The Signal, 1911-2-16, Page 8r,.
• I Wutent'A . FROM; •tty 10, till
Equipped Throughout tie Modern
Style, Handsomely Decorgled and
furnished, It Will Be a Credit to
the Company and to the Town.
Tbt rebuilt Grand Trunk Hallway
. tation has been opened for bossiness
and Guderich now can hook with
pride on one of the finest passenger
waiting -rooms to be f 1 in any
town or city in the Province.
Little change is) to be noted in the
outward appearance of the building.
but as one enters the handsome dexor-
ations and the harmonizing tints un
the walla and ceiling uediately at-
tract attention.
A decided ituproveutent is the
change in the Intonation of the ceiling.
which not only adds much to the eleg-
ance of the edifies. but inertut ►see the
warmth of the building, a condition
that is thoroughly appreciated by the
travelling public at this season of the
year. Before it wwi plastered the
ceiling was clove -boarded and ter -
papered, which will lessen to a very
great degree the difficulty of heating
the building. The ceiling it divided
into panels by specially stained
Georgia pine, ofs dull finish, which
harmonizes well with the color of the
The lighting system is unique in the
respect that nuyle of the fixtures are
visible. They are above the eeiling
and consist of clusters of electric
lamps below bright reflectors which
throw s brilliant light through stained
glass to the waiting -r feu below. The
system at present in use is only te n-
porary, but the permanent lighting
system will be installed,. in a short
time. All the lights throougt t the
building are the tungsten lamp's, whieh
are known to 1,rduel' It splendid light.
In do away with all. overhead wires
and add to the safety in general the
electric light, telegraph and telephone
wires are attached to the' company's
wires near the freight sheds where
they enter the sheds through a run-
(Init. Hera the switch itmi meter for
the electric current are pared and if
necessary the lights can be cut off
both buildings at a moment's notice.
The wires lending to the station from
the switch again enter a conduit and
pass underground to the station and
then up to the main tower of the build-
ing, whence each wire is conducted t)
its proper place.
The alcoves on each side of the stain
entrance to the station, which were
covered previous tothe fire, have been
diseloeed- and suitahle seating furni-
ture will be placed therein.
The toilet nouns for ladies and
gentlemen have been nicely fitted up
and the travelling public will find
thein very convenient and comfortable
in every way.
The ticket office has been re-
modelled and is considerably larger
than it was previous to the fire. There
are two wickets, which will permit
the speedier sale of,tickets during the
Roush seas ons. A special door for con-
ductors is placed on one side of the
office, inside of which there is a coun-
ter for the convenience of the conduc-
tors in tradsacting their business.
The wainscoting is empanelled with
Georgia pine, etemed A similar color
to that, on the ceiling, and the space
between the panels is covered with
The floor is what is known as the
sanitary flooring and is specially
suited for use in rnilwav stations. ('p
to the present very little has been
utilised in Canada, but it is proving to
b • very popular.
The proper furniture for the wait-
ing -room has not arrived as yet, but it
will be in keeping with the rest of the
The roof will not be put on until
s wing. It will be a slate covering.
Por tbs• present the tar paper roveriug
un the boards is nufflrieut to serve un-
til the warmer weather will permit
the finishing of the work.
Old Folks Should Be Careful in Their
Selectman( Regulative Medicine.
We have a safe, dependable a•id
altogether id•,al remedy thst iI p.r-
Ucularly adapted to the requirements
of aged people and persons of weak
eonatitutione who suffer from consti-
pation or other bowel disorders. We
are so certair. that it. will relieve these
complaints and give atlsolut s s ►Li4,te-
tion in every particular that we offer
It with our pars on al gusrsnte' that it
shall colt the user nothing if it foils to
substantiate our claims. (Ws reined y
is called Rexall Orderlies.
Rexall Orderlies have a swatting,
healing, strengtheniug, tonic and reg-
ulative action upon the bowel*. They
remove all irritation, dryness, sore-
ness and weakoees- They restore the
b)wals and associate organs to more
vigorous and healthy activity. They
are eaten like candy, may be tskeo at,
any time without inconvenience. do
not cau.e any griping, nausea. di aro-
boast excessive looseness, flatulence or
other disagreeable effect. P,ice 2Sc.
•s i sad 10e. ti $d only at out store -The
Recall Store. H. C. Dunlop, south
side of $quare.
Lost His Bet.
