The Signal, 1910-7-7, Page 5• I ttt',aa1AY, JULY 7, 111111 s THE S I CI NAI, (ODERICH'-ANTA`I;IO e wen. Pugsley Here August tOtil• 1'I,r te.t:.iiu," tu•r1,' lit'.4ughl, t„ reeler Cdwert�n bar ree,4ved a cow-+ rich yl•,'• 1,1:19 :old w.•rc int.•11441• in from Hutt• \VIII. Pugsley, ,.,.n .,t not of Public %Work*, ittating est he expecte to visit t.t4terteh ou c.4 m- eIiUtlee .ill?. .\ Appointed for the purpose it ••e "coming for hits reception. iraduAt'on of Alexandra Nurses. Tiesteel meditation exerci-e- in aloes -tem with the training ei teed „• n,ltof the Alexandra Mat ine „y t:rnrl•ai Hospital will he held in tddt, lluwer-Hatt on Tuesday evening, ala let h. This event will mark an- dhi•1 •rep in the progress of the hoe: )brat 1ud w ill tut doubt be an ocvesion ,f lunc1t interest. The pubtiy {s •tribally int ited to attend. , address by Mrs. Smillie. ehe meeting Uf the (iodel•ich bueneh .1 th,. Women's Institute will be held iu the 1. 0. (1. F. Hall on Thursday. Jule I wh. Mia graduaE. te nurtr. with -en-illie, of Ter- ,. who it a ectkat experience in -en-este/able i t will give an "Adresse Iter I�t•,ireeinh, I'he . •tuet•ting commences a t. '- :i► o'rinel,. 1•:veryhtxly wt !coins.. The ladir- mote all to come And bring theit ftiNud)• Prone Export Cattle. 1p• \ e illrlltiwtt to a small lot of heavy til .old et the Vnion• reoet Tor - ,inti. be Rebel flitoLean, of tioderilh. tilte telling Market these aniuttle t.ett.The-- top- prier for exptt'LL. rattle. 117.7e pet cwt. they averaged I.$dltt.. and wet* fel by C. A. Rot watram.ys t Fetter/. ,and a good judge wet:. the 1. -t cattle and the, (lest sold. carr est teethes -1w township this tear. Kol« eteon ere tit he congratulated ;lsr,. bi- vuece.;As 14 Ftu,•k-rais4.1. • Toe Public School Board. The teethe saved board wet on 1l di;l•ty tor Fee trlaiteactime otgenerel busill*' . It mss.reided•to accent the ' uHuu ••t.1. It. Hunter to Leech Iuu*ic in tie'retie,. schwa.. is nd be Wssrngnged tar tour months. ending with Decew- ise :tt•t. A Itu11111ei• of met -mime were ' o4deted to be {widens! Architect tier+ let• „wee instructed to call ft,.r tenders Inn ',kettle light .?Rting-. telephone .4144' gums' for the- new ' weteol. 1►n melon of '.'*desacs tledgene and Blair: it wee (1rcide41 to t•stii lath a kilitler- getter' department, and to engage a teacher 'rimy progress cote dictates were ;tt anted for material for the new h.s•l huifding : .1. W. Brown* ('t):; ot BtanttoIJ.., for slating, [µ50, and lienni•tt. Wright & Co.. of Toronto, tar to thu. alie..eo. teat kat report of The len-onto 1Ltill.ol l ,.marl,*) . 1(4a . .1 .1 111 1••• 14•10111'ntri'.4,.114, I1•.1 'h4 WI al -et- Vic,•s..nntrIt (11144uV1•01.•.4r, ere• Hugh Ituulni,, 1•.:\. kiln. 1'. i•'. leiwren• e. It. B. situ' It, Alex,. Sao elites 1411,1 \Vol. Marlton. The 11140 .huues. MiteKilV oras a 9•t) au ct•„fol basins:es- tan. 14 04 1 u• u•peeeentutiv4' u( the 131 fan for a windier of year. he LOA slue tnuud r' ion ut :4 611IIIMid h1• Int: utter. 110 was ualttrIII11e41. :rust L4.t,•. .4110 ,iter. Nils Ma. Kay, welt whom he made his; h, • t slum• uephrw*. 1 404' 111(1 11. 11aeK:ty, 141 (lielrt•irh. It: alert \Lu 11914 of Pitt4lutrg and Dr. 11..1. 