The Signal, 1911-7-27, Page 1i ' .'- T IS gths mask ds of !kers' ;ter or or a if ten Ioths, these and linen )ugh - when ever tional ;al to ' sav- scally and mon .eaaoo. atropin rdinary td give 12.65 we will if you 5 Here them. d be- nches rfine i��narryc bread k per (� 1.00 r lack, lc 29C floe woes - mad truss ....,etill ..- - Perhaps the people know yen ere doing business, nor perbap tbey do pct. A standing advert torment Ie The signal will keep your. sass sometaotly before t b • public - Job printing Pint -clans work turned out promptly by The Signal Job Department Floe cowmerciel work a specialty. Call telepbooe N o 35 if you want ►py Printing. I _ a. tiIZTT-TautD visit -ti. BI•t GODERICH. ONTARIO. CANADA : JULY az , 1911 'in SIGNAL ° °°"'e`• Pe.Jsomma STCRLIM BANX of careen iF you wish to open a BUB11(E813 or a SAV1Nd8 AMOUNT Ifou wpb to have your BALE NOTES eolseete4 at low Yet rates It you wish to get a .Imo h. We would be phased to have you call in at this OMce. where we promise you every ettsotioa, ooesistent with mound and eosservattve banking. • GODERICH BRANCH 8. WALKER Mgr. THE POWER BYLAW IS PUBLISHED ON PAGE TWO OF THE SIGNAJ. THIS WEEK • APPLES 1 will buy all tabes apples for ,bops at my evaporator, et 16c and 20e p e r hundred. Be ing them next week. -, y, D. F. HAMLIltK DETROIT & CLEVELAND' NAVIGATION CA q CITY OF ST. IGN.ACE FOR MACKINAC ISLAND Fridays, 6.20 a.m. 0 otos way 86.00 round trip FOR DETROIT. Saturdays, 2.113 p.m. 83.00 one way 716.30 round trip • STAR-COLE LINE STB. HURON leevw O.d.riob rya SAULT all[ MARIL MOIL. vis Naafi Chasse& O.eed . slip. Tawdry at • p a TOR MIT HURON. ORIROIT, TOUIDO a- 4 CLLVELAND. Friday et 7 in leiger WILLIAM LLL A. A LEX. Local Ase•t Oodevlch Oener•1 Manager. tetrad. Mink. r rv-v GUNI)RY'S 1 Livery, Cab and 'Bus Stables THE RED BARN South Stmt, Godericb 1 All our Rigs are New. 'Roses asset all Trains and Steamers. Particular att pot ion ggiiven to e*i a tars private rsiiwese / 'Phone No. Mt TENDERS W A N T E D Teodoro addressed bo the we- Maigned will be received up to B o'eloek p. s. On THURRDAY, AZ'GUBT >k�Mlll fpr ewpoviog a parties of the side MN o. the road to 8*We.d brtwees the 0. T. R overhead bridge and W �i�bway Midgeowes the Rover ltafilmod hetwitw 6dsrieb and ileltleril Plea sod .p.seifieatIosa may be men et the Tows fleet's OBIS. Ooderieb. �t oatly sg •e1d troller net i. L ENOS. Tows (leek. GOiediela D. C. Mi'MINiMA& Ohalesean Petal, Worts Oome- miuwe. orel.eitrl. Fat SAL). R SALK-A CHILD'S ROCK - L. stns.. «* rant welds. a r erltaaaia pp a l l 1'. oerD.r FOR BALE. -THE BLACKSMITH JL' sap. with ewt vise lav0drill. bat. mite toils. Dor* road WM he ldcheap JAMES MUNRI)L U. LOST OR FOUND. rND.-A FUME CONTAINING o assail . of moow r. The *weer mar hove the semi b p,w►1af proemtr and pa for this advsrtie.meet TIM lot Tto10 NAL OPFICL THE SQUARE. LAST ^ blare knob es boodle. niteom me btwi atd Please heave at 81ONAL OFFICL LOST. - BETWEEN GODERICH sed Caries, ewer two weeks yw a lady's y�pk Beat- The dear le r.qu al u leave at THi BJOV♦L OFTK'L Pot SOLE 01 TO SUNT 'SOUTHERN ALBERTA., deveters are not beet I. tae W..t far had - a/1 rii ere a ,i.vtem at Nasus mad with- in twenty moa meth sad watt there are 001ear pekes for Mr home in Alberta. Men eoSta�f 110 1.4 ass* ma mart again het. Na�oee)asr wem here ahs d out 01 Nattoa 17.8•SJo worth et harem STIRLING t McLW♦N NYbap Alberta, H miles sesta of Calgary. For farther wtMevors eppty to D. A. STIRIJ`'O. - BeyaeUn4 54L L�OR BALK -A FRAME COTTAGE A s. Mestealm strew 1n good repsit : roams and pastry. let eon W ns cue -quarter et an aces Appty to MISS HYSL OP. ea the promise, fit. PROPERTY FOR BALE. -A FINE ase-rosessd bow eo St. Viacom street. shed two quaesrstre 1.b. with rust trait. ger laves am* shrebbery. Tia bass 11 fall/ mel ses awl is ped repair sad is situated to �stiees *noses realaldimeN part of O.aertcb. Appy O. po>L♦_I sr to It C. Has. nant.ter. LOUSE TO LET. -NEW BRICK Immo .a 7rahiisst street All modem e.er-i se.a 'Metric MeiMis. etc. Apply to W. *CSIi OM It SOS. (WE HUNDRSD ACRES GOOD V Lad tsr rale. L meaty of Harem extra pad buiidimss . two meta* stremma : (,Larch. 