The Signal, 1910-1-13, Page 8AS - a a ra a:K 8fu1 HIU) Y .1 .t N1'tlll' 1R. 1010 FHp: SIGNAL : GOUERICII. ONTARIO ...Quality Store... Roger Bros.' 187 Ready for Business \\'e have H116he4 stock- taking and are crow prepared to give attention to o u r customers. Everything fresh and good in the Zine of Groceries will be found constantly on slur abelyrs. ' Vegetables, such .as C•ah- hage, Carats, Turstips,-xtti.. . mow in stock. - , In ' going through' o u e. stuck of 1 binaware, we find ourselves • overstocked in rertairi liness and are theie- fore propene(' to give special prices it. our chinaweet. delta"tn,ent 1.1 ,, f w necks. Choice utter and FreshEggs. Fresh Saulegi and Frankforts tor the week -cod. 1 'Phone 43 Flat Ware Please bear in wind we are selling agents for the celebt•ateri' Roger Bron.' 1647 Mt Were, known and advertised as the "Silverware that wears," and carried con- tinuously by myself acrd ptedecessurefor over 40 yeaiw. Always on hand. a'full stock of the (olluyving. in-tbe well-known Avon. 1.)iana,and •Vintage pat- terns: Tea Spoons, D reser t Stoops. Dessert Mirka. Ites.rrt Kriiye•., Table Spoons. Table Forks, Table Knives, 'old Meat Forks, ,Sugar S he 1 Is, _ Ladle►, etc•, etc. _ Be`ore buying inferior va&INire get tom our close prices. 714 qt Truus-strictly ea. It:: t- The,Colonial Book Store . liI.: ►its;t'. IlItITER, Prop. 'Phone IOU. Oodericb. I' v bronchitis and asthma, try .\N.•r.- L(ing• liaison) : the hest cnugh 'nese' tjHinn known. ere (tem )der girt to re..l tl.:,.,C• . IlIaol.,n. Ina k.4 ,r.• putting tip t .n. t •r1•'ir of "The I r .� 7.. Menthol . Tilo'xu euttto i,:mule by Davis I•vwfener lit t. ONEY SAVED ON Clark's 'ork and B3ans If children CL,ARK's.P o would be on the ad the choosing K AND BEANS '11 of fare often. hi • •. • .•• • '.`curt 1 ren e AND BEANS u L taste so good,' RK S' POIZ K ause they C arents v because they arc nourishing derfully economic CLARK'S BEANS b ked and ready for the table cost less than the beans alone if you cook them yourself. ue t em ste good, id won - 'YOUR GROCER WILL SUPPLY YOU 6c.,10c.,1211c. a tin CLARK'S 'r CHATEAU" BRAND 5c., lac.. 15t. wad 20c.. tie WM. CLARK, - - Montreal Manufacturer oI�Iss1, N�-Orale reed a �-rialq MAPLE LEAF GROCERY AND CHINA HALL 'PHONE 52. HAMILTON ST. I' EOt IRENIENTS IN GROCERI E,,; JAMS in pails lend,jars ""'" `°� CANNED FRUITS AND Meek Currant • •. ;z r. , VEGETABLES 1,Nttawlterry -� tl . ita.pls t ry w.+ tt 1'l+iati ii7Rl,yd l'eteeh, etc. MARMALADES t dF CIIAB APPLE TELLY, Etc. ' GOLDEN SYRUP MAPL SYRUP MOLAS Sin balk ars- ran i 'M x'. Peaches Pear Wes Ire Blueberries It tnphet rites Pineapples Pumpkin Corn I'eas Beans, ere. PORK AND MEANS SELF -RISING BUCK- WHEAT FLOUR MiNCE MEAT R ai$ 4!A PICKLE GHERKINS, Etc„ in hulk and in 'mitres. LISHES, SAUCES, CATSUPS, gush Spired Catsup. large bottle*, fie IMustard, {ietjar .,..... .., .,..,t.,.$c 'ff FR H AND SALT FiSII It, Middies, Co fish, flnlokrd Iierring etc.._ ;.n, c mbar A ,II`r SPECIAL. 1 19 ( rit1 \teat-, ,'eager',.Paultry-, plc. Carrots, Peralips, (Mets, r•n • Titip•. 1'rthl ea and Onions. CHOICE IIV ITER AND FRESH Etiti . vetything in llittciies-hest', tryie and good. euty of Apples.. i'•,tnt MORRISH & VANATTER rw.i•v,. District News. LAURIER. TuInnav, Jan. 11th. .