The Signal, 1911-8-24, Page 1perhaps the people know yoe ere doing business and perhaps they d, nut. A standing advertisement in Tbe Signal will keep your name constantly before the public 1 1 ttIKTY-THIRD Titan -No. Ate jowl. QODIBJOB ONTARIO. CANADA : AUGUST 24, 1911 TEL SIGNAL PRINT 'NG CO.. I.d., Posuaasmr• 1 For the Bsl see of the year The Signal will n. Brut to new subwt•rit rue for only ,ub.ct ibe now. 25c .1 STERLIIV BAftI( „ Of CA1g1M MONEY ORDERS The rheape.t and •alert way in which money can be soot to all points ii, Confide is by iiaoket's Musty Orders. For sale at this Bank et tbe tole. wing fates: $6.w and under - 3 cent. Over $ ..(Ill to Slater d cents Over $1U.UU to $ 0.1O1 10 cents Uver $30.00 to $60.U0 15 cents For amounts over $60.00 we can sell you Bank Drafts to euy amuut.trequired. Thaw orders are payable at any Chartered Bank in Canada, also et our Untied States Ag.nciee, without charge (Yukcn Trrriwry excepted). GODERICH BRANCH B. WALKER Mgr TENDERS. + GODERICH MARKETS. IBALED TENDERS WILL BE rrp.o.4t,vd be the esderwgned. op to noon 00 IBw+y, AMM. lith. 1941. for the rebttBd- 100 sad 0s1midon of Me Godertch Skaters Rink. Plana and Ipscifosuons may os seen and forms et tesdr procured at the °Moe of V. M. Boberts..Uodrica. W. J. R. HOLMbd, President Dederick t'arlinR 8areenteee, ler ton ed skating Association. Flour. fasper cwt -- Floor. patas' per rut Fall whom. war bemb oklealatbutelips, ►4s7 Peak v rrau .a..allbaT, -tat. /4th. .IO75te ii; hadOlt a.. au to to 0 er to 0 e0 ........ 0 .w to 0 35 •V to 034 0 73 to 0 .3 0 33 to 0 .45 SD 1A) to Y) 1r* 314 to _ 73 0 w 10 to a let to 3t to 0 17 to 0 13 to late NOTICE YO CREDITORSpar ll+ar, Ser ela 100 sac NOTICH TO CRKDITOR8 orad. ser'sat fietem pseClidellagaie .1: lb per doe 114 THE ESTATE OF Pena UDWARDe. LATE 01 THE TOWN ve ta0trelUs f. IN THY cvUNTY tie l4Ui4UN. 1)1tit;iLA$1D. Simko is hereby given pursuant to R. 8.O 1r7. Chap. 8*. that ell trainees end othre bowleg_ dais.s against tee ..tate of the maid PetrAlwardet whe Moo 00 or Motu Mo lata day of Any. 1011, ere required to mad= peepsld. or deliver to the undersigned. otter sad executor of the said estate en or he ilea Tearday. the Stet day a .lwrist. 1911. mar names and addremes. 'm41 1101 'articular, or Moir claims b 'triune. rod tee net 01e or the by statutory declaration. them duly verlaed And take mouoe that atter the said date the executer will proceed to dtstrieete thawed. as the said deceased an.ong tea pectis. thereto. bavlat regard only to the amt•/ of welch be.Aelt then Yee roomed .etlse. sad the sr.ositr will estbe oatue fur the add asset. ..r any tart thereof to any owner' or permed of whose claim moue, snail out have been modeso by aim at tee Gate of soca a maibuUan. Dred at UCderacb this dad day Of Aogu.'t. A. D. 1011. M. G. CAMERON, Goderk•b. eleb0Wr for the .rd Ysscutor. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. lb nix £1T4Ti OP CMRI)TLNA TUTT. LATTEOF 1HETOWN v}' GODRIiiere LN 1148 CUCNTY tit b CRON. • Detatitegis Notice L. bred' glues pursoaot to 4. d eUM). Chat. that an creak my and others havip Of ng maims y 040.11 tee estate of the ssed /31e1llma Tett. wisp twee on at about Use Ike day Mealy. 1M1 are required to mend by r Meyer to the uur.y detne-0. solicitor cot ssv O.o. emote a0o Kenneth temple& w�aaas eQehtere *Rio said east.. oo es masmu 'd'beraaar. the net day of keels% 1941. their madam ams aedrMe. with tall eisuoilro of Mar slehme ls writing. and the nature 01 tae b derby teem duly retained AM take notice that atter the said date the 111, executer* will proved to distribute use asset" of the saki oeos...ed ,moot the parte. eo- uued tiseito. havimg regard Duly to tee rtaime of which they shall thee nave received sad the evocators will ant bs ►hauls for the &mete or any pert Cheers! te en/ pr. sear Meese. 01 wenn c1&tm meths. NOD not My. rasa received es them at the date of wadi diet ibutiou. Dated at Goderieb this led day of Aimed. A. D. toll, M. G. CAMERON. Godeich. ,solicitor tor the .aid Executors. New per Muted. 