Home strange queries to•ue into a
newspaper information bureau, and
the answers ars• not always easy, bunt
one of the funniest was this : "Say,
M bite The Keening limes infot'matioo
bmreau i" inquired a voioe at the other
end of the wire. "It is." politely an-
swered the reporter. "Anything we
carr do for von ?" "Vel'. 1 want to
know who was it killed Abel?"
"Why. his brother. slain." answered
the reporter. who hod once attended
Meamday ,who it totem he broke into
the newspaper trainees. "Ob, papaw,..
cease regretfully from the inquiring
vote.. "11'11 bet. I'II have to go without
a mew overcoat Oak, winter; f bet a
fellow an that t was Goliath.
Tanks." Kr
♦war intim ori' a are willing to do nN
the quarrelin�t$g if their husbands will
duo an the amain* lip
AgMI likes •.• can her rd rot wh.
TwR1/11RY AL SC it 00L.
norm tltd Bruce Students Shine at the
LLiterary Society Sleeting.
We are glad Ip Ieeeive the following
report of a recent event in Stratford :
Huron and Bruce were much In
evidence uu Friday afternoon at the
weedy meeting of the Literary Soci-
ety of !Stratford Norumtl School, the
program brioiven by the students)
trout Huron a4d Bruce.Three count es are largely repre-
sented in the urinal School of the
('lemic City and the program given
speaks well for the array of talent.
Music, both instrumental and vocal,
was interspersed aiming the addressors
and readings so ably rendered.
1'he students in scone mysterious
manner tweertained that the touch ap-
preciated h:nglish master of the sbbool
was one of Huron's "old boys." Mr.
McCutcheon was prevailed upon to
favor the students with au addresv,
which stands out ayone of the excell-
ent features of the program. He
spoke of Ontario as one of the most
resourceful Province4 of the OwlishDominion,
and Owlish he had travelled through
inane oount ies in Ontario be felt quite
safe in saying that Huron was the
banner county. Judging front the
volley of applause which geeeled this
statement the Hurouites appree'iated
and indorsed the sentiment expreesed.
The speaker appealed to the students
as Canadian citizen,; in such a way as
to produce an enthusiastic cheer of
patriotism throughout the large as-
sembly hall.
The reading of the "Classic" was
one of the inter 'sting :temp, for it too
spoke of many Huron and Bruce ex-
periences, showing the splendid oppor-
tunities for development afforded by
these counties.
One , of the pleasing organisations
throughout the term has been the
Normal School orchestra, which has
rendered excellent service at all the
literary and social functions of the
school. This, we are delighted to say,
is contptseel of students foim Huron
and BrUce.
Three cheers for Huron and Bprikce !
That Dodd's Kidney Pills and Nothing
Else Cured Hi. Gravel and Diabetes
Sundridge, Ont., Pelt. 13th. --
(Spechil.)-George V,tnhooser, a well-
known resident of this place, who suf-
fered tor six months from gravel. dia-
betes and dropsy, and who is now as
well as ever he was in his life, is
firmly convinced that he owes his cure
to Dodd'. Kidney Pills and nothing
"A doctor attended me,- Mr. Van-
hooser state... '•but he a ruld not, help
me, and I kept getting worts. every
day. Other people told Inc of cures
effected by 1)odd's Kidney Pills, and 1
made up say mind to try therm. Six
boxes wade a new man of me."
Gravel, diabetes end dropsy are all
caused by bad kidneys, and can, only
he cured by • curing the kidneys).
Dodd's Kidney fills always) cure the
kidney.. -
A Teacher of Agriculture.
The Walkerton Telsteope says :
During the seseion of the county r.)un-
cit last week a communication from
Judge Klein was read, that created
considerable discnssion. in the letter
the judge wuid that by an outlay of
$5110 Inc the expense of fitting up an
office the Government would mod an
agricmltutal teacher into the coon(.),
whose duly it would be. not only to
teach agriculture in one of the high
schools, but also to teach agriculture
to the farmers in a practical way, by
showing thew on tbeir own farms
methods of drainage, class of grain to
sow, etc. The coat to the Government
would be *2,3411. The council took the
matter under their most serious consid-
eration and they will bring th', ques-
uertion up at the June session.
Poor Brown I
-sorry, H.own,' said the doctor.
after the examination. "You're in a
very serious condition. I'm afraid I'll
have to operate on you.'
"Operate." gasped Brown."Why.
i haven't any money for operations.
