The Signal, 1909-9-30, Page 6F. fttt N-nAY, RRI"FF It%RR :Or, 19,+, • 'i ilial: gIf l-icAIa ! (:OD1?I' ►f`II. ONTARiO CVES RACING FOR THE PASS HER LIFE TO Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound V:cuua, W. Va. - "1 .rel that lows tit.' Li.t ten year, of my life to Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Cumpuuud. Eleven years ago I Was s walking shadow. 1 had been under the doctor's ea rebutgotnorellef. My husband per- suaded me to try Lydia E, Piukhaw's Vegetable ' Com- pound and It worked like a charm., It te-, s_ Bated all My pants at, n',' 1 advise all suffering , take Lydia E. Piukliaiw'a V. - ,• Ce pound." - Mita. ExxA• N ', . ,.\, Vieaua, W. 1'a. I.,i4,a E- 1'lukham'e Vegetable Com- pound, made from uative roots and le -lea contains no uareutics or harm- iW drugs. and to -day holds the record fort he largest numb r of actual cures of female .h+easesof ant ettnilar medi- cine in the country, and thousands of lila 111 the; 1'tnkham laboratory at Lynn, ,lass., from 'women who have been cured from almost . every form of female complaints, lnflautlnatiolt, ul- retie!' displacements fibroid tumors, irregularities. periodic pains. backache, taligr.;ien and twrvous prostration. Every such suffering woman owes 1t to herself .to give Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a trial. )f you would like sips -vial adt�ee :t confiden- tialyour case tial letter to Mrs. Pink hone at Lynn -Maas. Her lithe Lt free: been broken utotl and always helpful 1'r•p YELLOWHEAD ROUTE, DISCOVER- ED MANY YEARS AGO. Viscount Milton and Or. Cheadle In 18b.3 3S Spent ThreeMonths Goin R From Edmenlen-- to Ira^illar• Through the Narrow Cleft In the Mountains -Severe Privations 'a' 'Laborious Travel. r• ILL tinae to, tau' vl :Le want n•purt- 4Ww gWug vo w:1'. -y steno., t! Y. head P:. str.thing eNe4) • to tue:at: altd buy. III At t:uiuux p:aa..n 'M.,111114.1 11! Ili (4... 411111d.' room anal bath .0 that the• J .:,':; ?,t 1!.' uu1 _lit taaadlnuIW1..L101 i 1,.. I I.' 4afturt:wt thing 4 -tis !, r t.., traos- eouure ut.al rails.... er".xu,g the Ili e k' Antos, g the 1laetli,' /Standingin a pert, ..:udete lit wild Sowers ' 't It was a totted trading twat in its day. and one of the principal avenues of the Eduwntun of the pr.s- rut tiuw ill noosed after it. It war atter leaving the pass that the traveler. snowed the most threM- euit dangers. Between the pace and the Thumption river were miles of lurert' labyrinth through which they. had W out Weir wry, Their enigmas wits i ow and their supply el proyi. . Stary ,shoneto d ..- d ams clow about tiva__I , dt le_U,e face. 'Thee to subriet 4.0 the 11.'.1. until they rrac•hed :lit Iled 1..1 (.14111 p.. where tool *a' ►.ro'ur d• They_ wererwa passe ,ug out 4.the •forest. grea-t•r pryers* iper,• wax wady a11d n.ron after they cease a district where were matt) 1u- 1iau estop. frau Odell ti.h aud.gaule u"rr ubtain.'`l. It wa.; late in Aurust w hen they reached Kamloops, the „•urtey front !e*Imutit•n, baying' oc'u- pied attuw' three mouths. killed their peek tutees al. u,aurtged math of de. exi+44i,e 1:14l.1, ports' Thtn 111•411,, 14. 