The Signal, 1911-2-23, Page 6fi T ft • ti 1st bu Pe( the num elueL Litre Pres ably ' ilIPP" ! char 1 , It N A, • tittimir. Paha 1941 SIGNAL: GODERICH ONTARIO IN FAR CATHAY. NOTES OF A LsOOERICH GIRL. JOURNEY TO CHINA men and W0u4cQ both bate Iambi° TH1E MARKETS. of Lanka' their aleeves erre muffs. Hence (he) make them qu long. The ev omen wear the uatii e style of costume -coat and truer -a& great S deal, although some of the better (less wear skirt b Whetit Oil the street. The style of headdress aiffers from the Jaltatiebe iii that it is on low. Both heir and in Japau the women oil their hair Or use 14 gelatinous substance suede of seen red. which stiffens the hair. ••We ids new W. F. S. ladies are 01 rim at household of our own 111 Chengtii. and. as all the year'imply of groceries had to be purehiii Shittigluti, e had n busy time estima- ting the ber of pounds of Hour. sugar. etc., and the number of CAM) it Vegetable., fruits. Janis, milk lind cream we would require. We use native flour for all except the pastry and will he able to get some milk in i'betigtu. We also purchased hell- ion. household furnishinge. -1Ve were out for it stroll the other day and 1.11W M portion of the neo Ichang-Szchtein Railway. The Chin- ese are ce nett net ing the road inde- pendent of foreign engineers, 1 be- liee, although there it some foreign capital twhind the nterm-i.e. Tun- nelling through the mountains will be the newt difficult part of the work. The engine was under shelter whet' we sew it tine and afterwaivis took a little run out mi its track and back b: a switch. It isa tine engine. built at Philadelphia and marked February. 1910. Was 01;we Tnrnar Writes of Her Tr.p to the Mission Field -Visited Rev. Oonald McGillivray at Shanghai -A Long Trip up River from the Coast. A gleat num) of the leaders ,,1 The ,liignat will he intete-ted ill an ac - !Clint by Miss Olive Turner of some cidents of her nip to the distant mission tieW in China in which she is to represent the Canadian Methodist chum*. It nosy be mentioned that Miss Eetribrook (Miss Turner's emu- panion) is a sister-in-law of Rev. A. E. Al. 'Minnow, formerly of bloderich. The following is a pot -tion of a letter e tit ten by Miss Turner to her brother, H. Turner, of The Signet: Shangluii. Chinn, Deeenthee,3. 1910. -1 enjoyed very much tny three weeks' York 111 Japan with Annabel Swann. She is in 11 good home and Husking good progress in her *Curtin+. She takes Japanese lessons for two hours catch` day, studies Japanese by herself for twii hour. and eeeenee FInglieli in the Afternoons. In addi- tion. he lute dut ire 111 coettection with the schotil. taking the children nut Iot- a walk. etc. 1 lett Shizuoka lin Nov- ember St and wee met at Tokyo sta- tion hy Moa MeLrod and Mies Shuttle - %worth. We spent several hours, view- ing piece* of interest in Tokyo, in- cluding the Emperor/4 palace. While at Shizuoka. 1 saw the F:niperor htee time*. In Japan, the erhool children are ordered out to stand for an hour before the arrival or departure of. the Emperor or Crown Pt Uwe or half an hoer before the Unit' paerses. iu order to 1101101 him. I went once with the school to the station to see the Crown • Prince pans throligh. That was the tenth time the school had heel:B- ordered out since the ,opening of the fAll term in September • • • we expected to bond the strainer Em. press of Japan that evening. but had s to spend the night at a Japanese Ian. .., . I was glad that I had eat up that morning and darned my hose. tor, as ix int ;triable in native