The Signal, 1910-1-13, Page 51
rse Market January 28th.
The horse market, committee have
•ided to hold the first horse market
Friday, January 28th. Full par-
ulare will be given in next week's
per. In tbe meantime those who
ve horses to sell should get thew
w shape for this market.
rried at Kfngebeinge
Mims Mose. daughter of ',has. MONO.
rnberly a resident of Goderich and
"spore recently general merchant at
pgshridge, wax married nn Wednes-
by Father Mc(urndck to James
ng. formerly of Colborne, who
late year[s has been engaged as en-
eer on a stammer on the Amerit:trl�eo
e. Their wsny frieode in Ooderieb
1 wish them a leasant journey over
's matrimonial sea.
Boys Department.
he board of directors of the Y. M.
A. are contemplating the beginning
a boys' department in connection
the local Association. A meet -
will be held tomorrow (Friday/.
ning at 7:3C o'clock in the Y. M. O
tierooms to discuss the proposal with
boys. Any boy. between tbe ages
d twelve and sixteen yearn who would
like to join are invited to be preeent,and
parents who have boys whom
wish to have connected with the
en's institute Dinner.
ere was a pleasant gathering ti
embers of the Goderich branch
Women's Institute in their
n Thureday- afternoon of last
riangemrtltl Were made for
o'eloc dinner to to he1J1 in the
!tarn is.
cepted x slucilar position In Colborne
street Methodist church, London, and
leaves to immune the duties of his new
position at the begioning of next
tb. Outride of his work in con.
neetien with the °burets, Mr. Jordan
has done much during his stay in
lioder•ich in providing wholesome, at-
tractive entertainments and iu bring-
ing out ioeiil talents - It has been Isla
censtailt alio to develop the musical
art in our town, and hie work has
been attended with a large measure of
curtness We understand that for roma
time at least after his removal to Lon-
don visits to
•e k
p will make d n he
(ioderich and will continue hie classes
New Man 'fn an Old Business.
11. R. Long has taken poseresidlt of
the grocery business which he lately
purc`'saed from C. R. Ewing ithe bust -
new -formerly carried on for many
year'. by C. A.- Nairne and is prepared
to supply the wants of all the old ens -
towers of thin store as well as of any
new ones. Mr. Long intends to main-
tain the standard of the business at it*
former high level, and will always
have in stock everything usually to be
found in a first-class grocery entablieh-
ment. The Signal welcomes Mr. Long
to Goderich'u business circle and be.
spoilt'. for hint a fair share of the pat-
ronage of the community.
Bible Sooty Meeting.
A splendid address • weal given i 1
North street Methodist church on
Thursday evening last by Rev. W. E.
Bees utl-r of Toronto, representing the
HN11 tin Thunds(p even; Cenede Bible Society. There
•J111th. A uritl even- wee a gond attendance and the ad-
dress was heard with great interest
will lw h Id at the home of Mrs. ,unl itpprrriatiun. Mr, HNs-dllhow-d
Ita.rl t 111 onosy, Jane ry
, at !tering- A Root' ,itttunlan, e -
ell the mem 'era iq requested, 1,111
•int itttrnyyon is directed to the
ea here 'Went 1( lrd. a? they are
raged Rolla the later originally
e.cted to Board of Edu tion.
• One of the four can it 511•. elected
aiacelai lion to the ('hs carr tabard
. (weer, Inn this vest• wail \ 'illtain E.
Park, i obi or of the l'hathu 4 Daily
14111w s. a,tl better known to the •r;,
111011.1 ',inside hits home city as
Ij;�ris'oti. The new OhttliIr,
la iii, 4)1411J.slriieh boy. (wing awn
i 14111. IGr1A., • Par k, formerly 1 111 '
4)1 flip (i.alerirh pubtie •chuol. ,
l I. t he 41.. of the Robert P.irk
renwriel medal ,riven oannuelly to the
bend pupil .f the Goderich puha.
;.Donk nn the entrance exanlinatIul
111111.,,I. 11e al -bIus made an early start
'pal ifs. beinghie
still in
rent ire. 1. _ .
•s -a -P. R. Notes- -
't •-vary
lraorl11. \lillian; vice-president'. the 110111s -
N.,, term of the low') : [secretary. Chas. K.