1 enl. ' ;..,'. w:.y-. but see nits „'''1 1 „pn••nt 41i1 "It, i:: 4.I 1'lu• Yellow b'.,J i'.•_ i- Ir 1 . gaging tut tis, tis -t t4.,, lit railway build 4 .1!•11.1', • , 4.1, - (...4411A4114611 '1.6•'1.6••'66;,•, ..1111...14! ,',,n`'•,i. Prisu111ary •UIo'') lit tis'' pea to lk mad., the 44,4.1 4 oi, 4h.•1: b"nog 166 build through t1, pease the Guv.k u - e 111' nt nail%ay wl)teb had h • n I,r' m PAYS TO RAISE WEEDS. ' These "Planta Out of Placa" Have • Fools! Market Value• Money la wecdt: '1'g be sure. Th.. ward trend '1 wheat has been no steady, departnlru of agriculture Wturu iwx h'.wev ar, that uow, with sufficient mots- hreu for want' yeas 'trllfua; the tarn].tore; several of the Kruup of northwest- ers of the large mown valor going to ,ern counties will raise a million to a p •, , , I , . , '. .' 1,1 1. wase each year In til.houutry 111 the million and a half, bushels each. Olga- _•__�� 11.11'.4 of tx'rui.'iuu:I ,etas aid baa ('1444,' .•unity, in the extreme nortlrwest- ' le 11 ISNLInj; t.ulll•tin. with dir,s'tiold ,'rt, melte of Kansas, baa a sufficient I f. ...fleeting, curing and selling the arra In Wheat to produce over half a weal:, :1 quanta. u a century ago n'itli"1l bushels. In western central I+r. George It. Loring, the Ceniul4auu' G•Irra,l.a :iud South Dakota the west- , ,-r of agrieutture, en rd' tatenUoa to ward trend of wheat has brought about the fact that lei *'. en eny luau) of Hie the same remarkable change. Given fa- l•et wluueatpud west 1)' 114uue weeds t',aWrcoudltions this 'eason, these _two 1 •\� � ., t..,... „•t'1 islet luyp,oMant shoat: i- lW.1t ill• American farmer has ale t•o11• tion among the whose producers than THE TREND OF WHEAT. Be a Booster. • Its Morement Westward Has Men Steadily Increasing. \1'Ith favorubie weather conditions the new a beat area of rasters k4ou- ' reins, Wts+tern North Dakota, wester"' central Soutit Dakota, western central Lyase.., western Kaunas stud eastern ,•, I.'1':111.., all, In the senile:id soros. . pr.nitec.• ft'ow J.teetalW to 10,010: t,m terstiele more --omit nt- than ---ever ( la awe '1'bat is, the cuuutry may ' absolutely_ pain taut touch, fur this uacessuse t newt la uut l4. wheat at the expense of some other lucallty. Lust session the crop war light la the semiarid region la't•ause of drvugbt Out in the wluter wheat part of It there is, so Ar as Is known, a proaui.iug amount of moisture, while In the northwest, lu the "dry coun- try," the ground is In perfect condl- tion. w 141'1 will luauru u large acre- age. in spring wb.mt. But •I few years - a'•4 the western and r i northwertern counties of Kansas were .eyond the wheat country. The west - Adapted frog, au I:rchaur,, Kvery luuuicipality cash 4N, helped Ly t h. bo oster -1 hr 1111111 who has a gtaa1 weld for M. town Or city twelve hr of the year. Recently three'', Mor llugli•w, of New York ;elate, made A trip to the ll4e.t'le Exposition. For his people he'Imv9rht hack I lesson from the West. lie told them how lot ..I the \t'..I, rli lows 441114111 4e 111 hie, 1..441 4 ov Le boost* it on every oleo .,r►1 b.. „r., al ,t n r . Lau I t„ r haw he limesyitm virtue.. and f'• 0,•1:1iwa its glnrioua flitter.. t.. (testy .41. that will batten. 