The Signal, 1910-7-28, Page 5Till? SIGNAL: GO' KRII 11, t► NT ‘1110 Turitsote, Jot.v 9i, 11)11) s LOCA X11 Z P I C S • e sfslLln' • . 11•, I,1 1 1: 1 old Kinrardine attea %%ere: ani tariTir _Ta11,l• X1-, o„t rhe e.,•.d We Like to Get. pt1 ieee:eeed subset ilwr in the State it'\1'u-h;nt;t,m writer: -Please find L I .i•I ,u,,• .Inner and fifty eentai, ai, tar.. I•,vur•ut 1n1' another Vrru• of +” lapel., The Signal." nr frsto4"ty House of Refine. •1•h,. t,co :a test murales to to ed• trilled ., the euttpty ti ,use of refuge d Clint n. at•• Angus+ Maedona141. of ( wt soul Itailrrt'Dunbar, 'ot , t I J h. r.• are iniw might y -five 111 ,1; oh in the institution since be :it -t ,,t Julie. stowing that the old moi,;.. :ted a lot of hot weather ise These Ganes. The Mit,'hell has. 111I1 team is ex • tell here on Fride uf this week to ,ray a gator with the oral news, emu Wai•te, +•t -'c:Mr p. n. sharp. 'Phe ,liuton tealii will Ire bete next Wed ,ewlay trait. holiday) to play n gauze ,o down to 11t.. Agricultural Park utd •hew sem wiriest in wholesome port awe the boyswl your to play lit.!!. the tif podg' t fe•I,a•• Raid Veteran. tee,. •i. ith of John R. Kay. of I.6 ,earl. i. t....iidrd by The Benner. of ys town. . which *later that Mr. Kay reit oue'i,l the volunteers a' I.., Tn ieen e arthed hone Kincardine ro t.odeiieh p help repel the tht•retre! Fenian' in - • lie ww: first lieutenant of his oniony''surd a few year* ago received lis Frt:tan Reid medal and also the :rtrlwrt• Iatei grant. which. however, le intent 'eke Up. 'Mt. Kay was ire ti\ ' Veer,. of age._ His widow mirth..-. . rhe G T. R. Strike. q :A .t this tsrrk wits the first {�, 1 •• _I'• le. ,lit •. • lido tuft ri 51, f !; -u,•e tty -t rike. I1 :u• , ..., t •t•• ;Ism( -12:20 11104011 Anal 4101111- v •I l,•• lettin jimmies- to Strat- :n l r•, •-u,.•.eleniIt . 1411s• teguler ▪ • , n •Iles to le•a%e here at 9 . , . ,N , , out •lailj , 4-mirmeneing T;. -.l o Theta ata- still „ great. r. -a•.'- , ..1 .o- I,sided. and' really for • ••u••:.: •,••u.linr; ,11 the ,r.tutptaiy''s •e':•1.- ' the h.irls.r. 'Ph.. s'tudulel p,- •u:• • -• rl icr'i• mainteiuei. Theile) Scouti to Camp. Sc.:etirauelt, has .• leen wade for the Ion: -routs t, gu into r:turp +tt iron lft elf•. •ivar B:aytirhl. The camping ..Donde err 'itiniIt right miles from lose. tlht• it distance will be covered w f.s,t ie the lows. 'They leave next 'llapdeo 111en Hint;. Mud all are looking lie...ort to- .1 most pleasant noting. ramp will hitt .e work mud per baton tee drys longer:. About twenty' -flee eetta u toots. and a numlwh from lv or,tanitations. in Winghtiln (Tinton ma join also the carnp. dt Greatest Fair. TI•.JiteFters of the Ii -deride Indue- tr1,! I.:abattta•q err getting busy iu araban for the tall fair. to iw %•.nday. Tni'•wl..v and Wrdnes• r, SeptrniIwr la, at and 'LI. The re fill has torn re'b'el and iw- tal-a.hti.-ie.• hew in the printer's 1- V4rielas tont tela ale conliei:- •ith the- program for the exhibi- t es tinder cirlisiderat. . cid in a time the directors hope to be ',. tomatoea further announcement esseal trttut-r,. which will he reel for Huron. (minty'e treetest for 1910; ti •row- Weiss. • An early iuorning church ledditt • edrginiztd in St: Peter's church Trestles. morning nt- lest Week. n Rev, Father Mrltae per formed terenteny which mute Adam Bar- ked Miss )latie Weis.., eldest hurter John 'Vein., Elgin avenue. ,d and wits: 31iss Tena V