The Signal, 1911-2-9, Page 6a 'I iluaa,l;.+, i.ILhallt•KY sti THE TOWN CO UNQL . fiery/ATSUut Pp1NTag t(J W ON OTTAw GIOVERNMEMT at l eel.' tram Hon. Ariane kiss.* N♦ Mira to Peoria, Question A Pro- vincial Telephone. System *dvo- catod -POwers of Municipal Coun- ,cile Respecting Pool Room Lk'*naaa. I'ne t ,wit council met in regular Sion •.sn Friday evening. A11 the 01 bxetro were present except ('ounci -Kelly who it still 6a/eking in Minn among the Florida x111 tors. t A ition was presented by George E. Ross end tell othetl -luesting the council t,. petition Ontario Legislature to amend Municipal Act ie. Its to gift• tuunici ,x>uncils power to refute sea well as }lower to grant 11 pool room been It Wes referred tint a special coma lee. A. Snau•I applied for a podia license. His communication was to the special committee. A request wee received from t Bell Telephone Co.. waling pantie/el co place telephone poles and wires East, St. Devil's, St. Patrick's, Wen Essex. Wellesley. Waterloo, Nor•t Napier and An leasa streets and t Square. it also wits asked that naso be appointed to supervise t work. Tb.• c•ouunugication was frrrrd to the public works coinntittee David Brown applied for et li to run a billiard and Pool of roomin h store on Montreal street. The spec•i 'committee will report on the appli t ion. A communication was react iron the territorial headquarters of th Salvation Army. eakiiog the comic for financial atlatistance. This at wits referred to the special committee John Marquis epphcd for the pia Lion of caretaker of parks and his a plication was referred to the comets and parks GI 'iter. Dr. Strang acknowledged his re -a pointmeut to the public library. board A letter was received from Hon Adan' Beek in which be stated that i would he well if the council wool pass a revolution asking fur informs ion with refereuce to the devel ant of power on the Jlaitlend River nd the letter further stated "th'on>wisaion will be glad to author, he engineers to give a detailed repor as to the possibilities of the develo tent you mention, Cleo an retiuuate o he cost of power to be supplied iron iagara Pa11s over the line troll ratfotd and Beaforth." As th unty council is moving in thia mat r. no action was taken. The 'special committer in its repo! tunmended that the council "con der it detrimental; to the interests o e town of Ooderich that the Bell elephone Co. should refuse telt phone nuection at Goderich too the Col- ette Township Municipal Telephone yearns: that a license be granted to eter 'Verson to peddle peanutv and pcorn from a cart to December 31st. car $30 : that the Mayor and the town erk be authorized to sign a petition the Ontario Government advocat- that the Bell Telephone Co. ile en over as a Government iuetia t- on : that a deputation consisting off e Mayor. Reeve, Deputy Reeve and ouncillor Nairn he sent to Ottawa to terview the Government respecting e harbor improvements and the ilitary camp proposition. The re- nt was adopted. The fire committee in its report rec- intended that the request for in- crease of salary from the firemen be ived but that no action be taken present. The committer. also re- rted that. its chairtiian and the petty Reeve had been empowered -to epee a pleas and epeciHrations of a alernt ayetem for the town and to k for tenders on such a system. e report was adopt. d. he lfnante co ittee recoln- nded the payment of a number of (Anita and that the G. T. R. ac- unt for $71.1i0 in connection 'with nyeying the Clinton and Stratford lirigaues to the organ factory fire October 1st be referred hack to the npeny fur a reduct.on ; that Rob - Hell be paid at the rate of $10 per • and expenses fur services in con - tion with the valuation of the is of the i)oty Engine Works and American Road Machine Co. ; t Collector Campbell attend to the lection of the rent of the McIver tagge; that the clerk write F. G. W all of the Kensington Furniture stetting that the insurance held the town on the factory is ineed- •te and 1 hatt -unless it is imuiedi- It• attended to the town will placeu insrance• and charge to