The Signal, 1911-2-9, Page 4ti kat bus pito oak gs* 1 V tba Nov nth end iniig eta elf t eau duel Koch to Hing Th set vi told tit I'tatewe. 1 abet, an b, lel l'N E SJ(liNAL. GODI itICH District News. BENMILLER. W RDNIWDA Y. Feb. ''81h. WsDUI no. •Oo Tuesday of this week. February 7th, the warsiage of Miss Agnes May Forden to Riddar4 E. iklllib, of Hrenllon, Man., took place at the hoer et the bride's parents On the Maitland line. The ceremony Watt performed by Rev. Wm. Baugh. of Benmiller. In shout two weeks the happy pair will start for their horue in the West, followed by the best wisher et • host of friends. COLBORNE. Mose\v. Feb. I1tb. NOTW.-N. fines u pent the weekend la London and vicinity . Miss Ella Blake le visiting with her sister. Mee. 0. R. Forster I;unke Ashton and family are renewing old acquaintances to this vicinity fora few weeks .. We are pleased to hear that Mir Rdith Durst. who has been critically ill for a few days, is ort the mend attain Misr Jessie Blake I pent Sunday at her home In Goderich Henry Schwan:, who bar been indis- posed tor some time. is able to he around again The ice harvest is in full swing. several farmers having got in a supply for the summer Oolb.trne municipal telephone pros- pects are looking exceedingly bright bstely. Bet warn thirty and forty men have signified their intention of hav- ing 'phones installed as soon a. the ■eoes.ary line can be erected ....A aleigbload of young people from Ben - miller .pent a very enjoyable even- ing nn the ice at Forster's bridge last week. PORTER'S HILL. TUEe».\Y. Feb. 7th. No -floe -Mies Fisher. of Learning - ton. is visiting at Edward Jordan's..... Mfrs Minnie Lobb. of the Maitland eoncession, is spending is few days in this n.iihborbood Mims Spack- men. of Stanley. *pent a few days at John Torrance s recently. • Systemise PARTY. -On Friday even- ing teat about flfty of the members of Bethel congregation assembled at the Dome of John Woods and presented his daughter, Mir Jennie, with a gold watch and fob. Thr following address was read by Miss Maggie Cox, and presented by Miss Cressie Elliott : Muw.1veNI.: Wouua: -We. the members of the oongreganoe ref Hetisi Methodist church. desire to express to you our sincere apprecia- tion of your willing and eAcleut service. as sesenft. During the Umeou hare led as In the musical part of our church ',retora, we have found you kind and obliging. willing at all Owes to render your anostoses regardless of any Inconvenience or .acrlaoe It may have involved on your I•" rt. We sok you to secant this watch. not for its Intrinsic value. bat as a slight token of our appear-W.loo and we earnestly hope that you will long be able to ou•Unre the good work among us. Yours In Christian fellowship, (Silted on be- kaltof Bet helchurch r T. R. Wat.LIS. THOM. BBL'. • 0. W.Porrza. A pleasant evening v. -as then spent with music and game., and about 11 o'clock lunch was served. All re- turned to their homes fueling that they had spent a pleasant evening. DtifiGANNON. DR. NEWTON, DENTIST. OF Luoknow. has coaled vbdting outside points and will henceforth slue ids entire attention to the home Mhos, Lunknow. where lie wW be found every day. All modern rneth- NOTIIaCnKga-THE LOCAL AGENCY e Book and Uaimm ioos alittSit teorreolb, whore a orders will be rene!ved for subsorlptloo ad- reeUetrsr and Job work, urd reoelpts w be given for amounts paid for tee mass. TUESDAY. Feb. 7th. A PnortartoK.- W. 0. McCulloch, teller in the Sterling Bank here, left Friday for Port Stanley, to take a shatter position in the branch tbere. The latter position has been vacated by Cecil Treleaven. formerly of Dun- gannon, who has been promoted to the position of manager at another branch. RS11r13.--Mfss A:is Sproul, of Gode- rich. is visiting et her homy here for a few days Miss Ella Ryan has re- turned to Wingbani to resume her studies... Jamey Gay. of Toronto, visited at J. Whyatd's last Sunday.... Mir Cora Roberts left Saturday to spend a few days with her brother Tack, et Fort Erie invpector Tom, of Goderich, visited the Min- ganno0 public school Tuesday of this week.... .311x. W. McClure and fam- ily visited friends et Mateking this week Semen. Rgl'owr.