The Signal, 1910-7-28, Page 3TI!1' SI(.NAL:! ( C1DER1( 111 i \'1' RI'I THE ORIGINAL ADN ONLY GENUINE lis•: \V A R.1: U1 IMITA• - - 1 Where She: ound CO nf'ort. tI wnt tt' tell thio l, «.ed as.her voice quavered, "thave rheuwatr. in my (lak, ilti rlirttwutz in illy ruulder.'.. rheuulatiz in uty lgs. end rheut.in tuy arm, but' hry '►wit upold ufort,1 bythe Iutfilll3iblead hruGreatO�t»s:The expnsitn oruinss Inof trade and manufacture ti the Dominion is providng-pl.udportunitles fur bright. well edit....;,'young torn and wr►lee. The ever• in- denlnnd fee.- Mr- . •• y %r!'..acted 111 the record of hploywut de11Al4tnent•oi' the l'entral (ollge of Toroe,t-, which the tawus4'pnown4'rwcannot begin to supply th,- eau'band andourson and ,a daughter tut•lanteanui.howevr.tpact'ei" tot• well traid help for11ntrinaw•wd of the (!T_itrict 1 k a l,f Rhode Ir4tud. t,«(: ninnies were requested. The SUM of ;tV4 uili 11(• Risen in IN HURON TOWNSHIP. prizes at big celetino ion to lie held at ;rand Bend 00 August 1.11. f Ottta•.1 Vilest Shore Railway Preparing Dr. and, i-ts l:4':ahutu, who have for Active Construction. -, leen residents of lirwoNls for ti mon- Iii • hie, to utr 'I{(' )14 ter of las! flet. of %mare. have purchased ! .i- dence in l'olunto and int end' u.tvivig I week -a al t it prelgteas ..f the 'tt•c•- to that city to reside. I Iaaa L-1.1 l: ul+w4a-i!r•+j•s-Gat. 1 he• 1 tntatj , West Sin ,* ectr Becoming frightened by an ' tinsI Rail++'ss' has surcredrlll w amicably unlxzlyd dng.�s1i . J. ehiuIrt+nl, of Ex- t arra..... ;.Ifni(• wit I. the t.;wnsttip of eta•r. Ir lipped and fell one evening le- 4olbot n4' :unl li. hart t he right of eenfly, Her *booklet' w:a' badly i mat' .old :► great di•al of mut dant• in OLD ON THE MERITS 01. NINARD'S LINIMENT ;not I11\I11N1 MA.. \/I`ES, FRI; DICALS and 1.1bRARIES -_ __ - 1s14n1 n! repaired. • * �;►'1'1:11th I EATHElt'tiOOD'S \ in ,!( n yadlh0 on lea g A F I'41 I.1)ttt',(4TNATFURU strait 4'.r 1 in. result• A'sillield, 1' 1 t4it two week- ago not 1a Ou '1'u••s(Tsy. lues llT�th. 111(1. iii. 11,1ote of Anv1kind rad lfitilh mailo Henn• -1, 11ss41 aeras et her noun' iu the th4Susiiip of Intron. The people Currie. azw1 seventy -.1114' V. at... .vf 4'r. wee,. in n,,1 ieut and rightly he. for Bennett was one .f the pioneers of n' f Hk H t Iupon I lie company. 1 h••y' have ee riesiness ,', res. wooer they in goal faith guaranteed Ilio bunds and wanted the toad: All the - TuuIu,4n Y, Jut.v,*4, 1910 8 ":Phone 56 0. M ILLAR CO. Ptl(!nt• )f, CLEARING SALE oF,,UMMER GOODS hits 1':. Lrpp.u.!, of . Tot..ttto. wt±11 retarded to t1►en wink by C oibot neo even to beginners is very snitch known in 14russels, w:u drowned Ill townshil,And other legal wu:tory. It than in 140014.1' 71'444.14d 11(1 th'Id ot 14'11l.