eiss, Iklt,it, sitter of the httide. was tsweid, end the g r o ..111 was ltd by his, Mother. John Barrow. hotepc ' vile left on the C. P. H. ksk"tea' for :t wedding trip to o'•me., 'talo sad Mlettreal. They re.jde in Outlet -iris upon their rue • rvt•dar's Picnic a Good One,. Tht,rwits ., %cry ftIced turnout to ;•r0,' of the 4 M.ifellew. and He - a ledges ch wee d at `1 t'tl:ng Park vtesterd,y afternoon ts-ening- The tisy'. events coin - ad s itb A bawled! game between 'married ,len rind the single • user.. rivet %sex the roniplete anni- littinn of the single men. Foot emcee 011.1111k and the program was eon- . 1 1.y. a tug -et -war bet.. ern the red wen and the single ween, the t'ilrttag+'in getting the better nt le -threes. The ladies of Relekah `tit' .applied the lilnch for the haring and everyone report* a t enjoyable outing. Terrible Fall• t.lr•'Itazi•IIG w•,., ,. sll. a:k1-t, \'1•\t1•�ay hear of L,=1i . R illltt,it Werrte k, tit street• about 4 O'clock int the tenni. Mr. 1Variat,ck was np nn rood of his house, areola nied.by Intl. whtrwit iai+siiting biro in hingling the house. In 54)111t. %case •1119,1.1 - and fell to rite grimei, e terntl-Bir feet, lir was et un eel, toeless i.. ku„wn no Innes were kris. •serious internal injuries. e1").:urs feared. Tosdav Mr: Wer- t ita. - rrrn'."pol emnecirwninras. 1$ anis of mit most estimable riti- '• and the nnfort,i,sit • accident. is le regretted by the whole cotu- n1, Rush foe Bargains, H. Colborne had a .1,11) bargain e ltettised in The Signal last k• Thew male* always draw eon - attention, but last Saturday 400,1 Mt. etdhorne'a store sees the et attraction to en unusual ex - A horse belonging to J. W. et, of t` Harbor Notes. The steamier Scottish Hots) war. here 911'Puesday and unloaded 1;00100 Inch. els of wheat at the elevator. She Wok the reitiein et. of her e:etgo to Ili IT The steamer Rosetta' of the Inland Lines, arrisr•d 11 I'oil iteillinin on liundny with +1 eargu of t[IJ,(Illk. iso., s of. wheat for the elevator. ' She Car- ried a shipment of package freight front the %%liter Rigs Co. rm. Winni- peg tin ha r return i (Ark of piles at the Hig .fill ;re- veto!' and a scarcity of centrist at 1110 Elevator l'uuhatanp's annex are hold- ing bark the ruustruction wink on those buildings. Twenty-one citcylar forme ,tie bring constructed for 1554' iu the bnndet• work of the new rlr- vetur for the Big Mill. Look Out for the "Pirates." 'In tap hotly et -tweeted gams. of Ihasrhall helwrrn the Y. M. C. A. Juin- ions and ittr 'Pirates)' the letter reli- ef ged victorious. The first game 'wee won :.-4 end the second IJ• i, The bh>..dthirsty "Pirate*" err looking -for mote virluried azul tuay attack the strong Hlyth Ju ' 'i . in their own town on Wednesday. • Augil.t :fid. the ton Remea- ptayed wit. .t. follows : Pirate-- r- '1 '.11 uiald ..tuber V Rubn.`a1 `. .1. 'Muir pitcher a'. \le.\r1.Juu F. T.n. m•.•Itd 1.1 h04. • w'. W10.nn„n' it. ',Wart. ;ani hese J. 1 .•11..,. W. sitau•I .cid lyra 1.. I'on-It • W. Mel.. ' abort -toe l:: 1'ritlh..., It Stan.. be 1. edit` .1. Vanauq. 1. 11.1....1 • ••. Me 1.1 t. 414 \.• l i n s1. Je . C t• Mehl W 111 tt;- u'-1 arae•. W. MCI suudd u'hu tont. Vie, real sense. 1.. }:IIi.st de„sl. richt. .1.04. 1`14111. 11104-e ol. 111111 ..1 eluh•lph : Mrs. 1.. R. 1LIini1- tic •. of 1Ve.I t ht.,, Iowa : '1'.';. l'c,ilius. 1 iccherla th.•ut•.,wt, 11out ,h.uion- tun : It••1. 