The Signal, 1910-1-13, Page 3•
►xtuud oL repaired.
GOA parr r1R1tiet 1EATH ER UQQi nt
AYstaere (>tonlptlYtuexdad to ou tsarina
des at elu S theist -null.
B. M. B. KILI'Al'K, A. G, 13. M,
Bowden. i$nl3land,. organist of tlt. ti writ
e arch. Uoderioh, is pretested to give iu.trur
nu in. lire' ,.Tisa, piano and vocal culture.
hpyuJ na Uud ton Tilton tut he yobs. Yu n4II
ti.w.a. ,,,,y./ w M. H. Kuhrwk
strleet, near !twat t HrUe anm t d North
tllo Kt
re. i1', l'ulr.. (Weer of
Plano-playlba. Theory. Harmony and
Counterpoint. Pupils prepared for examine.
Bons of Toronto Conservator: of Music. Apply
at Tboun-oo - stole. „wlen•:u. ..I y.
l.Canto.,wt re.iduc ,of Mr. Atte aHs kis
111111. thaw w street r
C. A..ruou.. near St.., dwrd Lown t'u.. otace.
rth street.
wa•,CnaWAKILU. Aawal.I.gR oprtotAN•
linderh•h. IML
&Turn -ids of Mlgal.•.
Y aid Hydraulic liruttueer, uutarlo Laud
Surveyor. eir,dee{eh, coshes
°Moo --McLean mock.
Montreal street, Telephone
\t e. Tt1RNML:LL Jae B.
Omoss Hamilton attest. 'note t.
U,,ittinmrr•0.ln s I'ea•idets'e. Neth
Up► $1.1:1,01“.• -eh ur.•h. 'uh"nn ITR
] arpnull's resident e. Mtntreal -treat.
Southwest o/ Ydhtic l.tht art. "Ihgnrtlth
R. W. F. UALLOW. M. 11
Omer siid re+1 1 . "i h -, le. t 1 der' h
r er#► of • n,> 1 - 1 . nal•-•. T'oh .•It
.5.oikit or: i , ,c. r'1. Vmmt' lo Jr,
otos.[ rate.. Oahu, N.rth ettaet. starlet
n,rur ^,►u:.; to tt ,•., moi. es,st•,tti. Nil nil,
end Ntnod..y-
II1.. 1'iifl•'in'i. E.('.. 1L1It'II`t
TIaL -„ e.itor, ae1f,. *1rAedo r front
{4.tnilloa, rut's(, t•'.tertrh.
'title[[ l►lwtur tlatti w Irl ,t.+fc
J._ tut-rI t,i t . •11 •r. se ,r..,.
• ,,r .
1 `i.a, ees.f
John Snee4's
on Domestic
C.ilrleht. 1900. by C. 9. Yost.
Thiel jut be make believes. and it
you Isat 'em you wouldn't tole any
Wing worth grievin' about.
"What I'm trytn' to get into your
pretty little noggin--aud. by the „ay.
honey, 1 like that new way of nalu'
your hair; it's mighty bec•unlill' -but. ns
1 was about to remark. the Mint I'm
USW W. get you to see la :hot one
ifeatbses don't make Ane friends. and
you'll make a mighty big mistake if
?oto think the only friend,. worth hay
IX.' The Friends That
you see, papa," protested
young Mrs Rotllus. "wive
),rpt to keep up appearuuces.
1 don't think ,,eople are Ilkt
they were when you were young. You
utttat wake a show nowadays if you're
ttoiog to stay to society. As Will says,
if we don't trail along with the proces-
sion we'll get left at the post. l'm not
sore that that's exactly the way be'
put It. but 1 know he means that if we
-didn't do as our friends do we woufdiet-
hare any friends."
"ilk huh," grunted the colonel. '•1t't
n sort of an up to date version of the
Golden Rule -splurge for others It yoc
wantothers to splurge for you."" I've
pit no particular quarrel with that it
you eau afford it It--ltelps--to•wake
iruslucss good. But 1 don't think you
.•au afford IL Moreover, it don't make
friends and it don't keep friends
Moreover, again, tbere ain't a bit of
difference between the world now and
he. l--was-a bey. or -when-
:or was a boy. for that matter. It's al-
ways been that maj, and 1 reckon It
,Tway, will be that way.. It's been a
a!• the ones that wear the gayest
raIrnenT. 1'ou
t 1 ,wild` Ail good.
true friends. no
doubt. in swell
garb. but It ain't
the clothes that
Make then[ so,
for real trtend•
ship has nothln'
to do with dress
or position In life
It springs from
qualities of the
mind . or the
heart, which
don't cost a red
cent and which
millions can't
"You can't have
1 fa�•Wnl18CANT BUY 1T. too many friends,
. toy dear. but you've got to depend
upon sometbin' besides appearances
to get tbeinl and t0 keep them. Thr
friends that stick are the ones that
• love you for what you are. not for
what you wear. and you'll And nta-
terial- foe -friends of -time kind- anknt:
the high and the low. the rich and
the poor. Some of the best (Hood.
