The Signal, 1910-7-21, Page 6• THURSDAY. .I 'I.1' 21, Ip111' , •• ` s^t€t,.t'm'a�r�;tr'M1 IF•t (''�" n"w',�P6:'t&II.A�a�a3arra:a:�; •, ; a �:va-m.. � ". TI1(: S1rN.1T, f.O(W iOH ONTARIO The Farmer and the Protection System A.l.{:T'rita HY THOS. MeMILLAN. • Thelullowi*g leiter fret. new, Mi. mi.. King'. ..t.11u11'in•aJm .teatigatito* ltill:u., til' Hull,•11, algN'•u'- n the I.1�1 Hill," hulywhoi in this 'IOW, IN going Go 114111111•) 411.97141 Faret4.I'..1•i. • Institut,' )1r4de/rli*g�', wild vct•u t1 1111 r {011111 he t. ve•utttlw 4)414' tttle.rttuin toll the eve tit ail 114...1114 dt.rth'•r' at at • 11* lo [4410 •e1 .01•4141-.11.et 41414114 44 Illy 4i..%' 1 111 t'1 1,y in the Midst of it. .twit.twit011111'411101i•011111'411101i•• e1tt1lr,.1. 1141 e•la411,1in...111 •.t1.' 144')'1 .1 tnrul•'• Sorely the .j•lu••ut inW ilstly 4 l'mediate iudu..try t.l ,. T�ii titer is n.W sufficiently. well 1(104111414d I teat stienett heeling of pieetee't,.• ''..t i4,.. - it x(111 A13114) 14,4411 it. own 144/t!OW. if 91e agitation tor :Ill Ole'. le'. -4.441 .1111 y the fluty of 125 rent. 1{,or1• rel., or 111 gismo w44rili•11 go M Nd. Ino• .4() 111 4.11 l vents per barrel. and :.'II )4.1' cent. 1111 1uet41441.111 hi. lel tet to floe Toronto1h roll 48 lig., lows not finable reml•. Gloln• ellp 2774 h M .' . ')'111,+, 1:. t fthIw, ll. rUl 111Nn11fart llreri to • enhance pelves, .411ho11gth.1,441.1op 3,,,ii-'', - •hr 'Oh"- i)s''n vitt it out, for tin' paltry soon re- Lire- Lion•11-,41li 11 11i111441,,41 4.. ,+ %i4W. /•ri%,rl in duty' is of cat pat•tiruhi.t thro»'• 4144 the •')4' • It 1,01, ' Ku . ,}•''.tote ,not*eat. '.If 41141' duty. ,144.1. 11114101e.1e w•4rIG•a ind11,U t •1, tie- 144 -iIi t. 41o113..64./. the prier, then it is 11'1111011K.1K. up of 1 :11x111,.. 1.,.1 rn.9 1lie .1..•.i Ira...* why-xurh it nelr•.44t•y I..Ilow. :111 .14 11' in)' •.• s • toll 1.141 fArt4.1.'.me•l' It 11.e11.e1 .111111111 40. giva•tl 11111.•, (lvlt(1 h,. It. Ngtgat wii. 1* he.. let (111. 4,111(411'4(1 (n+1die .;41it very ir:14.11- '1•vp /1114144 t *le 4•e•e .e.tlel,l he.1 .1 atdr pea wo1.41,1 1114111.1 s -r, 111.1,41 44'. 45,ttr 111ely 1.1.1 11..41-1011:11,11, howi•ve r. 1./ the e.n- ' .4(h •ilOils-fnlr the wi•Tnil•r ..1 *1..' Tal'ell-.lif.•I'M.n9rtelt' iIAA+.'rr.l>; .,If,al(A'l. •411..11'ateadl4. , • (-h1111••. No ealr 11,444 di.p11t.•.'that • • 1'•ir this 4. 1.I1p 341.0o6341.0o6601.1.11 . .t, ''0111.l'.'-.iilent Taft of 111: •i..'i1 4 r. Iv: to 44'.444 r ' ., o l 4II.41 641,4'te' 4rx (p�d14..1 41.,•1' iv la• rouditi,no toru4.t6e• • troy 1441,.,. of the 1/'.1,witli (':u1.lI,. tt4'.*144.1 ...to, of h,•.11tht' pul••••tM.1' .41 the• fluladian 1 h'• 1'11na,1ian In.nnr• lfaltlllr.. I luv.n4;ii 31. M'.11tmat- et .,041.. -r 4 ormitere arid, le and .4 Trade, elw•lari11*;. -ria• - •phati,•:.tis-*Kaidi 43.'*dr.uair:.ini0rrl .Hent• i with the -141'4l `uit•w 1"•01•1•••. Nrl. • N.,- .,1(y (aro brought Rollie,+► illi 1treAter cmpha,{ix to any. people P1n111 % ie•1),' 111 1101t7. 111r Wheels of 1 .4Kricule tori' .1144144.41 :1 444g, Mill -4411 \111 leer Eartlii • ((11,44 4,.t n 111 Viet'. .f Ill+..