bowman. Mrs. Thome.*
McCroskey, Mrs. J. C. Stewart, J. E.
Stewart. all of Webb City : Mrs. John
E. Parson.. Hannah L. Parsons. Tole-
dn ; H. W. Bray, Chatham : Miss
Kathleen Fraser, Miss Florence
Fraser. Mir Maude Mc(:orquodale. J.
D. Mc('orquodsle. all of London : J.
W. Cliff., Toronto : Mrs. M. E. Alex-
ander. Detroit : Miss Martha Meysen-
hrurg, Mies Martha Krebs. 8t. Louis :
E K. Robinson. Kingston : Harold
Robinson, Detroit : F. BaUin. Strat-
ford ; A. Fleming. Ottawa : Katharine
t'olline, Mary Collins, the Mise
Liberals at Opaline Rally oo Monday
Evening. Hear Some Good Speedos.
The opening rally of the Liberal
campaign in Goderich was held in the
Board of Trade room on Monday
evening. The room was uncomfort-
ably crowded. and an enthusiasm was
manifested which promises well for
the ...access of the campaign. In addi-
tion to the business of organization,
addresses were given by a number of
those ppresent, and the meeting was
especially delighted with the addles
of Dr. H. 1. Strang. who gave an ad-
mirable review of the political sitna-
tion in Canada at the present junc-
ture. Dr. Strang said be felt more
strongly than he bad done for a good
many years the claims of the Laurier
Government for the support of those
who sincerely desire the welfare of
their country. He was so anxious for
the success of the movement for reci-
procity that he would like to go out
"on the stump for it if it were pos-
sible. He dealt effectively with the
loyalty cry. and also with the conten-
tion that an agreement for freer trade
could not be beneficial to both count-
ries in the agreement. All trade. he
declared, was based upon mutual bene-
fit. Other points in connection with
the campaign were dealt with briefly
but forcibly, and tbe Doctor urged hie
bearers to put forth their best efforts
to place West Huron in line tor Liber-
alism. The address was punctuated
with hearty applause.
Another speaker who was beard
with great Interest was Mr. John
Challeo, of the American Road Ma-
chine Co.. who spoke ,tf Sir Wilfrid
Laurier as a man deserving the grate-
ful support of all Canadians in his
task of building up a great and united
country. Mr. Cballen also paid some
attention to the loyalty cry. and
pointed out that it bad been the stocks
in -trade of the Conservative party for
many years. He advocated the reci-
procity agreement as a measure calcu-
lated to advance the beet interests of
C*oada. and enneleded his address
amidst warm applause.
Mr. Cameros, tbe candidate for
West. Huron, was present and spoke
briefly, as did also J. C. Martin, who
acted as chairman.
Arrangements have begin made for
additional accommodation on tbe
same floor as the Board of Trade
room, and next Monday evening an-
other rally will to held there to which
a general invitation is extended.
Ww r tis tows liar for veer
tram k end Feat eslcwts aM J. fit!' e
ire �buof lila e w . Ie Anr. leerb-
Ing tis beim nom is Ilea
atsr ea sees es t wrist en
rna,as eR v►ibw'. A�rl idea, ids.
•peW ~hog hog stew tie Wes - elf
�esetgle• awe wrwasMr se IOW
The 14111111111W Jes chard light cm
Needs! emrsing for Raadosky.
The Med Regiment hand will give a
owed oaesset oe 1 be Rgsar. on loan -
deg tweak* se Sulk weather permit-
entreats steps at either side of
the west home have Ism ts•eeS-
stisisll el eesese. misting a Smiled
The shwas preelamedeo ter nes*
Neuse Ass bees WNW 11,
Over i se ?Se n..lndl...
!West al the Agetesliesel
inessimess. es Ospessalier HAL
The final games in the Huron -Perth
Kimball league have been acbeduled
for Labor Day, when the loderich
hogs p:av a double-header at Mitcbell.
(lintels baying dropped out of the
running, and with no Icemen marked
against Goderich. it kooks as if the
total boys will hold the pennant for
Three rinks of G'odericb lawn b.el-
ers were at Wingham Last week tak-
ing part in the lig bowling touroa-
meet la whir* tbl ivtwe risks were
is enespetiWta TM Godlike rinks
were sk tweed 1y Rev. Jos. EgYotf. Jos.
Do # .1. i[ '!Testi Mr. EBM,tt's
richt ok emend piece is the twee for
the trophy priers, D. C. Roes' rink of
srumeis winging oat by two point*.
Paulgerrims Are Cis-phea.