1 *to °rain'y to good• pr cwt. 4 .0 to expert, tier cwt 330 to .sato 430 to 4 R Lambe t. per cwt W. per 1b t mer cwt t{+ to 3 to Luc l0s and Pelt .......... 013 to SITUATIOKS VACANT. [toe of tar0aoe aria cia.da to ms M +s M es Plum and specifications are being pe.p.e.d w sad will be ready for InspecUon at tie .Mee of McTaggart Bros.. lO,llntoo. atter AesumMed. s -Yvc'rAG&HT. 1. W. TRrtLZAVg1.l, e M Chairman Coll- Inst Board. Secretor.y Sts s awe PERSONAL MENTION. 3 73 30 3 00 43s s5 7 30 0! WASTED. i'RE8B]1AK1NG DONE AT RSA- i 11J1 *MARLS price.. Fer particulars. wpt1 5 SIGNAL O/711s. MD.'- - PROPOSAL TO MAKE APPLICATIO TENDERS WANTED. TO HYDRO -ELECTRIC COMMIS- SION. NIAGARA POWER. QK&LED TENDER•'3 ADDRRS8RD o to the ocdarr.it m.d, and seder ed TssM, ter Bappoing Coal for tee Dammam hew - Lamm" wail be rev ivied at this oboe until 4-1tt p- t. oe ?U '.1) neptember re, 1941. for tee for tee Public buildingsApp s!awnthe Dominloe. aped&••tion and form of tender cam M es applioatwn so leis osoe P4reMe to dense aro ooc teed teat tenders ;laser M eea4eerad 1101ms made on tee Otto actual Simesuree ted- and steed with their teed.r mast be accompanied by an se - 01 a se eta a Chartered bank. payable to et foe H.000r•Me the Minister of arks. equal to ten per osut r1^ p. est of tee amuOmi d tae tender. whisb will be tor - timed atom mem tet.deons decline to enter Into • oelet e.t wheel Balled upon to do so. or Gm tail to ee7ist. Me work connected tor- 11 the tender he not accepted the cheque will be returned. By seder, H. C DEsRut'HEP... eneret ars Depart meet of Public Werke, Ottawa. August 11, 1911. Newspapers will not be paid for this &drer ti-.ment if they, insert ft without authority from the Department. TENDERM FUR BOOTH Tendert will be received Icy the ander.igsd up to • oclock SATURDAY.. EPTEMBnK 7N0. for booth and retreehm.nt the Godsrlch Industrial Exhibition on sms-- bee 19th. Pito and Seth. F. k. BINORAK see - rota ry-U'eo.,u ref. •-.t \OTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed tender*, d4emd ls the seetwary et the (VDUs ColleglaieBeard. will be reoelvd nett/ Friday. September 1. 1911. for the eon- streottpn a• brick addltou to (Le Mater Collegiate to -t humus about Si by 70 feet. two .terwo with ha.ement ; ales for the tesoinie ANTED. - MED 1 LEARN CKty1eeetnog Apply at SIGNAL, OF- LORE WANTED.- APPLYTO r F. 4AIILIOW HOLMES. WANTED. --A CAPABLE (AID, HAYldrai.thantm� My to MRS. W. Y. BOYS.- A. GOOD OPPORTUNITY u learn • NAL OFF7CF_fimsl"'tMoAD e' 94. el°. TEACHTEACHER WANTED. -FOR 8.8. ER 1. township of Colborne. Dulles to commence after midsummer holidays. Appppllyy stating salary and qualifications. to PAUL m 41 MAP DEL secrotary. Ben ear. Ont 8.1. 1r.vmantau..kirfioderfeltsat ! Maria.A psemaasst poetise etch liberal Woos - smote for the right party. STONE t tui EL- LINOTUN. Nunryse a. Toronto. 416t WA N T E D. -MILLINERY A P- PRENTICR- tr tee fall ammo, 1p ply to MISS IM 0GH. Bedford Block. 04k DETROIT & CLEVELAND NAVIGATION CO. "a STiAMLR CITY OF ST. IGNACE FOR MACKINAC ISLAND Fridays, 8.90 a.m. $3.50 olss way $8,00 round trip FOR DETROIT Saturdays. 22.80 p.m. $8.00 one way $6.60 round trip 1 STAR -COLE LINE STRS HURON • Leavy Gederieb r'LR SAULT sTIL M.11MIE. MICR via Neste C'banwL O.or14 0 Hay. Tuesday •t 9 p m. YuR POUT 1URON, DETRDIT. mum) slid CLEVELAND. rr4day et It mld.lah.. WILLIAM LEE. A. R. LEL.Ictal Agent. Goderich. Geseral Masaper, Detroit. Mich. w-elee-seeere -ewe)) GUNDRY'S 1 Livery, Cab and 'R... 'Bus Stables THB RED BARN Sea* Street- Ood.rieb £U 0f Rise or Kew. 'Beare =Thaw Tyalsw sed fast se&, alltentios sgwf�► to 'alb Him 'Phew, No. p FOR SALE OR TO RENT• HOUSE TO RENT ON WELLING- TON .tree[ -A brick dwelling. two.teey. seven romp, and bath Muse ApPli to J. B. 41ol104T. mixt deer to f RENT. - A FURNISHED house. Modern la all eiameoro. For par- ticulars apply at SIONAL Orrick'. LASJt FOR 8ALE.