• Signals, 1 1.014141%e, l ilia. to 1414 14111.-1. her !Ara. . unary it 1111... 1 he 1.ertar 1 • 111 C111141,141.1..1. t•• 441 4151(1•')'he e4..•1 4414414 1 he r.uut•y wa• (144 - tilling, tel•tnn4.ilily . axetil".(- their t►•ir : ho 111, >.. Lte '4Igg'tvrl : 14111' tutee.. ,01x1 not '.nlylr 51•t ,4t) 1art hrr chant. 14 g1., t. it:lnd 111 their' .111.. 4•11414444 •4 •ret.. I„U de(luu,d that '1 hi., etl44x witto a 1..14w/64'•4'•'': 144.' rade 44 41:1% )111. 111411•'111341 4 1(,n, •Hi,• t 1 }n1t'• 11,.- rol,.1rt')' f"I' b\ , seely (ink l44'l,laal 1.41. '�cac.11(nxu1 11,111 t0 draw in it -.,11.1.. urusinitriiiaitiiliiils hail 1. .14'[1 ti,- Lrah•...Intii'Vet•yi.ue 441134 rrt lttrn-trk♦ttr• xttall++r+•,• •y r t.1. ltd. I11441.o%t 0%41 whi.•It. the 1.4,41,11:s•- ores, 4,41 .11:s••ores, .11:111 e.nl ism• 1.. •Ian''4, U ,.bt .4 1<r.4.111 ll 14.141, 31,44 . •! • i.r:l%4.1 t.? .4 1, 414111 .1 tee• in,•r,'i«4,l U44crr 4'hillwt la11lty 1'11 ,` tyx : Atli, i I Is!lied o 4(.l 4,l • 11111 , I I 1-•'., , •I I••alt III IIId Ill 1 1 u It .11 n , I. 41 >_ [I ('an:alha11 nlnnuG•u•lul.•1 i. )••r)• totted gi%,•n *4, - 8.411 11;4,' 1• 5411 11 stn ynent :.111•. the -conte r)•'. 4n•1•K•, better xil nal ell 1.114ur the ineri'ai . charg4, the gelie'ra1 politic that nulrh ntuleYol• their »4NINrnK. Such itr th'• *44vetrying tendency of 411 Inv.teeti'.•• duties. Thvv rou•h the'Isnefleepset tr.1 hook I1'turth*r public favors, rattier than to ask 1151 'Ioe'', fair Heid, ill »'birh they W111)111 1441 r•0ulp•1hM1 14 W111•14. nolo 4 1/WIC 011,1vrlti.11 ily'rt•lr uig4111 the 4tgeuuit;v of their 1,w1i re •+••wile••.-._ _ Clue of tier great 4l).*raeteriht it•N .1 the present age. 111111 1111/1r• p rti(ularl' upon the American continent. 1. the thirst after great it twill*, and the s11r- cessful sr110113iog tit Iht. tr 9 1. (•011(4,11• .Ua14••in their Bands the wealth that n - • ton• 1M11,1e1'. 111 the x1111(11 44)' u... 1111•.,.' 10,1' v• 11111:lin to such ,1 degree that it is,ttw mitt that itiu4-tauttlhA of. the wealth of the. reMultry is in the. hand. of .n• -tenth of the. IN•uhlr. AN a tical 54,1111, we are 1141y wiU.r4xiog, . :w ,Ihlloxt lite-4nd-tenth Njt•ugge •for ttta44tery between the .\)deciles Gni-- refine-et :aril the 1141444•`(•, auhinatiotl4' i'f 1x4411111 w11ir11 have beet* .built up 1 under it.. il1Hul1114.. Indeed, the sign. :4(•e not wanting that the great heal AnterieaII IN•ilple have IMr4nue so r*tir•Iy efl..gusted »'6th their •lli4;h1 protest har systelll 111:11, ,U tln•1•nrl1 ' 631411 they e,YrrWilel i I defeat. y ltiv(. i1 111 the fee , ,d N 'knowledge Conditions, 5111 411 vieW 41! the 1°1• 11'1'.1•uLatil ►lx re gently - maidit ,- Lit' the• fri,•n,ll fest inbr1.:1 , a heat iolutl xpii•)t..1 kat our hir•ateetl, farmers and uther.l .114111141 tilldea v.4, t. .t14•ng;t 11011 111,' loon'. .( /h., 1;.,ct`Num/'Ilt. if t he_time. lie upis.41 Ito•. 11rit en tie Tarty tI W.11-11. 1,11111 i44, et letting t-111wow.-, • I.4t I. 'ditA111 ace x4. 144 1414. mnl'kTY Which. 111 Inane re44 ti•1v. 'iv the tiiery hest ill the world. 