The Signal, 1910-7-21, Page 3r."----- - •-, • • ;":, C'''"'.."'s4.43'' 'i- ' • "", THE SIGNAL no ERI"H. ONTARIO .p.- •,,,,s,v•-• .4. - a 1010 11 ' 411.rItiegri * PAN "tit? !`Price25ets•Olish. 1/191/3121IMEInta :dINARD'S C Alataposg,ct ORIENT THEo. ORIGINAL XeWel of the Sat= AND ONLY GENUINE IIE W A It:B OF MITA- This Wing/tam /lomat,' I "trig ' gt tie re - Port the dote ..f 11122.a to. the receopte of their capopiti.ni mi.., uly 12( h. Roy Traquitir. 01 Bennett, vice mu- ried sin Wedneeday, July Vith, to alias Kdith P. lilaudeon, ot Chiseihnret. W1'14 Chialluitu. alma inapeelur for Wert - /knee. has *regaled the notition of science wavier III the Peterlipro' Notinal Nehnol. Ilrolespt it. Clark, or Elcre, hes Ongiflef'd as 4nt411llit and ../wirtua.tet 41 and hail as ed hie new altitiee. Friel Beaver, son of . /Celestas Beaver. 44 ntepher. town:WIN won the gold medal in the recent typewriting contert at Chatham Business College. Harold Hogg, former priniap11 .4 Lundraliorti eciteol. hns been engaged as principal of Fordwich public School for the entitling year at a balmy of &init. Fred. Treble. An old Exeter .hoy. atm of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Treble, Of that town. 'Vies married in Seattle, Wtosin, on Tuerday, July 12th, to Ilia Nettie Lipsky. • . A former Exeter young lady, Milo. Lillie Mey. danghterof Mr. aritt. Mre, John Biessett. was married in lawainn ou July Ilth. to -Frederick 6. 31(K. liosth, of taincion. - A. P. Oundry. B. A.. principal of the (linnets Collegiate histit.ste, hat. resigned to arcept a aitailat letattititt at Strathroy. Mr. tnitsdry -eame--to Clinton four years( ego. • • • Allik.- Forgie, of the tit trentp-mision of l'urnherry. had his tern containing about tesi ton14 of hay and two how deed bushels of mate 'destroyed 'luring a recent electric storm. f'.4 int ribut ion boxes *4 e bei ti2 erected, in (lint/in to4 terrier dune - t for a fund Ir, ssaist 111 4 4111.1441 - Liao next year uta nue moasnation _111iy of King (image And Queen Mary. • James' Beatty. u( Exeter, wh.. went %Vest a little Over a year ago. has do' - posed of one of hie lively harm stud a three-quarter section of land at 1.4011- 11anil. Soak.. tot the emit of Siliamoi. The dead, of Mrs, Jo4-eph ararling, at the Moire of her too14 .1,40-rpk. In Clinton, took pLarsi ou natuttisay. July nth. She had rem. th.t advanced M)(1 of - tyanie %841I and three the. , Forties Ire., the roiral telephone contteetore in the vieinit y of !nurse's, lasso. pan:hared 441 electric leas1 to be used ill etatiieyittg Wen and mos t erlitl from point to point. lt,' will catry- eixteen tiaasengers. - William, Henry Phalle. *former well -- know', raritient of Exeter. died in Post t Huron ma Friday. July nth. He oar in hie aixty-tiftli yem,.• and avm. a native of England, cognate to Senadis thirty-five y4 -8r14 ago,. . A wad death wars recorded in tire), township liust week. when Maigatet Teinuan. beloved wile of Thoe. Alcock. was oalied away. She war in het fortieth. y ear Arid la survived hy a teni- ily of two sons and two daughtess. 'rho marriage ie saMounces1 of Mies Matilda ' Wind.---tbt hter ret .hahn rtifloc Wind. uf (7reito ditoto nee Perry. of Maniac, Mu -h. It t k place on 'Thursday ot Ictst week, Re\.Mr. Bean performingee the remony, he young' empty will make their bottlein Pon• t iac. ..