the corn- s. Adopted. ue condition of the road south of bent llcLeen's residence on the run toad red atd was referW by Conn- or Clark. The large amount of w which rrttcc hates at this point keg it. difficult for traffic and it was tggested that step. ale taken to have ttitalile fouee erected. The matter • referred to the public works corn - tee. bylaw was passed authorizing the owing of $`si,000 to meet current r nditu•. he council then etdjourntd. ee. em Ilor the g•a- Rev. re - the the pal s•the. tit- r'a sent he on on t. h. he a he re - Cents is al ca- t I so • p- ry P op- s xe t p- t m e t n N 8t co to N et th T co bo 8 pPo f ci to KK ttaY ti th in th m on rece at De Pt fire its Th 1 me ace co co fire on Got ert da nee plan the tha col cot Rw Co. by equ ate the �T ItoHu ci11 800 ma RI Ae ala mit bort e t f THE VANSTDNE CASE. ;1 A Londat Donor Dimmers Legh Record j of Family Alli -i _. .,ndnr Free Preis. Hume oounmv jail et, God, - rich. ;Porge Vsonto0P, a resident of that town. is ,noted t,r -hareemwith the leer of his young son >m he pounded to death with knee:medic! one night • few webs safe in a Lon cine ;natitetiM, here ie Ming trotted coda, a .wooer, who ie w arm OOs.ein of the •ran charged with +ltgi�•► He, dimes/ is knwe• es chore'. . ret able 'teem's, w... -r. whir, maser aware t hertegh swayers 140(1 aftwe Is•sr sins. ,4 a fairede end whir+ at the age lit t11 0a tater lee. es the sniferet mimeo leash hitery pees /•ewart pe., nibs" diose ass same now 'trans arm alfliet.d with the tsetses, anti the number of those •ht. Imre died ..t tt M • soarer ,, e►...,. MOW • r., {sinter .Ai ,tea, t ...able the ism few tars A 1 medical mato who weia ;shop u• the patte01 u, tole pit. made a 4f the life humor. of he, tastily. bile doing .N was !surprised to the name of George Venation*. of Godericb. appearing Ar the tam hieton wet traced dowt generat atter generaUon a grim re.•n,•,i ..f f ill taint was (+imiossd. The defence for V•astout the tr ✓ ich man. will it is expected, mak plea .if inraaity, and 1...M facie witve been brought to light bore undoubtedly play it part in the t which comas up at the nett assises. The Obert of the family which been prepared gum back three gene Lions to the great-grandfather of the boy who was murdered at Onderich, the grandfather of tbe London woman afflicted with the disease. This ances- tor, who we. of Scotch birth, died of the disease at the age of sixty. He bad nine children, six of wb have alread died of the disease, o of them in the London Asylum. One of the three living has the taint, this being the mother of the London sufferer. One of Inc other two benches of the family is in the second generation, without an$ trace of disease, bat in the second it has reap- peared in the third generation down, after being missed f>r two genera- tions. The patient in the London iostit tion bad tour sisters and four brothel One sinter and one brother healthy. Of the others one sister is Hatnikon Asylum, one is dead of t disease and ants her is a sufferer. the brothers two are in a Chicag asylum, and a third has died of the disease. In the third generation as a whole there are thirteen afflicted, of whom four are in asylums, one is now charged with murder and eight have died, one of them in Londpn Asylum. One member of the second generation also died in Loudon Asylum, making a total of six who have died in asylums or are at present confined there. In only one branch of the family which has reached the fourth genera- tion bas the diaries shown itself, but the children are all young and not yet due to show the taint. The second generation in tbia branch was not afflicted, nor wile the third generation, of whom there were four males and three females. In the fourth genera- tion there are now 32 children, and in a family of four children the disease has reappeared, after being dormant for it long time. Only one branch of the original ram- ify bar died out. the girl in this case dying at the age of26. There are to day 86 in tbe fourth generation, a ma- jority of them being quite young chil- dren, like the boy who was murdered at Godericb. The discovery of this family history has excited much interest among med- ical men in London, particularly in view of the connection with- the trag- edy at Godericb. tdKyr , •I'Hl; 5.1f -.'v t.