() a [lays ago.," He bud a now looks as it rapid progress should 1,loywettt offers better ioduceiner's or brilliant record144 a etenogiuphrt. be Miser with Constt•Uctiup work, brighter prospects for a sul'ce,oful flit - having taken film:It placelI :a short- Experirnct hiss cost dm company are than •tblr.co'tntnercial illtetests of hand .p •ed r,•ntt•-t 110¢ in Cbi'altd soluet'ORA and they (Welded not to he- out '(+Pantry. A bololi.ke'tTer, sten' rrcertly. Itin work in Huron township until all ographe& or telegraph operas .r can Jleesrs. Edge & l.utteridge, the w>a cleat. sailing. The purchase of the make a ("naive of the wane appiiiot- well-known emote -tuts of seafortb. right of way alto the first tuuve and l menu offered and can earn . good, sai- have.just. sec. -teed a barge (•tiutrat't •a V11'. H. .1. A. 4IcE4an,. the sr•'tetary sty from the day he eaters upon this •Victori4 flatten• for the C. p. K.. of the road. and •.t. J. Hunter have liar of - shook. Proper pl••pon this r�luouuting 1.(1 tkll,tesl, 'The .contrite[ suc.•4'taled Ili zeelltin{t a .tions on the ars the was an is for Mlle' buildings; ship - deport, tteeeS-au a Land from the following : bli Aur ie p& d the influence of :a tabli+�truining *taboo! opens the r''Drr I di)Or . 1 sun..1o)In Nesbitt. concession .: Bus- ..,. The Modern • • sol 1f. grid..coucessioIi :3i .Manesseh ',toil. �V'oodbridge Kiley of Vassar Ai In-' 1 ,ng, concession 4 : John Fun- suggests that young women should re- n 1w t l Creech. concession N: (►f course 1 doth t mean by that." man,.. seer rot+. Pellnrk. 'Phorias 4heltoe. 3 rah 11 young aooulal. should oeil [herself.- t ••. Mains s in 1'• dr .t et. should L'ar t'. i . Alexander h h Alex nth Wright. 'toner. si..n I era Hell. 41 rs. Uspiei Hicks. conres.urn 11: 11,1„ 1, ing. V\'elllry Potter, Thoulas Farrell Mt.. •''rhe «endo:er.t it idea Ina: r page Kr'4•4. .101)14 Wilson, 1t•.1a•tt Wih(un, so.precvlet1 today -letting tu1(1144ge Vii. Iradr- only, two c ere •hoot ut itself. ou to speak -that c.1 t'4.. 0 on L. 71 s arid -fool • Place. m Huron that tight of Av +fi ha• Idea scoria to silo :as snifflers not been secured live vii.' .Inhn pall :1rd 1,4l . • lite old i,,lv - i•111, . ' .l Vlrtl,twlist .'h.. 'h, church 'hod and Alexander ?iCDuugah. s• - „r .ng .4'o Id a.*-- MIAIC (;HM:K OF ,.t. i', t'.nIK.'C.A , 1.4-01). Harmony and ...roti fey examh,a- ,e.. I I !'l y u.k. Apply wt 044, r :.tut) of d t Tt it •' t . n,rr. Gatrril JAon at.• 1*( .. in. , , 1 •.•4'r of Mr. AI a. Merken r.&rllet =1 rid et 1'. M dont Loan u..s trite lANn, (41t(i4\, miNlilNlii.�HAW. MONS _r \TF.1 WMT. FT('. JetM..Tor.l. ilial oxi. N 1(4 4me•p F. T • C of Music ; -01 anis. Noxi.:..., 4'm-••rierteh riswIrlet Loittim , x 11,4. I r...ie. : 1. 1011 .m.,en. 1...l+ of 114141 thieve.. t ,ur Diel.'. u .fe(ra`rtrI t.,4 ' 4terial (mr.•hint( ft.? (s:eu 14 t aloe ,,• i"an.a.Aud \oral. r. si •l a 1 . ,r .,.iii r• 1i�.t ;or!, •ddrr-se- left 1(i bel a. or. , CIVIL ENGINEERING ACtiHAN M. ROBERTS, CiVIL Iand Brit Kola Engineer. Ontario laud its n1.' oiix-McLe.i. Ill n, Godes**. twrne•r Ne*ileA' -•• 7. MEDICAL 4',R, N1.. F. li ALLOW . M. B. era of ",,,'> heti•, r)• office. Tele... L nllla((UItA�. .latt�'r \orth Stoat., �j KKltS jf( Tt 1' ,..1..1...., wotwrl Vubltc in mtlti• in to night at TItr•.11«y. the 1'irk. Vlnlltl'elal, a that there Werk sago till Miss Flush dealer of her b4' Exeter, on Su ceased cattle 40 t sal! Obsereer : N. ('antit)t•., With illiunairer from Moutreel. was on Moodily. They stent the 't. Joseph ,44141 ra1ur hack on The 'peat pr Irl tenor 444. •hien he is Managing near rent-uce(•ss. lie .4,144.44 ere :414.11[$1 adllll i 4714. :a play. 11 Hill diwi at. t h+• other, Gent we Hill. ill da). 