The Signal, 1910-2-24, Page 5)CAL TOPICS.
iota• le
ell .anti :evert haven * see-
ret leer Lbs i0 ktspipe and
it neer 4.iturday of this
Wish on
Candidates in Music.
r arir. results of the re.
in,i(uutx ie. music et AL
,uv -lit, li.alerich :' Inter.
tine,• • liner class honoree
,h, Nora Hurier. Junior
,a Margaret (hall. Pre
i -tie+ liter honoree. Martyr
op; hewers.Madre Field.
ory. • . h et n, o r s, . • ailtlient
State. Montana. ' '
out• 4.tetk place at
metre. on Tit aye 8th
1. ,Mee.- Nile* Putt*. form-
lrrie•b, WAS United. in mar-
red -J. '/,rel), of that city.
out w.s sterforwed by trey.
weld of ih arson ge. The
d; •t h,
A. notes -
el Y. M. t'. A. have begun
eta, with the genie of "'Sf"
why. I.igatelle Icor 1 he amu.
11 rtolte..•le f•,r ' snowier
rbcs. A bI will- -be-
the whiner pin each, The
itit•f- r'tlIEana atncerl
es %soh gymnastic exhihi-
Dee ..t the train features.
hit this. 1'he.A ian•iatiuu i*
to tee. Wheel Rig* ('out-
; 'timet' of two dews
Tr u'w• af=-the gywteleeiht
e. Wades,'
t. .:f .Thr Rem. Maiden•' it
eao ./n,• of tht.t• legends in
elite) ..Obeli. The Roar
IIw teteen ed IlerFlower
h.o,c"•1 t..' the • funs .of ss
gee . .r,.1 tier touts draeribon
out and. altne•s, Inn-
I.e teeth .4 theetift oPleeer
et teil : tete .ee inusisally
•y t'••uee it i.etmet e9tptivat-
I,-Me tit .t the last,
Nardi%-initb• wet any e, r.prcialty lerattlifill ;
all rq•i.tlly r,t•Iui.iitr. The
rij wilt tar twootI rel iti _North
b?h •h.t' ehlJii h chi March
;se rhesus ioderclteeltia
• teifeete-Meetinse.
ee •'-east• :rre.•e of mese-
eele tee Week by the West
'armrt, Ir -tet tate. The viatt•
ird :.wry.•:.t. litoh, of Pres.
d Mi•-.leihren. .f Tntooto.
ve rS•,11.•rit. nervier. H. J.
,t'R'rhiegt. J. .A. Maliougta
*ideal: .it,1 Wry. Bailie. w•t-
ei t /- 1 •tlh their efforts to
-04:',.•1 pend
Jr:I, te!...t...r... 11 ,harsville,
•'1 A..1 ewe iMeq Illi
thee '1.tie the (4.itlta visited,
rer'o 4 altetd.utee at
all the flee, iltg,. A more II.y
Wt •tl w„I • be given D
l :.on Bylaw Sustained.
tironnt .4 the .utter 'alit On: the
peen le tete et. HM•• J*nuaty
q, tti the t.wn..eip_.4 Tuceer
A. . !eel e %eaf.rt th ort .1•'1 id•ty
'1fe It t .t+i tote- ).5444M. J. 1.
•; ir) • .1 tyle apj,Iie'sitt 1..;-
• , ''{{
,. •,, .r,h "r••Il tit
.0t ItiY
bloat i- f,nsit4 .Irl
f •r1 Il b1r •1
view nil
ire t'hi•b ootids -r h.'
sly h...l..•..•4 by ter ice u'teing
anti t(.•- e. t legally•entit!el ter
•h me:idlerp..ilwrir
• Cr': '1 na'it ? wee. tinmtu•ke4
• It •snit .tete•+ filet). • .1 •flee tet. is
few. 11.i• Hee-
t !.w -t.. he carried by
v.•t.^ • Tler .ipi
Ill f ~, shit . time., E. Ilene .,
,'••it•ttti. •1 valet: in the
"tip: err .'1.10!•41 to pay the
n'tn pr. ,•eutlinga.
...Sew. of Thomas ('unenswee
'+sea a isry pleasant ryet.t on
teeny tnehaef4, '.Giri1 ite.t., when
Ie le, -rn;,.:of ih,•. i liars.
t• I,ndr, Most Myrtle
• t .. drutghter of the h`neit,
• la•- g.-tb Gswrrn.c
lila bee 1 - Innnplly at tin. m .
eerie , •.t tee v, •Idin1 march
i'n • Annie ifteeh•snan, the'
seting levees exile lneir places
'tan arch . fee -t,.4 and .wergse'ens,
eked w it a l•dtnations. the bride
given arra. hy_ her father and the
OOt1 W,i. performed -by Ret. Dr.