-118 ACRES so let 12. Maitland maces- eseesis �W shear is ten There Is a good- / ted •' the non sial of a tante senate Ness, with bank barn and veel.st y�arfi0pa� lien date of hierepair : eon rty bakers to A. IR Allyn, of S kete waan. who win a of k on easy tonna. Fes tartheepar D, utero apply to J. N. LLYFIKL Loyal. O. 11 -lm 116,800 100 ACRES SIX MILES t r 0 m Wetrdrtesk• a frond snivel road. einvsefsat to Warta. wino/ and ebsesstaotq melba ler dairy r mind Iarmf&g. Aadmelbarem BOX elk. wsmdetoek list PROPSRTY FOR BALs. -A FiNE 00-,04 NM .e Nt ♦ etrset. •uta with t. dee sad two q�m�sr�tt seeders &ado to weed meek sod 1. Amstelawns chweblewy. 71e. d linin the lass& +osteo part et Oolefieh. apply ON f& iffinn R to H. C. Hayti Ba,•rietr. G. F. Hi.AIR FOR MALL -THAT ZINE RC8I- 0 �y.rer et c semen and mews es the A. MSD. ! I. tar ml.. It ss0mlae =ie temall 11atki the attend/it Wertare two Met Few. sad mob418 aeetttt�io4rer aisle, .sw tip stay last New�7avMoe ..dwsls Huotieloos vitlrem of orb the Y ser mf w dada[ d.�r. �e cry M emee .kps tonna. Apply to P.Mlle 71 ammo& .. RYAN. O1N'teh. hat. TW() GOOD FARMS FOR SALE.- j cuss to the town of Geheyb 9. The led le betdams, erehsri ee hussar agtl� saw els geed bedellltai Mt. See wen. Inee bet beet ger Appb &s T10R YlgtrY.wa,aes FARM TO RZ3IT Ott FOR BALi.- iiaw mf teal lass ynn see ls a *Pm'f,Y1jrt Neje Wok bees • • eats . w dr leas Mena S mff ]/i.... Mary Sa'imteoer. of the metalline staff. is holidaying uhf. week. Mrs. J. 11. Tlgert to visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wellwood. at W400940,. lbw Mary Ionnelly. Of Mitchell. ,:pent Fun. day with Ages. Moyle, Hese: street - H. E. Knox. or Auburn. ear in town on Mon- day, en hie return journey to the Wb1. Mr. and Mrs. victor Dean hare gone on a two wee.• trip to Detroit and Saginaw. Miss Julian De of Buffalo. +s visions r ,I hsar. Mr.. Wm, Wile. Ewen street. Mrs. and Mie. William. arrived in Toronto oe Toasty Mem ;Leh. trip to the old land. Mr.. H. M- Johoton and two daughters- of tame. ale visiting relatives in town this week. Mrs. L. 8. McGormaa. of Port Arthur. is tee guest of her friend. Mrs. Ammer. St David's street Mr. and Mrs. Thoma. Goldthorpe. of Port t'redit. visited relatives to town a.0d vicinity this week. Ili,. Jessie McMurehy has returned to New York city after a -ix week- visit with her par- ent here. Mr. and Yrs. F. Boelle. of Chicago. paid • fly- ing vi.et to their aunt, Mie•.. Messner. the first week of August. Mr. and Mr. J. 1. M1e!leth and ehddren, o Clioto0. visited 1,Ir. Yc9leth•- -titer. Mod Measles. last week. Mies Hallie Neville. who had an operation in -W*eadra hospital n few weeks ago. is DOW 'Ompietedy recovered. Mar. Clea Swanson and three childr.n• of W iota..., are visiting at the borne of Mr and Mtn., M. Swanson. Bruce street. Mir CbaMette Reawme returod to her home at Windsor this week aper an eadopable c 8.41 with tee Mise- Henry, ••Olen Chit. Mr.. H. Mogebrie Wilso0, of Brentford, has hole spebdint an enjoyable aes,on with hr friends. Mr. and Yr*a bleary. at' Viet, ChM - Mr. and Mfrs. George Fulker,on and little daughter, Ethel. hese returned home after • teann. o0f1 dayf visitsnob. weth Mr. and 5 -les. Samuel Ly Mrs. W. li Tremblay and children. of town, have returned atter speeding a v t week wile their friends. Mr. and Mrs. John Breen. d 1;olborne. Mr. and lira D. McBrien. of Bdgertob. Alta. announce the mortises d teens deogMer. biles, Mimi, to Alfred E. Challenger, ooWed- nesday, Actium tkb. Mr. and Mrs J. MrponaJd and .oma. Albert and Thurlow. and Mr. and Mr.. John it Beat- tie spent hander at St. Helens. (be gue.te of Mrs. David Marlow. Mow Glad s Pentland. of Nile. and her Mend Mims Marytu cite took. et Leamineggttonm were tee goes. of Mr. and Mr.. J. H. Mfflla0. of town. for a few dayelast week. Mins Lily Jrdloe. of Indian Head, ^rank., a visiting kr Parente. Mr. and Mea David Jar - (Hoe. tasheidy. eteoet. 68. 8. amemeaniad by her Nese, MIs Belva Howatt 0f that picot Itr. M&Raro C. Calder, 0t W panted by ray ester. Miasmal Seca Smal yms. ad 1 0. 