17th inst. De- us euuuty t Eng- land ahr.ut revolt year' ago. She had 4' time. :t was born ailing for 1 4'.i see iuusly ill for on pt for to her delith! 1 off, .view's, North o rr!t. fiodrr.i ll. • lYl LEGAL 1'a1w.!lt Iw••. w'eeklr the feet loOgwar tat week ewbnl- reilway tear;. 1.lydwich. 'lite A }stick rod Meru found one11 ening da•d in a ties on 1.1 about one mile .trom rod is supposed to has • broken . u_one of the coaches .in the. ' vening train of the day ,previous, 111 faltinr was .1ri%en with great- I. ace neatly het the lie • Vt►st4r-Charlie Salle . .or FAeter. waw ativ4•k 1n.(he eye to a shot from 0 er_ d \•. Hr w•1(+ au: -aie._t:;1le..ihr_ !Aber t : n 1 �eh•• u looking down the Nina.] + \\ g ! see it the shot had wale down whet. the rifle went (off. hot til ately, :he eight W.%' $)ot ltrsltnaril, as a was Oen clow• I.. the end of the .t die when !t w ditch urged. Hv the death of 74 ijati,► G. r!•4', r4'- lict'ot the lite. ('111 a-'opher Tot the vin et. of Eittettei twill-• ha- 1,..' +n» of its til l4'.! ,r-id4'tlt - NG '1' v1(. a wan et lierluany :sI4 ) hod tee •hal the ointment age of runty -glee Yeats rand 1brrr (u 10! h-. Sl,P earn to l anwl < in 1y:rt 41. 1 settled' in fops'. 1. %herr she was • 111 at rir'I to her la hushan.l. Stiortfy . afterward- the moi ed t•, Eamon ii illi, where sh 1.01.11noeil 1 . t•e►I(lr till her death. A bon ,1v .1f ttlr". ds ughtetu4 yet rive.. of Elizeh"th Ann 11'pwu- wife of William Pullwtd. 11•known'te.ident of Me• tip, t.s.k tpt51.arr .1li Mons IC Mrs, Pnlh.td w•sa Isar' IHARRI.e1h.K. j. .,. lar. t.rr. etc. Money to lend at Iwo• , •" , _ (pod el ..es 'e.i �, J 4111oq. 111 'Seafront tiatarday .1((I )t9..1e)•. ---- ii. l'A MI ERON, K. (L. B uffi(+es- "'t(4. note!. (•detith, third door trom sou: ••nucessiun 3: John Belk+otwea, ted tmunage .wa proeessb.o. -i, n, - :i 1('a - - 1 F H 'ay..itui. !__-d+ilui sai.i Ponf poles ieeentlt, "that a i PROCUFU(Yr. HAYS & BI.kIR harriers, .olitltora. nutarlr- public pro. onto Me Marl( iose C(wrt. etc. Unice, 4'•..•t .td apoire, next. yy1 1'. A. ♦.,fru'. 4roorry. Pri OtI54.41.40 lend .t Ire' .-t rates of lutere4 e.PBuul'Fls)'r. IC.(.. 11.. C. RAYN. O. F il.AHL HARLEtifiAlit OW. LCL 13•• BAK- NI(('irights t1th1'•![I''rs•t1ln.an Bethel the (►rengr stall. In the L.Ut et. three '14 Edward ('Freclt and others are of the opioiun that the council should be opal o:ached • and 'make the railway eompiau,' take the high/Vivi ' at this p•.itlt t,o a -short way,' 'The 1-0ad good end wide at this point and Could h-• made 'wider. The .eoagpany. h. w- i•aery reefer t heir own right of, way. Mit `t r. M.'Ewati pointed o'it Chat' they desired to towel the wisliee of the people as fa. as was posslhle anti pt•wc- ti1•,ah:e. Ne was of rhe opinion that the ploy• �tiam -could he plydr with no , �t+rpertem'eto taw pahlia.- . -_- 1'h • • rorupapy will tenet!' the entire right of wad, leave pntpet' dralnsand generally iulprov4' the appearance of the !roots of the twit- t iev p•4ss. There 1(11( some farms, such a- •taner- ,.eh .1, rink tune s and haa eitt,P',Uock S, that it Is •4 pity the,tlr.r ornamental trees, but thi•se Larifshipa ale• eller' fully borne' Liv them. ori (h'•1 feel that the road wilt serve the interest.. of the l'nmulunity. It nisy ire stated that every option wk. -ecure+l with the best of gem] feeling on both sides. 