Rall' The bride weineher travelling
of dark Ltele, with 'hat to match,
carried a it,u.luet of roes. Aftee
marriage -was' .oleniuized, the
pony ttolook of a dainty wedding
alt' Th'• happy couple left on
11. T. It. train at 7:10 a. nt and
'1en.l.their. honeymoon with rela-
. in letreit and Toledo and at other
i.e. They will take up residence
" ierich np' n their return. The
le retrive/ mete- handsome pros-
': among them a rut -glans sugar-
'? from North street Metbeadi.t
rrh choir, of which she wets a mem-
• Their many friend. in town ex -
hes til the happy couple.
ht to Have Winnipeg Branch.
'h' Winnipeg 'Free Prep of the
h'h*i• bar the following news itein
,hh,ee{, tit lee of interest here
"tulle' new industry which will
oat-ttny he .4 very greateenIm-
r in t e city of Winnipeg and
rnrrt,unding toiletry will 'treb-
le in full blast before the anew
ark, Coaltutnn. The Doty Engine
d T„h
r•nntn ha•,yformeid of eompppane
re a. a 'ranch and has appal d fter a
'nitoh4 charter. The company has
11,31anrrl a .ire for Its shipbuilding
In font of \Va,ater Street and
"atai'Iished ,tee „lt.tte in the Flank
1amdten +harsher. on Main street.
with the shipyard the
id tent eye. rktt for th mconatruction
she tn*(lhinery required in the
ei nems of the Steam craft. 1t has
r"^ A contract to build a steel
1e Arnieof the twin Screw type for
ler Company. Thi* vessel
ill to ewe for towing a eine of Inc
elea conveying ice for the cone
teeny's ice houses at St. Norbert -and
also for . past er service. I'r W
elee0.ty u p wtra at•renging thiugr for
the new company and it tr•gistered at
the lswpire hotel.
Contract for Elevator Annex.
The lioderirh Elevisene elle liar lee
the contract for the' einiefluction of
the half•utillion-hwsbel Annex to J. H.
Trowauhauier. of Toronto, who built
the present roucr•te 'elevator anti also
the old elevator ten the .ante site
which Was hurtled M yriirs ago.
Work will he pieceeded with.' edi-
wtely. ion that the, heeding may be
ready feet the 1140en,p. The enttx 11.
to be of rennet« fireproof construe.
than eituiler to that of the mein ele-
venses- building. The'tVe+tern Canada
Fleur Mills ('e. is getting pians out for
its new elevator• end the runt rate wile
be let within a short time.
A Good Market.
Aoiettirr, eticereeful 'horse market
was held .al Friday levet. Although
the ratber nes-ere weeither kept •the at -
men e sale%wet e ate ton t hr previous
inerket diet. Among the leuyere were
two front tit ter 'aa St. Thomas. who
meek -• ibeechens. else highest
price. retie del for the,day w.1s $2.;i) fur
eld at auction.
For the next' market-- ri ay. •t are
11th ituyrra of light buten are.
eieweeel. and the melte l[t-•tsrxpeetthat
with levet-Able westbrr i'onditiunr,
this will' le- the fait of the art ire of
minket., which are taring held this
winter. •
A Nig' cta33 htuticat• Event.--
vent:-Thr \len,•*rtling Canoe 1`lul• has en -
Retired at large reponse the Pt•htnert•
Sisters, a eigb-••lass uwi.i, al organize-
tee., for (*unreel en t ler. tinting of
Matrh 17th.. Three, talented .1-
cirtn, re u1« ftem the 1• soiled States,
where -they, Ii*v',. hail brilliant nlccrfie.
'and ,hal-e leen pl4Viug *t C'algary-
%Viunipcg and ntlwt' isatits in the
\ve.•t *rd Ate now nI*King• meanie..
went* fur their -Mot E.i+hers appe•ar•-
anet•a at Ianrtt• .11) t Interne.
Through the enterprise ,J the Merv...
tem:('auge. Club (ierlm-telt will hese A
visit. trout (.lair •plendid'compeny. and
prupl•• w'h.,'eppreeett.• spot mucic
should not imiss the opieertetity.
Thaw Loudon fellow.awy be poor +port... Dot
)'. J. l'ridhaut the Tailor tow Lhe call every
Uwe when nr-t clam tallotlttg it wanted. Cell
and We the lene.t style. for .prtug 84811-.
A dainty neer of china or brio a-br,u• Sr
*sway. teeteptable to the lady of pretty Id -It's,
awl at Weimer $tune at Art Store, L -t •meet.
article,. of this kind may alwo y. be had at
how in .toe , - .11ITI rs C°
Save.tbe I Ith for The Rum Maiden.
1t:vlietuber !The Jail fitrl". at the
()terra House next Monday night, by
the, elebunuld .Luck t:uwpany.
The Ladies' A* of Knox church,
petdretse holding at heir &*usual high
tea on the- evening o1 Tburadlay.
March 17tb (tit: Patrick'+ Day. in the
schoolroom ut the church.