buildings. we had ti, remove our shoes. One of the men of iiiir party was greatly ember - tressed:, He happen* to he a bachelor, and nestired ue that he had three .new pair in his trunk. ., it "We sailed on Ntiventber 25th and renched Kobe the following Saturday. There we found 1 he other member, of . ihtlr 'witty, including Rev. In. Kilborn and Master Kenneth. Dr. and Aim. :Serviee and three small. children. Rev. A. E. and bits. Johns (1 attended Nor- m/el College with the !Atte!), Miss Nor - men, Miss McDonald (from Lucknow. on her way to marry Dr. Thompitoni. and Dr. Gordon Jones. We spent about live hours outside Kobe. having freight unloaded. among which MVOS a great deal of St. L haslet- condensed cream and Singer sewing machines. We peeved through the Inland Sea and had ideal weather. In the evening. ao we approached Nagasaki. the whole entrance to the bay was dotted with hundreds of Milling boate, each with a couple of lights upon it. The whole had the effect ot a seater cernival. Nagasaki is the coaling port and the operation of supplying fuel to a rtg steamer is interesitin . teeing especially picturesque at night. Coal barges can't- along eachiti e mei titres were put tip to a port -hole. A number of men and womefl. of the coolie chum sitexel on these steps aud Minded tIP straw baskets containing coal. These were passed through the port -hole and emptied down it chute. It is es- timated that about 1.I10 tons of coal are loaded in eight hours, each person hs nd li nit about t wo and a half tons. 4 'NVereached IVoisting op Tuestla morning and were taken be tender from there to Slutnghai, a distance of about fifty Miley. Out days have been very. busv. arranging for out supplies of camp beds, household goods, etc. From here we take large river steamers to Haniccss MVO roilesi. smaller onto to Ichnnw 1 KN) miles), and thence on hoteie-bate to Chengtit I neatly re ''..houkaind wile, fart her. I. which city we expect to leach about the end of February. 1 "Miss Feitalwook and I had dinner At Dr. MacGillivray'e today. 11141*111 recollect that ray is front onr own home toWn. He flits heel) ver n; 'ucceasful in the study of the 1 language and has compiled a Chinese dictionary for Engliell speekers. He worts with the Christian Literature Society. with headquarters in Shang- ", hal. His Mennen/whey and secretary is Mies McNeely. an old college chum ▪ 'uf74a Newtoiti.s. She and 1 acre in- vited t /linnet at May's in Srptembet, 1440, jut before he sidled. and when I did not get there for dinner she said. "Perhaps we'll meet in China,and mute enough•we did. "Sletrigbal is well built in the for- eign part. Its population flout AittlUf 44uu,000 Chinese and 15. for. About half of the latter are P7F-tarepreeentation. while Great tieee. Japan having the next Br mild cOltict• third. The It reel. are well pay ed fbr the newt part, and in that rexpect diger widely frotn thee. of Yokohama. The etreets here nte apparently well policed lo flne-looking Sikhs., ss ho direct the traffic. while native policemen and an ocenokstial English **hobby -4110 seen. .Mite modes of tratisportntion ere varied Heil rie oteeet caremarked with the Chinese dragon And divided into firm. sisciind and third mini-kart- nicrite. provide nmemrtina. affirm1 which are vier line with coachmen and footmen in lit -et , are 41111440? '115 while jilts ikiolia men are al *Immo every tun) The fittrikielta men here are imago rough,' than thy.. , in .7epsir, and sewn, of theta "lent di.