1'be Laramie have shown the)- are anxious' to assist and not retard the pn•itgre.s of I he rondo It is -I ire Folioed the -remaining prions will be speedily ert;inged rot i that copes intiy be begun as 60044 us sf biro C Itls'r4.lt. sharers*, solltitor. etc.. Holo • .k). )'. 4 414144!4 44! 1'0r1 jO. JOHNSTON. BARRISER )J1 .4(4tr+'nr, u,rnutheltmer. notary Public rAlke. Monition street. Goderlcra OJmt- iNSURANCE. LOANS. ETC. McKII.LOI' MUTUAL FIRE IN- e I: K A N C F' C 0.-Fatwt and Isolated b.;� rugrrt, awned. Otatro-J. I4. McLean. Pees.. taiiefor:h P.0 Jr (m,nopi, Vtoe-Pre... Ooderlch P. 0: Theme E..b.)'. twc.-Tea.••.. Lceaforth P. 0. nr• Dio,. -w in, ('he -nes. beaforth : John e.ori•.r, wlnh.r•,p. (pelage Ieale.Ileaforth: his r Meth eeno,1 . John %I tat, Hartock t Marco's.. ileF.a ,. (4,,o.n.ad. .tree. - ! 11.. 1.'w,. Hoene.ellle: It llh. a,4orl .,;.- 'nmiutnr.. fgmor•d+ill'G; k. aha113. `1419.111. 1,..ncy.Mddor. Cal. pay treer.rni- ..u!der their cards reeelptld at feet sneer'..Clinton, m- at R. H. cans111100*' 1(,na'.tei. street ioderich• bill()() PRIVATE 1•CNUS The drat)' ing. (a•loves an old and Ki11op towns day. Jul) fit_ 1n Irra•.•nehil.4, Eniihunt, set entyairs t Pars Mgt.. %%11..11 ei tloeru peers. of age she canoe w it It the other ul*ntlwt s of the family t" ('lanadaanti settled in Durham (tnllnt t . 4rftrl'wals removing G, a phase near lapewcestle. Here she was married to her now lereaveal hue - band iu the year\ lwsl, almost fatty years ergo. They hi)vr been residents 1,1 4' Klllnp•towtuh\p since the 'yens Ilrtsl, residing for ecru marriage in Middla Inter in ltsborne famih' epaulets• of daughter. Killed in Manitoba. spelling •i 'Von know, ray dear, when' l don t w nd l rnder...me h 1 know now .4',,.{'N . ,. w. ad Iran. Apnly to M. 0. CAM - LIP) ;. [two -tel. )landltrn street (4oderiell. like this 'hen if 1- -.pelted , •. and h, 1.g 1.t P+s+e. n4' •a g.).»1 I• .it.. , e time after their 4'x e. mut). and terw,i hie. lheir tr>e son and one rat if it 144' -pelted r t it doesn't 1(11(1. J. DOM & SON GODERICH THE Funeral Director and Embalmero Orders �...eair.n.�a.e td, �t VT hours. u��' u' �� Y GODERICH THE1,LEADIN(. Funeral Directors and Emba; niers carefully attended t� 1.t alT night Pr 11ay. - Torpid, lazy liver causes biliousness and head- In Mrs. t matte Pron•. An Euglieh diplomat t a dinner in 1 Lennox said of Mr'.. Laug : -When sLr was et the uuantit of her beuuo'. and her tat -when crowds folfewrd bee in Beira *tarsal and tier Kew she Islet at :a semi -royal' dinner n Aft•icw1.t king. alit- LrtttFtl}.' dazzling 111 he. beauty itlir-sut' t hi lttog: '-`rht~ y aa- in gond spirits. and 44114. dad pier Yet te.t'7' Arnim :inti please Itiw. And 'she mu.: lua4.e su,•ceeded. fot-rat the dinners rinse. he neared a deep sigh) uqd,-aid •: hrt : •':11,11. madam. if heaven ; made y,•,1 black and fat y„ irresistil ie ' ' Mrs. A. Ireland. of Kincardine, re- ceived word a few days ago of the ac- cidental death of her brother. Thomas Rork et'. at -Killarney. Men, Deceaeed met, ho' death