The Signal, 1911-5-18, Page 6• 'taonr :, N.* IL *1
A v
When you tea buy to as good
salt swage in your own town or
rncigbborbood. Itemewt*r that
every dollar sent to the city de-
partment stores is witbdrawn
perm...eon) from eirculatioo in
y.•urown locality and detracts
from the geurral prosperity of
the menu unity, r,,,nsegurntly
d.•preci.ting the value of prop-
%tire you are tempted by the
catch *ices in the city cats-
I..gus4, take the book to some
of the Gsderich ezerebauta and
see what they can do fur you•
You will find that you can do
lust as well at home and keep
the cob in circulation here.
Mr. R. L. Borden, the Opposition
leader, is making arrangement* for a
throe weeks' tie trterm lour this sum-
It it likely that the enuuel meetings
of the thee. Liberal aaei.ciations ut
rHuron, ru roortitutrd for Yrorincial
pesr., will be held in June, at such
-titer as will I,e convenient for the
Provincial leader. Hon. A. G. Mac-
Kay. who wisher to attend each of the
iueeti ug`
An anti -reciprocity meeting was held
in Seaforth on Friday eveniog last,
the principal 'speaker* being Jame.
Arthur', M. P., of Party bound. and
Glen Campbell, M. P., of Dauphin,
Mau. Geo. Spottoo, of Winghsm,
also spoke briefly. There was a good
attendance- and the speaker, were
well received.
A. E. Bradwin, editor of The Parry
Sound North Fitar. has been nouun-
irted by the Liberals of Parry Mound
as their cetndidate for the nest
election lis the Provincial Legislature.
Mr. Hradwin was formerly editor of
The Blyth Standard. and hie old
friends in Huron county will await
th^ outcome of -bis campaign with
mach ioterest
Several names ate mentioned incon-
nection with the Liberal nomination
for South Borne for the neat election
to the l'ontaimir.(::un. Krug, of ('her -
ley. and Mir. Anderson. of Luckoow,
look like good political timber, and P.
H. McKenzie. ex -M. P., and Mr. Truax
are ressoneed campaigners. Another
man who stands high in popular
favor, and wh'. if chueen as a candi-
date would almost surely place South
Bruce in the Liberal column. is George
H. Moxruey, of Ripley. Mr. Mooney
be. been limited upon for wine time as
the couring man in South Bruce and
would put up a great fight. At any
rate, with w wany good men to
choose from. the Liberals of South
Bruce will nu doubt be- able to score a
win for liberalism and reciprocity at
the next election.
M. V. McLean, M. P. for South
Huron. writirg to his paper, The Sea -
teeth Expositor. hi referende W the
M•d'iillicuddy-Oliver affair. says
•"11s• insinuation it that the Cina-
diem Nertberu Railway had obtained
from the Government several years
ago a grant of land for a branch they
were building through Manitoba.
This land was situated in Manitoba.
When the grant was earned it Iran, -
Aired that there were not sufficient
vacant lands in that Province to fur-
nish the lands required by the rail-
way. The Government oro the advice
of Mr. Oliver allowed the company to
.elect tbrir lands in Saskatchewan in-
stead of in Manitoba. Tbere was rio
sericite' objections to this change. al-
though sortie allege that the lands the
company received were more valuable
Iban they were eotitled to. But this
is only a matter of opinion.
"The gravamen of McGillicu dd -'s
charge. or what ni raid to Is, hie
charge, is that these large mums of
money which Mr. Oliver bad deposited
in bite private account in 1•he bank in
Edmonton bad been received by Mr.,
Oliver as n bribe or greet to ensure bis
assent to the land change and that be
used part of the money for his own
private purposes and part of it as a
party election fund. Me. Oliver has
promptly taken up the gauntletthrown
down by bis oppaants and set them
at defiance. He took the fleet oppor-
tunity to deny any wrongdoing and
demanded a committee of investiga-
ton with full powers to 'Flake the full -1
est and moat seerching investigation'
pxwisible seed be expressed his willing-
ness to beer the consequences of the
verdict of that committee. The com-
mittee has been provided for by the
Home- and will he appointed short)
and when It germ to work Mr. McGilli-
cuddy arid his backers will have ample
opportunity to place all rbc evidence
at their disposed before the committee
and as numb more as they ran get and
will have every opportunity afforded
tbeat to make g..od (heir carr. Until
this committee is bead from it is not
necessary t.. eormment further on the
matter. 1 rimy e.ey, howevei, that no
pwrsv n nri either lisle of polities hese
the& plea that any sorb charge
ran b- somtain.•d yratnst the Minister.
