The Signal, 1910-7-28, Page 68 •I' a It -o\%. .!1.1 t 111111 A REMARKABLE • CAREER. 111 tell In t no w.ucl hY.•I••t. ruuld not ,,..o l I • • lust 1' totecioa- LIIIIY. 1,,i, .1 ••11',•11 et for him in Ways waw " . lvl•t-wl,Kutd 1.ktu i•,1.. whielratioused n9 ones Jet/louy, and taa41ae;;iteult„it'king- Ili )Ja1rtltitho. Yet �, {1 toe While theipiallty VT,-owm1." A PERS(►." ALI Tv' Tr AT- APPEALS w..••inure- Nobody doubts the'itirev• ity, of Li. 'Ielaetanrt• Lo a.-Ilu,e• 'Ales 1.p THE IMati:NA.T ON• Ifl,►k" • IN'^t• It Mr. Itlake'• health lull lu d'1.•:1°. tlu•1•e auulol Ii'.e heel m.. ,4.1'1 ,Ota rjlitng.•• lint 111 it wan Ill 1 Tenter aMet hu 'II 1•'t --un: f tut Will , dill:un tut h ;VI V nob'ie',fibll•akelown wa- Mey0.t1.1e 1•'4.1.11 as late a% 141..1• wllell this 1.111,•1':11 1'I lel\'1.1111.•1: 111..1 41 OtttWa, how tu•1uy wiseal'•re w saw what w•w collpiug•ir - ft is, two. 1t he toigacio0" after the event ".'IU'f of •4. are great pi ()libel..., whet. 'lir tut- h'tCe-'1 ran+pirrd,L Th.. plain 11,111, t. th.tt \tt. Lam 41.4. tip t . t+ a•.tn,p.alyrly hl tot (1111e the dell t'Irt of . iv I- tole reloaded. es in 1'„w 1.... 1,.1 in the atu:ttion. 1 -et -ut1' he 44.'- that' hit wan -the natural r•1Itit t 1^.,tIt t •r the eletueuts \'Ceat v of at various randl- (1.n- art aux oat.: •t•.ltrhdee.'t*I a cL•a1 1 •• lu it I. Irl 11:.,14 „1 PO1rme,r. -to .4 p C tlluntl ".t new deN1''40u11d.their the PIA: r '' r: of tn,• West the T''''or a" Apprer- '.N+on o' Rersoca' Qualities tl at Were Not at Fest Reeog,'•ied b..' A,•e Now Everywhere Adm,tted. ,i.:u:u'P,IV„t 4 44 1...tvulg out the '►Then ullo- gethet. 'lie tour of.Sie'IVIltiid l«turiIL' to :he \t.•1. -t I. Ito event in a rat ..er th.-t - .mite tamuarlsal.1' 't'ln cnitetty that neve" ketows'11, great teen ..e.,•, ;it Ott tiu`•s1Nsetarl1•. 1.t partizan ••Virion, ;thee. much. English 1" 'P11"'t .,s good ..sample to the Pini e' in 4.. lW4t 111 1* .ul mind • alar'.- and r.tholictty of snail. They per up ►,1Illen 11. -Utul1•s of'tkettrstt 1( T $.flu's., so that %b1.•►�,►t.,r,tr atiol• ole• know the National. historywluh•,il'.,.eat ani littrratrur. and h'1n.'t 'h • notional her.W.. line iliatuen' v'•''• unparltaliy oto thew. *''- costal't .1 let.rlal l4. .e'1 twill ru•<: one to .a It.... Ml,, ,* l.,lt House i,n1 to a (ilwJstone. 1'l1.4e (vane Ito 4t l neirii! W'est(IIin-tet H,1tt,-'tut' triter- tluuutul1nt ..1 the t!a'1 which pp ((d11i) non �t I/4,1.141114toOliey vet••lCruniwell -who ....mourn • plrli;utlr11ts. who swan iu-tt 1 abent hatlit1 nronarrh.. ll" ivied t1V. three hegS.01 'I til. Wilt1' 'talus lily'i ,tl ilia ,nd 1;1 het' k fol of •t 11':dl:P',., It '1'•n Iaigiish nuccep-In1 i 1 " - I11,I, , l Cr - dnnlin-.'' 111 -• 1 411.1 in 4 111111 }gri' o. „t,•1 t l figure is, ti, -i, hist 1, el tt Karl . .,• Fi (, i)rl:fray t\P11 'n¢ matter tuu.t 11Y '1P -t1.. Ht i1.lin►. and:entertaining. As for the 'torte,' the•pt•oblentatical. and the eretie. ehul' hitt.. none of thew. It's text Iapnt►tcotf'. Mnge/Me for .1ug'1`e.•t un excellent fexaultlle sit_ what, I 1twozattlesyliet, sl til IIP.- TJIY'" i, t e usual1 comple/e no481.',of enure.. •'Tlte Mystery •.f Mary." ly 11..4.1• I.ivine. sroo IILII. Lutz. *tither elf';\1at,`,l Mrhuy,1" 1 811.1 '•Phu•lie Deane. 