The Mal atssuLM game to Meade the
e elf the .7' gangs*
a W etieeaiay atbatneoa
Duane, Mrs. T. H. MiPbersos, Mr.
and here. W. D. Southern, maid and
babe, Ere. G. T. Alexander. Mr. and
Mea Waltts., all el Detroit ; Mrs.
Edger, Mise BdBas. Windsor . Mins
McTag a the Mimes Coolie, (lu.yh
M. H. Grecs, A. W. Smith. Ottawa ;
1. J. Martis, Mies Christie, Mn. Nor-
man Tolton, all of Brantford ; J. W.
Gunn, Loodon.
An interesting game of baseball was
played on Tuesday attasnous between
a team representing the hotel guests
and the Oodericb hankers. The
'looney -counters woe by the score of
7.4. Doyle and Fletcher were the bat-
tery for tie bankers and Craigia and
Cowley acted fir Held Sunset. Israigis
creating quite a repet♦ation for hisselt
as a star twirler. Asllaher gams was
played this (TLursday)alternooe.
A harked party was participated is
by about tbirty-Ave gleets last Thurs-
day evening. Black's Point was the
d stinetion of the crowd and a jolly
tlme was spent there. The merry-
makers arrived back La time to disturb
the beauty sleep of the other guests.
Numerous ma.,ihmanow and corn
roast parties have been held on the
beach during the poet week. These
events are always bb y enjoyed.
Get Your Tickets from F. F. Lawrence.
Rates for the Toronto Sxbibition
are announced by the 0.T. R. Slagle
tare ($1.901 on all days August 30th to
September 9th. inclusive. Specie
rate of $2.85 on August 1D and 31, Sep-
tember 5 and 7. All ticket(' good for
return until September 12th. Special
train leaves Goderieh at 6 a m. Aug.
est 29 and 31, September5 cad 7.
Through coacher to Toronto on the
morning trains. Be ware to buy your
tickets from F. F. Lawrence, at the
down -town office.
MENM..ewaMgsof Twos sesediee
k iss
bl bow.
Mrs. Bassos*. et Tomato 1. ridtiag her v
We. Yrs des Aehssoa.
Hone" Dietrich new Mens prom New Vert
for a Iwo dvs this west.
✓ is. MCMaliss wort ,tailed u Loom tar
wast W i . Wadi si a middles
Mrs Millie Rani.. or Tweet.. I. • amine las
Milss. C* b•IL tfesbse grew.
Robert Maaaair. of ''.w York ter Mew
Dsr� ng a few dare Is leve nota amNether.
Mks F1wem.s lilsedonai4 of mem
tow wsskwd at her hosts so 1igetMese
. tress
MY Mattwf Madin.o-. of Daiwa. ie the
beef Mils May MacAts.ld LshtMw
W. r. R. Sartedle, st Deadt. ba- )Meed hr
Astley who Mee ea vidther at the home et
W. T. MM
W. Pmeedleset M. P P • 5'. returned hes
Maus. havtar cottoned b i. usual worth'• heti-
d efeat
dareat UM geess
Morass in
wMigs01th.Iind etr.SA.-4venue ss.cs while
dhow there is es W raeatlea.
Mr. ed Ila C. $. Swiss aid taadly. of Per.
wars in tows Walt Fi4lay on es satembas
in Pumas Imam W Moo Wo Worm
1 its business
�J. yM.�t�alfislsii lwhwe litt be win rtor ho wintng er.
=s �wi M Md M 0derie)• raft wring. Dat
Meet mads W pians m far ahead a. that.
Th�aifheaal wisher tiler • stearal .,Joan is
C. A. Tshhett. who has Mea taking a oder-e
la waa..t taeales at the Ontario Agrlcattsr.l
(gene*. Owlish. was is town daring tae week.
Mr. Tot5Dett h.. Mew snsaand re take moss
girths waaad trebles work .t the "'trattoria
Canrwlata Iwst/l.ta. het .11 •1
until Christmas and thus candela tie
Special train by O. T. R. to Toronto
leave•. Goderich at d a. m..ttttu.t 20
and 31, September 2. 5 and 7. Through
roach to Toronto. Ott tickets sod all
information from F. F. Lawrence,
down -tows agent. Office hors 5.30
a. m. to 9 p. m. during exhibition.
Capital, Rest and
Profits t8,uC3'l.OW
Total Assets loser)
May 31st, 1911 - $53,000,U
Ihet majority of
our dill or more Remiche,
s5TL5L1.MIID 1865
serving rural ^oinuiunitieM
we have naturally paid special attention to the DAM ing rayuire-
maets of Farmers, Ranchers, Stockmen, Lumberusten and
Merchants. Our facilities for handling your business or privet*
banking are complete.