'the Govtrtiol• 4..l that c,wt,latuly hr fuuud hinseelf. so. Ws/suet's a:tiw,u'toll ll• '. leading •late+ like this : "You'll like this. 'do...." Everyone, he said, was mn (411 h,lsi,o.1 roe hie e44 y or town - 611 e uthn-4.•( not beg•ut.'• of whit had b••e., dols• Ind because of the future. 'There 4. n • h -,ter town in Ontario ( .1, .1414"4[ to than h.Nlrrioh. Alga ..f 11111' ('4' h •Ili are hooseeer, but (lie's• ane ."141(' who are not. ai, VII. 1111.4.4411' 14, 1416.). 'eight Ise 411 44111111 a {rn,N1 e. 4, •. When yea Ki1 ahrortl, or tv'h' n anc.•11 • vi+ifs (t ,de-•ich, .linke its p Out to 1, "•Lino that ll,airrieh is a go. ..1 44.4.41 1 " lit' 'in, aorta -Ie'ca'hs t .I it. n .'.'roe'.•• +all 1 levy h'e'ns' votes+. g" NI i, .•,t',-•• "f t'. • 1• .tv .Ir ata ,t ..,.. •Irl hon •.. an l K', sl b •cause nl t'.,' •••.r',1It ;nor11 1 •nl• vvh4eh 1 t u {N r •es a t r h d often hat ails that Ili, •- beta eels the tato roll. , eater than the t, rs 411 tht `•t hen you mile awed, you must re, -: „••• "f it. 1441441 will Tulse gntwy'1i Mirk {Wu f,,d 1st, the frost ear, 'oat flow1rs a f the Mullein babe k the i4t Itnrdoeic grows ip the r,. •n,er,. and the waste d, 441' ubun arn't of wit -b gra- ,,•t r .et a -wajurlty of the re 1 us144d lu ilial. Ino hi this out I the railroad. hauled In by team. Thus 1:tate. 1111 lul{Is,rlesl Ind {lid Gyr at :t'I the- whole great country west of the tt ,+liout t ousting worinw awl. tatety- 1. ?tlssouri and north of the Northern 1 rhubarb, alleof'which nre woe'ds In Pacific has been snd is being brought red places, laud without ru,•luilt1 ander cultivation. In eastern Montana !sip or .sine uyal or any. of for j It I'(,tbe same, but with the difference ' that irrigation nil dry fanning meth- :n-, the .lnhrrlcau .'tropic are pay- , out there than eaeet1IA) a year in i 1de are making'the.crops more sure. ,rd tarntel looney for Imported i And thh u the �,'untry hardly yet (,41. which are growing wild In near- , known to the grain\trade and sot at every }tart of the country'. The fin nil to the Outside wor�tl. ,rte for the'year 1ta)7-r( were as fist. n ,. ,,.. leer Hnh t. (6/1111.1.1•1 to �� trios With were sus. '.fully and prof- it. 14 riltiratrd,"'1311do,'►, dandelion. �a't'•r la•fore argil by reason o[ oew acre ,4• grass fowglen iutlla•is hot.•- , age in the semiarid region. ,. trance 41114. t',wl•.t 1 (4'44 t \t'•„ ye.,r. latertt., '. taarel..4 Over 1, , , Pacific Cu.. ae 1 • ' lotted Vanunu,.: ' '• ,• - minae. uatural4N 1 ek '1 t southerly peasage rain.+c:. 41 Muuutaine. K 4, 1l. t' 1 one 111 use tu.l ,•.. - 1• . ', •1 the: YeIltiwY4•ii t f -- w t •• • uv u third of . 'tn f, 1 Wile. But 4t- 1iflt,I i 11,. 1 surae slid takes' the„�i , , en their rifle. e'1 .-e 1 4, . will follow the :"u -aril 1 They' will carry the li.4hw , through the lwuIta111n these valleys x4444 ge'rg"*' a 4 sounding watt the wt,l$tl,' ('t the i.e, motive. The name is heavily w I •'t :Ind.W. .shadow oL the ki,rest. nail -' 111 '11.