The Signal, 1911-7-27, Page 3BEWARE OF IMITA- sOLD ON THE MERITS Ok IINAltIES BOOK BINDING PF.RIODICALS and LIBRARIES 1- r.und or repaired. GOLD LETTBRING on LEATHER GOODS All ordpn. promptilr atteaded to to Marla( Lb= at Ts SIGNAL. GoSesich. A. Z. TAYLOR. ileseevono CIVIL ILEGINKEILING VAUGHAN M. ROBERTS. CIVIL and Hytraulie Laglarcer, (Wane Load Ibereeref Galee-MoLeas Moot. Oisierica minor Mammal arise Telsobses M. MEDICAL comb ed Ueentr Iteriell17 32. -kitseas sad threat oily. Hesse siumee Verb Ophtlialembe end aura/ Isoltate. custom ANN., Zee. Nese sad 1 brim qv:: Mr isle=Maritime Overt, eta Private at lowest rate. ef latereet La:CAMERON. IL 0.. BARRI& Senses atteriers, eenelter, eta. Mode rine.91111M'air to NOM 041011M4 Mos. • o. JOHNSTON. EARRISTIR Geese Maadltee mese Gederlea Oat. unantamar. wain. Em McILILLOP MUTUAL WIWI IN AU. II UR AMC C 0. -nem biebetoll Z. Maya ilea-Tteaa. deafortli -In ca. Chesney. reaterta : Jabs G. Grieve. Winthrop ; Mao. CionstAms: Mitts Mowneele. alma Mites Jumps Pencr-leentere one per amerise;tte sae pet their elate neopted at Teen ft Unmet. tAiateahird4w. CutVe Grimm Elereame Meet. 194 000 PRIVATR FUNDS TO maw apety to 11114,721- 191/ R. ROBERTSON. ISSURANCZ fan Ana Let SIM : Jetta& Canintles sad Orem Melleeterus.111=eatee Usenet. ef Vm4rzrrwratistems gammas Dams : Gine as ted..eetaa yeetbeace emeor et. Tie `tr ▪ eel ftetuai V=IIIVs•Aritintosintiti Miss4Ws bor. and at leering noes. at Aimee eat Street eel agesze, MARRIAGE LICENSES MOM OF MASSUAOS liCIM81111. la LANA. IMMUIEM OP ALARM- SMATIIIKI PARLOR 111Dil'ORD BLOOM. BARBER 8110P - AP —This welemeire sirm some weer Ns pAllins the le Maytag' errirpeeteeere Arre M. M. • linty eastileeenr. Llama le meta WASS • wry= MD be leen/ at an MAN RT. Fee weadmettee. kr MUSH' IL Rase wesee-verise OM MA a. D. twastilr• MINS. MA Zs ANIWINIM- ,sgonmASos as le sea. weft ee lae W. J. Argl"......11= AND IMINNALAINSINI new of t 41. IGN AL GOD :.: ,►!r 1 NTARIO ?MUMMA!, Juror Fl 1911 11 ke Sts' tric d lent. alba toe *BIM redirethons by pr • ii-alsosolactirries. an/ for Miss Grace Mezdock. Slealee. hes boon asseefed as teacher In b. S. No. llies AtirszativWslkar, formerly of IISlosrY in sot Torosto. B. b. Scott, of Crillingwood. has bees *swaged astwinctital of Brussels Public wheel ai a salary of SOW. Thomas Ogden, of Hurciorrille. 8mk., forroetly of Exeter, bad his crop de- stroyed by bail daring the recent Dr. Is win, of Wingham, Me re- turned horn his trip W England. Hs had • good % low ot the carom Goo pro - Mies Biotic' Brothers, of Brussel*. has been mwmed se te&cher in the Whitfield school. Grey township, at & saler y of MM. Miss Lottie Bentley, of Myth, hes been appointed assistant teacher in Clinton public school for the model term, at a eelery of $150. Wm. 011OnMS. et Toronto, eidest moo of Mr. rind hire. Wm. Giumett, ot Whiglosm, wee m&rried in Toronto recently to Miss Leone Bell, of that city. Joh& McKnight. of Herrick. died on /Sunday, the 18th inst., as a result of iajoriee received the previma Friday everting. whoa bir fell from & load of bay, injurieg Ms spine and bis head. While whiting some workmen who were drilling his well last week, George klutherlarid. of Hensall. was struck by tbe iron tandle of the windlass and some of the bones of his left wrist were hrokep. Wen. (1, Monett, mon of Ile. and Mrs. George Blosett, a Winnipeg, formerly of Exeter, was married on Wednes- day. the 19th last., to Miss Mabel Treble, of Oivitaittity, Man. Mr. sad Mrs. Biesett wit! reside in th•yrital • Miss Martha B. Gordoo. ooly daugh- ter of Joeeph H. Gm don, a Toronto, formerly T. It. agent at Winghion, was married ie