--The following ie es report of the standing of pupils in 1'. 8. S. No. 17. Ashfield and Wawa- nodh, during tbe month of .January. the names occuri•IRg in order of merit : Sr, iV.-Fern Wallington, Norman Kirke, Oliver Kirke. Jr. IV. -Harold Rivers. .Sr. i11. - Gladys River., Marie Sproule. Sr. I1, --Hazel Wal- lington. John Sproule. Jr. 11. -Stan- ley Riven, Howard Sproule. Pt. iI. -Winnifred Wallington. 8r. PL 1.- F.dna Riven. Jr. Pt. L -Rob. Htoth- ere. E. S. MTLLKR, Teacher. DKATH OP MRs. Aeoterrtett.--The death of Mrs'. H. Angustinr occurred on Friday morning Ina as the result of a parsaytic stroke received a week previous. Mn. Augustine was sev- enty-five years of age. With her hue haod she lived on a farm two miles wart of Dungannon for over thirty years); then for some years they lived in Goderich, moving to this village about two yetis ago. Mrs. Aug- ustiee's maiden tonne wee Marsh Ann Mowningster and ber birthplace was In the conn of %Yellend. She was marrie d forty-eight years ago to her now bereft pwrtcer, who survives with • family of two sons and three deughtsrs : O. E. Augustine. of Dun• pennon : Laverne. ..f Regina : Mrs. Walker. of Port Arthur : Mn. A. B. Pentland. of Dungannon. and Miss Clara. tescher of H. A. No. 1. Col- borne The funeral took piece on Tuesday sf'ernoon to Dungannon eamrtwn Th. services were eon - ducted 1,. Rev. 1.. Bartlett and the pallbearer. were B. J. Crawford. R. MeKensse' T. ui-nio, T Mother. �cui d J. Mclean. Mn. Einem Moe, .ngstwwtter and son, of %Vain- rleet Centre WVellend. were here for he ?yeses ee ales. was R. Morning - eta' • Mentees N bander -h. Mrs. A osuetnn• si.t s sot vive.I by two hmtbe• • and - ewe, a• Sew York Atnte • hrot.bet and • •,et•.. in Wel and enures artothe raw •tber in Mex and a •late -r wade gpywty rho hsrwvad rela..-ves haver lie eye nathy Of the -ores wnit.• .n 1.1seit Inas• • TussDAY. Feb. 7th. Lorne King had the misfortune to give his leg .t *light gash with the axe on Tneeday which, while not serious, is still quite painful. AN OLI, Itlr4IDKYT GoNS.-George McDonald, who has been • resident of this ueighbenhood for about sixty , year., died on Sunday last. at the este of eighty-lwu years. He had been in falling health for the past year or two, but much worse since the new year. and his death was not unexpected. The funeral took place from his 1e»i- denee to the Hayfield cenletoay on Tuesday. ST. HELENS. TU1cawAY, Feb. 7th. CONINti .1ND Golno.-Mivs Uavenr, of Wawc,ta, Sask., is visiting her friends the Misses Taylor . 'Miss Morrison, of Whitechut•cb, is .pend- ing a few weeks at S. Phillip..... . Mr. and Mrs. R. 1)urnio visited et %V. 1. Miller's o0 Friday ..Misr Moore- head, of Milton, will visit a few ti ries with her aunt, Mn. T. Todd Mr. and Misr Rothwell. 01 Varna, have re tared house after spending a few day at Mrs. R. Wo..dti ... . The Eng ioh church congregation intend fleeing et box social in the hall, St. Helens. on the evening of Frht•uary loth.... _.Peery \Vhitfleld left for his home in Atwood no Thursday Mrs. Robinson Woods and children have gone to Varna to visit ..Miss Rozy Hetherington, •of Wingham Rustne.. College, was home over Sun- day .Mr. Conktahle, organizer for the Canadi-n Orcler of Forster., is spending a week in St. Helens work- ing up new members W. S. Mc- Crostir left today for Toronto to attend the meeting of the Fall Fairs Association. HAYFIELD. GODERICH TOWNSHIP. W EDN ES DAY, Feb. 8th. ANNUAL MEETING. --At the annual meeting of the Holmesville Cheese tit Butter Company tbe re'ignation .d the efficient secretary, N. W. Trewar- the, was accepted and J. Lowery was chosen to fill the position. The direc- tors are George Holland. W. H. Lobb, J. W. Yeti, G. W. Acheson and (leo. P. Gould. T. R. Jenkins was re-elected auditor. HiPLs As.00IATION.