The Signal, 1911-5-18, Page 8• TinKwwAly, 11AI In LWl Wall Paler Specials I� Several lines of Wall Prprr, pretty floral and stripe effects. regular 8c, 14k. Itic and 15c per roll, clearing thin week. special and 1tk per rill. Granite Papers Pis n' Granite Wall Papers. spavin! this week me. Imported Wall Papers Many of theme are borderless. while others have very pretty out -out bonders and crown effects. Th tee papers range in price from !Lc per roll up to 75r. Bordet * range in price from :k per yard up to J5c per yard. Don't overlook our Sc and Ow papers for 11111. TheColoaial Book Store GLrO. 1'111CTER, Prop. 'Phone 1(10. Goderich. fi 1 ' WEDDING RING There are differences of style and finish even in the {{lain gold band of the Wedding Ring. You may prefer the broad flattened band rot the "Tiffany" ring or tbe I/ Iheavy, narrow ring that i.' cleverly avoids all apperranee or feeling of cluaminees. We have all styles and all sizes and You have your cboice of 10k, 14k. or 18k gold. Prices range from $250 to =B-QO. THE Walter H Harrison C. P. R. Watch Isol aptor Jeweller and Optidun On the Hquare Goderich ewsgsgegesemessmaseinemememaesimiew Call or 'Phone W. R. I'ixoex, Ham- ilton Street, .e.� have anything you do in the line of W. PINDER, Ham- ilton Street, when you anything to the of ELECTRIC WIRING PLUMBING ELECTRIC WIRING PLUMBING HEATING or METAL WORK All orders will re- ceive our prompt and careful attention. No job is too large or too small for us. A full line of Granite and ware, Electric 8uppliee, Stores add Ranges. W. R. Pinder 'Phone 155 HAMILTON STREET' noviesreasiweireassresserssesiesseiresowsek OPERA HOUSE GROCERY 1 Fir door off Spumy, Kingston S. Evervtiies M Oeroo.riee r.wh. Ie.e and Good HOME -GROWN Rhubarb Lettuce AND Onions So THE BUNCH Butter Crocks Flower Pots NEW STOCK JUST IN fteadquaitere for choice Butter and ?nab ages. Ago. W. Vaaatter Opera Hewer Bleck }mss sd'4 Gagslaa ann.'e How TO Stop -A- Stubborn Cough We don't mean lust stop tie imi- tation aa -talion in your throat -but awe the uoderlying cause. Cough syrups cannot do this. k takes a constitutional tonic body builder to do the work peoperiy- and cure vpu to stay cured. Viol is the remedy you need. .UNE u moos •ie Maple fames& of sl... Minh N. T., writes:-- After goyim( seed seas• Mlles for • bed meg la and odd nal -sem herein I was naked M try Etmel. i warned like ommaM. It were& mg Debt and omega east I g.lard L bemHb amt 1 .._-elder Vieebe as wonderful d •g el tale ..d Imvigeemear 1 ewer U we cannot stop that Weigh with VINOL-our delicious cad liver and iron tonk- -which is made without oil -we will not charge you a cent for the medicine you buy. This seems like a pretty fa proposition- and ought to be ac- cepted. Don't you think so? Wits this understanding we ask you to try a bottle of VINOL. 11. C. Dunlop, Druggist. Goderi'h Foolish Questions. Andrew D. White. the guest of honor st the recent Cornell reunion in Paris. praised in his witty address the alertness of the American 'rind. -What," said Ur. White. "is more annoying than the inept quo+tions that come from those whose minds wander -For example. on a bus in London one day. 1 sat beside a beery butcher. We drove out Piccadilly and stopped at Hyde Park corner. beside Ap- ley House, the huge, brawn. dreary residence of tb. Duke .'f Wellington. 'As we halted a gentleman got out of a taxicab and mounted the steps of Apsley House. Look there!' I said to my oeigh- leor, the butcher. 