'AIvstery .'I Marv" I` :1 •1(1101! • -,III if(tuui.+u= I'�"' nth' 1,•Vr'l'Iv r• theTiro-0 114'. 111111• it twee.•'NIA-'l' n.P IPII tit). 4uddrnly, al d she does sit, IldV :'s'. Listed by •i young 11411, whir. huwrter. i. not IN ken Intal her 1Y,Ilftdeiii'P 11e i. 'the 'reader until. the final patret -The Monster in the until., is a renu.rk- abte pater by Kate Nisi/tersnn. ' it has to to with the brutalizing etfeet. ,tuto- lunbiling is having upon Aoteriran women. 'rhe n*thor dtesn't mince to/Wet.. I» um0411Xibut 11.'V h rmhamino oretty i ntit frank ngreo• with (1ten1 or.not..vel wI1l.find the article interemting. Other mamma :and stet.110P :It "A 'WorldPanPt' Dollar." try %Villein Feeneh : -When the (tow tuning Over the. Moon.'' 1.i (1I1114"•1 Howard:• win'• b\ -.101m Kendrick Hangs: tanned 'ti ,1' ht' Edwin 1.. `shin : Literate►,•, ly , i"t)t•ll4 s13- '•Sh'Pnlessness;"• he David H. Dodge In addition to these are a nrtterer of capital,ehol•t stories. huu,ornnw pima- A Career of Surprises. ' iasis change (lout.'. we all know. in 14•x;: 1- teem, to-s.•sa hitt 'tins t,1.sr uln;olin' sit his count>wrn Welt: t'entrt'• • .t tie -t. t,4 recognize i the new I'Irnu1r 1.14711eamcresefill 111111. There 1- tet 1 little iluagiu.t- tion about th.• ,"',wd until their taticiai.11n1'.• kern crystallized for them in concrete t.um. the jubilee cell the ' tion ore- enfoirl1•'1 the audi''tl''1.i Carl/ditto pwopde,' amazededt and tde he 11010111 1". 1C -east thein. opinion opinion.a'iii• served . a under the impetus14 of i It hewuns %isnot*. '1'4 Ire it etau !URN'. t•areer is ;t guitar um•, full to wonderful sit* p1.it."' a model 11 ',meow... int t,iet and the "nighty West -18ge• 1111. v\., Glee*'.. litre t.. tentert:nn. i uMy "'P , 1•\N141111'., pua! 1' - 11. chief WARNING. t tble• o• 1.• ,sl •y tl• sic 111 When�n John MN addtre.1, w.t. pretty well net b - • • hit whets' 11+11111 yt.hitlien N1 l N l'- parer r11T1.: il-.iuU,Nlu;tion Into .('1111th don-, the ..ale. at I'trisi of ';jc 'kuc en fa*'II1ptltn.lareual. 'Phi..err'•++lits 114.11 t'i t'•1,' twiny imitation. -1.11VAt• 111 name. 1..11111iouT to 111.•111: they •ate not ht •telhn' • i21eat mon -*netted ( grnl:ine.. i.i'- that the girl with '1' .iounu1u.•i. ,e• 11114 Istel otat"t •at tut- auburn hair -i.s et4'•every package. unceilit.g ••;"1110111• was sir Oliver YOU VIII Hewes.. get the genuine at l?. Mow*' 'Phe w...'i p.•littrians will 'it wig' •- • • alw•.1' . d'gtlut 1. these herkeliding... 1, I'.rri•tan ti.tgr iiithe gnickost-acting They W x1111 11 .v1. Y.", hunt a Inas a ill most refit -tent hair tonin: iii 111.• toter•• when he ditf.l • ft you. ' 1 k rid. It ail ''''''''''• Su' Wilfrid I,•um4P••, like 11.1" iluMatta, fwtlmtt•Ilsir. twidn vast •n•n'r\ 'ihurt ,111 which b•' sri.11• itch are caused by germs. .Pari • rnr- ma�ii , ..t • '•f h.iinl•ttirai pt i.R.111'. e .. inn Sage kill. the -r dandruff g aP1"',:- , 11e' •im4111"""'''•4.141and ret►u141n all trace of dandruff in btoly 4t oar West i. mot1otuantic two weeks. .>.• money hack: it stop+ than the \\ a -t of the 1 tutrJ St atrX. flailing hair ant itching scalp and pre. 1t has 4.aill. Duo tip•. pu.