The Signal, 1911-7-27, Page 7t The News of the District * ""'"""" PORTEN'S HILL. TUESDAY. July Mitit. No11111.-Mrs. French and daughter*, da• n's last week Mrs. Marshal and daughter Myrtle left on Tuesday for a two months' visit in Ow West. visitlise at Niro Lindsay's Kim devoid Ohm& Newton's late vreek LOTHIAN. Ethelbsert. Mee, is visitinilite,ir sheer, Mrs. Rod Campbell Sti•wri ..f Brussels, Stinta.a walk hers. the gueet 0/ Kim Neil Campbell, ot Oman. bell, of Toronto, visited et McDonald's in( at Sam Kirk's oh Wednesday last peop• le were treated to it dance at nigbL repot an sywhis time. of *Detroit. visited blonde here late week. [Tana° SCALP Get Ilid et, ia a Few Mews. There is nothing made that will so quickly rid the scalp ot distressing itobinses as PARISIAN SAGE, the PlaallaNAL Moirrios.-A. D. Me - hair dresser sad beautifier. Keszie, editor ref The Locknow E. R. Wigle guansatess Parisian Sentinel, has returned from a seven sage io sore dandruff. stop itching weeks' trip to the Pacific coast scalp sad tattlers hair. or mosey back, Mrs. IL Bell aed son. R00% of Wind - and Dells for only 59 coots a lame *or, are visiting bee parenta. Kr. and bottle. It puts vitality into the tair Mrs. A. itomi. ...Mott Little is and gives It a radlaat lustre. visiting at kis home here, having It is the favorite heir dreedng of re- undergone &bother operation ou his fined womea bemuse ao quWtly re- foot Dr. and Mrs. McKenzie, of freshen the scalp and not being sticky Detroit, see here OS their annual visit. or grassy is delightful to use. Kim Marie Leven. of Toronto. 'end Mrs. Whitehoesit. of (Unbind. LUOKNOW. are visiting Mr. sod Mrs. W. J. MONDAY. JIIIT Mk. son. Master Wray Beaton of Mrs. W. R. ilisamaad Spindler of Francis Mary, youngest daughter tamer. *ague Beattie .. _Misses of Mr. sod itre. Potter, oe- Pearl sod Dale liesdereon are id- curred on Sunday. the Lath inst. De- lag their vacation at their home ceased was a very__beight little girl in ... . Mies Annie MeNala, of Toronto. her sixth Jew- The Wrillthy ei the is visiting her neottear Cecil Allin community goat ad to tastily in has gone to Paris ... -Homy Mc - their great loss. Mahon. of Telma* is visiting is town. THE POPULAR PIPERS. -The fa- dossielost All the members of the tawny WIN together -Wm. McCon- dime ; Mrs. Gailisetter and childien, of Wert Tomato ; Mrs. Derain and eon. of Mefferd, Nash.. ; Mrs. Telt, of Berate. gam., and Mr. ead Mrs. Gib- son and facially, et Mitchell. Senator asy to Cape Tows. An INTIIILUeliteT OANINE.-R. dog pertor mad a reesarkalate teat in life sav- ing. The dog in question has a family ;4 tour poppies, aad liens le a barn with them. In the barn wee also a brood allele chicks**. Through an oversight a pail a water was left on the bars floor over night. Into this water ooe a the chickens tumbled early ix the morning. sod would of coarse moss have been drowned. had no help arrived. Help promptly ar- rived in the shape of the mother dog. which fished Mee chi* out of the miter. eseried it back to her earner. coddled it up betwese her paws, and was totted shortly &rearward', licking ft dry. Reputable witnesses Meet the latter tact, and between the dog and the pail was a trail of water splashes oa the floor which revealed quite clearly _the dagger and the raw' cue of the bird. Gratatul for its treat - most. it was loath to leave the rescuer. mous Lucknow pipe band road* a great hit at Rochester, N. Y., where they attisted in the entertainment of the Mystic Shriner* at the tueeting their annual Imperial Clouncit Next year the Council will meet at Los Angeles, California. and the band has an invitation to be in attendeace there. are the manes of the successful