•P. ' shadow of Inuuntaih gun-lin.uo .v. r the greater part of it.. ••xt 4,t • 1t h., .hanged very -little since that Met. forty-six years aµ". ellen t.. venturous young young Eitghshru:u/, \ eouut Minion art.! Dr_ ('4,'' .44». sees"' psnird by un Indian !elide and 4, wife and ta'\•rry • 'eccentric )il)p-1' lower, jounrey,rd frau, Edruo}tt"s 4• the Pacific elope: by way of (he Y.•' towhead Prow. . It was a re•mark;lble letartrvv, .1. • which the little party. (''4144). W.r dense fum.t.•, a.dlueiat: in impenetrable sM:icup., and Cl•, on rafts turbulent Amer., eiel.., great sufle ritrrr an4}-eterna11tereel ors+ dangers, Thar supply of tasl 1. crone ''zhau-,te,t'\and it - ar4 o4.!' killing and eati.t)' their m4- r • horses What Wrt'l' e. r• •:,bre 1 lite until au Indio, 114.4• Thompe.ai River tea. react1- 1 I.% very nitrruw margin ind 1 did the escape a misc•rabb• .k•atlt 'ism"' stare.. tion. Thr two k:nglishot.11 Wrote graphic account of their lour': c , from its, taect4Amg page - end there be (1,' (1 .l 'fes, the Yeilowh I'dd i':r. x- ' .i tvreatnig now that the ,' -- ' - to become our- ..,f the then, ',1 ut the Doininion. It was Oil June 3 I-,. and Cheadl'• set ' • Inontn, for tl.• Na '1 �' plan twine 4. • ' 4 'I,. I upper Bnti.I 1 •..,,i,l, , loss one of al., 41„ r 4• coast. - After day.. of weary tr.,v.-i ti. came in sight of the Rorki••,, "l1, prospect was _ a moat glorious oho wrote the traveler', ":aid moat e,, hiliraling t. ilk. who had lived s" 1'.' in level eunntty. and for tb• fv. three weeks had been burie'l. s1, ' • forest,, which .414ut cut .vert pect, and almost the In"' ,.r Ranges of piney -clad 1 ' nearly north :ani ',nett, , and higher sueee,:iott (est'a1 , west, and in the further diptan could nre para(''l t1 thetlr a ear rugged, rocky f.•'ks, back•'') 1• aDow-clad sutnneits of some which towered up beyond. Th• which crowned thi, "14 tttr"f11 ll.. still litigated in the hollows lower hill., plittn•d ir, 't, - h' sunlight threggh the whiccti G,r11uw, it _ Uh..• - brought Wu• LIr.�Iistaot 14'.un4;,11 , setantingly close:helots:us. .._.dist , Whe ridge. cut cheat a. a A III: I. n, t showed us what we Suppe.:" .i le, l+ the opening of the -:carbo. :throa,rt, which we rock- on the. left or essterft ,d, of this gatewa), somewhat like' tI, halt of a :sponge -cut,• enT-errtiearl y'. tt, knew must b.' the one of wile), e had hear+d, an lea •Ra•he a'11tyett, close t4 gasper ilouse. Obming t, Jasper 1',44'' whirl, stood at the +'1tstrrn ritralhd' to 11.•• pass, Olt•)• found it "a neat, who' bailditrg Aurrrmmt^'l by • a ipalianti, $42.15 GODS RICH T7 VANCOUVER Seattle, Sp. kine, 4'.a .land, err , Its,m 3epte•urls r 1'.th t . I I •loi.•r reit • $42.85 GODERICH TO `..� CAL I F;)RNI A M.exlll•u. \ec.ld.., Sl'{t,'w 11,'4 1:. 1, October lath. THE ROAD FOR BIG GAME Moose, Bear, Cariboo, Deer All Varieties of Small Game Are found a .w'h••,. in Krr61 since lir :14''•4 tree Lies. ditinna than "b the ('Anai14 0. I,„•it4,• Main Line awl%een :Matt ova a4I 4b• Man41ch,l bo{1.141 rm•., .\•k f,.r • 4)p. -n Season- 1. 1 bine and Fish." ''r'- ing tail Sihnoting �p.