••••.I,,I[ .•f a I vents ),*10n4"' . • bar,l-h" ide.l. Iounei •.'w4ing g••ner•l And rPuh u11s•t thtltbaldnrs is rale Linn +r+ •* �11tt/t; lath, d „out( hwent un P►l b? tiandt tiff Reruns. those little hard ll l tvor Ling 11e1•si-teni-,devitit that day w 1.1. is Pia& to controls to (ir. Sanger - Appeals to the 1ms/tnabo, honk's tot Patin) proven theory 114x1 ei$ and v'fr� Ayer's 1 -lair Vigor IQ 1PntS • Sulphur. Glycerin. Quinn.. Sodium Chloral. Capsicum. Sege. Akohal. Witter. Perfume. Anything injurious here? Anything of merit here? Will it stop falling hair? Will it destroy dandruff? Ask Ask Ask Ask your doctor. your doctor. your doctor. your doctor. nes r'oolor the 1-3 5':-E1_."�„n>1N rt7 GRANTED A DIVORCE. Mrs. Alice Stewart. Formerly of Code. rich,Wtns Case in Detroit Court. Ih•trult Nee-. 1.'1 cannot emphasiry too strongly the fart that the rhat•gP.l of impl'np e1. conduct against At r., Aber Stewart �*hstantinte•'i• Anti have have net hee been 1. •�nl4,11- in1'1r hl"14 rhis hes m uL. 1.1.e of Arthur vs. Alit.. Stewart. ,1 ,•,t.1. which 1 ..:,sight rot h one sensa- tion after :,*ulh' e' while l-•eing dried twit weeks -.go �y the husband merely to ife," said Judge Mandell in deciding the dirtnrP the?• r'• ring the lotlg Per oaf when was h1.11eu tr thetest of the aurid. The. 11411 11 t►i1404 ruam'''1 neer the plains The pathfinders di4coveted it rivers and fertile areas. ' The great fur -trading companies ruied it, like a orincipNlite. Knowledge of els rich• pees w,.: o.'m•enlyd with ulari:ellous l.ul'r•P--.- w' !tint 111e lull tl Pdrt` could reap 1114• annual har•test, without hin- dl+mCte • F.cen when it was' --.thrown open t ,'•i1llitatinn, 111 ooneWo11ld he Heir. Many a marl • "t trieut Ifi" tie- In(OrmatlOn to • Be Gather sear L. ilke l-dule Bind. nearly an sit- I Canada's Chief Ind ficial' 114P Mittel. many a YON :&gear lit- 0 taming honks The next retools of agric about I tab- to taken undo da ulouwly lito-t etre. ^bout s Ncl1n(P to eruruente the attt*et iol}s of this region. Gecugo .Br,iwn tot .•-:.w clearly that the Itinterianli If l'I,nada.was tilt• oat• ural h' for a enitere. Balt need Hoye and Macd gall, and other ('on- tederatioo 1*, hese, spoke eloquently of its pns.ilrilitie•.. All to little pur- pose then. By those 111ystPtiout,,laws which econeimist"and historian' find BO hard to unravel end explain. the West W.14 nut to seize 8n,/ hold the public mind until our awn day. Per- hap- it w.4X due l•; a land hunger in Kinky. and the United !+Maes. Pee - hapts the gold diseo4erle4 111 the, K1et1- • dyke hei}wd. Perhaps the royal 1uhi• lees. fringing together tbeNons of the Etepitt' eatesrll then) to realize holly for the first time the ta4(11*ss Of ('an -I ad*. A ...lint frit it ^s you will, coin- cident with the ....reit- to power of Wilfrid-- Laurier the co(10(1 took a •, rdtlei. -telt torWaltl. The ('ansdien had t1;, '•elgel to explain where he clave .lronL• turd the i ettilP �tini*ter f' l II.. 1 imeuletl w^. et last N I'*' .nl11ge. and night do 1 *hien( butalig into 1144' ron'sof tt,Phai 'inn do4trO' iLPvitalit). Parisi.ln sage 'X a dwintfly peri et1 Itairdre.sill$. no sticky orgVrst•). and env woman who • bewitching Iia week.