0- mato. metered to as00 sasday and meat the day with Mr. asM M. Walt, H. Harrison. Frank Feiner. of Whimper. the gust of Ms brother. Harold Terser • se rhe *Mutew be delapidated condition ; " the letter stated, "nothing is done to improve the beach or the approach thereto. or nu effort made to improve or beautify the little park opposite the Henget Hotel N and adjacent cottages." He .t.g- gested that a committee be appointed to interview es many of the summer HENSALL CONVENTION AGA 1 visators'w.possible and endeavor to NOMINATES THE ATE MEMBER tend cut what improvemeuta are nee- ae er•y to wake Gudertch more pop- ular -- as a •Hummer rew(n-t- Tbe letter was sent to the special cominftte,. A communication received from the local C. P. H. agent, encl..sing a draft resolution acid blue print from Super- intendent Oborn.. reopening the C. P. Ii. connection at the commercial wharf. was referred to the special committee with instructions to meet anddate. discuss [8e matter at an early Hensel'. Aug. 18'. --In the larg A communication front the Doty _ Engine Works Co., asking for sewer connection at the new factory, was referred to the public works cown)it- tee. Committee of Town Cousttil Appointed to Look into the Matter -Two By- laws Withdrawn from Voting -tel. H LRert Auditor in Place of An- drew Porter. The disposal of the Brodie power bytawi and 18. proposal to secure Niagara power were /netters of impor- tance dealt with by the aldermen at the regular meeting of the town coup cit last Friday evening. At tbe previous meeting of the council Councillor Kelly bad placed on the table a notice of motion to have reconsider,d.at the council's nett reg- ular sitting the Brodie power bylaw. When the matter was baougbt up last Friday evening Councillor Kelly in Unrated that be bad decided not to put forward bis motion but to let the people determine at the polls for themselves as to the best way to dis- pose of the bylaw. He paid he bad arrived at this decision af ter consulting with some who were opposed to the bylaw and also with a number of those who were in favor of it. "Why let it go to the people et all ?" said Councillor Wallace. His idea was to save the expense of an election. Deputy Reeve Runnings doubted if it world be legal if the bylaw were carried. He, auggested that the Brodie bylaw and the one t.0 be voted on to repeal bylaw No. 13 of 1908, granting the Maitland Rivet Power l:ompany certain rights and privi- leges. be withdrawn. Councilor Kelly finally moved that both bylaws be withdrawn. This was seconded by Councillor Wallace and the motion was carried without'objec- Lion. Niagara Power. M. Y. McLEAN FOR SOUTH HURO thought that he had diene so. He would allow his name to go to the convsm- Ntion. bis only desire beiog that Mouth . Huron should be retained in the Lib- eral column, true to Liberalism, Laurier and freedom of trade in nat- ural products. N While the ballots were being . counted for the aspirant- for the nom [nation, Messrs. McLean, Lemont and Mustard, J. H. Fowler. L..rt,ton, ,.poke briefly on the Menne of the campaign. He congratulated South Huron on having so many men of standing wily i0g to enter the contest. He eongrat slated all the candidates oo the good spirit shown, in that they -et the is- sue above personal ambition The Conservative part.. be de clared, had felled to discuss t be quire est tion of reciprocity as an ea,nomic it of sue. They bad tailed to take it and id show tbat it would not be a gots! , thing for the farmer, but on the cou- he Crary had brought in questions alto ed gather irrelevant. There r•a. 110 sere ne t invent for annexation its l .,its J&, and re the Conservative party knew this full r well. By raising this cry, however, a they thought that they would be able g to stampede the elector* of the Do- lt minion, and so gain the treasury a benches. That would not succeed. t The elector* would. on September 21. show that they could not be fooled by such argument's. The Conservative party. by its re- actionist policies in the pat, had driven hundreds of thousand. of Cana- dians across the line. and it ova the policy of Sir %Viltrid Laurier and his administration of tbe affairs of the Dominion that was bringing thew back to the land of their birth. to as- sist in developing the mighty" re- sources at band. By this time the result of the ballot had been announced. Mr. McLean winning. On motion of 1lessrw, moat and Mustard it was made un ani - MOWS amid at enthusiasm. Mr. M�pod, spontaneous the deleRata�' spoetaneous rreecceepp-- Lion. Prom 'tiffs time on he wdtild work diligently, and he asked for the assistance of every delegate to insure his election. He discussed some local matters such as a change in a rural mail route, and his attitude on the failure of the Farmers' Bank. Hie opponents were endeavoring to make politiexl capital out of these. His ezplanatioo was most convincing, and the convention cheered him enthusiastically whet, be ' had finished. Delegates All Enthusiastic for Reci- procay-Candidates a n d Other Speakers Deal with the Questions or the Day --Rousing Address by W. Prouoroot. M. P. P. Committee Reports. The finance committee recom- mended that the resignation of An- _ drew Porter as town auditor be ac- cepted and that another auditor be appointed to fill the vacancy. It was recommended that a grant of 8500 be Mr. McLean will be returned by the made to Alexandra hospital, and a largest vote ever polled for a L.beral grant of $300 to the Godericb Musical candidate. Society on condition that the usual The convention assembled at 1:90 number of concerts be given : that the o'clock, with Henry Smith, Hay town- trensient traders bylaw be anteceded, .hip, president of the association, in changing the lee from $50 to $100. the chair. Tbe report was adopted with the ex- LThe Nomimatioma. ception of the last coulee. referring w the transient traders bylaw, as it leis I Nominations were then called for. thought it would be too greet a dem- eight names being Presented. They Went to business men upon their coal- I were : M. Y. McLean. ex -M. P., See- mencing business in town to imposer forth : Peter Lamont. Zurich ; Jacob such a taz. - (Kellerman. Dashwood ; Alex. Mus - The public works committee recon- . tare[. Brumfield ; Mottles W. Shilling - mended that concrete sidewalas, law, TuckenIWith; J. G. Stanbury, which have been petitioned for sad Iizeter; Henry Smith, Hay township, passed, be constructed. 1t reported and Warden Owen Geiger, Heesall. that V. M. Roberts had made a report The delegate& unanimously pteddid in the moat economic way of serving themselves to stand by the nominee of the furniture factory. the Doty boiler the convention, and promised to work works and the Wheel Rig. factory entbtsiestiealle for th. election of a with a sanitary sewer, recommending Liberal for South Huron. that a nine -inch sewer be laid along Fightingfar Reform. Albert street from St. David's street to Park street thence along Park Warden Geiger declared that he street to Britannia road to the was not a candidate. his election as furniture tactory ; the WheelRigs warden of toe county of Hurou being factory and the Doty boiler shop to be adftcient for him at thus 11333e. 11 ie served from the sewer on Oxford the future a candidate were needed street- It was recommended that the he would Ghon consider it.He urged report of the engineer be adopted and upon the delegates to work hash for that steps be taken to have sewers the nominee, &fa they were not fight - built on the initiative plan. It was mg for a man in this election, but for recommended that four ventilator* be a greet reform• Inuit on the freight shed. the work tc. Mr. Smith add Mr. Stanbnry with - be done under the supervision of the drew in brief speeches, declaring that chairman 08 the water, light and bar- they were ready to do all they pos- bor committee. Regarding the oppo- sibly could fcr the party this coming sition which had developed against elect. T. W. rfbiltinglaw with' the construction of the sewer on the drew. -I come flow Tuckeremitb. Bayfield road, the report made was as the township that always goes Lib - follows : -Your committee has had era','- he declared. "I might pars - brought to ita attention a letter from phrase Tennyson's poem. and say, Proudfoot, Hays & Killoran, dated 'Melo may come aid men may go. but August 12th, stating that they have Tuckersmith goes Reform forever.' been instructed to take proceedings to It will do better than ever for any prevent the council from, constructing candidate von name