'obool. atom pathics mid Meek ultk.hoo welbis fire minuteswalk. For p.rtleN1n writ. P. DI,NMAIt. Nile. Mu P ROPERTY FUR SALE - THE boom *I betes arms street at essent ,e.s$ed by the_ oral Seven tea. t. Apply � Water, WW. Wein,Dress tt da�estt.35 We. Omiet LQOR SALE. -THAT FINE REST - i' demist peeper* at the earner of Canoes* aa�Ra�a. etrssia. remarry hempen' es W A. Mete AB•• property. r ter mise It ewuis. ler. ted with the delemt troch. tows all Ittcflf..sddde.. There are two beet boom& *eh of two worlm ow built wily let rywioarr.� pann. * the ether is acierepair. Roti hmam • bays mains oeev.sleeces, and alto prem W soperd 1e we of the meet deer - able In Onlegiok W U1 be e.M on roosomrbie Wm" App: to P. 4. RYAN. Oed � TWO 00021 FARMS FOR SALE- S . Chem to Seetesni. the taw. of Oadsrlcl.. The lead arra say sow�o le guise ap. Alae � sae • geed Imektb g ist. 44 net t wa4•01. e. Beeth .woos OM of tee Woe's pee/ay4. yob se THOR SUNDRY LIARM TO RENT OK FOR SALE. - ✓ Ou_beednd steam of meed J.04 rW_er e meth er.►..seeb all la ref let IA Q •a0f Lof eaMs Una. and nearly all seeded done. Buildings Io elm& 41st Mem. large N barn .0.4. err. property - Pier meek r • a s temeau1. eperty. /mr N within hair a mile et the lAref e v village se Dss/amese es/ .ea.veeMnt to ebarebee. sebum& and peoellee. Wes hep W i • send oe�1to, a ,la. six .ere. ee simesdtmd wweai t/sea. title r Farther 1e Eire bl L nMIdrLMmSl. R RALE - TEN ACRES+ EAST 01stee.t. elermw resent sit side WT11.. a. maim trade el sae �1t wlmdear *vasa YOpLRIQH MARK ET S. I�i►w. July nth. Fall woes!. par M� M Si 1. 6 • M wheat. par ae�., •M to •� 'p ' 0 et t. 0 •si Ya,j be pert •Mu •M Peas. per bos .. - 41 SIR 1/11 0773 Dori* per 03 to Ota Mar. dstrf pm el "•1 WOW VOM Floor. r•s.ma mewl • 00 to 700 , 4400 to 13 00 arta,�t Si ea to 13 00 ,carer wow. es a i w to 5 00 00 sed. et Ips/ • M to 1 is atter par is • M to •tilt •ISto •M fr1Su 8 Cliessid. per pNaeywl oP,oe.tsa. mone�s. per des 1 1i3 W 1 di C•ol., .sears. m pe& per sort a e• to s M par cwt S M u 3 73 I IS to 775 •.••• M to i 44 . Par east .Tallow. • els to 4006 1154..... cwt .......... t M to 7 10 Lab 8fcfas anti ij ib :... •. .. fonIS u 09 70 0 to0 IN 'OUTER:RN ALBERTA. daBlsa••stlim le s teases- W p..cgb•e ► �g ngoareld -.1 esu few were IIMIO a Jamin Dew -tg4,rses rss►vOeM atoms J�yr sorsa W meow twin OWN; en flsHave mead Meds ter nisei A.mime Dee S. so *re* "y4Lar e� + SAM ► D. � Apoonw le. W°46 •� sArait- AUCTION SALES. FRIDAY. July MOL -Auction sale of livee*p Aad, at Laapanw, ecomsendng u l o eiem pea B. keemeruR proprietor. Teas. GUN - DIRT. anetioaee-. 8An-ataY. July -29th.- Auction sale of tawo pprrooppe.rrty. the redFiances of the late Fiaoe scoot!. en N.1..e street en the preahs. •t : p. at. For further particulars apply to F. J. Penman. Ooderult. Time Gunnar. Auctioneer. BCTCiDar. July 1P).r .-Cleing auction sale of a °napes and uptedate baroe.s budoe.4 the property of H. L Knox. ANbtn. sale e.mmeoee. et 7 o cloak la the evening. Taos. OCNDar. auctioneer. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. -July 27th. Pep Pan Terms -Central Btule. Celle*, *ret - feed 5 Westervelt Scheel -J. W. WestervsM. !Mad - oil....... ...... ..... 