candi- dates for high (reboot mamma who wrote at Lucknow : Lloyd Agnew (honors) 488, Ileitis Begley 421/. Alvin Cameron 400, Florence Haines 442. Moe Henry 419. Lorenzo Howey St. Clair Irwin 409. Fred HourleY 470- M. MeeDiarield 458. Airoy MacLeod 436. Margaret Matheson 476, Norma M Pickering ,Cr. Earl Smith MO, Platen MI - ate preparations are twine made for the Caledonian genies to be held on Mon- day. August 7tb. Some of the beet athletes in the country will be here, and with the Galt Kittle band, to - and the Luckoow brass gether with the Lucknoansi.pe band to aup- and a troupe of Japanese acrobats. a program will be presented thot should attract one of the biggest ci owds in the history ot this town famous for odebratiosa happy reunion was held at the borne ago, when Mrs. Blake's brothers and Rioters assembled to meet their brother, D. E. McConnell, a Cape Town, South Africa. former!! a Alb - field, whom they had not seen for fourteen years. Mr. MeConeell is now a senator in the southern Donald last Saturday bad the misfor- tune to recleive revere iojuries which will probably Lay him up for a time. While assisting David Stewart with the haying, Mr. McDonald had put his team in the stable and was coining up aloneside one of the horses when it vidously Kicked out, presumably at some other horses standing near by. As a result, Mr. McDonald was struck on the lower part of both legs by the iron-ehod heels of the horse. Foveae- ately no bones were broken; but the parts affected are considersbly swolieu from the severe contusions received. D. A. is to be coogratulated that his more vital ports escaped and that be is still in the land of the living. TELEPHONE CONNECTION. -Lothalsh and the surrounding district will with- in a short time be fully abreast of the times in the meet' of civilizatioo and progress, at least from the telephonic point of view. Tbe Goderich Rural Telephone Co. has erected poles and strung the wires thereon. along the boundary line between Luoknow and Lochaish and atm has set up the poles along the 12th concession a Ashfieid as far west as Hemlock City, Includ- ing mane a the sideroade betweew the two concessions, and will eoon have the wiree strung and the 'phones in- stalled along thee. lines. Also poles belonging to the Huron township rural telephone mystem have been erected along the above-mentioned boundary line recently, which "yawn will soon have connection with Litch- slab. This place has hod &lready for • few years a connection with the sys- tem of the Bell Telephone Co., so that it le quite evident that Locnaish and vicinity will shortly have privileges in the matter of speedy communication in no whit behind those of the large metropolitan cities of the world. -Paseo/too AND Grozawisx.--Ed- gar Robb, teacher of the Lochalsh school, is to be congratulated upon the fact that three of his pupils passed the recent high school %Oconee examina- tions. 'These pupils are Alec. Camp- bell, Mary Barkwell and Isabella A. McLennan Mr. aud Mrs. A. R. FInlayson returned last Thursday after risking London, Glencoe, Meg - Duped* McNamee. n*PutY ars Falls, Detroit and other points on Minister of allocation for Alberta. their wedding trip Walter and visited old Wee& is this vicinity re- Miss Christine McKendrick, of Detroit. costly. Mr. McKensie is a Kinioes are visiting at the poctoffice Mies old boy. Catharine Murdoch and Miss Annie Murdoch, of Detroit., are visiting at the home of their grandparentw, Mr. and Mrs. Rod. Cameron Miss Millie Robb arrived home lastSatur- day after & week's visit with friends in Kincardine Rod. Matheson, of Toronto, paid a flying visit to the home of his mother. Mrs. W. Mathe- fa▪ mily, of