The Signal, 1910-7-28, Page 2• Telephone Call Nu. AL 4111 Straggling u ill. indicate. Free ' Tin' Chilton Neu Flu 11444 coin.- 1 ti t rode tool reform ,if the lanti NW^ Nee "1:. e"Ill'inst• 0, 'hal I herr la .1.04•111 f"r 44 garie per 1111111/1111 in 1111Y11110e. biz month.. NW three months. 23e. To United States subsoribem. 111.30 a Yea strictly in advance) . •' Subscribers who falba° Ite4/11.0 T1.11 Sal's 4. regularly by omit will confer a favor by ar-• maiming us of the fact at. re tarty 4 date ra- and the new address should be given. . Leonel ruld tither -similar aid tart re.111,41.Le. nonpareil scale, twelve Moe to an inch. cardn of Nix Itnes and under. $.3 per Advertnretuents of Lora, Found. itt•rayett. Sit- uation. Vacant, Situation. Named. House. for Mile or te Kent. Farm. for rars or to Kent, Article,. for -Mile. etc.. not exceeding eight lines. 2651 eAeli 111Aurt ion ;1111 tor first 'month, feoe, 107 each seises; Mint month. Larger adv et Merlin tu surnousermirm.-Maiskifiasp rw•filog tine 1411. cent. 0•1 line. No ',retire less than Puy 1A1 1111•01,11.0 a hith the ation, to be considered an adimrtinement rd meta. win be given on apelloaLlen. T11 r. sir 4,k' A 1, PitINTiNU 'IA. Limited tkefutrich. fat • 114114141414.'14. THUNSIVAY. JULY - • 'WILL SEAFORTH erre? It is reported ihat the 14epartinent of is revising the 1111141iV limas eir much i iir The 11104 gar the revision) ti ill b.• ebarge.1 .eirsinst the 11'14.vincial funds. and we shall 1 ir•ai -1 lie -Okapi brooks %%1001 the iiit 4/1'14111PM 1411•4 Opt' 'sin is a gtxrit thing a strike, 441411 *bat 11 NOV!, ill 116. 444141A-4 theit:;11telt et 'It fur all. It ie wertli. The fartitlielifig statements it' the way oftieials and tin. strike leashes. are a reminder that their. are !wt. eith,s th every Mins/ ion and then therg:t. 1 lir• loo:•ItalL W. i1104 Oat agf,17-• (hit srii. erhisimit's 19:1M1.1* anti it ie. mime% liar of -i1111111'1•1. liroWs cutup Aliil W:1111• the 411%11 1,f S.-air/1N to the other HIV 114.111•1•11,1.sellelte .,‘141111 Irii lt V1 ill lin.) 114.111 11 ,1,,aly km.** e here:, 'Elie permit. rif Syn irt I are asked 10 take 'Niagara po'it ..11 - 4414 4.144--t[1. 411.1-4-1WLVW1Liti:14 1r/1 11116. 166 411 be added. the (sea of di, lit rika. of good many Iterride in Seam t If Mit if the t”stit (Annul make hot,: ...terms than that for Niagara IN IW1.1. it Will nip( Is. %%mill n bile- for 1 be teen yoked in flu. - Writ) GloseS .1104 power' eugineers Maitland Ri‘11•1' pot% el' ef111111 he 111.1i4: Peed .it`senfisrth fur ;silent 510 a Mine - 'Newer ..less than 1 lif. Priv(' asked 'fin ' Niagara po% el.. Hut, the Meaflirth 440.7411 lee)* Nay. where is 1 he \fait - this that the policy of the Out 111 . itioc this territory ie the great hind - ranee to the developint.nt of Maitlan.1 River power. l'he market ix limited.' and tinlesie there is bas11111111.i• thet the prodnet rata be used private rapilal aie 1 /44.1.1111.11 for the Project. The posit inn. then, is (lint the Ontario while admitting Du -44140 I he. miant id its 0%41 engineers that 'jeerer can he supplest to Seaforefi 411111 other • ipalilies in this dist riet prices l'Ionsidera Illy loWer than (11115e: plied, Will neither l'i-• !Hifi` Mail 141111 Iii% el, power itself 111.1' 111111' -empathy to do /411; stete 'slily a few weeks. ago. the Milgrim 'ismer pIrliey is all right if it pesperty %oiled 41,14 and if other worts: of the l'ee1Villee 14 re given Ow /1/111be nullities of securing eheap gime, 44, are M1'11111141'1 0 the Seeti11118 aril hilt reach • of Ningera. Rot te mold the mist is far gl'1%1I•1' hall hal al IIH./11 if could lie sit/spied I- to make a fare.. of the scheme. The Seat -to proltimi- itrojerl, is all t 11.