The Signal, 1911-5-18, Page 4• ? V DAY, MAY le, hill
District N ews.
(Sae Oifise/I, BRIGHVS
A Serious Canniasest and
r Ore..a.s.
Seems et calf cholera is a ttsrietr
semedadt and very Macon Is over-
eeme. wellies 8. G. Via telt la the
Vaal w Ftesi.
It le as Infecwn oeeamed b •s• .t
two K tares deteeesmt speak Mme
which gats access Is the bleed at the
tabvee Wasik seam wooed et broker
skis maciao. The germ >r oeeseat
seise placer the bans or lost Fleet
the eeekly deem and Alatafeet all cafe
peas. bares and sheds tnkablted by the
roves. Keep the calves elft et mad it
wet Mans. Thee considerations are
feelesatal to the seats pe.vestieeit bot
wast be gives very easeful atiestios.
It will be toned a hard fight, mad every
mom precentioa mobe taken In a tkeroosk
The masa aparsUes fa preve.Uag the
disease he to watch closely for the
birth of all calve. Have a strong
string soaked 1a a moieties et creeds
or lysst, and just as soon as a young-
ster Is bore thossegely baths mad dis-
infect the embWcai coed and tie the
string tightly around the cord close to
the body. This L the usual source of
term -time
Without these precautions the dis-
haease will probably never be eliminated.
but where all of them are carefully ob-
served, and especially the latter. the
trouble will soon die oat The infec-
nfertion L not canoed by the feed The
writer has always found that to pre-
vent scours In young calves an excel-
lent plan 1s to feed a teaspoonful of
blood boor, which can be parch•set di•
rest from the packers, in each feed of
milk iven to each calf.
Will our township c prreepon lents
kindly trod in their lettere neat week
as early as passible? The Victoria
Day holiday Domes in tb* middle of
the week, and it the news budgets are
net received in good time we may be
unable to get some of them in type.
/Liodly note tbia request.
WILDNe6DAT. May 17th.
The Goderich Township Rifle Asso-
ciation will
ciation-will inert oo Mooday evening.
May 22od, at the usual place of meet-
ing to arrange tor a .hoot on the 24th.
Ttltc$DAY. May 18th.
Norio.—Mer. Gibson, of Phlladel-
pbia is visiting her pareota, Mr. and
Mn. Stewart Mc eeigall Mre.
Robert Marshall, of Misrule, sQr nt a
few days at Rohert Mersball's lest
weak Mrs. Sterling McPhail,
who has been waiting un her parrots
at Kippen, returned home last week.
terra H.i ti.on, wbo has been
sick with rheumatic fever. ie able to
be around again.
MONDAY, May 15th.
Loewe Norex.—John McRae, of
Lochalsh, is visiting at Alex. Mac-
lean's Tho. Ford left oo Mon-
day for Washington State .... Jim
Ritchie, of Detroit, is visiting at his
home here Mike Hogan is busily
engaged in remodelling his house.
Mt. Stewart, of Dungannon. has the
contract T 1'. Henderson ie
erecting en addition to R. H. McKpn-
zie'a house.
WEDNESDAY, May 17th.
Dr. and Mrs. Stanbury. who have
spegt the winter with their son in
Toronto. returned home Monday of
this week.
Mr and Mrs. Jas. Miller. of Paris,
a .d Mrs. .1. Douglas. of Hyde Park,
who attended the funeral of the lata
Mn. Jas. Carole. returned to their
bomes on Saturday.
Rev. A. Macfarlane bagman his minis-
try to the people of Se Andrew's
church last Sabbath, by preaching two
very eloquent nod able set -mons to
large Audiences.
'718 Ty gene T. May 16th.
death of Martin Fogarty„ of Lucao.
occurred on Friday, May 5th, at the
home of his daughter, Mn. John
Ilene. of this place. Mr. Fogarty was
here on a visit to his daughter when
he was taken Ul. The remains were
taken to Lucan the following Monday
mornio for interment.
' GOOD PECl'r.— a armee are
chafing up seeding operations and the
rains make the prospects Inc rapid
growth very encouraging. The fall
wheat did not winter as well as lest
year, but it is now recovering with
the favorable weather. There are in-
eilica:ions of a good fruit crop also.
Tuw i,aY, May 16th.