-The annual meeting of the Goderich Township Rifle Association way held last even- ing. February 7th. After the busi- nese for the part year had been wound up the Captain resigned his position, and W. Haacke being appointed chairman the eleeti.,n lof officers took place. The result was as follows : H. L. Montgomery, captain ; T. H. Rundle, secretary ; 0. Ginn, lieuten- ant; 1. Salkeld, treasurer. After the election of officers W. Hataeke vacated the chair and the new raptain was in- stalled in office and gave a very able address in the interest of the Associa- tion. A shoot will be held over f3alkeld's range on Thursday, February 18tb, the competition being for the cups at present held by H. Newcombe and T. R. Rundle. All members wish- ing to compete must he ptrsent, as no second Trial will be allowed. All fees must be paid hefore being allowed to shoot. Fees are 5Uc. for old members, for 1911; new rnembels S1. AUBURN. TrtssDAY, Feb. 7th. KNOx Clrt xt H ANNIvERaARY.-The annlverwry services of Knox church will he observed on Sondes, February 19th, when Rev. W. Pearcy. B. A.. of Londesboro', will preach. On Monday evening, the 3kb, the annual church supper will be held, with a great array of talent for the entertainment to fol- low. Look for further notice next week. News No -res. -Alexander McShan- nocb, of Manitoba, has sold his farm on the 3rd ronc.ssion of East Wawe- nosh to Matthew Lockhart, of the same townsbip John [Add, who has been on the siok list for a long time. is gradually getting worse, ,and very slight hopes are entertained of his recovery O. A. Howson shipped a carload of rollers pest week from the station here The river bas been a busy scene this week. A Targe number are procuring their sum- mer supply of ice.. a ...I;eorge Yung- hlut shipped a carload of cattle lest Saturday, and a carload of hogs on Wednesdav Andrew Millian, of Colborne, has 'old his home In the village to William Asquith. who in- tends moving iu shortly. and taking up his'•esiden=e in the village for the future. He has rented his farm to George Henderson George Yung - blot has sold his house here to his brother Alvin John Medd, of Dungannon. shipped a carload of horses from here to Toronto last Sat- urday Mir anoie Anderson, a former resident of the village, is vieit- Ing friends in this locality at present. Miss Blair. of Guderich town- ship. is visit ing friends in the village this week. WEIINEBDAY, Feb. 9th. 111 PUBS N( -School Was closed on Monday on ocoount of the storm..... The Epworth League pui-pose holding a "Valentine" social next Tuesday night. As the members have an es- tablished reputation for being good en- tertainer', a good time is expected. Auburn now hes a good harper, Mr. Shortt. of Clinton, having opened up n shop over H. E. K nox's harness shop The Sunday school conven tion is being held here today. There are two sessions -afternoon and even- ing.. . The regular monthly meeting of the W. M. 8. will be held hi Knox church Thursday afternoon. Pio snt1A I. MOUT Io'. -Mis. Mary Robinson left on Wednesday for an extended visit with friends in Detroit _Charlie Robinson, of %Velton, visited under the parental r. of from eletu'day till Tnesosy Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson went to visit friends In Wine/ham nn Saturday. They in- tended to return on Monday. but were delayed on ,irctiuht of the storm Mie. Annie Nixon. of i ono))-hrook visited et A. A. Neyl.•r'+ on Tussday and Wednesday Mrs, t .rasiliog, who has been visiting triettlihwe torr Rome time. returned to beellimme near Stretford nn eatundey Mb. wa. s.;c..mpannc.l he he• ,ate. Mr. 1.• -led•.. ,r t, vh. , ., M• dsughte. Mn tin.., so., .t her friend. (Itrsdnevt aIf disquiet, •wens (MMrtekr w tralliises wan K I PPEN. - Motives, Feb. Oth. Ygxw)NAL.