- reputabi. riot bee and Ifml pitiful!). poor *"Thi f the better cheap /troop • or, comfort oblj Use "nen much snore 0W that thnee in Japan 'Mere the natl.. it reef of kinlont. tie. wIthoot rinixer. Nut it Itoth men aro *tenon wear t rvitiacro The mpg, thol, lustre ,g, st the :mkt*. end! /nee theft weal vet lifter lined with fug A aerie ,69.9.1 ;Min A strove of rev" handsome nixtorteil ie Worn neer Ibis enettell.MM with *lee's. hut snore often without The "We had our Chriet tuns celebration on Mosiday. December addl. and had a very en oyable gathering. Dr. Ser- vice- had rented Si. houseboat for it week or two and here we took our tables and benches. Each household Contributed. our party taking two rosat chickens, mastied potateste, sweet corn, etc. Mini Thompson gave Ile a Christmas cake she had brought from home and we strained it tot Christmas pudding. There were twenty-eight of U* -.us oven party of eighteen iidults and f • children, and six other adults -all en route foi Weet China. We had n l'hristmite tree for the children, and 1 think the adults enjoyed it equally as well. Dr. Humphries,. of the Haptiet mission Paci,V, acted it,. Santa Clams. We were wishing our friends in t be home Mod could know how enjoyable the: day was lotus all. We have been very busy getting our goods transferred from the steamer to the "go -down" (or ware- house) and thence to the houseboat. The coolies work for about 1/ cents (Mexican) a (ley, which means a trifle over 10 cents of t'atiadian money. Up to this point ut• had been able to use Mexican money. but have now changed all reenabiing money into Sz-cbuttoese cuzrouc•. Si Mexican (worth a little over cents in Cana- dian currency) equals 1215 copper coins the size of a Canadian cent, one of which equals 10 eitsh e., there are 1.200 cash in a Mexican dollar. Our goods are nearly all put up in boxes which one person can hanole and We paid for transferring frotn the go - down to the river 10 cash per box, and on the sampan, from shote to house- boat. 10 cash=2' Mexican cents for each box, with a small tip extra if the box was particularly heavy. -Our houseboat is the largest in the flotilla. (Here follow diagrams ehow- ing a boat epproxinuitely 146 feet in length and Poieibly 10 feet wide. The living apartments are on the deck, where there*, wosibin about 815- fret long and nine feet high. extending across the hoat ibe captain has a ssuall cabin at the steru of the boat. while the space between the two chis he* lencloeed wit It t -able win- dows) is reeerved for the Dlitive teacher and miision 'boys.' The nie tiVe quarters and kitchen are in the forwurd part of the hull. The pas- sengio cabin consist^ of kitchen. din- ing -room, sitting -room. bedroom and Imthroom. Misse^Estahrook, 'Th0E1[4)- 1+4111, McPherson. Shuttleworth and Turner sleep in the bedroom, Mrs. Simkins and Miss Brooks in the e11 - tang -room and Misses Ruth and Mary Smith in the dining -room.) Seventy mob e trackers accompany the boat and at borne future time I will give yini some idea of the modes of lortnnotion employed on the upper Yangtse-kiang River "The sacrificial chicken has been killed on the prow of the boat, a few of the feathers placed over the front entrance to our dwelling, the setting off of firecrackers nnd the beating of b &tittle have all been conducted siccord- Ing to custom to secure the fae-or of the gods. the houseboat 'Jumbo' is about to set forth on the long journey - flirt her up the lit er. In my next let- ter I will endeavor to give yini some ed idea of the scenery and incidents of houseboat navel in China." Liverpool and Chicago wheat Future, Clow Lewer-Live Stock - Latest Quotations. CHIC/alit. Fris. 21,.