The Signal, 1911-6-1, Page 74 rive and ion- h.rt on - min, for :ton 1)r- st ce. the )n. end ICH 1 i rO r. re lh ts et' ts 1, est THE MON AL : GODERICH, ONTARIO 44i The News of the District i DODSIDAY, May lath. it visiting Mrs. J. O. Anderson. Sidney Stardoms • Lucknow boy, wok a sclsolargibip le lie arse year seassitastionv at Wesley Colhge. Wiunipese to. Elliott atid J. 0. Anderson left test Tuesdoy morel for a tour of overal weeks out the West. G. A Siddell left on the Saturday usoruiug previous atod will Jan them at Owen Sated, and their trip may be extended as far se Rdesonton. Alta. Dr. Moline -Use ot Tomato, will 'wive chit of Dr. Illicat's praeUce during HAIR BRAUTIPIEIR. ?(cesett Women the World Over Use IL etei y woman knows that there is ootbiog so good for hair and /mall) trouble as Parisian Stage. If Parisian Sage W used two at three times a week it will keep the scalp nice arid clean sod remove dandruff. It makes Dm bar lustrous and fluffy, and k.eeps it front falling out. We urge every woman who loves radiant and fasSnating bier to go tn E. II Wizle today and get • large 5U- ceet bottle of Parisian Sage. He goer - Antes it tc cure dandruff. falling hair Mod itatiog scalp, or money back. TUESDAY. May .sited f. lends in Lendon last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mew left 'llev intend staying a couple of months . _Thos. Anderson had is .njkti runaway last week. One of the .-hildren had an iu in broken and tin .‘nderson wits badly abaken up. R. J. Edwards. of Toronto, spent Victoria Day at his home here. Phillips. of Goderich, vis- ited bis brother James last week. Quite a nutuber from here took u the taanieetthe at Nile un the 2ith. the icinity last week securing 'nib- ebone Co. Quite a number are hav- ing the instruments installed. ECZEMA CURE A BEAUTY WASH. TUESDAY. May 3UtAt. levee in Industry Hall Friday evening for the 81. Andrew's choir was well attended, considering Dug, the night was very warm. All the were well taken and Mr. deserves great praise for the excellence of the . Tbe receipts amounted to -AlLbough D. D. D. Prescription has been recognized her years at the one rtowdt for eczema, psoriasis, and all terms of skie disedeee it is now einem that titter* is no other wash. even those used by tbe beauty special- ists. that can eampere with this mild liguil for eleanstng the skin of temples. blackhead', rash and all ei.11- :1st Atli affect ions. For this re1S30 alone. • bottle of D. D. IS shotild be kept ou hand hi every household. A free trial bottle will show you the merits of this greot remedy as a complexion wash. D. D. It teems to 'mauve the cause. mut ever the trouble may be, cleans - nag the Ain and leaving it IIS soft. as 'month and clear as that of • lissIthy Write Die le I). D. Leboratories. Dept G. S.. W Colborne etreet, Toron- to. and prove its woodeeful effeetive- IFor sale by all denurgistel. Mg. nun ILI. AT WINDHAM. -W. Watson. of delarave, who is well known here. is at present lying very low in the Wing - ham hospital, with an attack of anaemia. John leu.igh aod J. Brown were up to set him on Uee 24th and E. Livingstone hastiesturday. His many frieods Isere ate very sorry to hear of hie state ot health. THE New itareoftY.-The Trinity church rectery is nearly all pulled down and it will not bt long before the erection of the new building will be com- menced. It is going to be a handsome building. AlUaough this thuteh small in membership, the members are ambitious and bare all the money raised. so thet when the building is finished they will not bave to go into debt to psy for it. This might be a lesson to some of the larger reemerge,- V'erytnuA DAY.- The 24th wax spent very qtriettly here. A great many from town took ID dm races At Mit- eboll. while a number went to Brus- sels and a few tosk in the Woodbine races at 'foronto. Others went fish- ing. while ittneescet timer who stayed at honi• of bowls wee played 00 the green in the afternoon. Tbe two h. rsos front here, Red Dart and Mot Merry, did not do very well et the Mitchell races. Red Mot got third and Black Harry fifth. Tbe ewners see pot discouraged, however, and are traioing the horses for future MONDAY. May 21,th. Rev. M. B. Lymburner. of Goderich. occupant the pulpit of Beth& church A:ego-sit ENT RETURNIS.-Tbe assess - meet roll for the township of God.- ricb Co 1911 shows the following : Number of acree 52,323: acres eleareJ, waste property. 