The regular meeting of the liodericb
branch of elle Women.* Institute will
be held in their ileums on Thurtdiy.
el Arch tied. at a o'clock. Subjects for
pi..grain-Male on bread -waking anti
demonstration 111 Itie-IrutkinU.
The annual westing of Alexandra
lioi,pitaal, announeed for lata Friday
night, Was hot held. there l•eing only
tee or twee perwene oil head.
Aerafogeenenta will be matte for a
meeting later.
Eighty five per .cent. el all head-
aehry are the result of eye strain.. If
'ou Al' t ulrkid that way. make it
mete to coneu t euTie & Sone at 1JUn=
tops teem( Store. en \Yelneetlay -and
Teurs.lev. 1larch, file and loth.
llwitig to continued ill -health. Mr.
Dtlgat v has Revel forced to ttesign his
Zurich eublie
dchoel. and bi. plate ae :.n to en
by ellen Fingland who has been at-
teetttttli t4odel'trhtr'ulleen)te ittlennrt,e, -
On Jler.•h 7th, at 'Lee pets., there will
ler a ...even -cent social at Knox church
under the auspices of the Niectiillivary
.\liseiun 'stand. It will cost •eeva'n
eetatt in and seven cents. i.ut. Every
.:vent hs one Kura iu free and out.
'There will be seven things to rat and
seven minutia to eat thew. and there
will be seven things on the program.
A. M. Polleys peeing Mare "Lottie
Y." .lied on Teirsdat uuornitg ..f acute
gestt•iti•s. .This ie the second severe'
lits. Mr. I'olley has suffered 'within a
+hurt time, bis heavy draught•alallien
" Loehwr*t' having diad two or three
weeks ago. -"fa.ttie I'.': bad et mark of
.':1 J ; and manse yearn ago was a noted
tart .ionic- ite the 1'rovinrr of ti'ueleer•,
being owned at. that time' by Mr.
Feeley's. brother.
Took'Carbotiic Acid
Un Muted .•veiling of Isat week A
}'thing was leatt«vl Tholeeas .4stilt
r•etuntiteed seticid•- at 1bo Cetnanmr
hotel. w- re•tee;had been working ler
about week :ss hope Ier, by laking
a d.t. of carbolic arid. •S.oiree le.
•nark •.f 11,.• %outtg,•nt,tn' Hie d.ey Iii -
f nee Omagh cathing was thought of
thew at the tient•, would seem to ire
i e ,.•
J Cralr teal the t t wee a pernereli•
t*t..I one. i b.• shag wer o attained ail
the .lrng ktore of the bate Jaunts:
s•+ntlay «r(t i••F and wee taken
short le- after ire the ,tall.• at the ''o
--Atter. taking the fetal
.1.e.• .l -tell •tiii tieled pip t., the bete
*till Ur: Rueter wee at epee meet fore •
i.ut (teeth rr.ult.d it u been tame.
Att Alpine wet .arranged for Heed
'open,•.i ui1 i-'riJ'ey nem I.10; at the
otidertakiu. r.a,tus.of J. Bit,ph.-' A
Senn. an 44,1p :einent being mese. to
meedi,y •e,:• tee 'takiteg of evidence. .
hockey teams representing' (.ode-
ri.'h and l'ollatrne townships met ,on
\\ est .t 44 rink_ ..n 'Tuesday eight
and pia.- an exhibition genie of
wear in• ht lee classed with the old.
herr •• hinny. ' It Coked 'like , t
latrer''gentr in the Met half. but in
the • rend tee puclstebuaers from
lied lt-h township detentionated•thett
the were iu better eontlition than
th o rile 1 t e
r tient and t gaunt e
1 tier w e rd 1•
fl. itt their favor. Roy Walter acted
referee. The tenni-.)road up .t.
tiutierich towuahip -4ioal. H.
tinier; centre. . Chish.fline rni'rl "
A; Pili► : left wing. ",1. Porter :
right wing. F. Chisholm. Colborne
Goal lt. Link later: centre. (i. Kuntz:
meet ' 1V.'Glazier ;left Wing. le. Glaz-
ier : right- wing. J. Doyle. The • win-
nere now rhallengc Iienuliller. Ash-
field or Dungannon.
1'I1it et idets.-, rf Th.. burs .1.4u4eins.
the leading article on the menu and
there were many new devotees of the'
bivalve before the fabler wets cleared.
At the close of the banquet I)r. Eva -
mermen gave a most helpful and
earnest eddt•ese on "Power." suggset-
iug What wonders would be worked
in Uoderich if the Club would exert
iuelf tt the full extegt of its power.