1 ad When You ReOur Ada -J. R Mem. S Caledonian Day at L.akeew. August Modesto* in Par16 6e -W.4. Malt a c.. • Radm� G. T. R �.... voodoo Trip-Jl. T. R. Old Waatm4 Nirs. 4. A. Yates .... 1 [alt Coati M11Ltr Co. . .. .... ' • ... 7 It 1. Warta Yore, -Martin Bios. • 7 Baled Linens- W. Acheson t B_ ......... SIM 10 Wlan1-s -F. V. Lawrence. ........... S Farm Le ,rasa Wasted -C. P. L-..:..... S Soothers ereeeta--BUd1N-t MeiemA Mas. - ton. Albert 1 Mldsammer Bargain Days -drew. 5,• &ask-reilag la Soothers Alberta- 9tfrliag a McLean. Nantes. Alberta, 1 Hammer 8aio-d- H. Ceiba* d Late. Your We4h Stith U. -Waller H• Harems • Rome Wanted :Res 41. 8ish.1. 1 Pharr Fosse -The Penal ... . ..... _. - - 1 R•etdr Sem far fide -rine. Herald : -.. _ 1 Capable Wirt Weeded -him R Bowley 1 The original Royal Oorooa• ion spsa sal direct from London. and cherry walnut, A New York bit, are mew specials at Blackmon -is. SM)ATIONS lack.tonis- SITUATIONS VACANT. WANTED. -A TAPABLE GIRL with rood r.comm..d•ti.e•. for *oval boa.ewark- Higbee wags. said. Applr to MRB. R. RA%IL[Y. corner of Nelms and (.'hard streets (Ioderid. e14 f. WANTED. -COMPETENT GIRL for goemci housework. to no to Cideogo, wage* tat per month. Apply to MRS. J. A. YATES. can 11 James Yates W..t 8t, OM. nob. two des ea.t of poaodece. WANTED. -TEACHER ItiJR S. S. No. 541, *Wield : *.tim to o.m..nce tatersasse.r holiday. Apply. Kathie salary mod a eeliastisee, to 4. O. MotithIlD. LW* P. O. 4444 TEACHER WANTED. -FOR 8. 8. 1 No. t. towmala of piborse. Daum to ee.tfoaemtr��mgesee after.Yrmmam.r bsgdar.. Apply. salary MAZDXt seeete ,1. L.wr. to wP-4t L N.._ wAli1 - WANTED. -AN U$PURNISHED loses moor the 8eaam, at ahem Pe per =moth net Addr.a DOA U. BION♦L- ISA AU("Ti0N 5Aisll. AUCTION SALE OP W E 8 T belt Lot OR West street. Is the tows of pppp**r.rrie4 opp.iti the e.mM .es. To be owroi im tale iso Saturday. Aurae A at 1 o'tloek R m. A stele d tins and • bait feet N wee takes of fora midway. a b., tried by bath pert*. IneemetaN. ties Oven Ter* F 1 M. NiCBOLSON. THOM. OUNDR T. Primrose" Auctioneer - CLEARING AUCTION SALE of a gilt I. x 11.113 b opabharnerm. $..USe u I1r. s. 1C Lorex toll taeUu his asp le Aabarn ew 8 CT I'RDA Y. J U LT fete. owmmeneiaa .t 7 .'clock .ban is the evening. sU the esatenta et the .fine, essdtila t et heavy teem barns.. riasle drtv.es w blanket♦ tabs.. rye. belle, whips. mers..weat ped.. harems para. dram tam Moors hand Ole ....d evsyuiwr d sed .boat `•m YMm inn TYestw *15.7 um up to be ao roosevo• as Use date et the wale. 11s will toll the seek end furelehises at s rote ea the dollar. rt. .tare aas be reeled es very r.awseabw t r. . TZRMB AT ♦UC1 t9N SALT. -All .■m. w *1aM .*d soder, cash . wee that swum. tares ememt1.' emelt will be ves on ftrat.h. Mist assns• Mimed ster aeolime eredlt am sacs L[it Nf1I. 7708. OtJ ;DRMi.Tboor. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY. Te aloft the eet*te et the late Freaei. tLswth, the eseeesees von .B b meed.. ea BATI'RDAY. JI'LY fa rpt ;Atha bear of tee enter* is the aSarne•A. *VI 1h• pe.to1s•flat et ......11111 r.e •mmmadM ie roN;p,+.* Xenon .Irw,, tbadwh0...rSelsl y the was imam M Nuseed ..Welt•• *r.. lam. einem ••d rier p M. vesm• knrb.e. •.a seam 5 b cafes .ed sea.. edreeme. bathroom. o.l sol • *IMO a.l.. N 4*,. terse **oh *&* he Met Mr %r..w.w..� Ms Y deer& The able N iIke, ___ rept IL hoe bees i.pedm4 b J Ads. Hrwlw ( L .0050 a. who crus•. thr Atte *Mies *.illi rot be mimed at the pprrs.*.w.wtt ism. he • leer sem than ev* Mama d *,mesa T1. mew ter • fell gauger •ere d =Mooted era/ le • Wt • y 1.1.51, .04.0.. nada .ad wins • seed dam �aof_red&seoe e.,i iBg ;muti ttasy(��time•�ayded �s�slgee* M..