8,015 : reel property. $1.3101.775 buildings. 113018.81e): total. Minot five and twenty-one. Pee* 00011 between Res sod sixteen. MO ; ;oleos bet ween twenty -oat sod sixty, el total population. 1,805 ; birthe stabile Libor, 61,314. After painful illness exteoding over "'lidera of the 3rd concession. passed away of- Saturday, Inth inst. The de - waged was fifty-two years of age alid was a man held in high reepect in the maimunity In which he lived. For many years b. had been a faithful Itieelher of and treasnree L 0. L. No. 145 .tod a large number of the brethren of this end other lodges were Present at the funeral teat Monday. Roe sone, HauflIton oRiciated and thr seri ice of the Orange order was 'elected by Robert (Newell. Tb• Pallbearers were James Cox. Wm. lehrist..ne, Willis sad Time BelL John ifellwaie and Hugh Mellwain. Mr. Johnstone is survived by his widow and it rarely of one son and three choir of the Preebyterian church was greetly assisted Sunday evening by sane one selection in splendid style. Thee also assisted at the [fleeting of the service T. Poulton. of Cleves Saturday on hi.. roue from his btothere funeral at !Mei Miss Hazel Bennet visited with her sister Reoe at Chatham euit week We itirs,r3t2ects for fnet in thin dietrict were this yew, het we now find that although there was a good show of blossom it is tallies off and very little fruit is forming. Thie is too bad, con- sideriog there wax retch- a small yield last year The Stothers v. Taylor twee, which bas heell causing consider- able interest bere, came off at the High Court in Goderich last 1Friday. Tbe principals and a number of wit- ness.* from here were in atteniance. The judge referred his decision. MS hotb parties are waiting pat ient ly for it .. . The prospseta at present are that there will b3 three weddings in teen in June. Two of the brides will leave town. while the other will re- visited with his mother here last week. the latter's father before leaving for Sault. Ste. Marie T Weenies and Poo, Robert, of Milverton, visited at their home here last week Wilford, wbo has been on the sick list far a considerable length of time, is not improving and is still confined to been electrician here for a consider- able length of time. bas resigned the position, and the council ie now try- ing to get a good man to take the pos- Scott, of tewn, is oivancing in the Dominion Bank. He is now teller of one of tbe Torooto branches. He is a 'mart young man and is bound to succeed Mrs. W. Felker and daughter. of Goderich. visited at J. Emigles in town lest week Huron county meow. to be in a prosperous condition if the number of automo- biles that are on the go is an indica- tion. Every Eluoday now from early morning until late ar night they are to bit twee on the roads. lotto Sabbath et least a dozen roachines must have pulsed through here Mrs. Hart- ley. of Clinton. visited friends in town the put week W H. McElroy received a car of staves last week for his cooperage About 130 tickets were *old co the Grand Trunk for var- ious points during the holiday last week and now there is another cheap rate this week for the King's birthday. It will not be PIO well observed, how- ever. as the 24th. partly on account of its coming on • Seturday, and it is too near the Zith.. .J. Denhohn 'hipped a car ot potatoes to Toronto !stet week and J. Cutt shipped • car this week. L Hill reCelved it oar of lumber end ooe of lime for his contneetine business last vreek Miss P. lea- ky vieited her sister in Aylmer butt week J Tamen asd daughter. of lostowel, visited here last week. He is at present laid off work on amount of rheumatiam in his right band Misses McKenzie, of Kineordine. Miss. H. Mreauerrie ie at resent visit - and improve the are protection aye - tent Tbe stores hi town have all agreed to close their placer of business entry Thursday /afternoon from June who ham been repressoting a medi- cine company in the lower Prov- ince.. is at present opending *bort lionday with bis wife here. Mr. and Mts. W. Sellers. of Tor- onto, paid a short visit Isere with the formees parents last week. They also visited in Brusela Mrs. Lena and son. of Port Arthur, who are vis- iting at her parenue here, visited rela- tives in Clinton last week Mr. and Mrs. McIlwen, of Goderich, Mr. and Mrs. R. Cute tirey township, and Mr. and Mr*. McDonald, of Coen - brook. visited with Councillor Cute leat week Wad P. Steinboff vis- ited with