The Signal, 1911-7-27, Page 4Sr Ilrt aria., Jot. 77. lst1 • wAL • -GUI . GA. District News. t.EEIWRN. TUESDAY, Jul) Ikh. Locir.s._ -Milo Glutton, of Stratford. is visiting et for home of her brother. Alex. Clifton.. Mier Maggie Dw- ain has returned home after a pleas- ant visit with the Misses Leonia - slayer e.. ...Miss Iucy rod Master Willie (Mutton, et Stratford, are spending their vacation with their gtendenotber. Mre. J. Horton... -Mist Helen Taylor is visiting at the home of her untie, James Taylor... _Miss Lou Sterling. of Buffalo, is here on a visit to her father KIPPER. Tbtr$Dev, July 'lith. Miss Ids Jones has returned home after speeding a pleasant three weeks with friends in Port Stanley. John Campbell. a new arrival from Scotland. is working with his cousin, Jas. McDvn.ld. Ile is a good type of the sol 1 of men we treed In Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Black and children from Manitoba are visiting in the home of Isaac Ju rott and among other friends here. Albert Johnston and sister, Mia Mar)-, bare returned trout Alberta.. where they have beet' teaching for the last year and a -half. They think the eet is all right. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Dui/dale went lest %eek to Hatniltten• where Mr. liusd.ale is now tatiog treatment from an osteopathic physician His many friends here hope for a speedy recovery. Ali.. Nettle M,Gregor, who ha. been teaching in Wellesley township near vtratford, is !rune tot 11... ya'.rlioo. Thilt ie her ti..t y. -u, hut she pleased her 11. ter 1, ,.0 1 VI ell the. they ,.t. - gag 1 11.•1 1 it r1.•x' year :.t an in re nets ofSio.1mrd.i.r•ynow being 5 e.- ST. AUGUSTINE July 21,.it. 111 week Mr and and lr..1-diold int, Win. feet week. turn of rtietuls•.'s !le, idle range at anti yards- possible tr. Titdale Ledily M. clowning Litpphy In. It. McAllitts; 24, Wm. Thompson 22. Win. Kandla') Iiinaliari 19. P. Wal -1. iS. %Via Red - Kd. Helene left. lor the W,.-1 yester- Ilav 01.41141g. evening al 7 o'clock. Temple Clcrk :eft yiaterilly morn- ing for .. trip through th, \Vest day. Miss lth via Philips. of Blyth. is visiting at t here. Hatry for tt few aavs last week. civic holiday haa been set for Weil. will spend the, (la) at Point Farm. Th.. 11.ingaboon rifle club are send- ing neer a team this aftet•noon to try coma osion. wit h OM' local in ackstnen. Jack Roberts. formerly of the Sterlina Hank here, IV as renewing old *ego iintances in the villsge last Anburn is billed to play tennis against Myth Goderich oh August 3rd, the date of the Sundey school ex• cursion Dorn Blyth. Miss May Ferguson and Mimi Lottie Jackson. who attended the suinmet tsiCheIol et St. Thomas se delegates from the Auburn League. will give their report At the meeting of the Epworth League next Tuesday even- ing. Rev. It. A. Miller was awey peewit - int Epworth League anniversary ser- vices at Parkhill. a former circuit. on Sunday. His pulpit here wae supplied by Mr. Whiting, • student, who preached very aceeptably. Miss Winnie Howson. who barn been studying music under Kiwi Roby Young, .6. moceseful in the elongate eervatory of Music on July 7th. We extend hearty congest elm lone to teacher and pupil. .11.? THU TRIM, 001111T11. -The con teM for the local championship in Me court Wet Friday evening. The gags were fongbt out by Me Donald and • A. Naylor. tbe former ensiles out after • loot hard je. *twine won the theseniult- ship . WEI is now ready to meet an comers for tbe &anthem** of the musty The fellow's* are the mores tram the tied el the fleet mond Reglad Round. Ns !or beat Elliott (Goderieb16-1. 64. Me best Aequith 6 64 Rellineoe beat Munro &I. Legroom beg Riddell Lt. 04 Z=tt LaXXIDX AFL 64 woe. freest Lawsos• erg 4e - illeDeasid beat Say* 04. gg, • SAYFIEI.D. WRDNtt7ae&T, July Ibt.b. Misr Keeping Dona of Iagsi•soq is visiting friends in lawn. Miss Stuart. of London. is the guest of her eater, Mrs. (Dr.) Stanbury. Three load. from here attended the gardM ply in Vacua oo Tuesday evening of this week and in spite of a rather damp, cold evening report • good time. A Novet. Paooneht.