„f Saunders : tr•easm %V. It. Robert•
how the woe of the Hihle Sts•iety is
the Masi'. of all Iliissiiit1Nry endeavor.
enabling the llriseioneries t • Cultivate
groped which with 1 the al tivitiesof
the ltihle Sueiety could not be planted.
\Vithouthurdeuing his hearers with
statistics Mr. Bossard give a graphic
description of various phaara of elle
Society'- work, and it Itlmatt i'ly pre.;
entat.iorl nl the Societvs Molina to the
sympathy and supped of the people.
4)filcers for the Society in Lode, lett
w els ehn-en u, follows: President, J.
General Superintendent Morrie. of
Insr'onu•. areonlpatiied by k3uuerintend-
McNellie and Assistant Sups•rin-
int ('armieheel, of London, came
n e i twit...
�i. h n WeAn Isla
Y n a {wi
caratts^het to the. 10o'clock frail).
Ulm sail hv'`the Ince! C. P. H. nffiri:tlm
hitt the trip was one 0f general inmttC-
Men And -had no p:n•l ie.ihtr• r
M the (. 1erich branch. The private
wits attached to the way -freight
ich left at 11) o'clock on Thur'.dey
rning - Conductor George Arm-
ing has iwen transferred to the St.
Usaurys branch. His place is filled by
Opnductor ,J aleph Fitzprtrick, who
acmes from the St. Marys division.
Vital Statistics for 1909.
The town clerk's returns of births,
erriages and deaths In the town of
Ierieh for the year 1114114 show :t tret-
e! incren,tp of five in the population
using the year. The figures Are :
irth•, (k2: marriages. 31 : deaths, 77.
the righty -two deaths eighteen
err of children below five peers of
ge ; five were of pertaons from the
gas of live to thirty ; thirty of per -
ani from the ages of thirty to
ee•ttenty, and twenty-four 01 persons
ver seventy years.. Of the twenty-
eir persons whn had passed the
llett.d 1thee-sente and ten three were
yet. Iiinhty \'.Ara of age. .ix .{•PIs. 4. .
wet it righty and ninety en.l fifteen
err Is.twt't'n seventy and righty.
he average age of throe twenty -foot•
Lona Was shoos eighty years.
he .ideal, wile ninety-five years and
t•.• ..... ntlin of age..,
ant Increased Grant.
At a meeting of the boarl of ('o!-
egiitP destitute trustees. held on
number lane. the cheirm rn (Judi&
toy Iso, J. H: Colborne and 1)r. 'I matter
weft. appointer) e. e to co
relate with the hoe,dlrofother in•ti-
tutes in. the count toward,- itemising
n increnar of the -minty grant.
Vhite the county ro,u'•il has doubled
he slaUtlory grant to continumtinn
chi 415. the rounty grant to r•ol-
egi.ile Institutes remains at: the low-
st figures possible under the require -
enter of the law. There ix a very
0041 argument for the increase of the
t ler grant in proportion to the in -
ease in the grant to continuation
hools, and this will he presented to
P county cotiten at Ittt first- meet -
g. The inaugural meeting of the
ew trustee board of 1910 will be held
February 2nd.
Board • of Trade Council, A /petite' tweeting of the towel enun-
survive: Mrs. MlUer and Mies May ith, es the good grandmother, was
MneQuarrle, of Brandon, Man. ; John obviously the star. The Christmas
Ma\Quarrie, of Winnipeg, Malcolm story by Dr.. Dougall. the Christpnae
and Alexander, of Vancouver, B. 0. tree and Banta and his gifts made the
spirit of the occasion what it should
The invitation of the official board
Don't w/ll•ry the worst 1.4 yet to ,4110e. we of the Auburn Methodist church has
lout hate stoniu• and 114144(8 and dwrp 0.110W. been honored by Rev. R. 11. Barnby,
fur n elsad ninny werki y>et, tasulum4 alai"' of Belmont, who has accepted it sub -
the 141141 is 1104sa•un.l• by orW;uring one of
P'. J. Prldh.wr's fine tat ereout-, Latest .tyle, JeCt to the WHO!' of the stationing
best wearing gnalltiei; mese, rwesulealala {arts:-- committee. This is the way that
N•Ihuer smith''. Art Store list afar ens +} p a r•ag r a h banded to The
hendyual1ers for artists' materials, pietism.. Signal lest weed[ was intended t0 read.