--Messrs. Albert Allot', of Belfast, and Roy, of Lange. sc/ww- pauied by Lbe latt.r's cousin. Mies Ella Thomson, pf Has kesville, were visit- ing their many friends bore during the week .. Richard Johnston, of Mateking, visited his brother lest, week.... Alden Whiteman, of De- troit. is enjoying a well -rained holi- day with bis parents in this village. He is engaged in • prosperous business in building and real estatr. - BLYTH. CENsre Ooiu IKSIONER.-We under- stand that E. Livingstone bas received the appointment of eeneus commis- sioner for the riding of Emit Huron for the taking of the census in June of thin year. Elam ie to be o•ongratulated un securing this appointment. especi- ally when tt is connide.ed it is about the first appointment that Hlyth ha.. received from the Liberal Goyern- uleat. LOTHIAN. Ter -spay, Feb. 7th. Biu Hoe.t REPORT. --The following is the report of S. r. No. 7. Ashfield, for the month of January. Names occur in order ,'1merit: V. -John McKeitb, lirens Campbell. Sr. IV. -Kenneth Henderson. Donelde Hogan. Jr. IV. -Kelso McNay. Sr. ii1 -Clarence Henderson, Olive McKeitb. Jr. III. - Evelyn Wellington. Jennie Johnston, Earl Su son, Graham McNay, Elsie Barge, May Stein. Eva Hogan. Sr. 11.-Roh Reim. Middle 11. -Laura Stein. Jr. I1. -Alex. McNay, Wel- lington Henderson. Pt. 11. -Beatrice Mein, Thomas Helm, Henry Gilmore, John (Gilmore. Pt.I.-Basil Hogan, Lenris Barge. J. E. JOHN.rroM. Tea her. . HOCKEY NOTES. The Listowel hockey team won the chats 1 n,nsbip of this district by de- feat, St. Marys at Stratford on Mont..). evening. The score was 5-3 in favor of Listowel. The game Wednesday evening be- tween the "Jubilees' and the G. O. 1. resulted in a win for the Collegiate team by thescore o19-1. The students had the hest of the game all for way through. The forwards on the oppo- site side worked hand but failed to score. W. Chapman was referee. G. C. I. 7. Hurons 5. The third game in the town league series of hockey games way played in the Wet street rink Friday evening. The combatants %were the Colleg- iate Institute team and the Huron seven. It was the fastest game seen here 'hie season and was the students' game from point cf play at almost every atage of the game. For the Col- legiate O. Deem at cover -point and T. R. Elliott as rover did Soule effective checking and made a number of rushes that resulted in tallies. Hawkins played well on the right wing and few of the Hurons managed to pass Macpherson on the left. For the Hurons patio ie "Scotcbir" Mc Donald was the star and did some brilliant work es rover. The other members of the team played wen but were appar- ently not in as good coodltion to play such • strenuous game as the students put up. The final score wee 7-6 in favor of the Collegiate. The following is the line-up of the respective teams : G. C. I. -Goal, O. Webb: point. E. Dean ; cover point, O. Dean ; rover. T. R. Elliott; centre, H. E. Elliott: right wing, E. Hawkins ; left wing, C. K. Macpherson. Hurons -Goal. McLaughlin : point, J. Craig ; cover point, D. McDonald ; rover. K. McDonald ; centre. Marson ; right wing, Ed. Robinson ; left wing; J. McKinuoo. W. Schaeffer was the referee. The Hurons play the Y. M. L. A. tomor- row evening. Canoe Club 6, Y. 14. C. A. 5. The most strenuous game of the series, as yet, was the battle on Mon- day evening between the Meueeetung Canoe Club and the Y. M. O. A. teams. Up to the last minute of play the re- sult was in doubt and the cisme of hockey played at all stages of the game was of the very test. Few pen- alties were handed out by Gordon Mc- Donald, the referee, and his decisions in every instance were satisfactory to player and spectator alike. At half- time the score was 8-1 in -favor of the Canoe Club, but within a short time the Y's tied with two tallies. Two more successful rushes were made by the M. C. C.'s which placed the score. 