Jai.-t'owtfeand-Si& i3sJslw•
the gathering with a vend 'duet. after
which an open discussion took {dace
on the wisdom of the action of the
town council in granting seemed bii-
-liard and Iaol room license. The gen-
eral opinion seemed to be seer.. w
such action. Capt. Cook and his
Peerless Quartette gave two very Ane
+election*, after wbieit 31r. Jones
[reeled the audience to a brilliantly
executed curuet solo. Another die -
(*melon then .took place on "Does
hockey -Wearing def the average wan
good:" Speeches on this subject were
trade by Messrs. Walter, Chapman
ante Strang. in which it seemed to be
made clear that very touch harm was
-not d,sle by playing hockey. Rev.
Df. Dougall gave pile of bit witty ed
dreeees and the sleeting was eh•awu'lti
• chive witb the eittgiig of the Ne--
tiuotd Anthem. It war without doubt
one of the most pleaeaot and profit-
able evenings that there - who were
present have been privileged to spend.
- ' Maitland Presbytery.
atltittettnes ..Tafaitttatiee-Peas-.
bvtet•v was held in 1Vfnghant on the
lith inst. .1 hearty, and unaninnous
call was presented ftutn Vict.ti)i
church, Toronto, ie revue elf Rey. U. T.
L McKertohl, of Luckn•w. Strong
=attune fritts Toronto anti -Luck,
now pleaded for and, against the
t seekiAliou .4 Mr. Mclean -ell tsepect-
1vely. Mr. McKern.11 ddoided'to-ac-
cepl the call and hit translation was
-granted. A. very hearty and unani-
moue call from St. Paul's chureb, Car.
Juke. in favor of Rev: W. J. \Vra. M.
4... of Illuezatlee was presented by
Rev. iir. eVetbtpr, of Ancestor, who
was Lacked by a strong deputation
from Cat•luke. . The Bluevale and
ladies deputation strongly urged the
necessity of IL,-. West's remaining in
his prevent charge, they having added
glial to the.ttiitend:. \Ir. West left
the call to 'be decided Ey the Presley.
teryt whish un:utituously agreed that
he should remain itt the, Hluevale
charge. A uitaniwotts call in favor of
Rev. J. S. Needle, eef I.ietowrl• by the
Aehfield eongtegatiott w..- accepted
by Mr. Hardie. Accompesiving the
call was a emu -enter of bt1,111.1. salary
and use of ten-ae:re glebe.- Thr induc-
tion is to take piece mi March 2nd at
p. in. Kinlough. Bervie and Rivet --
cede have extended a hearty call
lire, Peter Matheson, offering '81,000
and ti.e of manse and glebe. The in -
duet iun it to take place at Kiulopgb,
on March :hid at 2 p. m.
Shure '.tis an- intinse plar-nre t0
watch the offahul•dleg-eateber parade
the strafes wid hie rhea covered wid
kenR•service I,s.ilet 1 -.seined
an' r►ned
toil won uy than g:as•puip• ...tenons
Noah used to line fee sheotin' the rah-
lai"_.whi _.t iar steepp(d on the illry-
phants fate. les •t twine stab_ av
linsin.w• he. di whin he faired .ixtaen
Al rim At tips ra t -too blocsdhnunti on
Mayer ('litusrot - awn And tn.-etre on
the Mayer buyit' ;emir' emir' to ptevint
ler Spread av O•Jry-dry
1Vhat un illigant tight' it is' to see
wiry dog w-o.u•itt' the curet int ext traps
Iroquois at Seaforth, made fruit the ould neje our grand -
'Tuesday night the teepees hocks , mothers uaevl to spnr• are....', and 'tt.
pegerwee. ,et the 1 ol(i, er Ifo of' tram eeirtiey'eel tea S.•Af..e.tlt and WI • A. long enol Ahlerntin 11 ewktn. hl•z,
'illt,uu l's -tie w hetieend t hp. mettle • f. ,..•.1 1. 1,- it at the 1'u 1, of the jun. fes whin the weed dog s co is ever hs
in W.11.1, . he earlselle Kehl we- b et, , for )rare .f thatt.w•it, the ..:ore -being iniinds to tuie all the 11111 .••la f. rliuirel
tit lie. Turnbull. who 0, .d.• a l,`.at- .t._. 0. 44.•a11. of ,li,udet i.•h. watt
t'. e. a .1 ,
• 111'11 t ut \ t:INltatl n eel 1 . t P It.r t
f r
ItE lNI.,r .11 d
1i r . t
- r 1 ! ill the n t. i wits 1•
th n t Wain r
R a 1
oil 31..1-.1.4t 'mil I tilos all J :1 vrtdiltt are:, Seafot
,. tie:kites r . dt•ea\4..t.i:.' eon.,
ee a• .1 wet. f +ought in be 1In• .,.•,'t,t,r Uiek
t t•.• '-A. D: Mel.. -an .was 'ting. J.ttt...
r.. ;t11« le sty wits i..t,,-ieel itt
tet" '':.Kris to• hang •me in th
g.l i.' satisfiteti Ili to both elditle4. par rota 1n to ei
of Ile oS
`,n t
1?nnl .