11. ,1V. and Mr-. V.ighl and 11i.4e14 llabel'nud Belli Pullin.. of Kiw':u'riiu'•, and sir., W. %V. Snaith. nC Ititil• Creek. •Mich. Th., many "luau t- -+F t -hr bride in town joindttrx- t u•Iin1; host wi+h.•., Special County Council Meeting.. Aspecial meeting of the cohnty council wit. held ou Tuesday of this week for the purpose of conrideriug tilt•• a • put of , rn,titlrt' luta t to consumptive rant= tut nun pl opoidaeite whit•ll..api,rttvtel of t he A. P. Mclean property as a suitable site for sue{' en iustitutiuu.. The council drove out to iuspert the sit.' end apparently were not fevut- ably impressed with what these saw•. A nuulhrr contended that the Bowden property at Exeter was more suitable. while other.. held that the county town was the place for county institutiuo4. A motion was presented by l'uuticil- luts Leckie and Monroe which pro- vided treat tee -action be taken in.ehooe-- ing a site until the meeting of the council in December at Exeter. and that the committer wake further en- dea%.u• [u secure a more suitable site near the county- town if possible. • It was tittntvl in amendment hy Council - tors Digger and f.ntrnti. k -t • a Bewden property at h;xeter he pur- ehatrd for $4.7154, to lee used es a sani- tarium. only patients front Huron ceinity toile admitted ; that Iheinati- tut on be governed by three trustees a« a honed of control, and the.Warden of tt1i' eouott•. 1 fitly right councillors voted for the amendment and the tarttt est•ried matter i. therefore left over t•. the December turning. 1111•11111111111111, 111111111111 41111111111111110 1 All departments under the one roof make some im- possible thing; possible. The Call to Rev. P. F. Sincla.r. ' Rev. B Nott's Sadden Death A meeting of• the ester -eta of ( it osis with us„.. devis•:I regret and Muria was held in Knox church un _ tnpri-e that the citiu•il. of (i.slerirh Titesday afternoon. 'Thele w'ei- pre-- L•arne•d *ill Slit utrlur ..t tele• sudden rut Ura. Mclean and Stewart and Berth ..f Rel. 14.•ui:uniu Nott, Who Dlrisr., S.unlh Mann mad the clerk, flied whip• p:ut.tking -ot Ili- sliming Minis, res, and 11ee.i-st..1...Burhan;ur areal. The reverend gent leoi:u, had not and, ,las. _I 'Ott. elder.. A - ( wee la,.tl qt tin• Is•a 1f hrnhll -ince io'otly 'iseb, .ted from Knox ehurdh, Gdwlr' there %.•:a. ago. et which tilt,• ho sof. i iib. m Inv1:r of Rev. 1 F. Sincvti5'• (emit M stroke or paralysis II oto '0'110+ M. A.. LLit..' of CheHely 1e' ettl.reh: lit• nele t t'ully. reeo'eresl. H.• had Toronto..ignet ilio, Cly five hundred lieeit up mei alsiut:eunsider:lhJV 1411111• members , and notify five ,,'fitment. tlul1 u-ual•ni.Satunriuc, haying nuide (Mei ing :t stipend u( $1,15111 per annum seyel al - trips lap town. :mil it i. with four weeks vacation and the thdt,ht that hi- an•ug,h 1t:,- 1 1. iter of the no•pse. Phe roll w+ia 4115 -raved Kith th.• fatal resnit. 11e- tained and nrderevi to be reanstnittetJ .•.,.,1 Ila.:a sell of Nieliela.:uoi Nru1- ai Tol'0ttto ITa,1hy trey; and deleg:era-1 iaih \ort and wit- Isom :It Trel:uMu were appointed 111 support the Cali Goe rue. .11.1 w.0 1. England, . „n' :lanu- there itr,ovisloti.,i atrangridetrs weir ars i tri 1 i1C, and wn-this. in hi. srl wade f•o inunction ns -follows: The entit•th year. HI; ,. tlttt. the -Pate ioteritii w.aiei it,ii, iti•v. Ja•. ears and was :, !sister ..f the Bih1'• ton, to preside.• Mr. Hirb:udsem to 1'hri-flan ehurtat jut setgeoid far punch. a 1r. la kin to address the tete, yr•,u•.. Liter, lie N:it .'