The Signal, 1910-11-3, Page 21. . * TIllessoev. Novtuata 8, 1810 { tr •t sella 1' E S'y NAI.; GODERICH °• 1 OR. STRAND'S LETTER. unatrus ' lg pupils. 11'r tewrmlher j _ _— that"i well-known educationist used I'Some correspondence has beeogu.ktfto .ay that the best -grounded stu- on in Tile (Hobe over the Minn of dents who roue to him were those GODF-RICH. ONT ♦RIG. ,. 1'UBLIBHED EVERY TRUR D&YI ► RV' I ILE SIGNAL PRINTING t'0. Limited Telepbene Call O. !3, • Terms of Subetri.t.en 111.90 per annum in advance. big months, Ole ; three months. 23c. To United States .ubecribers, I1.t,) s lees Stuictly in edvauceu bu scriber%'tette tail to receive Trig SIGNAL. regularly by mall will confer a favor by ac ,nainting us of the tact et s . tarty a date e., 'Rasa • obango of addre++is desired. both the and the new addeewvhould be Kiss* Ahertisin$ Ratio : Legal and other similar adveru onions.* Wo ' pet line for fin' insertion and Se per line fur • each subsequent in -et -non. Measured by • ampareU scale. twelve linos to en inab. Business cards of six tine.' anti under, $3 .et sear. itAdvertisement t of Lost, Found. Str�ay�ed. Sit raUon.4 Vacant, Situation, Wanted, Horse,. for ale ot to Rent. Forms for 'Sale or to Rent, A•rtteles fur Sale. rte.. not exceedirut, ht - ----loses.Y3c ease insertion :11t for tr,it month. r each euit.equent month. Luger advertise, ;- pIout4,in proportion. .u.uounoetueut•. in ordinary readingtype Leo 'taws tier line. Na mirk* less than M. e. Any special notice. ttie obje.•' of which L. the pe. Nie benefit of any individual or e.e.rtci- - et ton. to be considered an advertisement cd f, he charmed erc-orditurly. - . Rate+ fur-disetay and • <sterner advertise /0 ext. will be given on :application: Address alt oom_munieetIou- 'u THE SIGN * L PRISON(' o it;•Lindtled Ut .eric\. Got EM ERICH. Tat:HSDAY. Nut'. 3, ilia THE CORONER'S- INQUEST. I be Tot onto Star Weekly in an rdi- tollnl altirle nmko& b. ewe C.tell 'etifi d,aubtlees suggested ley the Anderson inquest. It say -A great change creme to 1,.• taking t (/.ace in the -nature of :t coroner's in- quest in the Proven a tit Ontario, and • it becomes tirces.xt y t • consider . whethet the change is a desirably one. "obetitigiptatiijteritm nrefrinynest we. to .••t ahlish the t:e•t of deith and the 'w.inner• in which it had toren .i..ongjitalum t' tilt hum •nalutal cause" or row ehdener;' from viol encs; • dil the evidence, ns !nought out by; toe- ro:•iter; indicate the guilt of any rale lets •n with sunk - lent viral !lead to ju-ttfy his detention U-tlil teltulai• and oiJinaty legal pro - t eeding- •r iuktiie taken, Hi et Is -tore a meglsttate. lata Inter in a +otwfully toabtitttted t riluinal cow t. where alone a ways Ilse i mild be put in jeop- '' r e word the in. tie -t used tai con - belt 01 oath proceedings :.i wile lest conducted by•a ptiyrieiaui and while (be body tit deceased •aw•aitcd burial and was av'itilrb;r for exaulivatiova. • '•(1f late years we have seen the cor- onet 's nr•onet's inquest { T'.•tup into +iilrlething which lo.-.ka rely •h .like an an- aut' •iced prosecution of a suspect. It would' aerie that the modern in - ,quest aims t•, eel ae the who', nerd of the ('r�.wn. and brine god. home -clearly to the guilty. mita -giving the utachinery of Iles* ciminal .,dela only the secondary duty' of verift ing. and the formal duty of paa.ing-oarnce our a ci 1iuinai :alt eady tried, t •.nvictetl, .. and trussed fur execution. "1t a colones-* jury brings in a vet - dirt declar ing that derea-ed • met his death by foul phi at the blinds of mune tn•tsun'dee-name ounkuown. tee Crown ran ;mewed next din' against any susp.reel person. But the law requires that I$•rs(tn- to be w-atii 'd on at reit that aoytbin'g he may say will be used in t•videu.'e against him. The taw 4, a bid. •.weel ivat' of the '•,+sed, although the Liv► in flea te- est 1s pretty generally disr.