bere today." a sewer on the Bayfield road, whereby Alex. Mustard. Brucetleld, would the water therefrom will be caused[ to allow his name to go t o the ronven- now over the lands of Thoe. C. Mattel, tion. He tied been urged to do 80 by John Sproul and David Warner. his friends, aqd be would stand. His Your committee consulted the engin- desire was that the strongest roan in ser, V. M. Roberts, on the matter and the riding should receive the support from the facts gi.en by the engineer of the delegates. and when placed in that the course being used is the nate nomination all should do their best ural water course and that the sewer for him. will not deliver any more water than "I am strongly in favor of the Pact," of present, only facilitating the flow, he decLred. 1 wane a supporter of it appears that it is quite proper to Sir Wilfrid Laurier to go to Ottawa, construct the sewer as proposed_ to assist him in bringing about this Your committee therefore recommend great reform. A11 Governments in Welt tbe clerk answer the above-men-mm.Canadian hlstory have been in favor tioned letter stating the facts as given of reciprocity, but it remained for the by the engineer,IV. M. Roberta." Tbe Lawler Government to` secure that report of the .-ommittee was adopted. boon. It is our tight now, and the The cemetery and narks committee fanciers of South Huron are )pound to recommended that the Waterworks kceP thio riding in line with the Lib Lib - pipe at the cemetery be extended era! policy. Let us show our appre- about 100 feet to the vaults on the east elation of Sir Wilfrid Laurier by giv- hill, the pipe to have two tape. one oo ing hie candidate the largest ma rit the top of We bill and one on the edge ever given a Liberal candidate in of the road below at or near the Huron." Jacob Kellerman, the Liberal candi- date in the last Provincial election, took this opportunity of thanking the Liberals for the magnificent support given him when be contested the seat. It was then moved by Councillor Vanatter,seconded by Deputy Reeve Munnings, that the council ,take im- mediate steps to have hydro -electric power treosmitt.d to Goderich at the earliest possible date and that a com- mitter, consisting of Reeve Reid, l ouncillors Kelly and Vanatter be esp- pointed to look into the whole ques- tion of bydro-electric power and re- port at the eau Beat possible moment. Reeve Raid pointed out that the county council had this question under consideration and the town of Goderich in taking up the matter might bring to a stop alt efforts of the county committee. Mr. Reid further ewphaoued the fact that to secure Niagara power at $34.75 the town would have to makes, contract to take 900 horsepower whether it used it or not. The motion was carried. Councillor Wallace called the 1:oun- cil's attenti•an to the tact that a wire- less telegraph system was being in- stalled on the Great Lakes bythe radio -telegraph branch of the aval Service Department. He drew atten- tion to the fact that Godericb had been overlooked in the list of places named as stations and suggesteu that the De- partment be communicated with and that it be pointed out that no tower Would be necessary at Goderi:8 owing to the town's high elevation above the lake. The Mayou promised to write the Department concerning the wet- ter. J. H. Tigert Auditor. As Andrew Porter had tendered his resignation se town auditor, J. H. Tigert was appointed to 1111 the va- cancy on motion of Reeve Reid and Councilor Vaoatter. John Barker sent a letter stating that he would be unable to proc.td with the work of cutting on the Molt - ford hill, it was decided to leave the matter over until next Tear and con- sider then the advisability of erecting a retaining wall of concrete. A letter from Chas. Gamow, town solicitor, enclosing a draft bylaw hav- ing reference to the extension and im- provement of the sewer end drainage system of the towns was referred to the public works committee. There were two communications to the Mayor, dealing with the subject of aper power. One letter was from hamhar. A Simpson, engineer,. of Toronto, io wbich it was proposed to introduce the syst••m of power by the Kee engines meth..). The otber letter was from Nowt ing t Logan, engin- eers. of Toronto, in which [bey acted lbs privilege of pl.