Detroit, are at present so- journing at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs.' Duncan Fintay- eon Mrs. A. McLean and family, of Flint., Mich., are now rusticating at ents of the foru3er.... Matheson spent a few days in Detroit tart week Mies Rebecca Finlay- son arrived home recently after acting as nurse for a time on a case at Pine River We regret to learn that Mrs. Rod. Finlaveon is ill owing to the after effects of the great heat we had recently. She is under medical care a present Mrs. Murdoch McRae is staying with friends in Lucknow. Miss Cora 9pier, of Brustels, was the guest of Miss Minnie Sandy last week ..... Don. Finlayson left last Saturdsy for a trip to Goderich and Grand Bend The Young People's Guild of the Asbfield Presbyterian church held a picnic at Point Clark last Friday. Thoee who were present report an enjoyable time . Mrs. McKay, who is accompanied by her son. is vie- itiug her sister-in-law. Mrs. K. Mc- Ketizia, a Hemlock City Rev. J. fi. Ksrdie with his family left today to speed his month's vacation at • sum- mer resort on the Wiarton peninsula on the shore of Lake Huron near Oli- phant Frank McKenzie, of the 13th concession, wbo. with a view to entering the Presbyterian ministry, was • student last seesion in Westmin- ster Hall, Vancouver, B. C.. took charge of the morning service in Ash- field Presbyterian church last Sunday lo the absence of the pastor and preached an interesting sermon in a manner which fully justified the hopes of his friends in regard to the future success of this bright young man Alec.. Cameron and Donald Campbell, the three young eons of John Camp- bell, wbo have been residing in Loch - 'doh for some Wee hack, left today for Southern Alberta in order to reside with their father. who has been work- ing for some time on the homestead which he had secured in that country. They will be sccompanied as far as Toronto by Miss Rebecca Campbell, under whose (+ergot they were while residine here. The threat young tads will be much missed by their Mends bright sad lively ways. %mess to them on their long journey to the far West I FOR AGED PEOPLE. iNd Folks Sleet Be Carafe ia Their Selectee et Regulative Medina* We bare a !tate. dependoble and al- tmetber ideal remedy thot is particu- lar, edepted Ow requirements of peopie and persona of wenk 'con- stitutions who suffer trona constipation or other bowel discordant We are eo certain thot it will relieve theme com- plaints and giv. absolute malefaction in every particular that, we offer it with our personal guarantee thst it shall cost the user nothing if it fails to subetantiate our claims. This rem- edy is called Rezall Orderlies. Resoll Orderlies have a soothing, heading. strengthening, tonic and reg- ulative actioa upon the bowels. They remove &It irritatioa, dryness. soreness arid weakness. They renters tbe bow- els &nd amiociate organs to more vie - mous and hsaitty activity. They are eaten like ceady. may be takes at any time without ineonvenienee. do not cause any 'riots'. nausea, diarrhoea, excereive looseness. fiaulasee or other disagreeable effecc PriN Mo. sad 10c. Sold only at our store, the , Rex - all Store, C. Dunlop. south side of Square. Cutting Thing. -After I ain goes.