I'm only a poor working -man."
"Yoe re Insured. are you not ?"
"Yes, but I don't get tbat until
after I'm dead. '
"Oh, that'll he all right," said the
do7.tor co119olingly, February Lip•
A Most Successful Company.
The fourteenth annual nesting of
the Trusts and tient..tnter Oomptny,
Limited, Was held at the head oflloe,
4.i King st Meet west, Toronto, on Fri-
day, January '27th. Hon. J. R Strat-
ton, president, submitted the report
of the directors for the year ending
December lUth, 1910, which showeel
very satisfactory results "f Iyen's
operations, as well its n healthy and
iinprovcd cu Within of the sienna! ac-
counts And interests of tha Company.
The guaranteed and tilat invest-
ment/int the Company show an in-
craase in the year of nearly a million
dollars -$925,U78 fu -and file inerrane
in the trust funds account is
72. The atAt,entent shows * material
increase of asset of $1,5011, 150,44),
which brings the 111411 of assets up to
188,11<47,71451.Nl. The report is in every
respect a satisfactory one, an Advance
being in tale in evey account over the
record of IAat year, and showing the
Company to be in a mound, prosper-
r sp ,s-
ous and progressive condition grhtify-
Ing to those immediately concerned
and productive of public -onfldence.
Timing the Fire.
it is related of the ,u•eeideni of •
famona eolleiie that at one t im.• he al-
lowed his wife to persuade hien of the
uselessness of fire In,nrwnre nn hoaw,
hold goods, and he allowed hi. ',Airy
to lapse'. Hut, tetter judgment as-
serting itself. he finally rr'newed hie
insurance. The mans day a fire in his
eeih a rooms destroyed 11 , :e of her
dreaeed, which the professor enjoyed
as a good joke.
In due time the pressdrnt of the
suranee , omtpany wrote President
Blank this letter •
"Deur Mr. Blank..r,','e earls+e check
111:5*1, tire) ing ynnr fire (lain' uncle,
Our paltry 14444017,
"I note in ;Ago ing upon Ihe.,. paper.
that the wont in o rifest at
noon. Ih•reteb., It) and ,.he fire did
not .,,r,., , *lb IN'hy the de-
frith `P- ,l
Liverpool Wheat Futures Close
er, Chicago
Live Stock -
Tbe Chiraa4g0 1
other American
closed to -day
Change Closed -
Leat Quotations.
p of Trade and the
exchanges were
h's Blrtbday3.
Wlnhlp` Options.
Clot}: mea. High. Low. Close.
W heat -
Mi, tlti5t tib set taw 15%
Isle Ole n reb
Oats -
July 3411 M4 Nu MY
Sb+l4 /644 f10 2011
Toronto Grain Market.
Wheat, bushel
40 m t0 $0 M
Wheat, goose, bush- 0 b
Rye, bushel 0 N 'i t♦
Barley. bushel 014
Buckwheat, bushel 0 47 0 N
Peas, bushel 0 7t 0 a
Owls, bushel 0 30 ..
Toronto Dalry Market.
Butter, operator, dairy, Ib022 0 K
Butter, stork lots u 13 0 211
Butter, creamery, 13. rolls0 36 u Ss)
Butter. creamery, aonds0 23 0 3$
Eggs, sew -laid 028 031
Edna, cold storage 0 20 0 m
Cheese, Ib. ,� 01.2 01104
Honeycombs, doter 0 00 2 W
(Toney, extracted, lb 010 011
Liverpool Chain and Produce
LIVE1tPOOL, Feb. 1t -Cousin • ,y heat
-thud dull; Nu. 2 red wester, r•ttie
stuck. Futures (inlet; March 7s t , Nay
5s) 11%d.
Yeas -Canadian, no Mock.
Flour -Winter patents firm, 25. W.
Hops-Tn London (Pacific Coma) firm, rltiore bi id
14 4. to !� 5.. l
Iterf-Extra India mem easy, 123a A1. and \
Peek -Primes wean, we,ter ,, dull, tags 2.1• better
Urania -Short cut, 14 to i$ lbs., quiet. 54*.
Itabun-S7umbertaad cut, 2s to 3o lbs„ bread"
quiet, 5s W; short rib, 16 to 24 lbs., quiet.
a'r.: clear bellies), L to 14 lbs.. weak, 5:.;
long 'tear middles, light, 23 to 34 lbs., -
weak, C., id; lung clear middles, harry, 46
to 40 lbs., weak, sus; .sort clear backs, is
to 2u 53e., quiet, tib 6d; shoulders, square,
Il to 13 lbs., easy, GU.