141.14.4 ,•1 Lion - hared. au.Louo niers;: bili., %m.1 .Uh1111+. 1'hrd:•e.;a,wl w,t. I're4Ilyt0Iian 11141 in politic- :c 1.11x" ern(. Picnic nI n The P,c nc Se�so s O Thie week lies hero a very popular one for picnic pati ,at '►nil et;cutwlon, Several private picnic% of tnwne- peotplelave been held in Harbni Park. and thele have been two special trains carrviug excuesionirtr tee town. Tuesday • was the day of the Ses- tet thyu.;da)-tubuut nicnie. train arrived about 14) o'clock. bring- ing a14,ut. :v(11 excursionists trotu that point. The eisitors excellent wart en '0 •ell to the -fell. The return trip TO cotn- weiiCed et `4 1'. .--►e.--Wednettday- at-picrtic it act y nuwtetiug about tatty. drove from Bilehauan tahght the Iielf,aet milted a tow veers ago and will be returne bored bytulaoy in that vicinity. The Signal is' constantly in receipt of, natty, item* and conuttulticationr of curious sort, lacking the signature of the writer. These go into the waste palter basket: We cannot publish anything ot which we do tiot know the enure.. ' 4t1)I• Kn.ition ,lruty hand of ham tv.i• hrr4::u lhuuiuiuu Ihty itild old.•.1 ut11ch tot h.• plvasetre of the day l.} el.tyiug .aa 1ht• ~sp1te,.. 1t 114 * es 1;,.441 and will IIMl'Iye a welcome h114 at any time. G. C. 1. PROMOUNS N EXAMINA- ._ - almillnole LOCALTO ONNOMMIReilinagli 011110000 Poets 1, Ford King .. `ct Hugh Anderson Florence Smith Chal•iee Inkster.... libidyr Mclean Marie l•urrelt.. ••• ... delimitate Celia Robinson......... Olive Tichborne.. Amy Wark ....... Jame* slie • Mar,lo�m • Adams.... . May Ryan. Victor Newell .• •, •..••_• Oliver Goldthorpe• • •• . Redge (ilea ............,.... Doter alegaw •••.• ' Ruth Young Mergare1 Dutt.............•• Ernest l'ridhaw. • ....• .. • • Stanley ( h,tllenger...., FY/RM 11. Early Closing at Cameron's.. Follawing out the .practiee which be borne' IAst year. 'N: C. Caweten is do -Miele. stop at .5:311p. in. during Jule ':;:,.1 A,tluet, except en Satin - dal ;ellen the rleeing hour' is 10 Tbiil is a movement which de- serves, thrrncn,nagement of the puh- evluuitralt be given by malting it a priors tie 31,...• all shopping dour toe- rte bite •l•r-bug hour. air. l'atueten. h.iievee .arras his staff will give es 11.41 "r better service during` the. .h..rter houre5 so that. while the t , lerl)s train the. tutich•leeir'•d extra •haft-hmar.reestdi loses. That ie the . way he waiite to leak at it. anyway. ,tad it the peeler of Godetich ,have acv yntf«►thy with the eh -true -liners ulovereef+t tire,. have a war •••f *inti• mg it practiralh and directly. Re• np•Inher.tbat 5:a1 1s the rineing h )lt:. 111 a artier it e. • . • Cool Words from Kincardine Gtxfericy blweball ‘tetial will two league gauges with Mitchell nee week. The) go to Mitchell ou Mon- day and on Tbureday the Mitchell players will he here. The game here will continence at 3 o'clock in the Agri- cultural grounds. Court 4.t«iel•iclt. Nti.:;.. , l'. 0. t•'..s'. 11 ho141 it, xnnun1 •rhunrh 1ua1.a.• next �und.ty uurruing, loth iu,t., to s{t. 4ergy, ehurrh. . Hey. M. 'I'tu uhu41 will preach. The members nill meet at tit.30•.hnfp Visiti4Ig les.thtt•Il are reseed. •The 'l'uroutil New, ,uuonl11ceethat it will he I,•ptevotei throughout Sir Wilfrid Laurier'. %•*stern tom by 14114 of it= twee 4:4Pabll• tariff w'riter's are. ll. It, Gue-t. who has already lett to join rhe 1'reinier's istt•ty. Mr. floss 1- w.