The Signal, 1911-7-27, Page 5p q.feer W
•v^J • {,
Tev..pAy, JOLT 17, fell •
Ast31i W the *ssi. s• thottR6 they were
�ssd last Fred Davis sad U. AThe
ads ° ardWard Work ea one
link n 1 d fur the West to spied ttheheteal ssow is progressing *addh• '
asst two months looking after The000struahut of the (t fest of
on their prop- new breakwater is one of tb• most
d�vestiag et the gigantic projects ever undertaken at
eat,. irrieaana, ♦ 11 . 'T'be - fL d.r(h and Contractor Bermingi.rm
maim via the Great Lakes
•Qte steamer Alberta tram Owen
8nrmd. They will be followed shortly
=umber number of men whom they Gave
ed to help Wein is their bereave -
's( operatloo&
Wogs Mdcomtsonti Appointment.
Congratulations ars due to Sidney
)�1t�comaof, • uponhis
�ell-mak moot
Qea alty auditor of New�Westmin.ter,
is making good progress wit the
work. The buge stow to be used Is
oospleted and was landed on Wed -
t afternoon lad with every-
thing sow In readiness the real work
of the erection of the breakwater will
be cubed •head.
The Scout Pink.
A most enjoyable time was spent at
the Boy Scout pleat' whish was held
on Wednesday afternoon Mt Antler*
$O• There were nine other candi- Polut. Tbe Soouta, about forty strong,
Mame for the position. Tbe British ,Darcbed to tbegsaund.. carrying the
Opl*mblan (newspaper) In reporting handsome colors presented by the
the •!Dement sere : "Tim newly- Daughters of the Hmp}re. The after -
auditor came to Nris city in noon was spent in swimming and
].MIO and was well known tame years other sports and when evining came
ago as as etttbuelastio baseball and the boys built a camp stove op whicb
lacrosse playersupper was prepared. After all had
fly_reented Toronto University, partaken of the good things provided
0yril Cassia. of Goderich• is one of by for ladies' mo y of the o IR. a
A„ a sport ceremony and deit►oostr-
twestyron• men who represented Tor- tion by the Scouts followed. rhe boys
osfn University at the University formed in the blimps of • horseshoe.
Students' Conference at Non hl their bugle call and Scoutyell were
Mass., In June. The event is en an- given, sad the noel saluted. Three
Dual one and between 500 and 000 as- new recruits were sworn duty swoin and
retable there every year. The cooter- two Dew patrols--tbe Rams and Pe.o-
eoee is uuder the direction of the there_ organized. Morrla Swasww,
intertuttloeIJ coutmitt a of W. Young and Alllr en Sioclaare the respective
M e D's Christian of th
e oc Queen Ui • lades' The ptescn'ation of two
group pbptngraPh y second-class Scout badges was also a
repreeent&Iivea appeared in The Tort part of the proceedings. The Scout
onto Star Weekly of last 'laturday.
A Successful Event.
The garden party held on Knox
church lawn last rhureday evening
wise patronkod by a large gathering cf
people. Splendid weather favored the
event and the ePpetizing meal which
was served on tables placed on the
lawn was thoroughly enjoyed Home-
made candy. crochet and knitted work
and other articles were offered for
.ars and a considerable sum was real- rousing cheer+ front the Scouts. 11a- to Goderich. It none salt_ and only The sorrowing widow end family
mei-Lsesatbls spruce. '!br total pro- tnooetratione of tend.•t tug fine aid to salt that brought him to your town
-seeds amounted to nearly 3150 and the the injured tullewed and a drill with through my representations, after I have tbe'svmpathy of ti:. .•immunity
Ladies' Aid, tinder whose auspices th. slay", a tug -of war and acre -lighting ;bad made tun imquinee on the salt de- in their berruvemeat.'
affair on held. are to be h a colo• contest endel tip .hay's sport. A•' petite in Canada aad Michigan. also Tette,
laced on the sasses which atcom-
1.•ale.i their efforts to make their• coact' fire was then 'edited and when asitias into coneideration'the shipping Lest Suniay afteente.n the spirit of
+oso•l social one of the most popular the jai &M
itt home watt &stt to be j facilites" both by rail and water itt Mho. John Tint Gook Ito !!ieht at her
f Pau u! the season.
commenced 'three chore were given ;Canada and the United Stacey. It home on William Eggert. Ceideri^b.
fur the ladies who ha.i done re much m was only after several interview. with The ee-oieed, wbo wee Brea flhy-oine
Aetaant to Berry -picking Party. to make the picnic such an enjoyable l your engineer And others 'that Mr. I yeat•e, had bet n ailing f .r some tine.
