The Signal, 1910-7-7, Page 3luvest 25 cents in a box of i vis' Menthol Salve (;;'Zabs li L.")itna be'preprred for it hundred ail it! ents, which -clay not be dangerous but are Very nttu(u iu painf ul, like ucu- 1.11;'4 (r' • .1!,'':lills: burns .ht THE S1(NA1, f O EItIAl• O>'I':11;1(► - t --f • ns or XelVel Gr tke Sistriet A laplqNtrE+pr« fn,ul her duFk`, y • heir, _ braggart puppy, with ret -k6•,_ .l r The Doherty I'i, and (*.gait a: o.. .iriuovsstle the firm uRwhi a :,' rte I, of ('hutou 4. r. seeing act ext rush• un the loth r. urr ' in it , .hater.. swaying the. comma, :1100111, v ' 1,4 ; .sI, ,•Jnr,. .invade the mon P)(1141411 xhilnt fur t h.• \A'iom0Pg rxlH1,ilruu Il 1..Iay lila wil'w L.A. .••4. •, , ra cps 1.unely of .even i •;' , t', a-1. : wells in • Iteaventwvtrirrn---' rare\' l tr. .' ialc •' Alex. Littlejohn, of Fnrdwich, 7. l• at • .4.rruw, I )est :U lain(, Scotland, •r and seas on visit-. to rel at v«a at 1 throe d.ult tiro Pili.. with me X11 the .11 t *_.toil ♦ � 1 Yy� ; tan i .'y 1•-va•crus: flu ant Ili. , r d, whom ho hat not seen tin' Death of Mrs Sa^we` B r Mor s . ,,,• 4 c.o.% 't ' 311 1) 4:•'.i hl . ^ulydy it\, •• ;1. Ch1 ; : I1GUljle, anti 'hh•' : 1'1 b-' � i•: ,t -in the { 1: 'L 111': 1:, •.:t. 1!. fifty-one years. t I It,r aches and paths there is' 1111 pusin9 .au'xy of ,totiT y M :l: I , :Ir thus tale a thus hoc, of John H. Robertson. u-firiiier•rest drat of,I''u•a towfiship o.'cuisrJ.m, moue," meluttgienuals thein 1 have dent ofthe village of AA1'uxeter,died "'II'la), Jn0e'ti;h, whin the th•.Ith• . at 11uiNe(W sin, DLlnitnhat, 011 Che .,til i1 F.IIIIiien11a AIeI4)119.4!1, iwli••t Fit 1lid ,t- 1 &ream of a fatale (air. 11 .ed thele for itlettZtlat*c pain ult. Hr was eight) -1 n veal, of Dig ••. the late "shirt W. 11,41•., took l.t.;,.1 I,ir Poppy -Maid, with dm ds►rA, dark I)1.ti.1 *I .1 too• Jl uue•.,i Lir •ort Jvir Hat, .at rr file 1th lou+•. \f sv.av ,11,.11. 411 to WILL b AKE HAIR GROW ..At Trior 1 Prepared [rein the grease of the Can'dian Pear. Delicately pe;fuiued. Styloid Porn::dt (1)•••••.t41.--iisi.i:AT'se A ler 4e Yeas. "Fleeter" Mc. per Pu. • Davie & I.awre•Moatre•L MUSIC 111. M. 11. It11.I'AI'it, A. 1.. S. 11. ll 1.undnu. F: lady na, organ i.t of Ott. 4.rurgc r .Iwo 1. I.ule•rirh. i. prepturd to give tn.true tam i1, laµ• organ. ubano end vocal culture see., 1al,rttentiu11 got en lu the voice. For par to M. H. ' t k Residence hi c . M. ,. ,, l'lP.1 )t ., a, li .t. church., Studio a )I, . is cod', ,-. rot Fier of Orme and North j, I:I'IIEI) I':. COOK. TEAt'IIEK (11" 1'...o.playing• Theory. Harmony and , u „ . rnooto . Pupils prepared for examine- ' 404.• of lmontn ('on-ervatury of Music. Apply at 1 tow Lon Mu-ic Store. (loderich.- Monday. wt.:noon, at re•kdrnce of Mr.. Alex. Marken nr,uutariu.lteet. 