5.3 in their fever. Nothing daunted, the other side again tied the score and although both teams worked hard to change it time was called with the score still a tie. It was at once :ar- ranged to play ten minutes longer - five minutes each way -but even this Will Build You Up and Make You Strong Old people, tired, weak, run down people, delicate children, frail mothers, and those recovering from severe illness, this is a fact. Thousands of genuine tes- timonials from reliable peo- ple prove this claim, and to further support the fact and prove our faith• in what we say. we unhesitatingly de- clare that anv one who will try a bottle 01 ViNOL will have their money returned without Tieittotl if they are- ., rs•, 'tat •haj titat it diel them its H 1 1 •enito, UO N111.10gpl . t►NTAR11 mitations d Dodd's Kidney Pills ars legion. The boa 1s imitated, the outside coating and shape of lits pills are imitated and the name--Dodd's Kidney Pas is imitated. Imitations are dangerous. The original is safe. Dodd's Kidney Pets base a reputation. Imita- tors have none or they wouldn't imitate. So tbey trade on the reputation of Dodd's Kidney Pills. Do not be deceived. There is only one DODD'S. Dodd's is the oregiaaL Dodo's ie the name to be care- ful arsful about - KIDNEY PILLS extra gruelling was not suMeient for one side to obtain any advantage over the other. Two minutes each way was the rale which was thea acceded to, and in the last minute the puck found a resting place in the net behind Goalkeeper Jones of the Y. M: C. A. It was "hard luck," as the Ye to a man played a brilliant game. H. Polley in goal saved the game for the Canoe Club, stopping many shote which looked like certain ..core.. The Y. M. C. A. team mete the Hurons on Friday evening and on Monday evening the Canoe Club plays the Jubilee team. The following is the line-up of the trams which played ou Monday night : M. C. C. -Goal, H. Polley : pnint. Geo. Beacom: corer point, R. (:reigie ; rover, F. Dur;ke ; centre, L. Webb; left wing, F. Fritaley ; right wing, E. Colborne. Y. M. C. A. -coal. R. Jones; point, G. Smith ; cover point, C. McDonald; rover, 'V. E. Bales ; centre, W. Buch- anan ; left wing; J. Meteor ; right. wing, E. Wells. Don't have another cold this season. Kura -a -Hold will stop every cold in the beginning. Sold by E. H. Wigle. druggisL From a /3.'0. Reader. I do not care to miss one copy the old Signal." 1VEW SPRING DRY 000DJ We never hatiso many spring shipments so early before in Prints, Ginghams, Art Sateens, Vestings, Cotton Suitin,ri, Dress Goods; Fancy Waistings, Delaines, Black and Colored Silks., Embroider and Laces. I Dress (foods Ends In length. from 14 to 4 yards, in black, brown. blue, green, drag and plaids. You can get any of these for about halt -price and they ate all woo and good shades. Coats Nearly all gone, only fe now left, 3 black and 2 brown, $12.00 to $14.00. Any one in the lot, semi-flttierg and tip -to -date styles... $8.00 Laces Valenciennes, Maltese, guipure: and Orieo- tale. 500 yards Nottingham velerciennes, 1 to 1 inch wide, at 3 cents a yard : ; to 11 inches. at 4 and 5 cents. Finest va4anciennes from 3 to 15 cents and hundreds of yards to cboose from. lu- sertions to watch. Multesn and torcbon hooding inseonfto In .\ lot of valeociennesrtisrom endsYi, '3, 944i, 3, 3i.ches 4 andwide. 5 sorbs to an end. at 3 'cents per yard. Another lot at 1 cent per yard. Hosiery We taught a mill's cleanup of wool Hose in both Heats and second. at prices that allow us to give you a stocking, all size, good value for :hoc to I.k, tor '.ic to 80o a 4 Oinghams a 13e,4 cloth mad best patterns at Ghia pricer. we ever offered. Scotch makes, fast oolori and full widths. Pricer 10c, 124c, 13e and.... 25o Prints Seventy-five pieces new Prints here •heady, ' 32 inches wide and every piece fact butes and indigo dye. .... . ... Loc anti 124. Vestings A lot of new V;estings just in awl Dever bad better values, 121c, 16c, 18c. arc, 211to Embroideries 2,00) yards in this new Iqt, din•ct from the waken this month, in Edgings nud insertions. S to 26 cents w yard. .% dozen 441 -yard pines an inch wiele, bath in insertions and edgings, on good ADO lawn Ilio Corset waist widths on plain and -heck lawns, 17 to 18 inches wide, good vain. ,at 30c to 33e, for .......... 