as fliers a no man in the (iovernn,rnt
or in Patti/orient who stand. higher is
the e•stio.atiori of his fellow,members
on berth aides of for House for rrrt-
teed, and honest dealing in public
aflelrs than Hon. Frank Olivet. The
wbolr thing is the result of • aplit in
'he Liberal party in Alive -on. the re-
sult of the downfall of the Hut het ford
13(•ret mown'. a year ago. Mr. Ruttier
feed sod Mr (ti . ,,,.•moor. of that
liesernmeht, arouse Mr. Oliver of not
giving Ihwn the sulykrrt he might
have .Inns (n save themselves end have
tOUs.qu.ntly .mote se have his poli -
oral .scalp Mr McGillicuddy. there-
••n•e. 1 acs &freed. is being used as •
.uthng in.trtiment io the hands of
more deafening men to 1 hi. coal I
.hall not express uy •opinion at them
writing as 1n the conduct of n*,r old
friend mewl felow-eltimert In the eenew
he les chemise to parser He may he
perfect) slneere sad ay have beets
d.reeved ,sWhether .K not this is the
.ere the evid.sre whish will he
browht evert before the Partite/newer
‘41 so caw
committee to be apooiotsd +rile sbosv,
it wilt them be time enough to form
an opinion. '
You Run No Risk W- hen Yes Use This
We premise y.•u that, if your heir is
falling out, and you have ur;t let it go
too far, you Can tepee- the demise
already dune by using RezaU
Hair Tonic with pecairtency and rV-
tarity fora rvaaooable Iemgtb of fiat..
It is a scientific, cleansing. antiseptic,
germicidal preparation. that destroys
microbes, stimulated good circulation
around the hair root.. promoter bair
sourirbruemf, removes dandruff and
restores hair beelth. 1t is as pleasant
to use as pure water, and It is deli-
cately perfumed. It is a real toilet
uecesait y.
We want you to try Hezaf I(f'
Hair 'Ionic with our promise that it
will coat you nothing unless you are
perfectly seti.Aed with its use. It
curries in two "ism. priest 50c and $l.
Remember. you can obtain Rezall
Remedies in this community onlyat
our store—Tie Rezall Store. H. C.
Dunlop, month side of Square.
His Speeches Sbould Not Influence Cama-
dian Judgment
room The Toronto star.
It is significant that the reciprocity
agreement to attacked, not because- of
its teems., but because of some It-Inote
result that awry How from it or be -
rause ref wine opinion held shout it
by certain public nien in the United
States. Preeidrnt Taft '• recent dec.,
laretien has been seized upon with
avidity. Hi. position and his modera-
tion demand that his words be con-
sidered, but they ought not to he taken
as infallible, nor allowed to frighten
Canadians away frotn exercising their
own judgment. Herr it the passage :
"The forcer which are at,wort in
England and in Canada f.. epparate
her (Canada) from the United States
by a Chawee wall, and to make her
fart of an Imperial commercial hood
reaching from England around the
world to England again by a system
to esitire. 1t has a rustic portico I OPPOSITION CANARDS.
brawl with the treseka of trees in - - —
wbicb the cementrwot parts of the '
Lucie order are twin wine",bat intetli-
man tly displayed. twiny
In the interior we I
have a handwu.e suite of public rooms.
a library. etc." j
Frame's M•gaaine for November. e
1891 contents • view of Guelph show- I
inn the ((alt log residence on the
hanks of the Speed practically the
Mute las it stands today. It is unwise-
tkenaWy roe of the wart historic
bosses in the whole Province.
Grand Old Man of tae Prairie Owes His
Health to Dodd's Kidney Pins.
Swift Current, Mack., May IS.—
(Special)—l. P. Lackey of this place,
seventy-five years of age. and known
as one o[ the rend old men of the
prairies, has made a statement for
pnWicatino that he ower his splendid
health to Dodd's Kidney Pills.
"For twenty -live years," Mr. Lackey
states, "I suffered from rbentmatisrn,
wbicb I inherited. 1 was nerrotis.
my Haab" would *wen, and 1 had ee-
vere (Wins across the back. I ■m a
well map today, and 1 attribute it el
to three boxes of Dodd's Kidoey Pills.
My rheumatism and kidney disease
have entirely disappeared."
Dodd's Kidney Pill. make healthy
kidneys and with healthy kidneys to
strain the t-rie acid out of the blood
you can't bare rheumatism.
One would have it that a ceinie is the
most sagacious of doge, while the
other stood up for the setter.
••I once owned a setter," declared
the latter, "which, was very intelli-
gent- 1 had hila cen the street one day.
and be &cud .) queerly about a cer-
tain loan we met that Inked the man
his naw-, and --
"Oh. that's an old story!" the collie's
advocate broke in sneeringly. 'The
man's name was Partrid(;e. of eouryr.
and because of that the doe came to a
set. Ho. hut Cowe!-'
"You're mistaken," rejoined the
other suavely. —The dog didn't rouse
quite to a ref, though minutest. As a
matter of fact, the man's name was
Quayle. and the dog hesitated on ac-
count of the spelling !"—May Lippin- 1
of preferential tariff. will derive an • cott's.