•rt-to ill - Map." etc.' Gel sone tickets t, 1 411 11 u, .11.01 frons Jl1ti t<tflT [t�nl. :u11'1Vo-t v,r.. 4. '''hon•• Pr lfrai•lenr,• I_ ORic'• 4, .t".-tl:Oral en. t . 5.:111 p 111. • GRAND TRUNK ROUTE SUMMER TOURS ON THE GREAT AKES A Fresn Water SLa Voyage- Palatial onage-Palatial Steamships dpetb _Scenery Faultless Cruising Moderate Charges Ideal Sentinel. O.t 4iw-. ,t II,r lite. 44 Lakes, Georgian Hay, lir among the Thirty 1h.t[sand Islands. Information - and tickets - from all railway agents. H. H. Gildersleeve C. H. Nicholson sten, ('.dlingw..od Ts afar., 4.trnin CANADIAN NORTHERN ONTARIO 1 - I EUNTERS Something About Moose and Deer. II is trot‘ 1,4'•41 y well known among hunters that the beet 41err h.Intnig ensnare in ('nmol.. on the Zine of the ('nn4ulia'n Northern Ontsrio, and that hunters - verett'e-' iAT-iiirn nn: 'lair. r. +Price limen. Paww•nger Agent of the, line, 4s a hunter himself who woe. right with the parties and looks after thele: in fact, he located nett of them. That year the line will be opened north nt Veliwad into the midst of the Iuawe country. The%• are reported very Ihick : the engineer. Nay that they have never w4;rn Arta thing like it The iloose• erosion lap there Name (Holier lath, fifteen tiny. before the deer„ We hate.ntnething _hunters. Write tel on a e.new piece that will (skis 0. PRiII(FI((3RERV rCanndian Nntth new Batumi, Tomato. I�t.--'-at::� -- , Hunters ! RETURN TICKETS AT SINGLE FARE October 13th to 31st I..,•einln in T, l guui, puinl 'hi I • I',,, 4 (4' 1, 4r and teat ni,wla•, r•.,eh,•d by Northern ).'tr.•• assn I .Lea l....' V�Wila p'lrltik,. In else. h.•,•, \ "-It nos',* i •I , Nova c••ol'At .1, '•1.6111" October 2 I st to 3 I st fes \l-,.k.•ka Lake , I'en••! en:r, (,'k t.f-limya -aMMfmm(aftfewerl't Laked. sl.-.t.......t-,.. '•1rg)•I.' to 1'"t .'' -k, I,ind•:n' 4'. Hob haft ,n. Atireeb"1 Lake to t'nLth,•Kie, 1144 K. k I'. lit-. points f `Severn In Noel Ray is., lusive, Aret certain 144041.1 tealched by Northern Nevigei ion Co: Return limit on all ticket. Derembe eth. or untirelose of navigation, 1f ea''i r, to petnts reached by steamers. Tickets mild for 'het inf,n en u til ,net' Ise ,Attained lased• !., ;iwaqu, wait 4.N and watvt least season North I)akots bad a' 4.,•f are stung um•. to 1 '.'. l,l , remarkable Increase In wheat acre - I [tu gro • to great prufurlo❑ tel 1 lige in 1lie• west and northwest, and eery where it the Crated loan. , but for the d'oaght, which west of the :slaty et'- a re Crate State - 1I Soo line cut down the yield over a slit. cu wee r trop 4 e, eSly � i utp -arca-onesli if lint for this ••. ix I t1i:4,:,144e2,11' .� bit of alterupt ! North i!akuta would have ralee1'the a t Iv 14' h,t! eE,,I4 I heacieet crop any slate has ever pru- duved. Vest of the Misaahurl elver wit , the traveler over the Northern ' ac u,"4' or the Great Northern can form no ho' ,. 1 couceplion of the area outer cultiva- tton. Ali statue small stations -New i� akr i .Sel,'w or Glen V111s, .'u the Northern JI wl'l rI .' , i,o,ite, for instance -the traveler will rd•. 