(1LBkll H t ►N'I'A KII ► THE 111Aa1RgTa aWt t ivarrt>e..e Wilma INiewr•es Cases Wien - Chicago Vwer-•-a.hre Stowe IIy as AOC. FF ' a wleegrea, Moo. Oireetly oeaefiela to •alt sown wheat 'On carried down he orim ,x whoa., to -Asha am This fat mutineer the where moisture would be or grate., help received very ogle little. As . resit the &dosses was cheek a+. with Aeolus Neuritis a . net loss to 0. only %e t0 %c. The day'! raiding left ice oees unchanged ♦ dztentk lower, .,Cts will off a Ikeda to »c. sad prvvuio.. not as riga 'orad more than a nickel either way. The Liverpool market closed ted W id DY high., than so Saturday for wheat fu- tures lurk lid to lid lower. Baron dos. t*- ad Sec higher; Buda Peat, the bower' 1'atia. etc as %o lower, and Antwerp um- ha•pd. %Tisat- May .... 9F,. 90Na r Mi WI on) Oui "" ftl r"."4. W. 0I'% M De- May kali 3r', »•% re's July MR 36 ,ML 36 Toronto Green Market. Whnn.n.a Options. Gloss. Open. Wei. Law. Pews Wheat tush e0 F Wheat goose. bunk.-..., 0 • Rya. bushel -•„ e • Barley, bushel 0 R Buckwheat bushel 0 p Pete, bushel ......... _ 0 IS Oats, bushel 0 r Toronto Dairy Market. Butter, separator, dairy, Ib033 u' t Butter, store told 011 •+. Butter, creamery, Ib. rolls0 • are Butter, creamery, sonde 0 Is 0 16 •0 0 13 3 of 010 in Eggs, new -laid ga. cold storage he cheese. Ib. if HopeYtombis, doeam p Honey, extracted lb Two Country Boys. Prom British News of Canada. In 1870 an awkward, overgrown troy trout the country went to Toronto Un- iversity. His fellow students, notic- ing his uncouth appearance. and the marks of the faun which still clung to him, christened him "cowheels." 1'kis ouuntry boy recently succeeded in winning the Newfoundland fisheries dispute case satinet the United States before The Hague tribunal. He is Hoo. A. B. Ayle'swortb, Minister of Justice for Canada, end King George has knighted him. Another country boy who arrived in Toronto about the same time found employment in a wholesale house. He walked a mile and a half each morn- ing, working for twelve hours, and then walking the same distance back at night -ail fur two dollars • week. HI. salary did not remain at two dol- lars very long, for his employers soon discovered the stuff of which he was made, and rapidly advanced him. He became bead of one of tbe larg- est stores in Canada. Then under hb ditectaoo, the development of a mall order businese, which coven the Dominion from the Atlantic to the Pacific, from the Great Lakes to Hudson's Bay. This boy was H. H. Fudger, presi- dent of the Robertdimpson Company, Want C. P. R. Connection. During the recent meeting of the county council here a number of the members got together for a discussion of the question of C. P. R. connection for the southern and Gestate parts of the county. A route was mapped out as follows : From St. Marys via lixe- ter, Hensall, Kipple), Mealortb, Win- tbtop, Walton, Brus.els, Jamestown and Wroxeter, intersecting the Guelph k Goderich line at Walton end the Toronto, Grey & Bruce line at Wrox- eter. The following resolution was passed : "We, the underwigned reeves and deputy reeves of the county of Huron, interested in an extensioo of the C. P. R. aitch Y above mentioned• believing that such n line would be a great benefit to the county at large running se it would through then centre of the county from north .to south, through the very best pert of the county. and • great benefit to the Company as a feeder to their other lines, running from east to west, aid- ing largely- to their freight and passen- ger ttafflc. hereby pledge ourselves to do all we ran to have snob scheme carried out. ' This was signed by the representative, 1m is Reafortb. Exeter. Stephen, Grey. Tuckersenith McKit np, Wroxeter, H,neall. 