-Min }tattooer AktKea• zie, of Granum, is spending some time visiting friends and relatives in tine neighborhood Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Muse, of Elul Lake, Manitoba, are • visiting at the home of Win. Ketup- tun We are sorry to report the illness of Mrs. %Vw• Wiley. We hope for her speedy recovery Rev. A. slid Mrs. Miller left last Monday tor their new home in Cape Breton. KINTAIL, TeliaDAY. Jan. IIth. Duncan McKay and his, sister. MIM Lily, left this tuorning for a trip to Duluth and Sault lite. Marie. Robb• Ross, of Cleveland, arrived past week to spend some time with friends here. Misses Cecil Joy and Sadie Griffin lett on Monday on their return to Detroit after having spent their holi- days bo their respective bbm4e hero. ( ST. AUGUSTINE. MONLIAY, Jan. 111th. ,Jo•1'TtNles•- Miss Kate Brophy vis•, Red Asbtield friends last week Miss Ella .Thowpsun visited Auburn frit•ntls recently A number of youths from this''viciuity attended' the Kint.ail ball past Tuesday evening and report -having had a geed time. Miss Olive ('rastitord, of Dun- gannon, visited friends in this vicinity past week ....The Donnybrook Met h- tslists had a ;:o tie of bees last week. drawing gravel, with which' they. in - used purr Ing arty II ttndw• tilt. church this snmlmer. .. M . James Rubinson is on the sick lista present . • . Hiss Betsy McAllister i. visiting Hrussdtt and Jautentewn ft• nds \\'alter Nixon is working with WwSylile this winter. . .Jaw b Brophy, of Calgary, r'.lta., is vial •ng at hitt.old I • heir Dat id . cAilister left 1Id. week fur 14tielph, -here Ire .in- tends taking it COMM: at be Outarl° Agriculttii tl College. • J 'TAMES. S-t•i Itterv,. Ja I.\NI- ism. tis. -The ild' • • \\'.tit for a tine day'.ron'0 • g slt•tu.. in have missed this time. still we will hope on The ('li Ilia. meitnsilT-pe..ed itt this vicinity? the timid! t. hecrtu1 tatty. Sent(' be -to iiIg his, gifts- liberally .1 young an mid• alike.. , e .:.Mt..Curia's and ss 1.'1441, of`} (x tow, spent ( l uir. tai, -1: the -Wrest of her rather, J. 11.14ain ..Mrn,itnd Mrs. -nndtt ,.i,.(1 Dmui intion;";vi.itcd their Son..•Toy• S.itiulet. id, iltei•chetut ' if our w. fl m • , a feays:iii-bt,.t _ . ":-..• .4 cry spent Christmas at tl e -in rue of ,t. -Sits. 1hdmp on, neat Li. tui. and 31rs (Meii1•.,Alt iti. been on the siekl '1•st. al to know, e n the inrpYe.vr- •itin Mt. and :Mrs. (if Crewe (the latter wi ryb. yili{ . it,' ST. HELENS. TBICtu*Y, Jan: 11th. Lipaway Ors'Icatta.-The officers of the • Mao-banioa'-Library for lids year are: President., S. 11. Moyer ; vice- president,. Peter Clark; secretary, .1344e. Taylor ; treasurer, W. Iia Gor- don ; librarian. Colina Clark; direc- tors, Mrs. Gordon. Miss J. 0. McDonald, Miss M. Murray Miss C. Miller, Mrs, D. H. Murray, `V. S. Mcl'rostie, Isaac Miller. ANNUAL MIL16'rlNtt RUMS CLUB. - The Rifle Club held its annual restating in the Foresters' room on Tuesday evening, January 4th, a goodly num- ber of osembere being pr'esenL The following officers were elected for the Doming year: Captain, .7. Webster; treasurer, 1'. E. Taylor; secretary, W. I. Miller ; range officers, Jas. Purdon, W. 14. MoCrostie, W. E. Mc- Phersou. . Name NoT11:s.-F1aser McDonald, formerly teacher here and now of the West. spent xttveral day. with friends in this vicinky....-:Joy Campbell. of Stockholm, Saak..• is home and will spend a few weeks on the old home - tamed We are sorry to report that Mrs. Thor -Ford is laid up with pneu- monia 'Hies Elizabeth Miller Sunday at hotue... . Miss Gladys Jefferson, o( Donnybrook, is visiting her aunt. Mn.gH. rlcl)oneld A. E. I)urnin and Donald McDonald have gone down to Goderich • township looking for horses. Abe purposes shipping several Carloads \Ve..t this spring %less's. Todd and Dentin ere installing a gasoline engine tit run their chopper in Todd's old storehouse. This will be a great advantage to farmers who requite chopping done. As it waw before, shoppi.q( ane d„ne only once aweek A number from this vicinity i attended the organ reci- tal itt Lucknot- on Friday night Wallace Miller sold one of his tel its to go West this week. We under-. stand Wallace got a good price 'for thein.