I'r'e got don't know where the nett
dollar's to come from. and some of
the others don't know whet to do with
tber`r+r ash itr tate
same boat In the metier of friendship.
:Ind any one of theta would go through
tire and water for me., 1 know. be-
cause Iwe trityl thin.
"Ilut you cant makefriends urith•
out dohs' Lomethlu' nr beln' some.
thin' worthy of friendship, and .od
cult keep friends unless -you give as
much ns you Hike -not In money, un-
derstand. but hl 'friendly words and
friendly dells. lu-a•tittle. sympathy or.
a little help wheli
It's needed. alai
partleufarly when
It's badly need -
One friend
that • sticks. ' no •
• to atter what
fomes. At-liether
yots lead the pro-
cession or are
tranipl.d under
r.1e• Ih.
,• "t•,•dl`F'iu I , II_ �, HAI.. .1. I • -wOC.:Jf7fiT TAag Titin 1'iOQut.i:"
1 .,.• '1141 S. t.r Ivna .I a v- •-t tear. 111 in•rrest
LAIR. �: t-outinnlius . prox•esslon from Adans
ways ,,k tlto)lVI,i.1i HAit• Woe Sown. aced, there's always btenip.
1••Tlili,.wtlen,... d • .•• _ A.t' 1 .tot of .people feline over one another
Derr to froid AT 1• r t e•oes - - -
_ tr),lii' to keep the head of It In sight
J[HtNS'IO\ h.i1l;K1�1'1;)t r ,'•list there* u whole lot more. a
.o riser, '4464444`"1 "m"• nu,ei> 4."""4.1 grt•nt man) more. now as well as then,
Ha llic,,1,.i, ,-,."I•,.tr.'• n .k1...,tell care a continental raft about
626 Ails: FUN I/et ' N)
t 1 1'1"' 1, .t. ae lr 4.. M1 i. , • ‘M.
raiiiiiti.n. eL, •I•rich.
L'sl'RAN'C AOft'T.
VOW AIM i.1olITSis,i : ' -111.11.t rnedlnu rad
A meHvan.
Acr•n•KYT, SickNtow AND I. 14l4)1 E..H•e 1.16111:
err : 'rhe Ocean Aorkl.:.And Oust -mitre
.'uri•trat'ion• li,ulled. of 1 Hei..n. keg.
AND ttlt•AIANTKC 11.. I,H : The
YMlrin) mod Unwranu. , .ny-
.tf1nCe wt ,[.dieser•, nwrtheeet tw'r of Cir!
• and St. David-• street s. 'Phone 176
lie W. UKAllilli, L
el reckte.It Insurance. Aria to?kwhng
[pal . 1 and stock r.,mwene.'. Aria
in all
Mee acted on IrOno*
NestaR,treetland Sokoto
at M. garner
K a9d . J. J. W. CRA1Ulk:• W.deAnh, Ont.
Cele .hon *4
Mteal II' MUTUAL, NIKE 1 '-
:, t 1t A' k l' - I arsn and t.oIaied
to ;, ,•topertp ',sured,
[this -J. B. Mclean, PresKlpp{reen 1'. 4,
T ., Vi - -fres.. litmeld P. h 1' Ili
Thomas E. slay.. '..-Treas.,
' ' (hrer•tor. -v m. he.ney ae..forth ; John
14). Grieve, Wird hro ; Ueorge (tale.Neaforth:
JOhn llcunewet., Ito, n: 'Junes I:valo-. I1eec16
aua1; John \tart, lock; ''no-.
Brumfield ; John 11. M. .. n. I ippen ;
Conally. flint oto.
.1. W. Yro. Holmesvll , agent for Whet
Hu. en. Pollcy-holden ca pay awesnnenta
a...1 get their cards revel • w! at Toner t
K ni r�(.trtrletet.lDoor at It.deriob. sectary.
.Cult's grr1.
1‘ AL'rKK m . KELLI,I
Watchmaker, Jeweller and opt
lamer of Marriage Linen -e..
, AMC Ilrottaea. Orelerirh. •>nt.