Throat° on Tuesday. the lith We.. to Albert Zwicker, of Alesaarler (Sorrell. • former resident of Use Mee line, Bullet', pawed away at the bome of his son in Crystal City, MAC.. on Wednesday, the lfth inst., at nie age of einetyeme years. The re- make' were taken to Clinton for inter. Two popular SealemSh young people, Miss Runs Olive Heodersoo. daughter of Mr. and Mea George E. liendenroo, Sod Lauder T. OeLscey were tbe mineipa/s in an early USOrning wed- ding in the Presbyterian church. Sea - for th, on /Saturday. the Letb inst. Arthur E. Angus and Mies Louie J. young p.00. wbo celebrated the 12th ut July ie Kintardiee. During the day Mr. Angus and Miss Guest celled at the Methodist parsonage in the town sod were married. David C. Graham, a. well-known Wingham young man, son of R. A. Graham. of chat town, died in Braw- ley. California. on Tuesday, the 4ts hog., at the age of teirty years. Tbe interment toot place in Brawley. De- mme:I bad been in poor itith for some years. Mr. atid Mrs. Will Jackson and Mies May Rance, of Clinton have returned from their trip to LE:s British biles. ' Owing to the utueerous icebergs that were on the coast, the party romped the excessive heat of two weeks ago : the steam wee Veined on to warm their staterooms. The marriage of Maurice Wexler, merchant, ef Exeter, to Miss Rebecca Solokoff. of New York. took plate at the home ol Mr. mod Mrs. B. Lewis. of London, op Sunday, the 18th inst. Rabbi Phillip patterned the ceremony in the presence of about, seventy-five guests from Exeter, New York. De- troit and other points. Miss Mabel S. Nichol, daughter of David Nichol. Listowel. end grand- daughter of the late Frank licOut- ch•oe, of the eth line a Morris, with *horn *he laved for some time, was warned in Deaver, Oslo.. od Satur- day. July 8th, to W. H. Martin, a miner of Cripple Creek Colo. Oe Weduesday, July Nth, the home of Mrs. W. W. Meredith, ot Seaforth, was the scene of • pretty byoseneal event when her sister, Miss Alma Reid. became the bride of Clayton Baughman's. of Waileceburg. The ceremony was condiacted by Rev. Murray Tales nt Wallisieburg. At • large spattiering in St. Paul's school house. Clinton, assembled to bid farewell to Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Renee, wit.) are moving to Toronto, Mrs. Rapes was presented with a Modsomel7 embossed address, a:peer- ing Goo of her good work is the larch. aod • flyeo cloak tea alnico ot bood-osisted china. mid a fernier Weeks, la the soonty, wbo baa hese a professor of physics in McMaster University Mar she pest Eve po• sition is the sew Usiversity of Owskatehowan. Dr. idogg's original wort is scientific ressereh tras woo for him a reputation as a seientiet not oely on ibis continent, but io Ku- roPrii Mtn Alford Heyward, of (Antos, departed this lily et tie bootie of be me. Prod. Hayward et &Amcor), on Monday. the Mt inst. recessed. wbo wee burn is Loretto in sty -awe byessersimizo. mem to beite with her is WM sectitegi in Mates. whose she sweetened to reside. Ds - emend was • tied, notherty worsen, mid was Wetly respested. She leaves leer chitin. MIL Ball. or De- • liessail. tied Fred. el tliallow Dames/ is MOM Mar. Mabel mama. tb. atosteele-yearrild =Tet Joseph Elsirsa. of Greed ee drowsed la she Detre. Wye. es Menday regal. the l7th Mau • the yowls. wooers. si=m11."11111"1"MeGo at Woodsotesk, sod hoe evoriliad were Miele from tam doct am UNDISJeTAXIMS the odors to iniiesr. etas the party late the 1481"hierent irstaijaritd mer."4"mplistertitiel the Mime 1111~e- moot drzigged to his death in the effort io Mire BINS Meson. The five burs iv 1 • were taken trona the o e el- by Al Simorouds, who