Miss Mary Reed. of Ashfield, visited
bet aunt. Mn. C. Durnin.
Mr. and Mrs. Keene and babe left
today for Goderi At, where Mr. Keene
has .ecured a position with a farmer.
Mise Pearl Todd end Miss Nellie
Brooks attended the meeting of the
Woinep's Auxiliary at Ripley no
Tuesday as delegates from be Harris
Mission Bend. Mrs. %V. 1. Miller from
the W. F. M. S., Jean Webb and
Chrissie Miller also attended.
WOMILN'a iNMTITt-TE.—The monthly
meeting of the Women's Institute will
he held on 'Thursday. May 26, et 2:3)
o'clock. at the home of Mrs. Joseph
Anderson. Subject—"Setting Hens
and Hatching." The quilt for the hos-
pital will be quilted. All the ladies
are cordially invited.
SeeCnorot. May 131.h.
Nanta.—The farmers have bees
bury the past three weeks pattlog In
the aced. The mediae Is mostly all
finished. Some, however, .,wing to
the amouot of spring plowing have
not finished. A number bays already
sown their root crop 84th will be
a busy day at the range Mr. and
Mrd. A. M. Treleaven. of Ripley. vis-
ited relatives et Laos* this week... .
A lams number of friends gathered at
the funeral of the late William Kiok-
Iey, of Mafeking, W pay their last
tvepseu to the oo Monday
of last week. The sympatk of the
entire community is extended to the
bereaved one. Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
liam Baldwin attended the funeral of
their brother in-law, Mr. Dunbar, of
Marnoch, last week.
MONDAY, May 16th.
r On Saturday Mark Dickioaon and
Mia Lisrie Mason were united in the
holy bonds of mattimooy by Hew. C.
C. Couven., in the Methodist parson-
age at Henault Congratulations !
DRATH (W PAUL Doto.—On Friday,
the 12th inst.. the late Paul Doig de-
parted this life after a few months'
illnees in the home of his niece, Mrs.
T. N. Forsythe, In the seventy-tbird
year of bis age. The late Mr. Uoig
was a tinier, innffensive man, who
always lived on his farm adjoining the
village, enjoying the friendship and
goodwill of all who knew him. The
tuner'''. on Sunday. the 14th inst, the
anniversary of his birtb, was largely
attended. He was laid away in the
Hensen Union cemetery. Hi4 valuable
estate 'will he divided among nearly
thirty nephews and nieces.
PERtu)MaL MENTION.—Mr. and Mrs.
Ed. Cudmore and•child leave today for
Balkh k, Alta.. about forty-three miles
east of Lucpmhe, where Mr. Cudmore
is going into businert in partnership
with his cousin, Mr: Westcort, nne of
Pickard'@ leading clerks in Calgary.
Mr. Cudmore and family will he mimed
in this locality, where they bave
always lived. He w art formerly one of
the member's of tee firm of Wm. Cud -
more & Sons. hay exporters to the
British gales. The busineua is now car-
ried on by the remaining member of
the Srm. Samuel Cudmore The
Misses Forrest, daughters of John
Forrest, of the 5th conceesion, Manley,
have gone to Pennsylvania to their
brother Joseph, who lives within
twenty miles of Philadelphia and is •
engaged in poultry farming. of which
he is making s splendid slicers/is. Miss
Forrest. who was a tea. her for some
wean in one of the Toronto school.,
ham a year's leave of absence and may
return after the year's rest Mr.
and Mrs. _•,Pennipgtnn and eon. from
England. have taken up their abode in
our village. They are the stamp of
people we lite to see coming to our
land. They were reared on the farm
and aren't afraid of doing their share
in building up this new country.
Luckoow. has ceased sLd1ng outside
p,4nte and will benoeforth give At. snore
. tteetion to the home ofam f ue*oew. wnetee
b• win be Nand every day. An modern meth-
1. Du nos for The Signal Is at the Port -
dam Sock sod Stationery Store where
orders will the received for irebecrietame ed
verUetnr and job work. .od receipts will be
e lves for &mound °aid for the rine.
gTY .ad tasteful deviser .t the Port,
ogee Store. Ile sure to see them If you ere
Waking of o.pert"e any of roar rooms. A
■TAy«Dbb,lt g none. weds also on band I.