1:uderlrh andiu 144'1'. M 4'. _A -raw. aver. 4latdald I.oao_t'.o,as+tll.e North .teem. • DIAN14, OltHAN, '(INIIIN4.. H'AR. 3ION Y.1t)OU NT kkPOt NT. 1•:T1 `. John It Itul,ler, i T. 1'. M. 4l'ur.,. prin.loal 1rnv1•'rek•4'oriser%story of Music. o(Kanta 644... heortet lioderich , rr,unhaer London cur -e„ a7441y 01 M0.1(7. aitiect •"fol ttreyna4Jun tut ,•II , rrm4n'[tion.. Twenty four-ur.w•sr- .a 4 '4, alar 1/4.1. $p(t•I•I coaching for grroL1 -..d,r,474 n:p,(tlon. 111 pints.'ala1 toad. \tr. ,I I1 all 4-4.11 at a44Y 1.441,,•..4'- left io-ri440 CIVIL ENGINEERING +w..lm1 dled�E[ ht. , .. ..:. 1 c, ,:44(1 D:1 ...• .... -"PIP In 4 \, Liu r t,4uWii1 01 the Theban Ilan Nile.. 1',xoter on iuuday, lath alt_ He was Aro-les-hire, Scotland, eighty-five 'funs., Iauguurous. w1t.h •li file mg 4. hack. and in evert' case they gi. battle 14c•rfeet satisfaction.' thirty -set tel tears of age and haul heels in (44 ling health • f.ir x number of years. Two hor.w, belonging to John Raus- fonL of Clinton, strayed nn the rail- way track a utile frolu Clint • it ane. night I tet wewk and wet... kit1,,,, 1 h when ) 1 I. 1 4. „air the midnight train. The teal l` wit, 'two danvht, r• ,1.•.. 4.••44,, year. item \Vitt bet h".th«r John.he 1741.111. t„ 14,4' ,44.441 1411.1`.:).1 :,1111 114,•/1,1fat' two ye.4. 411 Whitby (1;u1"11ip *'III then seas oh the :4111 vow ••'on lir t:r.•y luw',i.hp ','W11.'t•e a ye r 1..'. • And 1p'ndal s on e such loving ee •goatee• •11ENRl' COt"t.:1.11N, IetiUug, passioaaie. Speed the dance, L't'xnttotl, N. .I hulk, vials, sing ye u as1Jenar rare. elle s e Wa144.1.14. 4o n A e•ty lAwait, l gu t,•u . maid Nlear id with dark, sleek _ � I fain rOntcs iro.'t tczrtt:retl valued at. $:ilkl. •sad an• '. ;.i 1. • t. n t • .. _ 4 row a ' Air. Arno J . de..414 111 -. .•si 1 .,., 111.,4 ions: .111, such ,a Is,lt, The innate of'S.'S. Ni,. :., :41.1,,.k. I' start 1t the head or body where nresenteal hee(r 1 teacher Ml,i r 't 1' ' rir( tile 1, i4 1 r 1V Kir of 'Mot 1 1 w ata t 1 ( i t ilii iru4,' 3 +r�lln with. a Ined thigh. i y tis .( ho di l lite y ,,g1 . .A faun- I :here. 1- tt-(1 .iters or ' pr(*<ytre metal, with a gold I/t:ket and chain on ily of tet., n. , ou11 1.v i• d 1 1( ii:e a s l -•"' tit'' !"'PW. x, Ix,lill1 ted. the eve of 'the Vere midsummer h•,lida' •e, - J .\ martuu. star un her r cef l truer salt4)'r>. talus the nEnes. Mis« Scutt has severed her cunnw•tIola I Ms;+tk; press onward 4, gnash, her ZrW(Tsirh.hrtansd.taarl .,Watt„rmIrnrat c1 tMee4r.. np,,. l$1lit t I-t1ta ta1rrupt +. tial. nathl- under. �. It -.: PS r tk-711-'L.:1 F. aa 3with the school. Isau•4. -That-ghtnee cu .