While returning from a dayspent in event. The day's prograwa. con. ii Brodie con. eived the idea ..f erecting Chet her iline:ewas Otppch :r nature that
. he country pickling h.grIea 1. hm and- .-Iuded by the .ingiug of the 'Cations' ' an electric plant in contbinetion with I she was colleen to had f .r only chi.*
wagon -toad of buhen-and young girls j Anthem. Much react was exprevs.viI hie salt work".. the idea ..f working weeks before her demo.*Moa fart! s
wan avertnrued on Waterlo., street at the nuavoid*Me absence of A..M. the two togetherler no net, ane, It is mai :en nave was Cirri -:Ina MrDiar-
ast Monday evrntng. An automobile Robertson. president. of the Y. M. C. .De in your own town today where I mid and yhe was the daarhter of Mr.
frightened alai of the horse• as it ep- A.. whose tnteree& in the boy. b..s hey use the waste steam to memento- I and MPF. Kenneth Wit' .raid, who.
preached from behind and the team always been cf the high.•it order. tore halt. I left their native place at H it.. Srot-
laahed to the aide of the Pond and. Canso Wedding Celebration. Mr. Brodie connate today. tbr.ou,7h `land. and came to Chieuta wben the
ping short, the riot waste: fl d cote- .fore • Laach. oft awn. was 11 BtuFe4 Mr. Hodektnson, the invent,. of nuc .nl-ject et this notice wa. but a young emit pr. eels, the Hielgkineen'
assisting in the, relebeatioo of the mechanical stoker, is which rite cheap -
twentieth anniverraty of the 'wedding ret kind of bisumineus sever ran he
FROM MR, Klpii I view, 1 think that Paoli unwarrantable
attacks are not voiced by the oiliness
of Goderich. Whetter Mr. Br'odleO
proposition is aooep�sd oe not kt ns
not forget the ori' courtesy dant
is due to business emu.
Yonas end) ,
Aid.) A. J. Kw..
M• lawmen We todaMr y received
the �uiiowIuR letter from
`lag Toon* (tat. Jwlete. Its.
M. Q. Caminateberm
MY Dads Ma. MAYOR-[
that on my visit fes Goderich oD Moa -
day last I did not fulfill your expecta-
tions in addressing the meeting ae
promised. Alter listening to the
speeobse of suite of the citizens it
occurred to me that wbat messed to
be the real bone of costeatiol was
that some of the weathers of the
Board of Trade bad not been properly
advised of an impromptu meeting
which wsa held before Mr. Brodie re-
turned to Ragland. is a matter of
vital imporWtoe to Use town of "Gode-
rick it appeared, from mypoint of
dew, ver childish ish to allow such
email matters to bias /their opinions,
and it these members bad what they
professed to have, the wen -being of
the town of Goderich et heart. it
would be more businesslike and manly
on their part to sink such petty al
uredos. The proposition proposed by
Mr. Bredie la one. I think. every fair-
minded citizen will endorse. Mr.
Broiie does not tome to Goderich to
ask any favors. He is spending his own
moneyp the erection o a $a
i t' t It plant
A pioneer' of Adhteld hu goes to
taw re
his taw la the peruse of Peter
Irwin Edwards, who passed away at
his home la Goderich on Wednesday
of last week. He was in his eighty-
fifth year and was • native ot Aber-
deen. Scotland. He came to tbls
country at the age et twenty-eix and.
followed the vocation of a manor on
the Great Lakes for sixteen seasons,
plying between Quebec and Dulutb.
Be spent the whiten in Chicago,
where, in the $imar 1803, he married
Miss Mary MamEwes. den • native of
Scotland. who came to America from
the city of Edinburgh. During him
trips up and down the lakes the lade
Mr. Edwards made frequent alts at
Oodericb Mod on we occasiooup
land in tbb township Ashfield.
whicb was a dense forest at that time.