1111 1 lying right at too ! .olnr 1)l .111' 11141111130Ilrel•tt 11 mooh 1 to 411%' 111.r aft) w.idd have thein sl •ink 1.1+x11 Illy Secy th.eight. '• ,'\%'hy.11.11111 the•.•• a uudu4tsur•r )4(.t 441114144• the• toei,1•• :11 lull• of F heti 11111114.)1, w 1141, ill tyti 1118; for th4 For Coughs—Take This Do you know a remedy for coughs and colds nearly seventy years old? There is one—Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Once in the family, it stays. It is not a doctor, does not take the place of a doctor. It is a doctor's aid. Made for the treatment of all throat and lung troubles. Ask your own doctor his opinion of it. Follow his advice. No alcohol in this cough medicine. 1. C. Ayer Cti ,Lomeli, Maar. 7� canned mommompr4a12t1y I( yy�•�_�ur bowels are constipated. Ayer's Pills ars gently lax- ative; act directly on the liver. Sold for nearly sixty years. Ask Your d Lend a Hand if v.oU have a neighbor who doesn't take The Signal, tell hint that he c to get it for the 'remainder of the.year for 4oc. This will he nig :1 titling a gook! turd for u -so nil for your Heighbur, 111 • x1' 1 .1(i• Very.1.4ers:' Hut VARNISIIE3S Our stock is complete. We carr the very' best makes, suitable for inside and outside work: We can give you several different grades, so that - wecan .fife you 171 everypamirutatr I you finish your house with our goods, you will have excellent satisfaction. \SK 1.1)11 Elastilite Varnish and Oralite Oil Finish Buy VEERING Pure Binder Twine it i. the -.beat. • Sellin>~ today' 'at ick. cash... • Buy!Kellogg's end-try---Kelloggs—thein u'il buy it ; again. You won't tire of it. There's the welcome toothsomeness in it, you'll lute. With -sugarand cream, Kellogg's is the daintiest morsel eve(', rolled 1 tinder your tongue—with the healthful strengthening .' qualities your body ought to have. A dime will prow ort'. its worth. ' t 0e x'I.a (lee 111 the Ion Iolel •.•'•I- ita:tet r,... In%.ew of l h.•.t riking(Net. llnuulf'4 x it. ., Ute1, fat tau len,+,u.. Form. n )111•.: '2. of 1'a11adaideniatel- 1t ,bt.:l '4• }i'•.•4(, int.!' Ili, ."111.1,-...,! deny of Ole %- the United State. hate too 111 1•113/111A PACKAGE IN CANADA Ur. Hi4K:u'_ article. in '.e. L :•., ' 1, i mem. t,, wake the t•rr11,lilir't,. sur sewers(• : lull. ',..4.,..1,1,/. *41.4 An 1•irin• -_J14I4r rel ,the 711,41..)11..,%%.,?. t. 1 in:1.undiil elle '.41.1111 I4 sytvie•ullare 44 1`K 1 + tariff }tit ..• barred the instate . a id"' inp a “"‘1".! 1„lr , : I '!.'• ,.15.4r•i/iri. .4. 44'•- iI.{.•r: • the w411141 in 111x115 in.1,11441 ., w*t the • great 1.01v .* 1 Idi.11. '''11.',.1 ' ' •, r'•, Ito sf, f.,i tie jig ytYelrt.. hate• 'been• 1,.... that We 1411, illtorn. 1411 nlilnl.' our of illy a1*11 '' r ,' ',!e'• thr4.41i•d t41w.0r1. lb.' iuyli11Velurnt.s ill InHurnrns at Work in 1'111141/111 x11 •V, \1i11w: A..'M 1.4114.11 .4.114, ).a.,. _ :Ma; ik..1.'. d. 1.4''nntlli(:lli,nl, h)• that .i 4,.i..t•af.• intrrv''Is. ,414' uliz .i in d4,illi114 4. w fol .' - 1 • ' . '.. hit -ii .,fit {grUUunrt.. ore transported to t•:ipltali.l., 4,0p1•Ixllotrl'• tit' v.Fi4xi . —f•i.111111••-30-,4118 «-i4f00141,. t:•. tits; -moll 4,411,t.t.1at *1•.41,1 in Thr tirl1•t. r xro t ,Nor 4.tta.451t la' 4111 the aero t. the fai51o•1- lit .11-.'144I*ty w :I 11 ttl.