Savings Bank Department at every Breath.
Goderich Branch
W. L. HORTON, Manager
to Own
We have three of
and incl popular s
Plows -
For all occasions lane Blackstone's
delicious ice cream, in bulk or fancy
bricks. 'Phone 240.
The Howell Hardware Co. are mov-
ing to town some of the Lawrence
hardware stock of Lwrekoow and are
putting on a nig hardware sale. Some
of the items at 'special prices ate :
Cleveland No. 9 coiled wire, 92.25
cwt. : Carbo -magnetic MOO razors,
111.0 ; Elephant mixed paints. 50c qt.
See fuller announcement nett week.
Our customers wiU please Dote t hat
we have moved our Men's Clothing
Department from the Bank corner
into the front of our main store, where
it found on the lefthand side,
just inside the front entrance. Some
awful reductions are taking place now
and the bargains are worth while
coming after.
Two shares of Rural Telephone
stock. paid x.00, will accept first
offer at 915.00
Men's wool sox, regular 25c, now ..lEc
Mena 50cent silk ties, sow ....15c
Men's elastin brace overalls: ..75c
Ladies' fancy and colored hose, reg-
ular 25c and 35c, for.. 15c
Ladies' summer parasols, regular to
>irt.00, clearing at 69c
Toronto, 'Ont., stands today wit bout
a superior in ('aneda. Groin/Ors
highly successful. Catalogue free.
Ili/stered last mem ttOemi Melmi1$
1::212 % t_____semi goliettee. Sem
Imesaim smini the sesdse=
Rept. 5 to .I_ !kMiser my dna
Catalesse LEL
Vice Pemba.
Good Positions.
The Clinton Business College is a
worthy link in a chain of seven busi-
ness callegee (nested in the cities of
London, Peterboro', Welland and the
towns of Orangeville, Walkerton, j
Wingham and Clinton. Owing to its ,
high-grade work it is affiliated with
the Commercial Rdnc,tors' Associa-
tion of Canada. 1t i, fro ly admitted!
that owing to then onnettions its
students stet the rery best positions.
Fall opening. bre on Aurnet 96th and
September Stn : but at this school
each student is inetructed privately at
his or her own dolt, and students
may enter any day. Many students
study all at home and niters partly at
borne and finish at the college. As
Spotton colleges are the largest train-
ers to Canada and have thirty years
experience. it would be well for young
senple to get their training there.
Last year Mr. Spottnn trained over
1.21$) young people and placed them in
goad position.. What he has done
for thousands of other, he can do for
you. 2t
Teacher Wanted -H. 4. N.,. I. Colborne 1
Tender --Department of 1'nMic Works. Ot-
4tawa .......... ..... 1
The Dears A Watch -J. s. I ver5
Reader- 11.1.. Boomers . 1
Tenders for Booth -F. F. magmas 1
Reader. -IL R. altar....
Canadian National inhibition -0l T.12 •
Plow,. -Robert WIMon 5
By Perai.tent F.Rort J. H. r'dborne ... 4
The Opening of the isehonl. D. Millar It Sea 1
Hoene to Rent -J. N. Knight 1
Maid Wanted -Mrs W. Y. Hyde 1
Curtain. and ['reverie.. .y memos t Sob1
I5s hoot Shan -Downing .( MasViosz----._....1
National Range..- Freed Hunt .... $ Hou..e (o Rent -igwal Oleo.
F 1
Heider-- N. C'. eaate on a
Repairing a Watch -Wait. r H. Denim', a
Fermata Wonted F. Barlow Holmes 1
aeeassasarorweie: raeweesimmiesimeemesest
What About That
Leaky Roof of Yours
Better have it replaced with a
new one. See W. It. Pinder,
Hamilton street, for the right
kind at the right price. Sole
agent for
Brantford Roofing
Always a full stock of Roofing
on hand, which enablee us to
give prompt attention to all
work in this line.
Also we make a Specialty of
W. R. Pinder
'Phone 155
is one ,that you cannot
depend upon. A person
without a watch at all
might be happy, but
not . person with a now
fast, now slow, DOW
,topped watch.
The point we wish
to make is this : When
you decide to buy a
watcb, first of all decide
to get it here ; thee
decide to pay at least
$12.00 for it, so List it
will do you as bog as
you need a watch ; it is
by far the cheapest.
The Verity I
Kade at Brantf.;.
The Fleury Plow
Made at Aurora.