A few years later, is 1110. he moved
with his wile and family of toren to
his farm neer Kinta& and like other
pionsete of War township he b
totem his rooms. This plant alone hard °kertog end cultivating his bind.
will chat is thh n
e eighhorhood of -tit When in' the year 1906 he retired
tern Mr. Brodie
dollars. from agricultural pursuits and moved
Brodie un that youd before corn- totiodericb, he lett behind him one of
ing tor Goderich1c&bled that you had ell;trin and s the finest farms In Ashfield. Mr. Rd -
hoard in En land..hiOn hiss to arrive] In ward. adhered to the Presbyyterian
Goderich atter purchasing the Plitt faith but for acme time previous to
property Mr. Brodie made inquiries as his death he was unable to attend ser -
to power, and found the t o w n vice. The tuners! took place from his
fete residence on Gibbons street on
Saturday afternoon. the interment
bring made in Maitland cemetery.
Rev. Geo. E. Rus conducted the
funeral servi.:e and the pallbeorers
were Messrs. McHardv, McMurchy.
Buchanan. Grant Caldwell and Mc-
Kenzie. Peter Macgwan tfdwarde. of
Bay City. Mieb., accotop+nied by his
son Master Lewis, was heir attending
the funeral of his father. Miss Mary
Mct)jlwell. a niece of de.•e&sed, of Tor-
nota, also wan here for the funeral.
movement in Godet it has reaebed had no pp• ewer to sell, a n
such a stage that it hes been foundhat magi. of the 325 h.p . which was
advisable to divide the boys into two the amount stated by yourengineer
troops. JoeCarrie ia t he Scoutmaster tbp town useJ, they could not sell even
of the first troop and Leslie Inkster titre h. p. This necessitated Mr.
Iota been given charge of the second. Bet die's securing the McEwen prop -
The first troop is composed of the erty, which had power on the spot.
Wolves, the Crows and the Panthers, for the put•po o ot making his tester
sod the Owls, the Beavers and the One thing I wish to itrbpress upon you
Rams comprise the emend troop. '•tf which you are well aware), Neat
4fter the new Scoutwasters hast been Mr. Brodie had .no idea of touching
installed they were gt.•eted with three the power proposition when he came
pletely upside down. The}broke
:away with the front wheels and .ol-
!,del with a telegraph p.l. near \\•e+t
.-treet. where the horses Were caught.
One of them t revised come.. had
-t'rWhes in the mixup. The rig was
•dosed in on s11 side. and it is miracu-
girl When rhe grew t.. wo.iltn-
bood be was married t.. IHugh Camp-
bell. of (.oderich, and the surviv-
or Rey. Dr. and Mr... Oaten. of that used. It ,onsumes its owns smoke. ( in;r mentberbl of the$ - family are
place. Mr,. Leech ni An aunt of Mrs. and is known to he the what ee ttumi- Mr.. Alien, of Detroit and Kenneth
Oaten, The gathering was a large c*t furl -saver itt the world. The Brit- ('amptwlJ.of Basicity, .\fterthedeath
and noteworthy one. comprising. be- teh Adm ralty is now using it, to- of Mr. Campbell tae f .nilly went' to
.idea many'ret,tive.• of Dr. and Mit. get her with the largest consumers of Blyth to live far ra time Out later re -
Looe that we many escaped $.ring bust. Oaten. the members of the official coal throughout ;he world. It • 11
Mrs. Leckie' nr.tsined some injuries .read oft BtLnsels Meth. turned to leen s'}rh, Twent y nee
h� $ hod through the coving on this stoker, to- year+ ago deceueed was wedded to
to her tarp, while the o.bAt. "esu- and othrrs. Oue of t e haters, of the
trans eSaca i l gether with using the waste steam end j,,hn Tutt, who met death eight years
The betties, the result of the had s
t oih suer a s$ lost.
ped with Abed shaking up.
The Steamer Myron Damaged.
While on its wav tc, Sault $te. Marie
celebration was the preuenlauon to heat that Mr. Brodie is able to offer ago in an a cident at the tete Mill
Dr. and ate. Oaten of a floe dinner I the town of Goderich a cheaper h. p. 'Mince that rime Mn. Tate had eentinned
set- of Havitand ch'na and cat Kiser... than they of any other .city can pro- to reside in boder.. li She war. a faith -
Brie ppr.eotation being mode by the Iduce .Iecthc
power from bycoal. The fulmemherofKiiox.ei.nrchand took ar,
Melds! board of the Methgdist church statements made be Mr. Carstairs, an aethve interest in all things pertaining
to the welfare of tee eongregstion.
aha was e valued member of the
Ladies; Aid of the church and of the
Goderich branch of the Women's in-
stitute. She also w et a metnher of
the l'anadien Order •f Home C rclee.