plrlurt umullhbgs. 111 roots for art mom.. Accidentallythe writer of the para -
work and pyrography. etc. This year It wilt 1a4
thramo--rorty rrtnl4 +e. .\ pleasure to .how graph, wbo is a Nadia' member of
g•ie•l-• Victoria street church, Goderich,
Richard Fr Raley bagged two fine red omitted the word Auburn, and the
foxes this week. one on Monday and editor, seeing that there web an owls.
the e.her on Tuesday. sion, and ko iwing nothing himself of
The reairlar meeting of the Dough- the circumstances, tilled in the name of
tern of the Empire will be held on the church to which he knew the writ-
Mundey next in the court house, at 4 er belonged, neyer thinking that that
o'clock. mi ht not be correct. The combination
Tbe annual meeting of the West
Huron Agricultural Society will be
held in the town hail on Wednesday,
19th inst., at 1 o'clock.
Several interesting articles are
crowded out of our columns this week.
including a report of last week's
Farriers' institute meetings.
1 j T1117Ra1gAY, JAkUARY 18. W$ a
Ooderich has ae fact a tram this
year as it ever pati and it is up to
the public to !import them band-
somely. The teas rooks good enough I
to win the 0. H. A. intermediate
chamnionii ip.
C. S. Ewing has setae a Te ewater fo few
- - lull: John gutty is (finking berdeotghber. Mea
tltev.l Kilpatrick. at Wilkeeport.
Mimes (race and label Hoggerth aro visit -
tug friends lu Hannah and ('romarty.
Mrs. W. C. Huston. of Moruingdde Alts.. to
visiting her Muter, Mr.. E. It. Swarta.
R. L Sheppard, hate of Ttedford, ha. joined
the statrof the local %ranoh of the Bank of
Mrs- Jan. Long has returned to London ao-
eompanled by her mother. Mrs. Ellen 3ailows•
who in oomewhat unproved in health.
1Ir.. Fowlhe aad Manua Alexander left on
Monday for Manitowoc. WI...; to join Mr.
Fowlhe for the remainder of the winter.
of the two mistakes produced a para- Mr. 'rod Mr.. J. 0. Simpson. wbo spent New
graph that hart created considerable Yea's at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John slain,
perplexity among the congregations
left for their home at Wiarion 1st went.
concerned. Thine. planation should aft Mr, and Mea. W.C. Fax and Mrs. wed,
,unlit the holldayN wittyMt. and Mlfi Johu
the !natter right ; It is the Auburn Cir- tlxtn, Britannia road, returned home to Wier
cuit, not the Victoria street cougrega. ton la.t week.
tion, that has invited Mr. Barnby and Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Craigie left on Thnntday
received his acceptance. for their home at Cleveland, after. a visit of
p several weeks with the foruer's wither, Mrs.
entertain -
The Collegiate institute LiteearytThe ennuis' Christmas Suciet is securing Walter Gurdon ment of St. George'. Sunday school,
Y K was held in the .ebool-rooiu on Thur,i-
I'raig. of Toronto. ter some Shakes- day evening last. A delightful pro-
pearean readings at an early date. gram was presented by the members
The London Advertiser mentions q of the school and Bible class, who
i•ulaor that (tum would be 110 caatp at' showed great ab111ty in the reudering
Lindon this year and gives it a denial. of their allotted parts. Among the
It lisle the annual training caw') twenty bers un the program was
will be held ew usual in that city. a laughing song rendered by a number
W. McConnell, who runs the,etage of jolly laughing Boys• who received
line between Kincardine anti (;rode- loud epplaulte. Another was a very
rich, Inst a valuable horse last week. catchy action song by a group of
It got down in a drift on the hill at pretty little girls, which was excep-
Eyghteen Mile H,iver and in some mac- tionaily well done. A selection of
tier broke its neck. carols was well rendered by a choir of
Inverness (`amp. Sons of Scotland, boy? under the leadership of (Ir. Kil-
wilt provide n c.I bratson of Burne' pack, Willie Rabb reudering the solo
Rein -
anniversary by the holding of a sup portion with much expression. Reci-
plei and concert on Tuesdaylith
tations by Ernest Lee, Charles Mc-
e i McLean and a
andG rte
1 .tinny
will a issued
Ball. monologue by Wittig Sturdy.... were
will be issued by the members. good numbers. ' A song by Miss Claire
Remember the date of the annual Hays and a violin solo by Miss Grace
supper of the \Vomen's Institute- Seager were followed by a lively
Thursday' 211th inst. This is cne of Llano duet by Ernest Lee and Willie
the popular events of the season. and Babb, showing great talent fur buys
theft! should be a Targe attendance to of their age: The chief feat err, of the
5110.- appreciation of the work of the evening's proceeding', however, was
Institute in our town. the arrival of Sanfa ('taus atnd his at -
The inaugural meeting of the public tendants and 1 he dist film, ion ot prizes
..•huol board for lilts will be' held en by the rector with Sent-. - assistance.