-4141OW abed tan hairs t.-dio fa tbe wire{ market. At 111* does prise,. showed I net decline of Me to Ito to ity,. The air. trading! lett corn 4p. 0.. 011. oats 'limn a aba)e. to Vav. sat prey 12110114 hrythis ewe, iower to 74 eds. asset 1.1WEItINJULA Feb. 30. -The 'market •5 the obienlag snowed a *toady undertone with pti.es ute higher oa the steadier an. eft. ah viable. on Saturday and the de- . IF PAS, 144 local stadia here. renewing eh.. opening the market war depressed with a lower tendency and values dentin - kid with the undertone hoary. Pror- ate. resulted from the liberal American elsipmeete and larger Ruaslaa liniMinents for the week thee with expected. Rus- sian shipments ditiounteo to :ARLON bush - against 7.114.11111 bushels last week The amount ,.1i plumage *towed a tante iocreatie Winnipeg Options. Close Open. High. Low. Close, to eat - Stay ..... IN4f, 114% Sibs July !Pt !Ca, %'•. W.I. 1514 Oa ['- Stay . 3314 Mk '24c. July .. :44. 31 34 34 34 Toronto Grain Market. wheat, bushel 0. is. to ‘v heat, goose. buss 0 lu Bye. bushel ........ 0 'a 111 Barley. t•ust.ei Buckwheat. nosimi ,. 0 41 01; Peaa bushel 0 :1 0 0 Oats. hoaliet . 0 31 Toronto Dairy Market. tter separatoe. dam). 100 t7 nutter, store lots 0 ls Butter, creumeey. 15. rolls0 31 Rutter, ereftmery. solids new-lald a 70 digs, cold stared* 0 17 Cheese. lb 0 13 lioneycombs, dosen 50 130nor. retracted. ...010 CATTLE MARKETS. 034 031 031 00 o 19 011 TAVERN -tot, Pet, 30. -John Rogers Co., Liverpool. eahle to -day that trade Ma. very alfive In the Birkenhead Market. Lot pricers senorita). were well maintained, and ruled as follows: States sneers from le,c to 13.. and ranadianx 1!.4,AC to 1..!%.• per 4. Union Stock. Yards, TOI:ONTO. Feb. 20.-Reccipte live stock at the Union Stock Yards tvere 110 carbiads, consisting 4,1 233 cattle, 229 hon., 532 sheep and laniba, and :i) calves. Export.rs. 1. Woodward bought for Swift • (1o. les eat tie for export. ae folloar.: :Veers for London 117: averaging 120 Ibis. 14.06„ or a range of • to16.10: heifers. 1011) ne., at $W: 13 bulb, 1E4 Ihs. at ab vertigo of or a ran*. a %Is sutchses. Butchers' cattle were ',Jiver in in rnpathy with the exporters, selling from lec te 13.c lower, and In some truitannes the 44-1)4 unfinished grades were reported Xi, per cwt. lower. Prime picked lots "sold tit K.* to 111.10; loads 01 good. 0.10 to n.11: medium, 16.Y. to 16.50: commoti. 51 to 1: bulls. $4.7G t.. 16.0, ociers, to sc. s. cani- sters. r to ism. Milkers and Springer'''. A moderate number of rnilkera awl springers SOW at $409 16. Veal Calves. Veal calves, of winch there were 71. re- ported on sale. sold ie. 17.:5 t.. psr cwt. Sheep and Lamits. Floe hundred and thirti'-two and ignins sold as follows: sheep -es -en. to to MAO; rams, Mr.se to 13.75; lambs. IL io K.M. end one or two selected lots sold at ni.* and $1.55, ereighing * lbs earl. Ww,/ Dunn reports the taints trade Jule and sure 4, go lower.' Hoge. Sieleets, fed and watered at 0. mar - het. $7.2i and Nile to drovers for bum f.o.b., cars 'at country points, went the Prioes nthned 1.y all dealer. here to -day, with 31/c per cwt deducted for all thick fat heavy hogs. Montreal Live Stack. MONTREAL, Feb, 31. -At the Montreal Stock Yantis West End Market. the nie esig.ts ilve stork for the week ending Feb. IS were 31011 cattle. :.11 steep and lambs. 