'That is the Duke of Wellington !' " •Indeed !' said tbe butcher, excit- edly, The present Duke. sir?'" - Washington bier. "Mrs. Jollaby treats her husband like a dog." "Lucky fellow. i wish my wife would treat me as she treats her dog." V-isitor-"Oh, 1 think Lady Gert- rude is so very clever at repartee. you know !" Mrs. Noorich-"Oh, iodeed ! Well, I'm thinking of 'axing the girls taught, too. I'm r great. believer in these athletic games for ladies" The things we want most in this w orld ere always those beyond our reach. If we had them we shouldn't be a bit happier. We only think- we should. No matter how little we have we always have plenty to be thankful for. There are times when God asks noth- ing of His children except silence, patience, and tears. He lets them go aside away from interruption, in order to weep till nature is relieved of the heaviest burden : then He gives "a season of clear shining that cometh after rain." jctoria Day ,Siegle Fare for Round 'Trip (with minimum charge of 450) Between all stations in Canada. also to Niagara Falls and Buffalo N. Y.. Detroit and Port Huron )diet Tickets good going May 23 and 24 Return limit May 26, 11111. ROUND TRW M sestdurs' Ficaria: TO THE WEST AT LOW RATES VIA SARNIA OR CHICAGO. Literature and full information from any Grand Trunk Agent, or eddres. A. E. DUFF District Passenger Agent, Toronto, Ont. F. F. Lawrence, Town Agent. THE SIGNAL : GODERICH, ONTARIO LOCAL NEWS. I1OY SCOUT FOR CORONATION. WW Citizens of Goderich Allard Nin tate Opportunity to G• ? The past week was a iusy one with the Hoy Scouts. The various tests were bold *ring tb• week in the con- test. for rrpteeentative on the corona- tion r.•otigent, of which full particu- lars were given last week. Tea scouts entered the competition, and, although all did remarkably well, tour of the buys distinguished them- selves. Thew four are Loouu Ken- neth Ha.t'kins. Watson Straiton. Charles Inkster and Morris Swanson. They ell came so close da the contest for first place that the papers have been submitted to the Provincial e eretary for bin decisioo. The tests comprised & written payer on the geography and resources of (Janadsaud the Empire: a paper on Scout laws, principles, etc.; practical tests in signalling, bandaging. knot, tying, handiwork and map -making. In addition to these tests the scout's rank, his physique, past work and behavior. and the number abridges of merit he bolds, are taken into con- sideration. Our citizens bare. as yet, made very little response to last week's appeal and there is danger of the lads' being disappointed The ecoutmaster has been notified that the contingent is to be in England. during the coronation the Boy Scouts are to be presented to the King. and they have invitations from prominent gentlemen all over i?ogland to visit their es- t atm. Huron County Rifle League. The match committee of the Huron county Rifle League met at Carlow on May 12. The following business woe transacted : The oext shoot of the League will be bell at Point Farm on June 3rd next. Tbere "rid be a telephone in use on the 500 -yd. range, the president and vier -president or persone authorized by them being t he only pentons allowed to operate rams while ilrin` is going on. Number of sbom will he seven to score and one slighter et each range. Ranges 2JU and 600 ystds. Sbooting commences at 8 a. m., as we waot to finish the shooting early .o that everyooe can see the sports in the ditern000. The prize list is to be re -arranged. Look out for list later in the local newspapers and posters. As formerly no coaching will be allowed at tbe coming match. The committee for sports is : J. T. Goldthorpe. Saltiord ; W. J. Moffat, Dungannon ; Walter E. Kelly and Geo. Leith waite, Goderich. T. R. Rvioi.R Sec. H. C. R. L. wooemoieweimemeemileseemesemairsoW 30 Buggies TO BE SOLI). We have lust received a car o buggies. and nave everything that imew and up-to-date in the carriage line. No better buggies ever CAMP to town. We have Lhem ..n the floor now. ('all end inspect them et the MASSEY-HARRIS WAREROOMS nn Hamilton Street. We have the MTA ?err ARI) WIRE FBne-a and (:ATMs. Hoe fees - oto P1... RY PI/.tura. ('RRAI. NICPARATolts and almost ever) thing a farmer repels en • farm Robert Wilson We filen have a taw sates goon delvers for sale than. sled bee slam bosoms astsutp• s Hs b Aswa>lAlesasdt. u/ W Mr. 0smelU.rl yibtsnitt scan so stets. ad r. ll It adlvw. =re the tosses of tM8 dna bus: Gari. Y. a•s.4.i wa of mr.bE �zus. Ass. Standee& .0 of 0eder1�plt, pet et 7ae�i 1 take /dace very q.MU W letter mmces M1m torus Asiww re earned to her Mose la Oviderkii let week- to and twat dartos bar ekee•as •nwass et, Yea Newton CMS's. W area= a ons dsauebie bone. Its • Sao brisk •ease 1• the centred reddemti•I twrtterl of the town. Mr. and Mr. Jams Taos hove gees tot 1. amp. for • three weeks' vbdt wtta nidime theca While ra gleans they will be presaat at, the g1./uetiea oflilles nest Yue. who b osmptU . very saeesmtal throe seers' mown as the (sok t:osaw •bol Meats heda� leg Scheel for Mare._ - Tics or ORw. erre or Totsao. I s.. eae lbt: .Ty. F rankChoosy maim ss' le that be Y seater =se tie fine rm of 17 roes a: GOn, dolma ha/ame 1• the Cltr of Toledo. ooant y mad State ders..M. and that said Inn will pay the sum 01Surdrtd dollars to emek and every case d �wrr0 that ammo' be eared 0 lir use of Halt. Catarrh tore. f RANK J. CHENEY. Swarm to before me and .ubserib.d Ia ley presumes. tbm eth day of December. A. D. 1J (MAD .t. W.OLIL1:40N. N.rsav Pt'mtx'. Hall. Catarrh Caro N taken internally. mad acts dusatly oo the haooa and mu000s .urtadls of the .yeas. bead fee t.e.etmoeiai free ) J. CH Nkr k Ca. Toledo. O. Sold ty at, Druggists. 70. Take Hallfamily PDS for Com.UpaUon. PUBLIC SCHOOL CONCERT. At Victoria Opera Hoose-Evecing of May 34tb. rma.aa r. Part 1. Bab, "Delle.' Wd. Stoddart Play and Porno. "10 Daley Tune". Thirteen 0 tri. Piano rlol, Selected . A Roy Adams Oberman "Men of the North" and the H. White lad Blue- Doet, "Slumber Meg" -Jose Hunter and maxim Burdett• Solo. Sebald A. S. Cook Dr11L "Indian Huatromer Tie Oir(. sob. "Damdel,ons Leers Prue ltandello. trill. .. Oki. Quarrel Scene from "AGMs -Mims Jean Nain, and Mamie llswa Recitation "The Dead Peso 4 at'-Kasles Durdette violinselected =mew Much ...:•. dins East Huron Census Staff. Elam Livingstone, of Blytb, is the census commissioner for mast Huron and the following enumerators have been appointed : Tut nberry-Alex. Kelly, Winghaw: R. S. Muir, (ilen- rooan; J. L. Hooper, Wroxeter. East Wiewanosh-R. B. McGowan, Blyth ; J. A.. Anderson. Belgrave ; Blisha Walker, Wingham. Howick-John Gowdy, Helmore ; John Walls. Clif- ford ; R. J. Williams, Gorrie ; John Hennebert Fordwich ; Thomas Mc - Clement. Fordwich : Sheldon Bricker, Fordwich. Morrie -T. M. Render/too; Wingbam : Wm. Isbister, Wingha.0 Wm. Watson, Belgrave; C. K. Tay- lor, Blyth. Grey -Wm. Work, Br us - eels ; Oonr•ad Bernath, Ethel ; An- drew Lamont, Brussel:- ; Oliver Turn- bull, Walton. Wrozeter-J. Brethaueif %%'ruzeter. Brussels -W. H. Mc- Cracken and N. B. McLaughlin, Brus- sels. Wingbam-John Elder and Ab- ner Cozens, Wingham. Blyth -Wm. Jackson and Wm. Willows, Blyth. Remem r That All Corn Makes arts; not "Kellogg's." There are many imitations Only by our method -a secret process -is it possible to transform the tender, sweet- heart of the corn into a food that combines the flavor, richness, nutrition and digestibility of Kellogg's Toasted Corn Flakes. You owe it to yourself and family to insist upon KELLOGG'S Toasted Corn Flakes. See that you get it Made in Canada, at London, Ont. 21 TOASTED CORN TOASTED CORN FLAKES wawa ase runt aces. CAMAY taAY • p f mem- ♦ ft a-. 