• . ,,,tfiti.41j4 a lr:r. i':iin v �%ne .y.'97, 'I 111'• 110111 .1 "Hell,. public t.n-or• for hatte ▪ in petitotting ole•-tk.u..I.i.t. cloak-,.e•rta4 , i tit ,111,11- wi•..r•Nlilt1ht'nr> dr)• wdlieh.the •lathy wither, 1:11.•, •1(t. 4.. uiuraw• the .l .'. +14•- )hat, hr. Idly ••p. ,k.ng. 'het•(• i. 11141%' 401 •I..4- SjL•.-liltldir 1.44wn•4•. and 111,' t on 1111111 f,.., , If fly molt. I., ,, 1.441at,' et )hitt il. .4.!. ' '4141'' the pIrN1• ,11. 4x114 fr(r.4%,l►t 1111. 1 country Pliable, per horn.). 111 (hal• ,,,i..i,.', fil.• Oct. of tt'• taluieli..11 tarll,,r-. titer 1he,,, 4..10.,..' 1. a 11•x,11*. r.rnhina. ' Miller. Were 5114'"..141 11 • 11,• *ling ;p 44 4.44 .1'.»l tri' loat.. i1. *4:.. past. 111.01 (tutu err• ,•terv,,, herr. JM•ilig (.114/,1, 14.,1. 11, (114441141, 44111i/41(4 .u. e• ..I 1 at o llI v.•ly hu'Kel} r•4.4•�I lat,..3 bt the prices \\'.•911.4. find the t1l1raw• 511 Ihr 4,4,4' tingling Irl 11176111.1,1: kit nl1'I "e 1,1,5 ,111i16,1 i t 14,'.•.11.)' 111,11.,• 1. of the iif•. 4ttte 1. Kiang tin '4' )*.,,tott.ly 1.14111(' In _Moro.../•)'. the *11.44, 1, • - -.4 world. !MVP W.' n 1 i4ht ttt ask, illwith t Ir urganiinti.0 41f capital .0 a Ir•t urn, 41clt felart•-111.(I.r pinv•hawt 1t114p. Seale, anti the furpmt 1111 It, tot the arti4Ir-• coo Iulltoddle. atld Ina- tried-, merger. lied combination. of ehinery they rt•ynir4 I4• atl11werl to 'one kind and Moodier. 11. has Is'e,, ..4,11.4411, W1111110 I•r4tt'ietiun. and 1, a...rns! by The Mau** l'y Tin11's that Profit' by the 411.1*1•. of LMN..• 411441441hrformat ion. of ineeve•Ixand ('4111lbin- pre•+veiling in the 4)44.11 market -4 to the atieotls in Into c.i nxtitoile nn .ut+lhwil• ' W11rid \\'.loll 11011 that 1s 1"i11114= ing feat O e in the iuduarin) 1(11(1 Hn,111• •' making tlie,reyn.•.f 411at agriculture. tial Nituation of (',untie during the the ver% tootle 4,.l 111.• Ulan/&Ii,ll lif4• • year. Sine,•' *he ('4»311nInr•t0.t/t .f Match :(41.4., 111154, wr 1(1 •t 1, tr•,w11. 1111 . .4 1;41111, 1).• j;i' i•1( the ptst'ih•eee of the pr',t'nt )etre w•arrr•h• qday hot • 11vt'lylge duly 1f 2111 pl. yet,(, ''..11•rTw1'.1111)'i11g it, 1-1 111141.'1je1 1(t 311,' 1'W('xtpasse,' that metaj4i,, hen not load 1 h•r4o11. Thi. trpr(M•nl s t hr 11/11fyliti ' in4.4illlr 4,.a % -\\'hitt are 1111• fart.? 1 mma11,• ill tf,i pphlir pr•vl of taken t114,» 'Ahi,11Illiruts. 4,4 of e/N.Ht+1 good. :14(►•i'ultelral implements 4131(4 nue.1 hinat hen 4n•atrot her. 4,n 1'.,nru444 pay toil' the ptvltr, tilml and chi*('t•y al4*.11141. * to a duty of front I No 1411.0401 ion ran 10• o the. 4114.u1a44lo•nt til 111* w..l!rr in- 1:,i t. 2, pa. rent. c' tiatrrngrm and ' f,MlnatiOn 44' these large aggeegnt4411. • dusty). 1"ro511the Statistic. lin Jelin wa,f.ns, tee 35 per cent.: harness lof4•4(4)544*)a.s„no,. 'I'hrrw i4 nu d.(i41 I1. .f the lhulufnetntrx of t :.salt. x1111 safdtrr), :NI per i•ettt. ; Irnth1I', i that these large ('11leer,14 Mhuldtt he published in 11x17, we. thin the oi►t4tra- 94tr.no{, currilvl, mood tinkled: lb t, 'Li I nbh• /flit1.d11w11. 