1IJJ -This well-known and popular .sand
offer* Its patrol[* the beet, .ervk.e In shaving
I hatrcntting. sta, eta leadiee sessepoeing a
errpOnly llaWade edr
patronage will be appreciated.u
HGkiM/klt, Proprietor. -
Li8T Royal institute British Architects.
denoe-- Smuts House, Uoderleh, flans, do-
tans ands edaeatMha prepared for residence..
ud public building... Torre-pondence in-
11' H(IMAs tiU'NUKY• LIN II; tSTUI-11i
A. end general auctioneer. ()maws on South
8tree where he will be found et all time*
when not Drying nale... Tatems reasonable and
every effort need to Alva you satisfaction
Phone so
All btnnchestafsTtlTfillfbrid*Rta. Farmwife,
livestock salsa, real agate and mcmhandi+e
sales madeatywbere. Write for dates or Al
and talk hover with
- ,.OQo. Beckett,
—Hagr7ttte sine[• Gode iebi
Awpin' up with the procession: most
of ',qui don't ken know that there is
u procemtlou, vied If they did :they
nv..Udu I,iake the trouble to go to the
N utdon to err 11 pass by. much less
Mill on behind the baud wagull, for.
honestly now, honey, what's the nee':
Does the procession ever get any where
or do anything?' Not on your lite. ft
Just prances around lu a circle and
blows . its born. It puts 00 a lot 01
etym. to be sure. sod it looks mighty
gay with its ribbons nod fti feathers
Bytes'. bntahe people that's on the out•
side watcbin' It get more entertain-
ment out of ft than the ones takin'
port le it:"
'But what else are we to do. papa?"
Interrupted his daughter. I'You •don't
want us to stay at home ill the time
and *ear our old clothes. do you?"
"No. air -Pe, Iittle_giri, and you know
1 'dont. I want yeti' to wear lost as
pretty dresses as you eau afford and
eget., 11 the tau that's condo' to you.
but do 't do things you're got no buil-
'nese to do lust betallse otter people
ittreasDAYt JANCANY 13, 3010 3
A Revhtionin Tea Goodness
is a delicious and fragrant blend of the finest Ceylon Tea.
Get a package from your grocer and enjoy its excellent qualities.
Huge Reductions on Carpets
, and house Furnishings
,One only Tapestry Rug, site 3 by :if yards. $111.110,
One only Taprtktry Rug, size 3 by iii yards, $13.73.
One only Tapestry Rug, size 34 by 4 yards. $12.75. •
for $3).75
One only seamles. Tapestry_fiquare, size 3 by 1 yards,
$15.00, (or... . ... , 81275
One only Tapestr r Kug, size 34 by 44 yards. $:V..50,
for ...4... . ..8111.75
One Only Brussels Rug, size 3 by 3; yards;• $10:75,
One only Velvet Squats size 3 by 3j yards. $17.115,
4 ur entire stock of piece goods, consisting of Hemp.
Union. 1.Vool, 'Tapestry, Hruasele. Wilton end Velvet
Carpets. we are desirous' of clearing nut before tour
.__lipring:rhipmeuta arrive, and have harked them to Zell
- at under cost price to street a speedy clearance. If
you content late doing any carpeting this dining, now
is a golden'o�tportunity to save money.
Iaaee.C,u'taiu at sale prices,. 'Madras Muslin,._at sale.
prices. Door Panels' at sale prices. Oilcloths and
Linuleuu►a at a1e prices. -
'hose 54 Millar's Scotch Store 'Phone 56
The Dainty, Delicious New Trot
HIDDEN between two criIp.beautifullybrowned
'biscuits of unique design, is a. fairylike
,'eam, with a flavor of ..pure lemon juice. •`'This.:s'
aliyLemon .Cream Biscuit—our New Creation.
.bout 60 biscuits to the pound
11s feet. is worth
wore then a._/!
,thousand of
those that' telt
you oil the back
when you're ill
rhe series a u d
do them. And don't imagine that you'll
counting on an a la carte breakfast.
!ore any ft?ii•nrts m .the proeesslon gets
forget ynn'iP 011
earth when trou-
ble comes. When
you've got friends
yon can count -Lova You 1141 caner
on, 00 to atter YOU AIM"
what happens. you -ought to hang on to
'cut with a death grip. for there's ooth-
in' • more precious on earth except a
good wife or it grits! husband and chit -
drew. But you needn't be afraid of los-
lo' 'em by falliu' to keep up
nnoes. The real ones, little ain't
lost In that way."
presewtremarkabk dcrrten.l
will b till more greatly increased .
once you an other discriminating
women have discovered its 4clicious
quality. The daintiest biscuit t Perfectly
correc tri serve at any social function.