1 � 10cPer. A WONDERFUL REMEDY orataigge. Lib 1s dally oaring the asset Dis- order*. os•.and e Aetmeates wen of Female Det nda Lam oor bPalartdU Um waomPr+ Menstruation, Me., eta., are •11 of them relieved from the dart by its rue, and • few weeks' or casaba' treatment accompllabes • • cure. This remedy 1s • leve4, scientific preparation, and 1, bss.z on the discoveries of Pasteur and Lister. It L In applied tnmtataat; that la. 1t is not taken tsteraally. but 1s applied direct to the wMsrlag parte, had R. therefore. •els wOk all the certainty of the knew\ Isere p� chemical actba As 1t cams he I direct contact with the diseased tissue, 11. .Atbeptic and serve -food peellerltsa cannot help have a beneficent influence. I receive from 1s to M letters daw�a speaking of the benefits and cures 1t L performing. and so sure am 1 that It do what 1s claimed for It that I will send. ►Minutely free. a fisc box to every sol• feriae woman who will wrn• for 1t Pyle 41 per box, which s eutficlent for one asaths' treatment. Address, MRS. FRANCES A. CURRAN, WINDSOR, ONT. 3 J. BEOPlEY & SON GODERICH THS LEADING Funeral Directors and Embalmers Orders carefully attended to et all horn, night or day Port It. -7NNININNI1 -INNNIfin, Maa folia Solo. Selected A. !lore Nolo. "My Dance, Sturdy Crewels(- of the Loy Germ and Msp-pal. Drill.- Twenty tour Glen mod Boys �" Quartette.' -Tare Caro the Hook-- W. Sturdy, J. Patter.on, H. Dougall wad Y. lteynolds . ('borne "Scout. of 8retato"Hom of the School Dumb Bell I:lerr4e Seven (lint Speech. 'Rhe 13ritle5 Emmen Aanle mows Quartette. Selected. The Pewter QnatteW 1 kerttatJm Melville YnNovla flog and Iltlhbu0 frill Sixteen Gide -God dare the Mae Admission 15� and 25c. FORMAL SHOWING OF BORN. O'IAUOBLIN, - At Klgeabridae. on Knauer Sunday. April 1th. to Mr. and Mrs. J. 14. U'LoaghIn. a eon. CARRIL-Ac Bt . rectory, Detroit. on AprU nth. to Kev. Jobs S. Cairn. 8. A.. sad Mrs. Carrie, • daughter. Dorothy MULLIN. On Saturday May elks, to Yr. and Mea t1. Malin. Adenoid. a son. HACKETT.-ir detldd 81001 cooteewiont. on Wedneday, day 3, to Mr. and Mrs. Alar N ader Haekitt twirls. am and daughter. Md'LYMONT.- In gimes. on Meed.y. May t3th, u Mr. sod lira Jame. MoCtsmont, • . w. MARRIED. BENOVIJO8-HPROUL--At the home of Use bride's father. es w Yy 1715. Ileo. Geo. L Roan Ulm Marts• daughter of John Serest Gs4srtch. to WU bort L 1'iengough. DIED. GRAHAM. At his daughter'. re.denoe, 92 Kith. Tomato, road, Toaon Sunday, May Hobert Graham, native of Ennlaktllso. Ireland..rd formerly of Port Albert. Ont. In hie 07th year II'rOTHERB In Aalteletd. m Wednoeday. Kay 17th. Hamm' Statham aged m seer MtLdOId. AND At Mmes. Mee. Soak.. on Friday. May lei. Harvey O. Mulholland. formerly of Oadarlc5. aged 117 ye.ry and 11 msadw. HAIN�T(1(� Io. Howeck. on May kd. Mr. Jamb HMtaatock. aged to years. Doll dl PON too his r Sti eRtday. May t!U► r. Melt:WAIN -In Goderich township, on Wed ,,.alas. May 1711'. .lames Mcilwaln. aged 71 yeua. M DJA W. -Is 8e.tmth. on Sunday, May 11t h Mary Jam Mage, relict of the lege SamueJam Mega., .sed ase year. and 11 day.. PERSONAL MENTION. MIs. Kmille Buchanan i. ridtlag In Toronto: Mr.. J. Kidd left tale afternoon ..n • vi,it to Toronto Mends. B. H. Mcd tenth „f The Toronto 81 lir. tone ia IOwa Over (15545) Mb. ABle Job's -ton. Lysin eveean 1. visiting her brother 1n I'rvwtnn Mrs Keith Meyuarrtr of K.velienke. B. • .. lea vi.11a at her ole home at Dunlop. Mea (leo ..-ttoehwre, with her children left on Thursday to Mtn he. husband at hyaena. gear. Hwa. McMillan sent to 14.y . 1t Mab.. la Monday to .used the funeral of Cet ,. fatamets len M Misr Ysendsre r ►0100 from lbest., =et=ues sd iron al the 11.5.l if 0.1110010. =enmilr en tyr pasemes Mr illy. ed Man Gm meows and ems. M laidgieglcg. 0f k.riod Ma I 1111 I J Nevb weer Swam the w.�it11 Mme(.