Impetus from the rejection of this
treaty : and if we would have r,-cipr•o- SCRATCHED FOR FORTY YEARS
city we must take it now, or give it up
for ever-" i Med D. D. D. Six Months—AU lice
President Taft here conveys the im-, Gene
pression that our choice in Canada and ; This is the actual ezjrrrieore of
American toaad..e. The fact is that the England is trdBritish trade and Anne Codman, Sao" Kos., Cal., with
issue in Great Britain. and Canada is the wooderful D D. D. Prescription.
between freedom and restriction. The D. D. D. is the proven eczema cure,
Policy of the Liberal party in Great
mild wash that. gives instant relief
Britain is free trade with all the world. in all forme ot skin trouble.
The protectionist party is by no means L 'des" the skin of all impurities-
on the question of admitting washes away blotches and pimples,
colonial imports free of duty. In Bog- leafileafing as Lb" akin a e ldsmooth and
land, as in Canada, there are protec-
tionists wbo indulge in vague elm Write today for a free trial bottle of
quence about Imperial trade, but who this wonderful eczetna caro tv the D.
object strongly to outside competition, D• D• Isphror&teriP Dept O. S., 411
whether it comes from foreign coon- Colborne street. Toronto. It will give
tries or from otbei parts of the Em- You instant relief.
pier. - , (For sale by all druggista.i
1n Canada the division s Of a simi-
lar kind. C'an+via does not possess' . Life's real heroes and heroines are
British party- and an Ar a ican party. those who bear their own burdens
It has a party which favors freedom bravely, and give a helping hand to
and • prarty which lover, restriction. -these around them.
There may be. am President Taft Happiness depends r.ot ao much on
thinks, a petty which desires to rep- meant and opportunities as on the
areae ('anads fn,or the United States capacity of using them. And this de -
by a Cbineae wall : but let him not pend., w much on experience and self -
imagine that this same party desires control that the probability of happi-
to lower the tariff wall so as to admit near in old age is aa great, to say the
British import+ free or at a,lower rate least, as it it in youth.
of duty. Many of those who are fight-
ing toroth and nail against tbisreciprn
city agreement would be panic-stricken
if it were perpitud to -make a suer
rtaotial increase in the British prefer-
ence. When they advocate prefereo-,
tint teens, wbal they meanie the adop-
tion of protective duties in the United
On the other hand, the advocates of
the reciprocity agreement in Canada
are also the advocates of the British
preference. Mr. Fielding, who nego-
tiated the reciprocity agreement, is
author of the British preference. The
Western farmer., who ere strong
friends of the reciprocity agreement,
ask for the increase of the British pre-
ference. President Taft misunderstands
the -situation. Possibly, in the effort to
meet the strenuous campaign of the
eppooente. of reciprocity in the United
States, be has been driven to use an
argument which would not competed
itself to his cooler judgment. At any
rate, ;here is no reason why Canadiwe
who understand tbe Canadian situa-
tion should a rept as am oracle the
(.pinion of a gentleman, however dis-
tinguished, who Is not a Canadian end
does not undierminrad Canada
Pan Galt's Home at Guelph to Be Pre-
Gtselpb, May 111.—Tbe approaching
completion of the new C. P. R. "Leticia
has raised the questirnt aa to the fut-
ure of the [amonr old log bowie which
for so many yearn hs, door ditty as a
paas.ager depot for the C. P. R.
It may not be generally known to
the thousands of travellers wbo bees
admired it as a cur-iosit y that it was
the first house built in Guelph. and
Omit it. builder • is no, less a porton•
rags tban the tempus John Galt.
of the Canada [And Company,
which had t.ken ups,n itself the settle
merit of this end of the Province. In
a In, .1 fes etio.usoew, ooee when
the hoes. a AV (1111 el emigrant fam-
hes. the• Das vaned after Mr.
Pryor. teed for many year. it has bowel
known a. -1 he Pryor'..•'
It has iwwn prep -eel that the build• i
ing. whicb is probably one of tis,
finest 1,42 Issuer• ever hurl( in Wwtee»'
Ont o w, .hu* 11 1.e- trnrorsl 1.0 Rivet aide
P.rk. and utilized as • museum of
pioneer! day.. The .irwe.ort that aloins
..tend. in the env 1.. who will pas the
expense% The ltedral Railway ('+,,s.
pany hate offered alar. of the Sher re-
and it I. visa up 10111•11 mundl
or mom.• other hod. The IMoghtees
of the Empire are becoming interested,
e nd it i• not ihought that the famous
old st rsarl a r. will be lost ta, Goeige
and to Ontario
John Gait's letter. bear reitems M
the Into which he felt for hM (fnn dwel-
ling .n the hank• of the Speed (Jll
°etnMr. Mels he wrote 'All t>orys
considered. ws are trot uneen fneiabM
Our bouer..1 trot,lebet a keg free.
the gest that was .reefed in the town.