% team belonging to Ed. K CH, of the 2n11 couceettion of Ushorne wn- ship. .4114) away while they ere hitched to a mower. Mr. Kast a eldest eon, who was seated on ihe. mower driving the team, Jumped lust io time to neve bas- life. The rooster Was A 1.01.41,1 Wreck. . ..1 .0)16 ON l'ilE p:Iturs Boil BIND ING MAGAZINES, 1 • • PRRIODICALS an.1 • . LIBRARIES b4"uud or repaired. p01,11 LETTE1-11-1•16 tn. LEATHER-DODDS . - Alford.. promptly attended 10 ou leaving aeto ot.TH It eitiN A I.. 41oderfelt. . A. K. TAYLOR. SIKAYFonn _., MUSIC. A LFRKI) E. ('OOK. TEACHER OF Pt.rio waving. Theory. Inerniony and ouoterytatft. Pupa.. prepared for examiner Lys. of Toronto l'onaervatory of 31Usic. Apply A Thomson Mu.4" Store, lloderich. Monday- ter.Inton, traseci,ce of Mt. Alex. Marken iluntmono mutt Siatuatd Loan to. e oftit• erip etreet. tittleticti 'Audio at M h ..trer(. ' 1)1ANI-1. Oitt N. elINGINO, Hmt, I WA: V, I LPOIN'T. 'KT* 1,,4,.l1 Hue... principal Wand.tocit4 iii,rrratorr u tele ; orgat.lat Kw, worth : 4111.0 Pr, 1.46.410/1 len-el awry 01 Music. Raceetatul Iton for. •11 ea4ist,a.,(641, went y loot aUtteca.ea e.ia.•bing for grain, 4.114 ex..414661410, in Kano 41.4 v0e.61. rluntri silicon at any sddres•e- left at Thum pa- music -tole CP/IL ENGINEERING VACtiHAN 3.1, ROBERTS, CIVIL t. and Hydraulic Engineer, Ontario Land ettreofor.> 111110e-Helean Mks Ooderieh, earner lestreal nowt. TeleAss,.. 137. .MEDICAL DR. W. F. (4A.1.1...)‘‘ M. B. Ono* awl eaddeuee, Nor 1, etteet, lioderich. mina mint y Resin, ry °Mee Telephone I/1 LEGAL --- j- L--KILI.ORAN. BARRI-31MR, tr. •aticiior, neer,. etc. Monty to lead nt wrot rate:. ttther..-Nortli Street. Hod erlch .neal Signal °Merl. 14) eroatortb matarday ad Rondos-. L0. ANIi.RON. K. C... BARRIS- t(ine atter% leotterteb. Iblid dodr hoist TEtt. aolieltot, notary public. I enoe,,_ Square. 1)ROUDFUOT. & BLAIR v.- barrb.uo. •oticttons. notarte• ph. teals the Maritime Court, eta. ogles. /414.1 .14 4141166. neat door . A. •alrit e poorer. Pt& toeholds to lerd at kw s4 now of interect W., yitotlIWOOl. IL L. ft. -v. BAYS. .44.44 SLAM 'HARLEM (FARROW. L.L. B., BAR - I. RIRTICIt. attorneys, whence. etc., Heato- n& Mowry to lend at Itespet • LO. JOHNSTON. BARRIfilTER . .04444(0?., mount...donee. notary Public Hamilton street. Godericb Ont. INSURANCE, LOANS. ETC. tIcKiLLOP MUTUAL FIRE IN - 31 SUR.ANCE CO. -Varna and twisted '04:property moored. 00cere-.1. R. McLean. Prem.. Seatorth P.0; 44. I onnolly, Vioe-Prew. 00derkb P. 0: Nem It Horn, Seatorth P. O. luernas -Wm. ehoaney. Seafortb ; John ; George bate, easforth: leo hennew..a. !tractile/en Jame* karma. areileoas: JoAn Watt, Harlock ; Malcolm . Bruce/14dd. nitstm: I. VV, Voo, Holnuteville ; R. Stalth. hulack . Jita. Commitura. F.Aniond, ille Blackly. Seaforth. Poticy-holdere .6141.1 11.0.7 weanienta and get titer card. recatipted et Tame OTOwn A. Clinton, or at ft. H. Cutt's rwart. Kinraton ntreet Oodetich. - (X)Ii PRIVATE FUND8 TO t/ loan. Ames, to M. 0: CAM- liatriater, Hammon ntrinet Ooderleh. W Ft.'ROBERTSON. INSURANCE AGENT. hie 4/11, 1.1.4141N1141: Britten. Canadian and Ainerlout. Amiff&___ ...WIIreffeas AND hart-or/00 LIARII, n'T :111.1 (train Aocident and Gicaraoteter Inett.tre AND •.