••e ass rrp.a TSR w�fO1lT. /. J. TRIS THE POWER BYLAW. PROS ANU OONB DISCUSSED AT TOWN HALL MELTING. Mayor Cameron Tells How the Power Proposition Developed from the Salt Project -Various Aspects of the Bylaw Omit with by the Speakers. There was a gathering of about sev- enty-five citizens at the town bell on Monday evening. in response to the announcement of a meeting for the discussion of the 1 die power l:7. The meeting was walled by the of Trade. and Dr. Macklin, president of that body, occupied the chair. In opening the meeting Dr. Mack- lin remarked that some objections had been made to the bylaw, bot he be- lieved that these objections would not bold when the proposition had been propery expl.inod. The Board of Trade hail hews rrpritnaaded by let- ters to the press taw its action in con- nection with the matter, but be (the chairman) believed the proposition Mas • good one ant the bylaw was a gcod one. The chairman also that An- other public tweeting would be beld 'Ater on to go into the propgition more thoroughly. Rev. Josepti Kltiutt at this juncture suggested that the discussion should stout with an exploits*. ior. of he bylaw by those who advocated it. Wm. Campbellthought that firer. however, •osething should be said regarding the endorsatiom Orf -the bylaw by the Boatel of Trade. Ke questioned it the meeting at the Bernd of Trade had been legally called. Ole him,eft, al- tbougb an officer of the Board. had re- ceived no notification of the meeting. and be believed that some other mem- bers of the Board knew nothing of it Ales. Sauoders, as . father" of the motion in the Board of Trade recom- mending the propoeitit-u to (be coun- cil, explained hie stand. Seventeen years ago, be said. several cinema made a proposition to dein the Mait- land River and Renew power for the town services and for factories. That offer, made by Mss.rs. Clerk. McIn- tosh and others. was t e j noted. sad h. bad always believed that in its action at that time the town had made a mis- take. The result twos that the town was % sable to offer pnwer to massfae- turere and was fl hiking in one of the eseentiaJs for the drawing of man- ufacturing ibdustrier to We town. After meeting Mr. Brodie sod Mr. Eine andbearing their propositi' n he believed that the town bad soother favorableopportunity for the securing of power. Niagari power, which was costing $47 at Seeforth, would be too expensive at Godericb, and Mr. Moyes was not doing anytbing with the Maitland River Power Oo. scheme. Under the proven- proposition' the town could bell power in quantities under five horsepower. and would belie a very considerable market among small users such as printing offices, restaurant", dtessmatero etc., and in hooses wbere the power could be need fur domestic purposes. Get- tiag the power at i34 per h.,p.. the town could casks money by setting it. Mr. Sounders said that be was in- formed the present cost of power of the monicipel powerhouse was $47. There win some discussion on ibis point, and Mr. Saunders said that tbe published statement of the water and light eo,Dntieaion did not properly show the expenditure aeon the pewet- honer. Referring to Mr. Brodie's finaoeial standing, Mr. Saunders raid be had made inquiries, with satisfactory re- sult Continuing, be said he felt it was a good business proposition in itself ; but there was another and much larger consideration sod that was the development of our natural remora.. salt. Mr. Tretbewey : 1 understand the town bas to pay for the power wbetber it toss It or not. Mr. Bwnders explainid that h. was the usual custom to hese sibs charge ;or electric power on the peak Mad, for the reason tbat an amount of power sutlicieet to emery the pewk1oad had etwaya to be available. Mr. Trethewey asked bow murb power the town used. Mr. Saundet a said he did not think there was a man In town who could say. Rev. Jos. Elliott wautd to know if the town was still hound 17 the *groe- meat with the Maittaod River Power Co. The chairman said tbat Mr. Cameron would reply to that question. Mr. 8aonden closed his address by steti*g teat be bad always supported every popowtioe whicb he thought was fox the benefit afi the town, and the town had never hot anything by its •wistanes to *ay mob proposition swept in the ease of th- summers betel. Dr. Mat -elle emphasised the point that the town needed all.4y pp.00wweerr which weld he second by the Drodie prnpsettioa. The tows would be get- liwt ellelay power tied .Alias; %ec- hoer power. At Mitchell Niagara power was costing t.heg5 8415. •a com- pared with 8114 hero This peopowiticn would piece Goderich on ew even psi - tion with Meat/ord. 5.rtis. etc.. and away Assad of Clitoris. Missfo th and the other smaller t ow me. At Mitchell he wee Odd teat the keeping up of • steam fire wee only ateespoewe re- quiresest, until the .eo.urity Orf Meg - are power was fully eetaMiebed. Mrd MHott, however. claimed that it was the law of the undo w*itere that the Met* plant would haus to be kept rip. and wouM ilbely remake se. W td Lohse said be W es epee mime os the g.stMs ma it he were convinced that it was a goost'4roposi- tioo be would vote for it. Be wanted to hear furtber ezplaoation and dis- cussion. Dr. Strang algin asked for more Hight lie thought that neither tie Board of Trade nor the town council had given the bylaw proper consideration ; there seemed to be'too much baate•bout the whole thing. They Wet told that Mr. Brodie and Mr. King were about to start a large salt industry without asking any aasietance from the town, ••d next Lling they beard was this power proposition, and the ratepayers did sot understand the situation. Wm. Campbell went into the figures of the cost of runnipg the town plant. Poe four years 1907-10 the ,actualcost eras $61,366.87 -an average of 112,838.117 for each of the four years. The pres- ent proposition meant that fur power alone the town would be paying al- most as much as the total cost as above. Mr. Campbell figured the average out of the coal consumed at the town plant in the four years at 84(IR6. What el•.., he asked, can be saved, to oNett sibs payment of 811.1160 to Mr. Brodie for power ? lteg irdieg , the amount of power now used at. the powerhouse, Mr. Campbell said that 1 The reports from Ottawa indicate • general election within the next ten weeks. SioceParliament resumed its sittings on the 18th of July the Oppo- sition has carried out what looks like a deliberate policy of obslructioo, and practically no business has been done. The Government will not allow this state of things to continue indefinitely sod unless the Opposition changes its tactics and allows the reciprocity bill to come 10 a vote there will undoubt- edly be an appeal to the people, with reciprocity as the great issue. The general feeling i9 that the Gov - seamen C s patience is almost exhausted and ' that the dissolution of the House may be expected- within the nett ten days or two weeks, - Theelec_ tion will no doubt be timed so se to Interfere as little as possible with har- vesting operations throughout the country, •ad the political propbets fix upon tbe lest week of September or the tint week of October as the time of polling. The advocates of reciprocity will go into the fight with an earnest determin- ation