.ria tlm tot oboist.rand Mn. Shaw the maple, the tit,. \lerinodist Iit1', sin' eluirelt at date to tie arrange! bt Iter el; ekes d 1, tit t, .int• in the t'nit..i Stater. A Vstror from Texas. . for .e • t 1110', - It was as hila ir ..site• stout. Werk. ago The Signal put- dent there that • 11e leieii'est the de li.h..I a letter from Ware White. of Ih•I Hie., 1'4' ,', stating that hr ill: 1.•n,i.sitis visit 4..al,'iirtt this - 1 after an 1411w•nie• of oyer forty year.. Teslas` we had the pleasure of call friar 11r. 'White, whi,1 has kept his pr'o -t-:wd is spwuding a fee slits - in town.JJ.• ha« Iraqi 1is11ung np old friend. het ,• and. hits found a 1.•t' ss haul he kneem when hie rim on the lie T. It. lereigitt • 1' to (rtsleri.tt tnllu. and Mr. Nolf ou luau)' ea'ca• owns 1e,.•k in. tar IMfs. He had not lieu-' it ing'11it yatiusI ltasistanee 11 been 11.•11• since tile • ve•ar IWMI. Hr' it. the 1"eal "Hai '411'4' Mrs' •Fengan and naw comfortably situated at I1e1 Iti.i. Niehol:t- Not t• sister and-b11.ther of where 11 i« son fetes, but like- to get 11fe•iMisivl, lith re•siil,•ntt of temai, are hark to 4'enailn as often. es pie..,ikle. the nut sslrt-iviug tnetulwi-. nt :a tam - He had .1.11x• glean wools for G•sle•- ilc of rise wm. tuul two deughtn•'. tteh, which he.,sy. is the nivltest and :lie funeral 11111k plu-r olh Tltrwl,y- j.r.'ttiert town hr 1uu1 set•, uu his way afteratsm filen the residenme of lie- dluul Texas. 11 r. Whitt• ls,k- good 1'eavvl ori Hrure street to NI/titian.' fete twenty years yet, and w.• hope to '''meters. The funeral was •.. i iuetel .rt. heat in l:rsle•iich nn many faro...• under Masonic nus rices and Bev. ms•asion., I tonga11 wits tlir offh-h.tnig t•l•t'yw:111 • The italliwaele« weer?, six nleulwre Of Maitland Loiter :.ledge Holt. John 1::111. 1''. 1'. (awretice..1. 1V. Venatter, E. 1hie-Me g and 11' .1. M.•gaw.. 0 111111111111•111110 MIND 9.1=111==— HERON' DEPARTMENTAL STORE DEPARTMENTAL STORE .a�,re 1111111111111111111111111111. 4111111 D. & A. Corsets f i t. comfortably any figure, as they a r e scientifically made. Prices, 50c. 7Sc, Last Days of July Sale f Waists Ladies' \ Ladies' Waists Another big.'. eek ahead to sell the remainder of the frve hundred Waists we got from the manu- facturer. We never experienced such tast selling as we did on this lot ; and now for_ the grand fuiale. ' oVe wilI empty out all the Waists lett, and. you mal' depend there are some beautiful designs left. t, • Lot -1 l.ot 3 Every department in this store will remain open every day from 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Saturday's to 10 p. m- during July and August. Early closing is our theme. Men's Hods Men's linen crush N- a t a, 150 Waisis •at 69c 100 Waists at $1.39 nlli`,g'eder-id -'e: 29c Fine waist -lawn. front +nl embujiders•, new a j•,e 1 e t , r:rised-th,ral and conventional designs, -tucked. •coveveil button back, tusked .1ervec. L,rr-edge collar and cuff.. as well a. ,a good mails- other Hire designs: Manntncturers . July clearing stilt. 69c Lot 2 175 Waists at 98c Sheer lawn. many different designs, rich Valenciennes —trimming, tnekrd (rent in fancy sr'rott and 1„ i.it tdesitgtt, . lace mettallioue. hmtten hank, side it enth•rnidery panels with niter - Vivien- eiennes insertion, trimmed points.