•Il known in Getdefich, and it. . . ktt.'h4- Will is nu4dlwlth inter - .•.t 1n•re. 1'Ne ,Huron Construction Co. thin week issues a notice that a steam loco- wotive tris belt uses- • w the Cike -Shore road in t he construction .1 the gleet i ie railway It Ir underttood_1.h1_t4 warnings will be put up at crossinggs le indeshot,i . and spent the afternoon land that there will he two turn on thq nn ihr Ltke' front. -- ,engine to -help -in handling any ner- . This morning a apectal train Was run Dom Stratfut-d, under the aur - la 'our horses. There were big` doings in Odd - pew. of the Wowrn't Institute of that fellows Hall' last Monday night. The city. The train arrived about 111::pi Weal, Was the initiating of twelve o'etock and consisted of -seven cixeht's, new members of the Dungannon lodve, fairly well ttllea with. passengei *. which wee recently. organized. The Death of John h ctntyre. I degree team ut Huron Lodge put in 1 the four degree-. About twenty-seven News lute hirn teceived of the death r member., of the lodge .14 Dungannon, in - at Vancouver, lie l'.. of John Meln-1 eluding the mai for membership, tyre. a format '.sell known rnridrnt of , came in to witness the event. In a11, title place. his. home being in Saltfurd (or many ear,. Mr. Melnts re and hie fanule .mete held in high regard by their ti ieuds and .tcquainttances here and ninny will read with sincere regret of the peeeing ewtay of their termer fellow trident. The Van_ouvei News - Advert ieer ewsAdvertiser of June :el makes the ful- lowing teleran*': , -The twines! took place yesterday atteen.oti +.t 2:311 o'clock 'of John McIntyre. et 1135 Barchty street,- Rev. May Cameron:,......., .... Ethel (,ase 7h 77 71 72 71 1111 ,111 tiS n. 11S 117 . tf t 50 . 57 ... tit 1 Our values are guaranteed to you when youcan got money back with- out question. IMO All -rete wants I can he supplied under one *Oaf. Visit the JULY SALE. • . 45 711 74 Eva Somerville............ 71 \'era Durnin - Pearl eleKenzie . . Mary 'font .. .. ..... • • • Janie Stothet•t. Helen Pridham-...-•-• Meta Wire.. - Durnin I'hillipt • Edgar Swart%. ... . /:race Wire... .... Florence Young Josie Dalton ..... Lawrence Gray... • ••.. Eleanot• Moss..... John Lauder.. -freta Dineuesee .. - __ • ... • ANNOUNCEMENTS. there were about One hundred beet of the three -linked brethren pres- ent. A lunch war served after the lodge was closed. • PERSONAL' MENTION. Miss Mo -el). of Tgronto. 4 the guest of Mrs. McKie.: Ito-•, Amdereon ha.. returned Erodible trio to the %1.•.t. ... Mr ,and Mrs. \v. ., Kiflott.Of Lon• .n. are visiting in town- , Dr. Whittington conducted the ser- Miss Robert -So u tonne hast wind,o vicee. -Mr. McIntyre, an octogenartan. who had lived under ttve sovereigns. was lee') at Stewartstown. 'county Tyrone, :Ireland. April 12. 