•senting some opting facts and figure. 00 regar.l. gabber 0)14.804. f producing power. Both lettere were tiled. Deputy peeve slunning.. win left this seek on a trip to tb. West, asked for leave of &leen. a from tb.• nouocil meetings during the next month. His request was ars-wed sed while he is away Reeve Reid will act es chair man of the public work seommitte.. Reports es Sewers Th•• clerk's and engineer's reports on Woes for **seeress &eyemewl aed Hayfield road. d the eeeinleseep+e the e 'ewer on Br'itaoeis reed .dewtag es ructioe ea the Irdsia.we rware presented. it was breed Reeve RWM. ascended by (7oraeslisr wily. that the report* be adapted aced • meet of revision he held en the Keay. .crest and Hayfield read sewer. ow Tbur.dap. 7t aid that t1e sewer anbe advertised r j �mhgabe tioYM7ste/ on the halliadveimproe- L Nss/sd. %e. Kid/. he a tattier, called Mim- eo a few /aeWbies iws esey =she. beak, home sod Spe oaPraline r (141.1.., al.e wt the Prae city. the base Nat rsturs.d freer • week'. visit to New ' (' Tern City. Mra B. Looey. of Detroit. who had barn ,le kingMr. and Mr... r. l�pyeMr.. t(ee. MW aeMd•rid et/ w ll rese]m' urea &ea ewe 0•tu k .Nme on w *tanner r'ie. S.�.3Iasnistsleft eaWeeday ea .. trip totee ok- 94 p0tyM5e twat w tar w -e -t as saakate.o aed will be away Meet • me.te. Broothed sod Preb4 m� Onionare , nr r sial ho aMnne new. Jr eta 14veagatm.. et 141008.41. era. 4 IMOw In Senewib. we tabes M eedseaq• Wee.0.4.slstim. A meet1>IrM... Id windier. wars as bbee `"wlm�T�^��6ra 4JjbW b /1 i. ed.M • Mea J. C. ffirriosS. of - wa'f"bar 'slsad'"`.. SIM Nererbill. ups. The a'`►" mein b. September. Jlte w. M. Caw. of , Ckr set.',�wdas� h lNiow woo of Ose . eat hsayrsm It. Y+a, ett Lamerawlgenest sar r neuro hr swim ie&'� a w m hp*/am/ lobareir • me hes i bn• Ms slew batty ~ilfrel Dr. 'erar.w .s r aWet �ims.R ��1jJft with seeatla Pot the we. err utas petite& I. • convention held by the liberals South Huron in 'want' years, he here this afternoon. Y. Y. .McLean late member for this riding in t House of Common,,, was again select to contest the constituency. ll bundrrd ano lift} delegates we seated, and more thau tnat numl.e came to hoar the speeches. It was most enthusiastic gathering, all bein strongly 111 favor of reciprocity. was rue most encouragtug conventio ever held. and there is no doubt tha vaults, the cost of the extension to be about 1112. Adopted. HARBOR AND MARINE NOTES. Contractor Bermingham bas com- menced the work on the first concrete pools:M . The steamer Doric is due on Fri• day with a cargo of 126,000 bushels of wheat and oats for the Gnderich elevator. The yacht Say When of Cleveland was in port thus weak, coming up on Monday and dealing on Tuesday for Georgian Ray. The dredge has toren digging a chan- nel along the northwest side of the harbor prepaaauey t, the launching of Oonnolly's first steel scow. The steamer Wexford is due ou Fri- day with 42,eui1 euabels of trate for the Gods,. h elevator and 73,01.10 hu.bele of wheat tar the Rig 34411. The Steamer J. A. McKee arrived on Tuesd*y .50101 ing with 158,000 ho.hels 01 wheat and oats for the (s.alerk: elevator, clearing us. same evening for ['les -,land to load Boal The steamer Wahre.ndab arrived 00 Monday and lightened bar cargo unloading Minn huab.ls rtf wheat M ti' 14.d.rtch .levator. She cleared tae `sole morning for Thorold with square tisher. tacit. eatsaamer awv lseeowas rn pert 7 tuNssoextent sad tiyR O leer canto to tbe Ii eeif SAO bel. d wheat at t oderi_le do - Tater. She cleared In Ile diftwiNee for Moroi/ with wane Ih The gSirrar 1haedled by die 6MwIM me& alt Airport et this MI lab Fees doable tbat t. el�w ain.aeof Masa Se tar oetw ielltrb dif• genie haw 'late tAllMee/ is The Farmers' Fight. ''This is our fight," be .declared to the farmers present. "it is not a question of politics, but of our own in. termite, and we must fight it to the limit. to my time, at least, there