Wednesday evening of next week. theThe, Christ na i- fret. ,V10.1t,... fed with
Kith inst., at 7:;i71 ocloek p. m. Ow -beautiful presents mrd 'nirt.bly inn-
ing to the death of 11. W. Ball, the initiated,. and when the distrihutiun
boat is without a Secretary, and was'lhoncktded an', n tele evening
Principal Tigevt is acting in that was closed with th••. • .''ng of the
capacity' pro tem. National Anthem_ T
A meet leg of the route- l ,,f 1 he Botrd I ell is to be - held tomorrow (Friday)
"rad,• sat. held :it the town hall .in Ievening. at which it is expected a by
ay evening. Mayor -elect 1',interim j law in connection with the proposed
....tit and there was an informal elevator annex will be s a witted.
'.,11 of matters in which it wasThere iselso a probability that another
there might be united action bylaw., dealing with an elevator pt•n-
e year between the town jeet on the part of the Western Can -
it` the -Bum* -I* Triode; Adana -Lir Miffs ('o., atm wt}* be etth-
matters dismissed were witted to the council at `thin meeting.
-t•ment. connection with (lode!ich this week haa lost another
'I ti. 1'. R. eteauIer of its prnenising young men, in the
it ing 1•. 011 esenntrll/aletiun et person of Montague Colborne. who
the c ndition of the G.' T. lefts on Tuesday morning to take a
r. of he elevator. inter- position iti a wholesale drygoods house
switching '.;ring! lents, and in- in Chicago_ Mont. has ._the gooti
e 1•.' 4 ani• el elevator ( nni:in:,Tatiun.
Thele was V.. .'rel ep royal of a sug-
g••..tiun that ,t bylaw s 711)1 ht. pre-
sented to the et
during t
-`c•altlt Pt
Aso ng th
hart impro
the C. 1'. 11,
line., tv
the harts
11. wharf
ords of Commendation.
The Brantford Courier says of the
ogram rendered et Zion church, in
at city, on New Year's Day by the
ganist, F. T. Egener, formerly of
odetacb, that "it was one of the
t musical events of the season and
oroughly enjoyed.. Mr. Rgener ie
e of the most promising represents -
vett of the Canadian school of organ-
" The Berlin News -Record says
a performance by our former young
wnsman : "The twilight organ re-
te) given by Mr. Frederic T. Egener
the frresbyterian church, Waterloo.
esterdav afternoon, proved a real
hristmas treat to all lovers bf good
uric. Mr. Rgener, who is a clever
nntwo solos with line expression,
nd also gave eight carefully.sekcted
umbers on the organ In a masterly
anner. The p throughout
was greatly enjoy yeed and appreciated
1 the large number in at *nee. all
of whom will give Mr. Rgener a very
warm welcome on his future visite to
Going to London
epayera ring ex-
emption nom is alien ft the pro -
Th.ed addition tut r grain •!orator.
e opinion was exte$SPd h several
of those pre•. -"t the' althon• • the
sanrl io the
ralepeeers 1. fused
propnw•d cx.'i' ,t 100 of the w
property of the Elevator lumps
there would he little or nn nppnsiLi .
to the exert] ptioo ot the new portion.