WIDNE*D.U'. May 17th.
Mrs. Smith, of Port Arthur, visited
at B. J. Crawford's this week.
Mrs. S. J. Young and Mia E. Rob-
e rts visited (ioderich Inst Friday.
Mies Ella Ryas. of Wingbam Busi-
es*. College, was horde for Sunday.
Mia McAllister, of St Augustine,
vi.tted friends in the village over Sun-
N. J. Treleaven has his building
moved and is now fitting it up for his
tee cream parlor.
Rev. D. Smith and wife, of Drink -
water, Steak.. visited at H. M.' Dulls
last week. Inavirg Tuesday of Usti
week for Montreal.
Samuel *Wither', a well-known resi-
dent of Arhfield, peened away on
W.rinMdav of this week at the age of
gteLy-nine A fabler reference
Mil be made next week.
8MOOTm. home of .carr rine shuts
drove over to 8t. Augustine Wednes-
day of this week and just evened up
Iles snots with thelung club of that
Whore plan.. . is the i.eague cop
!Dint from the twenty shoot .t Point
j}'.rrn ns Junt. :led ? Are you Ibtee-
bilL burs
ODoVttsown ex commun. On Mun
day evening fret the 1. O. O. F. at-
tended movies In the Methodist
(*umb. erre* thirt y -two game tee-
ing present_ Rev Hen. Miner, of
Aube's. prearbs.d • eary appropriat.
seesaw. TM* Ara. the fleet anniver
-- soy re the Dungannon M age,
Trimming Him Off.
An Irishman came into a barber
shop an 1 the unsteady gait with
which be approached the chair showed
thet he had been imbibing of the pro-
duce of the still. He wanted his hair
.nut, and while the barber was getting
him ready went off into a sleep. His
head kept bobbing from one side to
the other. and at length the barber in
making a snip cut off the lower part of
his ear. The barber Jumped about'
and bowled and a crowd of neighbors
rushed in. Finally the demonstra-
tion becerne too great thet it began to
attract the attention of the man in
the chair. and be opened cne eye and
said. "Wh-wh-ale the matter wid
year "Good Lord !" said the barber.
"i've cut off the whole lower part of
your ear." "Have ye? Ah, thin. go
on wid yes' burin eee—it was too long,
anyhow !"
Rifle Associations to Be Inspected.
London Advertiser.
An inspection will shortly be made
of the different rifle associations in
Weetern Ontario. There ere now no
Tess than fifty-eight of theme organiza-
tions, and the majority of tbem are
doing splendid work.
-Each of them has to have at least
thirty members." maid an officer to The
Ad.•ertiser today, "and many cf them
have many more. The men wbo be-
long are • splendid type of fellows',
and nearly every one or them is a fine
shot. This is the sort of training that
we need in Canada. With fifty-eight
am.ociations we have a hndy of at least
2,001) track shot.. Every year there
are more enociations formed. The
Government is doing it great work in
encouraging these organisations. In
Canada there are altogether mote
than 600 of them. and in ease of toy
trouble the members would rnake the
finest soldiers it is pcssihle to get.
Some of the younger men when they
getthe full training and practice will
develop into magnificent shots. and
from many of the rifle aaaociations the
coining Risley men will be drawn."
Decisions Respecting Telephone Con-
The Ontario Railway and Municipal
Board has stated its decision not to
apprpve of any contract between local
telepbnne s' mxpanies and the Bell
Company which wonld prevent the
local telephone company from taking
and 'centime ung mewages from an
other local telephone cumpan) with
which it now connects or with whish
it may in the future connect
The board will not approve of any
agreement which will have the effect
of preventing or restricting Interoo-
munication,jjoint oper•.Gs.e or recip-
rocal rights hempen telepbooe tilne
pastes under its jtn i.diction The
Feed dismissed tiro application of the
Mekilbpp Telephone Company that the
hoard's former order eh, •nM be remind
ed The mdse in gess,' ,n compelled
the Megilh..pp Gateman) -•onneet with
the Rr.e@wels Company This inter.
ferret with a rontrart which the Renner
eonjmny had with the Bell (`newpan),
hence r he appeal Fly snot her derision
the Hell Company has to tics In
d ,.
istance rnneeetlne, it M that
the owe a psottM luted to Aght
le the d.: .ed mea
M which
Wkimel deli
IGdeay Pas rare any
cess of Bout's Deems.
