The Signal, 1910-7-7, Page 8s THt`RSOAY, Jt'I.Y17, 1910 TILE SIGNAL: GQPERICH ONTARIO THE CANADIAN BANK FI CHURCH NOTES. Rev. Ur, eledd will preschvin Vic - CHURCH aorta 'trot Methodist church next, OF COMMERCE Sunday Morning and evening. Meme ' free. The services in North street Metbo• i diet ehureh next Sunday will be col. i tie \.• N :ho : NI LED IN THEIR VA -Ott A N ST OP--" (fe'ted by the pastor;- fir.-Dooms:14,--M t 11 a. ni., -The Best Thing;" at 7 p. w., s "Memory."1 Rev. P. (i. Sinclair, of To, will l be the speaker at the services in Knox • church on Sunday next. Rev. %V. venin • SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES I IF YOU HAVE ANY TITLE DEEDS. MORTGAGES. INSURANCE POLICIErS,. OR OTHER VALUABLES THEY SHOULD BE LODORD IN ONE OF THESE BOXER 171. • R Fps FURTNER INFORMATION APPLY TO S. WILLIAMS, Maueget (ioderteh Branch. New English Dinnerware Made in (Linty conventional design, highly fi nis-h-e(i china, sold in selierate pieces or by the complete set. Platters roc., 75c.. $1 00,. $1. S' andt$2 00, Dinner Plates 52 03 per dozen, Soup Plates 52.00 per dozen, Breakfast Pates $1 5o per dozen, rea Pates $i 25 per dozen, Bread an Butter Plates $1.00 per dozen. Cups and Saucers $2.25 pc: dozen, Vegetable Dishes $1.00 each. Ceeam and Sugar 75c. per pan, Sauce Dishes 75c. per dozen, Bake Dishes 5oc. each. Several small pieces 25c. each. realer mirsorma• The Colonial Book Store GEORGE PORTER, Prop. 'Phone i O. Ooderich. Quality. Store oesesseetesearaWeeeerve Hot Weather Drinks LONDON DIRECTORY �trotte 1 *►mnattrr - Eltabhht traders throughout the World to communicate direct with•English tnanufacturenand dealers in each chow of go s. lleaides being a -complete tufts- tueicial guide to London nod Its.. .uburbs. the Directory contains lists: of export ntet•!'hants with the goods 'they ship, and the colopial and foreign markets they *ULpI\ .bteautnhip lines arrang- s1 und.-r• the ports t.0 which they Kaih and indicating the approxi- mate sailiogs ; Provincial trade notices of leading :ManufactW-- eta. Merchants,- etc.. in the prin- cipal provincial towns and in- dustt•tat craves. .f the United Kingdom. A eeiny of the current edition will be torwat(led. freight paid, nn receipt of poster order for 20s. Deale".s seeking agencies can advertise' $bete wade carder for LI. or larger -Advertisements' from £3. -The London Dirtctory Co. Limited. 26 Abchurch Gine, London, E C. - et •ce. „ , The morning subject at the Baptist . church services next Sunday will lie "Reality." in the evening the sermon series of "Sidelights oil Solvation" will he concluded with "The Crays Our Only Roast." Brief and bright services. Everybody welcome: The Men's Sunday Club of North street Methodist church, which merle in the church parlor at 1l1 o'clock, is t0, have an interestirg subject for next Sunday,, --"Whitt pre the Distinctive Principles of Protestantism ?" The subject will be introduced by A. M. Roberto) M. A. Any man welcome. An even quije unusual will occur Nett Tnersl in North street Metho- dot church. \Three missionaries soon to 1t0be fire tsafttd to be present a d each to give a sh address. These b4•ee are Miss -Turn of U•oderich, Mir - Swann, of Full& ton, and Mise Cur of Clinton. The evening will like - • as seewlo ahle aq.it will he un _nal. The public -Is cordially invited. - here -will -be -a, collection to defray ex • noes. Rev. C. R. Uurraht; Melbourne. Unt., who was formerly t •e Metbudist pastor at Ilentniller, leaves hortly.on a trip to England, his o cial board having voted him a two mon hs'holi- (ley, His wife and family are (ready in the Old Country., -revious- :Mrs. I )urrant'R departure the con - tion tendered her a kind address wt h a !