• Hie • lof supply at. Seafort im piny Ise liable to (mottled. irderrnpti .... of the erevice ; fact, while the town le .,gyttitor the newest end of the +serve's% It seems 14) if -the town wane. to 104101 1141Y liability, it weitild pay)* h better join with the tither tewies hi this dial i•ict hi developing the' pots er to be had right, et their OWII API iNJURIOUS, MONOPOLY. omen believe that under 'elver of the tariff the cement manse be -timers of Camelot are criteying on systematic robliet.y of the WIIII•114 Of " „Recently I merger of tlie cement hvirrests wits effected, am". me -online ft) the figures press.rsted by Mr. Thomas McMillan in him lettee Th.. the prompt eUentinn of the lesininbin (19‘ernment. The ditty on imported eat reduction, if 'not initirely wipes' With wheel Klee. nuntii,1 lu• Int mark, 1 here are m Iminotira. the wheat fields of Ifircon comity Ustuatilat 1.111.11i110( 1.11P 1 11111P. 1111.111 Morel from I iirtiti. 0 .61 11011144 of III Met bi 011. eftlis4.4.4.• uniting tie in Fan/rand The lit itish ettalxii go 1141- (111 '111111111.111 110 1 ,..1116.46./. 11/.4111101141Si 141•11114••• 1.04" 1 he fel'''. 1111111.orlitiat tear frit which 1 stirek f. *reit rritiror The Scot t ish rpli• have. the fat ion of being igrr.11 Sablitilli•k;•1•114.1.s, Mal it limy stirtrrisy Amite to- ktioti-A hat Smplay, trafling ha. 'gained quiff! if fooling S land. r ylir• police dr - part enrol of, report. 3.3:14 shims in flint rit tiloing openly int y....ltailwriys. too. it is Alia. HMV "rim theit 'trains itir li diger Pia! all. princgde rat-Ii.iaars-41-y„--Init oft Mar, ;or -ernivetflence.- l'erholt, lir %fork! will yid, look tr. Canada for leadership in Piahleith rilseevance. VI'liy r41111.1 41 119t. With llit• tievpseall.y fully regulate the 1.11e. 1.1.1 Wilkes 14 114. 11111v4•Pd If I be bustriet.- of the 1111114 is le lie lin ble testeipteision through re ;Are, relief 1,4411 lei veto besought railway eumpenies and these of the rade ay. eitipkoo. have to be made ti. the public " et - est, How this is &me tot a Trete • Thy Myofibril' faiamitior is unkind elltalgh fib this pareatinish Rhea a sister town : rourrrsat ion with 1111 . Tuckersmith farmer the other rine, he irleidentally remarked that •yon hay.. tun.' *le miid -it wits a pleasure Li 1 111/ %lilt street ill SeHhIrth. wItile Clite MI it W11/4 the reverse. t after a heavy' rain. anti the Mein tfl hides find Idar stones. worse he reaimed Allan any country road. say anything about it. tu the Clintem Now, the fact of t4tt. matter is that a visitor from 4ioderielt. say, would realli make very little difference he- t wimin Neat/ nth and Clinton. Do you say- "Meotositien" or "Scotele man," "SteittiNh" history tit • "Serge/I" hietery R. re O. A. in hiN weekly Ohl t'irtaltry letter Thi• Presby. 11114CWISes the question. "Dr. the present tendency in Scotland to discard 'Scotch' altogether, and teltlfle is, the fat smite. levies heitig regiments. etc. It ie pointed out by I/Inne that tlis• Scot is the only one of he shred(' prize the privilege. It its Amidst he surrendereil to the ItAtuea- 11111Ce. 11111I the AVreellni•llt tlf which it if'rele a tint 41r." iiIollt.. It has al: 11$4111 the frequent tolliell.ltele Of rt, % .-it OA; 41.41111 he.111, tilt the rimers. Tlie t tirade it. that in Igo. slAliibiti4ii of- the spoil, '1,4141114i 1 Easy to At 40 IA/: 'ACHESON (11 SON You will regeet you did no attend oue of Canada's; High. 6 rade bueineee College,. 'siert tel lier Waal tea. stearto „Tots. Th. N101)41144 .11. T11.. 14 11 Mel 11 rirat,fe grout 'r, le. .Iteeti'and frorirrieh Mr 'from through the rit.titnix roc that id one of the; ladrijuntr s haSdirry or %Vest (intro M. FROM, OUR CON EMPORARI Arbitrau rut is lie xdtrldeti hrirtge over whit+ both the- Ottani 'Triad. Gobd Old Huron. • It will ke the, farmer.. la. they, 'hear of lie spleediti veep, 141 K111141 11111 11111101 1'1111111Y. Rainy ba, Philosophy. Atlanta taiusUtrition. "Ulmer 1111: NI 41141 ,tIP N11.111 111 • Prevention, wiohisinsii star. to Make hint Ittagrgisitl. st, that .11 "Yes,- replied t 114. abrupt pPrs...01, beelike to roek the in out ." Can't Keep Them Away. Toronto etar. 1111 Canada if, ens)) 411 fugtr anil•t he !gin Smith- eat opaigots seeiti to have turned Ira it fizele. Laurier the Peacemaker. Hamilton 'Spectator. Henri limit -item. Who is qualifying MN the Illoh-Eilwards et the Eaet. gets, off a ;paid thiny every so often, one of his lid 4.st, plifilished 1.44 being the followitur;: "The hest' thing Laurier will de ate.iving at the gates. ,heaven will be get up all Three time** brit maid.