The Signal, 1910-7-14, Page 6O I ill Icnii%1, .11 IA I 4, Mill -emulator ?+ ,pq Tgrait % tottiR • 4 44: - SIGNAL: GODERICH ONTARIO ENTRANCE RESULTS. SUCCESSFUL CANDIDATES IN WEST HURON IN6PECTORA TE. Not Su Many Wiiiing This Year as Last Arithmetic and Geography Papers the Chlet Stumbling blot ge--eurnic• bentoWte Results Next Week. The billowing is *list suei.essfill candidates for stdmieion t..n high riehools in the inspectorate of West Huron. The number of candidates this ye.0 wau 2.15. In 15111N1 there were 31 1 writing for entrance to high achoils. The tenacity .1 teachers, the \ frequent -henget: of tirectiers, the in - remising number of seiner! holidays hd the difficult% of Lite arithmetic lier caused the failure of many et dente this year. The papers in eel metre and geography • were re. spin ibl • for the due ',fell of Arlany etude its who teemed ill the other' sub- ject... 111 -pit'- ef 1•14.-4r 044114 ..441.. selltelle have done well. It was ati- nutmcg. y the Ikarartmeot «d Fdlitea• 4,4911 tha 4.1(‘` high 44:14. WI entrains. standard mild ire trneed. 44) telicherti and ptiplls t prepare fin • the severe. t A _crual_eit' ip* the 14141k. wi I I tit to eiscli cendidate. The cettilleat s wilt be sent-- to -the owes befoi t. 4.- CI1IU�LIi oiled bee t term Th.. highest arks obtained . in ear3 vulifeel ,411. a. Minae : Oral /keeling fir 4C Writing Evelyn ...Lean. IS. Siwl/ing Agnes Mr )011414.1.511. _Written Reading 1. Dean. 447." Arithinet Jomailt v Or mutual. 1.14 Demi, !k Oeography •Vieleir Eva (lossiposi Ernest Poi' Total Maty Melliirne4 11 age). :.2I 'rho polilie graiThatiMi will lie iiiildiAtie.11 next week. The bets and 'nark.. are afu (the minimum 44(01(44tei pate is for honor*. 137): 464114;.1414 11 runbic !Aura Hates ICI h:vii Meek .... „ Joe Heck ... . . Lewis :414 Iturold t !curie 1.51 .lean Cutt 171 Willreil Dapeey Mamie !town • 49s • le -.es Elleut t 416 Pear/ (heel 12Y. It Mena Hari amis. Vocklosin Hay. ' • 460 Elwood lioyer....... . 41r2 Mitigate). Leonard :MI Arlie Matheson .... ,421 KPAble..44 Moore 444 Agnes .. . . filt2 . Keel -us McLean , , 119 Grace McLean . 412 Ethel NA irn- . . .. 467 Jeanliair.442 Erneet Porter ..... 1St - Joy Show ...... 440 - tinter 419 liar net 'rim he wey ' (.race %Veils 114 0: ergetteb. Ella Rummer/ie.. Ne. 1, Morris 1130 . 104 Elisabeth Senderson - No. 7, Hullett ei , glarthur Tierney . .No. 11, E. W. • H. 'Luella Wagner.: . No. ll, Willett • Hilda Williams.... ...,.N... 6, linnet, 41 Myrtle Yeung • No. 12, H. A. M. 01111110 MK.--.- --- - - --...- 8tone boure No. 2-t Lloyd : Melville Englend 4-0(4.' Brown 1 'i4H0I4Y I: NO. a I Ten. It...4(611x 31 No. 2- L. Stewart_ • • • • • • Willie Jeffrey IPT 5- -Hutu* Kestle 424 ' Emma Fieher • Lila Moil 304 . Elmer aleFallsAre . ...,,,i1-Xumptie He •wood44,3 k 19 -Verna WEMI n'An'.4:40•111. .No: 4 Clarence tieDonald Margaret Miller . 12-X/well 1Vebster . 49) KART WAN'ANOrill. 7 -Dora E. Beectoft 111 Willie Armstrong. 13r. 11 --May McHurney Mary Currie , 49U , • • Milton McBurney14(1 TericiteeM170 - NO. 1 Olive Mitcbell444 Ifelne Mitchell OP - EW. literally when a anee's ibleritoes come in it's in ballast. It isn't difficult CP)errist. people who know what they want. A suffragette should never tirtrey a sea. OD button* -- 409 • RESULTS IN EAST HURON. t The hollowing is the reite' 'of the ex- it ituaLkone for entrance • to bibg se held at Winghare, 'Wroireter and tg) p Points For Mothers ordwiell. Met:mum mai kr, 050 ; • --s, 310t ; for Motors. 