Joet two weeks prevl'•w to the day of
her tuners!. a si-ter, Mn. - Chas.
Knight. was laid to rest. The funersl
of Mrs. Tart took r 'ice on Tuesday.
afternoon to Mahtler. 1 Cemetery. The
services wet a Gond u. '•d by Rev. Gen. g,
Boss and the pallhr.arer. were Capt.
Donald McKay, J. E. Tom, D. Stod-
dart. Jas. Buchan t:., Malcolm Mc-
Kay and Robs. McKay IBrucefleldt.
Among those from n d' 'ante in at-
tendance at the f :neral were Mee.
Richard Som.... . mf • Blyth : Mrs.
Sproat. of Tuckelh.mnh: Robt. McKay
and Jan. McKay, of Retreated : Mrs.
Milljw. of Teeswa'.•r, Mrs. Geo Mc-
Kay of Seaforth. anal Eugene Alien. of
last Thursday the passenger steamer bird hem's"' .mpanted by 3U address I independent chartered accauutant.
of congratul+frau and good w' tshes. f t s ei rpa red by y our auditors
tout repos .
Huron, of the !ltar•Cole line, ran on w Rev. Dr. Oaten has entered upon the I for the years 1907 to 1910, inclusive.
shoal oft Richard's Landing. St. Jos- eSreYtud year of bet pastorate of the,
s Island. sad cracked and bent • show the cost of power in the tuna of
Ph Methodist church at &umbels and is Goderich today is WO follows: -
T.15 H. P. ..... $44.18
3010 •• 4819
275 .. " ... '52.57
1S0 57.83
2110 .. ,. .. 7:.23
Deducting all labor charges, say 33.-
999.00 per annum, as there soems•fo be
no way or means of arriving at the ex-
act chargee to be made under your
separate headings of your light and
water Amount.. the cost of h. p. less
wages is as follows :-
326 H. P..... 341.70
31K) • ... 44.09
275 •• •• 48.11
250 " "..' .. 52.91
i .. ,. 58.79
08.14 Detroit
Now. sir,as you are aware, in a
very few years you will have to re -in- PERSONAL MENTION.stall an up-to-date plant to meet the
requirements of your town or you will
never get aoy factories who require
electric power to locate in Goderich.
You will then have to arrsinge for de-
bentures to cover your cost of a new
plant. etc. Mr. Brodie offers the citi-
zens of Goderioh s proposition in
whish he agrees to supply you with
325 h. p. so now required. end a
further 100 h. p. if the town should re-
quire such. at $34 per h. p. I need
not go into details as to what other
towns are paying for h. p. throughout
Ontario. In the town of Seaforth the
cost for horsepower from the Hydro -
Electric is $41.25 at the sub -station.
Added to this the cost of distribution,
the town of Seelortb is paying 347 tor
Mr. Brodie also agreer that if the
town of Goderich can purchase water -
developed power in ten years at lets
than 184 be will bare tat meet sueb
prion or kis contract will be at an
One point, bowever, i would like to
bring i. your sotto., which i think
has bees loot sight of In this eoatro-
vessy &bort the pow .theme. Are
the eluates of Oodatich ewer,
wbat a mit plant Mr. Brodie
meting in tlod.rleh would
C:r/ No Industry of mesh nee and
importance has ever been offered
to your tows before foe nothing.
Mr. Brodie is nafsg his own mosey,
net the chimes' mosey. Be does
not sane to you with a ptesposi-
tion is whet be what you to *snare
Referees( to the is•tasrs isoar
papers s*
local ,� by setperson, W wince
it le lnd•nsted ghat Mr. Break. is a
fakir. suer ri•p-trap by these parties
is despicable. sod no fafresindsd .1 i -
gene of yvrur town. i am auger approve
of mob methods, whether in Iavne of
the by1•w Or mot. You. sir. with
other tsadlsg eltbmne. have the maple
reports in regard to your enquiries
frothe leading hankers to l ondon.