Lard -Rime western in tierces easy, 5114;
America', refined, In pa 5., easy. 10s.
l'heeee--C'auadian finest white, new,
time, Sts; Canadian finest colored, new,
Mtn, Ms W.
Turpentine -Spirts strong. 6L. W.
Montreal Grain and Produce.
4. ►UFR CH' G'ra'm' < III('
A Startling Aonouncemeot
would be confect In bay
go,xl quality 1'
There are Barrels of it at_
3d'NTI(EAL, Feb. 13.Theforeign de-
mand fur Maahtoba price wheat was
quieter, and bids were 15isi to :.1 lower,
but n few sales of No. T northern were
etude to Ontario inl1Mry ut 61 tat.% truck,
hay ports; No. 2 Canadian western oats
were meld to Br4,t01 at lis 4,1 Apr11-Noy
shipment. Local trade fair at steaty
priers. Flour quiet. 26111fred rearm weed
firm. Demand for provisions and dairy
produce fair. Potatoes firm, at x.c to 31
per hag. In car Iota.
Lard --Compound tierces, 375 lbs., 1I%0:
boxes, 50 the. net eparchment Ilnedl, 78t4C.
tube, re lbs. net, grained, two handles.
110; palls, wood, 30 lbs. gat, 11%c; tin
pall.. 20 I3.. grows, 1404.•
nab-t'anadlan western, No. 2, aide to
Mk•, car lots. ex -store; extra N '. l (rod.
:zine.' to Sic4 No, 3 C.w., S7%c to .s'ye; Na
2 Iw•:41 white, 3711c to Sec; No. 3 local
white. 36%c to 27c; No. 4 local white, 11040
to Me.
Fleur -Manitoba, spring wheat patents.
firsts, M6.110: sseooda, 11.10;- winter wheat
patents, Km to $6; strong bakers', 34.30;
straight runes, 14.36 to 34.50; In bags. 81.9•
to r:.
Rolled oats -Iter barrel, 34.41; bag 01 111
Ion . 32.10.
Feed barley -Car Iola, ex.atore, 42c is
Corn -American, No. 3 yellow, 56'4c t•
Millfeed-Bran. Ontario, 520; Manitoba,
3311 to 323; middlings. Ontario, $22.10 to 323'
short,,, Manitoba, $22 to $31; moulllle, ff
to 130.
F.No, Il
Eggs-8eiected, Sae; fresh, 33c:
stock, Sec: No. 2. 210 to Mc.
('bevel-- W esterrm, 11%c t0 1.2e; eastern%
1l14- to 3104..
Butter -Choicest, SOW to 25c; se00aglik,
22c to Sae.
Union Stock Yards.
TORONTO. Feb. 13. -Receipts d
live stock at the Union Yards were
86 carloads, consisting of 1593 cattle,
331 hogs, 1130 sheep and lambs and'
2 calves.
Oen. B. Campbell bought for Morris a
Cn.. 50•ataere, 1360 lbs. each, at $6.33; 136
Fens for Liverpool, 1250 Its. each, at $6.10,
Prime picked luta sold at $s to 31.23. Wada
of good. 36.75 to 36: medium, $6:50 to 35.7.1:
ru•emoie, 135 to $6.40: cows, $3.60 1r .i:
bulls, 31 to 31; cantors, 37.• ; to 32.
Milken and Springers.
A limited number of milkers end spring.
ers found ready sale at 34o to 175 each.
Veal Calves.
Trade was strong for veal calves. at
33.50 to 38.7e, and two choice, new, milk -
fed brought 39.2.; and $9.60 per cwt.
Sheep and Lambs.
Weele3• Dunn. who bandied nearly an
the sheep and Iambi, reported prices 55
follows) : Sheep, ewe., 31.27 to $4.75; rams,
33.50 to 34; lambs, $6 to 38.01, and one
choke bunch of 15r.electo, tel iia per ewt.
We asked three dealers the price of
hog.. and each Rave a different prlre.
The Bret one gave 36,00, the second one
Rave $7, the third one gave 47.10 to,
as the f.o.b. price of hogs, with We on
top of these quotations for fed and wat-
Montreal Live Stock.