on 'away Mid Nth. when his borers ran away- slid b was thioven fromthe wagon. Deceased WAS fifty-eight years of uge end form- erly lived near W ingham. Ne went ago. He ey was bout a bachelor ty-ontandrowned /threat LBO acres of the choicest land in that section. A Clinton Wedding. W . R Ik9BERTSoh. IN)URAN('E AGENT. Fair AN L10BTNINO : British. Celaadlan and Amelitan. t £411,v? tla4*Neat AND 1!.ete1Oraall LIABII` • ter: The Ocean Accident and t:uarauree ., nrailon Limited. of London, Num . Ur -sod Guarantee Lerritan '• Office 114 residence. northeast corner of Vic end St. 11nv4d o street+. HER REASON r Strong Belief in Dodd'' Kidney Us -Her Own Experience. o. OAt.. .1041\ 'lith.-4Sprrial.f (mend Dodd'. Kidney. Pills' e suffering • with nervous trouble." Tree are 'the +,. Alberta (•ofttn, a nesse, entre. "My sickness was nervous hreekdown and tore called incurable htonght oo by colt}_ .f nursing. five . years. Was etors and a patient Torun -1 ren to solo or kidney words of M 411 VVright a caused from what the do lir•iuht's ii+ieaa and long weeks ••I suffered f treated h7 three _. in two hospitals. but gradually got weaker until November. list`4, an al- manac. relating to D(dd's Kidney Palle. was left at my house. I read the testimonials of other sufferer• like my,elf and - decided td fry them. i felt a benefit after taking' the first- box "After using eight or nine boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills i ant perfectly erred.' 'Phone 171( JOHN W. CKAiGIE, LIFE. FiRE end iA•ridrnt noontime. Agent for lead 11. -meal and stock axmtsanias. 1tlruranl:e it. all tai elfertld on [test plans std et lowest rates. -all at office moor Nest duvet and Rgtuo•( or *ddrr...1.' W. CRAIOIF ' li0dsr1ch. Ont. tale .horn Ya MARRIAGE LICENSES At Clinton, on Thursday. July lith. 1(w ehe honlwa of s Htemtlhztedewhen Miss Clara, g • ('tare. record daughter of the hostrsd. onetantine 17 ming r of. thetbranch of.1. A.( the Mol.+one Blink at Zurich. The bride wee trust- ded and was icer stray by her hoot et..TTeneste- Mal)' Chidley was ringhearer. Hee. Ur. ,Stewart was the officiating clergy'• man. Tho honeymoon is being spent Among the, Muskoka Lekes and. at points on the (Georgian Bev. ••THE BRITISH GRENADIERS. Band That Made the Tune for the Can- ian The Grenadier Guards band, King George's household hand. which is crossing the ocean expressly to play et the Canadian National Exhibition this year, is the finest of England's great. 1:nerds' bands which even the Germans Itrld. Tt is )anntt(iudfey'e old hand and thes splen- didly maintained its reputation under eeent leader, Lieut. William-. of. ---'---sly every man in annda has to "The British Grenadier -L.' These the people. _ Two heads are better than one -in a } cabbage patch. Occasionally we meet a man whose train of thought reininds 1111 of a tow e(fat CMs. WALTER E. KELLY,' GODERICH, ONT. 19:+14:44 OF MARRIAGE L10ENPEr. w' LANE, 1H8UER OF MARRL• . snit Nesesss. Ooderieb. Oats SHAVING ,PARLOR_ BEDFORDHWCI. BAttHERMHOP- +y ' TTi. well known and ``copular stand Oars Its patron.. [J,e te.t service In shaving Iwrcutt,`ng, etc., etc. Ladle: ahampoolntr ►1eeWty. Only skilled hands employed. +�eseefrperaniere ertn be