• kraus Staff Sergte A. J. (Toss, of London, tint, was hese post week en itusiness in connection with the Ititfe Club Rev. S. It Moyer will go to -.Stratford next week PIS delegate to the public library meeting to Le held, their. Mt( Itis tet tr.we,l we are gin lent lift dui 'Curran. •nterly Miss ly,Baldwin. of Lanes',, •naeil Ieavin: hes Detroit last Our best • istteaseccompany ..Clifford Ti eavcn, 'nf :Wing - high school, pent ('hristntas itlt his grandpati•nts, Mr. and, s. Lane. .1 AUBURN. 'F ��\\ \\.mNFsl).\v. Jan. lath. The river I frozen over and skatitig- is the order of the -they. ' Mrs. Robert Joursent (odet•ich, ie ,i�vsietingher_hrnrlee,. LJ.-3ielwig. tura: Georgi•'Re 'Reit ',toy is undergoing �treattueet in ltie ('Butlin huspit.d... ' > k---anJtt-. tin-etec-mr har-turnetf nut o/r. It!'tr1 for grain since last Shearer Wilson; of London. who had been visiting relttivrs here, re luraed home last tiatutd.ap. ' Alt t oilier of the C. O. r. is 4.Xt'- P -r e..1 here etestt- week, J'repawatio►rri -i Ate being ut,ede for an oyster .upper. We Want You to 7n9estigate What THE JANUARY SALE Means in the Fur Department HAT it means savings, decided savings, we are sure, but would like you to investigate for yourself. You will find furs of undoubted quality and style being st..J at remarkably low prices. Long before the New Year we planned tt, make furs the prominent feature of the January Sale for 1910. Now there are hundreds of dollars' worth of new, stylish, thoroughly reliable furs ready for you at prices that will be both interesting and profitable. If you have any thought of fur -buying come and see what this big feature of the January Sale means. Don't put off buying until next winter, for furs of all kinds are on the up -grade and will unquestionably cost more money then. Take advantage of the January Sale and • buy now. Here are a few, just a few, of the many good thiligs that are waiting. Fur -lined Coats, 535 Ladiere fur -lined Coate. abell of good quality Itlsck . imported leaver, n ice l y trimmed with atrappinge. Later collar xnd revers of high grade "Western sable. hawpsrer lining. very dur- able. Ext1•a wait e c i e. 1 fill• January Sale $35n(1 each • Handsome''ink Stole Net ,Tal ('anadlsn Mink. trinuu••d with tel and natural tits -. Itca•ula1r Hery ). For Jan- $49.00 miry Sale 111 Wt. Chet ham week Mrs. J LOCIiALSH. . - TritsnAr,'Jan. 11th. DKA'tu Ashur MtK.�Y. --The death Tit gels McKay took place last Sunday trim acute bronchitic' and incipient pneumonia. after a short ill- ness. The d ceased resided on his farm on the \shfteld side of . the h••undary a eh rt distance east of 1, •.don's corners. -He and family had lately returned t this section after many ye.u.' ab nce in Calumet, Mich., bind had hui a new residence, during the course o Jae( summer, on his property, which h d been occupied by him only a few we , s when he, was cut off by the fell destr yew. The 'de- ceased was a Literal irL tolities and h Presbyterian in religion d was liked by all wbn knew him for -his kindly manner and friendly disposition. He is survived by his wife, tw0\sonet and three daughters, The funitral will take place tomorrow ( Wedne+{day) at 2 p. m. and the remains will Ftp inter- red in Lochalsh cemetery. Pxttmr?Xt - Aorta