• t,t' 115ing bottle. ' CENSUS OF AGR ••It is o:'rticullu•1y infamous that ttie I, hued -rued should' Inter mentioned 1-. alo._ llo11� 'Hirt who i '•,:1 rehrw1 •' • .II matt. 4rindin) high in tau *•hi7loh in rho husine: n;1es'nf the cit y. 11'• I -n(uld 11rvrr 'MVP fw1 a dt •,ggrd inti, the ea he. nod 1 Meld .him Iola Melee* of I . ,llwr.u•4-dning. But it iv proper that'', 1111 * ynurlg couple be treed f,' the bonds of :mat rinron, . ,1I'. the\' can never Ike 1,,4etl111' ,again. 1ll(1i'he in- terests of -o •ler' :Ind gntrit11)01111' de- mand that the" he fere from obliga- tion to en,•h other. ' . ••1 grant the deeree of divorcetit the hu„h:nd en the go.unll of erur y. and ' expre•stt-'not uplm ebargee o infidel- ity. I cotisidet• her a . u•Igwr person to I have the rare. emends and et lc:l tion of the sweet little child int is rase. whose future and welfare is r more imislrtant iu my P% PP than hese of, the father or mother. ••If the mother 'sees tit to leave thr `: little girl in the eostldyof her nuther. f Mr Man'R,u''•t M4Mllbin. of i Irr'eb. sires. l(txllxtant 1►n1 N'S (MAPLE LEAF LABEL' Its ria hness and exquisite ;vorgIve an added delicio'Js- r ss tc homemade "sweets" and dainties. Be thesre cocoa ou gut COWAN'S - with the Maple Leaf Label. THE COWAN CO. LIMITED. TORONTO. 133 Every ounce of Kellogg's carries strength and vitality. No food is better than good co -n and Kellogg's is the best corn, rolled Into tender flakes and cooked to a nut brown turn. t 11 1, fia t r r 14N r gnat s nt • week alimony from Steuart Ont.. well and g1NN1. for III lel ,le mot het is a mu,t suitable ;Irl,.'•. lint if the norther brings the c ill betel this jurisdiction,she will be entitled to tFt per ' get it in t11;1lentil the child is fnm•teen wears of ;111 cents a large .age. HP will be entitled to see the child one afternoon a week. always in the' pt•erence of the mother or some person appointed by her." 'Aire. Stew All WHIP oiehiny ed by the decision. • Mr.. Stewart wan formerly Alice McMillan. of (atderich. - ULTURE. e,t %elite vette t1. Of tat. When the West {crow- pie/duct date end vola eilthy, lend look' *p. its past 'NIP NreH, it wlil find a .4101*' of bootie ct'opn, freer -tett in 1(111) will 1.i. travel. hit,h.ry- Arid Pru*PA top-1Allwlecat, Nerifor(hu lay. • How Often our (fur• barley. t d statesmen pointed' -out burkwhe:tt. IN•anP, pea`• 1ealfa 13.X.grain+, hay and clover. Inc.',11P. corn for forage, other for crop., turnip*. manifolds. sugar bee ither field roots:tobacco and hops And grasp nerd. red clover seed and alsik1 seed ,rill be emrmereted tot product And value. (stain anti other field crops for the h*r•vest of 11111 will be taken by areas only. its none of sheet, mops will Ise ripe at the tasking of the resume. 