A14.4.,, 1 . ,.r,.et w. nit 11,.n,1i►y ,eft•e'r-
rt.•.,, 14 • , 11. %V. ]I N• .net -s .ny1'sei.
intF 1vi•i•. -'hr drni•e..•,l was a
yv.tlet, le :to e:' iahual twenty'-flv, and
tem, •e to t••, f orad itt lei, porker it
'rive it. Hilt Itis 11•"11'• win,
r•r-tet; i- rs Lend, where he has , a l
father and utother end hvl•thers .inti
bee etP. ' 11.'.11111' tie lieairrie•h Iart Tail-.
anti int -,. !hits worked at the Redford
hotel h, poser and ,ince leaving them•
pint in a emit at the hteental on
pnnint oflin injury received in a fait.
Died at Parry Sound.
Th.• • fuil,witig front The Parry
Sound t;'anatfien refers re a foriuer
re'dent..i Colborne township. where
the faun y e `eel q Teel Ott.-..,t+e :
On Nent ay. F ebrt,i y 1►? h. the
bout. of Rey. J. %V. Kirkpatrick WAS
visite! by the angel of depth and. his
beloved wife was taken frons her.•long
eickneee and suffering to the rest and
joy of her eternal home. 'Mea. Kirk-
patrick hes been a resident of Parry
Sound west of the time for -twenty-
six years, having come to the town
from neer Ooderich with ber parents,
'dr. and Mrs. Hobert Fawns, sr..
a1,nt 11W. in Heel she 'was married
W Mr. .1. W. Kirkpatrick, and went
with him to '7kertmtn, 'wher br took --
tip studies in McMaster Fnteersity', ittr
preparation fop• the (loiter! ministry.
During her husband entirge days,
tend in tbe pastorates he afterwards
held, she was recognized as an earnest
Christian and an ideal helpmeet. in
her early Christian life she was a
member of the Presbyterian church,
and an active worker in the Sunday
school In 18141 she united with the
Baptist church. being Tbe flit
to observe the ordinance of baptism
in the Parry `bund Baptist chapel.
She was always an earnest, active
member of the church. and is rnnast-
ent Christian, and owed from this
life with the sure "hope that. when
,absent from the body she would be at
home with the lord. Her Beeth is
the fleet break in her own or her
father's family. There survive to
melt l her loan her husband and two
young daughters : oleo her Aged
lather and mother, Mr, and Mrs. Rob-
ert. Pawnee sr., and her only sister
brother, Mrs. Jenne' Tutt and
Robert Fawns, jr. To these her ne
friends extend their moat sincere my
pathy, baring fully a.sur•ed that they
sorrow not as those who., have -no
hope. but look forward to the UMW
when they shall join her again in that
home where there shall he no more
pain or .arrow or death. The funeral
took plane. on Wedne...ley, a short ser-
vice being held at the ho e. A mem-
orial Serviee will bre held the morn-
ing service in the Baptist church deet
tell w 1 wi, th hie ort• eel put Ia w
It g r 1 a w
ceche wid
.•+•twits the
in' Link
• l.i ielsett
let tek
h' f -tine.
iee fel'
U: -
• - s .rte., n s .1' •it
tlr (+nal. Stole; taunt. aerie. whin they dectwee.
.Reid: Ilii f tasteem:1 after i.i sheik.
: riglit wink. Mier': left f But 'tie. the htl••key by -.•v
ode -(male llwat, . th dog bi.ctiil itt pusuet. w eel
k banks i, tenet', Berth : tie Ce nee°
tilnlneitr they sieve
Net malt. •'TtuW ti
la i.t, t'rui
(me\., Plitt : ventre. Tlwmiwut : +peer huge rn;st
witltt 'We'llLt el. it wing. ew*Ott. The Tie Free Prism to allow their
date -ser the **reel' genie has ece la en Rota 'tolutnle app *gitet our b
set. Q., aaiint•p on a 1. mislay whin they
_-- - - - - full' see .Hae. Shur. ewe. Chap
CHURCH NOTES. LI...tknew now to prick thi.t►uut :►
nits wid bis hickofv fish-htntk an'
- . ('arthy that hatted thine out avid
Nothing it beim •n given in I.oderi.-h beast or anny 'part av him that got
in year• to cenapkre with 'The Rose" Int road. But 'twos Belcher that p
Meek')." \- • its rave -trent' nil tie puck ,wbinive
The servieese t Victeeiattreenteleth- they hoped tee poke it ever into hi
enlist.- chtu-ch 't. t sundae Will• be hatdiu. ate Holly (lee an',thrietavth
taken by Rev. '•.NV. 11. itoper, of ny es en th' front deck that made th'
Illy th.. It is coetrxiun,tt day and visither'* wonder whither they were
the el/Tri ing will •tit • In !whet( of the gain' or cuntmin'. What a noice hunch
I 11v tin -horn !Torte th' Cockneys are
whin they hoe to run iehoind the
t). H. A. wid a protist, but 'Os eworjl-
ittttt emir twee will be full ay_tteneurow
and 'tis me best advoice to Th' rePries. )teeters to strolke fer th' to at
bele they aye in th' ice an' plug it pip
wid Big Cbeseltuan. fee their hockey
hides will decorate th' alset-raa benches
in th' London tannery fer another
sebum. May th' shade av St.Pletriek
put it all over th croakers tomorrow
noight an' show thine that. Inc,
lintherien Lyes hoe th' wind all on th'
inseeide but the Flee Prim would -IA's
hot it ell in their beads.
connexional funds o ,rte church.