appreciated. H. K. •utlI ER,1 prietdr. ARCHITECTURE Took Carbolic Acid in Mistake. t fatal- mistake. Waft 'nada in Sea - forth one day last week when -W l- liam Aherhart went into hie es. drug enure and kook a dose 04 ;arbolic acid in mistake for medicine. Upon realizing the unfortunate mistake which had been made, he hurried told doctor, but skim) before the ph, render any assistance the unfortun- ate man was dead. Mr. Aherhart had items,. resident of the Mill rind. rTt+lck- eramlth, for many years. some year* ago and had since lived in Egmondville. He leaves a wife and tetstt(1 nourrn his midden liWP Mane l(laugh - tet �RTHUR J. BARCi.AY, MEDALLIAT L1ATRoyal Institute Aett.l.h Architect. 0e- %salts Home, (iederlch. Nan.. de - e and .1t truest Ion. prepared for residences see puhltr huikllnra. (O rewponden0e 1n - Tiled. AUCTiONEERiNG Old Resident of Wingham Pasties• Wingham Inst an old resident on Monday. July Pith, when .lances Ben - nett Cummings pulsed away in his seventy-sixth year. I/Aeresed was horn P end cheat sixty MAKE THIS TEST. How to Tell 1f Your Hair is Diseased. Even if you have tt -luxuriant head of hair, you may wnnt- to km" whether it is iia a healthc 14+X10 lneed a ir not. lel, •of the people tonic. Pull a heir ort of your head : if the bulb at the end of the root is white and shrunken, it proven that the hair is diseased. and requires prompt treat- ment if its loss would he avoided'. If I the bulb is pink and full, the. halt is healthy. We want everyone whose hair re- r]vire+ treatment to try Emil "44(43" in Quebec Province Hair Tonic. We promise that it shall }}ears ego the family- settled 111 past I not emit wnything it it does not give Wawenneh. HA took up the study tOf ch satisfa(:Mry results. it is designed to medicine. hut owingto failing h overcome dandruff. relieve scalp irrl. he was obliged to give up his studies.. , tenon, to stimslete the hair roots, Moving to Winlfhwm thirty-two years I tighten the hair already in the head. ago, he held the agency for pianos. grow hair end cure haldnees. { machines for a I ih is hemline of what Retail "11 3" t ] f lE.TlME FOR only A be ache=two common complaints. Via&STOMACH AND PILLS LIVER wake up tin d 4'r-- it 'use it h) action, step dti, •r-1.1444141 sl he 441:1. A ;tor 'I, vege- table rerne'Iy that has 1 ben- ehci d e f -pct +)n st.m:ich and bowels .Is well. Because it's NYAL'S we know ,what's in. it 2, R'nt.i a 'see. Awyth..a Fos. bar wok the same 3.w and g.araab.d fay tins F, J.,BUTLAND S. E. HICK. H. C. DUNLOP \E. R. WIGLE GODERICH June Weddings is now past, but I am still'ifi the Furniture business and -would like to 'furnish the homes of those lately married, or any person'wishing to get the --best there is in Furniture would do wej1 to come here and my stock before purchasing. I have the latest thing in Hammocks a "H.ammock Couch.- Call and flee it. • examine Geo. Johnston Funeral Director and Embalmer. .tol•k of 440 utile• t:• ode :old 'elle wards ill Our entity l udless, of, cost. 1rarsing fn-hii,l, tae all to ire ed out, r' o:• CHILDREN'S MILLINERY - ('hildteti 1(alrlln Hornets, all styles, at half 111 ice. Children's Straw tfonnets the r'ovrlt of the sea.