- he complained, "people will begin to notice what have done." "Welt" bis wife sadly replied. "if they do it wool take them long." - Chicago ,aesord Herald. What Reciprocity Means to the Canadian People. Reciprocity has now passed at The miming men will find bettor Wastiftton. Whether it becomes sate for hie goods by free access to law or not rests h tbe Canadian United States marketa for :- Parliament and people. It is worth recaWng the terms of the agreement and pointing out in a genersi way its meastiog to the two comatrise affected. The bill ie a tariff antendment, divided into three schedule.. embodeitit • large tree list on natural products, and *few m•nufactures. For farmers there will be dietinct advantage in free wow to the United States market for the- following. Nano*, other artieles, upon whicb dety now levied :- tat,tit Onions. and melee. Apples. end lambs. Peoebee. Poultry. Grapes. Wheat. Butter. Fresh Milk. Fred' Cream. Cern. traw Canadian fishermen will he rewarded by tree seems to the L•eited Skates snorkel for the folietwieg poefuet• of Oanediatt lumbermen- wain by the fine adanierion to 11111 railed litotes of the following standard pen- alties o- Tfintor, hewn. *Med nt squared. itoords. planks. deals. 2 Pawl IfInPn.ta. railroad Ow and Wooden Masi* Pickets anti paling*. Tale Consumers out both sides • will thank the negoillators a this agree. latent for reduced duties on many articles now heather varying taxes, and among them :- Matte. fresh or refrigerated. Bacon and hem Beef and pork, salted - Canned meats and poullely. - Lard Tomatoes and other vegetables. Wheat lour and oatmeal. Prepared cereal food. Bram, middliags end other offshoot grain. Bascuita wafers and oohs& Cleaned fruits. Agricultural Implement* Clitiory Paving stones. Clocks sued watches. • Motor vebkiew. Canada is sow the third hest enateater of Noe United EWES. Coder reciproetty we mill sell more to the 1•nited States of tb• ellitign we do not seed and wInett thai United States does need . we will boy more of wbee 0,1'y ha. • to sell end whet we want to buy We twill entittnes to buy Penns Great *Fiala the fabrics sad other artietee with wheels she num host sup- ply us Hut iwitsed of free sweet only to the British morket tor natural PrOasetli we Will bare also =lamas - leg demand of the Crafted faselo, *oaf the wog. amedipeas • t Futures Oleos High. sr. Chicago Lawer-Livs Steck -latest Quotations. pees in America ,oe was Wort by larger warier. shipments to the Usti- there was souse clispooltimi to usli= ed Klagdom. Polk/win* the wig) offer. slightly amallor. but Mall.- kd iowor oa rumors that tee out/oak ter the India ineneeee is mere favorable. A. shot recovery again took Macs just before soon. but the genera demos. vise small Tbe market was 'harrow. heft servo/us, awaiting the effect of tho reci- procity as values. Winnipeg Options. Claw Opaa. Meth. tow. clam Deo eh ill :At oet. KW Oats - July Toronto drew Market. Rya. buslmi Barley, bushel bushel Peas. bushel II 0 Toronto Detre Market. Sutter, More iota 9 17 Butter, separator, dairy, in • Butter, creamery, settee .- Choose. now. ' elm 13 Eggs. novr-taid Cheese. lb Honeycomb.. New Liverpool Prague, Market. sutra ladle mom ligs Id; "Wk. prime wee" western. ust Id; lilt 'elect ine. la to 14 ltd., lb; Mime, lead stet, to lib lbw. Ns id; abort to SI 441; dear NARK Id to 11 lbs.. HO Id, long clear radii*. lent. es tip al up... meg dear meigne. heavy, 33 to 0 Itidt. Ids id; abort dear backs. 10 to 21 lbs., es 61; shoulders. square. ID tO 13 lbs. 41. ld; tont. prima weatorn ale cheese. Canollise Dame w nen. We 01; Canadian adored. mow, ; turps& Una aerie. Mb Id. reale. mousse Ila N; estraleurs. refined. ldd. oil, lie 01; mottos Med old, Hull ream* Not. MI hi' tallow. Anottaliao la Uwe 4444. Montreal Grain end Predues. MIONTREAl• July 1L--Thers was as Improvement in the velum. of bushman 1* Kcal. it 'that rims bid tram *reign burin for both wheat sad oats were out of Dna The le•md market fer eats is erra under. a fair esineed sad Oro off The'doreisn demand tor now °roe wheat flour Is tair and further salairezi round Iota were mad. to Glasgow Leith at U. N. This Illoal trade ln spring wheat is fairly good. oati-canaden wester*, No. 1. to do. car lots la lateral; eataa Nat Itiour-Allanitobs spring wheat patents. firsts. OA; 'tweeds. 