416o 4 pieces winch wide Fiumicino. emreroid ery part 7 inches wide on fine lawn, it Meal *nap -tour price is only .... 2So A few pieces full skirt widths, the best to M• found anywhere at the prices asked. with (f- inch hemstitched insertion t.. match. CORSETS. -D. et A. Corsets is the nuke we sel and there are none equal to them at the primes. Every petit. is guaranteed. Colors white and drab. ID white we carry the longest Corset made, all with hose supporters. PATTERNS. -We have a full stock ready for the couniog wants. No pattern STAN DAR!). 1 - - really'".u.;;ood els J. H. OOLBORNE 1/4 i Golf Had the Call. Two Srotchmen met and exchanged the small talk appropriate to t be hour. As tiey were parting to go supper - ward, Sandy said to Jock : "Jock. mon, I'll go ye a roond on the Hoke in the moria'" '•Phe wormer Jock repeated doubtfully. "Aye. e. mon, the mnrru'." said Sandy. "I'll go ye a roond en the links the morro'.', -Aye, west," said Sandy. "111 go ye. „f dpt I had intended to get marriet in tie morin'." Annual Special Fence Sale We have perchae.d about two cats of the famous ideal Fencing. 1t is made of the best hard carbon steel wire. No. 9. perfectly galvanized. We have handled this fencing for years. Although the fence menutacturers have advanced their pricer ten per rent., we are in a position to announce prices that are very interesting to those requiring fencing. We can do this hecause we bought early, for spot cash and in Targe quantities. Another oonsicieration-you can take your fencing home on the sleigh, end when time is not so valuable as it is in summer, and you ate saving money by buying now at these prices : 5 -wire, 38 inches high, per rod, 23 c 6 -wire, 39 inches high, per rod, 25c 7 -wire, 40 inches high, per rod, 271c 7 -wire, 48 inches high, per rod, 29 c 8 -wire, 41 inches high, per rod, 311!,c 8 -wire, 47 inches high, per rod, 33c Last year Kowa who did not bear of this sale in time wanted sale prices efts.' time bad expired ; so tbis year we are bolding open long enough that all may be eatistled, atihj�eecct, of course, to our supply lasting --THEREFORE ORDER EARLY. Remember, all No. 11. hard steel galvanized wire. No better fencing made than Ideal. Theme prices are for spot . cash with order, or within the month. Fencing to he taken from station or storehouse at our option : nod we positively will not guarantee to head these prime open after Tuesday, February ?Ath. `tee us about. Coil Barb %Vire, also Gates. Nowell Hardware Co., Limited Cure Your Cold White tine with Wild Cherry and Laxative Quinine Tablets do the work. 11. , C. Ut;Ni_UP. The Druggist, LIIIIIMINN.M.1111111.1111.1111115, ..ouch sae 'L to 1(ue ' 1 rdrra FUR and COAT SALE Have you taken advantage of our special stock reducing sale? All winter wear marked down to ridiculously low juices. Bargains in Furs Bargains in ladies' Coats Bargains in Girls' Coats Bargains in Tailored Suits Bargains iu Separate Skirts Bargains in liuderskiits, etc. YOU ARE WELCOME TO LOOK JOHN STEAD Cloaks, Furs, China, Etc. Hamilton Street The Signal's Job Department has the best equipment of any office in Western Ontario outside the cities. A trial solicited. 'Pkoas 35 Our Motto: "A square deal to everyone .• Just a Reminder THAT WE ARE IN THE F F t Wigdow-S1iade arid F 3 Picture -framing 1Business F and have just received a new stock of these two '.anee. and F is are prepared to meet your requirements. �: E. 3 We have a large range of picture-nruulding. and you .I will find our p -ices VERY KEASONARLE Same .'xtra vales in ends that we wish to work up. IF * Onr values in Window Snader. are A t . we am can supply ill you with a Shade at ;Se. hut Mt ,SOC Shade .xn't be beat F Don't forret 1.' c -a11 on nn. when rrriniring tnrthin9 •n this F I line i Special prices on large quantities. F 1 F 1 e- Alin 1S I W.J. ,tilL/IR d4 CO.F 3 .er�t.� 1c►PolserralhA alb." ! t. •ser omen. MsrM• rn. ____ v1w1f