1••42'7. He war neat ried Ootobrr 2. I".54 . to Annie Kilert ekeaud emigrated to Cauada in 1S5i and settled in Isodetich.On- terio. where he lived for furty•seven yearn. - 111 .I9110 hie with his wife, - moved to Vancouver. where five of hie family wet.. settled. and w•ht•re.he has nitre lima" hi. hover. A quirt, unas- suming mein. he never s.tught public th 1 - au bonnt•ahle 115111_40fM - • i t F' e. the •411001 varauou. .9. (i. Nbhet, of the Rank of Commerce, i away on ht. holiday.. \ti-, Stdu,g i, home front Grim -by for the nld.umu,rt holiday... eirace Strang has arrit•ed booze from g oret.ecille for the vacation. Norman Rundell. of Toronto, *4114 home for. the I1.mu,ion dray holiday. John Stev, nson. of London.meta* few day. u town and vicinity during the week. . - or Edgar /tickle. who ha. trwn teach(ug .choot peat 1a elbu.d. to home for the t IC1191011. • Mr-. A. Dod.worth a Of Hmlltoµ. i. visiting Mr.•.ud Mr.. John (':alien. Elgin a' euue. er. 11 .1 � • N.1,„ lC t:- of 1/aa11 rO1N ett izen his Vote and influence Was al- &Plot). where he ha. been teaching sellout ways 1•,uhd it.emplane n( tinter UMW- Mia.- -(alta-ta McLeod ha• returned home isles which tended' to the uplifting of from %elle...ter. where .he has been teas hill.. huruxnite. Ile achieved sweet's: for Mr-. Hickle isroom ening from her nrent alt hr gained by hie consistent life..tie. his tee. --She will not be aide to receive for .note loyal triendthip, and his kindly nature Mr. and Mr.. C. tt•. (tall and an. of London,' the love and esteem of his- fellow turn. tont . spent the ootids)' with , relative- in He :[{way« lonknd -for the beet its Lowe. others' and gave the best he Iced. He .1. I:alt. of Hank of Montreal. Chiltlwacki in ,l►rvi'el by a widow atl,1 five sons. H. I' . ha. been vi -11111g ht. parent. here ou a holiday Intr.. \V11114111 "1 K41'1511, /'1n, \1 1 c h. timid l'antelon. of \'►ncuui•er, H. ('.. Lr re 1 hxl'le... .\t'ehll)ab1, ('r P. U'g4 and Stitt' vl.ittng the town at141 t• being warudy greeted tt-1 J. with whom "be bred,. all .d by old friend.. ei anew:Yee : and'f.iur daughter%, Mee_ 1} ()rtorslanhanAdd John ohn Doyle tlefton ton `ote with I:M. .h. Breen, Lwudmn, to•ast.: 11 ., , the Peatuan people. .71 70i 1114 • (13 Irl 57 57 57 51 •1)4 41 4 Seidlitz powders -fresh and tizzy -- are sold by E. R. Wigle. druggist. 'rhe Gest English Paris giern is ,old by 11. 1k. Wigle, druggist, t4rceeeeor to Jas. Wile011. - . The W C. T. C. meets in the Tetup- erance Hall the second and fourth \(outlays of each month at 3 o'clock. I 1k,0 tart binder twine at Chas. C. Lee's for U!, crime per pound, cash. 10 Cent* per i«atnd payable ()1 tuber 1(lt. Fr•eehtt shipment of N a r m i t h' cbt,cnlates received this week by E: R. Wigle. druggist, sucermb41r to .las. Wil; sen. Waterproof bay- ark -rope. 15e. per Ib. (.old Medal binder twine, six nuti- dred and fifty teet,\10c. per Ib. • F. fit- Nees Hardware Stoee. The Bedford Livery,• /:undre Woe.' old stand. will receive prurgppt atteni -Say and night. ['Phone 51. M. DAyIA. • We are still paying In cents for eggs. Bu er in tuts or crocks, lei cents per {Nun . Onecent leis fur cash. Bring onyol produce. CAMkttoN'4,(r, .cety Del:lrtt • , t. uth street - Bus orders on. Open F. & T. [Er. I.ieilhill, -of Kincardine, in ter 4 .'ti 1i. Gord4ne 44 encouv44' : Jlrr. i:, I Alhrrt mei-r Ir(t n t �au•rdmy on the .team reteri4 his subscription to The Signet .I. el. Murray:" eeattle- end SIte.Dr. ner t•us•ot-t. ►gn,u•e sur