4,xp•nw•p .u1d 1,111- • .f the 1'x1141414:.1 WIN Mei, indn41'y in 4o•r milt.: I p 111111 *111,1ntill$, 211 du('(• 1114/,'1' ('hr111114' Chari Mn1Nl1e'r 41511 »N $.4,1471.7:ti, 41111 1 111'11' wit rill-. net- cent W11.11 1111(h414'- 11,141 Wring' ( /Iai11x • pet lug against each id her.. ►Il.yed I 114 rein I,rl ita knn•n, 5141 n: (l14, 'JI be i4pr1'' r. 1(t , :1)e$ .41114 1,41144. ',Hut Ihr 4..4, .111/•.//11• ix that themg in wage. $1,'I*St,:r1, Front tis t.• 5 4141 mud.t 1Mlite 4,.4 and engines. Al I' 444414114. 551)1144 th4•44' t111at out are 4..1(1 in • ibal,. and the a1. 454' 4(814' of 441 y. tier tient, f.un(1ry :41111 1nMe•hlmr-4511th ua11y 1114c411ning dran•r. 'tallier than. /Ore pollen ala*ufart t. are give 1, ptv44hu 1,., Y.; U. afr 4M•r cent.: item and cheaper. showing euncluxiyrlv'tltal. .4x 1i margin ,agn,i 11Mt foreigt •o111p•t.•• stl•1•1 4t11'* Null•*•, :U 1. :MI per tient, ; I wtlni/•t','t- rise' 44 happ.Ni,ag. he 14,4, l troll, the x0111 .1' $1,717.155) per a mina' metallic rooting. 11 141 :s per e•rut. ; ; hotly .f rYxl• 11x 34'11. 11)4ake• 1144. Or 11'. l 11116.000 4.11e11.• With .11411 Ile-, Cot tuux..25 to 351 pet. xeht. 3 WeMilh•uN, ('iety are not getting the ln•ne•t4t they fro,' 01 prde1ti.I,. 11 th44 w‘44•101 111- 311 INT r01(1, : 11:445, (rt}17e and fnr't 211 411 Nhentld reef:iv41 through 11 Ihr (4(11441)111•Ilt (hist,' tot 1'11141441• commit ..exto1. It 1x . tl) `p1l1 4e•*IL: 11,1.111111x• 411111 111111.1: 1 I1MIu(tieon ill the curt -4(1. then `riel41.- th• plainest possible pl.inf that It `i4 a rel goods; :gi-4er- .rqt.: h00t4 and i thin of goods. And iteis the 'Int) ill' x1411444)' ,4 bnlr)rn ?lam th'• I'ane,1i14h x 1144•x, NII -4x•4, ('414)4. ; , un•1'1 and the (1(Ver •1(t, lo•ilog (het ('u.t,Mlian h414q*h•,4 and xl Il IM' tolerate.' 1(..W ,nen'.'-11.440111 and fil•t..ry clothing, l,,f (lir genual interest., to Kee that enget, Of • a •et•, 411..44114.1* 111 ,at'gu- 1;,tu an per 1'1•111.: bread. Inw•IIitM and i thein• iuta•re$ts are protected. Tln• 'tient thein: fact ower. tt ill lit once set cot fee 1' '4,y, 20 to ki per cent.; can - up 4,11.' 44,14' and cry that 44.4• indltary rte,1l\ut•1e(44 x5111 44(1441),' 171 to :111 P4'r t 14• prod rrterl, in urle t. 141 4a•rull• ('4,114, 1 the tariff girl.. th4.e huge• elmee•ril, n. ;'the' rltlple4vn tint which, P' i)1 furnish 1111 ,Theand 'and et hundred other articles. margin by which they can d. 11.111k. } 91delltil.nal h� • slat k*t 1/. the 1111-11,- w111111 eF,1 Oxt.ltuaboutte the raw material of Talk about inventigit• tinder the 41)41 1411141▪ 1111s.9111x Is 011e .f_1It" nus.t the (;dnatlian farun•t•, 41114W 1111W lir iN new art, but who, in ninny ivanucr4,' - fallacious contentions a ser prr.rntt'*)r being elid444 by the i44', Heetet en4loins 1 is going hr institute pnMrerliiig4, 141•f1".r d the tiontirl11,o. r 4111411)' i*- tau•iff .f this c.untry. On the other J%nd in the• nlrantitew, the pursuance dieser). f the 1,013 110 i4 (':nulla hand, if we scan the tariff schedulers, Int a Waiting pdicyy� is simply parrying »1(l' 1;111 • this >111.71 