-The Ladies' Aid of St. Andrew's church intend bolding their annual summer coaoert on Tuesday event . Angulo 1st, in the town halL A s endid program b beiog prepared which t. to take the novel form of a coopetition between the campers on the north 4We of the river and those on the south side. The admission i. only ID tents and a full house is moored. SATURDAY, July thid. Miss Flossie Ottawa. of Toronto. is spending ber holidays at the home of her ungle, Jam Line. Maeter Oliver White, of Stratford. end Mester Willie Dixon, of Port Al- bert. spent the last couple a weeks with their uncle, W. P. Reed. A hied ot telephone poles atrived at Laties on Thursiley. This shows the rspidity with which the work is heing etrried out by those who , hare it in Tux Cuors.-The showers. and cool weather of the past couple of weeki. hsve been very ref' editing to oh man awl vegeiatien. The wheat and bar- ley are nearly all bervested, ripening 1 at ber early 011 acclunt of the drivisht. Tne ‘...t crop it veiny held 7. V. 013Ce wilort se Mi-tb hot week t0 visit Alma Rii‘invon,'.of •Lnn Inn, is visii tee t: ienderhere. N1 iss Arigirinc left Tuesday of th'i, week or St tlip to tk.e West. rtt tile heine- of Dr. 'Bice. ilcv. L. 1.1 t is gnerang. hip holidays witn lends at Woodhatu. M/1)1,11101 %ii3d dangister 1.).•11a are vi,iting friends in Paisley 'and Ikon Erie. was home for a week's .vlsit st his home here. visited the formet's brother. Will. Monday of this week. Rey, 11. H. Palmer 'end wife. front Green snt are visitingtheir• The -i•-viree in the Methodist church 14,4 Sui,(lay were taken it. the titiorn• tug by 1'. Girvin. of Nile. and in the %V. J. S eat is .selling out his jewel - through the West with a view te I Jesting in the risme line of business out•t here. Temple,Clark. of Auburn, visited old friends here lest week. Mr. Clark left Tuesday for Melville. Seek., to look after hi* peuperty there. will also visit his brother in Mask:good. It. Reeve.. who haat beep baking for N. J. Treleaven for over re year. left Saturday tir his home in Toronto. B. Mackie, of Acton. hes taken the poeition left esteem. by Mr. Reeves' Rev. Mr. "Braken, agent fcr the Upper Cana la Bible Soctety. gave an illustrated iectuns in the Methodist church Thursday evening of last week. He preached itt St. Paul's church on Sunday morning. gannon is the centre of considerable activity in tbe construction of tele- phone lines. A gang of men in charge of Contractor Forbes, of seafortb. is engaged in the work and Dungannon will shortly be the centre of a opium of telephone line, running north. south. met and west from thin poi at A BAD BACK Is a Wareing That the !Gimp Are A bad back tures every twenty -foot hours into one dull round of pain end winery -you are lame in the morning. nagged all day by a doll tbrobbinig bm•kache. can't rest in the eyeshot or *Seep well at night. It, hurts to bend over. straighten op. get up from • turn or awk- twinge of path Booth's Kid - the weak spot the kidneys, asid quietly restore kid- ney health arid conifers They as, guaranteed All dr i sad drug g=i160e.. or peetpael frees the R. T Go.. IAA- Fort Brief. Ost. Rend for Free Bon whit* will be gladly sent en applicable Sold sod guer • Magic Dere Owe -cures while jeou SUMMER SPORTS Bow�' The tour rinks of Lima bowlers, skippppedd by J. H. J. Bnsmbsll, Bi F. Dave and Dr. Hunter. who were at Mitchell last Friday were ideated by tweoty-four shots in ted 1tiiU tropby b�aaaoe When Mitchell played Goderrcb they were beaten at by tweaty- three shots. so tint. the local trundler@ lost oo the round by one shot. lllambs& W hie the wind wasa forty - mile gale the Methodist "pillugge s west down to defeat at the haoda of the Presbyterian "peppermints" last Monday evening on Agricultural Park diamond. This wee the first appasr- ince of the Calvinists in the thumb 'gigue games and in the way they peppered the bell all over the let they demonstrated beyond a doubt their ability as players of the popular grmee, Charlie Riley was is tee box for the Methodists sod Ernest Priid- 1 atn and Lewis Elliott took turas at *topping the ball when the batter failed to hit it. TM official scorer is not in a position to give the pesos ex- act data as to the nuinher of runs. hits and et mere, but it is uoduetood that the scme wee sot a score but inkblot a few tallier of bring so. Charlie 'wit pitched a wonderful game for the Presb tetians, and with W. Blsrtt in ;tee cage behind the plate the • 1 dee eisgly Maw disorders. The Aker the Oeod of alt that shoe= thew. The blood passes through the kid oeys every tare minutes. 