'Phe win prcxtucts of these c. opt, will be gath- grain erP11 Inter in the year from the reports 1;,ke,,. of correspundentP. also bushels Animists awl animal pr'Nlucts, I (nensit under the he'id of agriculture, will in- this grain chide the Homier of horses (here' yeerN old and over, butsee tinder three years, teach cows. other horned or neat cattle, sheep, swine. tut keys, geese, duck*. hens, and chickens and hives of 'wet, held or owned 1•y each N ..Pon at the date of . the ceo111h 11.1 %st .lune of Intl. The number of horses. snitch rows, other horned or nem cants, ih4mp. nwine and poultry sold in 1111!1 will be rfecorded.:sts- well as t - home-made butter, home-made cheese. eggs Aad henry products of the year. and the meant diem of milk and- cream sent iliael )yy o' staid.' Pure-bred antis N eejif(t-.. Pd; (yeti= glide for registration which are owned'At the time of taking the cen- , us will Iw enumerated for horse*, rattle. sheep and swine, but their number will Alun be counted with all other animals. CURRENT LITERATURE. Concerning try torr win: tie.' 1111 I. of field Pn1 ant- yheat, king. zed or e. TEN CENTS A PACKAGE TOASTED 11 "THE SWEET- HEART OF THE CORN" Threshing Time TO THE W'1'IF�L ON THE FARM .._.�... '1'l>s. house will need to be well equipped 11111► .Knives 1 Forks, 'Spoons and- C(Scikil't Utensils. Vile have extra good values, and we ask you td be - urc to see our stock. ST'1VES Possibly you have put up with that old Stove as long as vou can: Now, when you have extra l„t�oking, vou need the best range, therefore you should get at_ once a PANDORA- the longest -lived and best :Ill -round range on the market. We are offering clesaring-prices_stltl Lawn Mowers. Qas and '011- -� ham- mocks, etc. Best 650'ft. Deering Twine at 91.c per Ib. Howell Hardware Co. THF. 141 1 1'1..11 1( I tv i'1 -l' 11.\KO\1 \KI•.. NEWS OF THE LAKES. The atewnl*r City of Windsor, which w.ts for many yenta on the route be- tween Collingwo*'d and the Son, has leen purchased by (.atiley Brothet•s and haw been re -christened the /Miehi- pictten. The boat will be pieced her route bet ween the Scsi Nnd•Micht- 'coten. • A Big Cargo. - 1• steamer NIidland Prince i s ted with Fleeing taken bone Felt m w few days ago the largest ergo ever moved on the (.rear The 1•argo consisted of SLi.2.11 f nate. Some idea of the MI- ( .the pr.Ijret 0f carr ying 11 in unr Is'at (1144}' Le gaOi11' he fact- that thin cargo I' are cropmiles ofof I:fter( i 1171 Prince is one of e freighters. If allv old man. still living, were *.Led whothP4 w gl '1 of Lain Wes future dNwne't upon his contempor- nriFifttrrhe weventies. an honest answer r. ould b,• : • N., 1.. A young Preach Ce. uwdian:law et mien( of somewhat radi- cal views. and tanking any political strength in his neti%e Yrevioce, retie tint a pronliang nubjert for optimistic prediction. beside*, the young man Waft ,te,ica4te, anti in this country a good. physical constitution LP more necessary fort, weeps iu public affairs than intellectual gifts in literary graces. It is the staying power that tells. liming le mtier adopted law as a means of livelihood. His amhitione were kept well in bend. He display ed, it is ti ue, oratorical talents of nn mean order, hal this is a ('4841114014 faculty of the %ol•og French avocet. Tho period wan that in whieh eceles- ia.tics interfered w goof 4141n p ioti- tiez._. A Indica' was not persona grata to the chilli -h. With the dominant forces Against 1 ' the politician in Quehec fought an uphill fight. The chief orrupatiod wan to bide one's I end lace of (ioldwin Smith In l an- t.ime. There wee nothing else to do, and place two articles mt well illus.