Illsgtarad, as to Me. Betrdie's stendin
Oil toenails* pnails* respeetaMiity. It
and nervous tlebetty. Oa• dater per le to be eagr.tted th88, ends an Mclnn-
hnttle. Meshes a noel M Tit+ Moe. a ; .- l •, I ',owe Ween In+. 11 ' +.
load Me trio.• ('c.. f}n.i.Heb. Fur pose. Per-on/10y find 1 know Mr
male by B. N. Wiwi*, des8ghat. Brodie a eel see it from my point •.f
number of plates on her bottom. Sec• widely known throughout thin part of
ere! seams were opened but temporary the cuusty,
repairs made at the So., pat her is In connection with the scent re-
shape to •
safety make retain trip corded above The' Brussels Post
to Cleveland. The puseme sgers tat thee sa s _
•'Our /attention Ism- been called
host, to the curator of 1911. wets all this week to the aim of nl.equalled re -
transferred to the the City of cord of the well-known Leech family
chithem1.1. a and taken to the !too. imine• by the visit of three members in town,
I. Cri atter the accident. Cara. K. in the persons of .eari b veteraus am Ed -
C• C•eamer of 1Detroit, elbess pe- ward [.tech. of Trowbridge, in bis
Ed -
the vented.inyr and his coon Pts- nioetietb year, Janes Leech. Genie,
esany phots among tSk and all aged eighty-four vests, and Rev. W.
gees when the veru di tern* all. .. of California. aged seventy-one.
wen intra cif report tales .bat when
all active men enjoying a greet degree
steameA islet states that schen th* of health. There wet ten brothers in
was placed i■ revealdrydoed
d tie the Leech family. all of whom were
foot that
a ezamie d nn revealed the horn in Leeds Co., Ont Six of them
tttae h dhedatti•ge pneed. I greater ea. are still alive. The combined ages
peon had Deet at will b It d era total 491 years, an average of eight y-
restm that the heat eM ready her
two. This noteworthy het comprises
trsame its ran next week. making bur the following gentlemen :-Robert.
regular call here, northbound, on Detroit. seed mnetyone years. Ed -
Tuesday evening. August 1st, •t ward, Trowbridge. •Red eigbtnine
s+ a m yyears: Jame.e, Ciotti*. aged erghty-
Harbor Notre. four years ; Joeepb, Toronto, aged
The tramline Isuneb Caledonia baa eighty years: George, Toronto, tired
been placed in eoassnheioe for themes. seventy-six years : Rev. W. W.. Cali -
tom month.. • tennis. aged seventy-one years. The
The steamer Kaministlquis Is ex -persons referred to are uncles to Mrs.
prated today with a cargo of 145.000 iRev.) Osten. of Brussels, and are well
}.;rebels of wbeat and oats. and favorably known In their various
The new elevator belonging to the spheres."
Wooers Canada Flour bulla Co. Is CHURCH NOTES.
readying a finishing coat ofthin ce-
meat.Rev. J. Pollock will occ•i y the
Captain m
Donnelley has ove! all his pulpit et both services in the Baptist
t• araround to the river. fisufag that church next Sunday. at 11 et. m. &od 7
he can rent them these much mon p. In. The Sunday school meets at 10
readily than la tee harbor. a. m.
Monson anson and Eddie Lynn Rev. Geo. E. Ross' moaning subject
reached home On Sunday evening in Knox church next Sunday win be
atter • two -weeks' fisting trip to John- •.E, thing Complats to We eren-
stos'a Harbor sad Golden Valley. ing "
Ood•at d" will be the
On Saturday fast another addition theme of bis discourse.
wee made to the deet d pifaeure raft The Y. P. S. c. B. of Knox church
at tee harbor wbes Alkex. Colborne is arranging to bold • picnic at Ben-
larlleebed a handsome 21 -tort situp. miller on the ettellooS of civic boli-
The tug Cbaa. Lsmcae and the barge day, August Ind. Ii.k requested that
Crawford were In port for shelter all who bare signified their iateat,Ios
the begisaing of the week. rbey to attend be atiteoz church nos later
were on their way to Chattans. with a than 1: f0 p. m.