• covering-. button front. lace roller and ruffs. tlauufactnrers' 1nl% fM, clearing sale 01QQ gree - of A: 11. turd 1'h.. D. OnVal- teenier illi. I 1, h•• %%as .united in marring.. to Miss Mary Fos.,' daugh- ter .'f 1hn idand Mary Fos... of Sr. Hillary, 1',O ,wall. England, %vie. aur- eiv.•. Rine. 11, ilig letilvvl fermi the act iv.• work of the 110140try. Mr. Nott spent the latter year. of hi. life in G.sle•tich, he and sures. Nott being highly "-teliiell residents of the Rev. J. S. Carrie Wedded. The'fiallowing frMn Detroit ropers of leaf week will to of intereitt to mans 4 .irlrtich lwople: SI. .lames: chinch. (:,.1.s Isle, war the scene of t I ANNOUNCEMENTS vee• t tuirr end pretty wadding at (J 1 -- rech.ek on Wcdnteelay morning: July 'Jath. when Miss Mahn Elizabeth Kot - faire wan unite) in marriage to Rev, John S. Carrie. H. A., terror of St. Mary's church, Detroit. .The bride Wes attired in a travelling Flit of etemil serge with hat to match end was given away by her brother-in-law, J. Forbes Robertson, city auditor. The ceremony was performed by Rev. A. H. Lemke. M. A., rertot of the church, assisted by Res-. J. F. Parke. rector of Autherstburg, Ont, After the ceremony a wedding break- fast Was served at tdr. Robe•rtaon's beautiful summer residence and the happy couple left for et trip tip the nnrthetn lakre. Only very near rela- tives of the young couple were pres- ent. Amongst the guests 'Com out- side the eit - were Mrs. Carrie, J. C. and Cyril Carrie, lioderich ; Mr,, -and Mrs. 0. A. ['eerie, Toronto ; Mr: and M1...1. H. ('erpenter. Chicago : Miss Anderson. New York : Rev. J. F. uud Misraehit ley ,: ' .. (.burl;„ Ont. Collins Whitely. The )hmne of Dr. J. If. and Mrs. Whitely, the Crescent, wee the scene of a pleasant event teat Saturday, when, at high noon, the marriage was solemnized of their second daughter. Miss Glades, to James Collins, al Ed- monton. Alberta. Rev, J. T. Lel:ear, of Lansing. Mich„ cousin of the groom and uncle of the pride, oMci• tted and was anointed hy Rev. Dr. Dougall. The bridal couple stood in the bay window. which was banked with palms and ferns. The bride, who wan given away by her father, wan handsomely attired in a gown of lace over white satin. She carried a beautiful shower bouquet of lilies of the valIey and bridal roses. Miss Helen i.eOear, etwtsiu of the bride. made a pretty ring-heutar. The wed- ding ,larch wee played by Mise Edrie 'I've. Only the immediate relatives mainl ntar n Vest Shore and a few intimate friends were pree- R _Wits being driven around ' ent to witness the tying of the nuptial and et the Sterling Bank t• when attempting to perform a dramatic stunts, it parted cnn- S with the buggy end as it did so cin'M tb,r tag g hr mi ewelk.enterin i M scoff t )°"eR ladies 'idem I g I store r. b how apparently sore of the hsegwlns d geta sha made* rush for the en - e first, the malutwise ips got tvt end second. tidal to De preform on rich an own itnmediately taken and a ted the hero to retire. No wee done. knot. After congratulations the wed- ding party partook of a dainty wed- ding dejeuner. The happy couple lett on the afternoon ('. P. R. train for Edmonton, intending to vimit at (1hi• sago and St- •,Paul en route. They will make their home in the Alberta capital. where the groom holds a lucr,tive position as resident engineer of the O. T. P. Mrs. Collins will be at. hone after the flet of September. The wedding gifts were of a most ex- qui'ite and costly nature andtseepnke the esteem in which the bride ie +held by a large circle of friends. Aulong Choice butter, fresh eggs, fruits. etc. JNo, W. VA\.11TEft. Knowledge, judgment. caution is given in the service offered by E. R. %Vide, 'druggist, succees.'r to .lay.. Wilson. 