037. 1 WINGHAM. Hosoit, Meguree *red ...• t Wjninsas McRitchie Ann* W Dein Annie lieddee Hardy. ../4.8. No17. E.W. & M. Smith Norah - . . , Wingham Nicholson Gladys., . " ...... Entril 14KPARATIK SCHOOL Chisrlie Kidk , 4441 Melville .k•ffrity . 415 .10..eph Griffin --------------4:42, •• Terence Kidd. • 470 Ague.: Doyle .............. 4:0) lila Dean 477 reeiser. 4. PrI11.11' 14411001.. Elgin M cAt t Mir -----------44*)41 Arthite McArthur Aggie flit Jean lograns 304 441) Inc-, 141O4( Pave McI)onell 412 Ruth Rennie 391/ Nellie CArIllichaell•••• • kirTEIt 1.1,111,14, SCHOOL Netson Hill .........4447 Linden Harvey .... . Off Myr* NI (wean ..... Joe fravie • 40.1 Irene Rivers.. . 0/s Bert Chlbee.... Florence Arnold 44.2 Jeers Seddon 404 Eric Burdon ., 441 David Hall 4441 James Welker 422 Russell Balk will ..., 4402 441,11.3.0 1171ILle /WHOM.. Anna Woods ..... ..:31114 %XIII( II PUBLIC 14411001 Earl . --f+porgi• Dltiehlefteree.-.-e-eeee-tia- Elora thew 457 Fred.," Kall.11.4sch 114 Muriel Preeter 444 1, Olive O'Brien . . 4112 nerve wrens tatiiimeseateroixe ' ...... 4:111 Addison Tiernan . . 31e) raminartv tarmac semen.. Evelyn Illuett H7 t'Vellinettiso lialat At4H1.11.1,11. Me. .11(neph Melvin Reilly age 3- ten* Bowler 419 n Bowler 458 5 1,re e Hacke_t_t„405 fi Pinta Cook -.II 7 -John cKeith3111 . 11 -Edith Stothers - 3115 • 12- W Weed Headley._ 391 _ , rokisoees:. No. I -tatirs Lau tensItiyer 419' No. 2 Herold Welters, ., allii 3 -Jean 4) Young._ 4111) Lilian Witten' 419 , • 5, Harvey McCann 4211 MeN Arl onnettiert loweatile, • • l'Aae. Bottrell Irene. ..„ • Winghato • rluchanan J1its ..._ • . Bower Lucy e Barber Flerence- .. • . • • • tilaalltes Annie.. . .. No, 17, E.W. & M. Centelon Leon tt'inghant Davidson Lamas .... Dunkin Alice Bcfl. Toenterry Elliott Weir . "%t'inghau) Fixtet• Annie. " Pieter Tofu _ . Kingston Lloydtaaid k ... • Malwl ..... . . ...... .1..yrit George.. • • • • ohnston .triel Kin/orre wet t Harold N.;:• 11, 'Morris ttson 1. Wingbain Mi Della . . .. . '• Mitt ws iidttt M !Ph rsonMeth ..„ Math*. Wilfred .Nn. Morrie" Mason lien ...No. 1. E. Wewairosh Maxwell ten . Nieholle illie • Perrie Mat let Pesten Anna MNo. 4. Scott Ella • " 13. Thyme. Jobe Wilkinson Elm.. WRO s TER. • 110444) 4. McKerelter Bola "Wroxeter Edit Mille .. . --Tsrenberty. grown Margaret . • Wroxeter Clinkunbroomer Mabel No. Howick Doig John No. Garrick Galbraith l'orrauce...No. 2. T nherry Gibbon Miry 11 Wroxeter Hamilton Elinor Miller Vernon •• No. 1, Turnherry Munro Annie-. Wrozeter Nichol Bessie Id • No. 2. Turnben'y 8c et Agnes No. 7, liosvick Williams May • PORDWICH. • Peres. Albrecht Mabel • Fordwich }frown Mary ....... ." Clerk May . . . . .No. 6. Howick ISowney Ethel 1'ordwich Denny Ernie Howiek-_,. Harding Maude ...No. 6," Martin Gladys McNeil Edna " 11 , Patterson Inez. ..... " 12 Ries 'Matilda • Williamson Vera 12 McNeil Karelia,- , • " 11 Turnberry Wingham • .. wanosb Motbere, don't neglect your health and personal appearance if you want to keep your husbands' -admiration ond tree pride and devotion of your ehrld-reee, evearthottgtr your daily run - tine mnsebe broken Into occasknally. and surely these ahinges are more es. sential tg your bapptna than the knowledge that the part has been enrefully dusted each day or that every teeth and towel has bees as girfrstillY wa' . Fee the Baby. .1 little aenpire frocl for the baby fir elle of the season's .new wriukles. It