liKNER.zi.. '.Hiss' Sarah Cameron, of Detroit; spent a few days at the parental home week and returned to the City of t e, Straits yetterday in company wit her brother, .ias, Cameron Mia Margaret McDonald left last week for Toronto, where she intends to reside for lame time Rev. R. Tbytate, of Palmerston, preached iri AehIii liF Presbyterian church last Sundry and its also to eondttct the services in that church next Sunday Donald A. Matheson has taken charge of the Inn ,halsh public chat! and began an hie duties there on Mond ay Br-- ce McKenzie, who has been residing for none time near Amhorley, in the house on Archie McDonald's farm, re- newtkt with his family- to the Othcon- cesliion of Huron yesterday- Miss Mary McLennan res d her dutiee lest week at the school of which she has charge on the nth atnceesion of Huron As reports reached bete that two gallant 'young men were slowly and toilsomely 'digging their way with- YhThretrtReim gh the deep snow somewhere in the direction of the lake shore. the powerful glass of the Lochalsh marine «bat vat ury was turned in that direction, and trio heads, just visible above the snow, were diseerne 1, which after long gaz- ing- were thought its have some re- semblance to the capitate ends of Bob and Neil st '511.41-Ap tie Anderson arrived house this 'wi ek"firum Dungxnnun, whet,• she had bettr_visitiug since the death- of eathof her 'mother. "- John Ferguson leaves on Monday` for Winnipeg. to work un abridge to` be Built at Fort Garry by the Ramm- ilton Bridge Co. Mr. Dairuer, divinity student. of Toronto, who is visiting friends in the village. occupied the pulpit in the Methodist church on Sunday. George Yungblut shipped a -earlier(' of hogs this morning. The -price paid. $14.15 per hundred, is the high- est ewer paid in this vicinity for pork- ers. MT.. and Mrs. Geo. Denstedt are visiting the latter', relatives -in Strat- ford and vicinity. Joseph ,Carton hat charge of the store in Mr. Denstedt's absence. The executive of 'the Auburn Union Sabbath School .Aseocixtioo meets in the Auburn Methodis church on the 14th .inst. to make arrange- ments for the convention. Among three who attended the meeting called in the intetest of the new proposed telephone company at Gnderich today were W. T. Riddell, H. E. Knot and D. Ramsay. Both the sawmills here are buying loge and making preparation for a good season's work. Mr. Hewson got A new boiler for his [Hill but has not got it into position yet, owing to the hard freezing weather. The Auburn Bachelors' Club hold an assembly at the Auburn House this evening. Arrangements have been made to entertain thirty couples at pier.i'ollowed by dancing. Music rrtiehed-by AAien Bros., Unitas, and Joe Carter, cornetist. ``tate ofiTb,,C 4 To194-7" Lurie, Mont9. t. Frank.1 ('honey make.e>tththat he•t, -color p'ertnor of the Arm a1•1. 'J. Chenay & doing lou -in, in the env of Toledo. comity oral :+tate ntorm.aid. And that ,.laid 11, M vii( Ince the suns of one hundred dollar. for ialcJf and trerrrio u1enAfftiTfitltNib nid he en Nat lot the nneof 11 11's Catarrh Coro. FRANK J. ('HF:"JFY. sworn 10 before me and eabw+rlbed In try pre -epee, this Nth day of lieeenther, A.II. INR. (sem) A. W. elos.4m, Pinter,' lublte. Itall s e'.,tarrh Cure 1. taken internally, arab art. divertly ore enr blond and mite•os..tirfitena of I he Send Mr i.