04 le; wtatir patents, eite to ME; drams bakers'. in straight rollers. 54 to 0110; 11.11 to $L11. Rolled o•Aa-Per barrd, NU; bag a to lba., O.3. Corn-Americian No. $ yellow. 79o. billifse4-Bran. Ontario, 111 to en; Manitoba. 3211 to Wt. in Ontario. 134 to 1113 short; idanitoitilt moutine, $3 to Pl. Hogs -Dressed, abattoir, pop to MS por owt. Beef -Plate. half bbls, 100 lbs.. lbs., pt.so. Lartt-Compound-tiorosis. IX lbs., li•c; boxes, 90 lbs.. not (pitrohrnont lined), 94•c; tuba. SI lbs. net, grained. two handles, Win; Palle. wood. * nat. Wic: tin mile, tie lbs. groat. Dec. Pork-MMYY Canada short cut meas. barrels. to pieces, 123.10; half barrels. 31.84; Canada short cut and hack pork. 41 to a piece.. barrels, 122.510; Canada dear pork bar - Piece. but Mk barred.. at Eggs -Selected, tlifio; fresh, Dino; Ns. stock, Otic. Cheese -Westerns. 11.40 to WO; matt Butter-Choiceet, Me to see WOMEN MAY AVOID OPERATIONS By taking ljda E. Plakbam's Vegetable Compound Ties hollowing letter trout Yrs. Orville Rock will prove how unwise it is for women fa submit JO the timpaus Of a surgical operation whoa II may be av*otietaking Lydia B. Piakham's V Compound. Aim was fent w the hospital gird awe lemma atittartiqg worse Ibium bottom Mere is her warn statement. Paw Paw. Two years age 1. I maid boon my feet for 41an tries tin for seven month, thout Nana relief at last sent me Ann Arbor ter operation. I was re four weeks and home suffering one than belora. mother advised trY 400 awl I did. Tediyi-ein- and do WI my Own heneRer Irrirwe Mends who are &Meted with aay an operatics is aseereary. M ease It yea are ill do net draiplalaeg eat. labs Lydia IL Pinirham's egetaide Pe=years it has.besn MEW t•e woman s a0 =iv* restored the health el Mow - Nab et imam Why don't yea try11/ OMR MORE WOMAN Adds Her Voice to the Thousands Who Are Singing the prate...Medea Kidoey Pills. sod estimable lady. living near here, doelarra that ber kidney trouble of two years' steading has been com- pletely cured by Dodd's Kidney P1116. strain,- Mre Carlson states. ''and for two years I was sorely &filleted with it. Mv deep wise broken and unto- freshing, and 1 was *Wars tired *ad nervoin. My heart bothered me. "Thee hoses of Dodd's Kidney Pills cored Net They are eertainly the beet gradient 1 hay. *Tior used." Rvery ooffering woman should salt her neighbors about Dedire Ridge/7 Pills. Thousands of itesedian women owe theer health and happisese to The tneadert of large to. Masa itre geseralty too mean to enjoy thaw CATTLE MARKETS. Cnien Steck. Yards. TORONTO, July 24.-Reeeipts ot live stock at the Union Yards were 106 carloads, consisting of 2190 cattle. 481 hogs 366 sheep and iambs. 50 calves and 26 horses. E. L. Woodwall"ard bortiu7ht ter flwtft 151 London steers. 130 ibis. each. at WEL or • range ot OW to Id; also 3411 LIviireeld Deo. IA Campbell bonght ter Morris lb Co. LE Liverpool steers, ine me. mok at Rm. or a range ot from ME to 11.94. Midterm and Springer*. • limited supply sold at HO to 5.5 cad% with one choice cow at f70 Vaal Colliceis. Prices were very firm at 14 to Pi 76 pat cat.. and more would ha, 4 liold. Sheep and Lambe. There was an active market tor seen and iambs. Ewes sold •t WS to 114311 sold at from MID to iltse, ane D. A. Donald void a select lot at SILINk amerce., 57.40 Is being paid Mt Lab. Prom information received reliable dare to drover', and 47.0 ie the in the eotmtry. East Buffalo Cattle Market. LAST BUTPALO. July 111.-Cattle-gto- celpts. UR head. market.