+o1. All tui►rked at half price for a speedy cicaranee. (sur entire stock of children's Colored Wash Dr•esree must I,. cleared. Krgalit 7:a: to $1.2:'), tor. each ' �MUSL/NS 4 • • MUSLIN8 The retraining stock of .Wieling all to h•• eleared,_but not man) left: Mullins that. weir trout :.'llc to :3•t.' a yard. fur..... 1 Sc Bargana in Waists. Bargains dr Underskirts, Special values to ladies' Summer Vests. A lovely Vest at for «' values to Summer Gloves. McCall's Pacer"s the best that Men, y I►honr � • P„nr' Sb Millars Scotch tore t. II Supplies Photo Amateur We arty e%erything•in Photo il�l�Frelies -Pilate, Fili.! Packs. Ptut't. Developers, Toning atitiWixing 1'owders, et. . Also a nice line of CAMERAS THE FAMOUS BUTCHER CAMERAS e ,�,,I r `ob , la,, ., T --Hie-beet in rho world. (1.l,' .• • t > r And be. convinced. - -_ F. J. Butland, Druggist The Square. Goderich. organs and sew ng THOMAM (IUNI)KY, LIVE STOCK number of years. Ile wan twice mar- , Heir Tonic hew done and our sincere general anc11(sawsr. olecn. on Arra tfi rind. in away oodness that we want yin' *rd his float, wife plasm gfaith in its g •trt.t. when h1 will 1.r round a( an tln,e. nearly thirty years ego. He is •ur- hn try it et our risk. Two sixts, i>flc• whte 004 reline aisles. Terme 41 .,it aMa end and �i.(Kl. Sold only at our store -- Mowtesty tarn lord to gl,a you satisfaction, rived by his aecnnd wife and a lamp Y The Kezall Ht1oro. H. C. Mowtn. � of three daughter' and one eon. 1 south side of Square. STORE e.-la:rase - - .-!-1(g------ VVe have just received invoice .11 another shipment of SMITH'S ART FINE W- I-T-E--CHINA'I FOR DECORATING, from Lim, 'gee France. well known as the test pot celain in rhe world. which because of tetter restores duties we are enabled to sell at at -out the sane mice as the h inferior Atu4'rican poreelaio. We t1-4Ve ,ciao installed one 01 the inlp'oned REVELA- TION KiLNS FOR FIRING CHINA, and du firing for teacher, and amateurs. Lessons in China Painting given at our ste,dio by qualified teacher's. Mr. (leo. F. Hargitt. artist. teacher in oils. water colors and china painting. Haunt arranged to suit his pilon.. Mise L. Grant, of Clinton,- has a class here ever` Thurieday, 2 to R p.itr' end 7 +o H► p.w.; for chino painting. . See one fine display of ART NEEDLEWORK. FREE INSTRUCTION given every Wednesday. 2 to 5p.m., in art embroidery. A complete line of materiels on hand for all kind. of art work. Also Pi( -tures, Frames, Moulding•+, Art Novelties, etc.. in endless variety. GOLD MEDAL Binder Twine 65o feet. Per pound 10c Waterproof Hay Fork Rope Per pound...•.:...... 15c s • Brown's Auto Spray for spraying trees, shrubs, vines, poultry houses and stables. Call' and see it work. EVERYTHING IN HARDWARE Fred Hunt's Hardware Store Midsummer Clearing..... 1 :i • Right tlpw in y n u r .•h:ince to get really good Shoes at a considerable saving. Our policy is G1. sell all shoes in their s4'l111un and carry nothing over. The balance 111 snnlrller styles we are selling now at prices to clear quickly. Hundreds of pairs of O -X -F -O -R -D -S 44I n's, wn111'n'•, and ehilalal.s'a. Smith's Art Store East Si.. Goderich. SEE THE SPECIAL VALUES ON OUR BARGAIN TABLE. G. M. Elliott The:Square, Goderich.