1010 of posts. • Forty hours' devotboal services
jt bbeen elated by men who) are were conducted to St. Peter's thumb
bike n • poaitba to know that the wayes ea Monday and Tuesday of this weak•
es the lake during_ Use gale on Mos- Rev. rather McRae. the pariah privet
day were the Seen in years was by acv.
dmelded in the a ON outing the month of JtitT� � Father. O'Neill, of Perkbill: Cor -
Work rare Will (•eels s ID -foot daunt-!+ corse. of 8estrteth : ( of cop
She will likely r(`,orro•ct. llCfa
be Put in the water sortie Ito. Father
i. or with • si eerselxn►er sided at the esrvica os Sseday •vse-
le nearly completed rind y hoe's, and lr RI 'lege•
piled next week. Donn. •1 CAbsort. as-
eagle* and will be • ingl
vahahle .ddithoa to the pleasure croft A Menet Some" of Energy
The still' bathos..
Goaeeieh Rlevatnr and Tram% MseLe d'e Nysten Renovator M a
Onapany arc improving tee eastern took width remove the vital forma.
est 0f Hob proved p. Wb*w tbs new it Nuevo serve and mrwular..erjy
addlUos was emend • spare of about and supplies. stew moray. it does lets
fifty fest was net befit upon_ _The by Increasing appetite, by lasurisg
cement dock is saw being ersten.d to better Sesiasilatios of food and by dir
cover this. tam and a osriod of p4es edly supplying eleam*ut that serve bre
ardent last week to be weed is tee strengthen the nervous system. Th1.
feendatIon work. rseno tonic M eminent., in all
sbipyrd et ib weetaw Ned of rundown needn't -toed the systole.
the harbo t penmen • May appeareace erp*MaRy these worked by 1.prenloms
gsampr.sseel sir puleiss, Arlen amid
enretters rpalntaifbsK a e•noNnnerns
harm The b' g ' • • a u, puscb Anes not
make se ' - hot bites Devotee
and certain pointe in Western
Canada via Obicago. Duluth and
Port Franesa. $18.00 additional
August 3rd From Toronto
to 8* r p i&
Tunnel ioc.halite via Stratford
and all stations in Ontario
south thereof.
Au st 12th From .11 "A -
Gone north of,
art not including main line,
Toronto to Sarnia Tunnel vis
Stratford, to and including the
line from Toronto to North Bay
and West in Ontario. '
August I 6th'oto
and station«
resit in Ontario, also east of
Or.tlie and Scotia Junction in
Ontario. -
August 23rd Y n:tTuronta:
Voeth Bny and \Fret in Ontario.
August 25th Om all ota-
tinne Tur'1nto.
and east of Deitiis and Scotia
Junction i n Canada.
Fu11 particulars from any Grand
Trunk Agent. cat• address A. E.
Duff. District Passenger Agent.
Toronto. Ontario.
F. F. Lame -toe, Agent, (itxdrricb.
Toronto Globe • Mr. and Mom Peter Rama.
of Dederiah- Ont., forrn.rlr of Monte s/ an.
trounce the sumeron.nI of their daughter,
Jowle Moores to Ur. Charles 1. n
David'.., Ont. TM aaarrsure win sae nem in
Mr's Richard MVi4 r. .f Windsor. anoom-
polled th her 11tue 'on has Wren spending
nine weeks at tis home of her persatn, Mr.
and Mrs. .1. Crinkle, A..hee 'amaM new riot-
ing her eater. Mr.. M. t' Rowell, In town for
a day coition benne ret urr.rig ta Windsor.
Mr. sed Mra Frank Tom cod daugbtero of
TeMdo. 0.. are eeteodlrtg their alines] hdlid+r
with lneoactor Tem. M. to.. who in so en-
thudssuc þil con (ioderbh the
centro of one of OurAnew.. =him AMtrt.0
and of the moat basiOf .1 watery to be found
Mie, 8opbts Mroehan 4R on Monday for
letabridp, Aka MIw. Slr.Mun wan for •
number of >>_s�ers mann with tits town
tr'ewsrir'n sites sad prowherelt s nowt
p.. woman. many meads in
(Mewl th wish her the beta of meows la her
new Tucson.
Mea O. F. Danes arrived h toward
dap on a WW1 vtdt to her Mee. [7.6111117;
don led Jost n.t.0 from • trip fe
(heat �Brlat�ln cosh her . Rev. fl. r.
Melton. of Moemd•w, ansk . was Is charge
K a noasaspnt of boy Moots cobe wins tatter
Is the coronation /weed op.
Ct. and Mn. Twnhby�•
bnll and da. r
Marta. oneses o Hrn. free DaRM.