to win a victory for the right of the produciog classes of Caoada to sell their goods in the best mar het. ' The Liberals of West Huron will be called together in a few days to nom- inate a candidate for the coming fight. induced Mr. Brodie to come hare. Mr. AN ELECTION NEAR. llrodie was satisfied with the locality nod they went ahead with the prelim - .nary work at the McHwen property, where the well and the machinery were all reedy for operations. Then Obey began to ask about power. Through some mit oderst,anding be- tween himself and Messrs. Brodie and Kirg tbe latter geotlemeu thought tbat efectric power was available here, Eogloeet Kelly. however, being called i n, mated that no power was available from the town plant -the plant was being worked to its capacity. Mr. Kelly also stated that the town was using 326 b. p. Seeing that they could not get electrical power hest, Messrs. Brodie and King were about to leave Ooderich when it struck them Obey might develop power themselves and supply it to the town. using the waste steam from the salt plant. This seemed to be the oat 7 way out of the difficulty. Mr. Brodle secured so es- timate from the General Electric Co. of the cos. of producing power, the figure named i.eing 836 per b. p. ,and 1 hen made his proposition to the town to supply power at 834. Then It be- came a question whether it would Ma MAYOR CAMERUN. The fame of Oodericb's Mayor hair extended across the border, a recent issue of The Buffalo Courier having a portrait of Hie Worship, with the lollowiog tote : "Malcolm Oraeme Cameron, who may enter larger political field as candidate for the House of Commons tram West Huron." • about Christmas time, when the light* were on and the pumps were gorse, they were osiog thea full supply of wer, but this was for a sbo' t • One only. etiees they did not use more than 100 horsepower and the average was perhaps H10 horsepower. Under this proposition the town would have to pay for 326 b. p. He agreed that the town oould sell enough power to make up Use difference ; but if Mr. Brodie could well power at this price why could not the town do it itself ? Mr. Campbell spoke of the county oduncil scheme and eaten it as bis opinion that the town was committed very largely to this project and it would not be honorable to throw it over read take up Mr. Brodie's. The speaker criticized other features of the proemial and declared himself an advocate of public ownership. Wm. Lane also.poke of the county council scheme. All wumsaer, he mai& the Government engineerl bad been going over the ground studying Ubu river and the surroundings, and in due time tbeir report would he ready. 11, atter receiving this repot t, the r ounty ehouid not tate up Lilo sebosne, why *Would not the town of Oodericb under- take it? The Hydro -Electric Co,nmie- don would assist the town Io just the same way as it bad promised to assist the county in carrying out the project. According to the plan of the Hydro - Electric Commission, the town would from the sale d power receive a gum sufficient to establish a sinking food. in addition to the cost of running the plant, so that at the end of thirty years the town would own the plant and be recouped for -ib expenditures. Mr. lane urged the ratepayers to wait for the report of the Hydro -Electric (ommissioo. A. J. King, being asked to speak in behalf of the promoter"' of the bylaw. did so veno briefly. He maid that they had placed a business propo*itkro bei(rre the town. If the town did not wish to accept it, it did not Neve to do so; they were rot here to beg. -That w all i base to say." The chairman remarked that Mr. Droops and Mr. King