1'sboenr end Brussels. John Turner ,me of Meafortb s ski est residents, b dead. He kept art hotel for a numb,t of years in the village of Varna He is survived hy his wife and one daughter, Mr',. R Renee. •.1 Wi.nipeg. , Catarrh (:.lino, B. Ow ea, vita /A% Al APPLI(• T70NK. r Wy ,a„nat rash obs nest of the 4111•501;. Oillarr(I is a met er eeaatlteYa. 1 d art M re •etirf wrranw Liver12001 (Grain and Produce. LIVERPOOL, Feb. l-C)o.yrg-k►)1e.t spot dull; No. - red western winter. ass stock: future, dull; March, 7s %d: Mp, 7■ t.' 4d. Peau, Canadian, no stock. !lour. winter patents, firm, Me id. Hope la London (Paelfle Coast). flews, f1 M to n 6s. Beef, extra India maw easy, 1$a 9d. .P1-ek. prime mess weans , dull, we 3d. 'Hares,' short cut. 14 to 16 lbs., quiet, MDs. Bacon, Cumberland a •ut, 36 to 3(• lbs. , steady, 61a 6d. short ribs, 16 to 31 lbs.. steady. .:,. 6d: dear bellies. t1 to 16 lbs., dull. OW: long clear middles. light, s1. to 34 lbs., easy, 64s. long clear middles. heavy. 36 to 40 lbs.. quiet, Cis 641: abort clear backs. 16 to H lbs.. quiet, 56s M. 73hotaders, square, 11 to 13 lbs.. dull, 55. -Lard. prime western, in tierces. dull. 71s; AW.erltan refined, in palls, dull. a::r 6d. Cheese, Canadian finest white, new, Wrong, 60s: Canadian finest colored. new, ,strong. Ws 6d. Turpentine spirits, steady, lie• M. Petroleum, refined, steady. Wed. Mentr.al Grain and Produce. MONTREAL, Feb. 6. -Foreign demand for Manitoba spring wheat wax quiet. Oats were steady. A fair trade continues to be done In flour for 10c41 account. Provisions are fairly active and steady. Cheese 1s firm under a fair demand and small offerings. Potatoes are active and strong at recent advance. The demand for butter has Inereaped considerable and the market is more active with a strong- er undertone. Canada clear pork. Words 10 to i 33 pieces. *26.60; bean pork, sin I pieces but fat barrels• 11050. 'Oats-Caaad1aa west- ern, No. 2, k0%c 10 f00. car lota cx-store; extra No. 1 feed, *0%c to tie; -No. 3 C.W.. 311%e to 3614c; No. 2 local white. V%c t0 Sac; No. 3 local white, 30aic to :7c-. No. 4 local white, 36%e to 36c. 'Flour -Manitoba spring wheat patents, firsts; ILO: se- conds, 0.10; winter wheat patents, N.1 to 46. strong bakers'. 14.10: straight roll- ers, 36.1E to 14.50; In bap, 35.30 to e: Roll- ed oats. per barrel. 16.46; bag of 50 lbs., 1t 10. Feed barley. car Iota, ex afore, we to 60c. Corn, American No. 3 yellow, 5624c to S7r. M/Ilfeed-Bran, Ontario, W'0: Manitoba. 310 to t^; middlings, Ontario W.50 to 121: shorts. Manitoba. $ to *31.00: Iaeulllle. IM to f•. Figs -Relented. Me: vas 00 •II .• 0 1! 0 MS kr en Mc. Cheese-Wi externa, 11%c to 13c: mat- erna, L4ic. to I1%c. flutter -Choicest to Tic. seconds, Ze to 3k. CATTLE MARKETS Union sleek Yards. TORONTO, F. 6.-Recl9pta of live stock at the Union Stock Yards were 78 carloads. consisting of 1401 cattle, 27 hogs, 355 sheep and lambs, 34 calves and 18 horse.. Exporters Alexander Mcl.10.h bought T. export steers. 1'he to 1400 ahs. eac0, at 0,10 to 1115, Butches Prime picked lots of butchers .old al 16-w to 16. loads of good at •.i0 to W A: stadium. 0.16 to 56.40, common, i4.0 te 0.15. cows. 11 •.15: Mill., N to 66 Milkers and Springers. A limited number of milkers and .prlag. ers .old at 140 to 17b each Veal Calvo.. Thirty-four veal calves found ready carr at 13.10 to We per cwt Sheep and Lambs. t>•o.R ewes, sold at N to 16.• per cwt Miss at 13.50 to 15136: lambs, m to at.41 W one select lot at 11.60 per cwt. Hog& Mess were reported at t7.4e fed Cad wetted. and 5716 to drover. fpr bop f.o.b. can at country point wbkc means r to farmer.. Montreal Liv. Steck. MONTREAL, Feb. IL -At the sioatreal Mock Yards. Wet Fbad Market. the re- ceipts of live stock for the week ending Tib. 4, were. 130 cattle, !p sheep end Iambs 1/116 hop and 336 calve. The of- ferings on the market this morning amounted to 750 cattle. 