‘kgAN MS. BOALei . T ..:oroonit: Limited, of London, Eng. ---11100f - guarantee company. - - Mee at reaidenne. northeast corner of Vic 'n'1141, DaViti A 411*C14. • Phone 74* JOHN W. CRA1(31E, L!FE, FIRE . !axi accident Macre/ma Agent for leading . vin'llo. 4s4 'lock companlea. Inettranae man we effected on beat plane and at lowest rate*. •all 84 dila, corner Wean eltreet and )(Vlore f" addrea.. 1, W, cltAllelk. bledericb. (Ana fele 4tone 14 . MARRIAGE LICENSA- WALTER E. KELLY,* tomEnteet. ONT. WM( OF MARRIAGE L1CSN W Lore, 'BRUER OF MA .7 AOC linemen. Orsderieb. Ont. SR Milk& PARLOR BEDFORD BLOCK BARBER 0110P - well krum..iina_lopusat atniod patron. t. 6 t spry se In shaving etc., etr. Aherne:noun" 'WVkItled band. employed* litiKtiZttirinNr" will be appreciated. H. H. Proprietor. ARCHITECTURE fik J. BARCLAY. MEDAL p,81atI oyal lntote Rreseh wreathe:ass HTHFR •milt. Hotterfcb. Plane, de- aori inn prepared for rentdertres "4 Panne ttoomnir,.., epreaaponde110111 in - eta AUCTIONEERING ri HOMAN OU!•11)ktY, LIVE SIT()(IK nut mane anrtioneer. (4Mem on Bomb whom he 10)1 he Mond at all timeta .."‘" Vyjn1 4616... Terms etwortetable and ern. Neefet Wee/ 10 give 1041 611441011611011 1 44 with ribbons of phil"-• tentt--wie 4 e It W. H. Batt , tilsoacra. -2 lutp pie an, . Mt.,. y .a.j. trip' to Inetssit, Cliscasgs. ena 0..bes 1111141o. On thane re• urn th..y. %Ai ride near Crediton. - Vit. Kneenter, a twitter well-known re,isletit of lirtisimia.• dbsil at the-tinue '4 los etailti law. W. A. itiets, at 1.111 - go.. 011 That stl.iy, July 7th. lir Wt s Plight ydes s ire41 s 14 441,144. 111,,P11.4104•1 11641 1 s11144.1 St . 4111014 1.1 111. "1111 t IA il t mug .t e night to a 1 •in • 4r4 was foundnext morning tatting be- side the stove with a cup in hie hand. • Awful Punishment. Exetei. Times: The local fife and &um corps lined tip in front taCl'he Purity Monday night and played sans' of their fevorite *election* for the 1111441‘.1g1.4gh. ...I. W. Po well. t lie phonograph man, had mierythinIt In readiness and e. -cured a good revuol. He loimeattioly played it for the Wye. -thur letting them bear what their !Miele lititeutleti like. The Late Frank Clegg. Priank'Clegg. of (loin,. who dies! .f11 FtiAliy, ,104 Allet. . W/L44 leen at Mask- hato, °merit... op July !nth, than. snit .wa» thus neatly revs-soya...am) yeate ef ;me. He war-. orie of t lie fti.as.ers ot the township of liostrick. A .fewV11111 auto he rind hie fareeestel retired to ("mei.% 1).444esooni WOle 111.1, ;ea I it,. 14 1.41141. 41/4114.111'4'iVe.41 br11.141.1114-411.61/.... A. 141110- 14 SsVell monis ThTea• datightare at e mill living. Tried to Wreck an Auto:MI:de A vs.. loos 4.4.141011t 'nes marrow's Averted IWO eV*. ' g loft 1011g fg... enters SD 4.111 bile was proceeding ailing the Alia vomit two mitre tea of Seafot *11. The 1444... wits svitls1,11; 11.414.641 spi4l....4041/1g 41..1 .. . 14114 Were, laid, Ity 411111 '4 4.1fvfltlaif 1)144 entire rocalway, 4411 either elite or which its a deep•dits it.. The etutuffenr, who Yves ii• young lady, isiansigeni to el;414 the car !adores it se.is tint•heyl. ths theareturn iournerderger obstacles were found en the rood. but sr the occupant. of .t lie irar- a* e.te rat ..the he .1a- 0411 for 1 roillole AO Accident W.411 ',averted. Prominent' Rilidesit of Osborne Dead. t isioneer teetidritt of 41-alt0rtie. in t he peraiiii of Jonathan Shier, died 4.1) r4,4tiold,.y, .1(4)y tht.h. Mier a. long end tali...re inuese. Ms. Shier. w... .0110 of 41141 best-k1w. WI) and. 11414- of