-till, Melt - Puppy-uutd with the dark, Relieve 1•:1111, It hcihcr • LiCc•'N,se $ rugthegeer oofC M►isVs D1xHry r'•.4)uilw.yfir'e1-al,•.d trnFrr 'rh T trt-t et-rlett si'er'to Enest S. .Lawman ,iterks1 ho ..4,11••• hi- s:-..,,'ia!e> iu •i. ..n -:.o.: place at %Vestry parsonage, I,linton. on Wednesday, June :51th. Rev. 1V,-s1,41r of 9(1(11 bumot• by 411 uueudilnr I. Jolline lt•ifurme(1 the crrrnlons, series of witticisms, interspersed wi'll bulls su glaring that even he hiukse:t .Rey. H. Newt.011w, who was baste, loin in th.,laugh that iuvar- kn4Cked down by a bieyrle in Clinton iubly follows such a break on his -part. and sustained a fracture of .1 rib and There was suer trouble on the tole; W04 -W rrwiselta7tro IT. is now able h d A 1 yl Alike. to walk down'tbwu again. It is til'ty year* since the rrverv•n11. gentleman entered the ilethetlist Ministry. Thr nerubrrs of the. firm of William little .0 Sons, Limited. wh.- had their neat:miIl at l'.panish' River destroyed 14y fire ladt week. were former -resi- dents of Ethel. There wit. err .insur- ance of $:14.ton1 on theproperty. but the loss will is• at least *144,4(3'. Irl- crudiarisnl i. •4us{s•eted and 41n in- vestigat' ', b. Mg held. An interesting event on 1Vednesday of last week was the `ulernnir.iug of thewedding-of -N'4).•..*,.neo.. of No- komis. `task.. t..ritieilt of 1:`li•y town- ship. and Miss kn'hh•rn 11 McMunu. The mau•i:ag.• 11.41) p1411e' ,u 111.• tains of- the hri.lr'' to t1hu•1-in base; .lohn• al t;HAN M. KOBEK'Iw, CI VI 1. Shuttered.. Morris town.hip, Rey. 11. ' Hydraulic Engineer, Ontario Laud A. Lundy. of AValton• utlieiwtin4: eun•ll.n. Thr happy couple b•ft the -anis after- .n,,•••\t• FA -M. 1t'i':.0 w Go.lcrich, (orae.! Lorre"t -ua•L Telepnuae Lr. noon•for then.1 • in the. West. The death 4)f AirJohn Henderson, MEDICAL who resided on the ninon road. near 'eaforth. occurred on Sntuldx)•..11(11 1)11. W. F. OALLlltit. M. B. :.''•4th. Mr-. H4udeisun• head been iii p4alr health for over two yell.. • Her ma,den lli(1400 was. Agnes +st' w:n•t and' she vias a native of ' Lanarkshire. Sentlsnd.• where she was born' sixty- three years ago • the f: 'ly c:un • to this country in 145-1. settling in, the ei uniy-a.f tlxtnrd� hitt tar from Wood: stock. . Th(' 1tecrAsed was mai rfe I to \Ir. Ilender,sl in 1$7:4, and he sot - vicars, with l( family of on;• ens and LtgiaAla ugh/ .'r'l Dries ! n •id.pra. Notch .tteet, Qliderir h. oa•t.''t' 'Ort:p ltrgl•'r) °mew. • Telephone ell LEGAL I.. KI1.LuRAN', RAI-HI.sTER. .4 , -u f.-t'or weterr• P.'. Money To lead at ;use,' 'Mire, -North Stn.. Gott ,rich Tees •414141 4rthcr 1. la $caforih Saturday .,.t til.•1.)-. ' 1. CAMERON, K. C., HARRIS - (i 1.. moister, 110(1417 p4) tea - wi: n. ..rn,et. (redo:nth, third dour fru►u "1r 1•► t('I)FU(JT, f1AYS h BIe tlK ha ',efts 'e.beiror., Ilotarleepublic pm. 404.4:.4 Main ime fourth etc 4.1Meo, ei..t .ut 0.4wu'-. t ,.t door C. A. %airu.i►troeery. Prl T,01. find 'o lens aI 4• w.• t t ' .•t nit err -t W. VY,u,' 'O4JT. K. 4 . I.... HA Yr:. (,. F 4.4.11L (1 iIA1tLF :At1.11A it\ . 1,.1. 11.. I1.lit- It1-111•:k, a missy-, -mi. ,1.0...7, '. (.woe 110(1..\' r„ all ar r•- roe•_= . 