Marine Notes. ,
The tug Favorite, which left Buffalo
with the intention of getting to the
wrecked Anchor line steamer at the
(luck Islands. could not force it pas
age through the Detroit river and has
abandoned the trip.
•`Dick Sanders, whn fished during
the past season et South Hay. brought
his nets to town and its now repairing
The train-hsnillerm at the Ilia Mill
41elule)1 out the steamer Dundee this
morning. The ice in the bat low ie tw-
ins. cut so that the sunnier Necbing
may lep.hifted tinder the elevator leg.
OVer one hundred feet of the O.T.R.
dn. k just east of 1 he elevator• has slip-
ped into the harbor. .\a a consequence
the 'teenier Paliki is on the bottom,
1'0114V" fishing thrlii gh the ice be-
tween the piers is afavorite-and profit -
Alex Meteor is lying hockey this
winter with the Cie%eland team.
Ooderich looks good 10 liauk Bel-
cher and Dan "Seoiehy" Mi•Unnald.
Th. 'following are, the remaining
dates fur\i1aiell gamesiLtye .eet1 me-
rauged between Clinton and (ode -
rich :
Jan. 11 --('limon at (ioderich-
'• ' 21-Goxterirh at Clinton.
- •2ti-Clinton at Goderich.
The following players of the Cede -
rich -hockey club have been registered
wishee of a host of friends for his RUC- with the O. H. A. aril eertificatea
cess in his new location. On Monday have leen issued : It. Beattie. H.
evening he was the recipient of a pres- I Belcher, W. A. Chapman. K. W.
rotation from the Manesetntig Canoe Craigie. 0. T. Dean, F. H. Doty G. L.
Club. of which he has been an itetive Dyke. T. W. McCarthy, A. Melton -
member. A set of tnilitary hair- old. D. McDonald. G. McDonald, D.
brushes a vas presented as & token of whim.. F. 11. McLaughlin, A. Mc -
the Club's goodwill and best wishes. Lean. 11. McLeod. R. Roth, H. Thomp-
son and James Wiggins.
CHURCH NOTES. At the Collegiate.
• Wednesday afternoon the upper
The members ' of the choir of Knox school played the widdle and lower
r • arch are teeing entertained this sch'bols of the G. C. I. and . were
ing by Mrs. 1'. A. Nairn. beaten by the close score of 9-8. For
sermon topics at the Baptist the winners Smaill. Colborne, Mean
services next Sunday are : and Sturdy were the good ones, while
"Life -trust and Found." on the losing side Walters. Elliott
"On Suspended Sentence." and Anderson were in'the spot light.
Everyh. d.
The feast n Epiphany, in commemor-
ation of the re elation of Christ's birth
to the wise risen f the East upon their
arrival et the ni niter in Bethlehem,
was observed in St. Peter's on Thurs-
day last.
Rev, Dr. Hannon,
occupy North street Me
pulpit next. Sunday
evening. 1)r. Hannon
hest -known and most re
in the London conferen
London, will
hodist church
horning and
Alex. t'raigir, town.
Miss Jennie Howell returned to kit. Mar-
gu et' i College, Toronto on' Saturday atter
spending the holiday+ at her uncles, Samuel
Molests. Sanford Height.. '
John H., Stauisleigh, Alberta. who
ha. been spending-evural weeks In 1411+
vicinity. leaves next week on his return to the
West. He will take with hint it carload of
horses which he ha. boot gathering together. fl
Andrew Breckenridge. of Chicago,
is visiting at the old home here.
Miss Margaret MacVicar is home
form Portage la Prairie, Man., on a
vicit to her old howe-
Lieo. C. Black was called to Mimeo's
oe 'Thursday, !.wing to -the death of
Ins sister, Mrs. Derriekeon, of that
town. He returned Bowe Saturday.
Mr. and Mre. Edward McLaren, of
Prince Albert, Sask., who are visiting
P of
Mitchell, spent a
friends in e6
days this week with -Mr. and Mrs. W.