the moat- higfily nale-ctesi I4-idende of the do, tri(•t. He was leen io, England end calve 1.. Vattseala when it young nom. He conducted A 110.1r srul grist will at Exeter Anil later was an eltelatiVe dealer in needs. He always took a deep Interest in municipal matters arol for twenty years. was 4 tueother of the, council its reborn.... He is snr- vivediby his wife, two eoint- and two daughters. • _ . Seaford) Bylaws. • Mire bylaws will be eutiiiitted to this ratepayer* of Seaforth un Moe - (lay. August silo The Hist ist a bylaw autinnizing Os..council 441 44nter into en agreement with the H pit o -Electro e4.11112111181011 to fernish. Srafoi th with 400 hooftWIHVPI. 'rite pel.o.).1 hyloW provider toe the raising of ir2a,1010.0) thirty -Veer dehenusree for the • pose of erecting a power house, the porchese And installation of a icowee plant for stteet light leg. geiteial cone merriel lighting and povver- einem. The third provides- for the ntuareastee- ing by the town of the bonds of the Allen Engine ar 1 ),reeler Company to the amount of $511.1113). the toien t,o 14. Peen: eel by a fit -et wort gene on the en - \tire plant. A Terrible Accident ,A aboeking accident ccrurred at Walsh Station, California, to two. monis Id former residents of Tucker - smith township. , John and Russell Faithisrl',%\. aged es. ighteen and . sixteen reepectiv ly. wet ))))) wing sa hay det-' rice On a ,, agora And 4.4 they passed under an electric ttansmisaion wire the steel (mete on the derrick attracted the current. Both bort were severely bmned and Rumen .was tendered un- conscious. After their removal to A 1.t.apittl in Meer•amentn; Russell's . left band -And parte of troth feet were am- putated. John, the elder brother. wan thought to be iso seriously in- jured that PM would not survive an ulceration, but later on his left Ann and both feet were amputeted. Both boys are improving elowik and it is expected that both will ultimately re- cover. The hoye are -Anne of Mr. an Mrs. J. T. Fais.burn, former rerritle of Tuckerimaith. '., . • MOURNING COSTUMES. to Stanuner All White la Appropriate • For Deepest Slack, Muurutng 'volumes for very young" sere are always sourewhnt of a prole to summer ull white la 1141W 0011- elgrn41 appropriate fur 4..eir deepest lassirtiltia. but the trudge twist he 01 the alisiplant. Without any, race. or ens tery trimming. White sweetens trimmed with ',Isms of uet or point d'ereett lace or with white crepe la perittneghly even in devg mourning tor el turnout) or Sinking Spells Every Few. Days, 'At the time I began taking Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy I was having sinking spells every few' days. My hands and feet would. get cold; I could scarcely and could iiirfityitictrt' gradually sinking away until I 'would be ungtattsciutts. Those about me could not tell There Phone56 D. Mill AR CO 'Phone 56 Complete showing of al1 the latest novelties ii. ledleit' apd childrea's SWF ATLI:S. and GOLF JACKETS. all at exceptionkify reasonable prices. ?firs Myrtle P. Mclvet, o1444. Thom- as, 11 daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Me - I Ver. tOrsiterly of Wioghaw, woo the gold medal at Alma Ladies.' f'ollege, taking first-clitse honors in piano, leehnique,' harmony, history and hist - tory essay ; *Imo eecond-class honors in theory And choral. Peter Whitlock. of Usborne town- ship, has quite a distinguished reputa- tion air a farmer. He drew in his hay thie season with two gasoline engine*. The engine's *re mounted on A fr*me, specially deeigned and ronstructed so that they can be put to almost any use on the farm in Lhe way of drawing luade. The voters' list for the township of McKillop for thee year has been issued. Tbe lipt contains the names of 063 who are qualified 40 Yore at 'both muni- cipaland political electims 102 at municipal elections' only. and .