1[ the kidnap' do their work rte impurity or cams of disorder am remain a the circulations longer these that time. Therefore if your blood is eat of order your kidneys have hied in their work. They are la need of •.mutation.seenegthening er doctoring t)se nr.didae do se three► the lams sed moms imitated blood medicine them 1 1 saarwe .t■tarttmonteemosomew SUMMER SALE I SUMMER CLEARINGS 9 This is the second week of this sale and hundreds of yards of summer goods still to sell in Voiles, Suitings, Dress Muslins, Waists, Foulards, Ginghams, Skirts and Gowns. oftettieriatetigiWellerniggiefeeigt We are clearing up all our warm weather fabrics at surprisingly low figures. We have decided not to carry over any summer goods. We are making prices so low that they should move rapidly. Selling is our object now, not profit-making. • Yod can get better bargains than jr�oottll have seen befote in anything we are oft r • ing at thin sale. - Fancy aungrer might Voiles. About WO yards left. Regular prim 50e. Mc will helm of them. Pour colorings in the lot, and fifty yards of white. 40c and 50c, now 5.1e. DRESS MUSLINS Matehodists were shut out completely. H. Belcher was a very efncieet um- pire. The next eameie ie to be played thit eveoing. when Knox church The Code/ ieb baseball teun con - Dinars to play good bail and demon - *trilled their ability once more taut : Priday evening. ',ben they defeated Cl.r.ton on the Clinton diamond by a bii0le, of 9-3. Wiggins was in the box trodetich and twirled& One game. n• allowing Clinton to get a malt on then made it aa. on ert“r of , %.1 ins and Wal er. Th.ee runs in th st inntn,:s were ch Ned down for ...eirtielo, Walter. !Schaefer and Devine crossiug pleat Vbe three ole the .uxhieit the 044 i.e. %Vehb. Ciurekshaek, Bell and Dews played Otnierich 11 taw aopears to Wive the best 1ea111 ft ban had in year& and the bly. , are dean sing of tbe :hearty support of tbetk 'Ttse next game is on civic Augu.st 2hd, when Clinton again gays Uoderich on t he Altgrftul- tired Pars diamond. Ttte following is the line-lp of the 'respective teams in the game at Clinton: CLIVINiN John.Oxi. lb 11.obertr. p and et Webb. it h•eter. at betclaer.1.4. b. t.rginos. to rob. kse,.nia.its score of IseMits, 1411 0 to to Tue fonowine Uie "Goading of the Mae in tkodetieb 1000 Alt 114E SUMMER RFSOR66. At Hotel Sunset. rtoteothod for last west Mt. and MI11. G. llarbour. child and rueid. Detroit; 1)r. Bray, T. E. Mc- Carthy, Torouto: Misses (ioldie and Mrs. Whitbeck. MissConrorand Jos. Thuring, Lima, Ohio; MissOpal (loud- en and Mrs. 4 J. Ligan. Toledo. 0. • At Menesetung Park. The following tweets have registered Menesetung Park : Mr. and Mrs. J. Stratford; Mins Martin and Mien Alice Hutchison, Montreal: Mr. Morrison. Detroit: Mr. atid Mrs. H. 51 Egon, Detroit Mts. R. J. Lamb and child. Miss Calioghan. Landon; Miss M. A. Sullivan. Nita. 0. It. Looker. Oscar Looker. Rearn larrker. all of Detroit:. H. J. Lamb. London Mrs. 0. S. Mit- chell and Master Jack Mitchell. Wey- Miro. Sask.: H. W. Dickie and family. Dunn. Ia.ndon Mrs. Overton F. Mac- Donald. Miss Adelaide MacDonald, Master rirant Ma.cDoneld. Miss Georg - ins Waite*. all of Tot -onto; Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell. lean ltaxwell. James Maxwell, all of St. Marys : Mr. and Mita T. J. Griffin. Detroit : Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Smith. Miss K Mak'. man, J. Sinitb. Ethel Herr, all of Chicago , Miss M. Tyrell. Toronto ; Emma Leith. Jessie Somers. Timer Stewart, Miss Ewing, Roy Denholm. Albon Somers. Dud. Leith. Henry Platser. ?doggie Niool. Myrtle Nicol. Gladys Cutt, Eu0entia Steinhoff Janet Steinhoff. Thos. Elliott. Alf M LPG B. Brown. Lillie Weslaco. Hamel Bennett. Walter Jacobs. all et Blyth Minnie Brown. en of Fortuna. Ohio: H. Carter. Toronto : Isabel Stracitag New York ; Mine Bother &kb. Tor onto; Edith Hodgens. Mrs. Rodgesa, sad Mrs. Deseon. Stratford. How's The t amass" ot itue mesa ei semi be e (be ondoodgood him Move. P. J. 00 to ohm ea son le se boolnerit lito MA. Ltu. Ma AO It gapers. set- = '3mM' bottill 117 