dragged thee. into I.i. launch. wteo, exhaust. d. they were • tbe point of siokiug. BMus by a Stelbee. George Coward, of Usborse. w bitten by his stallion one day Not week, whirs be bad oessiected to put the halter on it. TM skin was turn from the elbow on big left aim to iet•- low the wrist. Skin will probibty bay. to be grafted on. By • quick jump outside the door Mr. Coward es- caped beiug dowsed back by the A, very pretty wedding wee solem- n ised rst the home ot Mr. and Iles. N. on Wednesday of led• week . when Peggy), became the wife of A. John poessoo. M.D., of Toronto. The ceremony wee performed by Rev. Walter T. Pearcy, of Loodeeboro% in the pretionce of only tb• immediate rel- atives and friends of tbe contracting paellas. After lenclmon the happy couple left for Muskoka, where they will spend the reet of the summer. le the autumn they will go to England. poist-greduete course. One of the pioceer business men of Wingham. in tbe person of Thomas A. Mills, pawed away on Thursday, July lab, after a protracted illness. De- ceased was borp Lanark county sixty-seven years ago. Early in life he mitered the niereantile business as a clerk. Thirty -tight year* ago be opened up a general store in Wing - ham, and was soon doing a fiourisbiug death. Mr. Mills was • staunch ead active Liberal. le religious faith be was an Aserlicae. Mills Memorial Hall, a [Naze of recreation for the youog men of toe town. built in mem- ory ut hie wife, is one a the testimo- nials to his philanthropy. Decewed had no children. Died in His Prins. The death of John Homey, of the eth concession of Cohere,. which oc- curred at his home near Lumley un Saturday, the 15th wait a great, shock to Dia matiy friends in time town- ship. Deceased, who was a strong man in his forty-seventb year, had been ill of appendicitis only ten days. Complications set in. with fatal result. Mr. Horney. who was a We of Mrs. Hooey Horsey, of Easter. had lived in Usborne all his life. Three years ago be was married to Miss Mary J. Hoe too, who survives him. Besides bis widow and his mother he leaves five testers : Mesdames Jobe R. McDonald, Albert Spencer. W. J. Statham sod Miss Esther, of Exeter, aod Mies ?litter- etta, of Chicago : end one brother. Robert, on the botnesiesd. RECIPROCITY PASSEL, AT WASHINGTON. United Stens Serrate Gives Its Assent to the Measure. Washington, July Zi. --By a vote of 58 to 27 the United Swes Senate passed the Canadian ricrprizeity bill on Saturday afternoon, and onlY the obstruction of tbe minority et Ot- taws stands now between Canada and the larger martets. Favorable •ction on the hilt which has been as- sured for some weeks, when it eventu- ally came was mechanical and un- emotional, considering the importance of the issue, for the Senate never per- mits itself to lase its self-possession or its dignity. Sixteen amendmenta were proposed by membets opposed to reci- it or of making what they honestly believed was an improvetuent. But no matter bow temptiog the beit held before the wavering tweeters. they rallied against the amendments with evert more fume than in the final teat. and tbe higlidat, vote reached was 28 in favor of rien•tor Nelson's proposal to raise the doty on leading farm produes. This was the compliment the Sessetors desired to pay the farm- er& who bave been led to believe they will be driven to the wall by the com- petition with Canada. Littie Support for Amenesients. As &woodmen' after amendment was proposed the frieods ef the bill were reinforced by others, *rho could not ormsoientiqueiy support any reso- lution Mitt threatened the .tive principle. With little • ion the votes for