11'iglr'e in the only drug store in Goderit•h importing and bottling Bertnlli Italian Olive Oil. ` Everything in .groceries. fresh, pure ,fid go=ad: JNo. 1V. Vt.N.ATTER. 1 he Bedford Livery, South Street— Gundry Bros. Old Stand. Rubber -tired coaches with white matched teams for weddings. Black trawl for funeral.. Our single traps and horses are the Iwst that money can buv. Open (ley and night. 'Phone 51. !''..F T. M. Davis. Massey -Hauls Agency A full line of Farm NIarhinery Hinders. Mowers, Rakes, Ray i.oaders. Manure Spreaders, Cream Separators, etc., (tray and Mount Forest Buggies. We have also the Standard Wire F c n L r Company's Good s and the Brantford Wind Mills. Agency for the Mason & Risch Piano. Call and see me before purchas- ing anything in my lines. Good Delvers and Work Horses for sole. Robert Wilson HAMILTON ST., GODERICH Extra tine Ltwt,.Uovelty Swissembroidery bands, centre and shoulder. Valen- ciennes Lace triuhni.'d, cluster pin treks between cluster. tucked .leevee. lave trimmed curls, embroidery and lace collar. pin tucked, covered button hack, all s i z e Manufacturers- July' $1 39 elect tnir sale Lot 4 75 W'W•aists at $1.89 superior lingerie: heautitu' Swiss «mbroideri. it r n t r.e l.enat,i'xtenrienn.'3 in-ertinn vcke and 'outline,i, narrow tuck side.. lace insertion and edges, tucked eoNar and cuffs. tucked 'button back, and other b'e.iriful design-. Mauufaeturet. .Inly $1,9 clearing sale Q Boys' Snits Bit'.4 11':ash Suits. each 95c Canvas Oxfords Ladies' and mimes' *hits Can- vas Oeforde, regular $1.00 t.. $1.511. Now clearing per pair • 49C Frilling* Neck Frillings and [weds, r.•,c- tiler 111.•. ('Learing. choice, 5c each . Embroideries Por set Cover Embroider nee end Moorings. regular :lac :and 11)c. iday Bargain, 21 per yard ............. c Ribbons Twenty-five bolts ot tt,• t,• three to five ins to a 121 wide,. cleating pt'fr yisid Wash Skirts .. Cl regular $1.51. eer- ing kQ� a7Vl. Ladies Vesta Ladies' stunner Vesta Clearing, each 1Oc Ladies'aliLadies'Linen %Vita+- Skirts. Trimmed Hats Fifteen Tri,ismed Hate. 49 Clearing.:.. . ...... c 'I'weuty-five Tr' ed $1 ,3(1 Hats. I Hearing .. .�77 Any unttitnmed Shape s OC in the 'store clearing at 1 Children's Rompers ('hildren's Itontpere, each 39c THE DEPARTMENTAL • MI IMO 11•11111.111, 41111111111111111110 i Visit the Men's Department Big doings here for the next tew days. Values youvery rarely hear ot. Here they are :— Fre ty dozen turn's pure linen and fin,' Austrian Collars in all , the latest style.• and cute, in all sizes. This is a lot we (leered from ,t manufacturer at his ntideuntmer stock- taking. Some are slightly soiled hy handling, but are 1 ight up -tori ire. They would sell in the regluar way at tic and 20c each. While the lot lasts, starting Matur- 5 day morning. at. each. only ........... ... .. .... • MEN'S SUITS Here is where we have been doing big business lately, and some- of our regular Innes are being broken into, so we ire now going to make things hum in this department for the next few days. Starting on Saturday morning, for one week, we will just attempt to clear out the most of these at prices so low that the work will be well done. Men, here is your opportunity. Here are one or two