'Vie Lair. two* Pile ime efassipmes. lleadathe Culp. 10e • package,. pee. ' CENTRAL BUS [NESS COLLEGE Ito luisidc c.0410,1111111. No We are showing some nue maim in this lot. They wore good milers at 20o. You can get thein now -for Me. Only four pieoes lett now. Another bunch, good palletise and colors, 15e to Iffe. Sale price me FLANNELETTES We have put into stock for thiti safii lot:Aldred yards, thirty4our to thirtv six inches wide. and the prioe is only 10c. Mint of them might well be sold for 124c, and are sold, too. at that price nearly everywhere. When fall comes the price will be more than 10c. Dark and light EMULSION is taken by people in tropi- cal itousezies all the year round. It stops vrastiag and keeps up the strength and vitality is summer as well as winter. ALL Dour.MSTS LACES One-fourtb off all laces over 3e a yard. Gingham*. regular .15e. on sale at llic. It w pay you to secure some of thee, Ginghaniu4 even Kr you don't want to use them jag now. Three pieties la all -75 reeds. Yegniar Me. dale priee Another lot, Ms. tor 15e -a rare WAISTS , price frost ELM te 13.50. maitre@ job lot. FOULARDS bargain Regular Mc and Ii5c. going st on -fourth off. Those ham been rare goods this 1110414100, highly memorised and choke patterns. Now they tare going at one-fourth off. PRINTS ;11.; We are putting op 114.111 this week twenty -fire pieces of our best Itie Prints at 11c-aavy, blue. lase. cadets &ad light groupie. These are aged - stet', fest in c.slor. Don't forget to eons for seas of otirtBARG AIMS. grooKINGO. -Sizes front 5 to 7i. three pairs tot 2.114: aid sues nom to ut twapeirs *se J. H.' COLBORNE - the W: No one cal a, dating power to - you must have g chine ever predn tut methanilie Iris sheer seer your body the There is no v. the -tissues to t gszae weesseseteeramesesessisorelemeareeoseerese white plagn..'. Y a need :roar hkalt..1 r.... , . Canada needs v.ra. tissues and pFe.. cats disea.e. 903 the puny and boicknard o.ti.d t:r -e etiai s -a: bririg the rows lack to cheek am.. zise vtgor and vitality, Tow own Dual/gist cheerfully pinta- Sotd an.; permitted by : GODERICH swerve forces - : 30 Buggies TO BE SOLD. We have just reranfred a car of buggies. and nave everything that fsnew and up-to-date in the carriage Ko better buggies ever came to town. We have them nn the floor ttOW. (Jell and inspect them at the We have the Sias/D- am) Walls Flume and Ganiai. the fain- Ind- almost every - on a farm. • When you think about it Robert Wilson extra good driver* for sale. eresevesoweerseseares is very hard. to lindishoto that give sts moth eatiefainion and comfort SS .; HARTT SHOES They have earoad a name tor themselves end they deserve it. for they are mede properly from etort to floish. There is every reason. though, why they should be so popillitr. because they are made ' unJer most skilled workmen. We have the newest styles in sleek. Try . them. Lila agent tor Goderieb. BRAIN WORKERS who get little 'exercise, feel better all rotuld far ail occasional dose ot "NA -DRU -CO" Laxatives REPAIRING THE SQUAI/E emei They Woe up the liver. move the bowels gently but freely, cisme ass system sod clear the brain. A twor. pleasant and rellabie laxanve prepared try a renable flog and worthy of the NA -DRU -CO Trade Mark. 25c. a box. If your druggist has not yet stocked them. send 2Sc. and we vill mall them. NATIONAL DRUG & CHEMICAL COMPANY OF CANADA. LIMITED. MONTREAL 21 Pr" THE GREAT EXHIBITION OF THE Western Fair London, Canada, Sept. 8th to Oth IN PLUM AND ATTRACTIONS Ilabindies Of Lim litioelt The beet *Tee meta is Caaada JCMPING AND /WEEDING DON -ram BIG DOG AN I) OAT i41110W0-10017R ISPLJSNIM D BANDS • mum ATTRACTIVE MIDW AY - Beg ewer ems Is Loudest FIREWORKS DISPLAY EVERY EVENING Prise Lige. R•try Peruse. mod ell ether blessiettoe how ageesisaeaseggionseseriewarwassevieseessenaeseseeeseses Ou ileato Masig deal f• ~You IF. 3 August Reductions IX During the manth of August we want to reduce our stock as much as possible and as an extra induce- mentfor cash buying we will give you 10 per cent. Discount 'for gash. Don't think that our prices have been advanced to cover this extra discount Every article is marked at the regular price and you Simply save to per cost. cro your money. 6,4 4