friends in Wialkerton last Totogito spent • few days of the pest week with the McMillan. here Mrs. A. McKellar, who visited in Stratbroy last week, has returned borne Mrs. Robert Knox visited in Howick last week Mies Rhea leanigh. of Brussels, is at present visit- ing her grandparent& hese Rev. E. N. Fear and J. Moody are *trend- ing the Methndist Confefence at Lou- don this week. HuW TO LIV1 LONG. With healthy kldos)e- one has a rood rhanee to Ilv• latig, bet weak kidneys afflict old= with great Mo - elitism is sight fails st,.rt Iv-v(10nm or "tit* MINS ern hareseement ht 417 and loss ,,f 'I'VE at Marko Lid Ils bring DPW strength Is tad wad wise Dais, ovulate sloe bladder Fl"the Kidney Pills ere fee seek DIRECT EVIDEMCE. Nova Scotia Man Tells How Dodds ICidnev Pies Cared His Son. Cape Negro island, Shelburne Co., N. 8.. May la --tspecisli-Every day Kidney Polls continue doing a grand „work in this part of Nova soothe People cured of their kidney ills. by penises of the great remedy, aid the opinion is beceruing generel that there is no case of kidney deices that Dold'a Kidney Pills will not cure. hotness ehere ate sae tboughte in our hearts %SIMI we thiuk , of the who returu to homes where (*net is uakuown. after the shelter 'of the Christian isehool life It is so bard tor them &mid the awful to us, liked most of thew. Tbe ularneges are arranged altogetber by tbe parrots and relater's and so the serla so atom ars married to husbands who e not Christians. Thus you can see bow our bean* &Cite for them. But there ern many. many bright sides to our work. lee aindergartten bias spreatly interested um. We hetet • splendid kindsmtertes building to the of our main builds itg. Then was opeoed in use of the idueus of the city, and two teachers were put in charge. The change wremirbt in the twenty -eve pupiis as the months have pained hes been suarvellout. The dirty, rough children od last 0:tober would hardly be recognised in the clean, gentle children oe giaduation day. In visiting the paresis tbe girls have found that the need is indeed falling into good ground. One mot her said thaw ber little ogee wanted to learn how to pray, and ahe would like to know wtiere to buy a god like oure. pottier teld of how for some wieks she noticed that her little boy sat by the !be box every night and seemed Finally she found that he was thank- ing Grid for »ending him a warm coat at Christmas tins. b -tie ebiJd shall lead Diem. - At Christmas the children in our promote as gaud. sent tabi Japan. ese stockings to the poor kinder- garten. Thum they are learning the lesson -"It is inure blessed to give than to receive.'' But the poor kindero toot has not ooly' been it blessing to the children, but also to the teachers and big girls our shoot Tbey have ell become so. deeply interested in helping those who have not bad a chaoce. So we have bed the blessing of the tett x f* ethos. There is truly nothing tluence that always follows work dose] that CAII make life so rich and worth live late: est in our et milieu.. Mr. Stillman Perry, well known mu, just Guy one watt' about our here, adds his testimony to the great church life. Methodism is quite oid mots of proof that I/otitis Kidney in Shizuoka:. hang foi.nde hy Dr. Pills ere good. o•My son bad troiihk mammies, sve -hay. a, neat little with his eidneys," Mr. Perry states. red brtck church, end it will t .• neater -I sent for Foote 01 Dedd'e Kidney au., the repair., which ore in prog- Pills, and since taking them be hae reel at present. Our put ..r. Mr. had no return of his trouble. I be- lieve Dodd's Kidney. Pills ate all tbst is clarool for them.' FROM MISS ANNIE SWANN. Young Lady Weil Known Here Writes from the Japanese Mission Field. The following letter swis received by the Ladies' Aid of Johnston's church. Morris township, from Miss Annie daughter of Rev. F. Swarm. of Fuller- ton. Roth ere well known in .tnd letter will be read with mulch interst by teeny readers of The ElignaL Dear Friends of the .1tixiliary.