bas been no contest so inspiring as tbie-I never saw anything i would like to fight for better than this. For per- sonal reasons I cannot enter into the contest, but let every one of you work until the last vote is polled. It is oar fight -we will do our duty." Peter tamest announced that be would go to Use convention. The re- ciprocity pact was a good Wing for the farmer. It would raise the price of land everywhere in the riding, and benefit the farmernt in every way. The farmere of the riding, be felt, cer- tain. would rally about the nomto.e and give bins a splendid majority. If the delegates considered him the strongest candidate be would do his best to win. The *base. M. Y. McLean. ex -M. P., was given an creation when he arose to He logised for the de he Liberal whip, w Pard ho was prevented from being peasant owing to a severe cold. '•1 would have preferred er.ma� tis oonv.ntio a eigeen m- (1.441. or BORN tion year. hee., htsaid 'fir. Mclreae. ros >rR ' e .e weegms irk "Rewires, we are in the midst ofr iOsbaid r icy. aoa�pp. g* ebsetion. The turmoil ands ns. 0f Mt .Ve� r,R campaignthis mast he laid at the g msta, a ss- - - doors of AI r. Hordes end his eoiorta no beet way to be avenged en hiss is to Rhe the Liberal caedirlate the Isrgel* majority he bas received in oiy -dsaston h lbs history of the rid- . The Farmers' Bank. "It is alleged against me that i voted against a royal commission to investigate into the failure of the Far'mer's' Bank," he said. "1t is quits true that I voted against a resolution introduced by (e.1. Henderson. of Hal- ton. This amendment wa. intro- duced after a motion to ge into sup- ply, and was nothing more nor less than a motion of pant of confidence in the Government. I felt aootldence in the Government, and could not vote for his motion. The Farmers' Bank was beiog investigates by the Provincial Government- and had that investigation not been thorough it would have been the duty of the Dom- inion Government to appoint a commission to get at the facts. How- ever. they wore all known. and there was no need of sending good money after had." rt' ire McLean stated tbat the charter had been granted by Parliament, all the members. Liberal and Tory alike. voting for it. The last renewal wat opposed by Hon. W. 8. Fielding. but he was outvoted, and it was granted. The directors were all men of standing when the charter wag applied for. and the Government could not refuse it. Mr. Pr•oodfoot. W. Proudfoot, M. P. P. for Cedttw Huron, followed with a &lashing speech on reciprocity. He traced the growth of the movement from early tiles, showing that air Jobn Mac donald and all the Conservative lead- ers, down to Hoo. G. E. Foster, had advocated precisely what the Liberals bad obtained under the agreement. in the House. Mr. Northrup and Dr. Cbi.holm, of East Huron, had declared it to be a good.tbingg for the ikomin- ion, hut at the creek of the party whip and the bo.e.e" of the party they had fallen into line with the Op- position. The Banker.' Association came in for a gruelling, Mr. Proudfoot asking the audience when they had conspired to improve the condition of the farm- er*. They were loyal. and British to the eons, altboegh they sept. Rood Canadian money to the United States to move the cotton crop, and finance American industries. Mr. Proudfoot dealt particularly with the advantage that reslpr•ocity would he to Huron county, The apple crop would be increased greatly in value, as the great American- mar- ket would he ore to tbe tipple grow- ers of that. district. Horses, cattle hogs and all other products of the farm would be increased is value_ The unholy alliance between the Nationalinte of Quebec and the Con- servative party was dealt with and Mr. Proudfoot challeuge,d Mr. Bossism LO lata Bourque& or accept ria Other issues were given attentie0, for the eand the ery elated with cheeps and the candidate. Mir Wilfrid Leerier DOM ♦ [def (Tabesht 0 Seam Anson Dae I foe a blur. lll.l.sai /esl'eed k that tat had IoM la by ▪ tin endeavored der 11 ledpaere/ to the e bat oof its hC •. tae rth t f sad he;Oilik [wet►►rele •