3100 Isum and Hi calves. Th. al- tering. es the market Me morning were 10e. eattle. al0 *beep and !mobs. 1000 huge end 160 calves. The meter of cattle was a little larger than a week agO, but this fact 'seemed to Nave no deprewsion OD the market as values were firmly maintained. The wea. Boer with dr-islealy .04d h curtail the demand some, as the atten- dew, of buyers was not !arse his nen*. but 4.11 the other hand a i ery fair trade was dose and at tbe close few were left over. There Is no endwise In mires here is mke. "We, choice steers being rnade at sillye. good at Oar to Par, fairly good at Nye to Or. fair at 544r to 55ec, and the lamer grades •4 lier es Se per lb. Males of car loads of extra heavy cows and bulky tidied were made at Olbc per Ib. There was a somewhat unsettled feel- ing in the market for node, netwIttotand- na that Ow offerings were sunaller. Pack- ers in some eases tried to get prices down enly bidding 57 35 to Via per cwt. tor *elected lots. which drovers would net accent. and In resumegesoos trade M the oartY Part of the day wax slow mi tbe bt..ying was left to one concern. who OM* the mune prices aw ruled Met Wetter day. $1.15 to $7.71 per cwt. foe salon - iota weighed off tee cars. A feature of the marten far smell mesas the high Ireton that are tieing demand - ter calves and tiering Iambs, 11111 per head beteg paid for choice stock or tiro termer and 111 for ordinary ones. *Ilan Wring Iambs sold at 113 to 034 each. at /Itch figures hatchets stabs they 'tend, lose frons 111 4. $1 pow beadaccording the prime they are reallabog for tilos la a retail way. *hasp are Weedy at four emits to Mr and lamb* at Sr to War par pawe4. feet illuffale Cattle Market. EAST BUFFALO. Pets 114p04, Ole Sae head; market active for cho4e. moldy; prime steers, AN to *IV butcher graders, *540 to KS; coon. 13.31 to ILZ. Caoree-fteenets, an head, market ac- tive, lower; con to choice. N to Dila. /beep and Isunbe-Recelete *ON hoed: market active. firm; choice Iambs, 111.31 ta 411: cull to fair, 51 to RV yearlings. • t• 3$: sheep. 13.71 to $4.71. Hogs-Reeelpta. 14.4150, market art ra, nigher: yorkers. In.* to $1. nags, 1151 te pigs. *31 to Mi. salted, 57.10 to %ma; tevy. re 0 rm. reegha. *35 to IWO. Now York Live Stock. Have You Done Thus? Has e you ever imagined yourself tote dying ; er Imagined se herd yen could inarce keep frons • t, crying At the bete rending .C..0011 in you! miciere waste eye. which yOU es/tot d heel. howe vr, you (47? Have you frier been 1015. a. you 'facets:oyster bet ith • hess-..breaking pain in your chest and )0or head. 141.4the Death Aisne! • taken • fancy toyon That year hout• awn. Bib fair earth are but fee Ras ext. eller imagined the dew' h wens se it Welsh bound to rersfili from your feelings* od had Have >ou item the whole (*71417 (4041404 retied eg. year bed, htle your weeping elf. pitiowed your pow V drooping head? *7.5)0 7044 mew Imagined the last word. you'd7*7 h Hsi e over rebelled wit h • deroe. bonnets I, &sorrowful. tragic reatornett mon of way ' heat At tbe *whit. *mantel) and Pith,* fate Who's force.5 person as yoeng .'d.. °l.., bp) To_leave this fair .ieshof r ever and et et 1 pt Rare yen ever imagined the funeral scene. Your motet .errounded with irasiand. of grew, hi Amo IS. thick heavy &root of the funeral b. flowery. And tbe hoar- of your famin. falling in @bowers, Oh Hate you hoard the old uniahter reeding • ate^ Dearer Above Tom Mae ref p.. If ie. roationlets them mare you heard. as taw law oolease sentence 1. odes. 51 The +No 4.c.tru, Mend*, 444144, of renew aff Milli Rove you "rod all this, and "mat deal sore tee LIN maws row flared emethirg bed es. the twat 40 tor watt yew' Ham yow onesell all yner betembold • ems 410111111t7 iss the dooms mow ups, • dear* of Ram roe kb* 41.011Se 4.4 ovisoosten ties te The will/ rile ileathfo. 