-1 bow beautiful it is to he rieh in friends. but perhaps I realize it in a fuller ineesure since have been planted in Japan. It is indeed good to feel tbe warmth of ...empathy and love that hiods me to Die home bind. You mention in your letter the fact tbat it was while father and mother were with yon that you organized your society, and so since ag a, society you are somewhat conneeted with the Swann family I hope you will nave a little corner in your hearts for me, not for my own 'sake. hut for tether's and mother's sake. Became you see, as yet, I an a young repre- sentative, green, tiouied and inexper- ienced. I waot to jutt introduce you to our_ sehool in Shizuoka, so that you may feel acquainted with my field in Shiasoks, is • city about one hun- drei miles from Togyo. It is to the west of the Imperial city, among most chat ming mountains that continuelly remind us of the words of Use psalmist, ••I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help." Our climate is very mill. Winter is a thing unkaown. at learn. wIliet we heady Canadians cell stricter. I have seen no mow and so am juse ending my first snowless winter. Througe November, December, January and February it has been cool, but bright. and sualtay like our September and Oc- tober days. Now it is beginning te get quite hot and from now until nezt November we will leave to try every scheme to keep cool. fel far I have beM111 very well. Tbe climete is quite will surely be all right. There is a great lack of 01.01110 the air. and so it sone hare to keep up one's supply ..f energy and nerve force. And now to come down to our life. I sin stationed in school work. along with three other lathe. -Mies Veezly. the principal • cif the wheel. Miss CroniMe. the evangelist, Mies Ile - Wolfe, the kindergartner. This is one of our three misstioe wbools Japan. and I feel quite sere that it, ie the best. Although SOUS. 01b111 WWI people might disagree with my judge have &bete len enrolled in all departments for this onivieg year. liwIlferle. The hesionies beat rate7 ha 214 nr youeg and are theissoortsasta The r7. Goleriets hy 11. ft. Hatene, is tust splendid. Ile wise converted years ago (h. °ugh Miss After Grippe or any Sickness Vino! Creates Strength NUE IS PROOF '' After a long attack of GripPc, Mrs. Vaught seemed unable to re- cover her strength. She was very weak and had no appetite. VI - NOL rapidly unproved her condi- tion and restored her to health. I sincerely recommend its use during convalescence or any run down JUDGE C. N. VA06117, Huntsville, Ala. Miss Adelaide Gamm, of Water - attack of the Grippe, my system was in a very weakened, nervous, run-down condition. I took VI - NOL with the best of results, and it made me feel better and stronger than I have been for years." We have never sold in our MOM a more valuable heahh restorer foe weak and run down persons than VINOL, and we ask such people in this vicinity to try V1NOL with the understanding that their money still be returned d it does not do all we claim for it. H. '. Dueler. Druggiet. lemlerieh 110 ie mood :did we are to glad that (2.. Ilere.,, e has rot toned him for yesi N...1 1 .0 I that ties ti yew- hiss been a very joyous one, and that my faith in the Great Leader has been stroog and tut*. even if the vic- tory ien't just as swift ma our im- p/mit-tit melts would eisb. For we remember-• And 1, if 1 h.3 lifted up, will draw ell men unto me." I hams a motto hanging near me that is very wise in ite advice. and eti I shall lease it with you in destiny/. ,Look forward and not hack (Hopei Look ont and cot in (Love And lend a hand. etetive Lover With kindest wishes, Your reptesentative, False Impression. Tbe inspreasson that mon will nen r fly like birds se fuss • to be an enema. BRAIN WORKERS who get little exercise, feel better all round for an OCCaSiOn21 dose of "NA -DRU -CO" Laxatives They tone up the liver, move the bevels gently but freely, cleanse the system and clear the brain. A new, plevant and reliable laxative, prepared by 2 reliable firm, and worthy of the NA-I/HU-CO Trade Mark. 25e. a box. if your druggist has not yet stocked them, send 25c. and we will mail them. NATIONAL DRUG CHEMICAL COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED, MONTREAL. 21 ins in Toronto at the °me ... For we well ae the bedew school innon . The Orangemen as • work. we halo prima, end kinder. 