Mind's Mastery Over Matter.
Striking instances of the mastery cf
lnind over mutter are seen almost
ever day in dining cars. Not only are
they seeu, but they are experienced.
Frequently f go into a diner think-
ing: "Well. I'm feeling pretty tolerably
punk. 1 tell you. I'm fairly puny this
morning. Maybe 1 can worry down
as much ns 0 little bit of buttered
,toast and two soft boiled`eggs."
1 tbiok this because 1 have been
away from ';
1$tfople you ea
.ometbiu' the t
token you t•anir
didli't pot ,in -aa
did. but that kohl elf cattle ain't the
stuff that friends nae Made of. '!'here's
nothln' Atter or sweeter In tine World"
thso a good friend. and the man or the
womah that ham t got reel friends As
►Igbty uuforiiupate. but you can't get
• I and you cuu't keep 'en by Deakin'
a •ow. us you call R. Just HT' 1Tby
you n *Medford. for Instance. Take
the neethat von like the bat.
Why do 'oto like them': Is It beeatfse
they wen Ane clothes or Mrs 'is big
ou. Mily'lie some of the
your friends 'would get
atter with tnelr eyes
ong the street if you
ouch atyle as' they
But when 1 get Into the car and sit
down at the table and observe that
the meal is table d'hote---well: That's
different. I'm fe'ling better, thanks.
That cnntnlonpe gnosis good. also the
---breakfast food. mackerel doesn't
listen so bad to a mon who hasn't
had a single morsel of food between
supper and breakfast. What's the mat-
ter with tbat sirloin. with n couple of
rashers of bacon. a cheese omelet,
son•' French fried potatoes. a few
mere of those hot rolls; please. and
soots wheat cakes with maple sirup
and a pot of epttete?
Yes. that's the way it works -the
whom program from soup to nuts, and
you don't feel particularly well fed
even then.
\Then sometimes it_worka_ t In the
following manner:
(Beton you you have Investigated.)
Come, fled with qie. my gentle friend.
White the covered coaches nr.
Let'e Mee the car at yonder end
of the 0000-ehooe, you and L
Well down the doughtytenderloin.
We'll worry the Boston bean. .
For only a peltry bit of coin.
th1, *name on the man tisane metal
Come. tale with me a tilt of cheer.
--"Thou tome at my inmost heart,
%r the dieing ear's In the rear,
My dear.
And the service la ala !elle.
tarter invest Bon.) �.
Vay: not lie v, my ttmO tried friend,
'Of my tui my hurt# me so.
fond van'. on the mndmo*t end.
puita t tar to go.
The 1 -mgt they ,serve on railroad trains'
Are [lever the 101111 for Irvine,
1 dare nit t*1,e n rhnnce nn pains
Wtth vishote trio -nit mut - [tilw. `
Leta feat and M• alt ehnatened cheer,
Nor vulgarly play the goat.
Though the dlnh'ig ear* In the rear,
Mv' dear.
The serviceis table 4'140(4,
I note-.
The service 1s table ,?'hots.
al. �ttts� ---
W,y be largely increased by kawlig abs
exact eondities of tie tarssar's steeled.
and by learning el a. best taetbed is
farm practice. This is day tie
tart of information the Panniers' Weekly
San gives to every twee. It las es sae.'
SW a Farmer's lsmissss Papa. •Old
farmers rely alt it Per pries ass ear
clubbing else.
NOT 0000 FOR Fnl SND6.
houses or give swell parties that on
like them? No; you bet It ain't. It's
because there's sowethln' wfthln them
that's better tiled any show tbey
could make if they had mtllfons. And
don't you suppose the same women
love you for the same reason? Don't
anppcke tre your character and
not your dress that draws them to
con? I'm mighty sure It is, and I'm
elan mighty sure that they'd keep on
I.,rtn' you. no matter whether yon had
cone gowns made to Paris or by the
iltile drnwtnalow sseamd the earner.
If they Aldle t why, they wiaasldoft tag
Mends. 'eters a* thew sils or.owt,•
tVm' 'ate agents toe th••e sitteir,,1.,1 14 esedi..r, 1 1 eau
ree.aitm'en(1 t1•enI 1114 being of (11, h1_I.tNt st.utalstif its to
.iir.111v 111,11 itpcc:►candy, %.%e• 114.5 t c. ►npl.•:.• a'•01t11.1en1,
and will )u pt.gaa it 10 allow Lineal tto our 111.1 P1•4.