1I'•• „oe two or three fields and a waste si,,u uls,nt i. ,,f drear, brown hills suggesting lone - 4, veFlo.. 1 ss rattler time energetic agrknl- w Ces 11I lur� Tet there way be marketed at ds r 1 eachbf these stations and others like them a quarter of a million bushels of u heat. \'-here does It come fromf 'rum tcu, fifteen, twenty -Ave and sonth of t rty:At'e miles north and' t aa,4 d i• Plainslltl'ossom Again. Pounds Price .1 nbce barrel empire practically ns Import- per Total lar_e as the state of Missouri hip; be,-„ ode pound. vuue re, !alined by two plants. the. ugar .rdn'1'orkalon.�.............. _...,. 1� t 6:Tc ' beet and alfalfa. \11.1144 half e d ea t_.ri It c -' 5 : years the western third of, Kansas, 1,•,, ,.. ' 4.••o '' ,: arses.. portion of southwestern Nebraska nod ERR t.•tr• sin - 3.11„ ''early half of cement Colorado hare a n t."and anis, a t,N". tmereased half a million in popalntlon, :u :ill,.„ wt.:d 1•,11.n1:•/./K,,•A' ' �.r", rained the value of their products from .1. ::.uu t tar, and,•4.eniluck Don't. 41.1 ..:t .. ,. dealer fore ,. tion of the "I ►. �: .: . I'laster. I. .k for t .. "I). t� L." trade -mark en t1_2 till. I guarantees the b^tfill.te .:u, the most effective remedy fn: Rheumatic aches at]' Pains. Lumbago, Sciatica, Backache, etc. 25c. each. Yard roll- equaling seven of the regal r size $1.00. e:4tADir�7� , for all sickly pcopis. THE BEST TONIC Makes new Moor.( 011.5 strength; Restores vitality. Taken atter ani Muses It hastens • return to hcant.. 1)avtsL Iawrr,ec(,, 1r 1 MAN &BEM, dice 25 Cts, is t124/3-D_ DLINIMEt(F I+ THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY L NU1Nc tit*ARE OF n11ATIONS SOLD iDE mERITs Of NINARD'S LINIMEN1 �z =-= AILORED CLO-t01N6 FOR MEN Firs WELL WOKS WELL • WEARS WELL When made by DUNLOP The Tailor West St. FINE 'r9a�+tt7s.L-astlt� J. BKO ilEi & SON 1 NP- 1 4'ADINO-- Funeral Directors and Embalmers Orders mortally als•,•aw to .t e11 Nen. night or ase teel Oven eats Qizke. ,Saves Fuel almost nothing to a respectable figure Tao Imup9,.l e'thht there 1. money I end demons rated the one time - i ale• very minnnon and much de that the production -of sugar is nootf Itm ',sisal weed,. in epreadlug every year. Red in to the south. Thea industries of this section nre. to e sene"nsfdertble Inds.tn' 1n. be sure, in the Infant stages of their final steeds has arisen, taut it td �lbilttlee There are no cltIei, few ':tort. of what It should be. 'Phe"' S ra rotlroads nttd practically none of the .nrage farmer 'aanot brill;; hlmaclf recaTd as other (11311. it heresy- the eelalmtlon that a -weed 1s simply n Oefal-leant out of place. 'l I.'- , poise paha by big Jobbing drug ',iii t for leaves, flowers or roots of lie t'umuoner weeds which afflict the ,rrnetr wlth their presence when he tx .'dem set out of place are as fol ars: Dandeliuu roots, dried; Janson ' "41, leaves and seeds, poison hem- I 1. freshly plucked, and dried flow 1 , ,lid leaves and dried and cleaned I • A,,1 of black and white mustard, a 1 eat* a pound; burdock root, sliced and •.4e..d, 7 cents a pound: dried leaves -end blossoms of horehound and *lid,' foxglove, 0 to 7' cents a pound; dried i noisome of the*aft-pasture mallein• •" .