Harry W. Ball, who was called to
Goderich by the death of his father,
the late H. W. Ball. left last week on
his return to his house at Brandon,
Man. The Signal was pleased to have
a call from Mr. Ball during his stay in
town and to know that, th ,ugh he
has been in the West a goal many
years, he .till retains a lively interest
in the old town and its affairs.
ne of the
res. of min-
• The usual prayer -meetings
withdrawn next week rind Jas. 8.
ter, sailor missionary frnpn Toro
able pastime. will address a union meeting in t
The wet nets and wheat from the lecture room of Knox church next
steetner Wexford's cargo. totaling be. Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock.
tweet' 44,111141. end 10,000 bushels. have The Epworth League of North
been shipped to Richmr•dsons et Kings- street church held its that service of
tet. the year on Tuesday evening. It was
The steam leek winches hive born t00et encouraging and interesting.
removed front the steamer Paliki and Scute ten persons were received into
will 1e rehtidt by the Doty Engine membership. mostly young men. A
Work.. This firm• has repair jobs on reriee of studies of the chief teachings
severs' of the other boats.: of Jesus was introduced by Will
The Late Mrs. Lawson . Armstrong and C. Smith. Dr.
After a lengthy illness, the progress DOORall also began his ten-minute
of which was noted with anxiety by talks on "The Life of Christ," The
many friends in town and country, roll call, after w fashion new but
Mrs. Lawson. wife of David Lawson, solemn, and the reading of a meeaage
Dunlop, Passed from this lite on from Rev. O. G. Harris. the missionary
the first Sunday of the year. The now on his way to Chentu, China,
news of her death was heard with a eencludecf attest clans service.
sense of (personal Ines h many nut A decidedly successful entertain -
side of the fancily, as Mrs. Lawson ment was provided on Tuesday even -
wire held in the highest regard ing by Victoria street Methodist San -
by elf who had the privilege of her day school. It took the form of a
friendship, and her home was always
cantata, "Tidings of Joy," and in -
a centre of kindly thought and deed ciuded exorcises, drilla and choruses,
for those in need of sympathy or help. ►nd also recitations by Mimes Lily
To the members of the family the loos Newell, ferns Thompson, Hazel Wil -
is no irreparable one, and they have ern and Haslet (`evil Lynn, who was
the sincere sympathy of the commun_ heartily encored. in addition Mr.
ity. The funeral, which was private. Kerslake rendered a cornet solo, "The
Hein -
wise held on Tumsday afternoon of last Star of Bethlehem," and Miss Heio•
week, the services being conducted by icke gave a violin solo,"Flower Hong,"
Rey. Jas. Hamilton. pastor of Leeburn and teeing encored rendered "Sehn-
Pr'esbyterian church. and the pall. sucht der Sennerin." De Lemme Mill -
hearers feeing Jas. Buchanan, sr., A. Y was the accompanist and the
H. Olutton, R. N: Phew and John choruses were directed by Messrs.
Linklater. The interment was made Belcher and Kerslake A good midi -
in Colborne cemetery. Mrs. Lawson enoe enjoyed the program.
was born in Cape Breton, N. 8., sixty- The primary class of North street
two years ago, her midden name being Methodist Sunda school last Monday
Catherine MacQuarrie. About fifty evening gale tis annual entertain -
years ago the family moved to Ontario ment to a large attendance of most
and shortly afterwards to the vicinity Interested parE•ents and friends. The
of Goderich. Atter their marriage little ones did fatuously. Who.cared
Mr. and Bars. Lawiron fixed for soibe finely did utmhfiib bocAsionally-the
years in Goderieh, but for the last oftener the more truly childlike. The
twenty years or more their home had little girt in white, panting with the
been on the Lake Shore road in Col- excitement. and the little boys for-
borne township. just north of Dunlop. getting what they had learned In
Besides her husband, Mrs. Lawson their stage fright, were an charming,
leaves two sons and one daughter : and they did their parte web. thanks
to the devoted teachers. The enter -
J. 8. Jordan, who for the lath four John, of the Goderioh Planing Mille at hems. tainment _
Christ -
director in Mawwil bas Pegg ps church.glieiet has ac- Two sisters aand Miss nd three brorace and thers Wee Inas dialogue. Inwith a whichpHelw (Grits'- good.
PAR$ONe.---At Alexanihra ho,pital, 1;o.(erich
on Sunday. J:tnu+r)• :,HI. to Mr. and Mrs,
0. L. par -on-, a daughter.
14.414.uozed 1\ is.'• •1'1,'-1 \\'ter Fein, ('0,..... 5
Mr 1•s. line 1 1. Flat
t\' l Porter....