-arse of $i0. Mr. Ilurrant s brat • er. Rev. John .1. Durrant, has just co into this conterence from (iatrpe, Qu her, where he has been itt charge o the Gaspe Missinn. He has been sta- tioned at Belgravia in this county, and - will be welcomed not only tor.his own sake but for that of his brother,",who tussle many friends during his minis- t.rri(tl term in this comity. • Large contrregations welcomed the new pastor of Victoria- street Meth- odist church on Sunday last. Before reading the Scripture lessor[ for the morning Dr. Medd in a few wdtl- chosen woods greeted his i•eople and besought, their co-operation in the work of the church. His text fur the morning was fttml John 20: 30 - "Then came Jesua the doors being $TJCK GLEANINGS. Sanas iut as$►ena of Value For the &tece•Breeder. There sew W he touch stewing and greeting touting 'oily farmers ubuut eovering cemebt floors where the cows 11e. It bas ,been proved in many In- stances that "the ordinary cement floor, eveto wick all the straw bedding they ran provide. Is Injurious to coati 1n variousway 1. The coed cement floor; and 1t L always cold to the baud, Is V y productive In causing udder trou- i rheumatic**"- in - the body of the cow. Now, it is a simple thing to cover the cement with Inch hoards.. Do tike aid all will- be welt Why not do it? The bog is a well regul3Ted machete for tbe transformation of food Into ^rude material for the packing house. l'be hog which can assimilate the most during a given period is the most pruf- itable to the growers. Therein Iles the different- betweed the purpose bred animal and the razorback. as shown In receet experiments. From many quarters of the south- west and from practically ell parts of the main hog breeding states come re- ports of a ab.rtace le brood wows. b Kivu of toed and the ezira,good prices offered by the packers for all kinds of swine have cotnbined to send the hogs from the farming districts to the pasting bouses. Put a small quantity of copperas in drinking troughs and tauks for st k. It purities the water and rids It u the green scum known as alga. 1.1u. y or moldy hay is harmful as a feed, and the one who feeds such to hiss k' will be rewarded by cases _of ab'kneess. paralysis and sometimes deatk. OAIo hes apprsprtated $25,000 to as- sist ln- fighting epidemics of bog chol- era lnthat state.: Large appropruitions made by other states cungist of $15.- 000 15:000 for Iowa and $10,000 for,Missouri. Texas has appropriated $1,000 to aid the work, and other states have en considernhle amounts. Swine Manapement. mug to an authority, it may be to quote a • few paragraphs of the young pig: half wade when past the od without a stunt let wth. Every check or ty through rte first two expensive than at any much rich, feverish r causing thumps or leave harmful re- uch so as scant rt of the -sow. ne t0 a pig's ays $ban can en if he is re, which n the rale let F. C. B. College LONDON, ONTARIO Rosiness t& Shorthand. Are you hot and thirsty r It ao. try a battle .of Lime Juice, "Meiling Round,'• rata bottle ot Orangeade. . These m a k e delicious and refreshing snmmel beverage. Sherriff's Extracts We handle Sherriff's.Extracts. They are 'pure And are distin- guished by their natural ,fruit. flavor. . • Canned Fish , A full line ..f the beet brands o1 Fish kept constantly on hand Sardines, Salmon. Lobs t els s. Shrimps, Boddie. Herring toil or 1owatol. SUBJECTS Resident and Mail Courses Catalogues Free .1 V,' 'Vm,tenrlt. J. '0 We.,terve1L Jr.. ('.A: Principal. Vice-PHI/04I e shut." His theme of closed or bolted d Lord's appearance : I despair, and unbelief, ado appears to every heart., a men should take couragela the impotepcy ire against the t in Spite ..f sin. Christ d tbeset'n►e a d comfort and, forsaking the path of s 1, should accept the strength prune Saviour to enable them out o 4, rise to nobleness of life. SPORTS OF SUMMER. Re )f int =• on the A hog weaning tisk In i . halt in pros months is mo . trier period milk of the d:t )cher ailment. ma, halts, perhaps as , feeding or other ne. More Injury may be growth le two or three 0e repaired in a month by the wade the subj.' t of specla efeat orhere many are raised is aneemriemmosee r-- Awe ire HE- month above ' all other that it pais • to watch the price tickets scattered, .all totter this big, roomy, cool store. __ ticket tells ot values that ire unusual ; every- ticket point, the way to a saving. Never v . n qui e as well prepared to care for summer shoppers, never as , e l I - equipped to save you rnono on your summer - buying a, we are today. Here are sonic items to give you an idea of what we are doing to mak,. J my a busy month here : Our Three -Millinery Specials Just ar•eutinderofthe-mowtat Millinery :valuta that are bet e for July, v•slues that are `bringing phenomenal business t.