Next Sunday (elide alrown, of the
Sells eti,...Afmy-r-wai_ipeAk_at..A1. m.
en ••11,eloet Intlubsitive; `eyoman, and
et 8 p: tee. him subject will be "Three
("se the Fourth One Lacking.' Every-
body welronee.
The sermons next Sunday' at the
Baptist church services will conclude
the special series of sermons by .tbe
patter during February. • Moaning,
eWhy We Are Itaptists.' Evening,
"The Living Christ. Everybody wel-
North street Meth.odittt church, Sun-
dA.y_erehruary_27 the -Men's Sunday
Chub. 1R, a. m. • Any IDRh weirenne
Sunday school and adult Bible clave at.
p. in, Congregational service. a
11 a. m. and 7 Ie, tee. Dr. Dougall wilt
preach. Subjects : "The l'resent
Emergency." and "The Young Man
and His Sports."
(hetetich • district. Epworth League
execrative met at Auburn on Saturday
last. Atnong the matters dealt it
thew ot _ a district summer
school wee brought -up. After mo -
discu .ion. it was thought advisable,
owing to the removal of the district
president, and benanse of otter .11f11-
enilies, toahindon the idea of A sum-
mer a.hool for this year. in i place
the Executive propene to he local
Le 'gee institutes wherever, possible•
early in September. With this idea
in view, a committee wee appointed to
secure a competent speaker for the
same. \V herever Sunday school insti-
tutes were held throughout the die -
trice least fall, success was reported.
The duties and relationship of each
district vice-president towards the
corresponding officer in the local soci-
eties were disrusaed. In order that
hew' offleera may keep in touch with
1 ioreptes• mesh -Itwal secretary is
reetieet•d to send a full list of names
elf Nmcer. to the district secretary,
Mina Alice Bell, Londeabsero ,
On Tuesday evening the Young
Men's Club o1 North street Methodist
church partook of A banquet provided
by the tering side in a contest in get-
fink new ltpemhers. Oysters formed
The Firsts Essential Is to Teach Him
to Love You.
11 there is anything that a shepherd
beeds help about 1t 1s training a eheep
dog, says .Professor Arbuckle in the
Awericuu Sheep Breeder. .
u, wan y age
RS a pup mot over two months old. as
you avaut bits to other toaster
than yentrsetf At- trueinel►(it}ile-still
learn his name and pick up simple les-
sons. It will be well fee him to go
where Use sbeep are, but yott most
not try to teach him to berd them,
nor moat you get a ewe with u lamb
get clone enough to Make a- pass
bim. Ilya -must not be frightened wital
sheep. . • .
The Ant lesson is to teach .lain to
love you. Title 1s ratty, it you are
gentle wltb bit» and will pet blyn ire•
Two-(-madeE*JL-OLD C•LJe amuse Bou. .
gnently, for 'the collie -loves a- caress
as much as he does his breakfast. Give•
lam a short name and use it often.
Speak it softly with tete caress and'
harsh with a rebuke: "'Whenever you
approach his yard er keeuel cell hint
to you by saying "Coulee'. You, may
aceotupany this with his name or with
a whistle, and you must be careful to
give him the same whistle always.
This is bis next lesson. Ile will soon
learn this, and soon you will have the
most difficult lesson of all to give.
This is to tench him to obey. When
you say "Come" be mast come to you,
and he must know that be is compelled'deters to
to come whether be detido. ,0
or Dot.
Just bere you and your pup will have
your first battle; ailel 1f the victory is
yours you are well en ,tbe way to suc-
cessful tralning.. It he refuses to come,
go after him and bring hint to yea,
caressing him for owe time. Then
try it over again. . •ver let him feel
that •he he having h way. but avoid
making a clear Issue tithim yet, for
he mast icon*• emn)sb cut Ant, and
you tiiust ktw•w what f in of punish -
went will sett the indite nal dog• best.
bodday. e afteryou
bar to ht hint
what "Come" means; he wl deliberate-
ly run fromyou Just,to test sou. Keep
;your patience IJbw and be willing to
'take two. or three hours off just here.
It is w set h 7t- Try re lfifmtrer brinr-
him by caressing, .but he la titrly to
set his elead On disobedience, 50 7.must punish him.