% never it iN bride. is an old saving. Ind there true tliefoov Ind not in anixiness. If 44 makiwg_retv Limn. _diiferegee buss_ 'Tories. Exeept that they wt.ar big- ger hats. 1 lir.y are much like other Syetting Rid of the Cars. ' Melva Citizen, That a sly move int the part protect' 'Its to get the Verniers is ts big for pi-46feet ion on farm produet niul thus, dome thee. mouths agniest the exert isms of the !Weibel 111 III/11111- l'I•ItteCtient 1111 (arra prei duct sineans very little to the farmer. lett he is severely listudicapped by the higlis•r pricers caused by the reofeetive duties. on implements, 4•Ite biter, hard- wdre and tither thing; he imp.. In connect ii#111 V1 it h the woollen tssuleethe pnotect • lot makes out his heist ease for the CIII-Opei AC of the 11111.E. Ulf• es willing that the' fariner'n wool 11111 titan- illittiffe -Tr phi? ef'14,1f-11. Ihe Verifier will help him get it high.:1, tariff on manufisettired eiselletes. the laNt beim. of The Fermer's Astro - cats. E. C. Drury, a • reprerientet ivy farmer, shows what little eilientage the propoised five -vent duty on would bring to the fariner--an relven. Sege that would likely he more than offset. by the inereamed Weer' he would have to•pay brr woollen cloth - the TAKE ONE Or THESE TADLETS AND THE PAIN . Peterborough ()tango ilk Clinton "I use Dr. Miles' Anti-Paiti Pills for Nciiratgia, L,atirippe ;Ind all pains. don't:. intend to be Without them, for 1 find ready relief in them fOr every- thing I Luse them 4i:in-- rzo W. 6th St., Davenport, la, All Pain "In my family Dr. Miles' Anti:Train Flits are used for headache. colic ' and other pains, and always give -relief- / Wellnod Winyham Walkerton Now is si, good time to enter. 0111' Sratluates receive from ri14140 to $15e0 per annum. - Mail Courees in leo different SPECIAL LINEN SALE July clearing sale of Table Cloths, Napkins and Towels contains many splendid bargains. Some cloths are rich double damask, and the best of pure lr;sh flax. all sizes in the lot and very handsome 'patterns, marked at A discount of 25 to 50 under regular value. UNDERWEAR. JULY SALE PRICE§ Wonusn's tine cotton Ude Vests, finely tInished. Sleet/Y.3 r Men's disable thread real French lialbeidden shirts Drawers, gime 34 to 44, at, per garment 25o. 40c Ann eoe DRESS aooDs French all -elite Drees Voiles, 42 Inches wide. beautiful e% weave, in two shades of gray, foleil-and champagne,: lege, rite for particular.. CLINTON BUSINESS COLLEGE THOS. R. FOWLER Price ass at your arugalot. should supply you. If ha date , tend print to ma. we terwerd meleald. r ALL TERM OPENS AUUUST 29th. On. MILES MIDIGAL DP.. Tomato. • Elliptt Business College and Macauday-Intine. Hogg find Hugh '' .:-'4 !departments. Write today for our Afiller. t he Sem. tIol'oly.-,41ye. and the English. too- 'night well hvop ..ti the • 4411- handsome catalogue I Mb I Fourteen Calls! The Bedford Livery, South Stree• . -Cundry bros. Old Shand. • -Feliii•jewd with the finest of horse-. nahrer-tited coaches. broughams, dU etc. /Everything new mid utettedete Special attention given to funeral anti wedding orders. Open day end night. • Look (tut tor These the list of words. phrases and ex- pressions to be avoided by students of weliknown college for woolen in. eludes the following : -1 guess so," for I suppose so, or I in eight hour- recriir. by our eseeloymens. ..e. pertinent on N ed fre.d.); July stb. indi -,i.e the people in goad .411,ii. !