- eves y ad u ecu intended todrup out. With treted. l'rofetlsor Archibald '\larMec every a.'rIII current to meet, w wawlhen rnntrihuil 1n entertaining a1. awimmer makes use .11 the eddies. ti • Mr. Laurier, we can see now. showed great tact. ektll. and ...serve power. {e went down with the Mackenzie Government Ito-'+ and remeine•d Every package of Kellogg's will be the same as the one before - with toothsome flavor. and nourishment at its stfi want to Qat the first package into your hands. Quality will do it again. eyed from rPI,re'ents un ever acres, 01. twrntt s4 - tor.. The Mi'�I - the largest of 1' Another Me er in Prospect. l'rese report. f r that a merger of 1a ilijl t11etr-'wit aMp rte tone, is tinder n.gnti ei Mottle eat state) navigation cote '1414•{. of $1:I,IMN1.- ion bt whit h Ire r. hunt of i111put•lanc4 p log lWRWP1m the Cull of St. Lawrence nd the port ' of Chicago on Lake Michigan,"will be placed under tow menu Pment.� Antoni th414!1 Mentioned ore haRich- elite* and Onterie Navigeti n Go., Merchants' Montreal Line, M ntreid and hake Erie Steamship Co.. Cott' e Ti't (moi.%NAI/LVN M'Au.\ztNF:. --'1' h e Canadian Magazine for August ie 14(1 nnuensity strong number. Perhaps the feature of moist importance is a fine ertiele by Professor W. L. (rant etftitled "Uoldwin !rmith at Oxford." Professor l{rent has been for some time ieetsere4 ua colonial history at Oxford, and, the researches for this *Hint* were made on the spot.. There is also a epleodid appreciation "by Dr. A. H. C. ('nlquhoon', Deputy Minister f Education for Ont,ati,s. of 'he work t real and (, neat Lakes Steamehi Ottawa River Navigation Co.. 'A tried Transportation Co., end• t i\orthetn Navigation Co.,' while it else stated that the C.I':H, and 0.T.lt. are favorably disposed towards the project. 1 Owen Sound Waterfront to Flames. Each grate bar has �v three sides -long wear continually ..text to the tire all the wear is the grate barlsjust I d 7 3 When t•nly (INC side 'ii a grate bar is. concentrated on that one side. The life of i • thus naturally- • third as long as when the wear is dis- tributed on three sides.. • That explains -w'hy Sunshine grates have three ves. Each of the four grate bars; has three sides. Bach time he ashes are "rocked down" t no shaking with Sunshine) the side next to the fire can he changed. Thus the life of the grates - is greatly prolonged.. • When desired, the heavy bull dog teeth on the gl4.ates will seize hold of clinkers, - grind them -up, and drop the particles into the ash -pan. Buy the Sunshine -the durable, convenient, ecs,n,,m- �( ical furnace, ,guaranteed by till T largest furnace makers in . British. Empire. R. I,Nst'Friday afternoon ()wen `sound's'. Wttel'irllnt waft swept by a Ihisantrolle fire. A high wooden warehuuee filled ' with grain. owned hy .1. M. 111cLaugh• ' lin, the office • f the Domi ' Trans- portation Company, the four-story' , sent- wisteh tus t belonging_Lu_ Davis. Smith. Malone ('ompany. dwellings were