*4 et political elections only. There Ore' 457 modified to apt WI jiaroccand 42 fyInstie enters. The director* of Seaterth fall fair have arranged for $ drill competition for twelve 'school children, with their teacher, from the townships of Me - K dlop, Triekersnut b. Hibbert and tillikti---iSfeeesieStemes PM* asallinnee conteet for fanners' no under eighteen years of age. Good prizes will he given the winner io each com- petition.. AVhile bringing in part of a head of hex froin the lel& Nathaniel Ogden *nil Mime Veria•Hodgeon: of the went boundary of Ushorne, met witb An onfortunete accident the other day. The wagon was upset in stone marine' and ifs.. Ogden suetained a fra.cture to one of his lege end -Miss Hodgson a fractured arni. A much -esteemed resident of Stan- ley townehip, Rebecca Reid, relict, ot the late Alex. Johnson, is dead Mee. Johnsen was in her seventieth yea]. She was born in Ireland and came to this country when ovate young. tains team married in 14144 to her late hits hand, who died twenty-five years AV071; who are still living. One tiny mat week. Harry, tb eldest son of John (iarnmes, of the :3 line of Morris, hail * font so hail lat /tad t a mowera that mputation Ise found necessary. The young DOI Was getting egge from a neat in the hay Held and before he could get awiaa the mower knife .aught bIui. His father wae driving the team at the/time. A very pleaaant event took place on Wednesday, July dtb, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jou'. Walker, 110.41' ()entrails. It was the onataion of the mArri* e of their deo hter. Miss Mary E. 13. % alker. 40 14 re prick Kerr. The ceremony wag performed under a beautiful arch, of evergreens inter. SPECIALS FOR HORS Long List of Them for the National This Year A ' .ng list of specie homes Is added to the pretntmew ist -tree this year. The (arm has been divHell into and heavy, with ;mid -MVr eumb. Live Stock Ins England. givin notate' tat eel Clydesdkle math prizes draught draught gives t Lomas And' prizes for surd liberal *4 101)14) of ten horses' wo chimes, light lees of f1100. $50 (I _the Yerkettire anceWas:- the additional prizes y the henge. e seocitation give special 4f $40 each tor the heavy Mots and best beevy mare. The King Edward $100 cups( for the best lady's and best gentlemen's turninit. ere are downer of Miters. hi e --"Don't you know, '6 e o r g e ki ned ma at the door lest night twice fore kcould stop him I" Mae - -Gracious 4 what cbeek !' titte-"Ooth " New Yorkers and the Bible. "What is the meaning o t e wO Easter P" asked William J. 'LeRoy. at Use Lambe' Club. No one could annerer - the qtleldierli and Mr. Kelley went on 1 "Nobody in New York mode the , Bible now. ignorance of the Bible and of Biblical things is amazing. ?lot long ago, at a canner. I got into a Biblical argument. When the argu- ment was over a young woman geld: ” •I enjoyed the discuesion eplen• didly. But. do yon knot., 1 always thought that Sodom and thimorrah were man and wife.' 