The Perrin Plow
Made at Smith's Falls.
Right on toe wereroom floor
iVe carry a large stock of
all kinds of Points.
Call in .sod examine our
Plows before boyiog. V. can
suit you with goods and prices
J. S. Davey
Jeweller and Optician
South side of Square, Gorierieb
Robert Wilson's
Hamilton Street
made in the very latest style and
from tbe beat quality of goods.
You are assured of the hest of
satisfaction at
The um -to -date Tailor
Before the month of August close, we intend to
clean out every iece of hot weather goods. To
do this we are announcing cuts that will compel
you to buy. We bare still three months of we/Abet-
/head of us when most of these goods will be
needed for constant use; or supposing you had
decided not to buy till next year, we will save von
over 40 per cent. per annum in many cases. Thin
IR a wood deal better than 3 per cent. in the Dank.
Gasoline and
Oil Stoves
These have herr big line
"with uv e
this seaan. �We have
got wonderful satisfaction in
placing them, me our customers
express themselves as well
pleased. We have only a tow
lines left.
One Detroit 3 -burner Gasoline
with stand, sold regular at 917.00.
One Detroit 3 -burner Gasoline
hot plate, sold rir1ularl at 915.00.
Four 3 -hole Midget Oasolioe,
sold regular at $7.00. 0111' DEEP
PRICE $4.95.
Two 2 -hole Midget timeline.
.ell regular nt 95.00. CUT DEEP
PRICE *395.
Two 3 - burner Detroit Oriel
Oil. hot plates, sell reguiariv et
On 2 - bmmner Florence Oil
Stove, regular 91000. Special,
One 2 -wick summer Queen Oil.
regular 92.00. Special, 91.45.
Two 1 - burner . Oil, regular
$1.00. Special, 74e.
One Oven. trig uler 13.00.
Special. $235.
Four Oven*, r'gutar 92.50.
Special, $1.93.
. Screen Doors
We bate a ten good Door.
left. We will sell them off as
follows :
122.50 Door at. .... $1.95
*2.25 Door at- 91.75
*200 Door .1 $1.60
41.75 Door at., $1.40
$1.50 Door aL 91.20
91.35 Door at 91.14)
$1.00 Door at. .95
Complete with hinges, errews,
pull„fink and eyes.
One only good refrigerator,
regular price 928.00. Speeial
price 82,75.
Two only lee Crease Freezers,
regalar 93.25 ash $3.50. Special {l
Prices 9140 and $160.
sed the tem* wee one of the greatest
of ..r*.M..-qtr
the Methodists.
s. t he yteristse.
tlp*saeetly beateneast. M the
tdj is
eras stye sod jest rwaMstL Vaal
the .e.-- 4 her el the lift iasi se I
le see *es tbst they Mond Riley. %M
the cease sisal 7-! rise! Chem. 1stilleber. sad wires Obey wars
no more
! b sY r stat Salty 9.7 M boor M the del.Wsta
'ewe! es > ! wads" Wilier ami lb* all tie IMF
br I
"'�" ata ebt.ase+ev.a. .ora t. ..'tt�.�tr' tr'
tbe Jsui . him M wan
Jsat rsr neer. ennead
rig Weieesei itis M5ie it W. Riley a e.11 ew wee
rrtaie at b sisllare• ---� %i�'
w thew tat battery.
Cow Ease
The flies ere very had these
days. Cow Rase will keep them
off eows and bores. it is net
expositive to sea. Pet up is
ems at 35c. fade and 91.10 each.
We are thepeople that tell the
Pandora Range
11 We have soma jilt R� bile
this lot Hata we sol( a Ilret-elha
Sterne flew 99.,
Lawn Mowers
We have only Are.
One Onset American 5-wbeel,
This is a One Mower, 17 incises,
regular prier $15.00. Special
price $11.75.
One 16 -inch Broe:kville Ball-
bearing, regular 97.50. Hpecial
prier 95 46.
On. 16 -inch Brockville, reg-
ular 96.75. Special price 94.50.
One 14-iseb Brockville, rogular
90.50. Speeial cut price 84�.
Ose 16-ineb, 4 -knife. Spe, inl
value. Regular 94.75. iso
price special 93.65.
Vacuum Cleaner
This is neo of the very satisfee
tory carpet ekanen. This one
eerier cleans the carpels
lhoevlasgh1y, Regular $ 0.00.
Spec eat price Sift e6.
---- - - --
1THasiweae~ 1 b dement. r-fi res
from es res lbeilerses ;~�
f -1
Nowell Hardware C&, Lied