.i:.u.i.0y!•.,41..,`l • via De;v rte, nt- theles. es
1• •;, u4- ,.l.( •l . l : It. ........ ....... 7
itrrtifrc fa. o.tai -4 ..mall.. Wnlannc.t:lutk I
N.t )lore- Fed 1'rv,uhle- leo.uing .l- Mae-
N,1101'11,44 - .1.1tntl:1u11
New Rub). r 4food., F:, Iliek-
",441nd 1V.4ek of Sale le. Millar 1'0 't
'fender. \\'anted 11. Il.oydrn, Pott \Rs•rt... ,1
005 1.111.• tgs•n. t•, N:.f. Itatiwny.... 7
Bender 1'.P.It t
}trader Family llcmld and Weekly Star
frust jest Training' Selss,l t'mane) 1hiscoes
('Oleg... Stratford 'd
Wanted ti. Ii. darer !.. . 1
Vee Print. 11,111;ingliam. J..11. Colborne1
`;ea.miable Requiremedh - Morrish !l•. Ven-
att•r x
supper \\"nn,er(. in•( it ner. - a
`tablet.:,tt'nt 'rho-.Morrw.....
Forth -heti Hnu-c Wanted P.O. Bax 143.. I
Nrry ant Wanted Mrs. A. 1'. Hooter,... .. . 1
No Rune for IM1uhl - Marlin tiro.
Ready for 11. It. Lock. : .... -s
Nolirr to \\-ate'. Taker, 1V. 1. Hor•tm, 1
4'awl of .Thank. (4li- Jam.- 11 1.a1 1
1;.•neral Meeting • t;udcrich Elevator A Trhr•-
.41 4'0..1.141 1
Starting today we give you many
chances to save,
All Furs marked down for -quick selling
Muffs,. Stoles, Scarfs, Children's Fur •
Sets, Fur -trimmed Coats and Fur -
lined Coats, Caps, etc. Call and see
what it means to you.
is going to be sold quickly, regardless
of original cost. Come and lgok.
• A wo man 'seldom discovers that she
had an ideal husband until after she i 0
becomes a widow.
Some fine plays were exhibited and N'er.tor• `:lle 11'. Mt 1
some fast inter -form games may be ex-
petted before -the winter is over. The
teams were : '
t %peer School Lower ichor
D. \lofachlan goal - J. sturdy
M. Anderson ' point F. McNaught
H. Case - ' cover point Walter Small!
1t- Walter rover J. Dean
A.(' hlsholm centre E. Elliott
A. Tom r. wing W. Chisholm
T. Elliott 1. wing lit. Colborne
John Chisholm referee.
Goderich r3, Clinton 8.
(;oderich makes a fine beginning.
On Tuesday evening the • (ioderich
hockey team, accompanied by about
sixty supporters. visited ( Tinton,
where they defeated the term from
that town by a score of 13-8. Clinton
as weakened by the abeenest of two
its best men and consequently did
no put up the test brand of hockey
tha it is celestite of doing. Of the
Clint team the two best. were Roy
Rumba at eoverpoint and, Bert
Johnsto at centre. W. Johnston in
goal was o' color and Tasker at point
was the on1 man on the ice to be pan
alized, tie be , g sent off twice for a
total of eight • 'nutes for body -check-
ing into the boa s.
For Odderich Ji • \v iggins was per-
haps the star, he ha •ing four goals' to
his credit. Dan a Donald, better
known to.fame as "Sc Why," was ip
his old-time form and t' goals re-
sulted from his dead -on hots. Bel-
cher and McLean also 1 ed well.
Orlando Dean also created a vorable
impression. The first ten min tes'"of
the game brought out some ood
hockey. hut after that the Rai ,re'
superior maying powers showed the -
melves and the ultimate result of th
game wee seen by everyone.
One noticeable feature of the game
was the ytry friendly relations shown
between the Clinton and the Ooderich
teams. It is to be hoped that the axe
has been hurled for keeps between
these two towns.
The teams and officials were :
()oder(eh Clinton
K. MOLeod goal • W Johnston
Weber bber • point R. Tanker
D. McDonald „over point It Draper
A. McLean fever R. Rumball
0. Dean centre 11, Johnston
R. Beattie right wing O. Fink
J. WIWI,. left stag - 0. Varmints
Referee, T. W.1t6plQsarthy.