300 ah.et, and l.rnba, 1600 hots and 10e (awe. The stro.ger feeling which developed in the market for cattle a week ago has been full' maintained owing to the con - Untied small supMlea corning forward and the higher prices demanded for them a1 country points nn account of Improved condition and q..allty of the same. There was a large gathering of beyera• wotwnhetanding the old weather, and as they an mooted to be short of beer the d.asasd was good and a falrty active trade was done. A few extra choke stews sold as high as seven manta per Mound. but the bulk of the trading was dos. In choice stork at slur good at Pic to ,K, fairly good at 5%e to W. fair at 5c to 6%c. and the lower grade. at ,tic to le per pound. There were a few extra Wholes heavy bulls offered, which drought Ile high ea 6c, else said thew sold at lic to i%c per lb . Then was * stronger undertone 'M market for hog* and pries.* a,.,rM an advance Of 10c per cwt Rupphew were, fairly large tot the dermad wasa keen from porkers. and en active trade was dame Helen of select.4 tots being made u aT n to !til per cwt., weighed off *Di cam. (rooms to the limited supplied d Iambs ,,owing forward a stronger f.sIag developedIn the marine and price. .A- �anc.d %( per Ib. Tho demand MO ped and cid the offerings met with • reale sale at Olio to Oce mar 1a. Ts. ass let ear sheep was steady at I%c to the tsar poen& Chimes Live Sleek CHICAGO, 40,M. t- Oetsla no miew 11,- 01: stsrtet. wheat: ka•eea, Mai t0 RR: 1tiza. staters, M to Ks: maw% MeO% • to Ree; sleeken ash eseesr, • Ra: rem see bereft. 10* to t.S: ah•sa Rat •c R rare;Wee P.0 to lea •.emsa.a to 80.71 Si N .s to US age in le se • goad re Atka MOB VA r. PM g1g. te s. nus ha elemaim SIMM to m thew Kasen. LIM M� KR: mum t1l•1.• M s wamlrrrq tr es re te Rai 6amaat mem le we.., ea. to We oma Iw ` W fV tie" araO. sP iehae eft $,�W Is it ...... prowolam ' kY ;.fd the tree nater twee rtnt�Jl.Ot. sr .1�ji�e Maememo vat mane were '.e „g a4 asatm�fes.fier;9� .> erste I , lligrallia tr al= r. J c 4 i�Lie Hart'•-e4.ell. Mit •k,. .- ohm, The first pound you use win win our lasting favor ry a 50c. Bottle FREB From Your Druggist Psychine, the great V' Yale knew what it would tars to as were Psychine a prepatal:km wttbowt • drinite, beneficial action After the first bottle wbich ear wooed boy, no more would be purchased Andwe would go out of busloees. But we're 1101 going out of bestows and our confidence that we're not L based upon our third of a century's azperience with Psyobine- Ten years after Confederation we commenced compounding Psych}ne. Since that time, we have sold many millions of bottles. We have cured many hundreds of thousands of virulent and oftentimes fatal crines of diseases. We have In our files many handreds of thousands of unsolicited testi- monials. And we have grown from a email beginning to be one of the largest pro Vrietary manufacturers in this conn - try. Here then is proof that we have in IPsychdne a preparation with abundant and demonstrated effectiveness, more so than any other preparation we, or any- one else, ever beard of. Here then is the reason of oar unal- terable confidence in Pair/tine, that it is in fact the greatest preparation of Its kind in the world Here then 1s why we have laa(rso- rated a policy of actually buying hun- dreds of thousands of bottles of Psy- chine to give to those who should one. To those who are blindly groping 1n the dark for relief from their missy. who may p..bees be natng Gong methods tipeecomr-:Mosel amts their strength MI& IMO Wi•4•li i These white corpuscles eat any germ of 41ees.e that gains an entrance to the body, when they're in large e000gh cambers and sufficiently strong. When they're not *024(-iently strung, the disease g'er'ms detour them and d i souse bolds the body k w ,r For centuries almost, herbs, nature's own remedies, have been the most ef- ficient foe to disease. We haws Dot known very definitely Just how. 'Hat now selene tells as that certain of these herbs Increase the number of tbe white corpuscles and their strength. 