liasz thetiniest.. shortest yokl\ cut • nnd ...alined with a hued of Istailleg ,run with bine "ribbon. The full little skirt Is gathered tb the yoke111141 finished with a deep '-In,f, atiteretitchtel. Above the hem heed .or valenciennes lnsertlo • eliti_three tiny tuck.; shove and helow. The oleeve.4 tire merely little puff !Tethered int., li:nding rufi wltb ribbon tied in a rnklee trowand finished with • eve. frill Tlry tenrlhuttraine fasten. tits frock at the tack. • welter • eicrit Ily attractive littie 'eut with a frout and back tertiel 'and eleeves lu one pieta-. The panels 1111) from the neck to the hem - the froek. and are outlined with line fentherstiteldne and have spatter- ed tiny 1,40M44.111S and French knots worked hi white noweerized'embrold- v thread ever the entire surface. • noel: "rind gleeves are finished eP insertion and Dille of edS- gurberetr- at the -Wog. • AVER'S HAIR VIGOR Stops Falling illair Ayer's Hair Vigor is composed of sulphur, glycerin, quinin, sodium chkortd. capsicum. sage, akohol, water, and perfume. Nut a single injurious ingredient in this list. Ask your doctor It this is not so. Follow his advice. A hair food, a lair tonic, a hair dressing. Promptly checks falling hair. • Completely destroys all dandrut. AYER'S HAIR VIGOR !Does ncit C J. Ares Ocetrurg I, TWO - :MORE SIIIPMENIss The apple was always a great temptation- , green apples have their little victims yet. The safest and surest remedy we know of is (Apia Wild Strawberry Compound The following is the result .1 the high school en Li ane.- examination held at Clinton and Myth. At Clinton 55 wrote and 10 passed. At Blyth At wrote and 17 peeled. Arithmetic was the plucking imiject. CLINTON. HONORS. KI1114.1' Fred 0. Ford le..rge McTaggart -Eddie Pete. Sarah Ann Agnew Ethel Bradshaw $ Emma Cantelon tio. tt, Goderieh _ Bridget V. Carbert...S. No: -2. Hull -eta M. Cartmt.igists No. " IluBett Newer:mil °tuff Olive (le , . " Mondie Cook 6 4 44 Milton Cook metArd Al Doherty Lilian May Elliott ....No. IL Godetiela Adele Mary Finlay ....No. 9, Goderich Pearl (*lazier ,Clinton Katie Gower 12, G. & H. Marion Gunn Clinton - ' Clifford Harland Harvey Harland . Viola Hearn...... • .... . . " • Marion Hibbs) `• Emma Jane Hunter - No. 2Hullett Harold leaver)! No. 4. Ooderich Ki herine McGregor... 1, Stanley Jean Middleton ........No. 11, Om -leach Jean Morris. " ' Clinton X. O'Neil Beaten Ross Of 04 Teach Litt! Folk* to Love Nature. A child's int est shout.: be wait - oiled in • love for ature, ter animals ..11.1 hlrds. Ift he tnoglit that the hurobliet livitig crea e should have les. protection and aff tion be 441:1 cc.er Le thoughtless or, ue1 in III* Vey, merit of them, • A child may be 9.41 of God' ove In the wonderful gifts of the thi of the earth. the newer* and fru A .r twenty and ese. Wonder may he awakened In hie wind Ir, the Immensity of the nets -mew. the glory of the sun, the beauty and mystery of the ears, aim expanse of sky and ' sea. Tb.- religions spirit ohould be. tat- tered tti childhood. Unless this is done It will not have strong growth. The persobalpy of the mother hns inueh to On In edge -Elting In the chiki ID. rernetit Merle of God and .Immor- t illty 'The sincerity of her faith. her reverence for nil sacred and holy tbinge-tbelie are•atmost unconsciously eIsserved by it child and form an hu- t reasion never to be forgotten. No, 1 - M. E. lesithwaite.. 4fiti• 'To fr -Pesti Potter 441 (3ox . 