_ Tomball sod KW
M aymen4 toe anon wombs whit
tistr Mors bI Wm T•.� a Mpasi and
Mem Mr. (lees Prise and .aa�Wk, od Om
IAD Mond Pana Iiae col 'elanv.s h
pAG t
Great Lakes
m• Service
Soo, Port Arthur
Fort William
Daily escept Friday and Sunday
how Owen Sound
Connecting Train Leaves Toronto
at 8:to a.m.
Ask Arent for Particulars
Agent. - .odericl.
Capital, best ar.d Undield.d
ProAts 18,000,(100
IN Total Asset. over $14.IJ10r193
NITABtJnHiD 1886
in for United States.
88 and under - -
igto iMO -- - -
the nett three you send A
email sum to any point in
Canada. or to 'any large • cit y
They cost as follows -
3c. 810 to 3is0 ...
de. 830 to •80 - . - - Ifle
With this low cost tbey •outb'ne convenience witb aneettate
For larger sums use our Drafts.
Goderich Branch '
W. L. HORTON, • -
��. �t MORN. NO
Rea miss. 'eerier tees be.lpe&�mt Ma
(mAre m rrmt°sW ~Mini et me
JAm is h« ma rear.
For all o•oaeloas tans illatakeineree
dalidesa ism e1'esss, .a bolt R tar
basks. 'Them Ile •
Dr. Forster. of St ettlor 4. ep. 15Ilut
la eye, ear, sew not throat, will he at
the Bedford Holo tin Monday
nfrom 1118 a. m. it 4180 pre Ilya"
examined kw glasses
The attestiese of ee.nenrt-.urestnittoes
is drawn to the annossonnent that
Mn 0 H. King, it .gesso soloist. le
open fee (asset engapmeou. Rias
Is den prepared bre a• a Iimiteld
r»,►.- ..r ...eel (melts Ad.lreee ►tl
r•out•tus, ra ion• .K .y'ply ti. h
Kteg. Brunk weed, otelerieh.
510 "M.' =r 510
August 3rd -soon, alt •rattan. on a'I
lines on toad Soothe( the (brand
Trunk Main Linn Toronto a !SaruM.
Including ell .•ation. on ('. P. Toronto
to Detroit ane emote Linos In"l.dlnm
tt'wtph P.b4lvt-1r^ ti '10 Ouelpb coeth
and Brampton Hoath.
august 12th-1rom all •!atfoo. Nona ot
Grand Trunk Mala otaS,, Tor•
onto to Ramis lndedin& t'. P R.
Ants. Bole Jct. and : also
Grand Trunk points. Toronto to (`allan-
dar Inclusive.
August Nth -Prow all •t.tloee In Gat
ort. Toronto and Fast i•
and e-nita Jet, and Gat on 0. T. W..
ale A end& and Intern (°uteri•.
A.ilust 43rd -,From all wtatlon.Torosto
to North Bay Nein/dos said
envoi With - From ail '1.tloes TOren10
and rest Tat Ostarld sad Q.ebse.
alas }fat of Ot4111.. South Jet. and
Note say
Representative farmers ted
mow by the 1fereot 0ov.enn.ab new
and madd oo arrival at Whet
Free transportation .111 1M f•ri sh-
K.A K WIsnlpnr to Wet, en Canadian
est eat of ewe Jaw and
-Nan, and at . ocr.t a mile west theme
le tsakatcMwan and Albers. Bpees1
trains ens Toronto ..d Ootar(e "Mon
thrown V'Winnipeg without shines.
Ask my C. P. t for
rt se R. A.
Agent - Goderich
Tants s et'S
Vacation Trips
tc Muskoka, Lake of Bays, Teur-
Boern . Algonquin Park, fleorglen
Bay, Kawurthe Lakes, Alegeuet-
aHan River, French River, Lake
uron, Lake Superior, Mackinac
Island, Quebec. White Mountains
and Sessde Resorts.
Through tourist Pullman sleeper
Gi \Vlnniprg and Edmonton.
Leaves Toronto 11 p. m. August 8.
via Chicago, St. Paul and Minneap-
olis. Very low rates.
Full particulars from any Grand
Trunk Agent or +undress A. le.
DUFF, D. P. A.. Toronto, Ont.
F. F. Lawrence, Town Agent.
, •TRAT.01110, ONT.