1 44,JOHN. TON. BARRIS'i Elt 9 01. rom 44 .i••urr- anises wait, 1 K H.,nuaua st . , Uutcrirh Ont-. INSURANCE, r ANS: ETC lti'K11.L01' MUTC L- FIRE IN - .111 'Yr t'O.-)' m -and Nolat.d te.s.mfsr'y mt6red. (omen• - J, H. McLean. Pres.. `•eaforth Rt 4 141 t ,oily. VIoe I'rrs.. (:.t sash 1'. (4 . 11aoa• ). bars, tlec.-Tro,-. �• forth 1'. u. Director. -V1 m. ('he.ne)' Lien( the John ti.Gr,tur,. %Vinthr0p : Ue,rge Ilsl :ieaforth; Jolt, llenneacis, krathrgen : Jana Kvan,, &•chem' : John watt, Ilarlock : .' alcobi. M74•1ve... Hrwear,,)(d� .(stn•. 1.W. 4eo, Hnlme•ville: k... 4th. B,vk,rk .la., Contusing.. 9gnond. i11e ): B'nr/'s. serfotth. Posey-holdens can y ry.ee.-..mens• n.4 get. their earils recelplr•/l t roterk Hrawd., Clinton,r at ft. H. t'utt. rro'•ery Kinwton street bod.ricb. to(H O PRIVATE FUNDS TO R__,' 1f loan. Apply to M. (J. ('AM. YYYIIIVVV It-nri'h•r, Hamilton .tree. (ioderieh. W It. ROBERTSON. b RE .t\f. 1.14:11Ttnrn `Iir»11.1a0. (;aiuulan and Ar,t r• ', .`t'e'Kxr.M AND 14443 rillytad LIAAII: Fi�t. 1 hr '. kcal Accident and Ouar.ntce art. ra(tnn, Limited. of E,ondon,Fng. It•-u'ry .t%14(CA4ANTrt WN1Nrss : The U.F. Pidel;: y and Iivarantee 1'ompany. Office a: re•ulenre, northeast corner of Vic and tAt. 41.0 id's streets. Phone lift OIIN W. ('KAiOIE, L?FE, FiRE end.acretent hts•ranee. Agent for leading 'Al* And "tock companies. lnsnren•e In all ae' W0041 011 be..1, plans and at lowest rates. On )n Wednes da)• • evenin4..I Ilnr 414th. at the hunt of 'Itouitld McNaughton, HoisseIs, tle. marriage f Miss AIae gate! AI.:"altghtun and Parker Foster, of. _Kincaidine, wall" ermtetniu .teed, The errrnuuy W,1►.• IR•rlosaned by 'Rev. E' t:. Puwe11. Many wedding gifts were receit ed, a hread•knife and meat - fork from the. bride a 8Bnda." .' h(ool class being auke4ng the number. -A rungrxt014104' tehrgram watt received trout (r'en!is at Clinton, where Roth rhe bible and gruutn lived for a time. .M.-, :in,1 MIP.J''trseer heft on the- ,,ane evening for their future *yule at It' wardinr.- th of John Johnstone, Clinton. Joh1\J:-'hn'tone. ef-1'1int.ro, ,, dead after' a1'• eve weeks' illness. He wits seventy. n• years of age and was t«,rn in ' •k*rsmith township. lir is life in the vicinity ',rpm nra7.,tli l h I f y of 4eafoltIt mid I'tinfoil. He termed in Tucker+mit until about twenty- five )(ears ago:when he removed to Clinton, where he built -it flrnne fair himself'. -' Mr. Johnstone was twice married. His. twcond, wife, who was Miss Sadie Morrow. of 'Owen Mollitd. with one'datighter, survives him. De- rt.erl took a drr'1 intrust. in howling at as a markt of lrespect th.' Clinton 1.0 er.JJu•ned-nut in x les ' to at- tend tis funeral. \ A' Bracefteld Wedding. \ Tele •Aon. tioole ich, Ont. MARRIAGE LICENSES • ALTER E. KELLY, UUDKRtt;9, ONT. I--, 1.004. MAkIt1AUE LIC):N+F:S. W LANE, i4SUER OF MARRI• • AM.tr licensee, Iiodefich. (Mt. SHAVING PARLOR B6DF'uRD Hi.