•g:u deed. Iry ."- tending the pin •ew1 ,,gs lietore a' cut "tinct. in the evay this has �laeen drone of late yeare. t•t•etrain' s i ni.•. 'prosecti- • tine are ohtix.ted and'safeguard. es- t*11 shed on• 1wh:ilt' .it a eni'.mnr ore' 01 hp a -r th x mower!. In this ag pnhlic maniocs is a tieniendtixasedge A man agoin-t w how no ebe been laid. wli i is but tow fit witnesses, who is mit t rimmed. whi� i- not words.nut to u t:t• oma v the present scarcity of school teacher,. who read the newspapers. The She. Dr. Ilttaog contribute* to the discus. nitiis only one (Collar a year : for re- gion and declares - erophati^ally in mainder of this year free to new rule favor .1 the old model schools. A pot• wriest*. run of his letter in yestet'day's Glolwr eprrsrnt waives of L(pnduu• and of is as tallows : '•The Department mus plainly and atedly warned that the. Abolition n Model schools would result I11in a.t;t city o1 duly -qualified teachers., 1'21 in ke ting marry desirable young men and young women, espeoi.ally the for- mer. out of the teaching profession. That the Met result has followed is patent to all, wed I believe that the principals of collegiate iaetitutes and high editorial will bear me out in stay- ing that the second result is, becoming increariugly- manifest. "I have never rlaimed that Madel scbool training was ell that could he drilled or that was necessary. It was good: however. as far as it went. and I still believe that it was more direct- ly and generally_ helpful to the avrt•- ag student than that given iu the nor + al schools then or now. 'AL all event Targe l der the airs than ing in inclea.ing numbers under the charge of teachers with twrwiLa. but with no profeeeional_tlainiug what- rver. 1 conferee that i Stu u,tuewhat ,reptical ap to the great iuyprovethrut in the product of our Hooted schools. but, earn granting it to Ike all that is claimed for it. it is surely the height of selesh unreasonableness to urge that ib the vain hope of eventually filling all one- 4CbOo)IN with normal echo.' graduates a barge runner of them trust in the turanti)ne he satie- tied to 'emelt' closed. or to accept .ueh a petrels teacher as they can get," • it was einely better to have a usher of our rural, ecbools uu- arge of model school grade- o have them, as now, come a. • want rs..n' •-I by fit sed t 1114 lin against hint, bat n allows l . .11a.+eau.n*.- t t red at hint in a gruelling sir). tour. ..i five bouts —can be he' p betide the wotl.i int vert t lust t isepe.•' of melt.: - "fe out not a meat awl [he Ct ow n so-. .•pt` ,if glittr-elispe3l bn openly that t t whole country is coin. 'polled to allele he.arsapicinn - he taken • into It prep. •t Trema' soul teglllally tried. -instead of being *fried out'. in "the Nue-en.,• of as ramater "Cm umet 'm slut ueste'xt •• undergoing so greet a change that• this change _•r euis to call fur the autidanile_ uf.-tlte Attorney-l:enersl. so that the styrone *ion may not take undesirab direc- tions. A physician may Ise an adn►ir- sable elan to preside over an enquity as to the cause of a mat's death. hut he wet not le the best man to preside over proceedings where the life or rep• UtaftiOtl of a alspPCt 8N.at stake.". in the editorial columns of '!he I laity Star a more di1ert refetence to the Ce 'detach csee iaede, &stollowc : ' ';Ontario papers are eomtrenting adversely upon the tnethods used by 'the Crown at the recent inquest at (inderlch. TL.