1../Ig• from here have eons to Ole COO- garten As well ee day peptic we clierion oriel...rate ••the Glorious base hows.tere and am Ong eggs Twelfth" in Kincardine. as tbat lodge bearding pupils sea hays, opecial ap. bee.. • greet many from hove intend I I.,ve mer Mee and if you kora going to tenderich, however ...C. them _you would love them ton. 1 seemnpanie4 Sly bits two wins During ing anti Hew •ture Teen hare a •beenee Mr Hadley is rebeeing at class a teachers in th.. g.4 Tfosashast. hos hese engaged h. tbe Ontario ties- have soon nun 1,, wilts inn kr Priem, eveniag aed every bis Sunday PIVoninsg ass &re at horns to the girls rine they are free to enure to our remise esti talk and visit wit. es. IThus we are able to give the presetutil touch fro. salts* of wirieb ere on ik We have lust hart our grinbastion essadesa par sat hid a dose et ten. sail limbed thee were ten welt telehee*, ie **tette NO I4-1.11i,tde at present taking fee bonder St ere fry bows here Mr A Taylor. oho , has been venting her parental herr. gars birth tAl • won on Satordas roars - Int .. Mrs D Crittenden whe has been visiting to Sit Thongs and Loa doe. returned house on Wednesday . ....F. McIntosh has wade Large ed - dittoes) Us his ails stables bees The marvel] is entignitting • bylaw to puicha-e the elect. so: heel 140.4 With Every Bag of Flour There Goes A Guarantee That guaraatee measis that I believe Cream of the Wort to be the best bread flow es tbe market. If year bread doesn't beat any you ever baked before, it fails to rise or &wean give extra sabstscbos ie every way, your grocer will pay yois bed' yew mosey cm return of tbe unused ponies of tie bag. Cream ttWest Flour the hard Wheat flour guaranteed for bread If people wig hurls &ad bonestly try Crease of tbe West they wee have success witli it . Times wey we guarantee it We are sure of it. The Campbell Milling Company, Limited, Tomato 1111111111 1/ PURE r PAINT l'ene buy pews is best stS. ~see wiliest yes get U -L Panes, because et Saves tsene -greeds seaway. Saves cow • link ewes, 0 Saves bother all seedy se Neves ars sense reesestasig VantsibIll Color Cs. LAd..itireiMe so nisch seriace ewe sot asestessey kw Warm possible Wee lifietei re emelt seititet 'eel,. the liscialo siMorlars IN I. 47151111111Ar A Pus IOW Caws is sssoss. --,:s 1 if! I Imo WA hv Howell Hardware Co., Limited THUSAIDAT. Jove Isl. tat Yr 1 SUMMER HATS • LIGHT headweitr is a requisite for real comfort in the warm summer weather. We have hats in all the latest shapes and styles, suitable for all walks of life. . A large range to choose from in PANAMAS; SAILORS, CANVAS, CHIPPEI:i STRAW (extra light) We also carry a full line of. Children's Sailors and Canvas Hats. McLean Bros. Semi -Ready 1 allors, Men's Outfitters Spring Tonics tele ing will soon be here and you will be needing sigma tonic to prepare you for the bard work of summer. We lec..coineed and guarantee Nadruco Compelled Iron Pill Nadruco Syrup Hypophoephites If these remediee do not do as recommended your money will he ieturned to you. Agent for Goderich. F. J. Butland, Druggist "The store that pleeses.' e,,,==1===11 IISUM M E 11 GOODS HatUulocli.. 1 ,IsI (411 Sit4.ves. film hoe Stoves.. een Doors am i Freezer., Fiseleg Tackle. rte. JUNE WEDDINGS We bare pot received a lit oitiful line el Florentine Brassie Goods. Ea. li p etx posetsow the atethetic charm of Nature'. Gar- den. es. h doe/solve design artietieelly engraved by hand and 11 finished it) black an 1 du I brass. We have also a tine line of 'Odgers 1s17 good-. Big ioeortint lit of i 'nevem Knives end Forks in cores. II We are agents for the Canada Cycle A: Motor C...'s Bicycles and rarry the Cleveland line in ie.osk. We leort. :Laded a bicycle repair depaornent to out workelsep Is your I.AWN MOWER. oot of repair or does it need sharpen ing ? eVe ensm put It its order fur you. BICYCLES 11 We has e isbeut two thousand reds of Fencing lett yet (tut . . *bolt foor thousand. We are going to clean this Feccing out as prices that no person can afford to miss. The line( contest of The l'attskitrigh Perfe,t Fence. 7 wirer, 17 inches Cyclene Wo. en Wire Fence. No. 7 and No. 9 wire. knivi leen Woven Wire Fence, No. 9 wire. Page Woven Wire Fence, No. 9. Coikd %V ii e at $3.441 per 100 lbs. FENCING Does Your House Need Painting? If en, iilen't forget. that we harolle tbe mberwin-W Pais' I lie beat paint on the 'onkel, let you v.ant to inighten youi furniture. demo •nd wood wink r If goo, don't ewspet that we handle J kP- -LAC. &high-grade FREE o the first one heeded Isons..wives wbo rail at Out •tore next Monday. May 11Mb. 11141 On give • sissisple cm' of Japes -1s. CEMENT Tbe Minions' Is MN but Mid itrosgest ouseest dipmessts ita decrease Let Ise Ewers on yew Pinssisins„ flasithess essvOstronghustr,ou. Rain": .h"4:: CHAS C, LEE AM barrel, to MOOD, and -issent have drooped tree from 14.010 sons to &IMO House Phone No 112 Store PA.