- tett% /le high- er; prime doors. *X to 113.83: lrotehee grades. X.71 to SUL S heep and t..ostosp-Rmelote 3111, beet; market, choice stock teirly Wive; Flogo-Reeelpta. 10.110, re slow, 115 rotoet.o.drioe.."110:43:1re;r.10•011essor,Itstagsersoi. hilimris_t:1:. .7,4 _./19; it New Yet Live Steck. molt NNW TORR. htlY *- lower; caws weedy; Moir*. PLO es IC bulls. $11 to ilaX; Cows. Ill 140 MAC ND- Calvell-Reeelpts.441111 head; Nab . grassers and buttermilks elle le 1114 or; tosetnati to elide. dials, TN to . Volta or to IC graesers and utasmatille. Nem •ad Lambe-Ripe/dose mil ...4; PIC fir* allifty votes at hosvry, te ern mot. mai to 5.55 Warhol. deadp. llosvos. r• to rill; eels,. bolters. * to 01 91; stooks.* tied feeillars. etbirl ter COWAN'S PERFECTION COCOA "Great for Breakfast" A day started on Cowan's Coosa is a day with a clear head and a steady nerve a day full of snap and life. Cocoa 'nourishes the body. It is rich in food value and easy to digest. DO YOU 173 werbobowwwwbotoWs /GREAT REDUCTION SALE OF TWO- PIECE SUITS During the prevailing hot weather something to wear could be no more comfortable than one of our two-piece Suits, with a Negligee Shirt and soft collar of the latest model. We inducements to those who buy now. McLEAN BROS. Semi -Ready Tailors 1 Toilet Articles I SUMMER SESSION We aim always to keep on hand - the best, the most reliable preparations for toilet use. We shall be glad to have you call and ask for your favorite preparations. We are here to please F. J. Butland, Druggist - North Side Square, Ooderich el== =1 ====‘ 0 S U.M M E R 0 GOODS Hammocks, Coal Oil Stoves, Gasoline Stoves, C Screen Doors and Windows, Refrigerators Ice 0 IITongs, Lawn Mowers, Ice Cream Freezers, Fishing Tackle, etc. BRASS GOODS 1 We have just received a beautiful line of Fibrentime Brass Goods. Each piece poeseseee the aesthetic charm of Nature's Gar- den, each decorative design artistically eograved by head anal fhaished in black and dull braes. We have also a fine line of Rodgers liti7 goods. Big assortment of Carvine Knives and Fork. is oases. Pitudeoto may enter any day. Open elan* year. Now is a good time to enter. Largest trainer' in Canada. Graduates get beet position.. Thousands studying st home. Exclusive right of the "Fsinotit Book -Keeping Systeni" for Ont- ario. -Actual Blaine.. from Start to Finish." Write for particulars. BICYCLES We are agents for the Canada Cycle Motor Co.', Bicycles and carry the Clevelsod line in stock. We have added & bicycle repair deportment to our :work the i and carry a full line of bicycle sundries. Is your LAWN MOWZR out of repair or does it need ahreper. ing ? We can put it, is order for you. FENCING We have about two thousand rods of Fencing left yet out of about four thouriand. We are going to clean this Fencing out at prices that no person con afford to miss. 'The lines coneet of The Pilteburgb Perfect_ Fence, 7 wire,. 41 inches Cyclone Woven Wire Petro, No. 7 and No. 9 wire. American Woven Wire Fence, No. 9 wire. Page Woven Wire Fence, No. 9. Coiled Wire st $2.40 per 100 lbs. Berbed Wire a 112.50 per 100 lbs. LONDON BUSINESS COLLEGE (affiliated with Clinton flusinese College) 000 IIIPOTTON Does Your House Need Painting? If so don't forget Oast we handle Lb, Paiat. Lim lige 'paint on the markeL ito you waist to brighten up yew,- furniture, floors and wood vanish as4 Wahl med. cUMBURN. ibbeikehme. ILO, 41= ems and Arbrqfirra, marl lame iroormilaty• Zagyilsar'Z 11 CEMENT *fresh roomed National Portland Cement has just aro wee. Ilse /rational in Me best strenerest eireseat made. let us as gear PlOnabing Floating. IC•oosticoghin• Motel tog11116. CHAS. C. LEE House 'Phone No. 112 Stele 'Moose Ns. sia