417 a 415 HAY. No. 1 -Maxim.- Denotny... 3let .:10111en Truemner , fthienhold Miller . 4211 t' 10 -Grace KIM r 100" • Arne Weiner.... WB Ntele -Vt M. 11. tichroeder SEM t4TANti141'. NO. 5-11innie TiOlm't.• • • • 40N Pewit '1's -lay 417 Havethe 4 Victor It. Evan. 4314 McNaughton. Inn 14-Petst Moffat 44 14- Arthur Jones 42l Lola Rathwell:MI) Albin naive 404 Mettler' Kehl AP2 William Rutledge. Clinton Stewart Scott, .. Kat Mine M. Quigley. M. No. 2, Mullett Feed "I'lmnip4044., Clinton William Walker...,. - Edna Wammann..... ... ..... Irene Wilken }MYTH Elva Mantling N... te 1414(4. Edward Dungan ... No. 12, 11. & M. lifoidiner. _NO. 11. E. %V. Sr H. Stanley Lyon. No. S. Mullett Reidella MeKenzii. Myth Mary Milne. Margaret Phelan --------?lo. 1, Morris Fromilda Pfeffer ' No. 5, Hullett Menem Patu.rson., No, 9, Hullett Ketie Reid . . No. 7. 111111.9a A Comfort Loving Mother. The mother wlp,, .4.-'- r.-- comfort does net speed her time telling her ehlldren what not to do. She pro them filth thing, they will want to do. She frownon elltillete sodas sod 'ow creams between mettle. except se n pecIaI treat_ Hire does not belie,* la fine feathers making tine bleilings. RAP knows th it-The-peintreel rett-e61111. being thew tight nen m fort able. anon has Its mollicr In like melte. Nor .1,w* she think it conducive to an_or heralr'ffeaceihnfort to keep it op to ell (,,ire The enrly to bed File in worked ter the peace of the mar:phi/1d ehe nor Inordinately ambltione. Predigiel nre nattering to maternal eauree. „but the .1mi:untied boy Gr glI , . more comfortable to live with. aant demi not think indulgence tiiIIIIPS for imitent. Tbe mother wbo 4. nmat thoroughly uncomfortable In her chtldren • the one who has never 11.1141114 them to obey, Cleaning Sheers. mother, often hemunte to put their envoi children Into dainty white end g it co or a problem of keeping these shoes clean. . Sitft Witte ghee*. if not .too Madly ..otted. may be elenned nicely with al emit any white powder. if they are very flirty they may 1.. moaned with intatitine. The regailgr white shoe pollell made with whiting and poweer, mixed thiek and applied with a cloth. Thle mny he meet on white canvas and white stat colored buckskin mhos.. Huh the shoes free from dry powder after they have dried. "Booties" made of charmer mav washed In ammonin water. tenon them In 11 suits with ammonia it. it. rine. in more trononle end wipe them dry with • towel or cloth Do pot dry near artificial hest. Its direct antiseptic .action on the bowels1-3 comes -the 44green apple- poison"-- soothes irriated parts and checks dysentery gently. It COM:3111S no harmful opiates and being NYAL'S we can heartily recommend it. Anything you buy with the name Sold and gufranteed - • F. J RUTLAND. E. E. HICK. H.C. DUNLOP, E. R. WIGLE. CODERICH Will give yen entire satisfaction. We:now have an exceptionally well - assorted stock, including three of the -, best makes. While these last ship- nients are somewhat belated, we are • going- to make if worth while, and will rush them in a BIG CLEAN•UP SALE as follows : All $ 5.00 iines.__ $ 4.2S • All - .... 3.98 All 8.00 I ines......- .. . 6.80 - All 1000 lines..., • 8 So r All 15. oo lines... t t ' • r: • 't2.7.7'..,;;.' 