e.l1111I pet 41 • w,. find that, et every convenient turn) with Nu. inevitalele ,.n)Iiet, while the • and %% 1 1 ,• 1 til a•IIM11111 I1 )•,M 1 4 i I,US l l etnl, 11111' lnfi11nfartur •4,4 :11.4, xilowed-U1 4(h--�Purnlyy obtains (h4, 11ppn•tunity to plots'•• t// the.4,xtrnl 04 the Wages rain /71W* �u4tterinJ al till lowest complete. the deep rittremI •ets. of they rort;trt hey 14111141 1141 so, 111111 ' 1 - coat. Yet some ,.f these 1 xlilf 11141e ha a tuijli.r, tee 1Tt' good, 3111('11 all IIp4111N111g - 'I' '. K aline 114114' ('turerx torr standing Huron Co.. Ont.- Txoe..NIrMtt I.AN. 'rlu+r ),USI 1 4,n olid then ix 4,r= rrmnd tote- pm114{ir•(tib, find with a turned t. 44tt1i 1• mi tib' s.i,. W111'11' 1u'n1•pi.n e'v(».!ill demanding from the — *),4 it rliehliionL 4.''111 . I.w'ard. in' re/11 141///41.1t/i1/1t4)41)1)4.' n11 allditiuwd Mere Than He Wanted. cera441178 tel• aft p'lt.1' on. meat x et 111nm. e4, il4T1. - • livelihood. and 1huq Ilnu•liorat•' th•' 4s the result. 0f those do11dit'. r11nd i4i011 ,u{ the %hole body elf, a4, which luete. hnd the effect Irl' xt imulat- l(xNN,p)r, am /for tfltrs*' 011 hr cost of Mg 1444 11(4(115' lines of ma*ufa(tu•ing hying le ?dill Ihr vital 4111('14103 with 11111u•11•y, these 11)an.fhIt,urrx have tile` 11411(4-jn'4 •el11 li -elf • lle•('.1itr isentrh7, *wee it -witted their fem.'s in eH.etne contiatnet.ion, and fftiw the 1abut. Merkel. that It has bets .11tl• well-nigh 11)1444ossi1/11' to w4.nie ihr neee'awuy help on the fol•n1. To such N elexeee• 4M thi44 the (,l 14' ( hat the tttrathh'm w•hit•h p • rn's•ntq it-- Awl! t=4411.1! (o the (•aDMhalt people today is the 11111141.111 irf 11141inin4t 11111' 14e.itle .) the soil. 1s the result of this se•arrity o 11e1N11•, *1.g1411er With the ;peal rush for the ('hrnp bands of the %%'.".l, the ,Igrieulttir• eif ()Mario lt,ptit whir*, the re 41.5'. 4M largely dependent for natty of ot11' Ample 415'r•M1/irk prod- s) is s, 4N41'a1y41e11 that it 'reduced teem 1(1 t41.'s• lines eif goods is cutely felt itr the greatly t of living. lei11bt that Mr. Neville. in 111e•(Telt lelte'r, 411 tight large body' .f On - sufficient ly grltp favorable—sit. SteamshipPretty. 11444 Ixm1111t' !1: 1 •1(l IrLh- The profits of the big lrritish Menet• eir ,11..1 ship t•tmtpanirs G4 1414• ordinary aloe,. 0.1444 holders are small. To the-insidcr UI'y an bog. Like the railroads there ' companies- whieh own certain pt., •s in entlnectintrl with the bo:,;. 44 yield big r't irns. •Thn hobt.,rn , r are the ones who wax fat ' e buainrwa. In the 'rummer a. •lltttatnec_ will_ make .411 Nrw York 11111441,t; 1 $00,000: ', - .000 to $40,0 '; om Liverp... Inrr,ile...ly 11,11) ',from their.rh.'ll..w aieg 'nti, t hat they' At 01144• gonad• erirt "distr41.,,, the heifer part 1!f v111111.,- and 111irwl in di.gua. Let 111 4x:0111114 a fi•w flints in rto51- 14o•lion with till. woo11rn •in114i 11.5' If we take the vol • •,;4' w...114ti good.. it0 rrieil into ('Militia for h.1(.• (.1).1111 Born for the fiscal'.I:u•.vid1411t only way et e•au lir M1111' it has (Cone it. 11111 dory in tills respect t t. x4,4• 1ha* Canada. ttt-r. for a d11f4• on hoof in tit•tlrt' to h/riid 1144 the showy., indu44t yet those farmer.