'Mese certain herbs are incorporated We W to the ends of the earth for these herbs -to Arabia, to South Amer- ica. to (b and to Japan. They are compounded in the most costly chemical appliances In thiacoun- try. And the resit is Psychine---for a third of a century the most effective vfallty-ballder the world has known. The one preparation that has eared ray thonaaads of the following d1s- eass: leerier* Br.eala& combs awes Widthwise weaak �e1w aseallbeem enema' -_ wafts. wes Deans Pmenle We ms G,1rtlarbN A l seisebelesi Galltialle s[Ataremra' ti 2=1 1411:481110104 .1- �•...d.. I �att>� 111111111111 O _1.11 - The Great Reductj0 Sale 1 g. promises to he about the biggest affair in our history : Anttin order to make it a<, wP have decided to let nothing stand in our way. IT WILL CONTINUE UNTIL SATURDAY, FES. fats. [f you are needing anything in our 1 Now we don't ask you to illee word for the tremendously effect of, Piyobine. Fill out the come Won below, mail it to us and wetl'il Mast your druggist an order (for which we pay him the regular retail price) for a 50 -cent bottle of Psycbtne to be given you free of cost. We will undoubtedly buy and distri- bute in ties manner hundreds of thou- sands of these 50 -cent bottles of Psy- chine. And we do that to show our entire confidence In this wonderful prepara- tion. A confidence that has been based on our 30 years' experience wit! this' splendid preparation, with a full know- ledge of the hundreds of thousand; of cures 1t has made, COUPON No. 40 To the Dr. T. A. SLOCUM, cid. 191-195 Sp.dina Ave.,trToronto sesept your oder to oft a tpfwiowiced & Ell-Mc.keen) bottle 81 d a c. at your expense. 1 have not had • bottie of 1'1701 -Inc under this pkin. Kindly advise my druggist W deliver Ws bottle to me MyName Town .57 Stie.t and Number hay Dragghab flame. Street and Number Thiscovpos is not good for agar. bottle of Pfgabla.If p,.sen0.d to the druggist -it mot M ..at as -wit will thea hq this aa.. 8.tw of Peebles frees year draggit Cad direst h to deliver it to =re whims i.5. . withdrawn mem' The big; sale l to eoene-and come ft,•.t to come will get the beet choie. Yon can winter linea at practically your own prs early as ic�iand if yoii want a genuine bargain in Footwear, get here quick. Below is a partial list of4 what we have to offer STILL CONTINUES MISSES' VICI BAi,S 48 pairs misses' Vici Bals, sizes 11 to 2, regular $I.25 for YOUTHS' BALS 24 pairs youths' Bals, sizes I1 to 13, regular $1.25 for.... $ 75 MEN'S LEATHER LINES Men's Regal Bluchers, regular $5.00 for Men's calf Bluchers, regular $4.00 for Men's calf Bluchers, regular $3.50 for.... Men's calf Bluchers, regular $3. oo for 75 $3.45 2.89 2.60 .2.25 LADIES' LINES Ladies' Vici Bals and Bluchers, regular $4,00 for Ladies' Vici $Iuchers, regular $3.5o for Ladies' Vici Bluchers, regular $3.0o for Ladies' Vici Bluchers, regular $2.50 for Ladies' Vici Bluchers, regular $2.00 for $2.95 2.60 2.20 1.95 WINTER LINES Men's one -buckle Overshoes for Men's low Overshoes for.... Men's four -buckle Overshoes for Ladies' button Overshoes Ladies' low Overshoes BOYS' BOOTS 21) pairs boys' Box l.alf and Vic, Bala. regular $1.30 for 24 pairs hoes' Buff Bats, regular 4 t. 4 S for Sixes J. 4, and i. orbs Be Hent and tone early and pet Me best :hood 'Wo GOODS C„AROED AT SAI -f PRICES 111: t5 1.40 $1.35 1.15 2.50 1.60 gp WM. SiIARMAN, Ooderich Ont. 11110 ..-- - Maw 11111111110 4111011m. 61 READ THESE WHYS Mere are naso•e why eatob seeders need two BECAUBB w. know what is required 01 a watch -know what the buyer nods•--kn0al, that there is on use in our ceiling • watch that won't make good. BECAUSE ellen our M,O° watches are guaranteed. BECAUSE every dollar above that amount that anybody playa gets him just that cinch re watch value. BECAUSE we handle all the widely known makes and do not touch anything that le uncertain BECAUSE if there /seemly other watch points that are worth while we have them. 5. S. `Da?:ey Watchmaker and Jeweller South Bide of Square, (ioderich Select Groceries Here are a few of the many lines in which we can give you excellent value : SALMON CHEESE MARMALADE STARCH SUGAR ORANGES LEMONS RAISINS CURRANTS SPICES NUTS Etc., Etc. Phimbing W. R. Pinder 'Phone 106. HEATING ELECTRIC WIRING ROOFING METAL WORK Etc.. Etc Estimate cbserfuly furnished. 10 Cutters to Be Sola at Cost Must be cleared out regardl e ss ,1f p r i c e. l all and see them at the Massey H a r r e s Shop o n Hamilton Street...... Robert Wilson c