They haws more failed i.
see sieges case. They are
remedythe only that ewer
has cared k, arid they are
the way nee mdy that sae
There see battalions rte
Dedd'a nem
ken mad m --flog
titles aro dasgersaa The
are SrigkCs ls
Dsids •w Phis ars
erg t
Come in and
Dependable Spring Mercliandise
But it means a saving to you to get new,
must appeal to you. Our prices are right.
it is worth your attention.
Do you my that this 'Owe is always talking
Hosiery r Well. yes, we are, and you know the
rens, too. W.hoid first place fee ladies', girls',
children's and boys' stocktsgs. Just read this:
Biz hundred pairs cotton hose, sizes 5 to 10. at
just a little over half-price
Mises 5 to 74, 3 palm, perfect mmake..'... 25c
Bines 8 to 10, 2 pairs, perfect make. ....26e
The maker had a big lot left oo his bands be-
cause • dealer went bad. That la bow we got
there. Hundreds of pairs cat @snoods. slam 84 to
10, just about aa good as irate. Good weight.
black and no seam.
White, skv and pink, 41, 5, 55, 6, 64. 7, 74 and 4,
will wear like milk and cost only half as much.
fast dye, per pair 26c.
Ynu bave no doubt received a D. A A. Comet
atalogne which brings to your ootice a series of
many beautiful designs of this season's newest
and smartest corset models of the latest modes by
the great fashion creators.
Come here for your corsets and bring your Cata-
logue with you.. We ran get you any Corset
shown in it.
fresh, dependable goods at prices that
Every item in this ad. speaks for itself.
We have got direct from the ,eats• the beet
selection of plain and fancy Pars.nle we ever
offered. Come and see what we can do toe you in a
A lame aatrortmsmt. $1.00 and un U' Mae. All
Nottingram make and extra value et our prices.
We have put into stock this spring a let of
thew floor coverleta from two by four verde
wide, tile and floral, new patterns thin ye.r's
deigns, and you will find our pieces r•igh..
Silk lisle, two button length. RS^. 9Se. 4th, anti
50c, in black. white. tan, bele'. navy, Alto., grey,
chamois', In all sizes. kidb ottnd.
Ask for Keyser Silk gloves. Sic and 75e. Patent
Anger, double tips, black and wine*. No glove
wears like Kayser at the m.rosy, and don't f .eget
the prion, 50e and 7th.
Bleck. tan and grey. 81.00 and •1.21 .always
buy Perrin's if you want the hest.
Silk and lisle, 33e to $1.00, black, white and
Interesting Experiment at the Colorado
Thirty head of steers from the ex-
perimental feed yards of the Colorado
Agricultural college recently set a new
bleb mark for commercial steers sold
upon the Denner market. The steers
were fed and sold In three lots with
ten head in each lot. Ail iota were
fed alfalfa hay. Lot 2 received Cali-
fornia feed barley, gaining 4,010 pottnds
In sex months' teed and selling for
$7.60 per 100 pounds. Lot 3 received
corn, gaining 4,535 pounds and selling
.for $7.85 per 100 pounds. Lot 4. re-
ceived cottonseed cake and anger beets
for ten weehce, when the beets were dis-
The Signal to Jan. 1st,1912, only50e.
eseeewericeraneeeeseaseiMeessWeereeeseeseareeftereesseeeessearsessesesee e1/wweere
try a sample order. You
can be certain of securing
seasonable goods here at all
times. Our 'pbone number
is 91. Give us a trial. The
quality of our goods will ; on-
vince you.
THF: TIME To owl.
That New Spring Suit
and Overcoat IS NOW
The selections of weds which .vs'
c,tn'y are of first-class quality
and we have all the late -.t shades
The up-to-date Tailor
Grocers On The Square
Throe tris of spring bed carves
show every indication of pease
teed to the best use. They should
be ready for tartentne when the
pew *rasa cornet
Summer is here. You want good, pure Ice.
W. W. SAU'LT'S can fill all your needs. He has the
best and purest ice in Goderich—cut on Lake Huron.
Service is prompt and efficient. All Ice washed and
placed in refrigerator.
coatinned and eon and molasses add-
eA to the ration This tot gained 4,465
pods and arid for 88 per 100 pounds.