• Itoolnow .kr•. wale inns not .r.a.a.01
aro tlr beat WS adve three d.gsrtossrr.
e (tn1 M NW Ia I. awn RTtt Ann sod Tat
melte tette the inittrae for dr meat$e is
l t pm ate ter .rs. mar NM. I.r..[erosee
win .or. to met ottiessews ret mar le
Iw WSW, Ri etwie (1.Ne.e A omen. („t
..e ti.. erakainme wren.
it. A. M •I.A(•NI.A',
r, recd let
Come in and
If you are not already ac-
quainted with the merits of •
try u sauiple ortler. You
can ba certain of securing
seasonable goods here at all
times. Our 'phone number
is 91. Give us a trial. The
quality of our goods will con-
vince you.
Sturdy & Co.
Grocers On The Square
(let Your Printing
Done at
The Signal's
Job Department
When You
Read Our Ads
We want you to
take thenteliterally.
Believe just what
they tell you. Ono
count molt •tie.
As we would telt
if you were here too
we talk .to volt in
the pipet'. To do
anything else would
he foolish.
We are tookine
for your continued
patronage if we enn
get it, and the only
way we know how
to get it is to do
what we fay and say
what we Jo.
if you haven't yet.
, proved that this is
en eminently satin -
fa ctpry store at
whirs to do business
there to a pleasure
awaitiug you.
J. S. Davey
Jeweller and Optician
South side ot Square, Goderich
Caledonian .Day
Lucknow's Old-time Caledonian Games, Which Were
so Successfully Revived Last Year, . Will be
"Greater and Grander than Ever" -Best
Athletes in Canada . Have Been
Secured, and the Attractions
Will Be Unequalled.
\Viol. promises to be the art pro -
groan of spore put on in Western
Ontario will be gives in Lwcksow on
Caledonian Day, Monday. August 7th
next. $25011.00 will he expended is at-
tr•actfoes, prase. rte. The famous
(ink. Kittle Beal, dreamed in tbeir
Scottish olstwpses, have been mewed.
in addition to tine, the resides) net
will be a I.
by the Deksow R
Bead and the tertian Maned Rs
dotty Braes Bland. The jolbwiwwgg
athletes have tree secured :-Bolk6y
KM. the fastest eprlat•r 1s America,
cobs masa 100 yards in 0 416 mor..ndm at
Buffalo. July 4th t break flalNaas..
who woe Ile B.IIIse ll aphv e ham-
pi.,sship at the ( $Pennons sports in
the 100 -yard dash •d tie MO yards :
Jack Tait winner of the one -mile and
champion of the British Empire
who fee
that dietaries , Mel. Brnek, who won
the calf -mile is 1.87, the fa.tsst Ouse
that has bars dose in Kngland tbia
yes.r . Alex. Cameron, rbasspbn
vaulter of Unwed* : R. raeDoaate,
the °ammo ub•mpl°. walker and the
only one wino has been able to swabs
it intmeetiairt for le uldhtg : Hew. U.
1.1. 11.4111 shy .,.1 menv o her.
novena athletic elutes have written
shat they ate mailing up their athlete,*
and the running events should prove
the meet ieteresting run off le tihe
Province. A novelty ham bees werurwd
f• four whippet• whbeb will ram MO
yards and 110 yerdm. The whippet
will alma race against llalhbars, who
will be given • good handicap. Bnb►�
Kerr will undertake to nes 111 ysr'e�im
while MacDonald walk. 110 yards. At
gnat expense, a id *timeline10.- 1.ewt secured frees New Tori,
Japanese acrobats sed ,thee perform-
er.. Them w111 put on thele thew
both afternoon and evening. peed
prises me given for piping/ tied dna-
oing, and the beet piper. sod danoewed
America will be hate to compete. fa
Me 'main" a grand +pen wee maser'
tent 1 be giv*o Is the l7.Mieslea
gg ia4'b.-
nnuis and
i remo entreating by the JJawr
tm dowel=
and others their company, and in
1* eon.tudd with tabs M.t dlepahy rep
*reworks over given in this part at
the ee6ntrryy. ttprisl ratan are gems
by the es' way. howls all Ilse Orme
centres, single fare front '.0 penes
w4his • 8a50 •}tingle-hre matte. end a
epeelat train will to acre fross Paleaw•-
e�oe aad bark. Ree knee toll. for1o. t b.•r par 1. Wars.. Dent am rho en Chimes this year, "the War