• Hamilton Hentld goes so far as to say that 'George Tate tilnrkstock appears to hate been born to "persecute untortunate witnesses at murder inquests who are reluctant to tell what they know.' "While witnesses who are not frank with their examiners, or who declare that all those wbo contradict their testimony are liars, are not entitled to mn,b sympathy, it may bs that there is a tendency to turn inquests into trials. it must not be forgotten that those who give evidence on such oc- easions are not prisoners but wit- n esses. Theyare unprotected by counsel, and tey cannot refuse. as a prisoner can, to R1 into the witnees box. There are, therefore, limits which the Crown cannot prnperly overstep in the conducting of. such en- quiries. Whether the suthoritfes have Rune beyond th.•,n in their con- duct of the (inderich cars is a question as to wbkh there will be difference,' of o/iMoo.' • SINGLE TAX AT VANCOUVER. Rev. Prot. ' Amlfet•won Scott, Celli- . bridge. has been apending the euUIuler in,tauada. He is writing in the Brit- ish Weekly his itipreseions of our Do- minion. What he: *aye *bout V'an- t'.,uver, the •,•City of the -Single Tax," may: have an application to unmirip+fji,- ities in Ontario and other peels 11 oif ono were to ask ienn.e of the I ad- ers of I.t•:11 politic. -what' were the fintbee catr.es of eta 4%encouver's) prosperity. they would et uoce lets* to the 'single tux.` and- the -principle of taxing- unearned Merriment on hand. Vancouver' tree been witting with them. partially for the hist fifteen year,. and new has adopted theta without reserve. All the municipal seivieve. and they are more uumrntus and better performed than in Many English towns: are aupporteid by the prttteetbi 'of, a tax. which is called 'single' because it is a tax.uu laid alone. not on the laud and bitild• Mee. Ana the land is te-assessed et ehoit intervals. No that thr y hoes; lied* time in draw- ing its share of the, enhanced value. which, :iecouling to the theory. is Iaryely due to the growth and en - retry •,t' the c• 'ty itself. tither town* have ali geed the system wholly or in r:n•t. Prince Rupert. the •1e. - tined terminus of the (llaud Trunk Pacific, bas adopted it foot) the begin- ning. Itut tootle' of the others 'ap- proaches Vancouver itt importance; i. more ei tiefied with its eucceas. Thr 1:ix is at the 'tate ot twenty-two mins, which works out at a4out six pence in the pound on the capital value et the Land. *Tile *ystettr iv eat- tractiiig iitlent• and inquiry fr economists and t.utvicipil ' govert til"nos all over the remittent. ('t1cisll reply' to eattt��tirir' ie •�'ationirrl• ex perinfknt,` deet, may no loniter I experiment *fall, Ft rapid upbiiit ' one. out owner, a other • municipalities in the dist, let effected waited upon the Minister o/ Public Worlys at Ottawa a few day logo and 'put it' -s plea for the improve- ment of tate harbor of Port Stanley. The Minieter promised sytttpateetie consiietutiotf of "the', request, and stated that his recent trip through the Great Laker hitt convinced him of the great possibilities of the dev•4opment of trade in ilii* part of the country. The deputation pointed to the neces- sity of a harbor of refuge on the north shore of l take Erie as well as to the possibilities of trade deveIopwegt. and wade out a good ease. The work of iulproviug existing, harbors and ..f de- veloping t natural trade routes- of- the f the countt'is' one -o which the (lov- ernutenttcao hardly 'give too much at- tention, and although large souls of money wuat be expended in carrying on this work• theupenditutri may Lw so made as to constitute a teal eeou- CI tt' it the hick. it- egariled as an N it•stilt<d in such of the city that no 11 the extensive 41ynd- any desire to return - to the EDITORIAL NOTES. uwy. ' • Goderich. is' retelling becautie the Niue: ri pow.et• Is not being e)otended t++ that town.' Another reason why Miteb1•11 should take ad:tentage of the boon while it is within our reach.