• islet err fomented in the. sheeiF1.reeeli r1f industry ;we ready add willing to scald 41 4,-181 they nn'w d,rnt- teur fat' -.1,4•k gat eer'n4 4 and 4IIMI)l lite meetings• and deet • and elem 111• strata• that the business f slurp=ke.p- 4n4f is •t he most prof1t1)l branch 1 the live les•k.inili dr)• of 1 141:1 to- , 1111y', In the -face i,i' this pert, 1 1113 1 milt n•ise,t that any of these fat -in will r.nelesee•nel to appeal for. et (Int;) 11111111'','. when they know, 11r Might to kntnt , )hitt Ih4. 4n,dr.-1 ii,11 .)iris.. a4' a %%hole, i. ,1he'g,1441r.t'.wren which Mt pr1•mrnfltr•mtc 1'1Nnt the 44»t•- s11it of ('anadi,un,lgrie•u)lur1., the bur- den which, along with other rnndi• • *.i4/n,, iv largely respottMilde for the 1onst41111 111i1%cnlent of our people sway from [Lewd'. The. argument Whirl) I have applied 4u'the w,Nrllen induxtt•)), can be !Tillie.' will ispnl fore". tel 0fif4.t• Miller 4i in. •Iustl•inl lifr, whittle are bombing ill 1lir .sunshine .f our 4'anmeinn prides -tit 4' ardent. fn1•tning limit gigantic eon,- liin,tl13•, noel res-elling in the wea)th which (lint N)stem eitabl',1'tl) ,a to reap 1(t the ,spell... of the consuming 44, ,0114 ton of 4 'Nt111dn. xk4,,4fur iiislauo•e. the prices which ay.,. fnllott•re) the 1runt Merge,' in the c4,*n•ut Inrrinessi A I We15'ellI/nllh 'nge, we could buy all the reinrnt Wr w•an1.11 for $4.35) 4311 Nerved, but today. after n 1 111111 matinee 1111,1 been 4Rrrt411, which Wee to cheapen product' trod • mince given. we are paving frm' g for sing creme -41 9'her• is n hi. 444t,rly 1)111 ie saying *tint 1. farnle•rx 1141 114 1.110 4NIM,dlllilitics 11f Lin 'lathes It welts align* a1rr11s• 111(111)• fr1m their p aro l(•1 i•4,( .. 1•iew. IThey. in 4 i1.n4e, ate ah14.at a: dra,lly hit tee the notable exeepti11nx to whi1'., refers. Nevet•thele'sm, 1.114, aitnntill before ns. ,end it it. greatly deepm, el through the eorn it het .f whieh l speak, of t ' Mr. 1liK4fer, in lib 111'ti.le, seeks to 0111 1(1 (11144' tow 411.44 ae by inviting 4.11e wool- a b'R exp growing 'termer 1. (b-04Wrnte ,with a ernivian44 hlaeulfsetmtrrit in altgrsv4LJng the 11 to Enr044ean mune, not that, by this inetwrow » 3111131 beets from duty, A,rr•ignerw w11mh1 lie forret! 1.4, A 'td" aaihn4t yens.' pay an addttionnl tt•ihnh• to the tells- to Australia Dna (tip tory of Canada, flat Mhmply to mall. Male 11110,000. the wool-gr1wet•M to hlrtvaae the price Al Heider., twenty wiles esti e Winnipeg, on the farm of Guy $Doll{,, there is s flowing well which leas (tear' ed ronellerab4e anxiety to the owwr and *Iunicitlality of Springfield. 1[r. 44co11 wanted an arlesise well and he bored down to the tock. a distance of jxowerfially a' ' *4 top 4 a thirty feet above the grwpd the Bow r• just as atroug a at the sorted til the ground. The well wax dog a_year .ago _aHd *lice then the water has been guilM1�irsg 41 over the land altogether beyond. vie control of the owner of 4the farm. The bioritigtield Council gave s grant toward helping Mr. &•ort to, •uutrol the water and oonrrete to the i nese of ten lett was pot all ' .nn(1 the pips. The torte, however,' .,s still w, strong that the water .leaded out all around the oeuerete. 