111%11). whet le (*Be 411 ess. rya (inn Ike 9 pais elm Pi rid thump ytit • •,' No go, sea' s realm yew Anil Milej be ma es be week vat hi. ith NEW YORK. Feb ra-Berves-Iterolpia. heed, market steady to 15e highw. 'era. ISM to 11.3, bulb. 14 to *110; cows, et to 14 vitniii-necsipts. 7130 bead. steady to Re gber veal; r to 111, culls. 111 to *W. reined and fed calms. $4 to 15 Sheep and lambs -Receipts. 12.00 head, per firm, Iambs 'needy, sheets VS 0451: 'oils, Nile to U. limbo 15 la t. sa clots, to OM yearling. higbee to SA Hoge-Rerelpht. 1.4.5 market eatsy. 40 IS WI WM Chkago Live Stock, CHICAGO, Feb IS Bowe itecelphs. Illtket street killed and hoteliers. 51 to .10. good heavy, r r 11 in us r It r lt7 plea te *751 t 05' 1P0 licele Matte- inewstf. ea 0 tr lila cows •nci hetrens HID „az.oteekees •ed feeders. IRS se 111 • 510 salveN 51 to 11 shoos inse Leades-Rereleta, tau fIps IlletIve te wafter& • to PIO moon so is • trawars to ash Yen!, right or *et her . les 'One. .tij40" grime' fllet reit fliotes Adlfind aiharactigyears bring ac Increasing tendency hi\ to Coost/pation. The corrective dug abed is The Old Folks "NA -DRU -CO" Laxatives Entirely different from commas lazahyes. Pleasant to take, mild and painless. A tablet (or less) at bed -time regulates lb* hovels perfectly. Increasing doses aever needed. Compounded, like al the 125 NA -DRU -CO pe paratioaa. by expert chemists. Money ba dt If not satisfactory. 25c. • box If your drum* has .04 7.5 mocked them, mod 25c. aad will mai eons NATIONAL. DRUG • COMMICAL COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITCO, MONTREAL 22 WOMEN CURED IT NONE Womews disorders always Ind Born the very beginning of the treatment to 15. 111111d but effor- tless action of Orange Lily. Within two or three days •fter commencing Its use the Improvement becomes noticeable, and this Improvement continues until the patient is com- pletely cured. Orange Lily Is an applied or local treatment. and acts directly un the womanly organs, re- moving Ili, congestion. totting and strengthening the nervesand re- storing perfect rIr, ulatIon In the diseased parts. In order to oenvince all suffering women of the value "'of this remedy. I will send a 36 -cent box, enough for ten day.' treatment. absolutely FREE to each lady wending me bre address. MRII. FRANCES IL CURRAH, Windier, Ont. COWAN'S BEA (MAPLE LEAF litald If cocoa is your favorite bever Age by all means enjoy it at its best - as made with Cowan's Perfection Cocoa. The acme of purity, richness and flavor. THE COWAN CO. Limited. TORONTO. 1 FREE to Ejm and Girls We want tormy 6.1 ...I lael ▪ 30 beiseedul Shicairesh Sedges for 34. Poridles the. ▪ 10 ..at. each. Whoa ootd. send thell300ww. Tlisa 9.91 sm. you. ekerelutely Free. eider, thie dandy ladies Clued or die ledsea Hiawatha Scar. Ames in pocture, eitams• charges prepaid. Seed as best row Betkia• as sode-osoory hoer abaft laao• INDIAN CHIEF or INDIAN HIAWATHA SUIT Roo'. aut is mode of Kh.ki Colored 0.48. 41 caariete . N4.51,54. maimed wadi Fahy Re4 Fran. with Mord hew os tomesed to wank jacket. Wes berucee of Saari ' Feather. Girls salt sonatas of Eat. trimmed with Reel' Frisiga widt laced her. Ski» caromed le sareek. War Bonnet of Glared Feerliere. Every bey .sapid ware sae oi these won" sees Ttio woe way se 5* as FIRE.L. so write 04*1417 Canadian Novelty Sappily 11•••411 market Lane, Logone's. eingsana (tO 11. Itt 05 4 • • ROSS' LIMITED Manufacturing Furriers Special Values in Furs for one week Natural Mink Sets. C,-oes lie and Lame Pillow Muff ST2.00, Natural Mink Ties $&10, $10.00, $1200 Natural Alaska Sable Large Full Ruff, Stole Ends and Large Pillow Muff $33-50. 