agnendosesta Stirred at &Mut M. mos dropping to a sore disappointipeot to the men wbo tbousrbt ea academic motion for freaampleareute or some such object would tell against the larger issuer to welch the Presides' woe pledged. awl tbe interest a/ whist be bee furthered with a personal twee mot e befitting an autocratic rider then the elected heed or a great democracy. Peressal Victory far Taft. The merit was undoubtedly an monomer personal vicuvry tor Pram - tient Taft. He has fought. it throat:a two sessions of Congress. asd states chant:root that of • Wm - line, for w almost nom of ids party friends would care at. first, un- til it became tbe dominent issue of Cougeses, amid its passage Pas certain bemuse of the -support it received from the Democrat& aided by those • tbe Republicans wham the Presi- dent personally ioduced to vote for it. "1 elle delighted bed gratifled at the actles cd impolis is passing the reciproeity pact." Taft said os Saturday etternoos. "It indiretes an When the President was sesgrate- lated for Ids part is seenring the passage et Ins bin be modestly waved aside sod said that Missertary dellarrod more media dor what hs had done. The Prettiest remained at tits White BMW during the hours at the yeah. mil was promptly ap prised by Wiephsaie ot the result of earth Tbe III as Poem' The MU ae it pawed the Sweat* is in rim= moir dorm as passed the of Ilepreassratioes. It provides, se everyone remembeen ter h- errors le 1, tbe United States on the ruse arils," The pulp and pep r cLuse. es ilowe.led by the House mei sti• pied by tbe Senate, pr tor free entry nit° tbe Uni• ad wool out en Lode t,..ou a blob Its ea- ▪ t, rico now swot. brd. There le bo obdgetion on -Osoada to admit pulp aod paper free until all the re --I Canadian Provinces, and then it will all be free ue boas side. The 4 letru was made in Washirgion yet, erria• that th'i dense. oot being ecips becomes operative as won as fire Preeiieut gigue the bill, but WS dieputertfr Senator Pearce& The last clause the bill ris passed empowers tbe Prreident to enter into ergot istions with Canada for tut Cher improved trade relations, but this. he cete.d do iwywey. as he did teat year. sod got hart bet Water for the time for so dolga. Lady -And did you make your coo - gr. gel ion give up caoni ballast Missionary tsuppowsing • grin) - Not quite ; but after 'ouch trouble I persuaded them to us... knives tiod The" keep the whole system in the pink of ig • Their sloguLsr curative pro- perties discovered by an Indian tribe -introduced to civilization nearly a century ago—com- pounded since 1557 in the Comstock Laboratories at Brockville. Ontario. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills drive a remarkable record for consistently curing ccastIpa- Purdying the blood. banishing headaches and clearing the ee skin. 25c. a box everywhere. (Boys Win Ponies. glakes Contest. The throe Orange Moire Toasted Corn Flakes pooh e hit+ were n a pris s in the contest which ended on June Both lest wei e pre** lord to rbe ;pieces -fill boys in front of the Parliament Bulldogs, Queeti's Park. Toronto, on Monday afternoon, July 10th. The winners were:- 1- t -Ceei I 131 idle, MI frond is st reet. London. 30•- Raymond C. Davi e, 211 Hamilton road, Loodcii. LADIES', MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S KNIT COATS Monarch Knit Coats and Sweater, for ladies' and child- ren's smart wear. Monarcb knit goods have the reputation of being the nattiest. best -fitting and most up-to-date styles. Ladies' Poey Coats, neat stitch. V-shaped neck, white and all colors, torch $2.50 Ladies' Noe folk Coate, heavy st it ch, WO or low neck, Demo fltting, with belt, wbite and all colors, each 22.75 loog Knit Coats, very stylish, heavy stitch, in white, grey and maroon. so illustration, each $21•00 Other styles with high ,.or low neck, each, 111-50, 1112-24. 