Aur it is otw witbfwer .nese p. tamrtos.
Stele) of Diaseatseoo in Govenuoent
blanks Are So Styled.
Ott r w May IL --Tose stories pub-
limbeel ilex the past few days is
some of Opposite/a papers, to aha
effect that there se dissension amorist
the tueaabers ref the (iovecnafeot on
tits reciprocity proposals, and that
Hoo. Mn Fielding had threatened to
resign unless Parliament /rmafoed in
s.s►ium, despite the abs.aoe of the
Premier and the twronatiom cosine -
gent next tuootb, are on a par with
numerous other canards oC • aioilaa
naturethat have been -periodically
3rruus oo the innocent reader of
ppoationosepers during the past few
month. Most of tit... stories are
speedily refuted by ensuing political
developments and are my leuribed
at by emenbrra on both sides of the
House herr.
The last f.brieatien is a case in
point. Hon. Mr. Fielding is in entire
accord with the derision of the blov-
eraawot our a ,bort adjournment, as
asnouoeed by the Premier this after-
l!I-j�i,y, ir;
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers
Orders eardNiy attended to
It an hosts, night or day.
soon. Ther.- i. ebeolutely no disten-
sion in the (iov.rntneot ranks un the
inner strife nod bickering', either(
among the members of the Govern-
ment or their followers in Pasha/pent,
in nape.* t.. any of the large iwues
now before the Home are sinolutely
without foundatios in fact. With the
exception of the defection of Me■ety-
Siftto, German and Lloyd -Ho -eta on
the reciprocity proposal, it can be
started with authority that the part
was never wore united or more
dent as to the result of the next ap•
peal to the country. Newspaper stor-
ies to the cnotrary are made out of
whole doth, and are doubtless; de-
signed to offset the frequent family
squabbleaswong tbe Opposition mem-
bers both in private and in public.
This last story as to Mr. Fielding's
alleged dissatisfaction, for instance,
detracts atarution from the unseemly
row- among the Opposition mrwbers
in the House on Tuesday night. wben
Hoo. George E. Foster openly "bow-
ed his singer at for insinuations of
rime of his fellow -Conservatives that
invidious distinctions had been made
in appointing the Opposition meinbere
oro the Par liau.eotary coronation co•t-
Apropos of this it may he stated
that due apologies, and explanatiosse
hare been evade to Mr. Foster, and
regret expressed for the whole tem-
per and abaracter of the uodinnified
party squabble. In ct�ue, M
Foster will, at the a,olicitationneencorf hur.
leader and bis fellow -members, not
carry out his threat to etay at home.
but will go along with the reit of the
Parliamentary contiogeot, and no
further criticising will he beard es to
the propriety of the people of ('&nada
paying the expenses of their repro..
sen"tivee at the coming Imperial
Another canard which bas been
going the round. during the past few
days is that A. W. Campbell, Deputy
Minister of Railway. and Canals. has
tendered h i s resignation. There
D1 DO foundation in free for this story
Success produces confidence, cone -
dance relaxes industry, and negli-
gence- ruins that reputation which ac-
curacy bas raised.
First Telephone Girl—"What did
Belle arty when you tele her your en-
gagement was broken?" Second Tele-
phone Girl—"Ob, she said it only
meant another ring off."
• e
Bread or Your
Money Refunded
Every Bag of Cream of the
West Flour Guaranteed for Bread
Yes. madam, I am the Cream of the West miller.
I know what Cream of the West is. It's a strong
flour. It has extra bread -making qualities, and I'll
guarantee great. big, bulging loaves of the lightest, whitest,
most wholesome bread.
Cream West Flour
the hard Wheat flour that is guaranteed for brecid
Tell your grocer you want to try Cream of the West Flour. Buy a bag
subject to the guarantee. Tell him we expect him to refund your money
if the flour fails to do as we claim. He won't lose a cent. We will
reimburse him in hill. Show him this paper with the guarantee. It is his
authority to pay you back if you ask him.
p oD01=30=Jo001=0o01=0D0o0o0oO=0o000
k�re -
E hereby affirm and declare that Cream of the West Flour is a superior bread flour.
and as such is subject to our absolute guarantee of mosey back it not satisfactory
after a lair trial. Any dealer is bereby authorized to return price
paid by customer on retires o1 massed portios of bag if the flour is sot as
The Campbell Milling Company, Limited, Toronto.
I `� roof--�oo00000000000i�0000000
lie (611)11
hr ':=lobes