Clecrlandth hetet tit•• •iv• he always looke for the limpet tau.. )Lethi-••u, of Kelowna,'B. C. : also %eye' wilt visit his. brother. = - - t :eget letter fl the old town .siilt.l rut ten tfrttntichtldt.'ei and -two el.ters. l , Ne�rn idlnH n who l'i lfa pp..Itetnw with the nt'v Where lie knows wont Of the I Mr- 9.44 1 "�:hotktdanti eles-J,•hn Mc:- 9 eecere1101110 r,t441* fly. ' P g ii sib• \\`ttrgin� Irtt tel•. wn:k on w vi., to "1;i:',"He :ride a sew remark« About .lure. 1141 6 t %how err hcln in „�. "can r 1wn : "We have the 4n,•4t . �tocol. a 4r. Ile wta*.4 uleu,her• of Che •fetalis aI ax,•tcr anA o[6er pnt.141 the .uoth • to the lake, tilling ti!, Dee 1 Me`th'sii-' church. and in politer, a .4r, pare of t'.e county- ;nor 4th coLLtage.. And g 10 t ones jl nuei►ett ttive. The funeral Wats under deeiee eannne Gi•ayfor Per, w1 Port .%l h .i ft will 1'. ••/ it number of (Inc eerie - the an..ptce' •.1 the ('ana.ian (order of I tgrit* liens stonary wort. 4,:i1g _0p: 1 aw t,Uil ling 1 I se,tere. nt sihlch swcirtt' he Was the Miss Helen Strang arrived last week front lookingfor- ''-- t tat -tube: its t .94 '.la: ' , %ea fore and I. -i.endi:ocher holiday, at the - twine of het (Neut... Dr. and sirs..'[rang• • LOCAL TOPICS' IN 13RlEF.We wive; o learn that mlr o.te recd town -- THE. ENT '41.1) t •1 the elect;ic Azad to reach i we will have rntinectinn with uuw H. H 4 who 1-111 ToronW. Ilia bee. e. -We ran v how nn � • .1v I y old netdlttt t % pert 1 t ton In . a emelt ata 'nett to Il trill l�l'I« 1 ,.) •- tit• or et. work, a'1.. a I g 81'r ,, ,. rowan stetuliit , getting rlOrr ++ N' .!r tlndlli •. Px1, of Mtdla 1441 who bird been the guey of I at. K K 1) 1 « Airu t . stmt. sir- Si Hoyer. let! Saturday for &,..l1. •'' 1114 0. 1 ,also notice you tc goat. ht same.' and getting tee unit k. \Vi%hint( you wi 1 your paper." His , Huron will he plea4.0.1 to Mi t:terthrtt -[sod his town hr{viug, sad hie gotta w1411ee NCE 'EXAMINATIONS. n 'Sent LS.. -Honors Edwi Brothers. . Cltreuc Fox. BrterselN : Liili cried' : liarotd Lowrie Ada Moores Bruesels Q'uarrie Jlencri�rft : %ter 'tew.tt•t. Mo u.selt. Alderson. Clan ;aid, Ireedbury : Al Bat-kley. Sydney k to.,ks, Nellie Hat rison. Mon - 1411e1 Lowrie, Bessie Mc - on Mils. swot• -h : • •:ikcu-et inu•I�ill and t.'u1 a critical condition. le 1vitw itnd Mi-. Myrtle •fhotiti-on Mr. A. t i* s I a. .14441(. lee lar -t line of tea . , •,1 •4,• t •, ,• the 1 Their t 1« 1 -• ;..1' Prid e e. a l4l te14 •:. If you ) u err 111 w,i a- ..ell e- rrtnctulN h•, l std ILelyab ,.o,t...:.at.:1Ate. -- I:rrctr 11, W14.11111( hes 1 naeu I Hamilton ,41111 'Ind)or;..• I • ,sOrtlnelR' h am c1ott,j 1lR :hat it aHan.nd daughter. of Sun u•rhlll, and .li-. A 1•'1h-lph wane o feel' Cgat ,t t °• 'I0.zio in Het -lin 11•t were atu. A1Y lit. .n. (on•.e 1. of :LII [fold. Mrs 1'. Kea 'd them %t,•Adson of (:alrncb.'w-rt •i -bring Me. C. M k le .. [ren strung otet •last tl wtr lice t iiy lrctpui- 1 tet' howling green on %\ est street. so 1 cee Mr. Gledhill is a via ut our re- 1 that the e•tttteceitnderse nleywng+agit. nt, l 1w nau►au Thomas Gledhill. in : 1.1111 pchoitcn s{art in• tf1'e evenings . Hasee Notes .1(i '1 etnfl.et. '. -.•'•1 the save enMu+• :tt Hot et Seneet .4U J. :