1112.85 Children's Sweater Coats. in navy, red and white, very smart atyles, to suit ages two years to ten years, each..31.50 Ladies' knitted Skirta, Mon- arch knit, each $1.75 Shawls, Fascinators WACANIARDICS. MUIITAL0. New stock of the above good. CANADA. New yowl% just to hand. This eeason they bare opened op more attractive than in former seasons. The new style Da:welly FIchu, silk and wool knit. fasten in the front, each Orenburg 8car 1. very dainty, can be worn round neck or as a fascinator, White with colored chenille spo:s. each $1.00. • The oew Monarch Motor Hood, real smart, each $1.00. The Store for the Old Country Wools. re Millar's Scotch -Store '57 Cacti. BRIDLE, 451 Demise St.. London, Out., winner of first prize. They were ai eo their choir -ear ehe volley in the o•d-r in which they came in the coolest. Yuung Bridle choes "Queenie," Petri. picked -Daisy" Iliad Raymond Dawe got "Prinze." Tort they were all delighted gore without -I wend selling Orange Maize the esaiest thing out," Cec,1 Bridle maid 'People r II tbonght it was the finest Toarmeo Corn Flakes they ev,, tamed. and papa -aye they will always have a big sale in London. 1 was playing in the b ck 7414 wan 'he nine boys who helped me, sod we had a so eat tiros when NA knew we lied woe." • Finale W. WItaom. Barwick Oat winner of second pr;ze. P. r is Wilenti was iv Ingersoll when the anooneoement eame that be had won. Hie mother telepboned bin% and when be arrived borne on roe evening train he was met hy half the town, who resrebed in triumphal proceesion with hie. te his horns irm Main street. "Ei 04 ybndy In Norwich likes Orange Mahe better than any otber Corn Flakes," Ferris raid bis manly way. Oa hi lay eveninit be is going to entertain tbe little friends. who helped blue HOW TO HAVE Stylish Footwear If you buy a firsts -crass, shoe, don't you want that shoe made in tbe latest style ? Why sbortid you pay the price of a high-class shoe, and; in return, get a shoe one or two eeasons How do you know, for instance. when you ask for the newest footwear that you'ie actually get- ting the neweet ? Why not ask for the shoes that lead the styles in Canada - 1NVICTIIS Shoes ? Isn't there a great satisfaction in knowing that tbe shoes you're wear- ing are not last year's styles but the newest there is in footwear? This satitdaction will be you's when you wear INVICIVS Shoes. There are other fasbionable shoes besides 1NVICTU8, but bow ars you to know:tbezo ? Why run any risks. why not:order the shoes tbat have made • reputation throughout Canada for tbeirfstylish appearanoe? You run tie risks when you order INVIt.T1J8 Wm. Sharman The Square BINDER TWINE 1 Goderich The fall wheat and the spring crops will soon be ready to harvest and best quality, which will give the best results, IS what every farmer requires. We sell the PLYMOUTH TWINE, and handle three different brands : Geld Medal 10n Silver Sliest '40 STOVES The extremely warm weather has demons's toed to many bow iserviotahle coal oil and stoves at • . We have the New Perfection lass Flame Coe %wee sad the Detroit Vapor Gorsikee RAT WOND DAME. SU Randiton Ispearia. Oat. whiner ot third prises Sapwood Demi is the st the three oetudonia years of alp, "The ilsotarea gads" to 2o or:ssiglirgetbtik to said. "is to dem te ta. pima of • rasa who hoc rather 11 we werski never get the posy. settee* the useary. ralther says I min have it" FRED HUNT Street