MONT3lF,AT., Feb. 13. -At the Montreal
Mock Yard, west end market the receipts
of the .tock for the week ending Feb. 11
were 1700 cattle, IIT; sheep and lambs. 2%9
hog, and 201 calves. The supply for sale
on the market this morning consisted of
tea rattle, I'5 sheep and lambs, Imo bows
and ten calves.
There was no Important r honge In the
rondltion of the market for cattle, prices
being firmly maintained it the adva nye
noted n week ag•'owing to the fait that
aupfdiee won. no terraf, and. as the qual-
ity of the stork wa. Reneratle weal, the
demand was active, and a brink trade Was
done, es butchers In ua,.t . -no.s were
Pretty well cleaned out of beef. Choke
-terra "odd at t0ir, wood at Per, fairly
good at 6e to gear, fair at 5t4e to 5sie. an,1
the lower Ernie. at 414e to 154' per Ib.
Extra choice hulls brought 6c to $54r. and
from that down to et per Ib. wee paid for
the lower grades.
Rupplle. of beg* were fair. for which
the demand from packers wa. Rood, and
in consequence the tone of the markt
was ,teadv. with no ch0n*.' It price. to
note. aile.ted Ins sold at 31' per NO IM ,
weighed off ears
The trade In sheep end lambs was quiet
"te :orwal of the email offerings, and
niters were uncharged. The 'demand wag
serest for what stock war no the Market,
:.rad •hrep were made at 414e to
4e,c, not lambs et Mir to 654.- per Ib.
('nlv, 1' wry.• eery scarce, and pri,-co have
advanced, with sales of rholre stock as
high as 7.e to s, per 1h., Anti the com-
move, ‘.nes al 5c to 7c per Ib
East Buffalo Cattle Market.
EAST ArFFALO. Fob 1' Cattle -R•
rept.. 3525 brad, market ertlee .a•t
'teed, prime steers, $sM to 1R.7:. but-
cher zradea F• 77', 10 fall. .ser. HIT, to
tr. re
('elves-Itrcelrts, In head- market fvr-
1)' active. ;Sir Rower, call to rholce. R3
to fle.tti
Sheep and Lambs-Reeetptr. 'SAA, head,
market settle; lambs lie tenet, ehetee •
lam W. M t.' $4.10; roll In fdr, $ 7f t0 •. 7- .
y enellnes. St to 35.M; N*.O, Mit3''.P.
Hogs Receipts, m,43 parkas) sow ' •
r.: Inw•t•r v,..Rrr. S; 7b -e t1N: M $
nesK'Rr w 7�a n� . 1r) 44 P
.M;1R 'o -
We doo't wish to Mortis
anyone, without catty, but whet
we do wish la to have everyone
tete advantage al the rawaek-
ably cheap otter we are taeklag
un Coal Oil. The bas winter
evenings are not over by any
weans, so now is the time fur
you to buy
Pure American Oil
15c Per Gallon
5 Gallons
For 63c
is better still and. anyway, who
lb yenta worth of 011 of such
Fred Hunt's Hardware Store
Quality Incomparable
A Wholesome Food
A lest Nor•rishing and Economical Food
Rival Bread for Economy
At Your Grocers -'
For large Families Try a Tia or Cardboard Peekag.
t - Sixes• 25c. to 35.t.(05 SmallFa.'�r Try our Foerr Soda:
Packages, Sc. and 1,c.
Free to Stock and P oultry Raisers.
We will sends absolutely free, for the asking, postpaid, one of our large thirty -two-page booklets
on the common diseases of stock and poultry. Tells you how to feed all kinds of heavy and light
horses, colts and mares, mikh cows, calves and fattening steers, also how to keep and feed poultry
so that they win lay/ just es well in winter as in summer. No farmer should be without it.
At a cost . my two -third. nl A rent
dry per Ana Al, Ito., al 1'urplc
Spr•tic make% ick Animal worth 25 per,
cent. more.
'nu never 5 rd of am• rather Specific,
or ' Stock Food, `, doing ',ken
Royal Purple will permanently More the.
MAR. ('o1ic, W'rms, Shin Igsea... and
and '-' (are rundown anitaalr
to promptses. end 'vigor.
It will increase the milk-yi• h1 tt r.•e to
vice peiunds lire( e,1F a dao' inside of trona
two to three writ". It makes the milk
Mistier thait ever t.elme.
tint., says: ' i
have triad yni.