- this usually du!) month. We will keep up the interest a-. long ,es the supply of tendert), eight Bats lasts and sells. Ready trimmed Hats for children; worth $2.50, at $1.45. Trimmed Hats for ladies, worth up to $4.00, at $1.98. Trimmed Hats -tom-fadk..- worth up to $5.00 and .00, for $3.38. Plenty at each price to gitlyensplend:d yanety to choose from. New Braid -trammed Sailors in white and -ecru. New Dresden and Persian Sties for draping just opened up this week. A Lustre Special Twp -hundred and liftf yards plain Lustre. tcavy Nue, green, brown. cardinal and black-. Splendid qu.dit, U r summer skirts or shill waist suits. Worth quit« a lot more that] our July psi. a which is, per yard, ')' only '; An English Nainsook 121c Five hund►•eel yards of this fine wide sofa i iigliah Nato - (took. full 3t1 inches wide, round even thread. a twant- iful cloth for fine .sump,,* underwear. Regular• '2 u quality. For Jul • our (- price is. per yard . , . ai 2.>C REMARKABLE VALUE . IN . UNDRWEAR FOR. JULY Fruits and Vegetables Choice Strawberries, Tome- tue-i, Cucumbers., Butter Beans., New Potatoes. Lettuce, etc. A shipment of Water Melons expecte' for the week -end: Choice Butter and Flesh Eggs 3Y Varieties Best German Colored Picture Post Cards 1 ViEWS OP UODER10H1 , AT Thomson's .Music and Stationery Stare I.IM1' 11i' VIEWS Four for 5c 1-1. R. LONG PHONE 4; The VVeekly (?lope And The Signal ft* clew subscribers) for the reuu,inder of this year for 00 cents. , 4 - lase` 1 ISo to speak, from poor .. sight to blindness • • Perhaps it clever ()deleted to you that s defect in sight is net RR a rule a disease of the eye - so often it, is a condition which the proper glasses will not only relieve, brit many times entirely cure. Might is restored, eves are made eta ong. beadaches d i a - appear, the nervous strain ie relieved and the eves are saved perhaps fto.n blindness. 1f you have eye Lf•ouhle. A peranrral talk will interest you. O u r akilful-Htting and adjusting will satisfy the most critical. We have the moat up-to-date system of sight testing. Private Optical Parlors, k is Only a Step • 1 1 Walter H. Harrison Jeweller and 1 let iciwn. On the Square, O.slerich. ('entre/ Park and /'our$ House 41.T. R. Slat ion , On Hurons Shine. St. Oeoree's Rectory Grain Klovator'. Kvening rat Ii.rhor (olleglats Inst 1) 113 Hi.- .Fishing A Country Road Point Farm Hotel lAgffthenaw• - fleet. of U rain Veered. Maitland River Hrldge 1- P. R. Station ttenerel View of (ioderich. Marlow C. -P. ft. itridir.• Valley of Mail lend Hirer and Ha, Nor Mills Western CRnwla )ebur MiCo. Sunset Hotel' - ltenmlller ' ' (In the Maltla/A Idler The Ria Meadows Harbor Park , St. (teorge's Church St. Peter's R. (•. Church Knot Presbyterian (:hnreh 1)n the hake 3 Long Panoramic Views • Uenernl t'Iaw of Harlin • R! (oche. lana Central Park and 1'oart House flenudller Lawn Bowling. The executivecotntuittee of the lawn howling club has a number of important matters under considera-, tion. The secretary of the Western, On- tario Bowling Association ha+ written stating that the Ooderich club is en- titled to send one rink to Clinton un September 12th, when the visiting British bowlers will be there. The condition is that the rink contribute towards the expense at Clinton, 'Arrangements for the annual tour- nament of the Ooderich club were un- der consideration) The tournament is to commence Tuesday, August 9th, at 2 o'clock, and the . flay will include rink games, Scotch doubles a n d singles. Entrance fee for rink, 80; doubles, 511 cents a man : singles, 51' cents a man. Messrs. Nairn, Rutland and Ru►nbsll were appointed to purchase ..prizes, arrange the pro- gram, etc. Messrs. hunter, Rutland and Kidd were appointed an enter- tainment committee, and Messrs. Nairn, Holmes and Lane a committee to prepare the grounds for the tourna- ment. J. 13. Hoover, Clinton ; J. C. Greig Meaforth ; Dr. Burritt, Mitchell ; D. Holmes, Wiogham; Wm. Alltto, Lucknow, and Rev. 1), W. Collins, of Exeter. were appointed umpires. Ten skips were appointed to bead aR many rinks from the local club for