— Mitchell:)rdt•ocate. We have ..uta objection to par con temporary's addttcacy- of Niagara tower tor Mitchell, but its statement in regard to Godes ich ii quite wide of the mark. Goderich has nothing' to hope ' for from Niagara power-- The c planet here is that while the 0u- tario Government is furnishing power to the district within leach of Nfagitra it is neglecting, twin some cgses actu- ally hindering, the devt•lopwent;of power in outer harts of the i'rovince.. The- Guvernwmt's own engineer•$ have. rep.•rted that power cad be de- ai lands f- ficieot to supply the towns in this trict :tt prices much lower than thus* At wtti�ll Niagara . Imam could he available In the flax of this report the (:over nment gives no encourage - went to the deeeluptnent of Maitla.cid River power. but aerially places ob= stades in the was' of ire development b}• a private company. That this• dog m the manger txdLy may have -seri - our results in. hampering the indus- trial growth ,of the towns of Huron county seems to give no concern to the liovetninett.. This •is why ltode- t-icb is "rebelling:' . • Dr, E. W. Merchant. chief inspector of public schools in Ontario: lies toren instructed by the Provincial Governs spent to wake iui tn'e)tigetion In the nnttet of thebilingual scht+ole•ef•-•the Province. _ _ A British a i.itor says th•tt the mem- bers of the Laurier ('abinet are all free traders with one, exceptio+r. Fruit -peckers know that pre bed iapple in a laarrcl is liable to spoil the whole lot. , Mr.r. tYoyd's undertaking busi- ness h� increased epi of late Chet he is negotiating for the purchase of an- other new hearse. --Mitchell Advocate. These stories we hear about Mitchell being a dead town must be pretty nearly right, then. ONrA Rio TIIERISWAN LETTER ED PUBLISII For Benefit of Women who Suffer from Female Ills Minneapolis, Minn. -"1 was'* great sufferer froan female troubles which caused a weakness and broken down co,lditiou 6C the system. 1 read 'so ulnt•hofwhat Lydia E. I'inkhanes Veg- etable Cotnpound had done for other suffering women I felt sure it would help ane. and I mast � say it did help me wonderful) My pains all left me. 1 grew stronger, and within three months' I ryas •r Ia+efectly well•tcotnan. "1 want this letter made public to show the lleflttlt women many derive froth Lydia E. .Piuklu►t t sl egrUble Compound?'— Mrs. JOHN ( Alut"uax, '2115 Second 8t., North, Minneapolis, Thousands of unsolicited and genu- ine testimonials like that above prove the elfneiency of. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, which is made ext•Itisively from roots and herbs. Women who stiffer from those dis- tressing ills peculiar to their sex should not lose sight..of these facts or doubt the ability of Lydia E. latnkl►am's Vegetable Compound to restore their I health., LONDON. ONTARIO 1 1f you want special advice write She will treat filo Mex. P[nkhour at Lynn. Maras. Business & SO Dd MULCTS �j�� eseeeeesetwedaiiisieweireeseetesowerwe" CLINTON BUSINESS COLLEGE is a link in t'*nud» s greaten chain of high-grade colleges* foubded during the post twenty-six yeare. This chain is the largest thirsts of " young people in Canada and it is freely admitted that its graduates get the Lest posi- tions, There is a reason write for it. A diploma from the Conunercial Educator+*' AseoClntiun of Canada It .a passport to burettes. ..• Vou may study partly ar Finale and thigh at , College. - Enter lane day, Fall Term Opens' Augus: - 29th CLINTON BUSINESS COLLEGE GEO aPOTTON. Prlrtcgpal. W. ACHESON c SON A List of Bargains FOR THIS WEEK. Hera is a jolly row of goods �.0 want, and at a price which will make buying very easy, for you can recognize such values. Costume Cloths or Wrapperettes 'N) pieces splendid patterns atio'1-suitable tot waists, wrap- per., dresses or 44Uilts. Next patterns, medium and dark colors a n d warranted Q fait. Reg. -1'24c, for yd. oC -Floor 011 Cloths yds. wide, ��C at per equate yard. • . Men's Cashmere Sox JJ dozen fancy stripe. seam - 1 lees and ,we'd weight. NIre'. 