00141 amhlren, rapt. Fl Ito mon, B. Coates.
Tyne keepers. B. H. Meeseeaato tT A.A.C.t 1.
Freeman. Penalty time keeper, J. Doherty.
Oesa1s scored by Ooderich : Jim Wlpg�atna 4, D.
McDonald 3, A. IMotreaa 3," 0: -Deter 1. R.
Beattie 1, H. Belcher 1. Clinton : B, Johnston
2, Fink 2. Itemball 2, Draper 1. FOrtwter 1.
MnCreath, of the T. A.A• C.
Don't try to patch npi a linger-
ing cough by experimenting.
Lung Balsam
and relief is certain .to follow
mostCures the most obstinate
coughs, colds; sore throats, or
bronchial inflammation.
A11 dealers.
*DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO.. Montreal.
New Cutters
.Most cases of baldness
due solely to neglect.
often becomes dry and dandruff
forms because the hair glands
do not suuly enough nat-
ural oil. ' othing overcomes
this deficiency F.) c!Tectively as
that -2cl-fumed, Tc -
fa Thing- hail lc, liearine.
Avid bal(litc• ; a-;-14 ';e;tri l
to your hair (Jccasitmully i*..
(lriv..;gists, 5(1) C:. t_•
.- .
Business 'Promises big for
our school - The 'flew ral
Business College of Toronto
-and bigger and better still
in results for our students,
because of our new equip-
ment, improved courses and
better plans than ever for
securing situations at goal
salaried for our graduate..
Our Catalogue is trailed free
on request. Students are
admitted any time. Write
W. 11. SHAW, Pfincipal.
team was an interested spectator.
He picks Goderich to win the inter,
mediate championship.
Jim Doherty Is out of the game for
Thursday EnshiNiumary MI6
Supp�r. Low d. to Et..
o'clo1'k. Afterwards
w program of rend-
. Ings, recitations, etc.
P. thick adhr+ice or••mrnt ontrildnist wl1h
Jnvane.e.lcr,hol :n•d \.,-et nu' two of•thc
must wonderful heat, ng dn.xs known,
11 soothe, h' -n1= n n'1 tend. to rr-tor, thn.e
who suffer trrnn Piles. Laracke, BYeu-
taaWiea, Chafing, irritated and other
skin trouble..
The word ' Sal o •• li!, rally mean. ,e well
or in good 1 Seth- Tr: Darn.' Meat&oS
Salve and you will be relieved -
Ali Dealers.
DAVIS & L.\1vR1?XCl: CO., Montreal.
1 have received and el.t.
in stork a c+u•Ioatl of Cutters,
and invite the inspection of
• those who want an up -t.. -
date driving outfit for the
cc ming season.
A.pair that cannot be haat.
Robert Wilson
:\g nt for
Massey- Harris Implements, Mei-
lotte Cream Separators, and
other leading lines of Farm .
bf achinery.
P. S.-1 have for sale „
number of good Colts.
To the General Public. 01
flotlei•ith„ and' Vii inity-
You will find it to
Your Interest
tos-call on W. R. l'inder• fee
s.nything you ;xant in the
line of
Metal Wpric
Electric Wiring
and Fixtures.
First- -leach ne of
arid T.4nware.
l't pt attentiein given to all
kinds of Jobbing.
A Third of Your Tirde
is spent in bed. Don't sleep
on slate or a leaden mattrema
We have elegent brass
beds of most approved pat-
terns. and • deeming tables
stiitable to match, at prieee
vou'll agree are reasonable.
Examine And see.
Furniture and Undertaking.
'Phone 155.
Sole Agent for the celebratca
Brantford Roofing.
No More Foot Troubles
Thp Scholl Foot Hazer, worn in any shoe, tomes the
feet, the hotly, the mind ; im light, comfortable and
easy to wear ; inetantly relieves all foot aches.
makes walking and etanding restful.
weak inetep, broken-d4q arch. dlat foot and rheum-
atism immediately relieved, mid permanently corrected
by wearing the
These Supports are made of German Silver, 'telt-ad-