•otx n pound if sealed fn---tleht 444 addition to the above stand- drugs the dried leaves of poke ••sl and trillium, gold thread and •k -in -t e-'pulplt are'merketed, as welt a+ the .leaves and flowers of tansy, lobelia, bonnet, catnip and a dozen other Very common ptantt, all of svhleh are, In demand at the market i'ri's';. , -- leanitsry Poultry Nut. . The pe .'sent day tendeuey to employ sanitary measures Itis the dairy, the .table, 111e dog bowie.i•tc., has at last extended to the poultry yard. The in- dustry.. n lieu Is to be provided with a military nest which can be readily se:titheeL and scrubbed, as oar -ask.' de, ,,,Inds_, 'this recent development he • 1". F. LAWRE'N('h;, I).wn Town Agent. Office hauls-A,80a. m. W 44 p. m. =MILT P ab own in' the Arco If on. The nest Is 1r s spportfnl in a Auit ' of which can be chicken house when eery. When thns re eons en lenft!: Waved septet•le ennnNnint lllo.„ttgh,ly eIPAfi..'. eaatt>m. 'enpanying tlfnatra• i ode at wire and 1. able. Meshing, !with Ienin Pt1 from th'• teaselling le nen' tooted they eon he , IN n .nimble h• hnlling water and I M All lo)parll4: v things men choose to term civilization, L there nre acres ai1'd milers verdant months In the year with grasses nett sweet roots which in tune will make the whole section foto nnnth great farming cdmmonwealth. Little tewns hire grown up 111 a few years, and tpouslmds of families hare arrived and. what is more to the point, have retrained and prospered. The Raspberry Crop. Do nut weaten the growth of red raspberries by euttiug back the canes this year Wait until next year, then cut back -to three feet. It will be nee - weary to pass through the plantation of blr.•kenp resphelttes several dines Make sure your new range has a steel oven, and " Pandora" name- plate on the door. Go, \ at once, to nearest McCrary Agency and pick out size desired. Pandora has a sheet steel oven, because steel is more sensitive to heat - absorbs it faster - than cast iron does. Pandora oven thus heats quicker -less time required to get oven ready for the baking -which also means Tess fuel - expense. . . . For Sale by HOWELL HARDWARE CO d .. tie: most 4O C0Iii economical that ycu can buy. (MAPLE LEAF LAO Half a teaspoonful will make a clip of cocoa - rich, fragrant, nut,-it;olos --with the delicious flavor th:ft is ch, rr,cteristic of Cowan's. ,CONN °ERFECTION to rate height. \'nr Dr ur1:nE1,T HAarnaa(IJPE. the plants nt the proper les of thin class shonkl prhh9,, be hdfd higher thnn fwo feet. This secures stocky plants, and when the laterals are cnt tack the fol. .«,wont; spring a strung, healthy plant is formed, from which the crop fa eas- ily pl,•ted. A Ane sprig of raspberries 1s shnw•n In the eat. The berries are known as the Herbert class. Colic Remedy. 