Specific for tw,
th.v trth 1
laminae. I m••.
u drys, as th•.,.
se ill.. (,a the :
t h. milk, end
rtq plsIfg' nn
toa3ider it (lei L.
W10111CR, of Walneett
rola I. to certify that 1
Royal Purple Stock
... eeks, on Our row.' 11n
:lied her midi as IT
.4 a 'halite Mier S or
was an extra weight 01
h, 1 carefully writhed
gave 222 pounds. I
,Ire for 5 bete., as 1
.t I have ever 111,34."
"Stock Food" eaglet do tliie. Tito -attar
-sows Fond" ,4 ,trj .Oiyrr w 1w
than 1 *6(4117 very thing, which
you, yourself, ernes on your 0** farm.
ft is not more fit* your Awitnals need.
They must have nekisehing to Intp their
limbo, get e11 the elastishmlwt from the
freed they .r• .ago So that they *III
fatten, and ales id, all ibe year 'roused.
'They nerd soniettiiMi te provost dheeer,
to curt disease, nr.d to k.., tits. is the
best of health, al' the time.
Nota Stock Food
Royal i'urPte atm * k 1'nnd;
nor a "tpedvrnc• ' It it A I . rrnuon.• ,
tt not cnega3n 4;-.. , nor arm
trrndtrt.. par dare it r.,, ,.,. "poly,''
or any other Inl•r•esm. (neer.-d,.'wt. Royal
1'nrpte einem not ,newly temporarily 35.t
r en rt., the,An,ial It fatless and
.trengthens it, pe Nemeth.
No other Aper•IfiO
krrw•, .dd. nosh
•+• qua kly es !loyal
Pimple. 11 make*
M1w..•k.-old C'*he.
ns l.rgr e. ntei
nary 9,2)4 .1•'^x .rv.
•t •Ye
nod hrnvy. And it builds up the hent,,
end re tunes the Torso% pinyy,ansaa drigur
of run-down stock, in littleor no time.
The very best' lime /n- no, .this Con-
ditioner is NOW. It dicti.ts the h**4 hoed
properly- and pm•venti the nai3ais get-
ting indigestion or Iosisg.tjr•:h. •
• One 54ktent Package of Royal 1*irrpM
wttl last one' Animn3 7-, days). This
dgurca a 1a14, over two-5hirds of a trot
Der day. -
Mowl ''Steck trend. M to -cent Ya,-k-
nges .fart bot N) days, end are given
taus tip..% a day.
• Bul Royal Farpt.e Specific Is given only
once ,a day and lasts 50 pet' cent. longer.
(A $1.50 fail,. containing, four titles
the amount- of this. 6e)'.eat- Package, heft
2At) d'V'^•)
No, you see. it % ;n$iy taltr•,aatvy to give
lto;:at Purple Sprtbe ,.we each dwy.
Just •Ihiek et 1151.514, en.hv Animal
worth 27 r• e- rent, over Its ece-t 1 What
wi;1 that m'nn to rum r! ,* egger I
It makes alta Mena Ise la Winter
es well as la the Summer.
181;M. *0'Y. BCR'SITA31, Sanford, Ont.,
lists: "Pear tiara, -Thin i* to certify
that T hats used two boxes of your
I'oaltry SpirIile f.,r my hone. They laid
Om well while feeding it to them. 1 won-
oo-dered 1f yes would mind wending inn
Word hew or whe'e I could get some this
muter. I bouirht it from yunr agent
lest winter. 1 had 13 hens, and soma
e:ays I got t„ o dozen eggs a day in
1.hruary and March, while feeding them
the floodlit...
Royal Purple Poultry Specific prevents
T'. els losing flesh at moulting time, and
j,e,IDanently curve every poultry disease,
1, makes th.- r plumage bright and keeps
them 'always in print condition.
1t makes your Poultry worth mon
than they Could over be without it.
Yet owe 50 -rent Package win twat 25
Tons 70 dcya. Or a 11.60 fall will do
i liens 21-) day*. '1'h a la four throw
more material at Ply throw limo the
lPu le
Royal - Pune* creates an arose it e t
heed, s kelp* nature to digest and turn
it late 44.-sb aed muscle.'
As a Hog fattener, Royal rurple has
so equal.