- aledln .be have oiee. Mew Cleo mom star gm aa0et �I we. Wits e�missoftberegm n �tbt. bma sumeeds ks IFINPAIM. WOOL attar saiMwsem� %451a atm so. la 1b I FROM OUR CONTEMPORARIES.' WhiskyPiays No Favorites. Hamilton Spectator. Too much whisky brought a Toronto H.C. down to forgery. He will have three years of quiet in penitentiary to think it over and get the booze out of his system. The eon to the gen- eral public is as old as it is clear. Wbizky plays no favorites. Once on the job. to it the king's counsel is no bettor than the common clodhopper. Prooanciation. Toronto Si.,. Ambar.sdor Bryce's pronunciation of the name of this Province is On-tah- re-o. In the Irish schools, where Mr. Bryce received his early education. the word is so pronounced, in con- formity with Indian and French usage. We have departed also from the Indian and French pronunciation of Niagara, which was originally Nee-ah-gah-rah, with accent on third syllable. Reciprocity and Paper -making. Hammon Time.,. At the Senate hearing on reciprocity Judge Sullivan. a Philadelphia boo paper manufacturer. made the state- ment that if 1 he reciprocity agreement passed, $106,100,010 of capital in forty. five United States will% would have to go out of business. because, said be, "Canadians could sell book paper cheaper than it could be produced in this countey." And yet some Can- adians profess to fear injury to (an adieu trade from reciprocity ! Reformatory and Prison. Cleveland PLindealer. 1t seems a pity that judges do not commonly ilatinguisb, es criminolo- gists do, between the three great claves of criminals -the born crim- inal, the occasional criminal and the deliberatserinlinM. Psychologists have listed them thus, and scientists know that the difference exists. The first is a criminal by heredity : his acts are in • manner irresponsible because they are Instinctive. He is. therefore, • diseased The second is & criminal rough passion. from imita- tion, by suggestion -ors might almost say hypnotism." He is Incited to crime by combinations of circum- stances. The third is a deliberate plotter against the social order -he is a professions,. in fact, be Is the only real '•crimlDAl." This last person knows that be is a criminal. His crimes are voluntary and refleAlve. He knows how to nlaee a true value upon his acts, and he is a conscious enemy of society. Plato knew this person as tbe only sinner -one who "made the worse Air pear the better reason :" one who knew the right and calmly chose the wrong. For the criminal of the first type. we shonld have hospitals. For the criminal of the second type, we already hate refortnatoricr. The third type belongs in prisons -and the pity is that we know no better place for i1 ! Rut this is certain : that today We are pntt.•tg in ,.rate prisons both th. physically di•.eesed and the ph7vt- cally inoo.petent. That ere drive, better -Pk elter, into our an -called re- formatories the ones who do not wish to he reformed is a lesser pin. When the millennium Arrives. per- haps society will recognize all reins - initial ss rumble patients. and treat them accordingly Until then, how- ever. it is not no ieni.osaihie teak to distiogui-b among the dosses thus roughly uadicst.d And It M worth the effort to make )net earn distinc- tion. and jnet rueh m' t treat - meat as ideal for previa with moetesv'• (Mittel men te. Th. .arch for happen sada re. m'mbtse a sea eh for Brans spectacles wises they are ren the Iso. Mag'sreaaz- "Yee say tab .hart stole sour east 1 Do 1 u deestand thatT ° s 0 . prefer the 8t •gaiw td.r ova. ns, yaw haw. 1 preemie the era, N Its all tho saes to yah." 11 SUMMER MILLINERY �I SATURDAY AND ALL NEXT WEEK A REALLY PLEASING DISPLAY OF CORRECT SUMMER HEADWEAR, SHOWING WHAT IS FAVORED BY FASHION FOR THE COMING SUM- MER SEASON. We have arranged a splendid display of new Summer mil- linery styles for Friday, May 191h, and following week. Many new and uncommon shapes will be shown and the display will give you a good idea of what will be correct is Millinery for