• ting glasses. at) if you have eve trouble
THvsitDAtc, Flcnitutnr '.I, 1 it 1
This is your opportunity to secure a
genuine bargain. Read this list :,
tltees felt. half-fox..1
Long'Bteuti. regular prig•.?
td2•75, for ...,..,...- fa. es'
11itn'e bee)) leather Blu-
chers. felt lintel. regular
prier tire. for $1.6o
,)leel- .'dein felt Congress,
regular popes *Lee, forer;to
Ladies' felt ,Juliet Stippere.-•
regularprice sec, for- 6se
Ladies' felt Slipper... reg-
ular pt ice lute fur ,. ..4ec
Ladles' felt 4ongoIa,
laethrr-foxed Lace Sbont,
regular price Stet;, fore. Oso
Ladies black and red felt
l ,11.1 Slippers. regular price
. *1.23. for et.oe
Ladies' black and red felt
'.edict Slippers, regular price
*I.1u, fur . See
1.:uliei frit fur -hound
Slippers, regular price gltlij,.
for.... t!5c
• We have nuwrrow other lipes to.clear at eetuaItt I. )wet
Downing • 6' MacVicar
• e,
%'rcper attention to the 1
roll alp is the best preventi
-ef Puniness. An occasional ap•
l,lic , •:•u•of Rcarilie flair Toni
. de It•'eps the scalp in hr dlh,
1 : ,1:i ..! ion. I t titth;
the ruii of the t:.,ei,
i1 •arip,.,1 tat only -events f:.-
g hair. but -;ifin11..tes no..
ct'; a jar at you:
.. t1 t' ists. '
A *biome effts ire .., i•tr many tlttk
.11l•Is* h..:i as *emir. that air Moa ecitAiderecti
aide:.A comp•nbd with u rwrlinr ttaaein .
cnneuncuoa w).b .V.1.311.. ..• '1ltctthul and
Mb. idruramaking an tf...wiuu,retafdylor'
arrop.lirsalses. Swabia.
es well as for fossa ),i A rte.
3ee-1 the"chi a ,ter can ".•r-. huuten a
"sell a IOC tbuie}tut ,toy home.. •
. 234% n boar.
revels se Lee tie :tee. i .strand.
Change of
1 eteire to announce to thee
peep (ioderich and vicinity
then have purchased the Het -
netts ltusineseen Hamilton street
lately- carried on by David
Stt.ddart, and solicit a continue
once of favors from old custom,
.yrs; and invite new customers to
come in and get t c.luainted With
y ' neve Harness -mak -err In
addition td'everything found in
. a Ilrat-class harness atop, 1 carry
acomplete line of
- I1 AiI ERS, ten..
Your eyes will appreciate the ease
and cement derive-,lfiotn proper tit -
Nek+TV\ 7'tIiN4Tlee. In Feleitt and Thtlt•eday, March *ell and 'tithe
are loth. 'Edward tt e.i.m. of 14.)th-hi. tq
}11-• Rina 3.1..t -toil. ref Sarnia. daarntrr of
dont fall to consult 'tauter A Sous at
ehinlep's Drug acute e•. \\e,lntsday
}ir. end 'Mr. W. C. Jnbreoo t, of ('lento.. •
'L}:KB IN,rrtt At Hutt.. Tura-
day. F'e•fern.•,rY eel . i s km Ir. I rovn weld
• at the par -Onsite. Foal..J , /. ••a ? Mi...
hots. .LttMhr. t• uF :1a... i.,d N11-,
w'ttliren Pott-, eaiii*d.
MAN. 1 1Itt5, , itl'sl\ -t ._(n e;.rt ^ire. mt,
w'.•dn.•.d.ty, Febrliary..itot. by Rev, ler,
ledultall, Lawrence hell )tlapeharp :u Mi,.
.-Myrtle A'loh•t. yotutl(.wt etai:ghtee . er
• I. Teetetfu.1.ou-is., tee of tours.
tiAKt 1..11- Ale A?ty,-lee Joliet chnrr3t.
Toronto ,en tt'r.lnw-dot, t'. br.cuJ :.trot ley
}ter, t lemon William!. r 1 , en ,• ' E Mrna
\.'illi.un Muni. • Adam.. Of •To -onto,' to
A rthur IAtn'!,y •u•'1.itevt, of GodeHch.
I'tOS$,-Af h`ancon.•er. ti. J'., oil Febntyy 114h.
\Muni cti M. I'R oft,- . Ito... •••••0114 .oh of
Murdts h ito•- Haylleid. octet .1, yearn and
\ 9 trwl:ui..
0liter RKR.-At St. Mi1.batf•.1). ho..nital. To
. 'tome. on Febrnat5- 11th. l'ntriek et Roark.
fornierly of Motti•.town-bin, aged.,: year..
Melee ALTO. ,At Kint.ail. on 'Eu. - .lay, Friers
ary 1 -ah. WinnieJnhttiton, laloa't*, wife[ of
Itebert U. Mel/embed. • -
:It 1110R. • In A•haeld, spit Tnewtay.
teary 1•:tat; JL.nloelt -M..Glceror, of the.