'Another young woman com- mented : •011, well, I iiiippoee i hey ought to have been, if they were net.' .-New York Telegraph. Shier white bests or mull- made up with the utibtist Mtnplicity and eveu white dotted swiss la eorreet for /Ra- nter ifternoone. FOr tennis or gotr a black hell. 440 and hat will not give the effeet Of net' and mourning. but will serve. to distill - was e .in spells I would be very weal( S'nd nervous, sieepleis and without appetite: had neuralgia in my, head and heart. After taking the remedy a short time all this disappeared and in a few weeks all the heart trouble Was gone." LizzrE PT AINE4,.. 1103;.;30 Ave. Evansville, For ‘twenty years we have been constantly 'receiving just such=letters--as-these-.- -There is - scarcely a locality in the United )•-•liere thee i'z pot .some one who can testify to the merit!, of this remarkably suc- cessful Heart Remedy. Pelee $1.00 at_ynpr druggiet He should supply you. if h• iota not. sewer lior Se 101 up, welerward prepaid. COR., MILES MEDICAL CO, Tonnes. MGM Prism .10011 • Ntasse the il16116. .1. fTrIes. ' Then it -Non collie 10.'6 1 .1.eieuissi 1 asr„. in'-Tril.tif eT FUJI 10134-0 ruled bet ween the !severe 'tyle of white dress that 44' today so regular ly worn during the [(tremens. pm. or two, black hie ti or batiste drewaeo‘a black linen and a black rajah poiene vont and skirt eostunie be found necessaryln • mummer mount- ing outfit for a young girt White pon. permits'altgle for (tenter mourn Ing, and coat and skirt coeturne 111 suateriat are wucb in rogue still. The tint anti veil illustiated are very smart for a young. widow The veil is of crape bound brtlaineki net. MR. KNOX PRAISES -WOMAN.- - - • Departnient Employee Is Able Lawyer, H• Says. Philander (7. Kuos. who eras femme OH :1 lit wyer before be became atiorne general of the United Swett. gents from Penney's-main or secrete of state. hue given the highest .k of indoreeinetu of the legal attainments of an employee of his depann nt The employee is n two, Ws Annie 11. Shortridge, who is pow aw clerk to Counselor Hoyt of the tate depart merit. fittortridge." Id the secretary of state to the houseicommittee on ap propriattons, which( is rnakiug up the mate department estimates. ”bas been in the service o the government sin, Mr. Olney wa attorney general. she began as $enograpber and general elerk. end e bad been in tbe depart- ment of jultiee evt-r since until she cern* 1 o the department of state. three four months ago. Sbe is un. doub 11e and to Illy knowledge a very abl Ise Ter Many mportabt briefs po.oared by her when she was in • department of justice. It Is a great pleasure to me to hse able to do her justice." It is n certainty that many male Inn- yere would give A good &at to 4444 1) haarty a11. todorsonsent of their term ettatnments front Philander C. knol. Dainty Ilaby Seek. tie dainty flannel sacks and kimo uos that the baby wears are usually from a good patter° and then tat to *en* art neet1WwerlEbTe4i16 be stamped. This is not always convenient, and 14 is *011)4 (0 know simple borders that -FAH BS Inn 011 St Winne. Most of theft marl gafments nee furnished with A buttonhole scollop, which can be worked around the ends of a