7P. --r 75 Howell Hardware Co., LIMITED. - • It's easy to grow plants in a Sunshine -heated home IDEQPLF, living in homes ,heated with Pure,Warm cYrelinary furnaces often Claim thef earMot grow plants with any degree Sunsh.4 A 4 in.eA.ir dinary furnaces are not provided with an of success. This is due to the fact -that or- ,t'A - • Automatic Gas\aamper. There is nothing tiprevent coal -gas, which is deadly to plant Mr, being 4orce41--itia41ro,u,gh the rcgistere Now:when the gag Inhe combustion chamber of the SunehIne teaches a. smut eters the Au/meant •Ga Damper and passes \ certain pressure it II p the Hum Hey, cenimmuently thkes... in no chance' for It to escape through the registers. Instead. the air that parses through the registers Is pure, warm, .ffunshine air, laden With.the proper degree of moisture from the water,pan. It's the kind of air that maker* plant, thrive und be good le breath Int., your own lungs. rr '-ilti want to gunrd your hot. (and who doerin't” etzeings evil" moiling. deadly coal gas order our agent to . install the Sunshine, furnace (guaranteed) In yourcellar 48 BINE no? W.Clarys oith\\ For Sale by W. R. PINDER Goder10. • LoNnos -• Tojto,:rri. CAthART :IttINN(PelT1 114111LTON MONTRRAL. VANCotTVER. . IT. JOHN. N.B. Ailaby just about as nvery part of the Our Toronto h -a savin. 4) strong, durable and Ise to any rine of three poritt -ctin he hod with parasol ritatuttill about -the -built-in Gendron Manufactu Toronto - that's comfy because built right-, ouhte-proof as* it can be made. ENI'D-RON is built tight here in ctnry underrnr ow't oiper- 3,7X/0 eutv. The lltegiCia:/q enic--can Le readily ndiust srtZtrimislit.11,*ei,lirliidne"iikf.ri.'wiliT1 &ad by meet first.elais ri411"t• -dealer*. Virfeirter es If Ltd.your de•ler 4 -eremite! Ose carry them. TOASTED 10c a package At all grocers The Kellogg factory is as clean as your own spotless kitchen. The Kellogg way is a thor- ough way, from the first motion to the last. Just as dirt is intoterabl your home, so it is at the modern Kellogg works. Besides this, Kellogg's - has nothing added ford appearance. Nothing lot spar ed to make Ke1-1 logg's the food of quality and strength. Puts vim in your body, and keeps it there. LONDON DIRECTORY 1Pubh.h•La Eilables traders throughout 'Ow World to communicate dire,. with English manufacturer/GLIM dealers in 'eel] chute of good.. Btsides heing a templet.. coin- laiinCiall guide tio,Lont1oti and it. subrirtre, the Directory contain. lists of export merchants wits ihr goods they ship, and the colonial and foreign 11141/11P4fthey Vtehttithip Mitt eti tinder the ports CO which they sail. and indicating the approxe mete sailings: Provincial trrule notices of leading alanufaetair• ere. Merchants, etc., in the pria- eiPal provincial towns and in- centree of the Crated' K ingifont. A copy of the current MAI..., will be forwarded, freight paid. nn receipt of postal order. f••1 20i. Dertlert+ to•eltioK agencies c:n advertise their trade cards to. it, or Luger eidverth4emeto,. from t3. The London Directory Co. Limited. ),'}meth Lane. la auk c, 4.04,...wesexPefteseeneeseeetwegaseses.ren.nea ILet us have your order 03' your New Summer Suit LEST MATERIAL LATEST STYLES • FINE TAIL0R1N0 DUNLOP The Tailor. • West st ervereateatesieweetetteeenoeweeDeoree.~. 0E0. JOHNSTON EMBALMER and FUNERAL DIRECTOR furniture and Undertaking waren:int, Wei,. .Id. &mare. Gorierice 'PHONE: Store I! Re4Idence 178 Mitt r44114: At reeidenee, St Maw Street. "The Sweetheart of the Corn" 44 t*, J. BKOPIIEY & SON GODE1CH 41 THE .EADING SOMISSIMISIMPINIMP uneral Directors_ and Embalmers Orders carefully attended to et all bean, MEM er day. I • ytoiit