(x`K BARBERSHOP - II:di wall -known and ropnlar "hand /Wecuttllint natters, Lhe etc..iAdles'�Phampooing shaving In arta' r. Rr tppyst unlY skilled hands employed. EhpI} patronage will be appreciated.. H: H, ARCHiTECTUj4E AR -TM -It .1. BARCLAY. MEDAL w�T (harsh lnstftnte tlrlt1P11 Arie tteat. No. and , rrrsalt. House, (ioderloh. Plans. de lflratlnns prepared for residence.. l+ll 14.' hnildinge. Correspondenoe In A ver the loom tenhury June :nth. ter. Miss EI mart ia91 to mans rt. of the pleasant event - ui:curreef at iTylr• and .AT"ts Wm.'ttn'r• ucrneld, on Wednesdayy.* hen their palest 11o+gh- xhoth, Was united in Torr(nce Dunlop, rncFl1PId •ant 1)lash- wood ,ranches a stile Ferniest (tank. The ceremony was performed by Rev. ,1..C. Dunlop, of Springfield. father of theroom, assist4'd by Rev. W. H. avirtitf.11 well. tit'I'oronto, played the wedding march. Mr. and `Its. Dunlop left on the afternoon train for a honeymoon 1,ril which rill he spent in Alnakoka• of TIl'ppr On their return y flashwo4nl. dark hair" r:a.2.iai, r'Iel11t1:itic_ sciatic. II. a.1- - J. belga. Muliletnn• 111 Tax E:uua- diao 11ag:arsine. '4 tit's 'stuluachC, pleurisy: Or - t,varian pains. h Turkey. T • De •. 01 ho 4)l r s _fl Price 25t:.ai d u P ce 41st Ymu. II t p oar one :ay rice t y..0 4 e. as in for mutter of klydtiess to•aDlma4. rupD1Y you. It he dote not, Bend price ( he is exiled'*lIlutlg hie friends. Iasi It is said t,hr.r the 'Turk snout be sot- -o tn. we forward ore pa d. 11"11111 44 bis usu4) al 90(3 nature in hist pasoxd • T1)us at Stentimul the wan- DR.. MILES MEDICAL CO.. Troronto. 1 efforts to get the gist of ,1 weasel/1. derina. doss are treate4 with great 11141 was 'being sent tl•4)m +woth(•t- puppies come office. The 11)x14 on the other -end' Fit g • ent-• and when -- -- the wire finally became exits rated ' "rid tbRp are tidied with and asked Mike i' h.• was lose I,:. therm soother at the side of the street•\Vit. "John, I"fn nal going to lite J with y„u any lunger if you do not pIro- Vro- "I can hear yon all right until t, .4 bl.x4•s !fried with strati :It it b!tP. of : , for the hitter. husiwnd-' ht'ee begin to talk.'' sajd Alike. -and tit 1 (parley Arad &cement Iv *hen. a young 9(4(11 log) nu r Uithl't 1 get you Eters gutei job. last motet It ' can't unelevstAnd a weird )•t4),. say 'jytrk hnppr11x to be flush •.E 04oli(•p he 'Roes; to •the nearest b bilker:" .1Y'i, salt ''AA:huT is it." asked a ~tains~ echool . "' R .11 .e111.te•(td(n(, "t 11'.1 bind., '-tie a to - Pork and Bily POrRularlf• bu)'. a 1t it nrlty rola t•rr:n1. ttli4-4, be t. � Iv) iv .1 and *mikes u. better than w.