1t', lU, 111}, II. Reg. :Vice e)1 C poi?, for ...... . , . Cotton Blankets y0 pais, glej onl), full double -bed size 11-4. Mat airday' sate. reg. ti OQ e11.311 'per pair, for 11 -Dress Tweeds It is gratifyingto leant that the On- tario Agricultural College at Guelph is tilled with *tudeotsalmost toovetHow:- ing. dow=i ng. The firm indicates a Browing ere preciation of.the benefits of scient training in agrit•niture. es 'w ss a greater pride it rennin .. ' a calling in life than %vas the c.." perhaps* de- cade or two ago t is beginning to be widely r gnized,that, instead of the li , of uurelieced drudgery to w ' ' in years gone . by a fartuer seemed to be hound. agriculture calls today for exercise of brains. and. busi- ness ability and scientific training to such a degree its to place it aumoen the most attractive callings for ambitiotls and energetic -nen. So doubt there is 'still wine drudgery on the fl►t•m. but there are• very! few oe:,upntions in which there is not. more or less' of it. If we could look into the future, we should doubtless see many of the stu- dents now attending the College at Guelph occupying seat. in Perli,nn_ ent or filling other positions of trust and ahthortty. At -any rate, -when they Ieave•the College they will, with the advantages of their superior training and fuller knowledge. be able to raise the agricultural nailing to 'a still higher plane. by their own effort• and by the 1 nuance which they will exert Upon tethers. it -hardly takes a prophet to foresee the tune when the best people in Canada will be found on the farms -in .facega good many of tfent are there already. confidential. For •_O years she has been helping sick women in this way, tree of charge. Don't hesitate — write at ones. t*oderich (s - now Recognized as a place• of such importance . that per- haps itie only natural that .a city newspaper in referring. To Clinton should mention it Its "the first station east of (iodericb." To he strictly ac- curate. of course, the writer should het a said the second steitiolt east of Goderich. es fioluiesville is not to be overlooked. The London Free Press declares that the Liberals of Ontario are insin- cere in their et Meister' of the Whit - pry Government, because they did not put up a candidate in South Wel- lington. Hy the same reasoning the Uonservetives, who have no candidate 'In the Drummond-Arthahaska elec- tion, are insincere in their attacks on the I.anrier Governtaent. It. an address before the East Bruce Teachers' Association, Andrew Stev- en -on. H A., of London Normal School, declared that the modern newspaper was in many ways much more valuable then any text -book in CENTRAL f STRATF011D: •OMT.` Thi.‘ college -1s recoin, •?,I a. the' Kre it practical• training school of Wester I. ontarte. It is the large.? a-. well a- the best, p,.1 eonr-,e.. are prau:ic.al o u r teachers experienoed insttLieor.. our grad- uates urceed. Three department.-t'om-. mercial. Shorthand Tetegtaph)•. ova have -ewe. of application+ we raneot mret I'an- t lterit,a tits. $53 and Pi, per month ore rrin iutng u1 tlllnd. Get our freecatarogue .nod cotumenee your course "r ,acre.. A. M.1LAeut.tN, Resident. and Mail Courses Cwles,a« fir« j W. tp..pr,..k. 1- W. W....,-tt 1, Principal: `t•.•Pn..r.n.l • �m etas The New Catalogue of ti,r Central B n College' of Toronto • a,ns some 'sec u'• guarant - of very great interest dents who des. e. to attend 1,41 first-class-rNsule scNbol. You are opted to wrote for .t. Ad dress le W. Boast. Ptys.dent. 394 Yong. street. Tu^onto. :i ten- is J is Ho�+� Difficult. It Moat be awfully hoot for onto to feel sut•pri..ed tt he hinted.—Cbicng , New' 1 1 Semi -ready Tailoring stands the true test of worth and woi thiness— It has gained thousands of year - in -and -year -out c us t o m e r s— regular and always wearers of Semi -ready Clothes. 