hod never had to facetSunlcipality wutb •. t'ylay. pro- poeitioe, and perbaps Mr. Kit.A del mot gain appevciate the Donnell y of ezplainisg this propos i' iom to the tows Mayor ta.esos %hes took the floor and metered halo the history of the projees. Mr. Ere' ease to him lent whiter with a purely sett pvoporeitioe. It bad .o doubt mooned to AV/etyma. how desirable it was that the omit iedtwtry of ()detach should he revive& and when Mr. [hog made bine proposi- Won be (Mr. Cameron) re sewed to do all be Dodd to bring shout the &- shod result Later Mr. King and Mr. Brodkin het se option oe two proper- hes roper%les sod p oosed.d to take the swe- ar7 seep to est the brine. Mr. Reg had already cashed an examination be be mato of the brie. sad bad sense to tae eosehtsioe tot Gedericb bed the sent Mimeos the a mines%. std be good proposition for the town. What power was costing the town at the present time was a problem they had never been able to solve very definitely or surely ; it was variously stated at $40 to over 860 per horsepower. 'Mr. Cameron bad a report from J. A. Car- stairs, chartered accountant. which went into the expenditure at the town• powerhouse for the last four years, and included calculations of the cost of power as now used by the town. Including depreciation. but deducting a sum to represent the Dost of labor that would still be required ander the sew arrangement, Mr. Carstairs cal cuiated the Dost of power at the mun- icipal powerhouse at 844.48 fru a pro- duction of 326 borsepower. Referring to the old agreement with the Maitland River Power Company, Mr. Cameron said be had no doubt that it was a dead letter. The guar- antee of bonds had been transferred to (be Electric RailwayCompsny by *by- law afterwards carried by the people. and the power agreement and the agreement as to bonds were so inter- woveu tbat he did not think there onuld be any doubt that the whole agreement was milt•. Mr. Cameron did not think the har- gain with Mr. Brodie would necessar- ily kill the Hydro -Electric scheme. Tbe latter was a much larger proposi- tion than this. Only about one thous- and horsepower could he obtained from the Maitland River. and the rest would have to he obtained from Niag- ara, whicb could ile supplied only at a much higher price. Mr. Cameron thew made a calcula- tion to show that is any case during the Ares ten year. the town would aot be losiog anything, but would rather be gaining. by the bargain with Mr. Brodie. Hydro -Electric power would not be available for five years. Taking the opal: of power as now pro - s1 the municipal powerfully., at 544 per b. p.. there would to a saving of 810 per h. p. by taking power from Mr. Brodie at 884. This would repre- sent again to the tows o0 326 h. p. for Ave years of 816,260. For the eseond five'oars, put ti r g hydro -electric power ' at the rfdikrulonaly sow price of sit, the. difference against the Brodie power would be PA per b. p.. or 814.- 6f,w )1J6 b. p. for ten years. De- du^ting this asount snags 516,10 Islt SLIM as the net saving to the town for the ten years. Then at the end of t he ter years Mr Brodie would have to meet the pi ices of hydroeleetrie power. Tbw question of when the power wee to be s.ippliaxl nese net. in Vr Cameron's np scion. of moth import - seas Mr Bvowlle's ,limitary work wee meting 818.