the tournament. - -Two ..rihr•ee-hula will bebere from Rt. Marv's on the 14th, Inst. Photo Stamp Books 6c 24 Photo Stamp, of Udderlch for se 20 Varieties ISoture Post 1 sol t-tews prtntad In black and ,. hits. 10 cards for be Souvenir Sfafione.y Lafnf Sona., t4apc!w. And 710o -steps vl - Thomson's Music and Stationery Store Went Side of H,tutt•e, (Iuderlch. SIOAAIWIWN • Really remarkable they,are and worth your Attention. . Attent.ion. The prices •these garments are selling for makes it, a certainty that .it does not pay to make your own when you Can buy these well -made handsome garments for - little money. All, are cut full size and propc71F ire idv fr11r11 F1tat-CI,aS:<•1l!ate., idles. Corset Covers 25c F Corset Covera, made fit 10 nee cambric-. - finished I•:ngli(•h cotton. trrtun-.d with two- inch lace and insertion wt] fi 1 n. y rihhori, cut $verve full -a decal.nly sora gat nu rt e]�C L at t'be price. All fazes, a ac h... , . , .:. 2s. Corset- Covers at 75c Stratford tor the Twelfth. For the great Orange demonstra- tion at Stratford on Tuesday next, July Litb,,.- special tickets can be secured only from F. F. Lawrence, down -town agent of the O. T. R. They can be bought at any time and if not need the money will be refunded. Rate $I.54, including return. Special train leaves lloderich at 8::30 a. in. and from Stratford for Ooderich at 8:37 p. m. He sore to get your tickets from the down -town agent, F. F. Lawrence. Office hours 0::311 a. m. to A p. m. 8 1 Great Names. A r.ond,st pneraalist has found these town. •nal uau.ev in the records of the general register ofltee: ole has (naoov- ere.l ■ girt registered in 1847 as "Is 1t Maria," In 18663, a boy nif "Napoleon the Great;" 18x,7, "Robert Alma Bala- clava inkerman Sebastopol Deihl;" 1800, "Arthur Wellesley Wellington Waterloo," 1801, "Not Wanted James," 18133, "Jerome Nepoleon Edward Hen- ry Johni" 1806. "Edward Byng Tiny - ho Forward;" 1870, "One Too Many;" 1877. "Peter the (:rear' and "William the Conqueror," twins; 188,4, "Richard Ooenr de Lion 'eyler Walter;" 1llft6, 'That's It Who'd Nave Thought It" 1887, "Coughing Waters." from. re- markaMa single mimosa are to he met with, such Ra "Itighteoue," 'l'omfoe-t," "ITappy." '•N:lertor," "Hopeful," "Re- demption." '•Meditation," "Obedient.** and "Alphabet." Twine. "Love" and "Unity." ore to be found, and, besides "Faith," "(tope" and "Charity" ea triplets., then are "Shadrach." "M•. sbaeh" and "Abednego," boys, and two boys and a girl, "Alpha," "Bata" and "Omega." g11-raoNTES-OLD nxaasurna Esasows. x easily practicable. Good luck with Pike calla for attention, and that not 'erosional. but frequent find regular. From the first week after farrowing iuti1 weaning titne the sow will be tit- le else than a milk machine, and to be 1 high power macM,se in perfect opera- tion she must have proper care. Noth- ing else 7s so well calculated to make pigs grow as a bountiful supply of wboleeowe dow's mllk, and the pigs that have plenty of other feed with the milk of a well slopped sow for ,stgttt weeks will ordinarily get mach the start of tboee weaned at five or six weeks, no matter bow much food tnd attention the, earlier wetted pigs may have hada Holstein eoords. There arc 292 Holstein cows which Mee &eclat records of twenty pounds >f batter tat to seven consecutive days. lawns are sixteen cows with records of ever tweoty-Ive pounds, Grace Payne fT.'e firxneetesd beading tbe list with 4144 pouted* and OoIantha IV.'aJohan- sa etandlsg Nrend with 29.176 pounds. iholstein breeders have a large list of performers to select from in their eat* tie breeding, and they are taking ad- vantage of it. "Record hlool" a in "emend for grading op dairy herds tnd for building up pure bred herds. Dairy Gema huMilkms. tlregularly and at reaanahlr The fernier who milk!, cows is not always n dalrytnan. A few good cows are worth more than n lot of ordinary one, It's good mauatrement. 0411 rk, that makes datrying proatahte ba Spend plenty of time at the dote, barns on the state fair grounds. The cow that pays throng] the pall and separator la the cow to keep. Care In marketing the butter is al- most as important as care 1n prodne• ing it. Tic repellents' are stilt n.re•esere. Iks not try to got along without there. Even forty bcebels of wheat to for acre at $l per baahei can't beet dairy farming. It's a mistake to build a creamery nefore there ere cows enough to snake It a entrees. 