Never Off Feed
Bari Mr VW; n. the hor.rm*n, nays
"I hale nerd Itoyal l'nr•pt• Rtnrck
Syriac pe,eletently in feeding 'The 1•:e1,'
2.024, largest winOor of wry parer on
(:'wed (•,rro:(. In I'xelt and 17„,ti, noel
9lerery Winter..' 2.1,4, brother of 'niter
winter.: wino r of $434,,($5) ,e 'rotten,
slakes is l:hr,•'.
:1r r seIR h.-.' eve. level r3 .het•
ford mare, , started ',nag Roy -'' n. •
.pert&. -rel alw.,, have - 'r sv
rem . .
W. A JIC I.1V�
R:,err Rig. r • - - . r
Make This 'relit
Every Duero of Royal Ferris ?tock and
Poultry Hoecibt M guaranteed.
To pyres that Royal ,''.Mlle has nn
equal. we want you to maks ?A% tern.:
l'a'd Royal Parsee .r, any alta .N year
ninialw for lour weeks And at the
0.180e r ime fad awy M S.•r .r»pmrat int tr
any other Animal Is the mum nadltina
• ',toys 'erpie in.. int urn., eo
yea, lr. adma, null. ha.. t . - hr
met ;a TV' not *al. ottani voter
ar we',. 4 the` miretiene--e,akr nn
ri me .M• lodge not so
' l •. t, '10111M1 fess), 15x3 ,t we
f !or Webs 5 'lomat* w. Some
.a .1/41y01 s ', n. twee rorign,naer
-x 41811131.
:ai .se no. se.seed ahoy teat iwg
r 'wa* at odes '1s. 'Yoe
Centralia, Oat., INA. 7. 'Se.
'Ike N. A. Jenkin. Mfg. Co., Leaden. Oat,:
t;emt3aw.a,-Its hats berm rim 13011m1
I'urpls Poultry and Stock t4p.dat far the
last three weeks, and must say that re-
sults are remarkable, Am Nadia( tate
Stock NpeclLc to two mllkty cows, and
they have tacremaed ten per .eat• fa beta
milk- The poultry recalls are "vat fors
marked than this. *0e have about m
hens. Lying age. when we easume ed
leading, we wan getting Eva sad six eggs
a day, and in the last Ave days the same
flock of hens 1.1d' 150 eggs, almost as
average of 81 each day, and they eve
day. have bees the coldest this whiter.
You can sea results plainly la two or
three days attar the um of "Royal Pur-
ple," and the poultry have the same
haat% .ad appearaaee now as in the sum-
mer time. With cows and poultry, am
using exactly the same hied and can as
before starting to lead ' Itoyal Purple."
Moe farmers and stockmen gat .r- ,
qualetd with Royal Purple, It w111 have
a greater demand than all other teygm , -
and stock foods on tam market Comb,
Yours truly. ANbki:w HI M&. - t.
Aug. 28, 1010.
W A. Jenkins Mfg. en., Loaders, Oat.:
Cestteeses,-Last ran we bad 1a oar
stables a young mare beleogl.g to *555
('Inu*ton, of Montreal. we maid wet
feed heir any Arae on account of eaeslas
violent roaring. eoneegnently caa.Iag her
to weak and thin. w HIM -
opted fining year Royal Purple Stook
etp.rlle, and the results were wonderful.
After wing It throe weeks, we found we
could feed lite animal hraa or way ether
.oft heed without mooring her, and Abe
actually took on is Ode time toasty -en
pomade of Ikea, we working 5.r at the
Imam time thereon the bawl. I caw
heartily recommend year ?lock tipseibe.
Traiaw for the ilea. Adam Pea.
We also masahstere t
Royal Purple L%. tlllsr.._._.�. $11a. `
Royal Purple (141
Royal Fere% R*.at Unhorse._ see,
IMyal Purple Coesgt (atrw._._..,. 50e.
tp, Our (rough Corp will mire awl' ordinary
'w1routh in lour days, and win hook tel `a
mid rare dieteneper in ten to twelve days,
11 your dealer cannot *apply ye. with
nee Royal purple Tlrawd., we will .s 4y
roe I pan receipt of 11 !,n a pail. prove
paidfor either poultry or sleek, er V
710 want any LAalmwt. 0.11 More es.
( nigh resider. no *111 erns it by a31& J
postpai4 ayes receipt of print.
t.`4) N11' L
fir It,,,.i(Irt- an he obtained from A. J. Cooper, Flour and Feed