36 inches wide, MAI nn suiting., medium w • pat terns atl�t Ire Regular 111.•, a^ ye lxil 4, neat that gnsfity. were $I.UU, • et per 69 i Curtain Net C '40 lanes Point 1i ' Net, b(► inches wide. lace iu- -•'rtion end wide lace edge. Reg. fat, at yd. riff tali -h Wilton Rugs and Amin+ter Ruge; . Sizer. 31-3. 3 x ' i,.ni_( to els, on rale exttaordinary At f;14 to $29 T truenty'other lines omitted- here for want of space., ss, W. ACHESON & SON VOU CA iVT A VOID 1 T WHEN YOU CONSIDER QUALIT Y s, i,�-sot Fat �. 91t •�J.' r ,-6� $ �9� _ in your clothes, your thoughts AND FIT -----r.atgralltt turn t0 -- STYLE MART -IN BROS. Mt LEAN BR GOi)ERICII Amateur Photo SjpilE- %Ve tart y everything 1n Pho - ` Packs. Plotes, Developere, Ton Also a nice line of . ' Hallowe'en. There I. an old Itellen legend which say. that on the ear of the beloved festival of All $.int -'Hallowe'en) the metals of the demi re turn to earth for a little while and go by nn the wind; The feat of All esints to follow d trthe lst onl he ,sound oft he 111 b erere f the dad. f t heard throufor a ghout the Mee otltel) . • Hark! Bark to the wind! Ti. the night, they say, When all wool- Dome beck from the.. far away - Tee dead. forgotten thI4 many &day ' And t he deed remembered ay' long end well And the little ehildrea•whose spirits dwell In God's green garden of 'asphodel. • Hare you reaches the country of all content, .) -oris we know, since the day you went From this time -worn world where your year- were earwere swept i Wold you come hack to the sun and rein. The sweetness. the strife. the x we call pain. And then uoratel life -tangle „a.In 1 i lean to the der ash' was it a e14h (M the paint ln.-leaves that rustled by t lb only a sight. rd's seastnl eel t -• views sshsard, to Th. CssndYq tM i.1ee. to Atnetiean preacherlitreported to have broken up his church the other flea- by maying in • sermon that ,'•God nisde the earth in six days and then Hr rested ; then H. tnade man and rested again; then Ile teed, woman, and .ince that time neither Ood nor man has bad,* rest." Dont t,> To make the o/d Raise do A mlkroh;ft c-.k-stmi• is al - wave rxten+ivr. 1 ou ere.. IOW lteeiocr• it is out pn.{n•Hi (..,1I. You w•.ate • time trying 1., wake brines dell. You waste fu,•l ovine to twat yo tr oven -or +r:4 n hot lire- of k. -•p ,t tow nil day and night. You Ln. • an day you ty 1.. 11..:x:, uu.,ti.,f range. 'THE IMPER:AL • s • RD Let you . lif"•iinr, Pell . Able fie she here h•,ct .d ft. Her.• is akin rhtte^ i one perfect - day in in saw nor pttrP'e'. Th. 116.1.•1,1 cont nrw.rr.t-anw 418 e l ir.a rant•, atn.rlimenr d •L•-ur-1. Has uu, )'vac after yr:af N ill ,' ach.•1,1e airk,•I sinus ray d, clean. New drvice for rem -ming sabre. e FORD ELZ71MGW/IEP which ea sates 2I re of yotif fuel. No other device of the kind eve insente4 i. worth so much to you in cold Bash. Yott los+ money every day: you try' to get along without it. Come in and let us show you the Imperial Oxford with "Economizi•r" attachment. It .means.dollars and ccnti to you. Other Gurfley-OLford sto'ts and ranges for every pur- oosc and env kind of fuel. O t acquainted with the best '.nun n best liked stoves in all CaAada. It will be youz gain. C. J. HARPED? PLUMBING AND HEATING Aro Around Hk Cosner" ppltN—Fah iltn • aisd Fixing P eta, etc. AMERAB FAMOUS BUTCHER OAMERAA —the hest its-ehid. Once tried. algals used. Try or and be convinced. J. Butland, Druggist The Square, Goderich. 1 DISPENSI N0 Thr greatest care is token in dispensing at this store. The purest drugs are mord, and y.'u may hling Tour prescription here with the greatest confidence that it will receive proper attention. TOILET ARTICLES. ' We malty a specialty of these, and can supply you with the latest and hest goods. H. C. DUNLOP, The Druggist, South Side Square, — Goderich. 1