'The lot os California feed barley held
its own wttb the others daring the first
half of the feeding period, but then
tell behind. The combination fed cat-
tle kept the lead for a long time, but
finally fel a little behind. Just two
weeks before the dote of the experi-
ment these cattle weighed eighty -Ave
pounds more than the corn lot. Evi-
dently warm weather spoiled tbetr ap-
petite for molasses. so that at the close
they were behind the core lot in total
Figuringhay at 88 per tow corn
chop and barley chop at 8120 per 100
pound., cottonseed cake at 832 per ton
and beet sugar toolaaees at $9 per toe,
the profit over feed for the barley lot
waa about 81 per head. f8c corn lot
87.50 per bead and the combination
lot 19 per bread
Colts Need Exercise.
Growing colts should always have a
smooth. roomy lot in which to exer-
cise and should be gives the roe of
this Lockman, summer and winter.
Plenty of exercise and trash air and
*unshine are essential is the best de-
velopment a any anima This dos
sot meas that they should be Tett Un-
protected during the cold winter
algbta They shield elder have tree
aces* to a warm shed or, better OM,
be tied up nightly In stalls. The hea-
dling of the colt asset begin tee away.
You get the best re-
sults by buying the best
Clothing. loth Century
Brand is the best. The
best dressers wear them.
Get in line with the best.
They ase the best shape -
retaining clothing made
in Canada, they feel com-
fortable, 1,1 look jdstylish,
and give splendid satis-
faction. Made to meas-
ure if you want them.
pecial for Satarday
Six dozen pairs of
Suspenders, reg u 1 a r
roc. Saturday
Special 35�
Spring and Summer Styles
THE ladies Are invited to call and inspect my stock
of Millinery for Spring and Summer. Both
trimmed and untrimmed shapes in all the latest styles.'
Special attention has been given to the selection
of a suitable line of Hats for Misses.
Walter C. Pridham '
The House of Real Valve* .
Oro Motto: "A square dna!
everyoneto .. ....v*.,rs
Mee wises* experience cotes&
beet ball • rxatury can di@r'en+
• great Impreveasent in both
draft •ltd read berms. The
"plug' is rapidly pesetag- fellate
stallion laws are largely respon-
sible for improved ceadltiosm.
Miry Clea.Awse.
Great ear* shield he takes that
there is no dirt stealing to the news'
aides that will fled Its way late the
Milk pail. as every particle of dirt or
efts sit any lied that gets Into the
Wag. e■reeee with It Grottos ads of
iTadw drtble bacteria pro
teat te milt These nee a the
1111111 that kedges se the surface and to
M/ rewires of half whaled afts/aas
nit sures IM Ile OM Sot 1s to the
for Summer
Oxfords are naturally light, dressy, comfort-
able and stylish, and our claim is that we can
present a line that will make a selection satis-
factory. We have them in all lasts and
leathers. Men's and Women's all priced to
suit the buyer.
Boys demand a shoe for summer that is light
and strong. Why not try our "Bronco' line
at $1.25 and $I 50 ? Also mens "Bronco" for
factory use
To meet the demands of the sporting season
we are fully stocked with bowling, tennis and
running shoes
'PRO118 11100 w. HERN THE SQUARE
Not the i �,�- ,� I - Fr
1 • ; '. �� F
1 Chairs __ 1
• ,W butt: ��;
3 the Prices a *
1M» .i eJ.
1 in finial/ over our of Dining-toom ahaira we were 14
1 surprised to nod we had such a 99uaatity on band sad to reduce
stock we are going to offer Disere from sow i. hies 1st at
Cut -Rate Prices ` ' ' s , i
• c Now Is year ch•rw'r. Don't let It slip. -
1 Ire
911';- +t helr1�r StlltDMEIMER PIAIIOS 'e .'; r IF
1 ; iri 0...46.., "Or heal vY/w peevdeie fee Mee
These chain are all new, hayloft hent per@ au/M ileo
and said r.ttvlasly at 70r. Mc. $1.'l) and $1.111. belt t e pit alit
theta 1011 sell at Abe, ills' foie and $1.00.
W. J. 11'iUIR & CO.
._ grmlroTmmonv ori