- tt nnnlel- tree. F. J. THF:NlY R CO.. Toledo. ft. 941117 all drngrl.t-, 7i Takeall'. F'nm•t,- ('111s ter cseetipatien. vi A prep t be gi the ne - f beefed' musical of a cunt sides. unique entertainment is being redby the F,pworth League, to n in the Temperance Hall in Noire. The tneuibeF s hat sed it5io incl groups and the ogram will take the toren tition between the. two WIIAT'S 1 one of our et the calm repo was startled fly ing from the wi business :nen. Ft %-- A short time ago izens, awakenirrg from of the silent night, bright light strram- dow of one of our 'he midnight tres- passer on the ghts of others startled the eiti<on- •f the beholder. It turned out tot a attack of ab- sentmindedness ri( .,e proprietor, whether caused by the mple profits of the past venr'w'• bn 'nese, or en 1 anticipation of the NISI • enrof his bschelor. dreams -- which of these .amara lett.tet - ANIVIVKFRIAHY SERV tette. At to congregatinnel meeting or he (Fry terian church, held last lir One only Russian pont- Coat, high grade skin. 45 inches \ long. shawl cellar lined throughout with first- elasa Irl ceedingly Regular nary S a 1 only k satin. An err - stylish garment.. ;ru:ti), Fur Jon - $57.50 Smoked Fd • tint' smoked comes dt•wn we shoulders. large t? Stoie fox . stole, ori: for its. N». 1 fiti•,. t ReguIa • $35 Ii o r dMillar). $, Q.00 ,sale..... v (took Mutf w ith ea (1 match ...'... t." $24.00 • Isabella fox Stole. torr le ret.- and fall. 1tes,•' ,1 1111.._-(=ur Jan-.. Bary Stele. $21.00 hook• 'Muff with (lead an,: tails to match, special....... 517.50 Five -striped Mink Muff, to mat h. Very $28.50 special et Q �J Persi to Iamb Sluff, pillow shape, (Dade front the very blest sk inn, bright, even eufr. • Tie gtiThr err. Fur .I estuary Sole$26.,0 ......... V Large 14 t ole to inati•h. Regular' $'tl►,IMI. l' r $23 Januar,Kah' ,... Smaller Stole, i e g'ti 1 a t etary$25.01- I•'or Jan- $19.00 uary `Sale.... .. .7 l/1l Genuine wt I1 No.•, book shape, with head on.1 pay . 1feet, it!, , ti block., cur h .,.11v be disriucnishe 1a•nx 4".d is vrry nmi• h th.trr tiutahie. Regular' ¢23lrl, F n r Jnnnaty $19(]OV Sale (;ont • t• A I to s_k a s,.hle \lutf•t. a ,pits shale, molts or i - furred skins. h u th y euarantit I et oral. Very eeeciel rim Sale. tinHarr $t end.... 12 Two i_uifs to • barb - 1)••.•, t r e't I a t' $ *Itlari,• niiw ... 1►ne, pxtte large iu•.; t, ftk {414116(• $;;_.tit. F'o' $2 January Sale..... • . .00 Splendid assortment of marmot, oprlssum and f„t Throws and Stoles. Jan wary tele pricer $6 50 $l.II), $5.50 and .. Ladies' Fur Coats, $26.50 Nits only ladies' fur ('oats, Astrachan te n d neer-swirl, plaid ter sable _culla r and re- vera, ch $2V.W ale Tach 50 American fox Ruff with I heal snit tali, r reeler tti.(al. For January $5.50 Kale 511 ( " One book Muff to match. regular SO 511. For $ 7 00 January .Sale Mlink Jlarnwt Nt de, romps sumo iveN over sh•odders, Very . peeiel , for $5.00 January Sale each Mf ntT+ t .match $ 7 00 't at$t.i.,r b \V. ween �+shle Muir, fun: brads r f•wr tail-. flat ,hiapscr.ie.itlar.$12 $8 75 f. J a.rrtnr y M cIe -.4ger- Muff One, h, •k .hal..• with heal s(st t'•„l, .'.rt' -t v list, - Special (ir Jan $12'50 tint y nate Coat Department Ihe near approach of Stock -`laking makes us all the more anxious to empty the Coat Racks. ‘Ve cannot let Stock-takinn_ on January 31st find us.with many Winter Coats on hand, -.Racks •must be practically efnrty before that date. That is the why and the wherefore -for such coat prices as are here -today. Ladies' Coats 58.45 Just ten in this lot, ladies' fine black beaver Costs Some plain. some braid tritn. used -real handsome . g e' ments every one of therm, , regular $12,011 to $18 on. For January Sale. $8 45 each Elderly Ladies' Coats We have abouyt fifteen exceptionally h arid so Me Coats for elderly ladies, from three-fourths to bull length. Plain tailored beavers or trimmed with braid and strappings. No two gar- ments alike- Regular pr ices were $15 to *35. Fier Jan- uary Sale we have ►narked them at 89.50 to $24 00 ( - OIrIa' Coats, .