thimble or spool. A daintier 'wal- lop la made by using • spool of 200 thread and drawing hallway around ft A cOarte deep scallop DIM looks wen on baby garmentik 0E0..101-1N:40N EMBALMER and UNERAL DIRECTOS imitatio# and W*14 1001'). Wyist,44•1114244.414. (lode:kb - _ 'PRONE: Spires" Na.itit mils: At rt.:deism. MU* .re);. PURIFIED HIS BLOOD Dr. Morse's Indian Root PIRO Heated Mr. Wilson's Sores When the era of the body -bowels, Icidnevs and :in ducte--get Clogged up, the blood uickiy becomes impure and frequent sore, break out over the body. The w to heal them, as Mr. Richard Wilso who lives ,near London, Ont., f , is to purify the blood. Be es: For some time I had been in s low, 'pressed condition. My appetite left me and I soca began to suffer from indi- gestion. Quite a nuniber of small sores and blotches form:4 all over my skin. I tried medicine for the blood and used many kinds of ointment", but without satisfactory -results. What was wanted was a thorough cleansinr s.4 the blood, and I looked about in vain for some medi- cine that would accomplish this. At last Dr. Morse's Indian knot Pills were brought 10 my notice, and they are one of the most wonderful medicines I have ever knewn. My blood was puri- fied in a very short time, sores healed up, my indigestion vanished. Thee always have a place in my home and are looked upon as the famitv remedy." Dr Morse's Indian Root Pills cleanse the system thoroughly. Sold by all dealers at 25e a boa. • Don't you worry about " breaking in" those new shoes. Buy a big sprinkle top canister of EAS EM and forget your feet. It over- - tomes filci--,--"Pivevin eon's and blisters. Since it's Nyars we know it's good Price 25c. Amities roe Use wi44 the maim Soli mid goarantood by tin F, J. RUTLAND S. E. HICK. H. Y. DUNLOP - pE. R. WIGLE GODERICH Get' Just a Touch here and there marks the differ- ence 'being "well dressed" and "dressed up. WL MEMS combine Style with Simplicity. articulars of our Grand Knitting Competition at StOre. 5.6114iiiar's Scotch Storer:. Shoes that Give Your Feet Every Comfort lit'. e V..11 sVO.* W..../1 light. ill - If you heve., you know how IM- cumfortable they are. 11 1 t, 1 g as r • feet 114 1)1111 y-plip It lace corns and But tInee's nt, newer why you o boold wear. ill- fitting tineyoufort 111j1 ‚1 able ,hors. Because 1 n INVICTUS Shoes you bay -e the very neweet, up-to-date shapee-the shoes that lead the Myles in Canada. • riv I4,•ELS1914'. A 1 1 31 11 have• the hest selected leather and the fltteat and 111.1.116es workmanship that mosey and exp'lrienee can procure Then you baye books and eyelets that never become htassy. INVICTUS Shoes mean perfect foot -comfort every minute they're wono Save your feet by buying pair to -day. WM. SHARMAN, GoDERicti. 1•••••40 Right now it cy r chance to get really good Shoes at a coneiderable saving. Om policy is to eel' all alines in their eeason and carry nothing over. The halanee of summer styles" we are !selling now et prtces 40 (neer quick)y. liondrede of pairs of O -X -F -O -R -D -S " r i*tir-1,-4; A V:\ SEE THE SPECIAL VALUES ON OUR BARGAIN TABLE. is the most you can buy. will make a Ciii) fragrant, nutritious -with the delicious flavor that is characteristic of Cowan's. ecpnomical that Half a teaspoonful of cocoa - rich, TM/ COWAN CO UPAITtlf, TORONTO 132 • f • G. M. Elliott The:Square, Ooderich.