Lake 8i,ore road, semi ne years. "
H STINGS. - 1n Imcknow. un,
'ebeoaryytech. lifm Miry H. -?moo., (ere,
y of -1 art:berry, aged as-ysu..
:r. tarter, of Rrus.el., wa- in ;awn on Wsd-
('apt. Ed. Itobiu-on in .pending the week In
L. Horton was at Ottawa last week for
fcM days
)K H. K. Hodgen 4. .hotting in Toronto
thin eek.
McDonald went to Toronto on
Mien EC( Barr. of the tt*P.toniee attbtf, spent
the week.sed at her home In Blyth.
Mb.. Mettle Cowan i• away on a week';
holiday with friend. at Clinton and
Mrs. wafter Sharman and Mrs. F. If. Martin
have returned from a to Detroit and
Alex. Saunders, of the tioderich (hymn Co.,
ao.ompanieed by Mrs. Sannder. went to To-
ronto on Monday.
Clinton New Kra: 1111.'. Thema t anoint
ham. of lioderich, la spending & couple of week.
with her grandmother. Mrs. elcn. Hutt,
Hen Bogart h. of the Zloty Engine Works, 0
away to Winnipeg and will be In the Went fur
some time, rettendigg to work for the arts.
J. A. Rnmball ret wend sant week from rine•
roomful tilt, to the Maritime IROVht'eR In tee
Internat. of the Ken.ingtort Furniture Co.
Herb Its,., and hit obiter Flo..if. left nn Ant.
,,day for aathuw. Jdlcb.. wheys Jlerb,-WA-
work at hie trade a. harness maker.
Remember the date of Teethe It
Some visit to (tderirh and if vont'
eye* trouble you i? any way consult
them at. I)Iminp, Drug store un Wed-
nesday and Thursday, March i)th and
a \
dealt 1 -
some k
nation o
wine, if t
tem is rut
n people R llo flreyllsaaU ' -
occasionally require;
d of afu(_(i,torij Per •
hat excelient'. , *lbi-
bief, iron and '1.c ry
ken 'when the t's-
(lori'TT -from oCtr-
prevent a m
Ft.rrovim glv
valesccnts and
people. $1.00
'riotts hiltless
stre ' h t(tc011-
11 thin- (ed
. bottle
CURES every colt of Muscular pain.
such s. Sciatica. Sutthea. Cocke. T,r.
Twichtng of the Muscles. Lumbago
and Headache. Don't throw away
money for worthless imitat,one. by en -
Scrupulous makers. Get the aeouine.
Each pia.trr :4. in as sir -tight tin r
We. 1 yard toll SLIP.. nailed upon
receipt of price. or sample (or Sc,
WE CYARANT II.that see will teen'
•teemse.k.t than any Oriel' plater.
nAt'1S h 1.ali'141:NC'ittiff. Oa rTtaL
FAll king -a limber on Land at. the
yards. between the Kennington Porn'
fere l'o. s factory and the M.' heel 'Uwe
'eatery. F:.tinuue. gi. en. 5'orresp,end.
finer .ollcited. JAMEM IIF;AN& ,v.,
(iOderieh. yl tf
]3( LEADER .. .
Steel Ranges
R s
11 annfaettiretl lee the Perrin
1'inw e: Stove C'o„ Smith's
Fel/ +.'(lat. These t}re itrat•elaa.
Italegee. builtesp.'eiaily fore
farmers' 'use ,or for town kit.
(-hens Where u Barge Range is
teetered. They ...Dhoti). the
Latr.L and hest ideas in stone
construvtien and 1• shonkl tar
pleased .tit show thelia to all
rat tttirere. .
1 have .a carload of lira)
Buggies on the road. • Don't buy
until you see them.
.carload of Standard Wee
Fence also in on the way. Those
who are going to use any Wire
fent Mg this year -should call
and get prices.
%Robert Wilson
Agent for Massev-Harris
Implements and other
lending lines of Farm
.4euE meet
lj 1
VIS L'REA1. 'a
?lice 25 cts. 0016
'••^.s, r r crrteto•••t,P
111: NV Alf E
Brockvi 11 e
'These. wen kn Mff
e. • up-to-ilete ideate in style
_and. deeier with der-
-.40414. se seenstrii.
lo• king fer the host
these' geode. Everyeine
who. is interested in
Cutters. shotiel cell anti .
-me -steeek end get
'H ugh Rose
Hamilton street, „.
Grocery Business
for Sale
1 e decided to deeps -ate
have other leisinems internee
that demend my perteenal
stoc einctinding Returns, itt
(tarred fur sale en bloc, tie
' Hamilton Street is- -one
of the. host husinems
in Goderiele Red this is
excellent opportunity for
Any peresen who is looking
fpr a small grocery store.