$3.U0 These Coate will fit girth from ten to seventeen t eels \ of age. A five -dollar 1 It iv • \ u all we are askingfor resets, r e $7.60 and $$.00 get teem.. Made in plain or (.nay cloths, navy, green, red or mixtures. Special for $5 January Sale each... . Children's Coats, $3.45 Fifteen children's IS•ats for girl* front five to twelve years of age. blue tweed". reds and gray., natty ger- menta. Made from very ¢oral material*, Regular 8500to $6.50. Jan- $3.45 nary Side price is... Misses' Tweed ;Coats, 54.88 Young ladies' ('oats. maria flout striped faoey tweed-. dark e•olori. Regular and $7.410. Jan• C7 C7 54 QQ nary Kele Ladies' Costs 56.65 Twelve only ladies' new Fall and Winter ('oats. black or colors, all tailor- made. the last of garments that sold np as highs as $15. For January S alt VV5 we mark them each UI Misses' Fine Coats, 57.00 only fly,. .n six „t -1,•••., VP. a• I%t. kee-sly : 1 ,1 1. • .• , n( navy nr illy, i.. At -n t grey tweet-. Regular *11 Ill to $l?.:ill. Jtt♦ntia Cy 444.1(1 Pile 57 11. -re i -',t some ,•r January Sale very. Hill. tIuality,.11- tv,s,I ('.e -Lucre 'bow. tw.)oral it•. twain. less fret. made front soft yarns that will give excellent wear.- Hegular 45c every- where. I'Ji pair* to tail for J.•tetary Kil,• at 3 pairs 51.00 I� for. N Bath Towels, 2 for 25c These (leth Tow are worth Ise in :0- in the reg(Ilar way. Tv patterns, large size, plain ground w i t 11 11 t'nlorPd stripe. .1 e n - t nary Kalem.'extrx 1 +parial, 2 for . . 25C 1 y� ,1 i/ - - -.....‘ $1.35 Corsets 89c Five dozen orgy rem (;onset*. extra Ion g WIPP the hips, mage from fine, "thing white hat sate, heavily. Heeled, with home Ilitppnrlere -one of the latest produetiont this season. A spec i a l bargain that came our way the other (ley. All Have top to 'Ji, t. rs h n „ 1 Re nla *1.2., For Jan tary S.tle, per pair ja.9c OODXRxCH.1 iUl �A WINDSOR LADY'S APPEAL 1 mutda►ided W him to ive y --- fi -'re -AR Wetririi :-- 1 wilt rube fret. sires in the church nn Nlmaay, a with full instructions, my Jtome treat- Zird inst., aqdthe usual tea-Aieetin meat which positively cures Leucon_ on Monday, the 24th. Re% Mr. Area, Ulceration. 1►Isplacements, Fail- with lisp, J. R. MAnSunday, OnCMlnnngiitg . , nen tlis• Wino Hot Ftaahes, Nerv- evening after the supper a Kest -class 'How. day mane*, lfcltancholy •Patna tib the program will he given. AddreH Jlnt Back, Itowet Sidney any R sats Illn,hler troublim. where cattnsd by are eapx•r awl from Rev, Messrd� weakeno peculiar to our sex. Ton Ferguson, of lfelgrave, Mover, of Ili ran continue treatment at home at a Helens, and Lundy. of Walton, and (tat of tints( about 12 cents a west. Mina Wheaton, elocutionist, of Kin- My "hook, ' Womnn'o Own Medical eat -dine, hes been engaged for the Adviser." ale° Hent. frry on nest. orea.(inn. Other talent, will be an- Write to-riay. AAdrons Mr.. 1E ., pounced later, men, B.0 Me W1 dsor, Otic • Ferguson, q( Belgrave, will o copy ng of the Womb, Painful or Irregular 'erinds, -Uterine a el Q Tian wry J. BROPllEY & SON -• vMs I.BADINQ-.-. Funeral Directors and Embalmers Orders abr,•►*1N stt.n.•d f* .t .11 ks urs. nlfht r Ar, 1 G. JOHNSTON EMBALMER AND FUNERAL DIREDTDR Furniture and Undertaking warnroorn.. Weal, akte Sonars. 'PHONIC: Ptmn Ip. ande-!ek Reeldent+e 175 Night salla: At realdenee, 55 Wlltbm