1) 15T,
'actor,/ at I Delon
w'trehnuses at Montreal. Ottawa, Hamilton Kmgstnn \r nn,peg. Calgary
1t All Depends.
"Not much of the pace that kV
shout this a)nw town. .5 there?'
"Yes; the pace that world WI •
a."30,91.1Pliir 11.401.11.4 %OW aerie
•e -stile
rn. -
How the Mason and frisch continuous
brass action g
.flane assures purity` of
tone in the piano. '
THE hammers of the Mason
and Risch piano action al-
ways strike a firm, cl
blow on the strings, &i
ing the full tonal value o
each note. They ,neve r
rattle or wobble from one
=.ide to the other.
This 'is because the
hammers_ are supported' by, a
continuous brass action
flange instead of the usual
::method of each hammer
being supported on a separ-
ate wooden flange.
cd Z.. O fl a n d
The piano with a•soul.
--.._I:?soi and Risch action flange + eing c. f
rietal instead cf wood will not bind, shrink o warp ;
ii:illg of mewl it preserves the unvarying,alignment
?f the hammer:. '
As y )u'11 note in our ' illustration we attach he
!suckle oi'the action to the flange by a metal pie ,e
he tongue on which fits into a metal groove pee-
'enting Lhe slightest variation of the hammer
o:n on" sd� to the other.
This; is one of the little but extremely
rortr.rtt details in the sound, scientific, MASALA
.rtist'.0 k:rd up-to-date construction of and RISCH
4 M ao-/ gAci Risch piano—the little Limited.
nr,:rov...mentswnichhave placed itin TORONTO
Send me poor Ian*
,:cenviable position ithoi d rs,tn-day. z trateA booklet *xpldn-
nd we'll • / Ina the reason§ why
n l
Y ,Ju a booklet which ex- should own a Mason and
Risch piano. This in no way
t111: entire stogy of the • obligatesmetopurchase.
- sass wctienef aMason-apd`_
sch Pi ,o.
:nett Risctl
Pianm, Co., Limited
;al Jle ztt Kfag St.,
F. J. Rutland
(rU1)kCX1% l I,
Welc" for The Sig.ial's Nett'' Story Next Week.
Prince Rupert, B. C.
WP (offer you a profit-sharing partner...hip in a 1.usi:teas t hilt. is •going
to 1* emit... ou.1y profitable. No nuttier where yon live, no. matter how
far front Prince Kup••rt ytoll may 1x•. no tatter how notch 4)1. how little
you have iii invest, invest in Prince Rupert through 41(11 Real Estate
shares,'p°tr, $10.100 per. shot e. In presenting to the pultlie tint
opportunity to. purebuse shines 11) this C fumy, particular seless is
laid, upon the fart that the sunnP3 received by the l'oninany through
the sale of Its 'abates is invested in carefully srlrc&ei Prince Rupert
Real Estate, under the direct supervision of the latatal of directors.
The opportunity ds.,etra.ndinat•y, became. of the,pl•sit-*haring plan by
which you may share in all the profits of the Cranium.* and its rapidly
inefspsing business. a
will make fortunes for those who ipvest in it now, as ,iiit .Seattle and
Vaocouver Real Estate for those whit .invested in these cities ten years
ago. Did you fail to reengnize the• opportunities. or did you lack
confidence in your judgment?. WP presen'L herr another opportunity
Ne- thercityis making such rapid nd.aneerncnt in population-.
comtnesct*Tand building. Ps ince ill.p.ert'-p enrol. slid future growth
insures our shares a i'n(nbinn tori of safety, high returns
and increasing vaiht+..whtch is not tolte.P'1 in en espial' degree by any
Other forth of investme open to the public today.
• If Tom have fail, (jl}Ga) er R7r-w1.i It you would ingest whop*. it
will provide a large income with P rp,tottunity for gnat profits,
thea sul>w:ribe for some of these sha
We refer, by permission, to the Rank u ea Scditia, Vancouver.
Write or wire your order for shares today. Do delay.
The Prince Rupert Real Estate Investmei .
Prince Rupert, B. C.
ardware Specials
Crosscut Saws
Racer, Lance, Disston's, Leader, Premier --
and Simonds, Every one guaranteed.
Black- Diamond- and 1_)i,ston's Files, Saw
Sets and Gauges,
Black Diamond, ..HorestCeau-ty.�
The best Axe• Handles, 13c, 2;c, 3c.•and. 50c.
'Gloves and Mitts
cheapest at
Worsens' Hardware