Summer wear. We heartily invite you to visit the show -room and study these new and stylish models at your leisure. Summer Opening commencing Friday, May 19th, and continuing throughout the following week. The Lone Glove is Fashionable There is no doubt of that now and they will be more in demand as the Summer advances. We are well prepared to meet the demand with stocks that. are well assorted and decidedly good value. LONG KiD GLOVES. made from selected skins, black. white or colors. Per pair, i2.25 to $4 00. LONG BILK GLOVES, made from exreptionelly strong cloth. double Anger tips, all sizes, black, white or tan. Per pair 75c 10 $1 0 LONG LISLE THREAD GLOVES, made from real good qual- ity lisle, black, white sod tan, all aisss. Per pair 50c to 75c. OTHER GLOVES. Standard length Gloves in lisle thread er lila. sterling qualities that will give satisfactory wear, black. whits and oolong. Per pair 25c to 60c. SiLK FRAME 0 OVES AT $1.00. These Gloves are very popular with elderly ladies and our sale of them increases every season. They come in black only, are extra strong and very ser- viceable. size. 64 to 8. Per pair =1.00. "Kayser" Gloves Yon can get the famous "Kayser" Gloves here, and at the same price they are sold for in the United States. No hatter silk glove to be bad. Every pelt bas the Kayser double -tipped Angers which are guaranteed to outwear the body of the glove. Black, white and colors. Per 75c won Si pair.... 00 _________.....-...--..--------....\ An Extra Good Scotch Linoleum at 60c 1 } per Square Yard We want to emphasize the wearing quality of this high-grade Scotch Linoleum. 1t io one that we hare im- ported direct front the Scottish makers. Only best materials enter into it and the cloth is exceptionally soft and pliable. 1t is a quality that we ran strongly recom- mend for any room where it well get a lot of hard wear. New and plesaigg floral or Klock designs in dark and light rolorin.a. No better linoleum vain. to he had anywhere than thea genuine Scotch Linoleum we are showing Cafl at. per quare yard WC Other quell' We not so good. 450 and 500 per seq. yd. A Waist of Black Taffeta, $5.00 This weird is made from • ere Y gond getality Mack Taf- feta Milk Th..tyle is erne that is proving very papular this w Aevon and the at is attsolwtety perfect. Altogether it le a gar- ment that will appeal to any par en wanting • nice Mark S5 silk waist. All Mass, sawl.. Our Special School Hose at 15c. Throe Sterking@ are male from a very strong cotton yarn. They are one and Doe ribhed, have seamless tent and the dye is absolutely fast. They are made to stand real hard wear. All sizes 54 to L0. Per pair Ia, only ....I OIL Fine Ribbed Hose, 25c (:iris' very Ane quality Doe and one ribbed lisle thread Hoke. A neat, emetic ser- viceable mocking• seamless feet. Wok or tan. All r] sizes, at per pair.... . LOC A Really Excellent Stock of Ladies' Hose We never have shown quits se ,roods (nada our.' Ldi.' Howe as i1. now in Homers depart- ment. The Utes we carry are those we can recommend for their wearing qualities. From the cheapest to thz best we have in stork you will find them per- fectly modsandoorrectly shaped. thio insuring a perfect Ot. Ladies' Cotton Hose, 124e. Mac and 36c. Indies' lisle Thread Hose, 25c. 35e and fik. Ladino' le'aoc y embroidered br.idered are l one 1�oe. 7bHose. c, 40e, 50e a od 1wdi.. Silk Hove. $1 51) to $2 A Wool Panama Skirt $5.00 This Rkirt is made of all - wool Panama and cut In One of the beat style. shown this season. It fits and bangs perfectly. has a good a r- =�tatce�s,, ad wean well. e 5 liysaok aR nary. each / Embroidered Waists 97c New Muslin Waists made from very One quality moo- ns. Frost of handsome "Heim s.h older. hark of ',lusters of tucks. Waists that ars really exceptional value. .1 each. only 97c It