'rho water in (tow running away tut miles under Use 8110w. There is reasot, to believe that the( C.N.R will take hol.1 and help (cone trot the situation by piping the wakt to Daselrelee our tank perpores. AT ALL GROCERS "THE SWEET- HEART • OF THE CORN" 'PLEASE NOTE. H w a-4, .' stores close at 1 p.m. on Wednesdays ;111 August., 1 - Noweli Hardware Co. LIMl7•ED. Y T.\i.i: \ Koda Rocking Down vs Shaking Which Do You tier? Look at the man above., He's SHAKING an ordinary furnace. He bends dearly double, exerts all his strength, works up a-prespiration, and gets a sore back.. Now; look.at the wo1ian. She stands pearly erect, gently moves the lever to and fro, a few inches, and the ashes are dropped into the Sunshine ash -pan. This is called ROCKING DOWN. It's so easy a child can do it. Which method do you prefer? Why, Rocking. Down, of course. Go to our agent in your ltocality. Let him show you the maud fuel-economizingSunshinefeatres of the Sunshother ine Order labor-saving to install the with a paaransee wheat 'your home to your entire satisfaction. c C -Clary's shine •ija\\Furnace I' don, foronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver, St. John, N.rl., Hamilton, cslgary. F••r .Sale by W. R PINDF" rioderich. 1V1TH 1.01. The little Xodak pictures \t'iil':eep alive the pleasures 'of the outdoor days K"odaks .. Brown's. $10.00 30 $111.00 $1.00 to $12.00 zwommeorms 1810 Catalogues u at arrived. Ask for one, R.. R. SALLOWS Improved Grounds, New Buildings, International Live Stock Show, Exhibits by all the Provinces, Magnificent Art Loan Exhibit. - or P[RMISSION Of MIS MAJESTY ANS. --:F THE GRENADIER -.GUARDS . KING GEORGE'S HOUSEHOLD BAND 5(0(1411 Military Camp, Tattoo every night. Everything new In Mn•gOpa Wonderful Firmed *clacks. THE NAVAL REVIEW AT SPITHEAO BATTLE BETWEEN DREADNOUGHT AND AIRSHIP WATCH FOR REDUCED RATE'S AA0 22CURSIORS. For all information write Manager, J. O. ORR, City Hall, Toronto Amateur Finishing where we shine. Canadian National [xhibition TORONTO AUGUST 27th to SEPTEMBER 12th, 1910 1 400 MUSICIANS 1,000 PERFORMERS OUR NEW ENGLISH CAR Job Printing �,1 NAOA This dainty Enghish ear is just as per- iWi1' fect as the pinup of the carriage jb- dustry cap make it. ft is practically trouble- proof and built to endure—built right here in Canada. The upholstering is Leatherette throughout and the body is ad astable to a bed or sitting position and finished in Vit&P0491110114 Tae. There et: lots of reagens why yew dinuld hey • UM he attest fleed.dsae Canadian -built f:endron--ask your dealer. 444 Llsl M gg 15► per Marcel. True, an hp 144 Wool to tin' own manufacturers; "The Kahn," himself a tanner, t'M f114111104,41 Ifni night hr In,titnty11 under and them., in turn, err r(nplw•err•d *41 the yellow peril lis areetadd. Vou fan get none 'better than the kind The Signal Job Department turns out. • Estimates cheerfully fur- nished on application.