illustrations wtlich should interest any man who is at all particular about wearing good• clothes. Every suit fitted with Bartell patent pockets. ONE OF OUR BIGGEST SELLERS Style, fit and quality considered, cannot be f matched anywhere at less than $22 oo. Stylish brown worsteds, pattern..howing lustrous worsted overstripes in self -color, through and through twilled, guaranteed all -wool. Coats in !Meet styles, )4emi-fitted Factor broad -shouldered effect... silk -stitched seams, finely tailored, best linings end trimminge, all $14 s�� perfectly tnatched. Cl_eariing male price------- 4.,other@worsted a! a -hewer price in brown anal u olive cm inatlnna, blue and black mixed shades and strip's, all -wool, imported, twill woven through and tbrougb, very stylish models, hand -tailored. soli . am 49atis3nR sada price L" Twenty men'* good serviceable tweed work Suite in dark • and light shades. Regularly cold, • at $6.:40Clearing price • • N. C. CAMERON RE, CHURCH NOTES. to will he those announced last Her. John Ries, D. D., of Pot t Dal- housie, Ont.. will preach at both ser- vices in Knox church next Sabbath. Res. Dt•, Medd of Victoria *trees Methodist church end Ret. 'Dr. Dougall .1f North street Methodist ehntrh will Vxchang.• pulpits next. Sunday evening. Rev. J. D. Forward, pastor of the Preston Baptist church. preached at the Baptist church last Sunday, it wan an exchange of pulpits, Preston heing Rev. C. R. Jones' former ohalite. The services at the Repast church next Sunday will he conducted by thr pastor. Rev. C. R. Jones. The sub - Rev. T. W. Ch,t•leewr.rth has re- signed the pastorate of the Clinton end Anhui n Baptist • churches. He will close his ministry in rs,nnection with these churches nest Sunday. Her. Jas. Wils,ln, of Toronto., preached two excellent .ermo11s in Knox church last Sureties. Mr. Wil - eon is one of Huron's son. who one lin- ing rie•dit to the 1.1(1 c,nnTT1:; lflttt trf, to always hee111 with pleasure en 81101 church. The quarterly easier. of North street :Methodist church announced • for next Snmlay hese been pct.tp11nr1 1 fur another• week ; therefore the rega- 1 lar order of /services next Sunday. Dr. GEM GODERICH. MED 111111111111111111111 1 1)otagnll will preach in the morning on the suhjtv't, "The Pi•ohlww nf• INviaie /:l I II I•tll/tet.” The servi;.ee in Victoria street Methodist church next Sunday will he at the usual hour. Rev. Dr. Medd, the prudent, will preach In the mot'n- ing and Rev. i)i. Dougall will speak at the evening service. All are in- vited, The .uhj.rt for dieo:154snext Sins - day • morning the Meti e )y S til • I'lub at. North etivet Methodist church ie "Why Men Fail." Any man, old or young, ,is w,•i, ome. The club meets at 11) o'clock in the church parlor. Rev. O. R. and Mrs. Jones expect to leave next Monday to spend a month in Montreal. Mr. Jones will supply the pulpit of the Point St. Cherie* 13taptiet ni►atreh tee Airs. J. T. Mar- shall, B. A., during his vacation. Rev. J. E. Hunter, well known throughout Canada ae an evangelist in association with Rev. 11. 'I'. ('couatey, has given up the work owing totalling health. A party of Epworth leaguer* of North street Methodist church drove out to Harry Srikekl's on the Hay- field road. on Tuesday evening and were entertained there. They report having 'pent a very pleaseant titer. Your money back it any purckaae found not as represented. Ivo. W. VAMATTItn, Opera Howes Blnck.