'The *statement that the :Wanda rd fill rompany ran tnnke hatter next of its hyprodnete ktt't worrying real dairy men much. When von admit that yon haven't time to fest and weigh tee milk en au In tort, a ~owl of each cow, yea haven't time to dairy dew. This/garment is cut exam] full, has very etty{yoke, made of our -inch Valenciennes rtion with 'wail beading-; also anotber trimmed with yoke of aiterpate *owe of two- •cb Cluny lace and one and a -half-inch Valen 'moat laze insertion, h:•ad::•g and hahy- ribbon. Either line decidedly good •75 value at, r garment A Species C at 42c This Corset 'over hay a yoke of three•inch Sails Eutbroi with beading, is•madefrom tine quality En lish Cotton and cut full, easily worth 50c. very special at, per Drawers at 25c Drawers., made • from tine quality cotton, four -inch frill wit. 've rows of tucking. Full size, at, per . it ..... Drawers at 39c These are made from A very g .d grale of English Cotton, seams tire double can, they are trimmed five - inch frill of to ins and Swiss embroidery, regvhsr ser- va special, per pair.. ... ........ For .fuly selling. A e]C arment `�L white 25c Better Drawers, 78c,;1.00 and $1. A Skirt at $1.O8 White Skirts., Made from fine English -----entton, seam@ all dw+ble.sewa, -bask- cut full, two styles one trimmed with thirteen -inch frill of tucking, edged with five - inch Swiss embroidery ; the other cue has a fifteen -inch frill of tucking and rot ton torchon lace insertion. Both garments extra ��.OQ special value at, each• C7 • e A Skirt- at $1.63 - Tai• Skirt is made from the high•gt:.de English re tion that goes into all out beet' gatnlent.: it bats an eighteeeo-inch frill with three .lusters of tucks. two rows of ('luny in -et tion edged with Cluny lace. wide.i :• drill -gal manta that are worth every $165 real .,f =2,1$0. Each. • Very handsome Skirts $3.25 The cotton in the -e is the Keane se all our )sail gatwents age trade from; they have twenty -four -inch frill of heavy Cluny lace and insertion, have wide dust frill -decidedly the best value we have ever givers at �3']� this price, eacb •L (towns at 79c These Gowns have yoke itf emitnid. insertion alternately with rows of tucking. necks and culls are trimmed with nire aunt.: eutbroidery. The value is extra good 7('c at the price .77 A Better Gown at'$1.25 These gowns have yoke of fine insertion and tucking. front and cuffs are trimmed with Swire embroidery- and insertion, each garment is cut full sire -there ie no skimping whale'r. The value is good, and price. Per si 25 ggarment,... 39c asmei Hundreds of Yards ' Embroidery and Insertion at 8:c Hundreds of yards Swixs Embroidery end Insertion at 'this low price, dozens of pat- terns to select from, all firmly embroidered on good guilty Cloth, very strong edge*, regular values up to 15,e at least. All Q 1 going at, per yard 4.72C About 100 Sample Garments 1•'or a certain reason we are exceptionally favored by a manufacturer and get tirst chance at his guppies whenever he hastheui to sell. For July we have secured a lot of about one hundred, ail extra choice garments. well made and beautifully trimmed. Ne two in the lot Alike- 1)'awers, Cornet ' ere, Skirts and Gowns. An exceed) good chance to secure is nice piece of Underwear under its actual value, '.11 are Belling at one-quarter to one-third lees than they would be if we bought them regular. Good Bath Towels, 2 for 2SC Good quality Bath Towels. closely Woven and fairly lamp site. Very special for July e 1 t iv o 2e7+l�c fur Extra Good Bath Towels 50c Extra heavy all linen Rath Towels, natural rotor, very heavy, close, rough Amish - a capital Towel for the g(b� price, each ....:......... A.01".-- I A Splendid Assortment of Hose at 25c a pair ire cotton and lisle Hose for • les, in blacks, whites, tans ld colon. A fine ribbed lose for girls' and harrier ualtty for boy; wear. The best values we have been able to hunt up. All one prire, at, per 25c pair.. .. (ctiorr->" el ylrta • O0b1111/CM.