50, $40.0) ifi-e-me Lynx Wolf, Large Stole and Pillow Muff .... . ...... Sa0.00. Mao seieet Lamh Pillow Muff, 1113.50, S22.50, $27.514 Select Persian Lunt) Neck Pieces SO, SLI, 512.50, $13.50 Ladies' Neer Seal Coate. ISO inches long, lined with best plain seal brown satin *750(4 196 Dundas Street Landes. Ontario. A Startling Announcement would he eonfeci 1,, good imitate We don't wish to startle a n one. without Clitler, but what we do wish is to have everyone tete advertisers of the remark- ably cheep offer we are making in Coal 011. The long winter evenings are not over by any means. on now 1* the time for youto buy Pure American Oil ISc Per Gallon 5 Oailons For 63c is letter still and, anyway. who Iwo coils 5 i.vant• sp. h et 4111 of Abet There are Barret* of it at Fred Hunt's Hardware Store HAMIl roa GOODRICH 1 1 THE §IGNALS CLUtBING LIST 1910-1911 The Signal and Toronto Weekly Globe The Signal and Toronto Daily Globe . . The Signal and Montreal Family Herald and Weekly Star The Signal and Weekly Sun (Toronto) . 1'he Signal and Toronto Daily Star . The Signal and Toronto Daily World 1'he Signal and Toronto Daily News The Signal and Toronto Empire • $1 .60 4.50 I 85 . 1.85 . 2.2s/ . 3.50 . . 2.35 Weekly Mail a n d 6o The Signal and Farmer's Advocate . The Signal and Canadian Farm . 2.35 1 85 Or with dioice of one ti Ralph Coonor's Books -The Sky Pilot, The Man from Glengarry, Black Rock, Tbe Doctor and The Prospector ZOO The Signal and Farm and Dairy 1 75 The Sigual and Winnipeg Weekly Free Press 16o The Signal and LondonDaily Advertiser. . 290 The Signal and London Weekly Advertiser. The Signal 'Mid London Daily Free Press Morning Edition . . . Evening Edition . . . The Signal and Montreal Daily Witness . 3.50 The Signal and:Montreal Weekly Witness 185 The Signal and World Wide 2 25 The Signal and Western Home Monthly (Winnipeg) 1 6o The Signal and Presbyterian • . 2'5 The Signal and Westminster 2 25 The Signal, Presbyterian and Westminster . 325 The Signal and Catholic Register . . . . i.7o The Signal and Saturday Night (Toronto) . . 3.40 The Signal and Busy Man's Magazine . . . 2.50 The Signal and Home Journal (Toronto) 1.75 Them prices are for addresses in Canada or Great Britain. The Signal end Lippincott's Magazine . . . Including postage to Canadian subscribers. The Signal and Youth's Companion (Boston) . 2.90 Including postage to Canadian subscribers. 3.50 2.90 3.25 The Signal and Woman's Home Companion (New York) Including postage to Canadian subscribers. 270 The above publications may be obtained by Signal subscribers in any combination, the price for any publication being the figure given above less $1.00 representing the price of The Signal. For instance; The Signal and the Weekly Globe. The Farmer's Advocate (435 less 111.00) • • 135 $2.95 --making the price of the three papers $2.95. Tbe Signal and The Weekly Sun • • • • The Toronto Daily Star ,Da.so less itz.eo) 1.20 Tbe Weekly Globe 4jets less Seco) 6o -the four papers for $3.65. If the publication you want is not in above list, let us know. We can supply almost any well-known Canadian publication. Send subscriptions through local agent or by post - office or express order to The Signal Printing Co. Goderich. . Ontario 47 1