• Thr rrxsi'u. why Pork and 1{ istr lionise stinting • the .Ines-: df the Are by nature:" ••-corsets, sir," piped u stand 6 be used 4egu,rly ,t... that t .t sari. tthn treaty their gratitude by v.;,..,.1,1.,,,..9441 of eight, tusks :1 ob.rts:19t theme (row meat. in.1,.1nt 4)p of hint whit muddy paws ,f- 'I ..etre 4 ,• tl•.r expo ng the Char ate attire aunt ishin9 and tact onlys.a.. a1andsol a; nnlY.xlr. • j_-._ u Ire of the Phttrisert- And naw fritetiou id what went costs. Clark'- what do wr -area Icy sltypoelitr1 Pork Dead lft:uis ;ire known icer~. ctr.,Ra's'Sto^y Yop.l+ •Flews. raise, n.' 1.44 Ainwit say:, .. 'ye Is W..l he- ifin't, but Ile 't.' . where as. the perfection of, Mean -co t• . i ?' ' ' ,-'Si 1'Iwla 11114) . usisel to the 409.tind sure in great -demand. Ask- 144 a h -c. - . ' . - 4:.48.444 Fit' �l ii.Ie 10 111.• sk)r -eavin t �trrt .(•taint, ). g pelt g4 Deer tl't 1 link's 1'4•11, and titans. •'1 ~rosier where 1 h...r clouds are is,,. • y �-t , It i n, rfh t 1: t 14:•r IRM (4),i 1, „,,,1; ,tsu .R,... ,, tug'' And herr Metter 1.• •ked, "1' 1 woman me ed w1,t. '.1 it>t hes h4). -s think they toe going to thunder:" bandiI4i, if he rrfn.es ♦to•allow her loc.Lnr4.! r r "i •iru to eat her ewn ci.i.klg9• _-• -_f r r .b It . [t:,4), 1.. A Nortll ceeintry intdegroont, wh' 11 t1, r • _ k•.. .y. • the bride hraitrited t0. pt.uoat101 the t r urea r. , ty.wil •'.tin )•." staid ate the ;initiating of They Aie.'. 4 i,t}n • r He -1 basis`• they.1 e a` eotpr sae's . ' cler(,sy clan. '•(iu.gp, Mister. t it don't M aµt.; shoal 4. eL i.. tar matter. You trail leave that to me." Jlearite in 11e•rlin. :lye -i supckise penple ,ter dying 10 . rifle eu it' R7,,ton:Tr:►tsp';rant: ""~ e. HerWasn't C11 bbeEt. 1 i' /i', '',f , 10-.°‘- "A,,(11.111 •'A (11un 111 liar neighburhiiod w11.. 'a -c4.'' }�, a asset to plwcttw two r t t dal r .• t H Suits � hem Al A Oh sl.rasmhun is tai( opion the ho.- Mr- �~ ) pita,." : v . Steves•himi•ight 1' • "I know what, you thehk, hitt ) 4.1.44' mist.tken..• He had typhoid toter." Cusy. Professor Williao4 J9hn- 471 tit' 11..' - yard, reeently axile this enultuent upon a very 4141 uisitr' .arida very. id lc 4?.111innaire sophoutb:e fr 'm .New York : ••AA1hat time he .."An .pate front the adornment (4f bieap.'rsetsh- th.vote• t„ the neglect of -his duties.' One•nine•o. ". The telephone 11tIl of itsuite of atiart- ments in it ladies' ho(u'aling' house is IINI. One young lady, a recent comet, answered the.cull. anti nat. aetnniuhed to hear a man s voice . inquire hut•- riedlc. "Is this -one nine -o =" When sly could catch her breath, the lady, who was a very proper young lady indeed. replied, '1 think not, Were we ever introduced Not the Tipperary. Style.' In illustration of the (utility of any person's having' a Democrat, Presider' l Taft is tond.l'f telling this story as is was tol(1 to him by an iri•hludge : A prisoner was brought before 'ape judge nn the charge of ler-. He ' w11a convicted, but for fury recent; tn4ii'dterrirmkercy brattier phyiciar 14 who had gone on the' stan(I testified tact the murdered man wo..ld net- have e-t hive died from the plow -he had r.'