among the Once* destroyed. T h e l', 1'. H. steamer Assiniboiw. t\ high Was at her wharf with steam up. Rot her hose going and saved the Northern NNvi, Kation ('unlpnny'4 building. The tug Harrison and the Nteemer Manitote ARO helped with streams of water. The cClary's shine the enunt of Home early 4HXOciN one In poen on the buildings is estimated at Halifax. Arthur D. Wheeler, pl•"s- llal,INN) and on ('48x1, wood, household ident of the Canadian Mine Club, ehMtels and warehouse rotltuse* at has ^ iwautitully illustrate article on IIIL;,INNI, It is thought the insurance l eetie ant in 1 ••Caned.%. 1VondPeland. '1 he rtecond 4104 and r1n1 in f Opposition. He 1 act of Arthur Stringer's play "The will not 'mount to tnor.• than 'L' per nit' er monied himself fnrwwld, end cent,. of the Ines. _- _- www ready when railed upon. When (Blot" is in this number. tie well as �_ �_ the brilliant end erratic Mercier over 40111P fine short stories. .. ilPlerlinee 'shadowed 4,8(.10 -body yhody in Quebec, Mr. 1 LIPPIN(V►TT'A.-The "good old num Laurier wait loyal and faitbfu% to his mert.ime" brings to most of III the de- I ".linant 1 what on earth Mie you triend4, hut he kept free from the un sirs for test and recreation, and acrying wt.'mt now y" fortunate scandals of that time and , strung disinclination to overexert our- I "Tommy .lonesdreamtlas' night that wregarded as a,itheoor'eticalPntationely politician order tives o makeealm *ptllealor entally. In to tie, read- 1-Clhe eveland whole ern art. an' t didn't." puondan, 'I'urontu. ht • 1�1 n•:u. 44. , �,..� ••,,a^,- nI John. N.B.. Hamlllon. Calgary. For Sale by W. R. P1 N DER (ioderich. r -_'h' it'w a 141- 41,.4 •rAKE A odak \VITH YOU The little Kodak pictures will keep alive the pleasures of the outdoor days........ Kodaks $1 0.00 to $1 1 1.00 Browooes. $1.0010 $12.00 1910 C1'alog.'Ps ) u 441 a., ,erns Ask for one. R. R. SALLOWS ..Amateur Finishing where we shine. . 1 • n .■ Canadian National Exhibition TORONTO AUGUST 27th to SEPTEMBER 12th, 1910 Improved Grounds, New Buildings, International Live Stock Show, F,xhibits hy all the Provinces, Magnificent Art Loan Exhibit. ay PEnMISSIOt1 01 HIS MAJESTY BAND OF THE GRENADIER GUARDS two Grow/se-5 y*ov$SP4Ot.D FANO Model Military Camp. Tattoa-airy night. his` new attractions. 11191181111119118111f�talm THE NAVAL EVIEW AT S�1TH(AD BATTLE BETWEEN DREADNOUGHT AND�AIA$NI WATCH roe RIIKICED KATae AHD IZCUaatoaa. Fee all information write Manager, J. 0. ORR, City Hall, Toronto tof1', aA it's all right e t jC Here's a GtEi+IDROW Fotlapsible Go-cart that'ss . right from top to tire because it'hunt right here (' in Canada. Can he used as ted or seat -has a reclining hack adjustable to four positions. Hoed, body and dash of Leatherette -tubular steel GM ma cuocsn wrrw omit handles, nickel -plated -a Go-cart made to endure. �Y M .t firat�iaaa MOVEMENT.\ A mighty handy cart for`you and col fy for baby. .foal.... Weise ea se if \Caelndroe Mpfulufacttn'in>s Glp Ltd. moor r.. r ,"""t Tamale - °Maria MM _!Mt Job Printing . You can get none better than the kind The Signal 'Job Department turns out. Estimates cheerfully fur- nished -an application.