(10 , and naturally every ezpdtttnn would be used to pt Obs plant sorted and ewreleg motley. He uaderto ok to Were front IIT. Brodie before the rote was taken as agr�ernwnt cowering ttbie point. lie'.. J(m. Elliott wanted to hisser how moeh, outside df 56 8 in feel, would be saved by the sew *theme at the powerhouse. He contended that there wool paying 811,06) to Mr. would not be • sufficient iiia t tb[s. He Ad- vocated the s.ipplying. of day power from the municipal plant. In response to • query as to the po- sition of the water aid light commis- sioners. Commisiooer Murney said he was not prepared to give • statement ofband, but. he agreed with Mr. Elliott'. conLeotioo. He promised to have • statement ready for the next - public meeting. D+pnty Reeve Munnings spoke briefly, .tatiog that some farther agreeapent should be entered into by Mr. Brodie to guarantee that a certain amount of business would be dote in tows- He pointed out also that there was no guarantee as to the price et power to be supplied to nranufecturera. Dr. Strang asked if the establishing of Otte salt buainess depended time the euccea. of the power proposition. The chairman replied to the effect that he bad heard Mr. Brodie slate that if the bylaw were voted down be would not go on with the salt proposition. This concluded the meeting. MR. BRODIE S S 1 ANDINO. Some question having been raised as to the standing of Mr. Brodie, who is promoting the salt end power prop- iaitlons bele. inquiry Inas been made by tbe Royal Bank oI Canadaattd, at the request of Mayor Cameron, by the Union Bink of Canada and the follow- ing reply has been received from the agents of these banks in Loodon, Eng- land : "Brodie. director ,of the Balt King Co., highly respectable *tad wealthy." LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. Heedgnseter. for .onvenlr gaod*,art.a ppppIbm fent rwurt material. etc.. le at Wilmer Smtta'r Art Stere, Ifa.t sleet. 8un.a'.r whiten are esp cialy requested to 041 and vamine the O wes • There are .evere.' thine. we don't trA. bat one tit that L well 1Mwa 1. that F. J. 1rid- beam l tafloru. establishment N the right Mace for elegant mad.uwrder garments (7.11 and leave your order today for • new mit. About!, thirty members of the Ladies' Aid of Knoz church are at Bayfield to- day enjoying a picnic at that popular resort, George Black has been awarded the contract of papering and kalsomini*g five Homs in the Collegiate Institute. Chea. Harper has the job of placing metallic coiling on one of the rooms The lot on West street, opposite the postoflce, is offered for sale by Dr. Nicholson and will he sold at auction on Saturday, August bib. at 2 o'clock p. m. Tbos. Gundry will be the auc- tioneer. The regular moothly meeting of the Oodericb branch of the Wome is In- stitute will be held et the boom of Mrs. Charles Young. Regent street, o. Thursday. August 3rd, at 11 o'clock sharp. A full attendance is rreaqquested, as arrangements for the animal peak will be made. l'be ae•uel Sunday school excur- sion from Heneall wee run to Oode- rich on rneeday of this week- About 110 p*rtio*ted in the event aedte�1p Quite eras spent on the w• t. uite a number of the excursionists brought lunch with them nod e.joyed k i. picnic Kyle In the .t3o.ee and harbor parks. Henry PMvtier !La hnegbt to.. me Nesbitt farm on the 1•4Ah eons -maim of Gnderioh township, eeo..ely revised by /'brie. Lowery. Ho will not take poo - 1 resion at owe, hot will no,. with ase family next month to a parse on the adjoining farm lir. and Mn. Roeder have hem highly esteemed resident. of town for some years sod many good wishes, will follow them to their new borne. A,' ♦ - -.s. .. ,r-.- .. ...toy ,. -.p., - •_-- . e-. yeti,,, .. , . West Huron LNers. Oeserso sow. The Liberals eI West Harem will meet In eouvent. is on Wedttsae�gt��*�� Angled lfilh. 4,- nominate a oantiiaii for the toji 3*h g eleatiewie to tate House of Ueorsow.. The se.vestkre wiA wham is Odssieh. • • 1. . tJ yrs} -. .