- c4'ited had he pot' had what is teclt- nicalie,know.n as a "paper skull," this meaningg,�that the skull was ,ahnorn - allyy thitt> - The fridge pointed this tint to the prisoner and asked 11ilri it he had ant - "Judge said the convicted Iiusi! this is Tipperary 7" • "Yes," said the judq% ':the counts [ ! ary,,* t n ihr win resl(Ie at' 1t,ynTm. Honwtsu. pt•isone•r, "all I can sae; is I wish y' 1' would tell me what hu'iness a um. with a paper skull hits gott in Tittp'.- .Fir ..., r -1P9 i-; Old and young delight in the rich- nessanddclicious- ress of COWAN'S PERFECTION COCOA. It suits every taste. The Cowan Co. Limned, TSSS 411'O. 136 1 Tin IOWAN, JI'LY 7 1910 .5 '1'ho11e f' D. M ILLAR CO A NEW otos and �Dusi Coats 'Pho111 56 • The newest .tyfe•s 111 la(ti','1.' ('raveilette Motor and De Enols. These Coate ale the most useful g:•rnlrut•, 11 4 4 l,• t'nr'tloeirentrt yr seer. -Priers•'_ from. ...:.1 i�-- iity In , , • Ladies' Separate Tailored Skirts Weave showing a 1.plendiel selectiW4 of ladies''1'ailured Skirts in Panama or light weight and Venetian cloth in the st approved style's. Ill .ek 1'! ,41. Mki.t. • 4):,t ilv ttiultnrtl and well ,�� !implied, et, e•a1:h .... Filmic Panama Skirts from. recti, $3.BO Anderson's Scotch Ging-hams Another 4p1en(Iitl yhi.wiug tit these i•rlrhrAtell Scotch I: ingltama,. in all the must popular designs. (Trull► the sinal) shepherd cheeks to the beautiful large broken checks. ��� -_ragg(ing-in [leer. front 12,50 to ....... '•- . :rhea. have been very scarce goods this ara34m, but a urge • shipment this .reek snake's' the select ion.lwttcr than ever. it For the. Veranda - 11 Y' at for 11 r proper x•r A .i .r ': ♦ heel - b sr .las r i la lar t ---t 1 p p W. ". Vtrfoda .u• trElrugw Special, r'tcll _ _ .... . `peei+vl valor in'.r,,p Nettings. in gra•eu. red Fir blue. 18( Regular 3:).• 'totally. Eat. -ter yard ... (fur. a Malting. in :111 the popular width'• THE s('441('H `'i'ORE Islam 1"OOLE'T SH!)Pe Nfi'PLACE IN 'I'l1AVN. MrCaIi',' °Patterns and `Fublicat,orls. Watch for `.our grand Kn bine for cAugust no'w in_stock. CQmpefitron. �"b1eM u11a Scotch Store F Oe a Have von herr worn tight. i11 fitting sh'Ira: . If nun have, g. 44 k4), tw how •un- Ill-fitting -ley, n.ke your' .'eel tins tglatI.--po- .1 11 e e 1141114 is It .t 1.1111 i.'4) .. I1..I their'. 1,0r eea.l•n why you r -bu'iil- we:u' i11- .I tint ing uucotl♦fort AN, -hers, Iteoxi1se• 144 INV1CTUS Shoes .441 herr Ow very newer p -40 -dale shapes tar shoes I h,at ad the •tyle« in Canada. And.Fyn t have the beet selected ':leather and the 'finest and tit ;'I •sirs as* work manship that ' 'y anti 'experience can mutant. Then you have hooks and eyelets that never bee brassy. 1NVICTUS Shoes mean perfect, foot-.ouifot•t every minute 4.