1 4,0014' tatted ''olle remerlt which b 'n fat tilt,' with many hor(emen 1s COM- (r.setl of ond,ounce each of tincture of 1.49(0, silphurte ether, tincture of gin. • e hits of niter, ermence of pepper- , (;Ivo two tablespoonfuls In a i h,L of hot venter and give nor table - "fol .very- half hour until 1.; , cuuvit I,•gin... After an attack of hordes should be fed with ewe .rw days and nndrsirnhle tn. ors, • 4 G. JOHNSTON EMBALMER AMO FUNERAL D/Rf:OTON Forth two and tlnnr'rtwking wnn,srun., Wert Akio nanny., 'l'iIONR: cin }rrt.h lu•,idonc,• C. N;ghl .NIL,: At r',sldrnre, 33 William tltrer , TN[ COWAN CO. LIMITED, TORONTO. 132 LONDON DIRECTORY 'Published Annually' Enables t e aders throughout the World to'oI c nunh nice lr direct with English MANUFACTURERS anti DE6LERS in each clue of goods. H e ,ides being gnculcomplete commercial guide to Lou. don and Its suburbs, the Direr contains tient of y EXPORT MERCHANTS with the goods they abtp, and the Cot onisl and Ful rigs Markets they supply; STEAMSHIP LINES arranged under the porta to which they wail, and indicating the approxi mate wailing(. PROVINCIAL '1'1{ADE NOTICES of Ir,uling ha Mmnufacture,y, Mere/teat , e r t , 411 the, yriva:ipa,( provincial towns and indnatriq'1 centre* of the United Kingdom, A copy of the current edition will lar forwarded, freight paid, on Ierejpt of postal order for 20s. Dealers seeking agencies "an adver. se 1 heir trade earls for 11, lir large vertisententa froth L'$. The London Directory 1.u., Ltd. .1.i Ahchurch haute, 1x.11411144, E. C. REMOVAL NOTICE ' \Ve heg to annoud,•r to 1,111 1 1 uta that KV have I -1.1114,4r.1 t" nen premises on HAMILTON STREET next Morrish k Snydea'a (;enemy where bur curtomrts will find -lie ready to flit alt efedisrs for HEATING . METAL WORK ELECTRIC WIRING PLUMBING. Etc. In workmanlike manner, at closest price',. W. R. Pinder 'Phone 155. QBUGGiES BUGGIES See the mmog Models in 'GRAY and MOUNT FOREST BUGGIES Two of the best Imes made in Can - ■da. Rubber Tres, Automobile S'aa and all the latest ideas 4n first- class Carnages. Second-hand Map'e Leaf Chopper 0,3 -tach 4. neariy neer, for sale. Several gool drivers .for sale. 0 Robert Wilson .1 gent for Massey Harris Implements. Me'- Iotte Cream Separators. Fleury Plows, Bissell Disc Harrows, Land Rollers. etc., etc. \\'ate•ro.'ma-H:onilt,m S0',•r, nlericit. 'PHONE 15OR24 Wnrebnn+r Whm rem want (acrd Yawl*) ( •,r• •„S 1 THKUYtl'1 'at Look/ >+„p COAL ALL KINDS OF COAL ALWAYS ON HAND rereAll ('teal wetghod on the market 4110' where eon get 2.errs Iba fora roc. WM. L.EE. (tutors left al t'. C. LRL7h Hardware Star r sot side of noose.. promptly attended to, Special Offer \1'e have made arrangements, With CATHOLIC HHOIATNR A141111164\1„ .v DIAN EXTKNAI4N, of Toronto, one the leading, ablest edited, and wet \ influential Catholic papers "f 1',tnvine by which we ran offer The Signal and Catholic Register and Canadian Extension sol "ne yea) for the bargain semi of $1.60 The ('Attiof;ic Rlfilrg'r'R A;t jt-'� p IAN KxTICNRION, of Toronto ra the hroperty of the Catholic Church Extension Mneiety of Canada. It is 'a brilliantly -edited, w 011- pr i n ted. seventy column pap,•.. of hen page" more rash week, and tender its new management. haw isee ate A leading eepo .nt of Catholic thought in Canada. Adelman all orders to • THE SIGNAL, Ooderich, Ont.