/ good 1 Mining and • intim ulAteriAl. If you warn .6 .upply half the eon. we ' lat s- college, Termer, 11 W, H. Shaw. Principal Free Calaioirre mailed or, I ammiwarraaanimaainowwwwies Gni 1 1 , "Fix Wage." ter arrange things, 7 prepare things .- - 'The use or -ride" and "drive" tater- amlir gee. er really nice. • POr p „T.1',..etineenntrc. peririrent," for mike an ••Ifeci rather," for would rather, anti "arid better," for weuld better.-- "Horht awey.7 for immediately or -Wel: posted,".ititr well informed. -It looks g4 enough." for it 10.2)oks well enough. or '•deeer it 'look good gh ?". (41' does it. loo well enough. We ofte one hundred toilers rehard for any came of ..oini rh t hitt crui not be cured by Ran - We. the" ntninrdirn have ann 1 F. J. Cheney tor the Not At, n year...ahd *Bore tam pia ketly honorabl in all busines iron - notion. and financially le to carry 'Au Any Wholesale Dm if. l'oleflo. O. Hall', catarrh care 1., lake internally, acts, mg directly open the blood a d inuoinie 4111. Hee,. of the system- Teetimo ial. sent free. Price 7.-feent- per bottle. Sold ti all druairlat... TAke Hall-. Fondly Pill- for eon t ipat ion. MIMS- Erom our large stotk we continue our sele of Huge and lotooleuniN. Oilcloths. I, Ira. IA and 2 yarite•witie.m., Per yard 25c W. ACHESOAI a SON HATS The Last Chance a real swell hat cheap. AU colored, 'soft and stiff hats, ranging in prkes o ege LONDON ONTACi,, Business I& Shorthand SUBJECTS Resident and Mail Courses Cetalegue• Fro. Saturday for 50c MARTIN BROS. TAILORS AND FURNISHERS-- Fall Term from Aug: 29th. CENTRAL Ready for the Flies and Bugs Th.- largest and hest pteetical training school in Western tboarie. There es no bettet• in tile Dotilitil0ii. \ Our courses are thorough *nit prate. tical. our teachers experieneed Iml N tomtit 'trail wit ea po-itions. V. have three deparrenero- :- Commercial Shorthand Telegraphy WriM at once for sew fiet• cata- This; is the seseon of the year whin) the ilineasedireediiii.: houssetly arrives te infect yogi!. home and by its unceasing buzzing rneke your life generally miserable. We are ready 1., alesiet you in ridding your -elf of this pest. We have the he -t PLY 'POISOA' IN Sci AND 1043 PADS. and *nether sin,. thing in TANGLEFOOT. ; ARE THE POTATO !JUGS BUSY ? If the potato hug Paris If rern. Give us a call. We wall be pleased to germ yog• It C. DUNLOP, The Druggist, South Side Square, Goderich. 'The epelet of rabies in Western (hit.oriot ham Nt Accomplished 11.1ther'llian or., III the trouble id Illiperly^liwtking after t he caplet.. the I isjorit V Of people have gut rid f bells eliffered ei little, fir the cif hien.. T Passing of Perridts.. '0417 4W01611M/6 /1., NO I pne Wit his ryes lItlell .4111 1•' Ill flbut.rv#. the "rt F414044444 not mei. 4 - being meths/III) 41.•positel from former high i)lare 'T.) file 111111,MA) 4. may be ebteined fr .met 'noel el est eig RVI. Titers. is something te Ise 44. .1 too, for porridge /IP a prom/nee • died of anything hut senile der., long life end excellent health ent it , to porridge. And if iwitineal cussitl Jerome oneg Berlin. Chit. eCanada. Tecorporatedby Act fir Parliaareat, reed Residential Scheel for Boys sad Young COW/1142 Iliususessr, High Schou/. Science, Arta. Neer buildings equipped with latest hygiene. requirements whist* maim, Rae new Gymna- sium. Swienaing Pont 81144e, Rnnninir Track, Auditorium. Professor. inside pliablyeadiiate courses in ltn- 11111. A t. ZINGen, CIL Iowa_ PIIIIIIII11.1111 are used ur order Summer Suit 'ST STYLES FINE TAI LOP West st There are no flies' lying about w WILSON'S FLY PADS Footwear ITH the warm weether comes the desire for something to keep the feet cool and cornfoi table. The .t)nlewt 4urnmer Footwear you can WAX' IA A dainty Gibson ie or Pomp. To procure the most up-to-date styles in white or brown emelt/8, gun metal. ( horolate kid. tan and fill other leathers at the lowest nossibb prises, !Time to us and see what WP have to SHOW as directed. All Drug- gists,Grocers and General Dealers sell them. Downing & MacVicar