•. • ' e' warn. "..t'r )(�n' fret b) 1m)1114 a pair t4) -d.1\. W'M. SHARMAN, AucTIONEESING MAS OUNDRY, LIVESTOCK nanA tonrral anetloneer. Melees on South oel ,ehere he will he find at all times .4401 e'rr,ne "ales. Terms rea.0nehle and - 7 Wort used to give 700 Pat.i,taotIon. After lots of men have done their duty lh1') hang around and wait. for Panpl,• to applaud. its ageless to go where duty rails 'Wee 1041 are going to get busy after 344 g't there. The West 7 akes Another Huron Bride. The marriage of Miss Sara .1. Long, eldest daughter of Mr. atilt Aire. Jacob Long, of Cranhrook, to (ieo.•D. Camp- bell, of Milestone,' Seek... took place at the bride's home on Wednesday, June 211th. The ceremony wee ieerfot•nled in the drawingroom in the presence of the immediate relatives by 11'v. 17. 11. McRae. The wedding starch was played by Miss Winnie Long. of Brus• sell. Mise Neliie Campbell, of Milton. was bridesmaid and little Miss Marie Long was flower girl. Will Camp- bell. brother __of. _the _ ggroom, was best Man. After the wedding luncheon. Mr.'and `ire: t`ampheD left on a trip to Toronto, Niagara Fall+and Buffalo. They skill reside in Milestone, Sask. • Deathtof Charles Disney, Stephen Charles:spinney, one It the early settlers of Stephen n hit. p.ueter wd away on Tuesday, June illness of &bouLf0llt months' duration. He was ninety -ant. years of age j was a native of'ornwall, Englanrd He cant. to ('aped in 18.13 and P4MTt. several years swill nn the Oreat. Laker. He married Mies Lucinda Wilson, who miry iv es him, and settled in Exeter, where he Ilved f04 a time until he 11100e(1 to a farm (►d'oining Exeter in Stephen township. He live•' there for twenty-nine yeses and t en h How Johnny Read It. 1)r. Harvey W. Wiley. chief of tl • bureau of chemistry• in the Depart- ment 04 Agriculture. Washington, has interpreted inally haws . affect4nl: pure footle and (Vora end has had same 4)f his opinions revefeed he the Department ..a Justice and the Perri• dent. - Hr was discussing this one• day when 11e s;,1 "The DPI' • 1'1 terp!retiee raw. 10 notch like.' a stuff' .'f th4' little tidy who w(M if'14 ity-- l'o -- - Rnlnething tram 4( p imer. The hey 4 rad as fallow' • - ' 'This is a wet in doughnut. 8'e -II on it. •• 'Why• ''.hnn".' said the t+earhre• that can't . • tie) t. Let 1ne see soot Lank .' "'Phis is the sentence she found : ' • 'This is a'worin. 1)0 not step on it.' "That's very much-likethe:. interpre- tation of the laws nowadays. You can interpret the statutes in several ways, according to the angle from which you view them. As for me, 1 l/rlirvr In construing them always s(1 that the masses of the people shalt benefit by them." Films, . ''1tt'., 1)evt'',)pt' • .\ full line I.), Ole amateur. 1)o'Ino1 stratit•l4 given at any time fair tht' benefit t)t Door CL]stl)mers. R."SALLOW S 7 TRADE MARK REG D. A full line carried by O.:M. ELLIOTT, Ooderich.